Thomas Eißner - Dein „Great Reset“ | 31.12.2022

  Рет қаралды 1,659

Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen

Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen

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In der Predigt "Dein 'Great Reset'" von Thomas Eißner wird die Idee eines "Great Reset" im persönlichen Leben eines Christen behandelt. Thomas reflektiert darüber, wie jeder Mensch die Möglichkeit hat, sein Leben neu auszurichten und zu gestalten, um näher zu Gott zu kommen und seine Bestimmung zu erfüllen. Er ermutigt die Zuhörer, sich bewusst dafür zu entscheiden, alte Muster und Gewohnheiten abzulegen und stattdessen nach Gottes Willen zu leben. Dabei betont er die Bedeutung von Vergebung, persönlicher Veränderung und einem Leben in Übereinstimmung mit den Lehren Jesu. Die Predigt dient als Anregung, über einen persönlichen "Great Reset" nachzudenken und die Beziehung zu Gott zu vertiefen, um ein erfüllteres und sinnvolleres Leben zu führen.
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Thomas Eißner - Dein „Great Reset“
Predigt vom 31.12.2022
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@rosemariehilz9440 Жыл бұрын
Danke 🌹 danke vielmals für diese Predigt 💕 dass wir wissen dürfen, Gottes Gnade ist mit uns 🌈🙏 und es ist so befreiend Vergeben zu können 👑❤️
@princeeugen777 Жыл бұрын
If in Revelation 7:1-8 we will not be sealed as saints so that in Revelation 14:1 we will be ready to start with Revelation 14:6-12 Revelation 18:1-5 calling the world to come OUT FROM SINS... then in Revelation 14:7 Revelation 18:4 God MUST see us (SDA) as SINNERS (the liars from Romans 3:4) calling the world in Revelation 14:7 Revelation 18:4 TO COME OUT FROM SINS(to NOT sin anymore in babylon). The Bible clearly show us that in Revelation 14:7 to FEAR GOD means to KEEP His commandments, which means NOT to sin anymore. &This is why in Revelation 14:7 Revelation 18:4 as SDA SINNERS, we will LIARS calling the world TO COME OUT FROM SINS (stop to sin if we are still sinners after Galatians 2:20 1John 3:9 1John 5:18). Hello world, we are the sinful adventists who call you to stop sinning !!. What is that ??. ;-(( In Revelation 14:6-12 Rev 18:1-5 can be seen ONLY those SDA who was already sealed in Revelation 7:1-8 as saints who have stopped sinning after to Galatians 2:20 1John 3:9 1John 5:18 to be IDentified by God in Rev 14:12 Rom 3:4 Rev 14:7 2Thes 1:10 2Thes 2:3,4 Rev 12:17 as His saints being in the eyes of the the fallen Babylon as practically evidence that is possible to KEEP His commandments having the FAITH OF Jesus as Christ(Hebrews 11:1 Rev 14:12).
@princeeugen777 Жыл бұрын
Tragically to see that even the SDA people cannot understand why we have in Greek Hebrews 4:9 the SABBATISMOS(daily state of rest in obedience-rest of all kind of sins) DAILY REST which we received in Matthew 11:28 so that in Hebrews 4:10 we can enter into HIS rest(started in Genesis 2:1-3-Exodus 20:8-11) to see us as better worshippers than the angels who has broken the eternally SABBATISMOS in heaven. I hope and pray that our people will start to obey Jesus in John 6:44,45 to be taught by His Father beginning with Exodus 24:12 to have Father’s teachings in Galatians 3:24 to bring us to Christ as Sanctuary(John 2:21 Colos 2:1-3 Colos 1:26,27) given so that we will be sanctuaries(1Cor 3:16 1Cor 6:19 2Tes 2:3,4 1John 3:9 1John 5:18) to be IDentified in Revelation 14:12 Rev 12:17 as His Lawyer announced in Romans 3:4 Revelation 14:7 against Satan’s liars announced in Romans 3:4 etc
@princeeugen777 Жыл бұрын
Since we have Bible verses like 1Cor 8:6 Ephes 4:5 Jude 1:4 saying that Jesus Christ is our ONLY ONE LORD, now we must go with this idea in the Old Testament to see Him in verses like Isaiah 45:21 saying that He don’t know ANY OTHER Lord God for us(as sinners) because He is our ONLY ONE Lord God and Savior (after Adam’s sin which separated us from the Almighty God-Isaiah 56:1,2) UNTIL there on the cross Jesus as Christ He reconciled us(Rom 5:10 Colos 1:20) to have His God as our God(John 20:17). &So is to see Jesus as sinner’s only one Lord God in the Old Testament AFTER Adam’s sin and then Jesus as God’s Son(&not as God the Son) until He finished His mission on the cross, Then after Matthew 28:18 we ca see the divine Jesus again as God until 1844(Daniel 8:14) when the divine Jesus entered only as man inside the Sanctuary(Hebrews 2:17 1Tim 2:5). But beginning with Revelation 15:8 the divine Jesus will be again as God in Revelation 16:5,7(John 5:22) and then in Revelation 21:3 the Father will give us the divine Jesus as our forever God (Emmanuel) on the new earth where according with Rev 21:7 Jesus will be also our everlasting Father(Isaiah 9:6). Since we have God’s SEAL(stamp) in Exodus 20:8-11 with His Name-Lord, His FUNCTION =God, His territory=heavens &earth we must also learn to make a clearly difference between eternally divinity and temporary deity of Jesus. As divine Jesus was always existing without having a beginning but for the plan of creation and salvation was necessary to make the plan which which was discussed between the three divine Persons of the Godhead as we see in verses like Hebrews 1:5 Psalm 2:7 explained in Acts 13:33 about Jesus having a beginning only as Christ(as Sanctuary) just as He was announced already in Proverbs 8 John 1:1,14 to be fulfilled beginning with Matthew 16:16,17 Colos 2:1-3 Colos 1:26,27 John 2:21 about Christ as God’s mystery in which was invested all God’s infinite wisdom revealed now to His saints. What should be the meaning of the word GOD if Moses was temporary as God in Egypt(Exodus 7:1) and also Satan is still called by God as temporary God of this world(2Cor 4:4). Already being there in heaven, knowing the true meaning of the word GOD was Lucifer’s angels started to see Lucifer as their God and we should now talking against our SEAL(stamp) given in Exodus 20:8-11 ?.
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