Ti and Fi the Resistance | Introverted Thinking & Introverted Feeling

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@benjaminfast5496 2 жыл бұрын
I'm confident I have Fi, but sometimes it can seem like Ti. I am just as analytical at times as a thinking type, but I'm analyzing something and consulting my Fi to see how I feel about it. Sometimes this can take a long time, sometimes it's instant. It feels logical to us, but to the outside world we just seem stubborn. Lol.
@maniacallyhappy 2 жыл бұрын
Fastest way to trigger Lead Ti 1:22 "What may be true for them, may not be true to me..." ... The level of reaction to that statement to someone in real life makes me want to shake the crap out of that person. bravo!
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Hahah yes!! That was the trigger I was looking to hit 🤣
@preciousgoje2193 2 жыл бұрын
My Ti usually shows up as me saying "interesting, never thought of it that way." Then go do my research and make sure what is being said is true. I remember someone (an Fi dorm) telling me some bizarre information about dogs, went and did my research and realized that was a lie. I always crosscheck what others and I am always a skeptic...... Sometimes I would say something and then go back cross check and if I am wrong, I admit it to the person. I never take the words of others as gospel until I do my own research. I also hate when others try to enforce their thoughts on mine as I see them as very independent and authentic to self. Ti users= i am my own authority.
@kyurei4478 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes it's not that I don't trust people, I just want to ask them as many questions as possible to get informations and see if I can validate it for myself and verify if they have confidence in what they're saying to defend this idea. Very similar to an ENTP in that regard. Since I ask way more questions than the average person, they start to believe I doubt or don't believe them and they can get angry lol. I just dissect the information very precisely to have the clearest idea of what they're saying.
@gabrielchattaway1663 2 жыл бұрын
I'd second that. As an ENTP, I'll generally be most interested in finding out if something someone said is true or not if it doesn't corroborate with what I currently understand of it. I don't tend to naturally resort to a direct contradiction of what they said, especially if I don't know much about it, but I proceed to bombard them with questions and sort of see how their information stands up to that. However I don't always look into it, because if I don't do it right away, I'll forget it. Forever. Thanks inferior Si.
@preciousgoje2193 2 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielchattaway1663 I enjoy asking questions too as this gives me a clearer perspective of things. The questions are to enable me understand the topic and make sense of what the person is saying. I ask those questions because that is how I will go about studying it if I am presented with those concepts. I also enjoy disseting concepts to their smallest part. When I was studying organic chemistry in college, I started from the history and built it all up. While it was tasking, it was enjoyable and those concepts are still stored in my head because I took the time to actually understand the topics taught. I have a couple of topics and subjects like that which I have studied extensively and they are somewhat craved in my mind. Ti is very explorative, in a way I see it as a form of freedom through knowledge.
@gabrielchattaway1663 2 жыл бұрын
@@kyurei4478 It's a bummer as an ENTP, because while I've never really been the argumentative type, people can only withstand so much questioning and often would prefer to just believe that their information, opinions and beliefs are just "objectively true".
@gabrielchattaway1663 2 жыл бұрын
@@preciousgoje2193 Exactly! Sometimes it would feel rude to just up and fact-check people via Google, so asking questions is a) useful and b) keeps the conversation flowing and opens up interesting learning opportunities. Also it's generally less frowned upon than arguing with people, as with questioning/interrogating/being sceptical in general you can always just stop or feign agreement and belief, whereas when someone sees you as an antagonising "opponent"... yeah you're in deep poo poo
@Kimbonessness 2 жыл бұрын
If you’re willing, can you do a series on this? Si vs. Ni (The Analyzers…), Ne vs. Se (The Adventurers…), and then Fe vs. Te (The Reactors…)? Thank you!
@Armosect 2 жыл бұрын
When talking to ISTJs, I found they just analyze to a point, then stop, were as I keep analyzing the thing, whatever it is.
@yournidom6512 Жыл бұрын
@@Armosect What is your type?
@minjoolee2231 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an mbti freak and I have been studying it for years now and this is the best (not one of the best, but literally) explanation I've heard
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks 😊 glad your scholarly self made it here
@Armosect 2 жыл бұрын
Minjoo one thing I have noticed myself at 29 (the picture is outdated, and apparently I got hotter somehow) is that I am able to utilize my Fi in unique ways. My strong values make me a bit polarizing. When I go into my more sensitive side though, apparently people find that very attractive for some reason.
@partoshahroodi531 2 жыл бұрын
I should add ti users may count their own truth as main truth but open mindness is always the main thing in their mind. Cause maybe I'm not seeing all the aspects even though I'm probably seeing it better than others 😅 -intp
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Yes i agree! It’s this dynamic of “open minded in order to level up self determined truth”, a constant leveling game with self.
@planetsj527 2 жыл бұрын
Really have no idea if I’m fi or ti dominant. I’m such a combination of the two. It’s really hard to make a distinction. I’m really really analytical and crave knowledge. Sometimes I can be a little apao But also I’m in tune with my emotions and like to analyze them, and sometimes make decisions based on how I feel about it. Or assess how i feel when I’m in a certain situation.
@la5830 Жыл бұрын
@mekhi1356 10 ай бұрын
If you’re consistently analyzing emotions that’s probably Ti. It’s like using Ti as a gateway to Fi feelings.
@Corvin2696 9 ай бұрын
@@mekhi1356 Emotions and values are two different things. Emotions happen when a function gets violated. You get anxiety when you have a uncertain future or your plans get disrupted. Si gets mad when the procedure is not observed. Fi gets mad if their values are violated. Te gets mad if reasons are anti-fact based. Every function that is disrupted and violated can trigger emotions.
@5idi 2 жыл бұрын
I actually managed to convince an ISTP of something, and she never admitted I convinced her and that it was MY argument originally. She just started using it. Funny enough, she's managed to convince me then of HER argument, and when I caught her using mine, I was so angry 😂 Like why resist so much if... I can't even...
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Hahahah that’s fantastic
@Kimbonessness 2 жыл бұрын
I would take that as a victory!
@5idi 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kimbonessness Oh, that WAS a victory, but at what cost, and why make it a battle in the first place? But yeah, that was the day I really understood Ti.
@maryfomt444 2 жыл бұрын
I can remember something that happened to me with my Fi Me: I don't really like the things that are trending now Also me: No I didn't like this trendy thing because it's trending, I like it because I genuinely like it. (not really influenced at all lol)
@5idi 2 жыл бұрын
@@maryfomt444 Heh, yeah... but still, there's this phase of personal evaluation. I often listen to some very popular music, but it's because naturally talented artists have a higher chance to succeed. I also listen to music hardly anyone's heard of, and I hate many very popular artists and trends. On the contrary, my Fe friend finds new music by rating, and if he doesn't like it at first, he listens a few times to get used to it and learn to like it. If it doesn't work, he cat try again a couple of years later. Me, I'm like... if I like or don't like, it's my opinion and that's it.
@BrockMak 2 жыл бұрын
If I had time to think, "2:00" would never even be brought up. 1:50 Even my more immature self would stop you right then and there. "Everyone"? Really? My Te Nemesis would probably say: How many people did you ask? It's impossible to ask "everyone on Earth". My Ti would say: "If I disagree, which I do, then I think your so-called definition of "Everyone" becomes invalid.
@5idi 2 жыл бұрын
Lol I'm Fi, and I just went "who the f*** is everyone???" skipping the entire logical explanation to my resistance. Thanks for lending yours, you're correct 😁
@Azdaja13 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I notice that contrary to most people's perceptions of myself, I don't really get into a lot of arguments and generally dislike it mainly because I usually don't see the point. Arguing for the sake of arguing is pointless and a waste of time. It's also unnecessary drama most of the time when I'd rather have calm and quiet. However, when I do argue is when I feel like my values have been violated and that person has unleashed the beast as it were so they end up getting the "no mercy approach". Then there is a point as the argument becomes a strategic point, a battleground as it were, with victory forwarding the moral position and conquering the opponent's "moral" (immoral...) position, however this is achieved via a strategic, methodical approach (and pre-empting and cutting down any counters before they're even made... or sometimes I bait "counters" only to entrap my opponent and make them reveal their true self). I actually showed an ENTP friend an argument I got into and she was both impressed and found the differences in our approaches very stark despite us both being intuitive thinker types. I tend to be more ruthless and direct while she tends to be more playful and indirect.
@cymbol73 2 жыл бұрын
Below their perceived intelligence - very insightful, and so true. I figure this might be difficult to spot in others. Easy to spot in myself.
@Kimbonessness 2 жыл бұрын
Very well put! In my experience, it depends on how high their Ne is…in which case it would take the form of sharing with others your intelligence…I’ve always found them to be great teachers or great debaters. Whereas Ni and Te makes a great executive, seeing patterns/having insight in situations and telling others how to proceed whether the choice, for those they’re alerting, is to be cautious moving forward, going ahead on a deal, whether something is good (smart etc.) and should be done or bad (unwise etc.) and should be avoided…🤷🏻‍♀️ Those with either pairing of functions are very much needed in directing people, whether it’s fixing how someone does something in the process or influencing how a result will pan out…
@timothyc.8666 2 жыл бұрын
Ti - The "calculator" of what is correctly incorrect or incorrectly correct. Fi - The "appraiser" of what is so valuable that it is invaluable or of what is so invaluable that it is valuable. This is my concept of how these functions behave in the people that I've interacted with, especially those with them as their primary lense. I would like to see a video on Ni and Si in a similar style if possible LiJo!
@thatothamae1394 8 ай бұрын
I would love to see your comments on those videos too
@farrex0 2 жыл бұрын
You make us Ti users sound somewhat arrogant. I find that quite insulting, actually..... we are actually VERY arrogant, thank you vey much! But now being serious, I think you hit the nail on Ti, I just want to elaborate on 2:30 . At least for me, Ti is quite skeptical, about everything, but because of that I am quite neutral, until I am not. It is hard to convince me of anything, and I mean either way. Even for things I believe, I tend to go back to the middle when I find something that doesn't make sense to me. But it is really true that i feel like the arbiter of truth, even tho I rarely get to form opinions. Even when listenign to other people, my brain is constantly thinking of inconcistencies and why what they said couldn't be true. So because I rarely form opinions, the way i judge people is based on how sound their logic is. But there are a few topics, where I can be like, "How could anyone believe in this? It is very clearly an idiotic thing to believe"... Astology for example, is one of those. When i think about it, I am like "Who am I to be so arrogant to believe I am the one that can truly be the arbiter of what is logical and or makes sense?". But even tho, I have almost always been so self aware of that, I still believe it, lmao. So indeed, I am very arrogant.
@chemquests 2 жыл бұрын
The world contains advocates for essentially every idea & my Ti gets frustrated with how easily many people get convinced and/or can’t admit they don’t know. I’m with you on retuning to resolved questions because a new thought or angle comes up. I’m less worried about being an arbiter of truth and more concerned that everyone isn’t that way.
@Azdaja13 2 жыл бұрын
See, I'm high Te instead and I can tolerate silly things like astrology (harmless and irrelevant to the wider world) and don't expend mental energy thinking about things like that which I could be using more productively, but if it's a topic where I see that person as just immoral and I can see the harm they're going to end up causing or the darkness driving them then I end up getting perturbed, though it's processed via a Te way and this indignant reaction is processed internally and I will hide it and try to keep such emotions from bubbling to the surface (it would only present a vulnerability for my enemies to exploit - which they absolutely _would_ exploit, which is tactically stupid to do and it's always best to keep one's emotions under control). Funnily enough, high Te also come off arrogant apparently, though I don't feel like I'm arrogant. It's just that all too often I feel like I'm having to explain basic things to overgrown 5 year olds, which doesn't make me intelligent, it just makes them stupid. I tend to see arguments like battles, both in the sense of defeating the opponent (so I will analyse their personality for weaknesses that I can use against them in order to make them make mistakes and ruin themselves, analyse their argument itself for flaws and figure out tactically which flaws to emphasise over others in order to best show how they're not only wrong but immoral). Their argument itself is usually just a smokescreen hiding their true beliefs a lot of the time since evil people often hide their dark intentions behind flowery, honeyed words and vaunted "ideals" when the true self is what immorality and sickness is driving them to act the way they do and the key to victory is to figure out what lies behind the argument and remove the mask of false virtue and reveal them for what they are. Oh, what really provokes me more is if people decide to fake niceness at me. I hate it. It's actually extremely rude because it shows utter, sheer disrespect that they would pretend to be friendly and think I wouldn't notice; an insult to my intelligence. I know they're being deceptive and trying to play social games with me (usually because they can't actually tackle what I've said so they need to flail about) and the best way of cutting through it is to simply maintain a direct approach because they want to deflect you into being indirect and it's always best to do the opposite of what your opponent wants (unless you're lulling them into a false sense of security but then you're just playing at doing what they want whilst doing the opposite in reality). This is mainly because however I just don't engage in arguments where I'm not invested and don't care, which is most of the time. The hilarious thing is when people get into arguments then claim they don't care because by engaging in an argument in the first place, it reveals they must care and seem to think their "care judgements" mean anything of substance when they don't (the same goes for the opposite where people bang on how much they care when if they actually cared, it would be self-evident and they wouldn't need to talk at length about it). I also prefer to detach from such people and I also try to pick my battles wisely because let's say I see someone saying such things in their own comment threads, then I know engaging them would be to fight them on their own field where they hold the advantage of flying monkeys to throw at me which just makes things tedious and annoying (normally it devolves into circle-jerking and attempts at gaslighting), and ultimately serves no purpose. But if I can draw them out onto a field of my own choosing then I can isolate them from their support base and tackle them one-on-one, where they tend to flounder. Hopefully this goes some way towards illuminating some differences in our approaches.
@glueball214 2 жыл бұрын
These new angles to see the definitions are always so helpful. I very much value seeing the same concept Ti or Fi from many different angles. 💙
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Great added Ti to this piece, thank you!
@farrex0 2 жыл бұрын
@@chemquests Oh yeah, by arbiter of truth, I meant that only I can get to the truth and I never take others word for granted. I listen to people, and have to analyze and critically think about everything they say. For example, the leading experts on a field, can tell me somethign about their field of expertise and if what they say doesn't make sense to me, I will highly doubt them. They could show me their credentials, peered reviewed papers, but it doesn't make sense to me, I could even have the gall and arrogance to say all of that is stupid. Of course, because of Fe I often have to ignore that knee jerk reaction to be skeptical just to keep the peace. But that is what my brain automatically does to anything. But it isn't like I go around telling people what they need to believe, I let everyone believe what they want to believe. I usually only ask people to think things critically and question their own believes. I prefer to hang with people that have different believes, but they reached them through a genuine search for truth, they are open to discussing them. Am also open to changing my mind, mainly because I care about truth and accuracy, way more than thinking I am right. I do not care about people thinkig I am right, in fact I am perfectly fine if they think I am an idiot. I just want people to like me, do not care if they think highly of me. It is me, and only me who I have to show my worth. Cognitive dissonance eats me inside, so I always have to make sure that my believes are accurate, and since it is really hard to be accurate, I often land on an agnostic position. Even on debates, I can often switch sides, because through the debate suddenly I realize my position wasn't as strong, not that the other person showed me, I have to realize it myself. In debates, I even argue against myself, specially if the other person is making a terrible job at defending their position. Because I care to find the truth way more than winning. I hate people that make the debate a competition, and they just want to win regardless of what is true. I am like, ok you won, congratulations. But if you are wrong, the only person that truly lost here is you. Because what does winning achieve, if it based on lies? Well what my Ne rant, was trying to say before i went on a million tangents(lmao)... is that by arbiter I mean, that I feel like I am the only one that can truly think critically, so i never take anyone's word for granted, I have to really think about what they say. And I will be the one to determine if it is true or not. I am like the person, where someone tells me "Did you know that x" and I go, "really? ok let me google it to see if it is true, and then i will ponder about it for a month and maybe I will believe you". But I do not go around telling people what is true.
@SirenoftheVoid 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, that resonates, as an Fi user. I had comments from my ENFJ bestie who said. about my values, that it was a reflection of where i am on my spiritual journey. I got this impression that she looked at my values from this perspective of the whole, as Fe user who sees the values of people on a wider scale.
@Armosect 2 жыл бұрын
I know of an ENFJ at work and several in the military. They really can be something else.
@BrockMak 2 жыл бұрын
3:22 My sister said exactly the same thing (INFP), but when I probed her, she brought up environmental impacts and and how volatile the market is. When she ran out of energy to talk, she just concluded by saying: It's basically a scam to me, really.
@RootedandtheWingedBook 2 жыл бұрын
As an INFJ married to an INFP, we clash a lot over Fi-Ti. I'll stubbornly say "This is true, and here are the facts. Do you want me to pull out my demon Te and use spreadsheets too? Because I will. It's the truth; how can you not accept it?" And he'll just say, basically, "It's not for me." End talk. All this to say, we still love each other very much.
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
So glad you both make it work!
@PedroDias-hj2jy 2 жыл бұрын
I also see them often confusing what is truth, and fact. From science, theories and books. Like, some will read a theoretical book and argue that because they said it, it is true. True is not one sided! There is no one person who can claim a full truth by his own accord It depends personally, intps are often very logical but they are aware of the insufficiency and relativity of things due to extroverted intuition. Introverted thinking with introverted intuition, not so often. Which is okay, just dont think because of a few studies you've immediatly debunked any possible argument because you believe you found the truth... 😳
@_lil_lil 5 ай бұрын
This is what I do in my head against myself-- I also seemingly use both Fi and Ti depending on the circumstance which is why finding my type is like pulling teeth... pretty sure I'm not a sensor or ENxJ, but that's it.
@chemquests 2 жыл бұрын
My Ti helps me naturally be a good scientist, as default skepticism is necessary.
@VisibleMRJ 2 жыл бұрын
It depends on your definition of scientist. If I have to build a scientist character in an mmorpg game I'll probably allocate most of my skill points on Si.
@vazzaroth 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting. That helps me understand Fi a litle more. Fi is one of the most baffling things to me as INTP (Fi demon, duh lol) and I almost constantly forget people just carry that information around at the top of their head frequently. On the other hand, what you said about having a structure of logic that I created, for me, and resist changing it without good reason is 110% true. Even as a little kid, I remember wondering how we're supposed to learn something that someone just TELLS us when they won't even explain every reason WHY that thing is the way it is. Without that info, how are we ever expected to have complete knowledge? Which I thought, I now realize isn't true, was the purpose of education. I used to be so mad that my mom clearly did not know why things were named what they were, and would tell me Mr Scissors invented the scissors. As an adult, I found out that others value 'complete knowledge', by my definition, much less than I assumed, lol.
@tetianayasenko3209 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Te user, but I also seek for truth. And often people tell me, that I have to many "why?" in my speech. So I don't think it is specifically Ti thing
@tetianayasenko3209 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ogmarlga745 thank you for the wide answer. I'm your Shadow INTJ. Do you have some specific examples, cause I also can be not satisfied with answers of 11 people?) I have for the research my Ni. But how Ti-users can know finally that something is true? Why they have theirs why's if they don't trust people? :)
@RlyOverBored 2 жыл бұрын
That "my truth" thing, oh man thats a problem. There is a difference between truth and opinion (in other context, personal experience). I'd say on the extremes of Ti, it looks for objective truth and for Fi, it looks for objective morality which is why Ti and Fi are very resistant to Te and Fe (those functions would look for subjective morality to support the majority). Ti would find themselves as intellectually arrogant and Fi as entitled narcissist. In each case though, when the individual takes the time to breakdown their Ti or their Fi correctly, one can find the utlimate peace. In my case, christianity. It really comes down to, whats ur personal belief system broken down logically (Ti) or broken down morally (Fi). Nice vid
@GuidingMyHome 2 жыл бұрын
This comment is amazing. Somehow it really sparked my (practically) missing Ni, and this is an important topic for me because I have savior masculine Fi and my husband has lead masculine Ti. Thank you for commenting!
@RlyOverBored 2 жыл бұрын
@@GuidingMyHome Np. thats great to hear
@saloni.sharma 2 жыл бұрын
That's actually a great breakdown... Introverted functions can be tricky if out of balance but they really are the key to your subconscious and can bring the ultimate self awareness and peace..
@rocketassistedgoat1079 2 жыл бұрын
Ti and Fi are about subjective truth and morality (hence the resistance, they go against the grain of the tribe). Te is about verifying truth (objective truth), and Fe is the values of the tribe or "objective" morality aka Ethics. So Ti and Fi led you to your subjective truth: Christianity. Furthermore, there's nothing objective about religion. Unless you're putting forth the earth being 6000yrs old and dinosaur fossils being planted by Satan as "objective reality". Objective reality is science, which is the domain of Te: the ideas of the tribe/what the tribe agrees on/ verifying truth.
@RlyOverBored 2 жыл бұрын
@@rocketassistedgoat1079 U didnt understanding my wording. I said Ti and Fi as EXTREMES LOOK for objective truth (Ti) and objective morality (Fi). I didnt say Ti and Fi are objective, I said they are personal belief systems that are broken down logically (Ti) or morally (Fi). Te and Fe can be used to verify truth or morality, but the problem with that is that people arent always accurate or right. If u dont dig deep enough, u wont be able to discern well enough for urself to know the difference between what is true or heretical, u about to get into some deep trouble not knowing urself enough and rely on others too much to let people determine what is true or moral. Objective physical reality would be Se! It is to be observed, there is no input into what anyone deem as true, just the world itself
@connorparks4568 2 жыл бұрын
I now have inspiration to paint pictures of birds. Thank you.
@myopjourney4671 2 жыл бұрын
As an Fi user I'm fascinanted by Ti people, they're like true aliens to me... Lol
@Tilnaor 2 жыл бұрын
Even we feel like that sometimes (as INTP)
@farrex0 2 жыл бұрын
What gave it away?... I mean what made you think that? pffft! of course we are not aliens... *laughs nervously and looks away*
@maniacallyhappy 2 жыл бұрын
@@Tilnaor I dunno, it's not that hard to figure us out. We're either REALLY quiet... or you can't shut us up if you happened to hit a topic that we're currently deep diving into.
@chemquests 2 жыл бұрын
That’s what makes learning personalities fun! It’s funny how alien we all can be to each other
@myopjourney4671 2 жыл бұрын
@@farrex0 well I can see how us Fi Te users can be aliens from your perspective so we're even, you're cool aliens though ;)
@coonieliabsiax3 2 жыл бұрын
Growing up around Fi users being an Entp was quite a journey lol i've learned a lot from them developing my diplomátic side but I tend to reserve my opinións that can create caos.
@cameronvalentine6207 2 жыл бұрын
As someone close with an Fi dom I will say that it's truly amazing how okay they are with going against the grain. As an Enneagram 9 with demon feminine Di I could never😂
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Hahah yep you can see it!
@SB-mr8se 2 жыл бұрын
Teamwork is dreamwork, but that doesn't mean you have to like it. -thats what you get when you cross the Lego movie with the third Indiana Jones intro.
@meesha_dreaming 2 жыл бұрын
I have always been a creature of conviction, yet always wanting to hear the other side ("what information am I missing?"). I find Ti users (specifically INTP's) quite intriguing if not interesting companions..
@GuidingMyHome 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. I'm Se/Fi and fell for an INTP. Haha.
@purplemind93 2 жыл бұрын
@@GuidingMyHome did your relationship work out or where are you at now? I'm pretty sure I'm Fi/Se and it did not work out for me with intp. for so long I thought we were perfect for each other, but as soon as he saw my true chaos he decided it was the end. I was a bit stunned to be honest, because I thought I understood him a little. It just goes to show how different Ti is vs Fi. I got to see bits of his true language when we were together and oftentimes thought it was intriguing and cute, but since my mental health deteriorated and I couldn't keep up with our long distance relationship (it wasn't a problem for him so he couldn't fathom why it was a problem for me) so I broke down and threw out a suggestion to save the relationship somehow, he didn't go for it and I saw the full deal of how our core language and values was so different it really came as a shock to me. this was a few days ago so I needed to vent a little.
@GuidingMyHome 2 жыл бұрын
@@purplemind93 I'm so sorry to hear that. 💔 I hope you can find peace quickly. You are worth more than what one man sees in you. Originally, he did actually break up with me. We spent years apart from there, but he then randomly proposed to me and we've been married for coming up on 10 years now. His need for time to himself and my need for time with him is one of our greatest struggles. The main thing in any relationship seems to be a willingness to grow. If neither party is willing to do their demons...it likely won't work out.
@purplemind93 2 жыл бұрын
@@GuidingMyHome Thank you, that is really sweet of you
@GuidingMyHome 2 жыл бұрын
@@purplemind93 Exactly. Your value doesn't come from others. That's a hard lesson though...it's easy to see my own value in how valuable others act like I am. Haha. Yes. Timing is more important than I expected it to be. But in the end, the heart wants what it wants even for a lead Ti.
@lishayost144 2 жыл бұрын
Ti/Fi problem with Te and Fe is that just because the majority agree about something, that is not what makes it true or right. And, (Ti incoming) how do we ever know for a fact that a majority agrees about something? Because we are told by certain people? I never come to believe anything unless that's the thing that makes the most sense to me at that point in time. But I am constantly questioning myself and everything, my beliefs, etc. We might not change our minds very easily, and it depends what it is, but that doesn't mean we aren't openminded. I'm always taking in information even if it goes against what I currently think to be true. I'm storing this info somewhere and eventually lots of pieces of information can come together to give a bigger/clearer picture. I don't ever say I'm certain about anything and I never make promises. I don't trust anyone, not to mention those who think they are certain about things or make promises. If someone were to come up to me and say, "everyone has determined that this is the right way to do X," I would have different answers depending on what it was. Maybe I've tried that way and another way I found worked better for my situation. If I haven't tried it, I would say, "hmm, I will have to think about that," or "maybe I'll try that." But only if I care about whatever it is. Some things I just don't care, I'm fine with the way I do it. Anything I get frustrated by I tend to try to find solutions, so I am open to suggestions!
@GoldenDaemonas 2 жыл бұрын
A big difference between Ti and Fi is that Ti WANTS to be corrected but is skeptical that it can be corrected (since it knows it has tried hard to reach the truth) while on the other hand Fi does NOT want to be corrected and prefers to be left alone and let everyone do their own thing their own way. Ni and Si have resistance toward expansion too. Ni can easily get tunnel visioned by dismissing anything that could negatively affect the vision that it has set its eyes on (and in worst case scenarios end up being delusional) but also its a necessary evil to be able to plow through the irrelevant information and hampering details to be able to reach the said vision. Si wants to find a position (does not matter if its a good or bad one) and slowly turn it into a perfect one, it can get stubborn towards moving onto better newly appeared positions since it does not want to let go of what its been doing and start over every time, and again its a necessary evil to allow Si to build up the perfect comfortable position for itself over time (even if it takes very long).
@madbunny101 2 жыл бұрын
I appear to have low Ti, almost none based on this description, but I have some Ne. I regularly test INTJ. I actually have high acceptability for external truths. Ask me about my religious upbringing and then my lecture about the origins of Adam and Eve. Very different stories. As far as examples, I do have a habit of exiting when the person I'm talking to is forthright with their attacks on my intelligence and character. They can argue points and counterpoints, but as soon as they make it clear that they think I'm an idiot, I'll find a way out of the room, usually after shutting up and ending my contributions to the argument. I realize most people have an idea that they simply won't part with, and so it becomes a waste of my energy to attempt to open their eyes to a possibility that they could consider. Also, if someone is presenting a counterpoint and it attacks the characters of friends I highly regard, it doesn't matter what their argument is, I'll disregard it. If a new source presents the same argument again, I'll likely consider it for inclusion in the thinking process.
@Tilnaor 2 жыл бұрын
Only at 1:32 and already filled with wisdom (truth is universal, and does not care at all about anybody)
@denissesantillan6218 2 жыл бұрын
Infp here that has happily walked away from gossip since my parent's divorce in 07. It's like my Fi and Te get annoyed and decide gossiping is just unproductive.
@hansanikularatne5287 10 күн бұрын
Is it relatable if I said, you'd walk away from gossip because there's no truth to demeaning people in the way gossip does? Eventually everyone starts to sound like a hypocrit? And then there's little to no value to what they are saying, it sounds too dumb to tolerate.
@writerducky2589 2 жыл бұрын
"Ti vs Fi, the resistance-" "Viva la resistànce!" ... I'll tell my Ne to be quiet now and watch the rest of the video.
@enfieldjohn101 2 жыл бұрын
I'm very difficult to convince. The least effective thing to say to me is that 'everybody' believes something or does something that doesn't align with my beliefs or that I know is wrong. My response to such thing is usually something like "Well those people are wrong." A fallacy doesn't become a fact just because people believe it.
@hafizahjasni8656 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, that's why when my INTP says, "Uhum. Makes sense" in response to something I have just explained to him, those words feel like such a praise lol. I get all proud and happy hehe.
@harleycorreia3199 2 жыл бұрын
Uhum makes sense !!!! A lot !!
@hafizahjasni8656 2 жыл бұрын
@@harleycorreia3199 *giggles* Hahahaha yayyy.. lol
@bodhisattvaFM 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, I'm glad someone recognized our "makes sense" means "congratulations!". What type are you?
@hafizahjasni8656 2 жыл бұрын
@@bodhisattvaFM My cognitive functions point to ENFJ :) 4th slot Ti :)
@drafalyreserpentrau5421 2 жыл бұрын
That was very enlightening and seems accurate, thank you for your videos!
@coolbeans6895 2 жыл бұрын
In many ways Ti and Fi look very similar. Especially if my internal logic as a Ti sees the benefit of Fi and morals, then I’m going to incorporate that into my world intentionally. Then we get even less difference between the two. Also in the reverse case. My Fi is used to put value in Ti, in which case I will intentionally add to my internal logic. I’ve heard about Fi-Ti and Ti-Fi dips which can make Fi and Ti users extremely similar
@linyenchin6773 2 жыл бұрын
You do justice to the fiction of mbti, making it look even more solid than the fiction called the field of psychology and its poorly coined phrasing along with sloppy framing of their faulty opinions regarding how the mind works.
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lin 😆✨
@alo_tsl8252 2 жыл бұрын
I have both Ti and Fi and i use them equally. I don't know what's wrong with me.
@_lil_lil 5 ай бұрын
1:41 I'm realizing that my supposed lack of Ti (which is why I originally typed as INFP) has just been me having low self confidence to speak up and little verbal charisma in which to convince others. I've been like "this isn't right, but maybe I'm stupid, the other people probably know better than me because I'm dumb" and then it goes t*ts up or I'm proven correct and I think "I fucking knew it, they should have listened to me/I should have said something" My problem is I'm confident in my high Ne, but I also think I use both Ti and Fi, so I'm stuck.
@Mikearice1 2 жыл бұрын
You're misunderstanding a key factor that basically comes from how an INTJ with Te sees the world. You guys are process oriented - what works? Ti is all about concepts, what is true? They are different things. Your example of what would trigger Ti's is a process (how to do something) which actually isn't a good example. I think a INTPs are more likely to be triggered when someone misuses a word, gets a fact wrong, or misses the point of a discussion. From a Ti perspective, ways of doing things don't generally count as objective truths, and that doesn't tend to trigger them. People taking different paths don't change the map, and the map is what Ti is concerned with - and that map is considered objective reality. We figure we get the right to say that because we actually always do test and update it. (Procedures and sequences of doing things are more of a Te thing. You guys make plans. We don't. SJs are the ones who insist that everything has to be done a certain way instead of just by results. We try to understand what is really going on so we can just adapt with it in the moment. If Tes have their way, they NEVER ARE in the moment. Planning is how TJ's procrastinate and avoid reality. ) Ti cares more about whether facts and concepts are correct, contradict or make sense. Even for abstractions, things still need to make sense. (There are plenty of fields that deal with abstractions that still have to be treated as objectively defined things - MATH, law, etc. And even in cases where there is fuzziness, that fuzziness has limits and parameters..) INTP's and ISTPs will tell you you're wrong if you say something that is scientifically wrong, or if you're misusing a word, or someone doesn't get something that they will need to know to accomplish what they're doing - and we have a hard time hiding when we fully disbelieve something another person holds dear; but we don't generally tell people they're making wrong choices, or tell people how to do their job, etc. In fact, we are really loathe to do those things in general. We let people make their own choices and do their own thing. At worst, we try to help by informing people when we detect holes in understanding. Keep in mind, when we're informing, we're also stealth questioning. If you show us something we don't know, we'll try to incorporate it.
@noshamey1495 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like my extroverted feeling is my introverted intuitions knowing.
@gksrblue21 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's interesting that the statement "what's true for them may not be true for me" would offend a Ti user. I'd expect that a person with well-developed Ti would actually allow their internal logic/knowledge model to reflect that kind of subjectivity as needed. Not everything is objective; some things are subjective by default, and being open to that would probably be the more logical approach if the ultimate goal is to identify some sort of universal truth (which to my understanding is what Ti is after).
@purplemind93 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this, I thought so too (as a person who doesn't have Ti at all). I am biased here because I just broke up with a INTP but here it goes anyway. They can say stuff like "Hmm, that is a valid point" but what they really means is usually "I don't have any research on that yet, but once I have and have put it through my perfect system, I can tell you what you were wrong about". Seriously they seem to live for spotting others mistake as they see it, which is weird to me since they have Ne as their second function. But then again, I'm probably veyr biased.
@gksrblue21 2 жыл бұрын
@@purplemind93 Yeah, as a person who has Ti (at least I think I do lol), I often do that too. I guess it comes from simply wanting to acknowledge the validity of something based on whether it holds up logistically, especially if I don’t have enough information to know whether it’s true factually or in practice. And then I'll look into it later if I remember. I don't think I do this specifically for the sake of spotting mistakes or proving others wrong, but more so just to flesh out my knowledge base. Even when I do find mistakes in other people's reasoning, I don't make it a point to correct them unless I'm close to them. I do this for a few reasons: (1) I have to feel comfortable enough around them to express my thoughts without fear of judgment or being misconstrued, and (2) I have to care enough about them to ensure they are well-informed. Because if it were me and I was mistaken about something, I'd rather be corrected by someone I trust rather than express my misunderstandings in public and make a fool of myself.
@purplemind93 2 жыл бұрын
@@gksrblue21 Yes I can see this being the reasoning behind many intps. When they start getting to know someone (with the intent of a friendship or relationship) they are quite good at making themselves agreeable and expressing everything through Fe. But when they know this person better and as you say might not be afraid of spilling the harsh truth anymore for different reasons, this will show up as more “im right you’re wrong and there is nothing personal about it” (or so they think…)
@panijazz Жыл бұрын
I'd say you are correct. OP as a system is based on assessing people who are pretty low level in self-awareness so they don't seem to talk much about processed Ti. But yes, absolutely, the only objective truth is that there is no objective truth. Now that's a paradox that hurts a Ti to the core but you gotta live with it because it's true ;).
@benshanahan2295 Ай бұрын
Wait, but everyone person would rather work as something they like. If someone enjoys painting over selling nfts, that would make sense as nfts are not something they want to plan their life around. Idk about that example. I feel like even Fe users would want to do something they enjoy rather than just doing something they dont for the money
@la5830 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always thought I was an INTP but now I think I might be infp
@fbksfrank4 2 жыл бұрын
Oh the butthurt over not caring! I’ve learned to kinda keep that one to myself. The shock factor is to much for them.
@saloni.sharma 2 жыл бұрын
😂 Fi is ruthless like that.. I've been called aggressive, rude, cold and what not... Still not caring though 😛
@5idi 2 жыл бұрын
Yep... But how infuriating it is that people expect you to care! Like... I'm doing my Fi just fine, leave it alone. If anyone Te needs something from me they can let me know, and then I'll decide how much I care about it
@saloni.sharma 2 жыл бұрын
@@5idi yeah exactly! Everyone's happy that way....
@squali1930 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, once she said start and NFT shop I facepalmed in disapproval lol.
@omermanjo7459 4 ай бұрын
What's with the star wars logo??? Is there a hidden meaning?
@apollodavis4090 2 жыл бұрын
Does this mean that a Ti user doesn't have values or doesn't prioritize values or is not aware of their values? And vice versa for Fi?
@lucyk2634 2 жыл бұрын
Wow you helped me see that I am indeed definitely on Fi axis and surely not on Ti 😀 But my very good friend, he is on Ti axis and now I see where most of our disagreements come from!
@IkaMiranti 2 жыл бұрын
Omg, i have the same thought about NFT too. I didnt even think that NFT is interesting 😅. Why would someone pay thousands of dollars for weird pixel picture?? 🤪
@ArtinJ 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would have really helped to distinguish between masculine and feminine variations as well! For example, I think I'm an INTJ with feminine Fi, and I am far more chill with my values than masculine Fi.
@jodlethepodle 2 жыл бұрын
What is this, I've not come across feminine and masculine variations?
@Hammerbruder99 2 жыл бұрын
@@jodlethepodle You can find information about it on the Objective Personality channel or maybe even on this channel.
@johnnygilbert8163 2 жыл бұрын
Huh? I feel like a Ni/Ti/Fi users
@bodhisattvaFM 2 жыл бұрын
True BUT as an INTP who gets most of his hair on fire news about the end of the world from INTJ social media posts y'all Te attuned can go full crackpot as well as anyone else 😝
@rocketassistedgoat1079 2 жыл бұрын
INTJ here. Te is verifying truth, so INTJs are the LAST type, susceptible to conspiracy theories. I never fall for fake news, and I'm quick to shoot it down. INFJ on the other hand, also have hero Ni but lack strong Te, so they're the ones prone to going full tin foil hat.
@bodhisattvaFM 2 жыл бұрын
@@rocketassistedgoat1079 Nah. They share the same nonsense as everyone else they just preface it with "What the mainstream media won't tell you is..."
@rocketassistedgoat1079 2 жыл бұрын
@@bodhisattvaFM Lol. "Mainstream media". You sound like a Truther. Like nine out of ten of them, you also can't even put a SENTENCE together...in the only language you speak. ALL the intellectuals are iNtuitives, and there wouldn't be one in a thousand of them, who can't see right through Trump's endless lies and dogwhistles. You're wrong, just as you're completely wrong about Te (which is verifying truth NOT subjective opinion which is Ti). You would have mistyped a Sensor as an iNtuitive. Also, using "nah" in conversation: means I instantly dislike you, as it's impossibly supercilious.
@bodhisattvaFM 2 жыл бұрын
@@rocketassistedgoat1079 My, you're a precious little handful aren't you? The only part worth responding to is the misstatement you've made twice now. Te tends to be more concerned with relevance or efficacy over truth. I actually don't know how much INTJs value truth or honesty. Any thoughts?
@rocketassistedgoat1079 2 жыл бұрын
@@bodhisattvaFM Very much so. We're regarded as perhaps the most honest type-to a fault (INTP are the other candidate). Parent Te (the ideas of the tribe/verifying truth-science is a classic example of Te, as peer-review precisely fits the definition of the shared ideas of the tribe) and Blindspot Fe (meaning I don't-give-a-shit about the values of the tribe) sort of facilitate this. Child Fi and the requisite Ni-Fi loop, also means: we have a strong moral compass (another connection with INFP) and if you search the internet, we're even voted as the kindest type. Believe it or not, I've always thought that myself. This is partly why INFPs like us so much (it's mutual), as they also don't care about the tribe's ethics and possess a strong moral compass as well as strong values. The "golden pair" of the INTJ (I can believe it), is meant to be ENTP. They're more prone to manipulation than INTP, as they have demon Fi. People think they're argumentative, but really: I think they just need someone they can spar with intellectually, and INTJ can do that. Ti also searches for truth, and goes deeper than Te. Te specialises in objective truth-that which the tribe agrees on. But it's surface level and isn't original thought. Original thought, is Ti. Generally, I really like INTPs, so let's leave what is probably a miscommunication here. Also, call me pedantic about language (guilty): but I HATE "nah". I can't even put into words, how much I loathe that word.
@linyenchin6773 2 жыл бұрын
True; other people's opinions = not reality, that is what makes them opinion aka facts and not reality, just prejudice or bias or belief.
@skeletom1806 2 жыл бұрын
I believe I am Di first, yet i've been on the fence for Ti or Fi, I related to every description you mentioned, though I do think that perhaps in my thoughts I am taking the Fi-Te axis more seriously.
@SCWhiteJazz 2 жыл бұрын
so the way you presented TI-Resistance from 1:20 on I can tell by the not well enough hidden contempt your microexpressions show through my Fe-inferior-perspective...that your Fi in the stack must be pretty upwards ... nargh...
@knowahnosenothing4862 2 жыл бұрын
@henrique.campos Жыл бұрын
So...I'm pretty sure prefer Fi over Fe...but somehow Te and Ti resonate a lot with me. I think I...emulate Ti with Ni and Te? These are certainly my prefered functions. So...maybe I just went to the shadow spectrum and negleted the demon Fi straight?
@noms3434 2 жыл бұрын
so i have really high Fi. maybe higher than my Ne but i’m super extroverted i’m so confused help 😭😭😭
@keithlamm1126 2 жыл бұрын
Rule#1: ti dom is ALWAYS right. Rule#2: if ti dom is ever wrong, refer to Rule 1
@demogorgon4244 2 жыл бұрын
if you come up to a ti user and say "that" without explaining "why" then you (not necessarily you) are just talking from your ass. in contrast, "IF" ti user explains why he believes x is true and if you don't know enough about x to have a debate with him, then in fact you are the last person to judge him. either go learn more about the stuff and prove ti user is wrong or stop saying things like "the only person determining what is true is them" do you know "why"? because it's literally impossible to determine anything any other way if you use the word determine properly. you are not an ant. you do not belong to a hive mind. you take some information, compare and contrast and then YOU determine what's right and what's wrong. don't you? ti users consume external truth all the time. books are external truth sources. it's just compared to a typical te user, ti user read more books that offer different perspectives and arguments and synthesize them. especially with ne. don't be truth worshipper. do you know why? because most truths out there are half-assed. don't be cultist. sure, there are absolute truths like "water is wet". ti users do not question that. do they? what they question then? maybe an argument like "capitalism is the only option". when it comes to typology wooooh, "truths" even became quarter-assed so there's a ton to debate and argue. that's exactly what we should do instead of creating our own clicks and licking each other's asses. there should be typology debates non-stop and whoever gets his ass handed to him should quit youtube forever. that being said, ti-ing is no easy thing. it's in fact extremely time consuming. it in fact rarely yield practical results because of that consuming different sources and checking wheter truth is perfect or should be improved etc. te goes wrong all the time too though. for example in usa, especially in south te is pretty retarded, no? all those neo nazies and antivaxxers and dark enlightment types like bannon etc? donald trump says "make america great again" and "we gonna built a wall" or whatever and people are like woooh. cause why question how to build that huge wall at all? or look at the general political system in united states. totally rigged, right? but hey, that's the external truth so bend over i guess? you know what i mean? when i first read the title i though ah, cool, she is gonna say fi and ti resists against te and fe! oh yeah, they are against status quo! they want to dig deeper and improve!
@hirsch4155 2 жыл бұрын
Wow I watched this one after the “3 things Fe” one… when you say here the thing about intelligence being insulted, this is exactly what I was getting at in my comment for the other one 😂. It’s like, whether I value the group or such is irrelevant, I’ll like the people or I’m eager to join the vibe, but …. yeah, if it goes beyond some pleasant vibe and things get discussed in some way that I find stultifying, uh oh, as the minutes or hour ticks by and it goes beyond pleasantaries, I may come across unintentionally as arrogant or I’ll just shut up and get bored. Even though I was eager and friendly at the beginning :(. These videos are really helpful, thanks
@Jojo-lw4ug 2 жыл бұрын
Hahhaha! What you said about the Ti user being the arbiter of truth and if it's not true to them it is simply false, that is so true! Another example of someone claiming something to be true when it is not is when someone claims a certain thing is the best of it's kind. If there is no objective way of ranking the things, truth of the matter is that thing is the one they prefer. (Ti-Ne CS/P(B))
@SB-mr8se 2 жыл бұрын
Book recommendation for you! Read Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes.
@davidpapojr8531 Жыл бұрын
true :P
@pearlsb45wine 2 жыл бұрын
I thought I was was an INTP for the longest since my Fi places a lot of value on intelligence/high mindedness, thus when I can percieve that it's ultimately a situation/conversation, etc. that is a waste of my time I'm done.
@neonz1132 2 жыл бұрын
I use to repel to situations that people talk bad about someone behind their back like literally getting stomach aches. But, I started to be more tolerant of it after hanging out with an estp closely. I asked her, why did you talk bad things about so n so. She answered directly, because everyone has their own opinions about something, it could be good or bad, but if saying it in front of them, it might cause conflict or another person could feel disrespected(fe). Also I realized that the negative opinions are just expressions of dissatisfaction and the longing of refinement of social structures. Without ti throwing chips here and there, human beings could be too enmeshed all together, what are the spaces left for innovation and changes? Also, without te smashing a value judgment on ti’s intellectual arrogance, they could be living in a sand form non string attached society.
@johnhanigosky4085 Жыл бұрын
This was interesting. I agree with your assessment of the resistance of Ti. Can say I’ve definitely removed myself from those situations where I felt I was in a multiverse of stupid. I do disagree with the portrayal of right ways or truth. I can acknowledge that there are multiple truths. Some truths are more true than others, and some are more dangerous than others. To be honest, in those situations, I feel it’s more about Fe, and if a truth is dangerous to the group on a much more existential scale
@tetianayasenko3209 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, I've heard that "This is my truth" belongs to Ti. Here is said that it is not so. So how should I believe?
@writerducky2589 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great, clear explanation of Ti vs Fi. Suspect my lead Di is feminine though, making it a little difficult to pinpoint which I do because they seem to resemble their demon De counterparts. But with this video in mind I should be better able to figure it out. Thanks.
@Armosect 2 жыл бұрын
This is interesting. Personally, being raised by women as an INTJ makes it to where I will hold my friends to some unique standards and will literally drop a friend based on how they treat their lover. Funny thing is, I also learned in romance that since I don't lash out in anger, seek to argue, be passive-aggressive, and am not emotionally high strung, I can be off-putting to women who need the drama. (Good riddance I say!) :P
@888Longball 2 жыл бұрын
My friend wants to do a project. He talked to a contractor but the guy doesn't share his values and so is out.
@nora_8080 2 жыл бұрын
I can't seem to re-find the comment that said this is, not one of, but the best explanation of Ti/Fi, so I'll just support it from here
@feelsrestricted8322 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely thought by the title of this video, you were going to advocate these types team up to resist culture or the government lol.
@cyberneticbutterfly8506 2 жыл бұрын
I am INTP, convince me that Te is even the right way to think! 🧐🧐🧐
@Taichientaoyin 8 ай бұрын
INFP here, Fi :)
@404sum 2 жыл бұрын
These videos help a lot, especially when you're skeptical about your type and want to do the job yourself! Ty!
@joshuasukup2488 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful, I had not looked at this before. Thank you LiJo
@derekbinsack 2 жыл бұрын
Oh Lindsay… I never told you! I was typed in OPS as FM Te/Se PC/B(S) which was a little surprising 🙈 Shan said it’s the same type as Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you Google him when he was young, we look almost identical. It’s pretty weird! Hope you’re well and being super productive x
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Omg that’s amazing!!! Makes total sense actually!!
@francescos7361 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great sister we have . We loves you so much we are all geniuses.
@ollep0lle 2 жыл бұрын
Omg Im starting an NFT shop now
@13thravenpurple94 2 жыл бұрын
Great work 🥳🥳🥳 Thanks 💜💜💜
@_--Reaper--_ 2 жыл бұрын
I kept getting lost in your eyes during the video...
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Gee thanks
@whome6415 2 жыл бұрын
I just spent 250,000 on a picture that other people can use in a variety of ways. Did I just waste a lot of money or are other people going to respect my ownership of this picture?
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Lol exactly 🤣
@whome6415 2 жыл бұрын
Any chance this is an elaborate way to venture into the NFT market? It's okay you can tell me.
@elonmust8859 2 жыл бұрын
1:20 I know the feeling. lol
@benjaminjohnson8845 2 жыл бұрын
Good ti talk
@Mrbertiification 2 жыл бұрын
So true! I love it.
@Mart-Bro 2 жыл бұрын
Good stuff
@user-mz3wq5xt8l 2 жыл бұрын
Do you type ppl 🤔
@user-mz3wq5xt8l 2 жыл бұрын
If so can I book a session with you
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Yes link in bio
@diversejoe617 2 жыл бұрын
I'm telling you INTJ ppl(including myself) are literally the most observant of them all the types
@saloni.sharma 2 жыл бұрын
Also our companion INFJs... It's an Ni gift I think 😌😌
@diversejoe617 2 жыл бұрын
@@saloni.sharma We be running people some free game fr
@daviddabrowski01 2 жыл бұрын
Oooooooo giiiiirrrlllll…. Preaching that Ti truth
@InternetLiJo 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao you know it 😉
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Рет қаралды 87 М.
How Strong is Tin Foil? 💪
Рет қаралды 136 МЛН