Keep it up, this is good information and u have good understanding. Those who r opposing u r either EV sellers or those who already have bought expensive EV. Even the government needs some1 like u who can advice in this area instead of pushing 4ward blindly. Lack of prioritization is the core problem of Ethiopian Gov't in all aspects.
Buying a Toyota, especially if it is a hybrid one, is a shrewed investment. However, the ID4 or any of Volkswagen's EVs will cause you a painfull journey. If you can't afford a Toyota, the next best thing is the BYD lineups.
Thanks! I really share your idea! I feel that there will be more crises related electric cars. Specially, in poor countries like Ethiopia, you suffer hard if you buy electric car due to absence of warranty and legal support. Care needs to be taken before things are getting out of control!