THOR: LOVE & THUNDER Review | It's a Big Hot Mess

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Thorias Unlimited

Thorias Unlimited

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This movie was really missing Loki, but I shudder to think what it might have done with him if he'd been in it.
"Bicycle" Kevin MacLeod (
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"Industrial Cinematic" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
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#ThorLoveAndThunder #ThorLoveAndThunderReview

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@RogueFox2185 Жыл бұрын
“If Thor: Raganrok was Batman Forever, then Love and Thunder would be Batman & Robin.” -Midnight’s Edge
@erikbihari3625 Жыл бұрын
Forever is better than this movie! >:(
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
@@erikbihari3625 Okaaaaay but I think you missed the point lol
@erikbihari3625 Жыл бұрын
@@budgiecat9039 Dude, comedy is like sugar. Can make something taste better but only good in small doses, Marvel is let's just say too sweet nowadays!
@MrBarborosa Жыл бұрын
Problem is ragnarok is not batman forever. It's way better
@minhja4924 Жыл бұрын
Hahaha 😜👍
@TankUni Жыл бұрын
Sounds like Waititi's at the 'sniffing his own farts' stage of his career.
@erikbihari3625 Жыл бұрын
Aren't they all?(who work at Marvel that is.)
@TwistedReality13 Жыл бұрын
Bro he is. Go watch the interview of him with Tessa Thompson. They have to be high as a kite.. and the "charisma" that everyone talks about with Taiki.. has turned into pure smugness.
@letmadora28 Жыл бұрын
@@TwistedReality13 wasn't Taika all cosy with Tessa? I like Taika sense of humor but, man Hollywierd is eating him from inside.
@TwistedReality13 Жыл бұрын
@@letmadora28 Yea he was lol. Yea Taika seems like he's a good dude but man is he being eating up and swallowed by Hollywood right now. Hope his soul makes it to the other side.. if he has one left.
@Charleroi92 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, and it happened quickly too. Usually it takes an oscar win or two
@robotchicken6706 Жыл бұрын
My aunt passed away from cancer almost 2 years ago now. To say the amount of suffering she went thru from the disease itself to chemo treatments were awful would be an understatement. They had a chance to do something very real and human w/ Jane’s storyline but everything has to be a joke to Taika for some reason. Dying a slow death from a horrible illness isn’t funny in the slightest and shouldn’t be played that way. And from what I’ve seen of the movie Jane looks pretty good for someone w/ stage 4 cancer.
@sp0rkenste1n46 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my brother to cancer last year. He was only 50 and went from fit and energetic to frail and barely able to move in less than a year. He could barely talk without slurring his words half the time. Not once did any of us ever joke about what he was going through.
@erikbihari3625 Жыл бұрын
Don't be mad, we're talking about the same happiest place on earth that tries to pander to both the rainbow flags and the yellow hitlers!
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
My aunt passed away from it 2 months ago. Certainly even James Gunn who also has a lot of humor in his movies didnt play Cancer for laughs with Star-Lord's mom dying of Cancer.
@amyrat151 Жыл бұрын
My sister and I have this joke about action movies. Characters, especially women, will have gone through this huge battle and they will be "just a little mussed." Hair slightly tussled, bit of dirt on the cheek or forehead, maybe a bit of blood on the lip on chin but otherwise look like they just got a makeover. It sounds like Jane is the cancer version of that. My mother and father both had cancer. They took to chemo well and they're both doing better but cancer is not a subject that is easy to find the humor in. To quote Samantha from Sex and the City, "Cancer. Turns out, not so hilarious."
@peterrealar2.067 Жыл бұрын
@@amyrat151 Unless if you're Deadpool, cancer being funny is his whole schtick. Cancer made him a mutant.
@mr.joedirt8583 Жыл бұрын
"Glass Joe would laugh that shit off." This is why I watch this guy.
@peposo7 Жыл бұрын
Was that a nintendo game reference?
@NefariousKoel Жыл бұрын
@@peposo7 - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. Yes.
@josebrown5961 Жыл бұрын
Did nobody ever put a quarter in a machine? Glass Joe was the first opponent in Punch Out, no Mike Tyson. I was an acade guy, it took a long time to give up…
@gmajor1273 Жыл бұрын
These people have managed to make me go from an avid comic book superhero and superhero movie lover who couldn't wait to show up on opening night for superhero movies 17 years ago to a person who couldn't care less about these movies and I dont even care enough to watch a free copy on firestick 17 years later. Good job hollowwood.
@volumedealer2716 Жыл бұрын
Just don't buy Rippaverse shit, just because. That's not worth your money either even to get back at the Commies.
@gmajor1273 Жыл бұрын
@@volumedealer2716 Dude I can't wait for my copy of the Rippaverse to get to me.
@chethammer Жыл бұрын
@@gmajor1273 how many movies and books have you seen and read with this exact same plot? Remember he said he wasn't crowdfunding?
@erikbihari3625 Жыл бұрын
I think the only Marvel movie I saw in theathers was strange! In hungary cash doesn't grow on trees.
@gmajor1273 Жыл бұрын
@@chethammer You dont even know what the plot of Rippa's first book "Isom" is yet. How can you say it's like many other movies and books?!
@GingerZombie29 Жыл бұрын
I keep saying this. What did everybody expect? Also, first Mjolnir is the source of Thor's power, then it's not and then it is again. It was in YOUR movie, Taika. Your movie said Mjolnir was just a conduit. Now for Jane it's a power source? Pick one.
@Webshooters1 Жыл бұрын
Seems to be going off Thor 1 rules when Odin put the enchantment on the the hammer but yeah, Ragnarok went to great lengths to say that Thor had the power inside him all along. The hammer was but a means for him to channel his immense power but now it's a power source again?
@erikbihari3625 Жыл бұрын
We all know the narrative!"woman can't have any real legitemacy or power come within, they must take it from those damn dirty Man"! It's almost as bad as wonder woman becoming a rapist.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
Thor Ragnorok explained that Mjolnir was not the source of Thor's power that's why he was able to fight without it. But then in this movie they decided to make Mjolinir AND Stormbreaker 'sentient' for some odd reason. It went by quick in this movie, but in the flashback scenes Korg was narrating of Thor and Jane's love life (btw how does he know all this lol), they showed Thor talking to Mjolnir on the couch asking it to protect Jane at all costs, so it looks like unconsciously Thor granted Jane the power of Thor at that point as a symbol on Mjolnir glowed after he said that. Then we also see that Thor has the ability to grant the Asgardian kids the power of Thor via Zeus lightning through Thunderbolt later., Yes the kids are using the power of Thor through Thunderbolt's energy but it is an ability of Thor that he has to grant power onto others....which then makes him the rightful king of Asgard....not Valkyrie, because it was Odin that had that power because he was the All Father. But he's gone now so that leaves Thor. So why is Valkyrie "king"? lol this is stupid. But yeah anyways that's why Jane can use Mjolnir. Because Thor granted it subconsciously to protect her at all costs. Just like he allows his new adopted daughter of Eternity to wield Stormbreaker. Just as Gorr was dying once he no longer had the Necrosword which was sapping his life, so too was Jane dying faster because Mjolnir was preventing her body from fighting the Cancer. A parallel of sorts. I guess Thor must have subconsciously wished Steve Rogers at that point to wield Mjolnir in Avengers Endgame but who knows at this point; the story logic keeps bouncing all over the place lol
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
@@Webshooters1 Its not. Its just sentient now which Stormbreaker is also sentient as well.. (weird). Thor pulled an Odin on that couch when he asked Mjolnir to protect Jane at all costs, so that wish of his was an enchantment spell he unknowingly made while he was just 'talking to his hammer'. Then we see him do the same thing to Thunderbolt so the Agardian kids could use its power. Then we see that he must have also done the same thing for Gorr's daughter who he now raises as she can weild Stormbreaker. So basically the only reason why Jane can use Mjolnir, the kids can use Thunderbolt (Valkyrie was using it too but not in the way its meant to be used hence she lost the fight), and Gorr's daughter can use Stormbreaker (and I'm assuming also why Steve could use Mjolnir) is because Thor willed them too and as such, theyre using his power through those conduits. Because HE is Thor. Though Thunderbolt is kinda weird since its not his energy its Zeus but eh I guess since he's the God of Thunder he can somehow cheat and use Zeus weapon as hiis own...meh
@peterrealar2.067 Жыл бұрын
He also said that there's only death and not an Afterlife, but then Thor mentions Valhalla multiple times. Again, Taika, MAKE UP YOUR DANG MIND.
@pedrol2774 Жыл бұрын
What made the "it's mighty thor" cringe to me was the fact Gorr didn't call her lady thor on purpose. He had no idea what her name was and she was a lady dressed as thor. So just calm down, Jane. Lol
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
that's actually accurate in the comics. when the absorbing man was using his common sense by calling her not being thor because she's a woman, she went nuts. lol.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
Actually what makes it worse is Marvel's explanation of Mighty Thor; saying giving her a name that exemplifies her femininity would be 'wrong' just like if you would say Sam Wilson aka the Falcon, should be "Black Captain America" or Yelena should be "Blonde Black Widow". in some way of genderless title empowerment, and therefore not use titles that show a physical or gender specific trait (just like how we're not supposed to say "actresses" anymore or "Latina" and "Latino" aka we should say "Latinix".(fuck that btw), so hence "Mighty Thor" it is...except we currently have MS MARVEL show airing right now with SHE-HULK following it next month.
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
@@budgiecat9039 ironically the cartoon version of the Avengers got it right. She goes by the name Thunderstrike. And it's the name Odin gave to her when she helped Thor defeating the Beyonder by using Mjolnir. Also she was given her own mace that turns her to Thunderstrike with her own powers. Thor is still Thor.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
@@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Interesting....except for the fact Thunderstrike, aka Eric Masterson, is an actual male character much like Beta Ray Bill, created in 1988. I know cause he's playable in an old 1995 arcade fighting game by Data East called Avengers in Galactic Storm, which was based on 19 part comic crossover series called Operation: Galactic Storm in 1992. "Eric Kevin Masterson was working as an architect when he met Thor. Masterson was injured by falling girders, and was taken to the hospital by Thor. Now on crutches, Masterson was attacked by Quicksand, but saved by Thor. Masterson was then abducted by Mongoose. Masterson accompanied Thor to the Black Galaxy, where he first met Hercules. Masterson, mortally wounded by Mongoose, was given Thor's form and powers after the original was sealed in Eric's mind, by Odin, to save Eric's life. Recognizing that his new life as Thor was too dangerous for a child, Masterson gave up custody of his son Kevin to his ex-wife Marcy, reasoning that Kevin would be safer with her, even if she was relatively ambivalent about her role as a mother. Masterson was then separated from Thor by the Red Celestial. Shortly thereafter, Masterson saved Thor's life, and was merged with him again. Masterson's son Kevin was captured by Ulik for Loki. Thor freed Kevin and seemingly slew Loki in battle. Heimdall separated Thor from Masterson, then banished Thor, and transformed Masterson into a new Thor. He then met the Enchantress as Leena Moran, and battled Ulik. Eric continued in the role of Thor, after having been given Mjolnir by Thor, who then told Eric to carry on as Earth's protector. Eric then returned to Earth and joined the Avengers in Thor's place. Masterson revealed his double identity to Captain America. He then first visited Asgard, where he fought the Warriors Three, Balder, Heimdall, and Sif, while trying to discover the whereabouts of the real Thor. Masterson then helped rescue the sleeping Odin from Annihilus. He teamed with Beta Ray Bill and Dargo Ktor as the "Thor Corps" against Zarrko and Loki. Eric's role as Thor was relatively brief, as the Enchantress manipulated Eric into attacking Thor for Sif's affection. During a confrontation with Thor, Eric struck Sif. This provoked Thor, leading him to defeat Eric and reclaim Mjolnir while Odin revealed the Enchantress's manipulations. Odin then ordered the creation of a new mace for Eric, called Thunderstrike. Eric first used the Thunderstrike mace against the villains Bloodaxe and Carjack, but he was promptly defeated. Afterwards, Eric created his own costume to distinguish himself from Thor, while keeping Thor's reputation intact. Eric renamed himself Thunderstrike, after the mace itself, operating as an adventurer and crimefighter. Eventually Eric defeated Bloodaxe, only to discover that Bloodaxe was actually Jackie Lukus, his current love interest. After a confrontation with Seth the Egyptian god of death, Eric realized that the only way to defeat him was to succumb to the curse contained with the Bloodaxe and increase his strength. After his supposed slaying of Seth, Eric was confronted by the Avengers, who attempted to arrest him for murder. Instead, Masterson defeated the Avengers, and Thor confronted him. Eric pleaded with Thor to kill him to prevent the curse of the Bloodaxe from taking him over completely. But Eric was eventually forced to fight the Bloodaxe subconsciously, which manifested in Eric's mind in the form of Skurge. Eric eventually defeated the Skurge duplicate, causing a psychic backlash that killed him and destroyed the two weapons. Claiming that Valhalla was not where he belonged, Eric was sent into the afterlife by Odin Eric was temporarily resurrected by the Grim Reaper several years later, along with several other deceased Avengers. After overcoming the Grim Reaper's control, he and the other undead Avengers were returned to the afterlife by the Scarlet Witch. Before he returned to the afterlife, Eric asked Thor to check in on his son Kevin for him Eric's Thunderstrike mace (revealed to have been repaired by Thor and left in custody of the Avengers) was eventually given by Commander Steve Rogers to Kevin Masterson, who went on to become the new Thunderstrike and succeed his own father in the use of that identity" He kinda dresses similarly to how Thor in this movie started out with that red sleeveless jacket (which was probably an intentional easter egg callout to him) also with beard, except he has a ponytail and like Beta Ray Bil he also has a hammer (mace). So the cartoon effectively stole his name? lol Thats different but not any better.
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
@@budgiecat9039 The orginal Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson from the classic Thor comics) doesn't exists in the Avengers cartoon. And Beta Ray Bill is just Beta Ray Bill there and Odin gave him his own hammer called Stormbreaker. Now looking back, Odin is such a nice guy, making any worthy individuals into heroes. lol.
@JustTooDamnHonest Жыл бұрын
It wasn't "kind of" a hot mess it was a hot dumpster fire.
@titlasagna2172 Жыл бұрын
Thor has been done dirty in the entirety of the Marvel cinematic universe.
@bunniesonfire1 Жыл бұрын
Not really!they tried making him accurate and people didn’t like him soooo
@tajaniscott Жыл бұрын
This is Taika’s worst movie hands down. The memorial for Gorr’s daughter and Christian Bale’s acting were the only good things in the movie. Even as much as I like Gorr, the God Butcher kills only one God on screen. Wtf. There was a review I heard where someone was genuinely confused if they should laugh when they said Jane had cancer. In a movie about what makes a God worthy of worship with Thor, the tragedy of trying to help knowing your dying with Jane and a man losing his beliefs in his lifelong religion with Gorr, none of these very serious topics are brought to even 1% of their full extent
@ffjj3964 Жыл бұрын
In the end, Taika didn’t ruin our mythos in a minute, he ruined his credit.
@cruddywaterz Жыл бұрын
@michaelquaid4679 Жыл бұрын
Seriously objectively, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And I WANTED do like it. I gave it a good chance. But there was feminist cringy woke stuff AND it was just plain boring and nothing in it was funny
@wadeogle2562 Жыл бұрын
Her muscles were all cg and nobody ever touches on the fact the waititi made Thor a complete idiot and ruined Thor as a character. Thor was never a moron till Ragnarok. Just made him a joke. And this movie was the absolute worst
@gameraider100 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I agree. I dont know why people *still* keep saying Ragnarok was amazing. Like, I initially thought it was great like everybody else ... Until I came off the "ragnarok high" and watched it again and realized that its actually not that great. It's funny yes, but at some inopportune moments and I realized that Thor was starting to become a joke ... And here we are now Thor being a full-on laughing stock
@derek96720 Жыл бұрын
@@gameraider100 people who think Ragnarok is the best Thor movie aren't Thor fans. They're the lowest common denominator who are more than happy to eat up Waititi's fast food GotG knockoff.
@gameraider100 Жыл бұрын
@@derek96720 Yeah. In no way is Ragnarok faithful to the character. Plus, the WHOLE DAMN movie is barely about the tale of Ragnarok, it's the nordic version of armageddon isn't it? So why was it a 2 hour long comedy filler and *not an epic finale-like action movie??*
@DS-qo7sx Жыл бұрын
Not just Thor, but the whole Asgardian lot, notably Loki. The sooner we stop comparing MCU heroes to the comics' the better. Just treat them as an inferior version from one of the multiverses the filmmakers are so fond of using in their stories.
@girlonfire2.076 Жыл бұрын
Thor wasn't a Moran in Ragnarok
@MiguelRivera-cs2tk Жыл бұрын
I propose this. If Natalie Portman ACTUALLY bulked up with muscle for the movie there would be hours of video showing her working out and photos of the growth BUT since there is none I say it’s CGI, stuntwoman and costume muscle.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
Obviously since there's also scenes of her looking frail as fuck lol
@rxai Жыл бұрын
and what's wrong with that
@michaelreich4827 Жыл бұрын
@@rxai See Taskmaster in Black Widow.
@SubZero-hs9xc Жыл бұрын
Ehm No There were photos of her with music
@xnortheast1106 Жыл бұрын
@@SubZero-hs9xc no
@Ars-Nova258 Жыл бұрын
2:00 I hope people remember this scene to point out Hollywood’s hypocrisy in the future, especially since Hemsworth wasn’t comfortable here. 5:33 My mother had cancer a decade back and almost every day I dread the possibility of it coming back. The chemotherapy was horrendous for me and my siblings, can’t imagine what it was like for her. F-k this movie.
@dix0n778 Жыл бұрын
Same, my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer around the same time, isn't cute or fun. It mess with everyone's mood in the family, even at the time I finally landed a full time job.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
I get that the stoyline of Jane having Cancer was in the comics but it just wasnt really handeled well in this movie and this is the third time MCU has tackled Cancer in a story (first time was Star-Lord's mom in Guardians of the Galaxy, second time was Monica Rambeau's mom Maria who had an offscreen death due to Cancer during the 5 years Monica was dusted from the blip and this was shown in Wandavision.
@LifeWithMatthew Жыл бұрын
Phase 4 was always going to be dead on arrival. There was always going to be a lot of flack whenever you transition from a beloved character to their replacement (just ask Doctor Who fans), but then they went out of their way to make every replacement a hire straight from a diversity bingo card. The story stopped being about, well, a story, and as turned into a soapbox for whatever director (usually someone they can also tout as being the first [race] [gender] who is [orientation]) they hired. The MCU movies aren't made to fun anymore, they're made to tell their target audience that they are bad people.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
In the beginning it was about Kevin Feige a huge comic nerd trying to put his dream of showing the same kind of connected universe the Marve 616 universe has in the comics to live action, the same guy who used to sneak comic books on the set of the FOX X-Men movies under Bryan Singer's nose so that the actors could understand the history of their characters better, to him going to Sony and asking Amy Pascal if Spider-Man could join the MCU and she cursed him out and threw her sandwich at him (when she was CEO then), only to ironically have her working for him producing Spider-Man movies for the MCU, then once successful, he just started hiring more people that dont know or give a shit about all thatso hence the quality and direction has nosedived.
@dragonchr15 Жыл бұрын
Of course you are are a white male that still has to learn there are people that look different from you out there....
@MrHero17 Жыл бұрын
You can tell so much was cut from this film . Christian bales character deserved so much better than this . The final scene with his daughter was very deep and powerful . Resonating even .
@whatduck943 Жыл бұрын
Seems the wrong things were cut.
@ketienne1021 Жыл бұрын
I'm sick and tired of Disney forcing taka watitti on me. (This is like the 5th project with him tied to it this year alone)
@a.nonymouse Жыл бұрын
There's a certain irony in Thorias reviewing THOR... but then Thorias will go down in history as the Norse God of CW ROASTS... his Batwoman review / roasts are COMEDY GOLD. I must've re-watched them all, you can actually see his descent into madness with each episode LOL it's like The Joker in The Killing Joke. I cannot recommend them highly enough. Still would like to see you roast the Flash though, I haven't seen season 8 but I hear it's cringe on par with Batwoman at its worst.
@MrHero17 Жыл бұрын
Ahhhh how CW flash has fallen . Remember when it was one of the best superhero tv shows . You know the best episodes were made by Kevin smith.
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
If he's the Norse God of CW roasts? does that make AzHeelbabyface the Greek God of CW roasts?
@legendaryvicius Жыл бұрын
Thor's new power during the third act is not only a "Why didn't he do that when *insert previous threat here* ? but a problem for future installments. You can't tell me that someone like Hawkeye, for example, would refuse that kind of temporary power in order to help save the day...
@JamesBurrTV Жыл бұрын
It's as jarring as Superman throwing his logo around in Superman 2 or mending brick walls with his super breath in Superman 4.
@bhart3321 Жыл бұрын
@@JamesBurrTV we don't speak of any Superman movie after 2, for obvious reasons.
@tatters6623 Жыл бұрын
It was clearly the thunderbolts power.
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
@@JamesBurrTV to be fair in superman part 2, he's in the laboratory area of the fortress and it would be logical for him to have weapons or tools against his own.
@sometimesfriendly9839 Жыл бұрын
It's only a problem if the fans care and I'm going to suggest the people who see these movies largely don't.
@Ki_Adi_Mundi Жыл бұрын
3:37 Natalie Portman is actually 5 foot 3 and 118 lbs so you were pretty much spot on, lmao
@xLeo-ee4gc Жыл бұрын
I like that,3" 20lbs,hulk look out.
@omen4304 Жыл бұрын
I think the funniest part is how critics are saying the film feels like a 7 year old wrote it and I couldn’t agree more. Honestly I wish the film was more sad and serious cause this film had a lot of potential but was wasted sadly
@EscalationTV Жыл бұрын
1:59 - 2:33 FINALLY it's said! I just hate it when they're outraging and talk about "Sexism" and "Sexualization" if something like this happens to a female Character, but considering it totally okay when Stuff like this happens to male Characters like Sexism and Sexualization absolutely wouldn't exist towards Men. Thanks for that Statement, Thorias! BIG LIKE for you :)
@joex233 Жыл бұрын
At this rate the villain of black panther 2 would be someone who lost a family member and sets out to get them back no matter the cost only to change their mind at the last minute then die, I get that in a cinematic universe as big as the MCU certain themes are bound to be repeated with Chang chi, doctor strange and now Thor that's almost exactly what happens repeatedly.
@xLeo-ee4gc Жыл бұрын
Personally I think black panther dwelled to much on the fight ritual, good guys bad guys good guys win.these heroes have all these powers but barely use them,or the scenes are a montage.5 min or so.
@volumedealer2716 Жыл бұрын
Namor is going to have some Mexican guy with a mustache and a soul patch play him. When they should of cast David Mcinnis
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
@@volumedealer2716 BTW I didnt like who they cast as Hercules in the credits. Who the hell was that guy?
@budgiecat9039 Жыл бұрын
You just reminded me of Ms Marvel episode 5 with the Clan Destine villain Najma only she didnt have someone die she just 'really wanted to go home badly' trying to get into her Noor Dimension using the bangle to summon the Veil between two worlds, until Kamala mentioned her son who she left behind and suddenly she went from villain to selfless hero in 1 second I guess.
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
Lol. I was expecting of a villain named WHITE MAN.
@xeno8484 Жыл бұрын
Jane-Thor was handle better here then in the book. Jason Aaron has many reasons for why Jane is worthy of Mjolnir one being cause she’s willing to give up the hammer but a few issues later refuses to and is still worthy and another she’s doesn’t really believe she’s worthy but so does the real Thor and only he can’t lift the hammer. In the movie Thor asked Mjolnir to protect Jane and allows her to use its power to achieve this request.
@sardonically-inclined7645 Жыл бұрын
The "comedy" is overwhelmingly distracting for this movie.
@derrickwilliams1210 Жыл бұрын
"Maybe your arm is in Valhalla" was the only funny joke in the entire movie
@shadowking9739 Жыл бұрын
I think Thor: Love & Thunder should've been more like JoJo Rabbit. In that movie, yes, the tone was mostly comedic but when it needed to be serious, damn it, it was serious. Without giving spoilers, there's a moment where the main character suffers deep, emotional agony and it's treated with the severity that it deserves. There is a lull where he (and the audience) are given a moment to let the tragedy of the situation sink in. In a movie where a madman is killing gods and a woman is dying of cancer, there should've been less comedy involved and more introspection. Jane's cancer is merely treated as a plot device, not the emotional gut-punch that she and the other characters should've treated it as. Gorr's backstory and motivation should've been at the forefront of the movie, making Thor ruminate on what it means to be a god and to be worthy of respect and adulation. In fact, I think Thor and Gorr's journey should've had more parallels to it, where they learn from one another about deification and humanity, about the responsibilities of power and godhood. THAT would've made Thor and Gorr's final interaction that much more meaningful.
@palladiamorsdeus Жыл бұрын
The last few minutes of Jojo are another good example of knowing when to stay serious, from that final battle to him letting his houseguest out. THEN it let itself be lighthearted a bit, but it had earned it at that point.
@shadowking9739 Жыл бұрын
@@palladiamorsdeus Exactly. T:L&T and most Marvel movies have an issue with tone whiplash, almost as though they're afraid of having a sad moment in their films.
@Montanakid1988 Жыл бұрын
My brother died of cancer. The 5th of this month would have been his 40th birthday. Believe me the last thing we were doing when he was getting chemo was making jokes. I can understand them trying to make light of something like that to make it less dark and awkward, but forgive me for not laughing.
@vladpiranha Жыл бұрын
Ragnarok was the Batman Forever of the MCU. This is the Batman and Robin of the MCU.
@lautimhum6734 Жыл бұрын
Look at the bright side, at least Chris Hemsworth is having the time of his life with this movie along with his children. Also, Stormbreaker is made to counter the infinity stones since his hammer couldn't.
@lautimhum6734 Жыл бұрын
@Knox2Don So, you're saying that a father shouldn't have bring their children to have fun with them, good to know.
@mrbeau5387 Жыл бұрын
Means nothing movie still sucks
@letmadora28 Жыл бұрын
I like Taika's sense of humor and he is a good director, but he is becoming the new Paul Feig.
@yumyumeatemup Жыл бұрын
I've heard others compare him to M. Night Shamalyn. Which is a bit harsh imo. If ANY director is the next M Night, its Jordan Peele. That guy's a one trick pony. With every film he releases he's just desperately trying to claw back some semblance of notoriety that Get Out earned his talentless ass.
@dredgewalker Жыл бұрын
@@yumyumeatemup Taika just isn't a good fit for a Thor movie. Thor needs a more serious tone and I'm tired of the same mcu formula. I have nothing against comedy and in fact I love it but to shove it in my face with this movie just feels extremely off. This movie also feels rushed and looks like so many scenes got cut.
@S4ns Жыл бұрын
This is Waititi's 2016 Ghostbusters moment. He, like Paul Feig, was allowed full reign to do whatever the hell he wanted without regard for any previous movie, bizarrely enough even his own. No director, or writer, should be allowed to go off the rails, regardless of how good their last product was.
@francoiseeduard303 Жыл бұрын
When was Tessa Thompson’s “Valkyrie” ever fun?
@girlonfire2.076 Жыл бұрын
She was fun in Ragnarok
@francoiseeduard303 Жыл бұрын
@Girlonfire 2.0 She was a fall down drunk with a bad attitude
@user-mm1wj8il4n Жыл бұрын
It’s already been confirmed that she did not bulk up and work out 💪 and her and and other parts were all CGI and touched up for his movie. When you watch the making of his movie you will see she has the CGI special effects stickers all over her arms. It’s the same stuff they us for Superman, Batman, Shazam, Black Adam, ETC. who were CGI capes in movies.
@ValiantWrestling Жыл бұрын
IIRC, the Shazam actor wore a ridiculous looking muscle suit under the Shazam costuyme, it looked blatently obvious.
@bhart3321 Жыл бұрын
@@ValiantWrestling the thing was Zachary Levi still went through all the workouts & training but was still so lean they put him in the suit. Funny how such a great actress couldn't be bothered to do the same for a job. Honestly her attitude towards her chosen career is pretty potty & she needs to either adjust or be blacklisted.
@kreese-yi2nb Жыл бұрын
In light of that movie's general excess and tonal zig-zaging - Waititi's recent joke about how directors should be restricted seems to me even a more mean-spirited troll than intended.
@craigbolton2231 Жыл бұрын
The jokes in the cancer scene were actually some of the only ones I didn't think were out of place. Joking about it is how most the people I've known delt with it
@Shiirow Жыл бұрын
joking about it is not how most people deal with it, a very small portion of people deal with heavy loss with gallows humour. stop trying to defend the tonal whiplash.
@KairoWolf Жыл бұрын
@@Shiirow To be fair, Craig didn't say most people in general, but most people that he has known. Thus he personally didn't think they were out of place. I guess that is defending it, but not by much.
@GoldenfoxxPrime Жыл бұрын
See, when Waititi told us all that he'll "ruin [our] mythos in a minute, baby," I took him at his word and decided not to see this mess. I'm not someone who wants to just go along with what people I trust on KZbin say about films--believe me, I see all the problems with Multiverse of Madness, but still enjoyed that movie in spite of it--but man, this is Marvel cutting off parts of its body to spite its face. They JUST got Thor over with fans, thanks largely to Ragnarok and Infinity War, and THIS is how they follow it up? Ugh. If they're not careful, this multi-billion dollar franchise is going to collapse under its own weight soon.
@samwitherington8202 Жыл бұрын
Post-Endgame, with all the sad and depressing stuff Thor has been through, this needed to be a dark and serious film. Plus, Jojo Rabbit got away with this by being the POV of a child, which is why the tone is so jovial, it's how he perceives the world.
@nicholasking4067 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone know of a bad Christian Bale performance?
@yumyumeatemup Жыл бұрын
Just to answer Thorias' question posed in the vid above. NO, Natalie Portman did not in any way, shape, or form attempt to get jacked for this film. Those arms are fake. There were multiple behind the scenes shots and videos right here on youtube when they were marketing the film that shows Portman with her clear noddle arms with tracking dots all over them. It was clear from day 1 she hadn't worked out for the part. If she had, they would have been using that AS the marketing itself.
@Mouse_Metal Жыл бұрын
I don´t think she has the body type for visible, big muscles even if she worked out. She would end up stronger and more toned but still very slim.
@daverobson3084 Жыл бұрын
Sif should have been in the final fight. Seeing her , one armed and angry, facing off against the God Butcher, even dying in her efforts( and going to Valhalla) would have really redeemed the fact she didn't even appear in Ragnorok.
@shadowdancer5x5 Жыл бұрын
What's up with Phase 4? Simples. They told a self-contained story in the infinity saga. Which was mostly good. But they headed down the 'yas-queen-slay' diversity social messaging agenda route instead of just concentrating on making good movies. I've lost interest in them, as have most people I know. They're milking it at this stage and I'm not going to spend my limited free time watching this crud.
@imyoursuperbeast8220 Жыл бұрын
The new "M-She-U." What fucking garbage, I'm so glad I haven't wasted a single penny on this shit
@latviandragon2718 Жыл бұрын
0:11 funny since Taika actually says that directors should be controlled
@JustTooDamnHonest Жыл бұрын
He meant all but him. That is why he is called a hypocrite.
@SubZero-hs9xc Жыл бұрын
Maybe maybe it was a request for help
@MRFIKSIT31 Жыл бұрын
Taika is a one trick pony. And he’s awfully annoying even just looking at him. Not to mention the fact that he puts himself into every movie he directs.
@mrcliff3709 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I always got that vibe off him like he'd be funny for five minutes and then you'd have to tell him to shut the fuck up
@derek96720 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the constant self-insert characters are just so cringe.
@robinthrush9672 Жыл бұрын
Portman's muscles were fake. She did some working out, but there are behind-the-scenes images and videos of her walking around with thin-woman arms and tracking dots on her arms.
@odojang Жыл бұрын
You can see in all interviews afterwards she is just as small and thin as ever. And she's not 6' tall. Personally, I don't care. Mark Ruffalo plays Hulk and he's no Lou Ferrigno either. I accept that movies are all pretense and go along for the ride. But if the ride is bad, no amount of ''real muscle'' will make it better.
@inediblegrobb7524 Жыл бұрын
I think Waititi might be scared to do real story telling. According to the reviews I've watched (not watching the movie myself) every time the story gets serious, Waititi runs and hides behind (bad) comedy.
@jerichosavage578 Жыл бұрын
That movie was horrendous. Didn’t think it could have gotten worse that Ragnorak but Waititi outdid himself.🤦🏻‍♂️💩
@kclink1579 Жыл бұрын
Ragnorak was fantastic.
@jerichosavage578 Жыл бұрын
@@kclink1579 um……. No!
@mrbeau5387 Жыл бұрын
@@kclink1579 ragnorok is overrated trash
@lyrevonwahrheit9538 Жыл бұрын
I wish we could have seen more of Gorr assassinating gods left and right.
@fictiontheorizer1991 Жыл бұрын
Can't have him upstaging Hela though.
@mattbaltimore7195 Жыл бұрын
That's too much for Didney.... They don't want a serious movie, they just want to be in the joke just like Ugly Sonic....
@noylj1 Жыл бұрын
What makes Portman mightier than the one and only Thor?
@ironmaiden3812 Жыл бұрын
This wasn’t the greatest Marvel movie of all time even though it’s said that every Marvel movie is the greatest of all time. If you thought Thor was an idiot in Ragnarok he’s a buffoon in this one. This makes the 4th Thor movie where Thor is finding himself, the concept is completely tiresome!! The Guardians of the Galaxy are only in the movie for 5 mins and it’s obvious James Gunn was not directing them cause their usual chemistry was no where to be found. Even though Thor has been Thor for 1500+ years Jane Foster, who just became Thor minutes ago, out did Thor at everything single thing in his own movie. It seems that Disney’s stock price falling has effected their ability to spend money on quality CGI cause it was terrible in some parts. The only redeeming part was when Christian Bale (the God Butcher) was on screen. It was difficult to believe that anyone was in actual jeopardy because of the massive amount of Taika Watititi humor. Overall I hated it but 80s/90s rock soundtrack kicked ass.
@Mouse_Metal Жыл бұрын
Thor as a 1500 + old god should be super wise "old" guy who looks like a young man in his prime. There is no way how a 1500 years old entity would be stuck in a constant cycle of finding himself like a confused teenage/adolescent human.
@jgonzalez1720 Жыл бұрын
Always great to hear your comics-knowledgeable stuff! Your fair and give the good stuff kudos while acknowledging weaker aspects. Keep it up!!👍👍👍
@bowl1820 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how Gina Carano would have looked as Lady Thor?
@Capthowdy098 Жыл бұрын
The muscle was CG, saw a trailer spot or something that showed her walking around with tracking dots, on her arms.
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
Well, at least THORias is showing the LOVE and THUNDER in reviewing.
@dannypalin9583 Жыл бұрын
Why do I get the feeling that some people hated Love and Thunder because Jane DIDN'T replace Thor?
@palladiamorsdeus Жыл бұрын
Jojo Rabbit uses its humor so well, so when the dark things happen it is a STARK contrast that does a good job of horrifying you and making you feel guilty for laughing just a few seconds ago. Or mixing that humor with really tense scenes where you don't know if you should laugh or be afraid for the characters. This showed none of that nuance or subtlety.
@mrbeau5387 Жыл бұрын
It’s because it’s a bad movie
@bosmeriosmosis215 Жыл бұрын
I just want to say this is the first mcu movie, where I was perfectly happy to watch your spoiler review video. Thor was my favorite movie coming into the mcu, and now it's one of the first im just not going to bother with.
@JavelinAngel1295 Жыл бұрын
I already knew since it was greenlit that the movie was gonna suck. But at least it didn't suck as bad as I really expected it to.
@kclink1579 Жыл бұрын
2:27 obviously, women can't be sexist. I learn that from a new advert.
@derek96720 Жыл бұрын
If you think that's bad, under British law, men can't be raped. Yeah. That's the world we live in.
@kidkatanatv Жыл бұрын
There are so many plotholes and continuity erros in this, I'm about to roast Ragnorok enjoyers with this one: _Jane should have never found Mjolnir if Thor could've just repaired Mjolnir going back for the pieces but Jane did because...why_
@patrickkelmer6290 Жыл бұрын
@user-mm1wj8il4n Жыл бұрын
Also, remember this is the director who did JoJo Rabbit 🐰 which was a dark comedy about Nazi child soldiers during World War II. If you watch that movie then watch his movie you will see that has has no moral compass 🧭 when it comes to tasteless comedy and drama being blending together. Secondly, how do we go from Fat Thor with PTSD from Infinity War and Endgame movies to this ridiculous surfer bro Thor Odinson in this movie which was basically another character assassination of Thor in my opinion.
@mr.joedirt8583 Жыл бұрын
The MCU Thor is awful and always has been. Thor should be a serious and stoic viking type warrior most of the time. The MCU Thor is a goofy clown that is always the brunt of the joke. He acts like Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. He gets dunked on by strong empowered women non stop. It's an insult to the Thor character.
@stormryder4305 Жыл бұрын
He is the same clown who act in The Ghostbusters 2016. Honestly, I don't think Christ Helmsworth could play the Norse Thor effectively. Chris is just being Chris. A goofy easy going actor who most often end up playing clown roles. He should be in comedy movies.
@odojang Жыл бұрын
Just like the DCEU tried to turn every character into Batman (dark, broody, vengeful), the MCU from the get go tried to turn every character into Spider-Man (funny, light-hearted, wiseass) starting with Iron Man who never was a joky guy until Robert Downey Jr. That's why after two decades it all look so stale, formulaic and repetitive to the point of boredom, hence the self parody this movie is.
@Mouse_Metal Жыл бұрын
The director who made The Northman should make a movie about Viking gods.
@neodigremo Жыл бұрын
To be fair, in the first 2 Thor films he is mostly correct (as is the case in Avengers movies not called Endgame). It was Ragnarok that turned him into a joke. The humour in the first really was how out of place a Norse God would be in our world and it worked for the most part
@mr.joedirt8583 Жыл бұрын
@@neodigremo That's your opinion and you are entitled to it. I'm an old school comic book fan. I was reading comics in 1982. Classic Thor was not the guy in any of the Marvel movies. He was stoic. He was serious. He didn't act like an easy going, always smiling surfer dude from southern California.
@danielmuliira5363 Жыл бұрын
Been waiting for this review like forever
@lindasmith320 Жыл бұрын
Taiga Waititi has inattentive ADHD and should not be allowed full creative control. His ex wife was producer on all his previous films up to Jo Jo Rabbit and her absence shows all too clearly. Having Chris Hemsworth behind him giggling doesn’t help either
@thatonkgau5221 Жыл бұрын
What was Janes and Valkerys purpose in this movie? Valkery doesn't seem to do anything and Janes cancer story line doesn't seem to tie into Thors "Arc". They should've replaced both of them with Lady Siff and have her be Thors love interest there engaged in the comics! 🤔😕😡😠🤬😤
@derek96720 Жыл бұрын
Valkyrie's role is to suck Waititi's d**k, and based on her character returning in this movie, she must be doing a decent job.
@patrickmcgavin2245 Жыл бұрын
This movie would be a lot better if they used the source material. If Gorr the good butcher killed more than one God. Had a son and it took three versions of Thor to kill Gorr. Young Thor middle aged Thor and old king Thor. And if Thor's three granddaughters were in the movie. In this story old king Thor is my favorite version. He became more powerful than Odin ever was. I wish Gorr looked like he did in the comics. Gorr looks like a rejected version of the actor who starred in powder.
@kingslayer2999 Жыл бұрын
Thor Love and Thunder is Hot Garbage. Thor is a Clown Christian Bale is Wasted and Tessa Thompson has Go away Heat. Takai Waititi is a Hack Director Ragnarok Sucked and this is even worse. Thor Love and Wokeness is full of unfunny cringe comedy and makes me want to Rip my eyes out. Screw this Movie.
@SecundumMagnusStultus Жыл бұрын
Ok, but, thats just like your opinion, man. But honestly you seem a bit too angry about this.
@xLeo-ee4gc Жыл бұрын
You remember ppl were going to see the same movie 3 4 5 times star wars,superman ,raiders of the ark all 1's.were are those movies
@Hanmacx Жыл бұрын
When storm bringer is one of the better characters
@learning2727 Жыл бұрын Zack Snyder (though for slightly different reasons), Waititi is best when someone is telling him "no" once in a while. Perhaps someone should have said that when he made the video mocking the vfx...
@munchrai6396 Жыл бұрын
The ending really saved the movie for me. There were a lot of things hinting at the fact that this would be the last Thor movie and I'm really happy that that isn't the case anymore. Everything from the climax to the heartfelt wrap up was really interesting and makes me really excited for the next movie. Honestly, the only scene that I had a large problem with was Omnipotent city because the fight with Zeus was lame and didn't really amount to much other than giving them an extra weapon. This scene could've been a great opportunity for Gorr to cause some massive destruction, but I guess they just didn't have time for that. Outside of that, I really enjoyed my time with this movie. The other obnoxious scene from the trailer was toned down significantly and I a lot of the fight scenes were pretty well done.
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
Thorias: Hate And Anger
@cheeseburgersuperior1874 Жыл бұрын
ya know what else is dumb? one, the asgardians can heal her, ya know, MAGIC and SCIENCE. two, they can literally build asgard easily. how? there are those other realms that are UNDER the rule of asgard. they can just easily summon them to rebuild the entire city. not to mention that they're all in debt with thor being the person who killed thanos and one of the people who saved the universe. also in the comics, when thor alone resurrected during ragnarok, he SINGLEHANDEDLY BUILT asgard in a minute and became legally texan, same as the silver surfer. i missed the early 2000 marvel comics.
@facepalmmigraine9509 Жыл бұрын
Great review Thorias!
@anaalicia5029 Жыл бұрын
It's making bank of course but I love to hear you spitting facts.
@TrenKnight Жыл бұрын
Him busting out the new power at the end to me seemed like him using the odin force for the first time which grows in strength the lonnger he has it available to him after odin passes.
@Seoul_Soldier Жыл бұрын
I went from waiting with bated breath for every new superhero movie to passing them over for indie films. Great job, Hollyweird. You killed my inner nerd.
@gracefulPainter Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure her arms were cg. I kept getting my eye drawn to them in a way the Valkyrie's didn't. They seemed too soft or something. I could be wrong, but they seemed off.
@JamesBurrTV Жыл бұрын
Don't worry everyone! Phase 4 will undoubtedly be saved by "The Marvels" and "Wakanda Forever!"
@girlonfire2.076 Жыл бұрын
I think you gave the best an most truly honest review if this movie it's was trying to do 3 movies in one it was messy🤷
@funkybuddhaInit Жыл бұрын
Good review as always, so I will only focus on 2 things I don't agree with. I liked the post credit scene. She did die in the battle. It was on the other side of a portal so technically it wasn't the "battle field" but hey, the other room wasn't a field either. It happened as a result of her being exhausted from the fight. And it wasn't established earlier in the film, it was just Thor's speculation so he could just be flat out wrong. The clashing tones of the Thor parts could have worked, it would have given the audience breathing space between the dark stuff. The reason the tone of the 3 story lines clashed was that the Thor parts were handled poorly. The humor was so bad and juvenile that it undermined the serious stuff. If they had landed more solid jokes that were more storyline relevant it could have worked. + It could even be justified that Thor is using humor to cope with the dark stuff that happened in Endgame. It really rubs me the wrong way that Jane and Thor never discussed any of that major shit. Losing his brother, his father, Asgard, Mjolnir, discovering he had a sister, oh and one other little thing.. THE SNAP! They haven't met since any of that shit went down. The movie has time to show a silly play of these events but the 2 protags can't talk that shit out? Remember in the first Thor when they sat by a camp fire and Thor explained the realms to Jane? Could they please allow more time to let them act like real people?
@tryingtodobetter1577 Жыл бұрын
I don't really understand why marvel releases videos saying "number 1 movie in the world" when this is the situation
@Zocktan Жыл бұрын
This reflects pretty well my opinion
@ninemirrors Жыл бұрын
My wife is going through her second bout now with breastcancer. After mastectomy on the first round, now we're down to chemo and radiation. Our kids are pretty small still and we have to keep up a brave front for them. It's not funny in the least. (Tho' I have to say that the heckler that heckled Jimmy Carr with 'my mother died of cancer and it was still funnier than this show' was pretty funny. My wife agrees).
@mhc706 Жыл бұрын
I felt like they didn’t explain how “you have cancer” meant “you have earned the right to wield Thor’s hammer” Or the whole cancer ticking clock randomly being replaced by Thor’s hammer is draining your life thing. Are they saying Thor’s hammer is like super cancer? Why would it drain anyones life at all? Why would you give something that shortens your life to someone with an already short life span? I understand that in the early Thor comics when Odin sealed his power in the hammer and exiled him to earth he became someone else and by wielding the hammer he “transformed” into Thor with the outfit so that’s why they did the outfit with Portman but that isn’t canonical for the mcu. Capt America didn’t transform when he wielded the hammer so why would she?
@mr.gameandtime8432 Жыл бұрын
I honestly could excuse them not trying to get back Mjolnir because they were pressed for time AND looking for a more powerful weapon even in the movie that it was destroyed in... They had no motive or time to go back there. Well, I do have vague memories of the last thor movies tbh.
@kroen Жыл бұрын
SPOILERS: The second post credit scene isn't a contradiction at all; Jane DID die fighting: fighting cancer.
@outspokenterms9240 Жыл бұрын
At 9:49 to 9:55 I’m guessing you’re talking about why Jane is in Valhalla if she’s not asgardian ?
@ss4vegita Жыл бұрын
I have to admit I didn't really like this movie at all. I had a bad felling when they said they were going to have Gorr the God Butcher and Taika Waititi was allowed to go full bore on it. Too many jokes and too may plot story that don't mash up well together. Gorr should have been his own movie because he is a serious threat and Jane Thor should have been its own thing with. The Guardians of the Galaxy could be in ether one Helping Thor find and fight Gorr or Peter Quill helping Thor deal with Jane as budy to talk too. Gorr did not get as much attention as he need to feel like a true danger. He felt like the B plot of the movie that gets wrapped up at the very end hastly. Its the same thing Taika did in Thor: Ragnarok with Hela. She shows up in the beginning meets Thor, Then Thor goes off and has wacky adventure in space away from villain. Then he come back and ends movie. Gorr did make out a little better than Hela but not to much.
@Shiirow Жыл бұрын
I say that Taika Wa-titty is overused in the MCU, he has one schtick and thats goofball comedy. hes that one trick pony director, and they keep trying to play on that one trick even if that trick doesnt fit, like a square peg in a round hole. so they pound that peg in with thundergod force from thors hammer.
@moknbyrd Жыл бұрын
Maybe because I'm old and jaded, but I've always had a problem with Thor being a joke. He's the f***ing God of Thunder. He's all about battles and living life like no tomorrow. Yes. the double standard with nude Thor was annoying. I HATE the new Valkyrie. "Just because she's black!" NO. Because the actress is awful. She has one style of acting, no matter what roll she plays. The character is written crappy. The costume is lazy. Her weapon is out of some 1940s comic book. HELL, FemThor looked more like Valkyrie, than Valkyrie. Yes. Having cancer is nothing to blow off. It SUCKS.
@sushioishii8950 Жыл бұрын
I'd love you to compare what you thought of the trailer and then how you felt after you watched it. Might be funny
@kidkatanatv Жыл бұрын
I want a Rogue movie written by Thorias at this point
@antonroy7404 Жыл бұрын
I highly recommend the movie RRR(rise roar revolt)its masculinity to a eleven and it stays there till the end. Its 3hrs but it has really good pacing.
@CharleneOrtizTraining Жыл бұрын
The muscles were CGI. If you watch carefully there are times in the film the muscles aren't there.
@susanwojcickisnicetwin Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the Avengers remake when Cap, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and Hawkeye are replaced by their female equivalents. They will just replace Black Widow with her sister.
@adamandanna Жыл бұрын
some good points, i did go in with low expectations and did like it a bit more then I thought but agreed on the humor. agreed on Bale, I think my big complaint for him was not seeing him slay more gods instead of the tell not show mode. same problem they had with Hela who was also underused. Jane was handled better then I thought but agreed on the cancer stuff( I lost my aunt to stage 4 lung cancer this year) There can be jokes about it but its a very sensitive subject. some people do use humor to downplay the seriousness of cancer but I agree it didn;t work here. Siff deserves so much more. agreed on Valykrie just being there(guess that rumored threesome she had with Taika and his girlfriend didn't do her any favors lol) Yeah Ragnorok was good but much like this movie, it didn't know when to let a joke die. Taika is talented(what we do in the shadows is fun) but yeah
@dazblue5515 Жыл бұрын
I hated Ragnarok because of the humour... so no chance I will be seeing this... and judging by the reviews i've seen, that's the right decision. Thor, for me, should have been a serious character... Waititi has pretty much just turned him into the character Hemsworth played in the awful Ghostbusters remake! Don't get me wrong - I like a lot of Waititi's work, but that doesn't mean he - or his comedy - is suitable for Thor
@patriciajean7643 Жыл бұрын
Best review yet!
@DemigodShmurda Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this movie in the theatre, but wow does it not hold up once you start thinking about it even a little bit.
@peteypiranalover Жыл бұрын
Natilee was a great action star as Padme in SW. But most of her action was pointing a gun so that helps
@jenniferst.george810 Жыл бұрын
Also adding vegan Portman, and the arms are cg
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Stop the time⏰
ISSEI / いっせい
Рет қаралды 11 МЛН
Yoshi Papa's funny video🤣🤣🤣
Yoshipapa / よしパパ
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН