Three questions for Dr. John Campbell

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Biotech and Bioinformatics with Prof Greg

Biotech and Bioinformatics with Prof Greg

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@iamgoddard 2 жыл бұрын
In Campbell's second video on the same day [*] he gave this important 10-sec synopsis of his 17k-death video: _"I do hope you got the chance to look at that video which shows that by some calculations we're over-counting deaths by a factor of seven, eight or nine."_ In that statement his mask of innuendo slipped and he explicitly stated what he tried to implicitly insinuate in the video. So it's indisputable that his intent was to make people believe Covid deaths are only a fraction of what they are and the official tally is false. He knows that someone with diabetes who got Covid and died in an ICU within a few weeks is a Covid death, but he literally tried to trick people into thinking they weren't. This observation was made by *cabiria masina* in a reply to me, who cites @Oliver Magoo for noting it. [*] Right at the start of Campbell's video: "US hospital patient remain high"
@Cabiriad 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks it was another poster here who made the original observation somewhere in these 680 comments. They had some other astute comments; perhaps they'll speak up.
@Cabiriad 2 жыл бұрын
It was noted by @Oliver Magoo :)
@OliverMagoo 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, his intentions are indisputable in this admission. I now believe his first video was carefully orchestrated so that he could defend it, as if he expected the push-back. He would have been better off saying that he misunderstood the data but he can't do that after his denial video. He comes off as a very authentic and honest person but I was fooled and "it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" -- Mark Twain.
@RavikantRai21490 2 жыл бұрын
What an outstanding catch. Amazing work.
@helmutsilver5006 2 жыл бұрын
@@nospamman4443 Interesting... Not the only anti-vaxx propaganda bot to insist on referring to Debunk da Funk as 'Afro'... It takes quite a telltale determined personality to repeatedly insist on using the same terms of derision to describe their targets. I'm unaware of anyone referring to Nurse Campbell as 'slaphead' or 'The Bald Bullshitter.' Am I detecting yet another hand with multiple socks?
@bike2hikeback2bed44 2 жыл бұрын
Actually I thought it was a good number to know. It illustrates how more Comorbidities make us susceptible to disease and death. It makes me want to improve my health right now.
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
Precisely the point!
@leskaighin8903 2 жыл бұрын
Interestingly Dr C had been promoting improving general health, but I don't think he made this point in that video. In Context, it seemed to me that he was trying to highlight the estimate of 50k possible extra cancer deaths due to the COVID crises, the 17k made that number look very significant. That point has not had any publicity on the back of his video as far as I can see.
@stevenp2309 2 жыл бұрын
Everybody knows this .... Especially ppl in health for decades like Dr John..... The information wasn't " profound" or a " huge story" Healthy ppl live longer isn't new information
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
Search for “Coronavirus: Nine in 10 dying have existing illness” and see the date of the BBC News Article: 16th April 2020. A better question is how on Earth you don’t already know this?
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
@@enjek5654 “We” know it, but does everyone else? Don’t forget the government bombarded us with ads claiming “Coronavirus is a national emergency, life threatening for people of any age, health, etc...” to scare people (not me I may add) into staying home. The brainwashing was relentless. I just muted the ads. But you have people sitting at home exposed to a dozen or more ads a day plus ads on social media, etc. versus the odd article reporting the truth.
@dr.jon.l 2 жыл бұрын
You're right, it's not a major story. I actually fill out death certificates all the time. People do die with comorbidities all the time and it does NOT negate the cause of death.
@oliverbird6914 Жыл бұрын
You're's very hard to know what killed them. Also the average age of death was 83 for COVID in the UK. It is 82 normally. Yet we were given these tallies of deaths as if it was very young people dying. Of course sone did, but the lockdowns are still killing people now. Funny how we don't see a daily count for that huge error in judgement. The whole thing, whilst dangerous was hyped into smthg it wasn't and has caused lasting damage in so many areas
@69birdboy 2 жыл бұрын
Why don't you debate him?
@nonflyingdutchman9573 2 жыл бұрын
Another question for John Campbell could be: if someone has COPD and covid and dies they wouldn't appear on this FOI request but if someone did an FOI for deaths solely due to COPD they wouldn't appear on that list either, so what did they die of?!
@nicolasgarrideb2626 2 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid your question doesn't fly. Doesn't seem like a good question either. The correct answer is obvious: died of COPD in combination with Covid 19. And as far as the Dutch are concerned, if only flying they have my - albeit small - interest.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
My disgust of John Campbell is now complete. !2 months ago you would have said: "John Campbell is an asset to public health education". 8 months ago when he started talking about clinical trials, meta-analyses, and ivermection you could have said: "John Campbell is just out of his depth". 1 month ago when he ignored the push back about his numerous errors you would have to conclude: "John Campbell is just another in a long line of grifters". Today the only possible conclusion is: "John Campbell is a menace to public health and an absolute disgrace to his profession of nursing and nursing education".
@wyqtor 2 жыл бұрын
No, you are a disgrace by pushing the Big Pharma - Big Government narrative. But people are waking up, we have advanced countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway not going along any further with your BS.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
"you are a disgrace by pushing the Big Pharma ... narrative" I never did. Quote me. In the trade we call this the "Pharma Shill Gambit". It's as dishonest a tactic as John Campbell himself. 'you are a disgrace by pushing the ... Big Government narrative.' Ditto. Quote me, or you will be forever known as a dishonest commenter implying something nefarious about someone with whom you disagree in order to avoid having to make an actual defense against his arguments. "But people are waking up," I hope so. The grifting by people like John Campbell and his interviewees, Pierre Kory (of F.L.C.C.C. infamy) and Tess Lawrie (of the B.I.R.D infamy), and many others, including the notorious Robert Malone, has gone on long enough. It'a about time people woke up to the fact they are being fooled by these egregious individuals enriching themselves at the expense of the people they've duped. "we have advanced countries like Denmark ... and Norway not going along any further with your BS". Please do not malign these two countries. They have, by and large, followed the medical and epidemiological advice during the entire pandemic. As a result they have been successful at keeping their mortality rates low compared with countries that have not done so. Deaths per million for: - Norway: 276 - Denmark: 698 Much better than Sweden which didn't do so to the extent of the other Scandanavian countries - Sweden: 1,614 And very much better than the countries who did not followed the medical and epidemiological advice: - USA: 2,823 - UK: 2,331 - Brazil: 2,969 Of course, now with vaccinations at about 75-80% of the population in the successful countries, they are easing restrictions which is fully in line with that medical and epidemiological advice.
@peteglass3496 Жыл бұрын
I remember this one at the time [just over a year before this comment] and it was when I was beginning to question Campbell's understanding of statistics and other things. It was bizarre even at the time because this whole 'with *or* of Covid' on death certificates was a big story in the USA as early as mid-2020. The Medcram channel, still I believe a reputable one, covered the topic of how death certs should be completed to debunk the story. I was enraged enough to write my one and only email to Campbell reminding him of how he did a joint video with Medcram in 2020 and he should take heed of Dr Seheult of Medcram. As for the FoI requests to the ONS and NHS, I have my suspicion that Campbell has a couple of stringers that submit these requests with specific intent. Of course this is how he would know about them. Many other comments ask why doesn't Prof. Greg debate with Dr. John, it's clear that he ghosts anyone who is critical and in all his many hundreds of videos he has never been brave enough to face a critic once.
@stevem8318 Жыл бұрын
This co-morbidity issue is worth discussing but it is very minor compared to Campbell's recent discussions on excess deaths. Why do you and Prof Greg seem to have no interest?
@_5_675 Жыл бұрын
​@@stevem8318 look over there,!!!
@alunjones3860 8 ай бұрын
He did have a debate with Tim Spector, an epidemiologist, about vitamin D a few years ago. I would like to see him discuss other topics, with those who disagree with him. Nowadays he only ever talks to those who agree. He appears to be in an echo chamber.
@gilagababa 2 жыл бұрын
Campbell stresses that people with underlying conditions would normally continue living for many years if it wasn't for covid. He discussed the meaning of co-morbidities many times on the channel. The numbers can definitely help us assess who to help protect better! If we see the major co-morbidities we can focus on a certain population at risk and understand that the population with no underlying conditions is at a much much lower risk. Don't see any problem with that. People who use or cherry pick his videos for other purposes are by no means his fault. He always stresses the importance of vaccines so i don't see how any conspiracy theorist can really use his information without seriously ignoring entire parts.
@paulmcclements3176 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, and how does locking healthy people with no comorbities at home, locking gyms and firing health workers help ? The increase in alcoholism and depression are clearly linked to government policy.
@Cytochrome8 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulmcclements3176 What do we do with people with diabetes? This is the most common co-morbidity yet we don't see diabetics dying all the time. Do we lock them all up?
@Lily-Bravo 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulmcclements3176 That must depend in your character. I saw it as a chance for freedom to finish those half done projects, regulate my drinking better, lose weight, lift weights, garden, learn some new skills, and try to get some new piano chords learned. Even my relationship improved as we missed each other and communicated more, albeit by phone.
@Cytochrome8 2 жыл бұрын
So how come conspiracy theorists are using his videos? You have to remember its not just about presenting facts! It's about how you communicate, frame and understand the data....
@atam3977 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cytochrome8 If we follow the official narrative, diabetes or obese should get green-pass to the healthy foods shops and restaurants only. They clog up hospitals the most.
@jdkrxw 2 жыл бұрын
Dude; I'm not buying what you're selling, no matter how technically correct you are.. The first rule of gaining someone's attention for a sale (in this case the product is 'trust') is to state your case with your data ... period. Then, if it stands up to public scrutiny - good on you, and you'll gain a following. What you've done here and in your other vids is attack a fellow youtuber directly (and indirectly by questioning his motivations ie; monitization). Even if you're right and JC is wrong - you're coming off as an ankle biter and in the big scheme --- you're going nowhere.
@elizabethfox7677 2 жыл бұрын
100% agree with you.
@carolecarolas 2 жыл бұрын
In the big scheme of things I am grateful that someone takes the trouble to correct JC.
@anthonygreen9691 2 жыл бұрын
I have watched Dr. Campbell since the begining of the Pandemic and he has shown a distinct change of tone and how he chooses to present information. The information has become slanted...can't put my finger on it. FINALLY SOMEONE IS SPEAKING ABOUT THIS THANK YOU!!!
@chrisravenscroft6289 2 жыл бұрын
My friend calls John Campbell a charlatan.. Saying he's misleading people... By calling himself Dr... He's not a medical doctor but an academic 1... YET many people regard his as the doctor dishing out medical advice to them... It's strikes me and my friend as cult following he has. Which is becoming rather freaky the more comments I read from his followers...
@lis9762 2 жыл бұрын
I still follow Campbell but I agree something shifted and his followers went through the roof. Reading the comments he gets a lot are anti-vax covid deniers but he stays quite carefully around the middle.
@fransimms3803 2 жыл бұрын
@@lis9762 his sits on the fence, plays both sides and as a result is making a fortune. Personally I think he a sociopath or psychopath, he thinks He is right and knows better than others with more experienced. He's insulting to WHO and people who've died with pre existing conditions or anyone that doesn't suit his narrative. He's dangerous and his advice is killing people. YT should act, but they won't.
@clairelariviere3122 2 жыл бұрын
@@lis9762 i used to watch him at the beginning of the pandemic but I agree that he has shifted to the realm of misinformation and disinformation. His followers attack any comment that sounds to them like disagreement. He himself is sneaky enough to just skirt the edges of what’s acceptable on KZbin. He does the wink wink nudge nudge say no more and his legions of followers seem to love it and take it as a sign that he, and by association they themselves, are so much smarter and tuned in than the rest of us mere mortals.
@fransimms3803 2 жыл бұрын
@@dharmacharinipasadanandi7110 he was mentioned negatively on radio 4? Good news, maybe hell stop p, or be stopped, from spreading misinformation. A friend of mine wouldn't get vaccinated bc the nurse wouldn't aspirate, I was horrified as she has Co mobilities, including recovering from cancer. When I asked her why she cited Dr Campbell.
@colinharbinson8284 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, this is nonsense, and certain amount of 'nit picking,' if you had asked me and I can probably speak for many non experts, I would have guessed many more than that figure given. NOT because I believed that everyone who died were healthy, simply because we are dealing with such large numbers.The fact that others used that information to misrepresent what he said is not his fault, the rest of your questions are hardly earth shaking, I think you could make contact with the man first, rather than this rather silly posting.
@gerkathleenwhite4130 2 жыл бұрын
Agree wholeheartedly Colin
@JM-The_Curious 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree completely. There was an unfortunate implication in how Dr Campbell presented that statistic and how he pretty much said these were the only 'purely' Covid deaths, while people with underlying conditions or co-morbidities had Covid but this 17000 figure was the 'real' number, somehow more valid than the other numbers. Anyone with Dr Campbell's abilities should be well aware that the vast majority of people, especially in those older age brackets, have other things going on like elevated blood pressure or diabetes or asthma, etc, and so that large percentage will show up in the death stats. It's not that they didn't die from Covid, it might have been harder to treat, some things might have exacerbated and doubled down inside them, but if they hadn't come across that Covid infection, we wouldn't have lost approx 150,000 during the Covid pandemic, they would have lived for longer, they would have gone on to die from some other cause (because, in the end we do all end up dying).
@colinharbinson8284 2 жыл бұрын
@@JM-The_Curious An 'unfortunate implication', that you read into it, I listened to the same post and was able to understand immediately that he was not suggesting that 130,000 people would have died in the same period had they not had covid. If he is guilty of anything it is uderestimating just how stupid and manipulative some people can be. I don't know how many of his posts you have watched, I wonder if it is just the one.
@JM-The_Curious 2 жыл бұрын
@@colinharbinson8284 More ;like dozens that I've watched and thumbed up. And I started watching the channel before Covid. I've found it a good resource and I've shared it with friends.
@robertmowbray4566 2 жыл бұрын
Blimey Doc l don't know what you are talking about , the ONS is UK government approved organisation, your complaint is not very clear what are you complaining
@thissideofcrazy2133 Жыл бұрын
This was fun. Could you do one on mask randomized study that just came out. Can't wait
@JT-mm5ik 2 жыл бұрын
…The number is profound because of a few reasons: A) The fear that was relentlessly driven into everyone’s mind through media and public health regardless of how healthy or not a citizen was or is. The fear filled info was purposely generalized and relatable to all to keep EVERYONE scared. B) The decision to shut down every economy in the world for varying timeframes and lockdowns. If proper risk stratification was done, the lockdowns would have been two weeks as initially intended. We are now entering the 3rd year and some countries are still locked down some worse than others. C) Children. What comorbidities does your 5 year old have, or your 8 year old, or your 10 year old? None? I’ll bet a pristine immune system like most kids…why demand they vaccinate? Masks? These are just 3 reasons why your video is simply you trying to be some kind of KZbin protagonist in your own mind.
@dbadagna 2 жыл бұрын
Campbell's last few videos, one posted per day over the past week, have been getting progressively more loony.
@TWCH 2 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to think of peers I know well enough who have no complicating conditions. My former wife and her current husband have several serious health issues. My 52 year old daughter who is quite fit, like her father, has asthma. My NY buddy Tom also has asthma and is obese. I'm a highly fit 72 year old; I have controlled hypertension. Is showing a low mortality rate of healthy people who died of covid supposed to be comforting?
@justasimpleguy7211 2 жыл бұрын
In a sane world, yes. In Clown World, no. Clown World will wreck the world economy to save one life.
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
It is for those of us without conditions. We do exist! If everyone you know has health issues, that says a lot about the fact there’s more than just COVID to look at when it comes to public health
@chrisravenscroft6289 2 жыл бұрын
It's a transparency and trust issue. They were never clear that all these deaths within 28 days of testing positive for covid weren't in fact due to covid...
@wild_trail_flow 2 жыл бұрын
There are people who are fit and healthy, but as you have noted the average person, especially in western countries, is not. It's also interesting how people define "fitness". Asthma and hypertension are some serious health conditions. I wouldn't call someone with those conditions fit or healthy.
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
@@wild_trail_flow I haven’t got them either.
@dogblessamerica 2 жыл бұрын
2:14 John actually has several videos where he discussed the percentage of deaths without comorbidities; way back in 2020. In one, the figure was under 10%.
@OliverMagoo 2 жыл бұрын
He did know better but his intention was to mislead people into believing that we had been over-counting deaths. He actually says it in the very next video he made that same day. Have a look, right at the beginning. "I do hope you got the chance to look at that video which shows that by some calculations we are over-counting deaths by a factor of 7, 8 or 9." I was fooled as well. He comes off as very genuine and honest but his dishonesty is undeniable. I'm not sure if you were trying to defend him or just point that out but yeah, he did know better. If he had actually believed that we were over-counting deaths, he should have just admitted it and that he misunderstood the data. But now, whether he misunderstood it or intentionally tried to misinform, his denial video proves him to be purposely deceptive.
@elizabethfox7677 2 жыл бұрын
@@OliverMagoo data from the ONS can you explain what is misleading please. This proves England and Wales have certainly been over counting deaths. This publication will be updated quarterly. COVID-19 deaths involving pre-existing conditions is split by broad age groups between 1-64 and 65+. Please see below for death registrations for 2020 and 2021 that were due to COVID-19 and were recorded without any pre-existing conditions, England and Wales. 2020: 9400 (0-64: 1549 / 65 and over: 7851) 2021 Q1: 6483 (0-64: 1560/ 65 and over: 4923) 2021 Q2: 346 (0-64: 153/ 65 and over: 193) 2021 Q3: 1142 (0-64: 512/ 65 and over: 630) We have not yet finalised analysis for 2021 Q4. This is currently scheduled for release on 23 February 2022.
@damocarew 2 жыл бұрын
@@elizabethfox7677 Who’s been over counting deaths? You just shared ONS data for covid deaths without any pre-existing conditions. Have you bothered to go on ONS and look at the data breakdown yourself? Go and look at their tables and see the amount of covid deaths with say, diabetes as a pre-existing condition. Do you understand that those people could still be alive now if they hadn’t got covid?
@elizabethfox7677 2 жыл бұрын
This is from the ONS..
@elizabethfox7677 2 жыл бұрын
@@damocarew I requested this information from the ONS.
@pennygrubbauthor Жыл бұрын
I always thought John Campbells's stuff was good when he was talking about the topic of his PhD which he clearly researched thoroughly. I was taken aback the day he got a basic bit of statistics the wrong way round (talking about an ivermectin study) and never corrected it. I then noticed that anti-vaxxers had started to quote his videos and hoped that he might see this - be as horrified by it as a conscientious medic should be - and push back against it, but no. Nowadays, far from getting help with things he doesn't understand or even admitting to a lack of understanding, he carries on regardless. I would no longer trust his pronouncements even on vitamin D unless it was based on research he had done before he started chasing KZbin dollars. On the topic in this video, would it not be the case that annual deaths from flu if calculated using the JC method would be pretty much zero?
@ErnestPiffel Жыл бұрын
I agree with your comments about Campbell. Its one thing to speak misguidedly but quite another to deliberately lie cos he’s addicted to fame
@bruceironside1105 Жыл бұрын
I would agree - but his PhD is in Philosophy - and he never really talks about that.
@pennygrubbauthor Жыл бұрын
@@bruceironside1105 His PhD is in Nursing (from Bolton University) and he did good work on Vitamin D before selling out during the pandemic. The term PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor where 'philosophy' doesn't relate to the subject under study but is a rough translation of the Greek 'lover of wisdom'.
@bruceironside1105 Жыл бұрын
@@pennygrubbauthor I understand what PhD means - but his is not a PhD in Medicine (science). My understanding is that his PhD is not considered a science degree - its part of Humanities or maybe even Arts - but not science. I have found that he got a PhD for his work on developing methods of teaching using digital media to help teach nursing. His Thesis was on Digital Materials in the Teaching of Nursing. So really its an arts thing he has been awarded it for, not for the science of medicine. Also, looking at the Uni of Bolton website, it appears that they do not (currently) run a PhD programme in “Nursing”. Would be interested to see his documentation. He does only have a diploma in Nursing, a BSc in biology (which most gym instructors have these days) and 25 yrs ago a MSc in Health Science (which most Phys Ed and Sex Ed teachers have too), but he has no PhD in a medical science.
@elizabethfox7677 2 жыл бұрын
Greg, why did you feel the need to create another video on this subject? This feels like you're just trying to get Campbell to respond to you with his own video, why isn't this matter done in private instead between the two of you like adults. I just don't see why this had to be done via a public video discrediting his research/findings. I've been following Campbell from the start of the pandemic, he's the one source I've been able to trust for the past 2 years. I find this very childish to not just email him and discuss the topic, compare notes and so forth.
@gerkathleenwhite4130 2 жыл бұрын
Prof Greg might think about addressing the shocking level of Type 2 diabetes, Obesity and other chronic illnesses in the US of A. His expertise could be useful in that area. Dr John Campbell is a teacher and not an "influencer". Lay people are entitled to know the truth
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
I thought I explained why in the beginning of the video itself. Comments on my previous video suggested I had not been clear (the video was also too long). So I wanted to be more clear, and more brief. I thought the "three questions" format would be both. As for why it's not done in private, I have two reasons. One is that I've reached out to him privately, and never received a reply. I expect he gets a lot of email, so I don't blame him for that. The second is that he's a public figure with millions of followers. He makes some very good and useful videos, which is why I started following him. More recently, he's made some highly (and in my view, dangerously) misinformative videos. He shares those videos with his millions of followers, and those followers deserve to have more accurate information than he's providing them. So the response has to be done publicly.
@garymelnyk7910 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKelloggWell then “go public”......let’s see how you do it!
@mrspare4460 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKellogg So you thought maybe you could get a slice of the pie for yourself?
@Richard_L_Y 2 жыл бұрын
@@garymelnyk7910 stupid straw-man comment.
@michellejones7665 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't this info routinely released anyway? It's a nifty trick they have to issue a FOIA request so that it looks like something that was being hidden, even if it wasn't, and totally ordinary numbers look shocking.
@usernameheath 2 жыл бұрын
Deaths by covid alone with no comorbidities or preexisting conditions would only matter most in a world where everyone was in perfect health. But that is so not the case
@markmccarthy8842 2 жыл бұрын
Funny. Because of this video I went and watched John Campbells video.
@slimjimnomad861 Жыл бұрын
I personally think that nurse Campbell is very clever at playing the viewer numbers game, i can only guess that he's earning considerable sums from his video clicks. I'm not a supporter of his. However here in the U.K. the fear propaganda on bbc etc news was through the roof. 'Deaths within 28 days of a positive test' was daily posted on tv screens ! So, the guy that gets run over by a bus 25 days after a positive test , the poor old lady that recovered from mild covid 23 days ago who died of the cancer that she had for the last 18 months were also included in the daily number of deaths. A customer of mine had to fight tooth and nail to get covid off of their loved ones desth certificate as it was so blatantly obvious to them that the actual cause of death was something he had been suffering from for over a year. All those 'asymptomatic' with a 28 day positive test who died for any reason , were they also on the daily number????? I have no medical training whatsoever but I do know what makes a good story for the media. .
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
Someone with cancer may have many years of life perhaps a decade or more , yet cancer is an underlying condition. If one of these are examples and they die from gunfire it’s not the cancer that killed them it’s the bullet. Covid is the bullet and should be recognised as such in the tally of fatalities.
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s say it this way, we’re all born with body armor and helmets and cancer makes your body armor and helmet disappear… NOW, it’s raining bullets and there are companies selling body armor and helmets and Governments Mandating we all go buy this new body armor and helmet… but my Body armor and helmet is working just fine and I’m not putting you at risk by not wearing double
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@phillipyoung3250 But , Phil what you’re missing is that cancer isn’t contagious and we don’t get vaccinated for cancers . My analogy was in relation to pre existing conditions and the tallying of fatalities. Yours was nonsense.
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
@@jakeg3296 I do understand that cancer is not contagious and I also understand we don’t get cancer vaccines. My analogy is not to address how we’re tallying this data, but how we interpret it once it’s tallied… it’s currently raining bullets Jake and we can’t stop it. People without body armor and helmets are more likely to die… why? BECAUSE they don’t have body armor and helmets. If the only people who are getting hit by bullets are people without body armor and a helmet, sure Jake, that’s they died from a bullet BECAUSE they weren’t wearing body armor or a helmet. My body shied won’t stop YOU from getting hit and The Vaccine does not stop transmission.
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@phillipyoung3250 Apologies if I misunderstood your analogy . Just to clarify you’re not doubting the efficacy of vaccines?
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
@@jakeg3296 the vaccine clearly works well at reducing serious illness, hospitalization and death for those people with a compromised immune systems as shown by the Data that Dr. John Campbell presents.
@SoulsOfWisdom 2 жыл бұрын
After discovering you and a few other youtube channels. I've since unsubbed from John. I had no idea he was willingly releasing misinformation for views, but now I'm pretty convinced he is sadly.
@nn-uj1iv 2 жыл бұрын
Campbell pretends to be an expert he is just a nurse with a teaching qualification and milking youtube revenue.
@gerkathleenwhite4130 2 жыл бұрын
"just" a nurse. I find that offensive. Are you forgetting that he also "just" holds a Doctorate. If you are ever hospitalised, it might help to "just" have a nurse there.
@philipjones3561 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Prof Greg. Maybe I can help a little. Q1. A revelation - ! A previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others" The ONS data had not been revealed in the detail in the report. Perhaps in the USA or as a professional accademic / medic you were party to the breakdown, but the man in the street was not privy to the information. All we tended to get was the daily BBC report of number of deaths within 28 days of a positive test. If I may repectfully correct a statement you made (1:20), but Dr Campbell didn't really focus on a particular subset, he discussed the varios co-morbidities associated with covid deaths too, as well as excess deaths due to cancer, for example. Your questioning about "what number did you think it was" has a simple answer - not known but if estimating, would be higher than 17.000. I think that is clear from Dr Campbell's phrasing and from the biased reporting of the media. Q2. "Huge story" - I understood Dr Campbell differently to you. I took his huge story to relate to the breakdown of covid deaths by co-morbidities as well as no underlying symptoms. It seems to have taken the work out of any data analysis that reporters would have to do to make a story. It is a ready made for reporting article. Again, maybe it is me, a simple member of the public being kept in the dark that interprets it this way. The ONS have pointed out that people are misrepresenting the figure because people are taking the figure on its own, out of context. If the media had properly reported it, the ONS wouldn't have had to practically disoen its own data. That isn't Dr Campbells fault. Q3. How did you find out about the FOI request? It is UK law that FOI requests to official bodies are published, This particular one is readily visible of the ONS website. As an aside, you consider the requested question made to be an odd one. If you look at the website, you might change yor mind on that. Others include ... "Impact the Omicron COVID-19 variant will have on prices! "Deaths registered as COVID-19 that were not caused by COVID-19" "COVID-19 related deaths for people over 80 years with underlying health conditions" (any different in oddness?) "Child deaths and hospitalisations involving COVID-19 and Chickenpox" If we extend the requests beyond Covid, things can get even odder. Overall, I think I agree with those who commented on your pevious video that you made an odd choice to criticise.
@carmelopai4833 2 жыл бұрын
what guitars do u have there sir? Oooh - is the one on the left a mandolin? Sorry, off topic, just curious....
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
Good eye. Right now it's a mandolin on the wall and a square neck resophonic in the stand on the floor. Sometimes I have a regular acoustic guitar where the resophonic is now. It depends of what I've been playing recently.
@carmelopai4833 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKellogg resophonic - would LOVE to see it's body, they're so attractive....thank you for replying. Perhaps u could start your presentations with a "jingle" of sorts (hate that term, but can't find the word I want to use haha). Music - the best medicine in my view 😉
@stoneticket 2 жыл бұрын
Well Why don’t you go on his podcast to discuss your grievances ? he seems like an open guy👻
@fredg8199 Жыл бұрын
Riiiight. He blocks anyone who points out his fairy tales.
@stoneticket Жыл бұрын
@@fredg8199 thanks for the speedy reply 👍
@vvanderer Жыл бұрын
He never responds
@firmbutton6485 Жыл бұрын
He is only interested in making money sadly.
@wigwam1955 Жыл бұрын
He’s not. He doesn’t answer any comments that push back. He ignores requests to debate. He only has people on his shows who have the “correct” view. I used to avidly follow this guy but, there were a few things he stated that had me going “hey, wait a minute”, on checking them out I found they were misleading. He doesn’t lie: “skates right up to the line”.
@J-DUB-F1 2 жыл бұрын
This is the kind of clear scientific debunk I'm constantly searching for......thank you! I've followed Dr Campbell for a couple years now, and I keep wanting to believe he's arguing in good faith and without bias........but as more time goes by it's clear this is not the case. He is a very well spoken and knowledgeable in his field, and always "sounds" like he knows what he's talking about, someone you can trust, presenting things in a very thorough analytical way, always citing studies and data.......but as you say, he's very careful with how he words things.....what I would call, a very slick way of speaking where you have to pay attention and listen between the lines. He definitely interprets things in a certain way, and the issue you bring into question here is a perfect example. His big proclamation of a "HUGE story", is something I would file under, manufactured get the feeling he's saying, "why is the (truth) being (hidden) from us". This is classic conspiracy stuff. I believe you've called it out here very well. "Skates up to the line but is careful not to cross it" is a perfect description of how he shapes his narrative. He has made numerous videos that constantly speak about the RISKS of vaccines, and how the "facts" are somehow being kept from us.....BUT....... he has never said not to take them, just the opposite in fact......very safe. With all his videos on IVM, he constantly shows "data" to support it's use and effectiveness, BUT, he never says to take it out right. He's not stupid, and understands how youtube works. There's a clear reason why he is regularly cited by vaccine sceptic/antivaxx people. For all the good legitimate information he shares, there's at least an equal amount that is misleading and flat out wrong!. When it comes to medical facts and public health, you just can't be kind of right, and spread it to millions of people.
@froukehermens5908 2 жыл бұрын
Have a look at the video with the Indian physician ( The person he is interviewing indicates that they tried Ivermectin (because it appeared harmless), but stopped doing so because it did not seem to work. John seems to quickly skip this, because it does not seem to be the answer he is looking for. More and more his videos are against vaccination (people who had the rare but serious side effect) and in favor of natural infection. I don't know what is going on, because in the beginning he was making lots of sense. I'm not sure whether changing the poster ("we are all going to get it") was a signal of this change.
@Alotoflotta 2 жыл бұрын
@@froukehermens5908 well the situation changed. Natural infection is maybe less risky than taking the vaccine for people that are very very young. It's a different story for older people and people with comorbidities, but you have to admit that it's quite logical at this point to question the vaccine as the only option in a time where the virus became pretty mild.
@gottagowork Жыл бұрын
"With all his videos on IVM, he constantly" Actually, at least for a good while, he went back and forth as the (mostly bad) studies came in. That gave him credibility compared to "thou shall not talk about IVM". Similarly, I followed him from the beginning, but I signed out a while back. And I didn't need any "debunk videos" to do it either 🙂Despite hearing about them, I never checked them out until recently.
@steelcom5976 Жыл бұрын
I got him on the first sentence before Prof Greg. At least Campbell no longer wastes time with his subterfuge. For those who believe Campbell, "subterfuge" means < deceit with intent >
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg Жыл бұрын
Wow, I just saw this. Is that a reference to the famous Bob Newhart joke about country music I quoted in the chat during today's premiere?
@steelcom5976 Жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKellogg It absolutely is.
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg Жыл бұрын
@@steelcom5976 Outstanding. You are a person of refined taste
@howardcurtis9138 Жыл бұрын
I am 79-years old and have had 4 immunizations and am wondering whether or not to get the “bi-valent” shot. I have a few friends who are “anti-vaxxers” and used to think of them as kooks. But now, I am not so sure. When I was a young man, during the Vietnam war, I came to the conclusion that if you wanted to know what the truth was, find out what the government position was and conclude it must be the exact opposite. Our current politicians have become the courtesans of the corporations that give them money, so I am one of a growing number of Americans who are suspicious of any official proclamations. I welcome debate and let the person who wants to know the truth study the various positions and decide. A recent California “Anti-disinformation” law really troubles me. Who decides what is "disinformation"? Who will fact check the fact-checkers? If I were one of those young men who suffer heart problems now because they were bullied into getting vaccinated, I’d really be very resentful!
@hawaiianrobot Жыл бұрын
the government tells you to not wear seatbelts.
@ChitwoodMitwood 2 жыл бұрын
John has changed since he saw the pandemic coming down along with his views!!!
@jamesgaddy3807 2 жыл бұрын
I did not think Dr. Campbell was minimizing the seriousness of COVID invections. Indeed the opposite. Depending on the co-morbidity or co-morbidities that one might have, the data seem to support that one should be extremely careful and take preventive steps . . .vaccinate and shield oneself to minimize exposure. Why do you want to make presenting that data to support this sound so dastardly? The mainstream media is lacking data such as this. Why so?
@milicavucetic2911 2 жыл бұрын
So I suppose it is not ok for the perfectly healthy people to BE PERFECTLY AWARE of what are the odds that they’ll die of COVID??? So that they can make an informed decision regarding the steps they will take as a response to it??? Is it what you’re saying?
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
Nope, but nobody has been hiding any of that. None of it is a suprise, and none of it is "way lower than anyone had thought", as Campbell insists. The media isn't avoiding the story, because it's not a story. And literally no other cause of death is reported in that manner. None. Do you think Covid deaths should be reported in a fundamentally different manner than other deaths?
@milicavucetic2911 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. I do think. As it changes quite a bit the feeling and decision-making process of the healthy (especially young) people… especially after two long years of constant fear mongering. (Under the assumption that we are watching the same movies aka mainstream media) There is fundamentally great differences between saying “people with co-morbidities die more” and “healthy people are at near to zero risk”, don’t you think?? First does NOT imply second.
@wdehey7853 2 жыл бұрын
Answering question 1, if I were only listening to the politicians and MSM, I would have been surprised. The CDC is giving a healthy 12 year old whose already survived Delta the same recommendations as an 85 year old with multiple comorbidities, living in a nursing home, whose never been exposed to Covid. There is not much discussion about comorbidities anymore. We are being told that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, not what it actually is; a pandemic of the old, fat, and unhealthy.
@wyqtor 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. And the author of this video, by attacking one of the few people who pointed that out, is doing his part in perpetuating the kind of medical dictatorship that Pfizer and Moderna want: to forcefully sell their vaccines and booster that don't even stop transmission to people who don't need it (children and young adults, as well as those who previously were infected with the disease) and whom the vaccines might actually harm.
@williamforsyth6667 2 жыл бұрын
"healthy 12 year old whose already survived Delta " Not healthy, but otherwise realistic in average. If you hare 80 years old, you are expected to live another 8-10 years. Of course, almost no 80 years old are healthy. It is calculated, that in avery 14 years of life has been lost with each covid death in the US.
@nabysmommy 2 жыл бұрын
Because hospitals are killing people.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Жыл бұрын
Well, WDEHEY, let's just hope your self-righteous smugness never gets tested by reality & you get to stay in your pretty little bubble of nonsense. Although unless tragedy strikes, you will get old eventually, & depending on many things you can control & many more you cannot, you may also be fat &/or unhealthy someday too. Personally I believe people who are old &/or fat &/or unhealthy don't deserve unnecessary, pointless, early deaths or suffering. I think those who cannot be vaccinated at the moment for legit medical reasons deserve protection + must be a very lonely experience for them & I wish them safety + wellbeing. People unvaccinated by choice/motivated reasoning deserve to live & be free of longterm illness too, even tho I find their attitudes, excuses, & beliefs appalling + lamentable. I hope you revisit the ugly assumptions holding up your incorrect beliefs one day by choice, before you're confronted with the consequences of holding them.
@gottagowork Жыл бұрын
Over the holidays recently (11 months after your post) we had a case where a 60 year old mother and her 28 year old daughter - with no obvious comorbidities from her picture at least - died from (most likely Covid) pneumonia. They did have an ambulance on site, but wasn't admitted. Maybe they socially distanced and kept virus free for all this time (like myself, but maybe a bit more lucky), then followed JC's advice and infected themselves with Omicron that was supposedly so mild. Or maybe they were both fully vaccinated and boosted? Who knows? There will always be some fallthrough and sad cases like this. At one point early into the pandemic when this was still novel, I saw a graph presentation that was arranged a bit special, and it showed *ABOUT* the same *increase* in percent death rate across all age groups. Why do you think we vaccinate infants and kids for influenza? From CDC: "Doctors recommend that your child get a flu vaccine every year in the fall, starting when he or she is 6 months old. Some children 6 months through 8 years of age may need 2 doses for best protection." Because they're not born with protection. Similarly, DTaP is a 6 dose vaccine (4 early, 1 late), PCV13 is a 4 dose vaccine, HepB is a 3 dose vaccine, IPV (polio) is a 4 dose vaccine (3 early). Hell, even VAR (chickenpox) is a 2 dose vaccine. So why wouldn't they want to vaccinate a 12 year old for having survived delta? Yeah, I wonder... Jeez.
@weirdsciencetv4999 2 жыл бұрын
He is subtle about it. I remember how he subtly advocated for ivermectin. He’s a quack, good on you for challenging him on this
@chrisravenscroft6289 2 жыл бұрын
"Quack"??? He's NOT a medical doctor he's an academic one... .... Bit misleading
@barryhamm3414 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrisravenscroft6289 John Campbell is NOT and I repeat NOT a medical doctor, he’s a nurse with a PhD in nurse education
@MarcosElMalo2 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrisravenscroft6289 We’re not suggesting he’s a doctor. He’s a duck-tor.
@fransimms3803 2 жыл бұрын
I saw his ivermectin video. Couldn't believe it. He has a massive following. Why is YT allowing it?
@nonflyingdutchman9573 2 жыл бұрын
@@fransimms3803 he's very clever at dancing around plausible deniability in the same way Russell Brand does
@ollyk22 Жыл бұрын
I only wish your videos got the views that Campbells did. Along with Susan Oliver, Debunk the funk, you all do a cracking job. Thank you!
@24321619 9 ай бұрын
Also Dr Wilson does a good job on that as well.
@MrQuarksy 7 ай бұрын
Co-morbidities are very common after 40 or 50 in our society. Things like high blood pressure, being overweight or obese, athsma, and hundreds of common chronic ailments abound. Old age is also a big factor. Any health professional should understand that. Even the dogs in the street were aware these people were at far greater risk, and would represent the vast majority of deaths. Period. That's exactly what we see. How can that be a huge surprise Dr Cambell?
@msives 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly I don't think JC watches any critiques of his videos. If he did, he wouldn't continue to make such glaring mistakes in his videos. Or, if im being cynical he does watch them but just doesn't care because he's cashing in.
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
We all make mistakes, right? Do you watch his videos? He addresses his mistakes.
@bornach 2 жыл бұрын
If he did watch the critiques he wouldn't still be advocating aspiration and ivermectin
@stephenguy3901 2 жыл бұрын
@@phillipyoung3250 no he doesn't , what about implying ivermectin was the miracle cure in Japan ..... all he did there was take the word miracle out of the thumbnail, by then his clan were already hooked !
@clairelariviere3122 2 жыл бұрын
@@templarroystonofvasey well indeed it is safe and effective. Ifyou’re unvaccinated, COVID will find you and, if you’re very lucky, you won’t end up stealing ICU space from someone else.
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
and without fail. JC has addressed this very issue. Go watch his latest video
@ainsleystevenson9198 2 жыл бұрын
I listen to John every day and it seems as if this one video has been taken completely out of context, and, it’s odd that any ‘anti’ people would even watch him to find a small thread they could run with.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
" it seems as if this one video has been taken completely out of context" This is not the first video demonstrating John Campbell's mistakes and misunderstandings. He is a regular source of misinformation. You owe it to yourself to look into this.
@DerrickOlivier1 2 жыл бұрын
@@williamverhoef4349 Care to enlighten everyone to his other misinformation excluding this video?
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
@@DerrickOlivier1 "Care to enlighten everyone to his other misinformation excluding this video?" You can start here: 1) The most recent 6 videos listed here: kzbin.infofeatured 2) Most of the videos listed here: kzbin.infovideos 3) The most recent video listed here: kzbin.infovideos
@DerrickOlivier1 2 жыл бұрын
@@williamverhoef4349 Yes I have watched the videos (with a number of ads). But it's high level pointing again. I notice he cannot seem to leave John alone. But Johns videos often mention retractions. He also points out when items are not peer reviewed. On picking up misinformation, is BMJ not recognized? Or NCBI? Very surprised it's only some 5 sites.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
@@DerrickOlivier1 Why should he leave John Campbell alone when he ignores everyone who points out his numerous misunderstandings and errors of fact. And when his misinformation is a public health hazard. I would have thought he would see it as neccessary to correct his harmful misinformation. BTW, it was interesting that you asked me for links you have already viewed. What was the purpose of that?
@Rob-zv1oz 2 жыл бұрын
Without doubt the longest 13 minutes of my life, I’ve been vaccinated, I’ve been locked down, I’ve worn masks, I’ve had covid twice and watching you has been far more painful than all of that put together
@ThoughtCriminal867 2 жыл бұрын
I think his strategy is to bore people into shutting off their brains and just agreeing with him. Can you imagine having this guy for a professor?
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Жыл бұрын
That's a messed-up thing to say to something you could just turn off with zero consequences. So, wanna share your real agenda with the rest of us or did you just feel like being a slimy jerk blasting strangers on the internet for funsies?
@owenorders5202 Жыл бұрын
Yep. And he has a terribly boring and whingeing voice too.
@lunardestruction 2 жыл бұрын
hey buddy instead of taking this outta context, and giving it far more weight than he ever did, and pretending like john campbell is addressing people with the iq of small children. how about you dissect his VIDEO FROM TODAY MARCH 9 2022 IN ITS ENTIRETY. DO IT OR YOUR SCARED LOOK FORWARD TO YOU HIDING SCARED
@houseburner1188 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone joining the bbc bandwagon? The data doesn't lie, however the media does.
@daviddunne4737 9 ай бұрын
A lot of Campbells stuff is just short of Qanon conspiracy stuff . Boy has he got a following . He is now a Pied Piper like figure for lots and lots 'followers' who like 'alternative facts '.
@BFKate 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a student nurse in the UK and I find Dr Campbell particularly distressing as his pre pandemic videos are shared by tutors. While that isn’t necessarily an issue, I feel he’s being allowed to trade on his reputation to push bad science. I’ve tried asking him questions on his channel, but he never responds. Which is understandable given the size of his following. I really appreciate your thoughtful, well constructed, and well informed critique of his work.
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment, and for pursuing a nursing career.
@deanbray2805 2 жыл бұрын
Ok then nursie direct me to the place where we can find out the effects of covid on a healthy immune system or do you think that is privaliged information
@owenorders5202 Жыл бұрын
You're misrepresenting. The huge story is that a large number of previously healthy people have unexpectedly died, the only factor in common being that they had had Covid-19 vaccinations, or after the booster shots. But he couldn't overtly say that without KZbin removing his videos.
@markjohnson4237 2 жыл бұрын
This is really useful to have a sense check available, thank you. Finding the facts in this day and age is difficult due to individual and or corporate agendas. I try very hard not to disappear down KZbin rabbit holes and get a broad cross section of views before deciding where I sit, which varies as I learn new information.
@kalan_d8126 Жыл бұрын
just curious as it’s some time later from when you posted this, but where do you stand on it now?
@markjohnson4237 Жыл бұрын
@@kalan_d8126 hey there. I can't say my opinion has changed here. I'm comfortable with the science that's being presented.
@jacobs8102 2 жыл бұрын
Because previously, there was no death number released that was solely attributed to Covid. All death numbers were always attributed to comorbidities, which was the definition. Now the attribution has been revealed, it is lower than anyone expected. I hope you understand what attribution is. By the way, if you are an analyst, you track basic websites and basic journals. If someone picks up the same information and use in any other context, how is it John's fault? It's public data.
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
This isn’t true. It hasn’t been revealed. It’s been widely known, published and covered in the media that most covid deaths also have one or more other contributing causes. Search “Coronavirus: Nine in 10 dying have existing illness” The article is from April 16th 2020. “All death numbers were always attributed to comorbidities” is an incomprehensible sentence.
@jacobs8102 2 жыл бұрын
@@enjek5654 This is not what I am saying. There were no data previously released where death was contributed to nothing (I mean to healthy person) There were mentioned in media but not publicly released. All Covid death were always attributed to cormobility, hence high level of death. At least this is what I have seen.
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
@@jacobs8102 This is not true. The ONS and many other organisations have published data to the same effect since right at the beginning of the pandemic.
@laurencehogg6010 2 жыл бұрын
This is how misinformation starts; this is not what John Campbell or this responder are saying. To clear up the ambiguity, please provide the reference where you have read somthing similar to: of the order of 17k people have died during the period in question in the UK from covid alone, where no other pre-existing health conditions were recorded on the death certificates as contributing factors. Not that "most have died with comorbidities"; not that "9 out of 10 have died with comorbidities", but clearly that of the order of 17k have died with covid alone as the single cause of death recorded on the death certificate.
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
@@laurencehogg6010 It’s the same thing. If 90% of covid deaths have been from covid plus one or more comorbidities, than that’s exactly the same as saying that 10% of covid deaths have been without one or more contributing comorbidities. Also, it’s in the ONS publications that they’ve published throughout starting early April 2020.
@annasusanti7621 2 жыл бұрын
Instead of badmouthing him, why don't you just ask him those questions directly?
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
I have. But he's not replied to my emails, and he's a public figure with millions of followers. When someone makes misleading claims in the public sphere, they have to be addressed in public.
@annasusanti7621 2 жыл бұрын
​ @Biotech and Bioinformatics with Prof Greg , fair enough. But I can assure you that he's not the type of man who likes spreading any misinformation, it's quite the opposite actually. I know him from way back, before Covid. Of course everybody is entitled their own point of view, and he's very open to criticism, and keeps stressing the importance of peer review,. I don't believe he'd deliberately mean to mislead anybody. I hope he replies to your emails soon. (though to be honest, the chances are slim, as he's receiving literally hundreds of emails every single day, and wouldn't have the time to reply to all of them, but you never know)
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
@@annasusanti7621 I can understand his not replying. And he seems to have gotten into this work from genuine concern. But he also seems to have gone off track in the last year or so (two million followers will do that). He's gotten brittle and defensive about criticism, and he's using conspiratorial thinking that wasn't part of his reasoning two years ago. Watch his video from April 16, 2020, linked below. He discussed pre-existing conditions in death statistics from the ONS. In other words, the *exact same thing* as he was discussing on January 20 2022, except in April 2020 there was no intimation that the media wasn't covering it, or that it was a big story, or that it required a freedom of information request, or that deaths were dramatically overcounted. When I started following him he was largely a reasonable person doing a public service. I honestly don't understand why he changed his position 180 degrees from his completely reasonable position in April 2020.
@garymelnyk7910 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKellogg It’s probably because when he interviewed Dr Tess Laurie and Dr Pierre Kory he had some insights he didn’t start off with.
@robertmowbray4566 2 жыл бұрын
Good god your rabble will never get you 2 million supporters, don't actually know what you were moaning about he was just reporting the British Government ONS, he is not an anti vaccer just reporting the facts on like many should, he is more articulate and to the point which in my opinion you should work on
@petermorrall8337 2 жыл бұрын
Greg, thank you, and please keep asking the questions!
@debbiesharp5910 Жыл бұрын
It would be good to see you discuss this with John Campbell on his podcast.... fair decision
@sorchajones1788 2 жыл бұрын
What I am hearing from Dr. Campbell, is quite reassuring compared with what I’m hearing from the media. I can see that you’re unhappy and bugged about his work, so I hope you can have a conversation together and talk to each other rather than complaining about him, without him here, to respond directly.
@Lily-Bravo 2 жыл бұрын
Prof Greg has repeatedly asked for that to happen.
@gerkathleenwhite4130 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lily-Bravo Really!
@theor7990 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lily-Bravo No he hasnt. John addressed this, and showed that noone has contacted him that has claimed they did at all not from social media nor the BBC
@Musika1321 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, suggested on this channel that he has a chat with Dr J.C. However, why talk with J.C when he can try to grow his own channel by using J.Cs name in his video titles? I am now switching off to this channel...he’s pathetic.
@Lily-Bravo 2 жыл бұрын
@@Musika1321 Greg is a real Professor with a real professor's job and is obviously really busy. He is clearly not out for money and does this reluctantly, for the pursuit of truth and health. John Campbell seems to relish the publicity and praise he is getting. I think you might be mixing him up with another JC in your adulation. This one is flawed.
@kensmith3802 2 жыл бұрын
Why don't you speak to John and do a podcast with him 🤔 to discuss your 3 questions
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
I'd love to. He'd need to answer my email
@stevewhocares9970 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you man, it needed to be said! John turned something great into something scary!
@Lourens551 2 жыл бұрын
Who cares what you thin steve
@stevewhocares9970 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lourens551 I do lol!
@stevewhocares9970 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lourens551 and 23 other people if ya look lol
@wyqtor 2 жыл бұрын
With 2 infections of COVID and 2 vaccine doses, the opposition to Dr. Campbell and their calls for dictatorial mandates are infinitely more scary to me and to many other people. We do not want to live under the dictatorship of people who willingly ignore the scientific knowledge about natural immunity and the CDC data showing that infected but unvaccinated people have better protection against reinfection than the vaccinated and uninfected.
@stevewhocares9970 2 жыл бұрын
@@wyqtor unvaccinated have better protection then a person vaccinated then infected?? Jeez
@MrArdytube 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for following up on these important issues. I think that it is extremely telling to clarify some of the careless assumptions about this situation Just because this was framed as a “freedom of information” request DOES NOT imply that the information was unavailable or nefariously concealed the good Dr. John did not do even the most cursory research or due diligence on this controversy. Much of this information was already in the public domain and available be simple google search. Further, it would have been a trivial exercise to talk to experts who compile this information in order to understand why they make the choices that they do. Instead of doing any research, Dr John just credulously regurgitated information that was fed to him by people with a clear agenda. And, in the end, we are left to wonder if he is a gullible shill, or perhaps negligently careless, or or a man who has fallen in love with his sudden prominence
@fransimms3803 2 жыл бұрын
I suggest it's the latter, he's fallen in love with his sudden prominence. His ego is monumental!
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
"John did not do even the most cursory research or due diligence on this controversy." But hat would have taken more than half an hour. When you're churning out videos at the rate of one a day you cannot afford the time to be accurate. And when your base purpose is personal wealth creation you cannot afford not to be as controversial as possible.
@Ellecram 2 жыл бұрын
I am so disappointed in John Campbell's gradual evolution into a pseudo conspiracy theorist who advocates things like ivermectin and not getting vaccinated against covid. Such a shame as he seemed like a knowledgeable stand up person. I do not trust his channel any longer. I unsubscribed and won't waste any more time on that god forsaken wasteland of a channel.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Жыл бұрын
I think with a lot of these mis/dis-info types, we're dealing with a pie graph with the question as: "What % of each motivation factor animates the channel/content/creator(s)?" vs a "Which motivating factor is the culprit?" kind of situation.
@MrArdytube Жыл бұрын
@@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 So true that is hard to be sure the motivation Dr Campbell seems so straightforward But as an example … he recently did a video on results of ivermectin in the principal trial… saying there were no results based on a graphic Yet These results were published in JAMA 6 months ago…. It is hard to avoid the conclusion of intention misrepresentation Which is so sad for him…. Zero remaining integrity… and for what? Is it the money, the attention and fame?
@clairelariviere3122 2 жыл бұрын
I think you’re doing important work. You are helping us to get a fuller sense of the danger of influencers like John Campbell. While his most loyal followers would not be open to your insights, we are learning to tease out his subtle use of disinformation tactics. Because he projects a calm, mature and humble leader, he has a cult like following and he is believed over world respected scientists and medical journals. Your use of the term amplification was bang on.
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
Danger? Of what? Not being afraid of COVID? We’ve had enough of that nonsense! The idea of getting vaccinated to continue to be afraid is absurd. Yes I’m vaccinated but never been afraid!
@clairelariviere3122 2 жыл бұрын
@@ukcenadmin7362 danger of truth distortions, confabulations and lies. Prof Greg gives a perfect example of the amplification process of misinformation when influencers start building on each others’ videos. They cast aspersions on mainstream science, mainstream medicine and mainstream media. They plant a seed of doubt around sound scientific guidance which, due to the nature of a brand new virus to which no primate had any natural immunity, has had to change and evolve with this pandemic. They take a tiny nugget of truth and wrap it in doubt, confusion and lies and swan in and offer themselves up as the only reliable source of truth. Sounds rather cult-like to me. By the way, you don’t know me therefore have no idea what I’m afraid of. Please don’t presume to tell me anything about who I am.
@fransimms3803 2 жыл бұрын
@@clairelariviere3122 JC certainly puts himself forward as the ONLY true source of information. He's taken to putting down WHO and "mainstream media", he never used to use terms like that and was respectful.. All that's gone. I find him rude and condescending. I can't bare to watch him anymore and will report when he's spouting some nonsense like ivermectin effectiveness. I wish YT would act.
@clairelariviere3122 2 жыл бұрын
@@fransimms3803 same!
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
@@clairelariviere3122 Scientific guidance? The video simply interpreted data from the PAST. The present and future are very different since we have jabs, treatments and a very different variant. These days, over 95% of people have antibodies from either vaccination or infection so it’s a very different picture from the old days most of that data refers to. The one thing to take away from it is that there’s an awful lot of people with health conditions and that’s something the scientists should look into for the future.
@drijackson 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I subscribed - good points well made.
@RavikantRai21490 2 жыл бұрын
I think what happened is that John Campbell started out alright and due to a lack of organized reporting by general media, he gained a huge following back when he was still making sensible videos....which, in the coming months he exploited that huge following by spreading misinformation.
@justasimpleguy7211 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, so he was virtuous when he presented what you wanted and nefarious when he didn't?
@RavikantRai21490 2 жыл бұрын
@@justasimpleguy7211 Wrong. He misrepresented facts and fed into the lunacy of anti-vaxxers even if he did so inadvertently (which given the way he is going, is hard to believe). The simple fact that covid is not exactly all mild for everyone and that vaccines save lives is not "what I wanted", it's just an objective fact.
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not misinformation just because you don’t like it. It’s data from the ONS.
@RavikantRai21490 2 жыл бұрын
@@ukcenadmin7362 I doubt you even watched the previous video of Prof Greg. Else you'd not have written this.
@paulacarroll6444 2 жыл бұрын
Great questions. I have been watching Dr John Campbell from the start as well. I have both a biology and mathematical background and found his analysis to be very good for a long while. Do you remember in the beginning when he had humility and admitted when he made mistakes? My increasing unease started when Omicron was identified in South Africa and he was just so sure that there was nothing we could do anymore and we were all going to catch it. That would certainly encourage a lot of followers to ease their careful behaviour and let their guard down. The comparision of South Africa in the spring with a different cohort of population (younger/less naive to the virus) to the UK/Europe/US in winter with different cohorts (older/not as much exposure to the virus) doesn't make sense at all. Even though his videos were increasing disturbing and annoying, I kept going back looking for some kind of light bulb moment from him. There was none. It was this video the Freedom of Information revelation - for me is his "jump the shark" moment. I find it so insulting to negate people with pre-existing conditions. So many have pre-existing conditions that are kept in check by modern medicine, and covid clearly was the thing that disrupted this balance and led many to die. Its not even about living or dying either - it's also about quality of life? to advocate everyone to go get omicron is irresponsible - how many will have poor quality of life after this.
@vinay7397 2 жыл бұрын
I understand why you are upset. I got omicron over the new year. I work as a teacher and around 80 percent have now contracted omicron. What John Cambell said all of us will be exposed to omicron, it's not the same thing as catching it. New Zealand has realised that the omicron variant cant be stopped and I expect even the CCP will get this. People in the risk group I really feel for them, they should keep their head down and wait for the omicron specific vaccine which is a few months away. Mankind can only work the cards that it has been dealt with, a harsh lockdown is socially and politically impossible since it will destroy the economy and make paupers of many. What is your plan to stop omicron?
@terenceclark6858 2 жыл бұрын
You are part of the problem Paula.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
@@vinay7397 "a harsh lockdown is socially and politically impossible since it will destroy the economy" That is patently false. The countries that locked down have had the least effect on their economies. If the USA had not locked down to the minimal degree that they did there would have been 2.2 million deaths. People would have locked themselves down as is happening now in Australia when the government decided to go ahead with the planned opening up just when the Omicron variant arose.
@vinay7397 2 жыл бұрын
@@williamverhoef4349 I am talking about now not the past. Lockdown were needed for earlier variants, but omicron is hard to stop. Lockdown or not for me it's a scientific question not a political ideology.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
@@vinay7397 No worries. For Omicron we need to have vaccinated as many as possible before it arrived (here it's >95% of the vulnerable population over 16 years of age) and now be giving boosters, as well as social distancing, masks indoors in public settings, testing with RATs with PCR if positive, isolation if positive, and reasonable limits on crowds. That strategy will stretch out the hospitalisations so hospitals and medical staff can cope (they did cope here and the hospitalisations are now on the decline).
@TrueMathSquare 2 жыл бұрын
That number was surpising to me due to how many youths gets PCS/Long Covid. So I thought it would have been way higher. I think he might of had the same thought. Do not know but if he thinks like me than that would make sense. Also, another thing is maybe he is trying to get the views now for the $$$$.
@corny165 2 жыл бұрын
I don't find any of this particularly convincing. I watched Campbell's video and i was well aware of what i was watching. The excess death figure was very conspicuous. There was no attempt to hide it or explain it away. You also seem to arguing, in places, against 'social media influencers' and not Campbell himself, which leads me to believe you have an axe to grind. Perhaps you're locked into the mode of 'tackling misinformation'. There are many on both sides of a divide locked into that game. It's so tiresome. Why you all have a deep desire to control the narrative and police 'the opposition' is beyond me. Why can't you leave the public make up their mind. The value of the video and the stats themselves? There are those who believe public messaging should include (even centre around) advice on getting yourself healthy. Lose weight, eat better and avoid lifestyle diseases. This pandemic has created a brilliant opportunity for health agencies to reinforce or ramp up messages to tackle obesity crises, sedentary lifestyles etc. They'd be very successful if combined with the fear element of dying from Covid. People can take whatever they want from the video but i took it as confirmation of facts i was already aware of... Covid comorbidities (the ones within our control) lead to a lot of death. To briefly continue the point about public messaging and why Governments haven't taken the opportunity to highlight the dangers of comorbidities (in my opinion they haven't). Well i know the answer. Fat shaming is not allowed. We can cigarette shame, drug shame, anti-vaccine shame, shame for not conforming to orthodoxy but fat shame.... no that's off the table. Which is interesting to me.
@gerkathleenwhite4130 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. Dr John Campbell is a genuine health promoter. Prof does not appear to be.
@martinhughes2549 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. The UK ONS have issued a statement on this issue.( as you say) They concur with your view. There is an article in "The Guardian"in reference to the Conservative Politician David Davis( who quoted Dr Campbell on twitter) . Independent SAGE covered this issue today as well.(28.01.22) Again similar conclusion to yours.
@dellhell8842 2 жыл бұрын
Yes according to The Guardian newspaper reporting on the number to die of Covid with no underlying conditions (17,371 in England and Wales): 'The ONS responded after tweets by former Brexit Secretary David Davis. Davis appeared to have come across the statistic after watching a video he described as an “excellent summation” made by the KZbin blogger Dr John Campbell. James Tucker, an analyst at the ONS, said that to suggest the lower figure “represents the real extent of deaths from the virus is both factually incorrect and highly misleading”. It was common for Covid victims to have had a pre-existing health condition, but that did not mean they were at “imminent risk of dying from that condition, or even considered to have reduced life expectancy”, he wrote in a blog.'
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@templarroystonofvasey So the over 65s as far as your concerned are expendable? When you’re 64 your attitude might not be so callous .
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@templarroystonofvasey Lol 😂 experimental? Covid vaccines have been studied for decades this one just needed tweaking as it was worldwide in record time with massive funding. Billions of doses worldwide make this the biggest test of vaccine efficacy in history. Your disinformation is dangerous.
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@templarroystonofvasey Well dispute it with all the disease control departments on the planet , no me . Here’s a few to get you started, hop to it. CDC - USA TGA -Australia CDNA- Australia PZIF- Germany MOH - Russia PEF - England.
@jakeg3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@templarroystonofvasey Actually I follow the scientists with expertise in the fields of virology and epidemiology. You would be advised to do the same , instead of internet blogs , Quacks and opportunists with a financial motive ,
@Antiorganizer Жыл бұрын
John now makes upward to $60,000 USD every month on his KZbin videos. Perhaps appealing to conspiracy theorists is what it has become all about. Money talks. Corruption.
@Antiorganizer 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. I know.
@Antiorganizer 9 ай бұрын
@Campbell_teaching If you have anything say, say it right here. Do you wish to talk about John the con artist?
@daryledgecombe5604 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's an important number to know. It helped illustrate how lethal, or not, the virus is to otherwise healthy people. What's the issue?
@stevenp2309 2 жыл бұрын
That number being low should be expected by anyone with a health background, let alone someone like Dr Campbell who has decades of health experience. OF COURSE people who are otherwise healthy will die at lesser rates than people who have pre existing conditions. That info is not a "profound" as Dr Campbell described it as. He was dog whistling to the"Covid aint that bad" crowd
@runzareviews4188 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenp2309 it certainly is profound to the general public. To say otherwise is disingenuous
@stevenp2309 2 жыл бұрын
@@runzareviews4188 it's really not.... The idea that if your healthy Ur less likely to die from Covid is not "profound" information. Do U think people with no pre existing conditions are less likely to die from the flu than those that have some pre existing conditions? Of course not.
@runzareviews4188 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenp2309 the idea that if you’re unhealthy you are more “likely” to die for covid is not profound. The idea that the chances of you dying if you are healthy is incredibly low is IS profound.
@stevenp2309 2 жыл бұрын
@@runzareviews4188 It has been well known that the chances of ppl dying with no pre existing conditions is low. U might have thought it "profound" but someone who has spent the whole life in healthcare shouldn't have seen that obvious information as " profound" Indeed over the last 2 years Dr Campbell has made the point regularly that people with pre-existing conditions are more likely to get sick and Die from Covid's not Rocket Surgery. The issue has always been that there is a near majority of the adult population that do have at least one clinical pre existing condition.
@lynnfarris3527 Жыл бұрын
We all know WHO your working for !!!
@henosis99 2 жыл бұрын
its an important number. as is every little scrap of information is about covid. everything is new. so any and all info is MASSIVELY important. theres nothing wrong with wanting to know more in order to make better decisions.
@melanieweaverbarnett2691 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for explaining the devious tactics John Campbell is using to mislead us. I think of myself as a fairly discerning person when it comes to this stuff, but Campbell is good, he’s convincing. I was skeptical but couldn’t really identify what they many ways his messaging is flawed. Better stated, perhaps, fraud. Thank you.
@therealrussellsmyth 2 жыл бұрын
Wow ... Keep up the great work. Absolutely LOVE your logical delivery. As a matter of interest, has John Campbell responded to the latest ivermectin studies that debunk its efficacy treating Covid
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
I assume you mean the TOGETHER trial? Not yet. At the end of a recent video he said he would but he was studying it more. He provided a link to the FLCCC's critique of it, which i think gives a prequel of where he's leaning.
@therealrussellsmyth 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKellogg non acceptance of that study by John Campbell would be a complete grift imo... actually , the fact that he hasn’t even properly addressed it yet is quite telling, in and of itself
@MrJOHNCOCKER 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you - this is only the 2nd time I've commented on a video - the first being the FOI. I came across your video after John Campbell (yesterday) said that there were people debunking his videos. I've been watching Campbell on and off since the beginning of the pandemic as he seemed to be a reliable source of information. However, over the past few months alarm bells were ringing - but who am I to challenge - I don't have a medical or scientific background although I do have a keen interests especially re Covid 19. Then came the FOI video. I've argued with Covid deniers from the start about the issue of deaths from / with c19 as I am someone with a preexisting condition which, if I look after myself, expect to have a near normal life expectancy. I found Campbell's video dangerous and, although he gave a little space to alternative interpretations at the end, he just fed into the conspiracy / misinformation brigade. I appreciate that science can be messy - there are different views and perspectives but what I find disturbing with Campbell is his dismissal of criticism, doubling down on his claims and dismissal of those with greater knowledge like yourself. His video last night (BMJ gets fact checked) made a side swipe at his detractors - quite possibly including you. There has never before been as strong a need to have reliable information - Campbell has the platform and, it feels, he is starting to use it for something different to what he started with. I don't know what his motivations are but I know it's no longer purely about explaining science. Once again thank you and you get a subscription!
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your detailed comment. Do you recall in which video JC said there were people debunking his videos? I'm aware of his video about the BMJ, but I haven't seen him acknowledge debunkers. I'd be grateful if you recall.
@MrJOHNCOCKER 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProfGregTuckerKellogg Hi - it was in the 'BMJ gets fact checked' video. It's only a short section that starts at 21:00 where Dr Campbell talks generally about people trying to debunk his channel. At 21:30 he states "I don't enter into debate with those people because what they normally are is relatively small KZbin channels who are trying to get lots of views by using my name". He goes on to talk about how developing a channel like his requires hard work and facts etc, etc. Given your attempts to reach out to Dr Campbell, with no response, I felt this may have been a passing reference to your efforts to have a dialogue. I do recall in recent videos, Dr Campbell responding to attempts to fact check him with one specific example being the BBC. Clearly he takes exception to challenge as he dismissed those attempts, in part, to the fact that the articles were written by journalists and therefore not qualified. I find this dismall to be particularly ironic in your case given your background, experience and expertise. Whilst there is a great deal to be critical about in the MSM, you are generally aware of their editorial line and can therefore take this into account. Additionally, in the UK broadcast media is regulated and is required to have editorial balance. The problem with KZbin is that there is no such requirement. As a result, especially in times when there is a need for authoritative sources of information like now, those like Dr Campbell who clearly have some expertise, become very influential. As you acknowledge, he is an excellent communicator and has provided informed, overview of complex, emerging science during the pandemic and for this he can be commended. Unfortunately, with influence comes responsibility and in the case of KZbin, this is left almost entirely to the content creator. Sadly, I feel Dr Campbell has become blinded and made arrogant by his own success and is going against the fundamentals of science - the need to be open to review, scrutiny and debate. So, please keep up your excellent work!
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrJOHNCOCKER Thanks so much. I'll go check that out! I left him a comment and sent an email. Thanks again
@gottagowork Жыл бұрын
@@MrJOHNCOCKER Your link doesn't work. Quite happy about that 🤣
@@gottagowork I think it maybe this one
@Spiun666 2 жыл бұрын
Its a phenomenon called audience capture, and JC is too naive to see it. He is probably being fed this manipulative bull by someone he ended up trusting. Therefore yes you ask a very good question.
@tomgreene1843 10 ай бұрын
I do not envy you your job and appreciate what you are trying to wag has said if your doctor does not understand Bayes Theorem change him or her! In Ireland there is little public understanding of numbers / proportions/ multivariate can be seen in the media quite frequently. Dying of covid and dying with covid ....sure it's all the same!
@tparty1867 2 жыл бұрын
Can’t speak for Campbell, but I believe for many people this figure of 17,000 covid deaths (with no pre-existing health conditions) was a huge story because it confirms covid, even in the Delta form, posed little to no risk for healthy young to middle aged people - who in some countries are being forced to have a vaccine which doesn’t prevent transmission (as perhaps shown by infection rates in highly vaccinated Gibraltar and Israel). Incidentally, poor ventilation in hospital settings poses a far greater risk for transmission than unvaccinated medical staff wearing PPE. That low level of risk to the young and healthy surely suggests a country like Sweden and some US States had the right approach in focusing on at risk groups for vaccination and avoiding lockdowns? It's a pity the FOI didn’t go into more detail, but of that 17,000 it’s probably a reasonable assumption that a significant number, if not the majority, were elderly (we know the average age for covid deaths in the UK is 82.5). But of the 17,000 how many were obese? Or, smokers? And if those at-risk groups (who should have been vaccinated) were excluded just how much would that 17,000 figure drop to? Quite a lot I suspect. Prof Greg - some questions for you: - How significant a risk is covid to Children' (those without pre-existing health conditions or obesity) and what is your evidence? - How significant a risk does covid present to people under 50, who are fit and healthy, ie are non-smokers and not obese, with no pre-existing health issues and what’s your evidence? - If covid is not a significant risk to children and the young and healthy as defined above, what is the benefit for these groups to have a (possibly mandatory) vaccine, against known risks (albeit small) and potentially at least unknown long term risks and for a vaccine which does not prevent transmission?
@stephenjones7804 2 жыл бұрын
I did suspect that whoever originally sent the FOI request did it in such a way as to enforce a previous bias, I am now a little bit more sure of this. Thank you for the work you put in to these videos, I have now unsubscribed from John Campbell, he seems to be suffering from audience capture and can no longer be trusted.
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
This is really sad… it seems you’re not understanding the other motivations at play… the COVID vaccine is a Product. Yes it works, Dr. JC told you that. But it’s not a product that EVERYONE is benefiting from and the data is starting to show that.
@bornach 2 жыл бұрын
I've unsubbed also. Started subscribing to scientists who point out flaws in John Campbell videos instead
@barryhamm3414 2 жыл бұрын
I've also unsubscribed from JC and instead subscribed to GTK, BTTS and a couple of other evidence based channels.
@damocarew 2 жыл бұрын
I only subbed to JC briefly to see what he was about. His comment sections are certainly revealing 😯. I’ve unsubbed now. I generally listen to the TWIV podcast for up to date COVID info from people actually working out on the ground.
@ukcenadmin7362 2 жыл бұрын
He didn’t send the FOI request, he came across it weeks later.
@robertwardle6196 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting video. Listened to it all. Perhaps you are not in the USA or at least not in a state that justifies lockdowns, school closures and mandatory vaccination on the basis that otherwise healthy people are dying left and right from COVID. Many had heard that there were common co-morbidities but that was not the narrative in my state or city. Being a bit more upfront about what the real risks are and who is at risk and why they are at risk can lead to rational, well-reasoned measures and an end to this pandemic.
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
Lockdowns, school closures and mandatory vaccination hasn’t been enacted on that basis.
@theultimatereductionist7592 11 ай бұрын
Stop calling internet trolls "influencers". I NEVER do. I REFUSE to use that term.
@loudigity0 2 жыл бұрын
Your just trying to get famous off him goofy man
@CupOfSweetTea Жыл бұрын
Campbell is the weaver of clothes that cannot be seen by 'stupid' people. Hans Christian Anderson would be proud, but how many deaths is he responsible for? That's the question
@FoxKhan30 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for the off-topic: Professor, could you please make an explanatory video about antibody levels after disease and vaccination? My level three weeks after the Pfizer booster is: ”SARS-COV-2 - anti-spike protein neutralizing antibodies (S) - 47831 U/mL”. Medics only told me it is very high, but would like to know more about it. I had the disease in November 2020, 2 shots in May 2021 and the booster also with Pfizer on the 10th of January. After the booster I had fever and muscle pain for about 24h, then felt exhausted for a few days and also had problems staying asleep (waking up often, abruptly, it was pretty bad). Did not have these problems after the first 2 shots. It is all getting back to normal now, but would like to know more.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 Жыл бұрын
Why & how were you getting specific antibodies tested at a time when you were not actually ill? As far as I know that's not in any protocol unless maybe you're in a study ??? in which case "medics" would (or should) not be giving out the raw data-point of your number, much less giving a vague opinion on where that falls on the graph of possible readings, esp without explaining what that means in regards to your health. We are always more than 1 test result, & very often 1 number can't give doctors enough information to make diagnostic or health-advice decisions. Your use of the term "medics" makes this doubly confusing, bc I don't know if you were actually checked out by medics --- in which case, this is an unusual area of responsibility for them, unless they were operating as triage or support for overwhelmed systems, & all that number being meaningful to a medic should mean is that medic is following that sentence with a referral to appropriate clinicians. Or perhaps you mean "medics" more colloquially, as shorthand for "various/unknown-role medical personnel"? I'm not criticizing your language use, it's fine to be informal; I'm just having trouble understanding the situation you're describing & could use clarification, please & thanks, if you're reading comments a year later (lol I'm so late to this but still interested!).
@FoxKhan30 Жыл бұрын
@@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 You can get such a test here in many private clinics. They do not offer any interpretation, only the raw data as in my comment. (At least that was the situation 8 months ago.) I used "medic" instead of "doctor" or "physician" because this is the more scientifically used term in my native language for this profession. The physicians I asked about the result (not specialized in the field) only told me it is quite high in comparison with other results they have seen.
@louist.biesuz1663 4 ай бұрын
Well, seems you were proven mistaken ! Imagen he's teaching your kids !
@jamesbush7271 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the work on debunking this misinformation specialist, Dr. Campbell.
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
You are clueless 🤦🏾‍♂️
@marklemont3735 2 жыл бұрын
@jamesbush7271 2 жыл бұрын
@@phillipyoung3250 Why start out with a personal attack? Can you not be civil and debate my thesis? Floor is open…
@phillipyoung3250 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamesbush7271 Ok James Bush... please see Campbells latest video addressing this very subject... Its clear that he is not a 'misinformation specialist' like you claim He's a doctor and science communicator presenting good information to the public but you called him a misinformation specialist. That's why I called you clueless. Not a personal attack, just an observation on your lack of knowledge about who Dr. John Campbell is...
@jamesbush7271 2 жыл бұрын
@@phillipyoung3250 he is not a doctor at all lol
@cattigirl 2 жыл бұрын
Doctor Campbell just put out a video fighting back against the BBC for debunking the video you just reported on. He is doubling down and I am now convinced greed and fame are driving his actions. When he first started reporting on the pandemic he was way more pragmatic. Now he cherry picks what he reports on and he is very clever in the way he insinuates things. The comment section of his videos are filled with conspiracy theorists who idolize him. Thank you for pointing out that he would have had to have been on conspiracy theory social media to find out about the ONS report. Good catch!
@gilagababa 2 жыл бұрын
It's a bit unfair to blame the guy for the people who idolize him, don't you think? I watched this video too and to me it only seemed that Campbell is actually quite stressed by this matter but is willing to go on and debate or speak with other people to clarify and give as accurate information as possible.
@cattigirl 2 жыл бұрын
@@gilagababa I was a big fan of doctor Campbell I have followed him since January 2020. The way he reports and what he reports on have changed. To me he seemed defensive and arrogant in his latest video. Its plain to see he is not accepting any sort of critique or advice which is not very humble or open minded as I used to think he was.
@amyd8029 2 жыл бұрын
I checked his KZbin stats. He makes about $50,000 a week!
@cattigirl 2 жыл бұрын
@@amyd8029 I think greed and fame have changed the way he reports in his videos.
@gerkathleenwhite4130 2 жыл бұрын
@@cattigirl Where does greed come in? High income used for medical education in deprived parts of the world is not greed.
@beenadevicr 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Prof Greg. for subtly explaining the stats that JC has been highlighting. JC is very careful that is absolutely correct in providing information that would sound authentic to most. It takes people like you and Susan to tease out facts and highlight them. By repeatedly providing daily information JC ensures that his audience gets their daily dose. It takes a while before you or Susan to clarify to those who are interested. By then JC has moved on to other "hot topics". However, I am grateful that despite the lag time you will call out the truth. Please continue to do so.
@williamverhoef4349 2 жыл бұрын
That's the difference between "churning out video at the rate of one or two a day" and "taking time to do things properly". The world today rewards the former.
@theor7990 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is you address everything through a professors eyes. John addresses everything through the eyes of the public making it digestable, even if not every single thing is perfectly accurate, and that's why he is such a good and valuable orator. The reason it is way lower than anyone thought ( although not myself as I had been studying it) is because the way the data and information is given to the public makes it very hard to for people to understand. Most people- and that doesnt include yourself because you are a professor will look at the death total of 153k and think that is the total number of people who died solely related to covid. Barely any of the public are going to understand or care to understand how death certificates work, they just read the news and try to understand the data as best as they can.
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
All this proves is that millions of people don’t understand the basics of how death works.
@theor7990 2 жыл бұрын
@A Q What you just wrote is exactly what John said and always has said. Thats why I really dont get this whole thing. John has said this about twnty times over the course of his pandemic coverage without anyone saying anything. As soon as he writes anything with a different figure to attend to the public, people jump on him like he is a known misinformer. I find this whole thing a bit puerile.
@theor7990 2 жыл бұрын
@A Q No, because I know about death figures, certificates and am not addressing the public. If you are addressing the generally ignorant public it will be a revelation because they think that the 150k figure is the total who died of Covid. Do I think John is playing into the hands of people who think the media lie to them? Yes, but the simple fact is the media do lie, and it is very frustrating. Personally I find the mistakes and factual inaccuracies made by the news far more troublesome than Johns hyperbole. Just the other day Skynews did a Q AND A with an 'expert', who told a member of the public that the booster jab gave around 90% protection from hospitalisation meaning he had a 1 in 10 chance of being hospitalised. Spot the glaring error? Was it an error or intentional? I fail to believe an expert would make such a silly mistake even if you take into account being in a rush. These are people who the public should have trust in. They do a far worse job than J.C and are more in the public eye. This is why I think this is misplaced anger from other KZbinrs.
@theor7990 2 жыл бұрын
The public cannot even understand why the following makes no sense. 'Lockdowns, masks and mitigations aren't needed because in 2018 57k died of influenza, yet there were no lockdowns'. So they have no chance of understanding complex death cert details. whether we like it or not the public likes to know their risk profile, even if its not realistic, it allows people to cope in a crisis. Personally I actually thought 17k people with no comorbidities was actually quite high, although I guess age is a factor but not a co morbidity
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
The truth is that Campbell has done a 180 degree turn on his presentation of basically the same idea. In April 2020, he presented ONS data well and soberly On Jan 20 2022, he presented his "freedom of information revelation" video in which this was all apparently new to him, and said that Covid deaths may have been overstated by 7-9 fold. On Jan 28 2022, he made a defensive video "responding" to the BBC in which he avoided all the things he said that downplayed Covid deaths and refused to accept responsibility for his misinformation. Today he finally appears to be backpedalling on his misleading claims, and perhaps we'll hear more tomorrow (although I think it's unlikely he'll accept responsibility)
@exitar1 Жыл бұрын
There is a sucker born every minute and he knows this laughing all the way to the my opinion..
@jillchamberlain5268 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't watched you before and think it good that there is a variety of info out there, and its always good to question. I would like to say though, that for the normal person on the street the number 'is' way lower than we (obviously I use the we loosely as I can only speak for myself and those around me) had thought because all we ever get thrust down out throats by the media is the worst of any news stories, without any balance, without the level of transparency needed, and which in turn causes intense fear - sensationalism sells. We accept there are high numbers and that the majority have comorbidities but without any other info provided it's difficult to know what is truth and what isn't, and therefore have any sort of real perspective.
@DominicJacksonFilm 2 жыл бұрын
this one wont have 10 million hits as its not sensationalism
@alfredthegreat9543 2 жыл бұрын
John does get a lot right but this video was a big boo boo- and was so obvious I was surprised he didn't immediately notice.
@ProfGregTuckerKellogg 2 жыл бұрын
What makes you think he didn't notice?
@MarcosElMalo2 2 жыл бұрын
This is not the first time Dr. Campbell as shat the bed and pretended it didn’t happen. Not by a long shot.
@vanessawalker2656 10 ай бұрын
People only die from their preexisting conditions and help from the local hospitals.
@theagg 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. Campbell seems to be increasingly playing to the conspiracy theorists following him. It's in his whole presentation, from his "other people say...but I'm just putting it out there" or "Now I'm not saying that...but" style of comments, (the classic..."here's some 'alternative' theory.....but, I of course, advise you to check with your doctor' attempt at a disclaimer, probably being one of the more egregious) To his references to Orwell's 1984, hint's at mainstream media conspiracy, even down to his body language and various 'tut's and ticks'. Worse so in even more recent videos. Has he become 'drunk' on the size of his 2 million plus subs ? It's just odd
@margaretmaeda2548 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with what you are saying but I don’t think JC had bad intentions. The only parts of his videos where I’ve had strong objections have been those concerning Japan where he has spread misinformation, and in addition, his tendency, fortunately not recently, to make snarky remarks about Japan when he obviously knows nothing about it and hasn’t looked for information which is easily available in English on the Internet.
@Envexitytg 2 жыл бұрын
Trew dat i think many .. cambell watchers that got the latest data .. culd av screamed at john . As his info was upside down in stats as the day before there was a global medical story on all outcomes and ststs for japan as they are out of lok down pretty much .. but MSM .. wont tell you or cover it ..
@lucianionutcocos4413 2 жыл бұрын
I have found studies that nicotine and Covid19 does not get along. When I have read this I immediately restart smoking ten cigarettes a day. What do you think of this studies? The statistics are saying that are dying much more non smokers than smokers
@wyqtor 2 жыл бұрын
I only have an anecdotal example: the only person in my family that didn't get COVID is an avid smoker. He is vaccinated and boosted, though - but so were some of the others that caught it. Make of that what you will.
@lucianionutcocos4413 2 жыл бұрын
@wyqtor I have a lot of studies that are proving your point. No one will write this, neither admitting it television,because chainsmokers do get cancer more often than a non smoker.After you're trying to abolish smoking 🚬 a public announcement like start smoking today , quit after COVID-19 ends sounds more like mockery.
@theultimatereductionist7592 11 ай бұрын
I earned an Associate of Science in Biotechnology in 2009, at a community college, after I earned my Math PhD (2000) and Math Masters (1991) in differential algebra, and BChE in chemical engineering (1986) with a Minor in Russian, because it would be my one last chance in life to get back into a physical chemical/biological laboratory.
@stephenpeat3885 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Prof Greg, interesting video the UK ONS regarding the 17,000+ who died from Covid-19 was a question many people asked for Covid affected each group with comorbilities or non comorbilities to analyse how this body affected the Human Body. The ONS was also asked including many UK Hospitals on what percentage of people with low levels of Vitamin D died from Covid compared with patients that have high levels of Vitamin D. Both David Davis mentioned the Vitamin D connection in Parliament but the government did not take up the connection. Dr John Campbell did a number of videos on Vitamin D and the link between low levels of vitamin D and the high number of deaths. The Ant vaccine groups researched this evidence before Dr John mentioned in his video because the UK health minister and an A/E consultant who told the minister he refused the vaccine on top of 100,000 NHS and care workers. The Doctor is taking the Government to court regarding the vaccine stating the Covid vaccine does not stop the spread between other patients and staff and deaths from patients with comorbilities was low this was on GB News. Every death from Covid is sad even people with comorbilities or have no comorbilities the UK government could have prevented with better support for patients with comorbilities to control their conditions including being more honest regarding covid-19 virus.
@enjek5654 2 жыл бұрын
This is quite a Gish Gallop. Do you think you got anything wrong?
@paintingholidayitaly 10 ай бұрын
I noticed that ever since the roll- out...and young people in the UK started to die in high numbers...Dr Campbell started to change his views.
@paintingholidayitaly 9 ай бұрын
@Campbell_teaching what is quite telling about this phsy-op called KZbin...a comment like this may not be seen. It will be hidden. Likes are likewise removed. My comments can get a multitude of likes...and they will never be seen in the public tallychart. This app is a mouthpiece for THEIR propaganda.
@heppi2168 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, Campbell communicated poorly with that 17knumber. I agree with you. It was misunderstood by many viewers and logically the number was misused by antivaxxers... You Made a good point, i thought your Video was too long though (sorry)😉😁
@andylewis248 2 жыл бұрын
The reason the 17,000 was a big surprise is because we have had 150,000 drummed into us day and night by the catastrophists. Simple.
@johnbyrne3025 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for clarifying and simplifying your questions to Dr Campbell's inferences. this video puts his video in a different context and allows lay people like me to make a realistic appraisal. you have done a valuable service for the public
@terenceclark6858 2 жыл бұрын
Say what?
@atam3977 2 жыл бұрын
I think there are so many other strong arguments against mask mandate (masks was designed for professional staff and for a controlled area like hospitals, many effective masks cannot be fitted correctly by kids in the hygienic way; limited scientific evidences in a public use) or lockdowns (restrictive to be effective, Australia or NZ had a full lockdown - very harsh but with good results; in the other way lockdowns are just harsh without clear results), so the Campbells' story is not so big really.
@woodeez8049 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Prof Greg for a different point of view, Could you please set up a direct interview with Dr Campbell and discuss the matter I am sure he would be happy to answer your questions
@PrentisHancock1 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Why don't Greg, Susan Oliver and John do a livestream and discuss the issues? That would be a great discussion!
@carefir 2 жыл бұрын
@@PrentisHancock1 Good idea. But when the complaints are petty and the accusations of intent are way overboard, I don't see how any good will turn out. There need to be some adults watching this.
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