Three Ways To Split Up And Conquer A Horde In Project Zomboid

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@Ricksdetrix Жыл бұрын
I'm on the fence with the last tip
@greencoatt Жыл бұрын
Oh hey ur videos are good too
@harkness9723 Жыл бұрын
You picket the wrong video then
@brianjones9780 Жыл бұрын
If you don't like it, just get over it
@wienerguy7822 Жыл бұрын
My favorite way to break up hordes is to try to take them on, get tired, try to lead them away, then end up attracting 2x the amount I was originally fighting and get eaten alive.
@the_real_motofreak_1322 11 ай бұрын
Same! I'm not one to boast, but I have a 100% success rate with this tactic. LMFAO Honestly though I avoid hordes like the plague. I'll run like hell and click "walk to" to get through a forest and loop around. They can live in the trees, I don't have the confidence for that crap just yet lo!l Even kiting them into the forest like that freaks me out. Last time I had to do that was in Muldraugh after tripping a burglar alarm in a house located in a central area. I had a brief but intense panic attack haha! I've only been playing a few months though, so I'm sure I'll get better at it eventually.
@GameArchivesOfficial 7 ай бұрын
This is the correct answer 😂 RIP
@Aimlesswaves. Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, short of insane population playthroughs, it's not breaking up a horde that is necessary, but to gather it. I find that once you have the gameplay loop of attack/shoving down perfectly, you can handle all but the most massive hordes with relative ease, but the problem comes when you're backing up and don't have much vision behind you and are flanked, forcing you to divert from dealing with the horde to either walking backwards in a different direction, or turning and running and potentially getting caught in a lengthy animation from even just a single zombie, leading into a combo to your imminent death. However, all these tips are quite good! Excellent video as always. :D
@NatTardis Жыл бұрын
Yes this is why ambulances are great: fast, nimble, biggest carrying capacity, and wee woo. Just go somewhere, wee woo, and then you'll have an easy time killing everything along the road without running into extra zombies.
@gloob4742 Жыл бұрын
keen hearing s tier perk
@afqwa423 Жыл бұрын
This is never necessary because if you just kill smaller packets as you find them, what's the point of gathering. Keeping a horde in front of you is easy if you just kill as you go, creating an "escape corridor." You exit back out the way you came.
@Aimlesswaves. Жыл бұрын
​@@afqwa423 Not if you're playing with higher population than default. Combat makes a lot of noise. Zombies can come from nearby buildings, trees, etc, even if they didn't originally spot you walking by.
@clonedelta22 11 ай бұрын
​@Aimlesswaves. That's why you do both. I play with higher populations and first thing I do when I get a car with decent gas and engine is piss off as many zombies as possible whereabout I plan to set up a base. Then I lead them all out into the middle of nowhere, then drive the long way back home. From then on, I kill every group of zombies I see within 50m of my base and any on or inconveniently near my path to wherever I'm going one or two at a time.
@quinnlee-miller9792 Жыл бұрын
A big tip for anyone is to try to kill stragglers before taking on a big pack, peel away the outer layers by using stealth and poking in and out of their sight range. I’ve taken a group of 20 down to 5 before, by slowly getting 1-3 to follow me
@harkness9723 Жыл бұрын
This is really good especially in West Point
@Reflexion555 Жыл бұрын
That's pretty much my goto strategy against hordes, the main perk of doing that is that if done properly, you can pull out at anytime and you won't have a horde to get rid of. Really useful with low fitness characters.
@clonedelta22 11 ай бұрын
I've killed an entire horde of several hundred this way over the course of 3 days before. Very solid method.
@mappingshaman5280 5 ай бұрын
That's what I always do
@oscaranderson5719 5 ай бұрын
and if you have a somewhat-cleared forest nearby, it’s easy to retreat into it and circle back out if you alerted too many. they get stuck easily, the only danger is trees tend to also obscure _your_ vision as well. bonus points for park ranger ninjas.
@mattdeelight Жыл бұрын
Fire. Just build a campfire, honk a horn/run a siren. Then get out of the car (or drive around) while getting passive zombie kills. Keep them away from structures while killing those that come close. Incredibly efficient as the burned corpses can't spread disease. Just must avoid burning structures as best you can. Alternatively, if you know the area you can use houses to break line of sight to slink away and/or take out stragglers. Works for large groups and small groups.
@jacobburtonmcfaul4951 Жыл бұрын
pros: easy for massive hordes, low resource usage (weapons), low risk (no endurance loss) cons: high risk of burning down building loot if even a single zed stops tracking you and wanders off, takes more time for small hordes as fire damage is slow, ruins the look of the area with ash piles and burnt grass, doesn't add to kill stats definitely not the best method for all hordes and is situational
@Hyorinho Жыл бұрын
what a good video! just waiting for patch 42 to return to this game
@ldezzer3950 Жыл бұрын
I knew about the car and fence hugging, yet somehow i've missed the wiggling trick. Would've saved me in a lot of fights 💀
@Vampr1c Жыл бұрын
I believe the most difficult part of fighting large hordes are random stragglers that show up, so the key is to be confident to build a large horde that includes every zombie in the area you are going to fight them in, after that, it's only a matter of time, and if you don't have enough time, loosing a horde is easy enough.
@Boingy420 Жыл бұрын
Guess I'll throw in one. Reposition a horde, then run all around to their flank. And start picking them off one by one. Granted, it requires a lot of safe room to pull off! But people are talking about losing Hordes too. Zombies get distracted by windows and doors, so running into a Burner House and leaving immediately works well. Also jumping fences too, but like Nightcrawler - it kinda helps to know where you're jumping into, otherwise....
@guilhermealvarenga7010 Жыл бұрын
i've been playing project zomboid for a while now, and i have seen a lot of videos, but this one, this is next level, i didnt see anything so usefull like these 3 tips before, i mean nothing like that, that i can try right now... and for that sir, thank you, u are awesome
@QuackersMcCrackers Жыл бұрын
One of my go-to tactics is to actually collect a really big hoard of zombies, usually by honking the horn of some random car, then leading them down a long road, and run back to base, without trying to hide from the zombies. They'll follow me back in the same direction, but I'll be so far away that they'll give up. What this does is it splits them up into a neat line, since it seems that no two zombies go at exactly the same speed. I play Axe man, so I can one/two shot zombies, so usually I'll do a combo of tackling mini groups along the road, or killing them in a single file. Another tactic is to lead them through a house, jump out the back window, then circle back around. This works great for 5-15 zombies. Usually there won't be anymore than 3 that notice me when I circle back around, and by the time I'm done with them, you got zombies on almost everyside of the house, so they've effectively split themselves up for me as I go round the house killing them. Another good tactic is to hop back and forth between a fence. One advantage of this is that you can sit down whilst you wait for the zombies to loop round the fence. If I can, I like to bring a bar stool to rest at so that I can speed up time without the risk of a zombie sneaking up behind me whilst I'm sitting down.
@knightshousegames Жыл бұрын
When I find myself in the situation where my character is totally gassed because I'm walking around with a propane tank in my pocket and a horde is suddenly upon me, my best friend in those situations is usually a fence around a house, and specifically the corner of that fence. What I'll do is lead the group into the inside of the fence, hop to the outside, walk parallel to the fence until about half the group is over the fence, or I reach the corner, hop back to the inside, then over to the outside again on the other side of the corner (I hope this isn't too confusing) This breaks up the group into a bunch of confused little groups who's pathfinding are totally overwhelmed, giving me time to escape. From there I just walk off into any nearby woods or open building to break line of sight if possible, to lose the group.
@onlyashadow1121 Жыл бұрын
When I'm surprised yet again by the hordes in old pine I usually run into the woods, shoot a gun, crouch and then rotate to the opposite side
@clonedelta22 11 ай бұрын
Stealth is my go-to. I slowly approach a horde, one step at a time, until only a couple spot me. Then back up about 20ft. Kill them, then walk back up. Takes a little while, and you'll want to keep an area behind you pretty clear (and check with a quick 360 spin after each kill session that it stayed that way.) But I have killed hundreds of zombies this way. Once I am spotted by a massive horde, though. Then I like to run into the woods. They can't keep up and struggle through the trees, so it is very easy to dodge them, you might pick up a few more along the way, but if you get enough of a lead on them you can change directions a couple times and come back out with few, if any, on your tail. Then you can execute them and kill whichever find their way out.
@ProfessioanllyAVG Жыл бұрын
The wiggle is my new fav thing
@w4stedspace Жыл бұрын
No new ones for me this time, but still very concisely demonstrated as always o7 As for other techniques, my fav only works sometimes, e.g. when you have a known clear house nearby, but I tend to think along the lines of using past cleared houses as my breakup points when I'm clearing them. I'll leave 2 known entrances/exits when clearing, ideally one of them being a window in a separate room to break los, so that if needed I can dart through the prior house - and the onebraincell means that you'll lose a good portion of the horde just smashing random doors/windows, and can then kite around the house for the remainder, especially with how braindead zombies are about sound propagation inside/outside buildings.
@user-hq3eu6om1l Жыл бұрын
The wiggle sounds like a new meme
@MagusLay Жыл бұрын
It's less breaking up hordes and more losing them entirely, but I like to run through houses. Find an open window, climb in, close it to give myself an extra five seconds, and book it straight for the other side of the house. Climb out the window, close it, then sneak around the side and make my way where any windows won't see me. Tends to lose the worst of a horde and I only have to deal with a handful at a time, though eventually they'll all come back. They always come back.
@Zacharyg5 Жыл бұрын
Dang. I didn't know any of these tips. This is gonna make my horde strategies a lot more manageable.
@catwithnoname7041 Жыл бұрын
And at the end of the day, you can always become a firestarter.
@jephilologist Жыл бұрын
I like to peel away at a big horde using a mix of honking and shouting. It has a chance of turning up numbers you can't deal with, but it adds to the excitement when you're up against the ropes.
@travlessmarloon6238 Жыл бұрын
Love your channel. Thank your for your hard work hope you enjoy it even half as much as we do.
@yobeljun Жыл бұрын
Keeping up with the good content man, thanks for the tips!
@KissyKaede Жыл бұрын
Open windows with an obstacle over them are extremely powerful. They never break and zombies really can't come over more than 1.5 at a time. As long as you're holding down left alt (force ground attack) and have a decent level in whatever weapon you're using, say 2 or higher, you're going to 1 shot every zombie that comes in and they can't come in fast enough to overwhelm you. You just have to make sure of two things: One: you get them all in one group and they all see you go through the window, and Two: There's another open window or another door on the other side of the building you can escape to provided they do overwhelm you somehow, like if you miss a hit. As long as there's only one window on the side of the building, they can't flank you, and they're too stupid to go around to the opposite side of the building. At best, a big group could pour over to door on the other corner of the building, but that's only if it's a small building.
@redbasher636 11 ай бұрын
I use shotgun for big horde, slowly backing up till i have space, then quickly look behind me. If i see a straggler i dome them with my DE, the focus back on the horde. Ideally doing this after getting a horde to group up from all around so the number of stragglers is minimal.
@littlefunnywithsomemoney Жыл бұрын
Easily best PZ content on youtube
@BrandonDoran00 Жыл бұрын
Wooo! New upload!
@PapaPandasHasNoDad Жыл бұрын
personally I love to do the "walking dead" thing of have the sirens blaring on a police car to gather them and pick them off at a distance, though I play with VFE and Britas so not really a vanilla tactic
@snaketanker Жыл бұрын
Park two cars next to each other and either start a fire or use molotovs then sit in one of the car seats that are up against the other car then sit back and enjoy the bonfire.
@AmLycanThat Жыл бұрын
My favourite way to deal with a zombie horde is with a shotgun.
@Freaky_Lemonade Жыл бұрын
Pro tip: fighting zombies makes noise which is why you’ll find sometimes when fighting like 3 zombies while trying to be stealthy more and more show up so unless your prepared to take on the horde nearby or have a way to loose them just avoid engaging or engage further than usual
@matm2171 Жыл бұрын
I usually use house, cars and my favorite are the fences and windows.
@lazerpie101 Жыл бұрын
I just walk around a couple buildings for a minute and slowly go back, luring in 2-3 zombies at a time. This is only effective in areas that you've recently cleared, as often times it doesn't work because more zombies that spawned around said buildings start following you.
@goldeneye1689 Жыл бұрын
I've recently resorted to campfires and thrown options
@johnmcconnell7052 Жыл бұрын
Using houses to kite big hordes then running into a small house that a door thats locked climb thru the window close it and start the fence trick helps clear 50 plus but i run the lumberjack and tend to either have a crowbar or an axe on me at all times
@mclovin2408 Жыл бұрын
My favorite way to break up hordes is shotguns and molotovs with a great combination of sirens and spamming Q
@sheeshore Жыл бұрын
Personally I'm a fan of running through a house and waiting for them to funnel out of a window.
@hasangarmarudi2178 Жыл бұрын
I found out the first tip myself, it is very good
@eugenekrabs516 Жыл бұрын
i remember when i started i heard that fire was a great idea. until the town burnt down
@sweetbeard Жыл бұрын
I thought this was some tactics on trying to walk around in downtown portland
@simeonkirilov8292 Жыл бұрын
I like to steal a car and just do doughnuts running in reverse to thin out a hoard. It takes a-lot longer for the car to break in revers. Also, these tips do not work on sprinters, they are tough in a hoard.
@Alpha-1_UnitCommander Жыл бұрын
My favorite way to clear out hordes is gun.
@roguemf9187 2 ай бұрын
Treeeess are my precious.
@calinalex22 Жыл бұрын
Get a bit of gas in a bottle and find a match or a lighter kill one of them gather all of them in a big ball of zeds get a bit of distance, set the corpse on fire and make the big ball of zeds catch on fire from it and slowly walk in circles around them until they are all dead. Simple, easy and you don't use to much stamina either.
@alexf847 Жыл бұрын
I'm totally with you, but the fastest and easier method is to set one on fire and get that one to the horde, eventually you wipe out any number of zombies. Careful where does the fore spread tho, you don't want to burn a police office.
@joesomebody3365 Жыл бұрын
I just get my Nimble to 4 or above and backpedal until they are in easier numbers to deal with.
@DrStench13 Жыл бұрын
I just make them follow me into the forest and loop back around.
@Little-Buster Жыл бұрын
Throw a couple of molotovs on em and call it a day.
@jgmweston Жыл бұрын
Taking this Wiggle Strat with me for my next game
@Telopead Жыл бұрын
Never had issue breaking up the hordes. The problem is actually killing them. The fatigue system is the limiting factor honestly. And I need to not mess things up so much.
@Retanaru Жыл бұрын
High fitness and a lightweight weapon. Extra strength levels aren't worth it if you get tired before the fight is over.
@Ispeedymg Жыл бұрын
Remember when all you had to do back in the day was run into a forest and sneak out the other side? I member.
@Retanaru Жыл бұрын
You can still fairly easily lose zombies if you understand the mechanics. At some point I'll make a new losing zombies ramble.
@clem-hk2di Жыл бұрын
here's a subject for you to talk about, the visibility. Because of 3D isometric view there is a lot of problems seeing zombies hidden by buildings, trees, vehicles and other stuff to the player but perfectly visible to the character, this is a big issue and it doesn't only hide zombies, it hides items, containers, vehicles... If you drive in LV you're gonna hit a lot of stuff you couldn't see because buildings hide entire streets
@Vampr1c Жыл бұрын
Regarding items, use the foraging tool, it'll find loose items on the ground for you with relative ease, or keep an eye on the looting panel. For containers brush your character against edges and keep an eye on the looting panel and you'll see the containers pop up. For zombies change the "hit outline" (it's called something like that in settings, by default it's set to "ranged") to all weapons, then hold control and hover your mouse over the blocked region and any zombies will glow green, however, only if they are in range of attack, unless of course you are using a ranged weapon for your scouting. And for vehicles hug the inner side of the road so that your vehicle goes under the object if it cannot be avoided, making it disappear so you can see.
@clem-hk2di Жыл бұрын
@@Vampr1c Thank you for trying to help but I already know all of that and it doesn't change much, I'm talking about seeing stuff 50 tiles away of your character, not really close
@Vampr1c Жыл бұрын
@@clem-hk2di It is a bit annoying, yeah. Maybe sometime in the future they'll allow you to orbit the camera.
@clem-hk2di Жыл бұрын
@@Vampr1c It's very annoying when you realize a lot of zombies can be hidden everywhere especially with sprinters it can be very unfair, you are in a street which seems completely empty and suddenly you have a group on you coming from nowhere, all they have to do is to put an outline on zombies hidden by scenery, like it's done in AOE 2, it wouldn't be perfect but it would be an easy way to fix this unfairness, I suggested that to them and Lemmy said they don't want it because it would make a pile of outlines not really pleasing to see, so they're gonna fix their cutaway system, well that's what he said 4 years ago... Yeah rotate the camera in Project Zomboid 2 lol, with their current game engine it's impossible.
@GamingGranny56 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting tactics
@ashleyanne2056 Жыл бұрын
Video request: towing - how much horse power does the car need to have extra to compensate for Sunday driver and how much less HP for speed demon to be as good as without either trait.
@SiodogRehane Жыл бұрын
The fact you can't gather the horde is the bigger problem don't know what version they came up with but not all zombies follow you. Used to back in the day use shotgun or pistol to gather them all to me and herd them away. Now only a limited number of Z follow you, others move around and others stay
@harkness9723 Жыл бұрын
Yeah noticed this. Some will absolutely NOT move from a car or an interacted item no matter how much you scream “OVER HERE!”
@Retanaru Жыл бұрын
My only tip for this is to leave a loud car with its muffler removed running to grab up all the straggler zombies. Note that you will not be able to pull zombies away from the car via noise once its setup. They will almost always walk back until you get into vision range. I recommend watching the way mister_lampreyuk clears hordes on his stream to get a feel for it. It's absolutely working around limitations, but its not as annoying as trying to pull a few hundred zombies around just by shouting.
@Reflexion555 Жыл бұрын
My favorite way to break up a horde? I use my friends as bait, you get rid of the horde, and you get some nice loot.
@zdechlak9373 Жыл бұрын
I play on multi hit and make glass canon (its hard to start run but if you start you don't need to split up hord )
@bmxdude1337 Жыл бұрын
*wiggle wiggle wiggle*
@Atlas_FGC Жыл бұрын
Heh, Tarkov already taught me how to wiggle.
@fahrradmittelfranken8207 Жыл бұрын
favorite way to break up hordes.... *loads shells into shotgun*
@grub2928 Жыл бұрын
@zaihn_y Жыл бұрын
My favourite way of dispatching zombie hordes is to use multihit 🤓
@jimi3138 Жыл бұрын
I stopped playing with only fast shamblers because it gets tedious quite fast as I'm just dodging and kiting huge hordes with just my left hand and barely touching the mouse with the right. I used to herd them into a big zombie ball and either toss a molotov or just break line of sight and lose them in any nearby forest or around/through a building. I'm now getting used to a 30% sprinters, and about 50% fast walkers that are faster than fast shamblers and you can't outwalk them. all zombies can open doors and windows and have long memory, random strength and toughness with 20% having keen hearing and 20% having eagle eye and all can follow sound distance up to 800 tiles. It's a nightmare where all the classic tactics don't work :D
@Retanaru Жыл бұрын
I've been playing around with all zombies being a little faster than the player walking. Really changes things when you actually have to do something about the zombies following you or face a slow death.
@The_Golden_Order Жыл бұрын
@pandu1018 Жыл бұрын
molotov and circle them, abusing it until the next update
@ivanchu8415 Жыл бұрын
Me with "multi-hit" on wondering why would i ever bother having them one by one... Yes i do prefer that my fingers still work when I'm in my 40s
@pseudodelamortquitue38 Жыл бұрын
shotgun to lure all and when out of ammo i go with a molotov.....
@ferdnano Жыл бұрын
What's the name of the mod that show xp with the UI icon?
@juanperez9555 14 күн бұрын
How do you conquer sprinter hordes?
@idk-qf3pr Жыл бұрын
@steveweast475 Жыл бұрын
1 molotov and a lighter
@mr_dillus Жыл бұрын
fork microwave
@thatonedude05 Жыл бұрын
>Grab a few basic weapons from the first garage I see. >Book it to Knox County Jail. >Run around in circles abusing multi hit to gain 800 kills in one day. >Leave the jail, not even taking the loot as I hate PZ gun aiming with a passion.
@antipsychotic451 Жыл бұрын
real gigachad shit
@fahrradmittelfranken8207 Жыл бұрын
@@antipsychotic451 gigachad and multihit are mutually exclusive.
@egormragov3908 Жыл бұрын
*dies from hunger/thirst/panic/drowse*
@Rando_furry Жыл бұрын
What about a few hundred with something really Important in the middle I need help
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