These Tips Will Get You Into Classic Fallout

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@TKsMantis 3 жыл бұрын
Tweet me pics of your Classic Fallout journey:
@redmoonbloodmoon3161 3 жыл бұрын
made/wrote this for new players: (it's not the most organized and etc: too lazy, but it's still pretty helpful) ------------ probably got (at least some of) this stuff figured out already, but here you go: ------------ F1 for seeing the controls screen (doesn't tell what they do though) ------------ in the game settings screen (ESC key for game menu options or press the alphabet-letter ’o’ key or press the UI button with the white-yellow circle on it: it's the button below the 'INV' button on the UI, and then choose the 'preference' option): have combat speed on fastest (it's extremely slow otherwise) have it set on 'walking' as the default (running cancels/ends being in sneak mode) ----------- hold shift key when you need to run (running cancels/ends being in sneak mode), or if you double mouse (left) click, it will run too (if you got the 'always run' on as the default, then it's reversed: holding shift key causes you to walk) ----------- inventory screen: 'i' key or press the 'inv' game UI button character screen: 'c' key or press the 'cha' game UI button pipboy screen (has quests, time/date, and etc info/stuff): 'p' key or press the 'pip' game UI button sleeping/resting controls: press the 'z' key or go to the pipboy screen and then press the alarm/bell icon at the top -------- end turn in combat: 'spacebar' key or press the 'turn' in the lower right corner's game UI little square box or use up all of your APs (action points) end combat: 'enter/return' key or press the 'combat' in the lower right corner's game UI little square box, note that you can’t end combat as long as you’re still detected by some hostile ------- skill usage selection: press the right red button on the game UI or press the 'S' key or directly use the specific skill via pressing the '1-8' keys (the top row of number keys) (see below) 1: sneak (toggles sneak mode on/off) 2: lockpick (unlock) 3. steal/plant 4. traps (disarm trap) 5. first aid 6. doctor 7. science 8. repair ------- right click (keep pressing to toggle through them: see below) to change mouse pointer: A. the big red outline hex pointer (movement) B. the arrow pointer (hold down the left click for the different action/command icons: examine, use item, use skills, etc) C. the small red target pointer (attack) ------- to enter into combat mode: get detected/seen by hostiles (automatic) or left click on the big rectangle in the middle on the bottom of the screen of the game UI or press the 'A' key ------ attack types (depends on weapon): melee: 1. swing 2. thrust 3. throw (some weapons can work as both melee and throwing) 4. aimed/targeted attack (this is the forerunner to the VATS system of later fallouts) (this can NOT be done if you chose the 'fast shot' trait) throwing: 1. swing (some weapons can work as both melee and throwing) 2. thrust (some weapons can work as both melee and throwing) 3. throw 4. aimed/targeted attack (this is the forerunner to the VATS system of later fallouts) (this can NOT be done if you chose the 'fast shot' trait) firearms: 1. single shot 2. aimed/targeted shot (this is the forerunner to the VATS system of later fallouts) (this can NOT be done if you chose the 'fast shot' trait) 3. burst shot (not every firearm can do burst shot, only some firearms got burst shot) and while not an attack type: 1. reload (to put more bullets into the gun), costs 2 AP (I think) ---------- to change attack type: right click (keep right clicking to cycle through them) on the big rectangle on the bottom of the screen of the game UI or press the 'N' key -------- to switch weapon slot: press the left red circle button on the game UI or press the 'B' key ------ important: you can either click on (right click to get the arrow pointer: hold left click and select the 'use' or 'skill icons) the target and select the item/skill to use on them, or, you can select a skill and then select a target to use the skill on, or you can click on (right click to get the arrow pointer: hold left click and select the 'use') the item and them select what target to use the item on ----- IMPORTANT: in the barter (and/or steal, I think too) screen(s), you can press the mouse cursor on the number box, and type in the amount you want (even though there’s no indication that you can do so unfortunately, I myself never knew I could do this for quite a while myself, pressing the arrow/+/- game UI buttons, gazillions of times, wasn’t fun, lol) the amount per item-unit can’t exceed ‘999’ though, so say you want to barter 1998 bottle caps: move bottle caps item-unit over to its barter/exchange box, press the mouse cursor on the number box, and type in 999, then again move the bottle caps item-unit over to its barter/exchange box, and click on the number box, and type in 999, and you’ve successfully bartered over 1,998 bottle caps bottle caps item-unit #1: 999 bottle caps item-unit #2: 999 = 1,998 bottle caps ------- companions (except for dogmeat) have infinite storage to give items to companions, use their barter screen, as they'll gladly take your items for free, lol (and this also bypasses the normal character weight restrictions that they have) to take items back from your companions: just use 'steal' on them, and steal back whatever you want ----- the dots/circles (green/red and bright/dulled) above the big box in the center of the bottom of the screen) are your APs (action points) and the vertical bar between the big box in the center of the bottom of the screen and the HP and AC boxes, is your bullet amount remaining in your gun’s magazine ------ during combat: sequence determines the turn order of all characters/npcs/monsters/etc: highest sequence to lowest sequence who ever initiates the combat mode and combat, goes first (if you get detected, the detector goes first, otherwise you go first), and then sequence is applied (unless you're no longer detected, allowing you to get to go first again, by ending combat mode and then re-entering combat mode, without getting detected, if able, this can be keep being repeated) going into the inventory screen costs 4 AP, unless you got the quick pockets perk (each quick pockets perk, reduces the cost by 1 AP), once in the inventory screen, you can do as much as you want (no AP cost per individual action once in the inventory screen, you can keep using stimpaks until healed, reload your guns, and/or whatever else you want/need to do, for an example) you can kill all hostiles, but combat doesn't end automatically, so you'll have to manually end combat, don't shoot the "civilians/neutrals/non-hostiles", lol just because it shows a target as red, doesn't mean its hostile... so be careful... sometimes you can do the 'end turn' (or use up all your AP) and combat will end, but not always.... ------- criticals: criticals can happen on their own (using single shot or burst shot), but they're more likely to happen if you use the targeted/aimed shot positive criticals: x2 damage x3 damage x4 damage (eyes only) instant kill crippled (leg/arm only) blinded (eyes only) knocked out (temporary coma/unconscious) knocked down ignores armor negative criticals: (too lazy) ---- targeted/aimed attack/shot: the 'torso/body' is the same as doing a single shot, you'll notice it has the same percent chance, the 'torso/body' body slot is the default shot location the other body slot choices have lower percent chances, but that means they have better chance of doing the greater/better criticals and have a higher chance of them occurring (if you can hit the target) ------- accuracy factors: skill level PE (perception) stat (for firearms) distance (all weapons are most accurate right next to target: no penalty for far distance weapons shooting target right in front of them, but the farther distance weapons can shoot from farther away without any or with less penalty than the shorter distance weapons) light/darkness level various perks and/or traits ----- the 3 hidden 'ignores defense' ability weapons: 1. power fist (unarmed) 2. .223 pistol (small guns) 3. ripper (melee) (there's other powerful/useful weapons too, along with doing criticals with any weapon, but these will always work well against the more armored targets) ----- the sledge hammer and super sledge both do knock-back ----- spear, sledge hammer, super sledge, and maybe a few more melee weapons have a 2-tile reach, and I think the accuracy is the same for either 1-tile or 2-tiles, and am not sure if any of these can hit 2 enemies (an enemy on 1st tile and an enemy on 2nd tile behind it) or not (too lazy to test it) ----- damage types: 1. normal/physical (all weapons except what's listed below under the other damage types) 2. fire (flamer: flame thrower, maybe: motolov cocktail: this might be explosive instead, not sure) (deathclaws are the least resistant to fire damage, out of all of the other damage types) 3. explosive (rocket launcher, frag grenade, dynamite, plastic explosives, maybe: motolov cocktail: this might be fire instead, not sure) 4. electrical (cattle prod and alien blaster) (electrical works well against everything, but is especially powerful against machines/robots) 5. laser (laser pistol, gatling laser, laser rifle) (laser doesn't do well against the highly resisted power-armor/metal/tesla armored targets, but I think it works well against unarmored super mutants, maybe deathclaws, and etc creatures) 6. plasma (plasma pistol, plasma rifle, turbo plasma rifle, plasma grenade) (plasma works well against everything) 7. EMP: this damage type only damages robots/machines and nothing else (pulse grenade), so it's different from the electrical damage type, which does damage everything
@redmoonbloodmoon3161 3 жыл бұрын
fallout 1 character builds: ---------- character creation: +7 stats (+1 STR, +1 END, +1 PER, +1 AGI, +1 CHA, +1 INT, +1 LUK), but less skill levels and skill points at level up (though you should have plenty of skill points, unless doing a "dumb" game, and/or at the harder game difficulty and/or combat settings), with gifted trait (there's really no reason to not use/get gifted, at least on the 'easy' game difficulty and/or combat settings) +1 stat (+1 AGI), but reduced carry weight (this doesn't matter if you don't mind with having and "exploiting" your companions), with small frame trait (and this does allow for using aimed/targeted shots, as you're not getting 'fast shot' trait, assuming you are getting gifted, lol) +2 stat (+2 STR), but -2 AP, with bruiser trait (this is really a horribly bad trait, don't really see how or for what character build where'd it be useful, lol) --------- in-game: there's also chem usage, but this is ignored, except for the INT operations at the BoS --------- +stats in-game: totals: +4 STR +1 PER +1 END +1 CHA +2 INT (or just +1 if you don’t “cheat” with using chems) +1 AGI +2 LUK (or just +1 if you don't "cheat" with the scripting bug) breakdown: +1 STR: brotherhood operation +3 STR: equipped with: power armor or hardened power armor +1 PER: brotherhood operation +1 END: brotherhood operation +1 CHA: celtic bard singing guy special random encounter +1 INT: brotherhood operation ("smart" = at 4 or more INT) +1 INT: brotherhood operation ("stupid" = at 3 or less INT) (you must do the "smart" INT operation first, in order to then do the "stupid" INT operation to get its +1 INT for the total of +2 INT, otherwise, you'll only get +1 INT) (you should have 4 or more INT, unless doing a "stupid" game/character, but if not, just take mentat/s, and then after you do the "smart" INT operation, take psychos to drop INT to below 4 to do the "stupid" INT operation) +1 AGI: brotherhood operation +1 LUK: fortune teller guy in adytum (boneyard), but you can take advantage of a scripting bug with the dialogue choices (got to choose the correct dialogue choices in correct order, read up on it for how to do it), to get another +1 to your LUK (for a total of +2 LUK) +1 LUK: fortune teller guy in adyton (boneyard), by taking advantage of a scripting bug with the dialogue choices (got to choose the correct dialogue choices in correct order, read up on it for how to do it), to get this 2nd +1 to your LUK (for a total of +2 LUK) -------- weapon STR requirements (HOWEVER being under the STR req only causes a chance in an accuracy penalty and/or a chance of negative effects/criticals, so, you can still always use the weapon, even without meeting its STR req): 1 STR for using all unarmed (unarmed: punches and kicks, brass knuckles, spiked knuckles, power fist) 2 STR for using the knives (knife and combat knife) (melee) 3 STR for throwing knife, frag grenade, motolov cocktail (throwing) 4 STR for cattle prod (melee), ripper (melee), spear (melee), pulse grenade (throwing), plasma grenade (throwing) 5 STR for using all small guns (one-handed: handguns, and two-handed: shotguns and rifles) and super sledge (melee) 6 STR for using ALL weapons (unarmed, throwing, small guns, big guns: flamer and rocket launcher, and energy weapons), except for the minigun (big guns) 7 STR for using the minigun (big guns) -------- skill books: (can only raise up to 91 on 'hard' game difficulty setting, or, 121 on 'easy' game difficulty setting) (you can use the trick of changing to ‘hard’ game difficulty setting, if not using it already, when you’re using the skill books, to get more of an increase from them, and then when done, switching back to ‘easy’ or ‘medium/whatever it called’ game difficulty settings) (using the game difficulty setting trick, does not work with small guns in regards to only that: it won’t go from the 91 on hard to 121 on easy, it will stay at 91 on easy) outdoorsman small guns first aid repair science
@kellerweskier7214 3 жыл бұрын
I prefer MIB88 over RP for Fallout 2. Iv been talking to MIB88 here and there. So, he plans to incorporate RP into Megamod. itll be slow. but, its the plan.
@redmoonbloodmoon3161 3 жыл бұрын
fallout 1 character builds (continued) ----------- stats ("SPECIAL"): (chem usage is ignored/excluded, except for mentat/psycho for the INT operation/s at the brotherhood) ---------- key/legend: # = base stat pts (#) = with gifted trait [#] = with small frame trait = with bruiser trait {#} = with in-game stat bonus/boosts ---------- for new players: 1. gifted 2. small frame (this is so new players can try out aimed/targeted shots, seeing if they like using it or not: preferring the 'fast shot' trait, also aimed/targeted shots go really well with, hunting rifle and then sniper rifle, with small guns, getting lots of deadly/fatal critical hits, from super afar, this setup easily competes with energy weapons, and is able to carry you through the entire game, even the end game, but you can also switch over to energy weapons as well too for the end game if need/want to do so) STR: 4 (5) {9} // 5 STR let's you use all small guns with no accuracy penalties and/or negative effects/criticals PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 6 (7) {8} CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 7 (8) [9] {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. small guns 3. energy weapons clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: toughness clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: bonus rate of fire clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: sniper clvl 21: action boy -------- for new players: (if you don’t care for aimed/targeted shots, you can do 6 single/normal shots with the Turbo Plasma Rifle) 1. gifted 2. fast shot STR: 4 (5) {9} // 5 STR let's you use all small guns with no accuracy penalties and/or negative effects/criticals PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 5 (6) {7} CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 8 (9) {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. small guns 3. energy weapons clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: toughness clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: bonus rate of fire clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: sniper clvl 21: action boy
@redmoonbloodmoon3161 3 жыл бұрын
fallout 1 character builds (continued 2): ------------- veteran gun build 1: this is very powerful and allows for maximum diversity of both and all big gun and energy weapon choices, and whether to do aimed-targeted shot or not, including using burst shots/weapons or not 1. gifted 2. small frame (this enables you to use aimed/targeted shots if you want to, at the cost of having fewer shots, due to not having the 'fast shot' trait) (and you have a final STR of 7, allowing you to use the minigun without any chance of accuracy penalties or negative effects/criticals) STR: 2 (3) {7} PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 8 (9) {10} CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 7 (8) [9] {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. big guns 3. energy weapons clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: toughness clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: bonus rate of fire clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: sniper clvl 21: action boy until hub, will have to rely mostly on Ian with SMG (and then with also Tycho with hunting rifle or shotgun, and dogmeat, while in junktown), as you'll be limited to a knife and with low melee skill and no +damage from (high) STR --------- veteran gun build 2: this is arguably the most powerful build, as you can do 5 shots with the turbo plasma rifle (ignoring you being lucky and finding/getting the special alien blaster) 1. gifted 2. fast shot (you can NOT do aimed/targeted shots, but you do get more shots due to having the 'fast shot' trait, you will not have 7 STR for using the minigun without any chance of reduced accuracy and/or negative effects/criticals) STR: 1 (2) {6} PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 8 (9) {10} CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 8 (9) {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. big guns 3. energy weapons clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: toughness clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: bonus rate of fire clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: sniper clvl 21: action boy until hub, will have to rely mostly on Ian with SMG (and then with also Tycho with hunting rifle or shotgun, and dogmeat, while in junktown), as you'll be limited to a knife and with low melee skill and no +damage from (high) STR --------- melee build 1: 1. gifted 2. fast shot STR: 1 (2) {6} or 5 (6) {10} PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 8 (9) {10} or 4 (5) {6} // use a buffout for getting the 'toughness' perk CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 8 (9) {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. unarmed or melee 3. sneak clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: bonus hth attacks clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: action boy clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: slayer clvl 21: silent death --------- melee build 2: 1. gifted 2. jinxed or one-handed // able to do aimed/targeted attacks STR: 1 (2) {6} or 5 (6) {10} PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 8 (9) {10} or 4 (5) {6} // use a buffout for getting the 'toughness' perk CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 8 (9) {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. unarmed or melee // not sure if the ripper (melee) is one-handed or two-handed 3. sneak clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: bonus hth attacks clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: action boy clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: slayer clvl 21: silent death --------- melee build 3: 1. gifted 2. small frame // able to do aimed/targeted attacks STR: 2 (3) {7} or 5 (6) {10} PER: 8 (9) {10} END: 8 (9) {10} or 5 (6) {7} // use a buffout for getting the 'toughness' perk CHA: 1 (2) {3} INT: 7 (8) {10} AGI: 7 (8) [9] {10} LUK: 7 (8) {10} 1. speech 2. unarmed or melee 3. sneak clvl 3: toughness clvl 6: bonus hth attacks clvl 9: better criticals clvl 12: action boy clvl 15: action boy clvl 18: slayer clvl 21: silent death
@TheSizyanator 3 жыл бұрын
Protip: when fighting low-level melee enemies (rats, dogs, ants, scorpions), especially in the beginning, use hit-and-run. Attack the enemy once or twice(depending on your action points), then run away. The enemy will close the gap but won't have enough action points to attack you! Then it's your turn again, and they are right at your feet, ready to be smeared. No more wasted stimpacks on those pesky cave rats!
@Yominication 3 жыл бұрын
Also works for the boxing matches in fallout 2!
@AtrociousAK47 3 жыл бұрын
I never thought of doing that because i always played an unarmed character with the bruiser trait (-2 AP, +2 STR) and low AG, so i could manage like 1 attack per turn if i didnt do anything else and could easily be outrun by most enemies, and wasting stims stopped being a concern after i found i could save scum my way to pickpocketing well over 100 of them from the guards at adytum, in the boneyard. And in fo2 i always had sulik there there to make sure enemies were always a good distance from me thanks to his sledge/super sledge.
@bobo577 3 жыл бұрын
That helps, it’s made it much more bearable. Cheers.
@berin13 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I was having a bad time with those wretched rats.
@johnk.7523 2 жыл бұрын
Your comment should be pinned at the top tbh that is great advice for new players
@postindustrial76 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly I was quite surprised how easy it was for me to get into the classic fallout games. After about an hour I kinda just clicked with it.
@metetural9140 3 жыл бұрын
@thechadster79 3 жыл бұрын
same it took me about 30 minutes to an hour haha
@noobikus5475 3 жыл бұрын
Took me 5 min to get used to it XD.
@thechadster79 3 жыл бұрын
@umartdagnir 3 жыл бұрын
I was surprised when Tim Cain did not know how to use a stimpack when he was streaming Fallout 1. ;D The interface might be hard for new people.
@ashtondoublet8334 3 жыл бұрын
Yo that Mantis TV green screen effect is amazing.
@TKsMantis 3 жыл бұрын
@ashtondoublet8334 3 жыл бұрын
@@TKsMantis your welcome, also love your content
@sunboy4964 3 жыл бұрын
@@TKsMantis fallout 1 is fine I beat that but damn fallout 2 kicked my ass
@FryingPan1812 3 жыл бұрын
Something fun to do in the OG Fallout is to give your save files a funny name that relates to the situation you're currently in.
@aiydenwarren18 3 жыл бұрын
lol i always do this "stealing thru hub city" "dicking down oil rig" "vault city ASSHOLES"
@OlaftheGreat 2 жыл бұрын
I always have a backup save (because my save data got corrupted once), and when I'm about to go storm Mariposa or the the Cathedral, I always have a secondary save titled "Suicude Run".
@freeTeu 2 жыл бұрын
This comment is old, but fuck yeah, i always do that playing Morrowind and now Fallout.
@mantax55 2 жыл бұрын
“Backup incase the fucker catches me - Bunker”
@atlasguytinyproductions55 2 жыл бұрын
Yesssss. I’ll do that in my fourth Fallout 1 playthrough
@ragmayor 3 жыл бұрын
yooo mantis on da tv what he gonna do he gonna show us how classic fallout yoo
@purplebatdragon 3 жыл бұрын
Expectation: "Read the whole manual, read at least 5 full-game walkthroughs, only use original CD-ROM copies on period specific hardware, do at least 20 playthroughs, and THEN you're ready to play." Reality: "Just cheat, no one will blame you."
@yahya_elistinsary 5 ай бұрын
@@burzarec And set combat movement speed to fastest and difficulty to hard, no other way to play it then that.
@mudgie0205 3 жыл бұрын
Already a fan at 21 years of age. Took a few years but I finally took the bullet. OG Fallout is bleak ;)
@jurassicparkboy 3 жыл бұрын
Gooooood shit man! Hope you enjoy these treasures.
@YouTubecanfuckagoat 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it’s pretty dark. I hope you enjoy. I played it first... over 20 years ago, it was a revelation. Having windows of opportunity you could miss because you just don’t have the skills to even know there’s another option. Playing as Groo the Wanderer because you wanted your low intelligence character to feel legit stupidly dangerous. Good Times. . It’s aged. It has its own ... “feel.”
@cantsneedgaming4591 3 жыл бұрын
It most certainly is haha
@EliteKnight97 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t really understand why anyone would play Bethesda fallout with god mode, those games are easy enough on normal difficulty
@asenileoldman7001 3 жыл бұрын
it took my a while to get into them but with enough persistence i ended up learning fallout 2 after like 5 hours but now it’s one of my favorite games :)
@billybobsac4421 3 жыл бұрын
@ucfj 5 ай бұрын
Broskis, I just finished Fallout 1 in 2024. It's a masterpiece and massively better than most of the current AAA titles. So the question "how to get into the game" is imo moot
@excelup5358 3 жыл бұрын
i hope that anyone who hasn't played the classics really give them a try; you really won't regret it! :)
@TKsMantis 3 жыл бұрын
@sponge5196 3 жыл бұрын
It was the combat that pushed me away but ill give them another shot.
@smellyhusband 3 жыл бұрын
I play them all but guess what there is no way to do it now Microsoft won't let me load my old CD they even made it so that windows had delete my drivers and I have to do a bunch of impossible Bullshit to make something work that I paid money for
@KicsiSzabi222 3 жыл бұрын
I just got the game, already installed, but im affraid to choose character without Watching this 😂
@Gameprojordan 3 жыл бұрын
@@smellyhusband pretty sure fallout 1 and 2 are free to download online now
@GOWvMatchstick 10 ай бұрын
played for an hour missed every hit died
@cqb3814 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite parts of the original games is that you don't necessarily need caps to barter. Each item has a set value and can be traded for any item for the same amount or less.
@marciamakesmusic Жыл бұрын
Yeah that's..... how it works in 3 and NV
@Balls_on_Chin Жыл бұрын
all of the fallouts really lol
@charliehunter9257 5 ай бұрын
But it's not actually a set amount... it's directly related to your barter skill... which comes from Charisma. Charisma, in later FO games would largely be silly. But if you want to break FO1 or 2, be amazing at gambling or barter. Great barter skill, you can buy stimpacks at a shop, and sell them for more. Great gambling, you've got a greater than 50% chance of doubling your money. (The nature of these is far worse than my implications, but honestly, for RP purposes, its sort of perfect in my book.) But in FO1 if you have a 20% barter skill, armor might be 10,000. At barter of 40% it may be 5,000. Huge difference. Barter was actually a very useful skill. Which makes sense... because of source inspiration. Who runs Barter Town?
@mutoneon 5 ай бұрын
That’s called bartering, and it’s in every game.
@williamjohnston5315 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing like a super mutant/enclave plasma crit dealing 999 damage to leave a blood shot blank expression of anger after trekking to Navara forgetting to save.
@softpiglet 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's also really important to realize that if a particular area is too difficult, it's okay to leave and come back later when you're stronger. A lot of modern games these days have level scaling, while FO1 and 2 have some hard gates like this.
@shanekennedy5420 10 ай бұрын
I much prefer gates like this. Makes the world fear more real.
@charliehunter9257 5 ай бұрын
He who fights and runs away... can live to run another day!
@ryanwood6754 5 ай бұрын
I prefer this old way of doing it. Sick of the level scaling it feels like you achieve nothing. These old games made you feel like a god when you gained such a high level you could 1 shot everyone
@Lokyate Жыл бұрын
"I don't like the way the game looks," and, "There's too much reading," have to be the saddest excuses for not playing a game. Absolutely tragic.
@hmmm.74 5 ай бұрын
I mean, video games are meant to be entertaining, and if you arent entertained...
@officialtoddhoward69 5 ай бұрын
​@@hmmm.74To add on to this, in regards to reading, some people might struggle. Maybe dyslexia, ADHD, etc. All the text could be difficult to focus on depending on the person
@charliehunter9257 5 ай бұрын
Not quite as tragic as spending all of ones money on collectible customizable trading card games like say... Tragic the Gathering, for instance. (Sorry for the necro-post, but I had to take the low-hanging fruit.)
@theskronicles4435 5 ай бұрын
I'm just grateful I'm into this kind of game
@matthewherd5380 3 жыл бұрын
I was introduced to the series by 3 and then played New Vegas and 4, when I got the classics they were actually really easy to get into, in my opinion they have the best stories of any Fallout game, closely followed by New Vegas
@Yeah12831 3 жыл бұрын
I'm 16 years old and about three weeks ago I just started playing fallout 2 again after dropping it for a good while. The rush of making your character more powerful and discovering new settlements has got me addicted. So glad I'm finally playing these
@deadxbyxdawn306 3 жыл бұрын
Proud of ya kid
@anon2034 Жыл бұрын
"The rush of making your character more powerful and discovering new settlements has got me addicted." - Isn't that what RPGs are for. Better yet going out and doing it in real life?
@Lucky-sh1dm Жыл бұрын
@@anon2034 real life costs me 15$ just for fucking lunch bruh. I’m escaping into video games every second I get. Look around and look real hard Lmfao. Really you wanna go participate in that cesspit? all you g
@philstarsick82 3 жыл бұрын
Nostalgia, a true human weakness, second only to the neck...
@JDG-hq8gy 3 жыл бұрын
Any askers?
@propcircles4082 3 жыл бұрын
@@JDG-hq8gy booo
@williambrennan1658 3 жыл бұрын
@@JDG-hq8gy bruh why u assho
@charliehunter9257 5 ай бұрын
Or the eyes... or my personal favorite, the groin.
@FrankHorriganUSSS 4 ай бұрын
@matthewlistermann6614 3 жыл бұрын
THIS. This is what I needed. Thank you.
@Vulkan1998 10 ай бұрын
I just played the first game for a bit and i am shocked how easy it is to control. All the actions you do are with the mouse and after a bit of getting used to it, it eorks like a charm.
@nukeman360 5 ай бұрын
Yeah for real its really not that hard
@parkerbair7303 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not gonna lie, when I first played, I couldn't at all figure out how it worked, I had to look it up. Now that I know how to play, they are 2 of my favourite games, and if you are worried, just know that once you know how to play you will enjoy it, I promise. (Also, in fallout 2 play an unarmed character it's really fun trust me)
@finalcam1740 3 жыл бұрын
It took me 3 attempts at starting fallout 1. I caved and looked up tips and tricks, which allowed me to actually play the game and then it became very fun and enthralling.
@seeess925 4 ай бұрын
This is so insanely bad. First and foremost, there's no actual legitimate information. Next is claiming as if the game is difficult. And pushing cheats to new users. So to be clear. Do not just use any cheats, mods, fixes unless you're into playing altered version of the game. Next, the game is not difficult. If you actually want to play the game, then start on normal for your first time. You still be seriously robbing yourself if you listen to this brainless video suggesting to start on easy mode. So not do this. Choose easy mode only if you're not interested or care about the gameplay, and are just interested in playing through the story. So not use those character editor exploits on your first playthrough. It's just if you want to mess around. This host is just BS. Also, I'm not sure about the Steam or GOG. But the game from Epic Store gives the updates for high resolution graphics. Which may probably be the only thing you need to add other than just the game installation. For EGS, you do not need any other mod or anything. Just play the game as is.
@-roejogan- 2 жыл бұрын
I'm all for helping people get into fallout, but for me the fun is in not knowing everything that can happen and trying to get by. That being said, thanks for making this, your advice is solid. But listen up kids, it's okay to die. You should fail. You shouldn't succeed at things the first time through. Don't start looking up answers, desperation breeds creativity, and adventure. That's where the fun is, again, for me anyway. tldr approach fallout like DnD. Learn the rules, but don't spoil the plot.
@TheLikkittysplitt 5 ай бұрын
Really I do the opposite. I'm pretty young so I only recently played morrowind for the first time and you see a lot of people reccomend these mods or exploits to make the game much easier so you can avoid the stuff that makes it less accessible. But to me it's like, I want to play this game and cheating sorta robs me of the chance to really this game for the first time. For me the fun is going into this thing blind like the original fans. I think its exciting to be thrown into the deep end. Though you absolutely need help on builds in old games
@jamesbalaj4641 Жыл бұрын
I got into classic fallout because of the wasteland 3 deluxe edition, which got me into wasteland 1 and 2 which then I realized is made by the guy who made classic fallout haha! I prefer classic fallout tho as the setting is just more immersive for me, but I also think wasteland is a crazy good series just as a more close to our universe setting than fallout.
@shenmue3809 3 жыл бұрын
I can't thank you and strat-edgy enough for you first getting me into fallout then him giving me other crpg's so i can get my fix when i finish fallout 2
@Accelleratellectual 4 ай бұрын
This is totally pointless. Why not just a simple guide explaining how to play? There is no purpose to this video. It does not explain anything at all how to even play.
@GamingXPOfficial 3 жыл бұрын
I get really into them then I look up a op starter guide because I have adhd and cant play a game for more than max 2-3 days :( only if it was on mobile then I would love it 3 жыл бұрын
Dialogues and quests are great, especially in Fallout 2. A lot of fun activities like being an actor, gangster, caravan security, and many more. I recommend every RPG fan to try classics, and put at least 5 points (7 is perfect) in intelligence, or you'll be to dumb for some quests.
@maskednil 11 ай бұрын
The most challenging thing for me was to get used to the mechanics and gameplay actions. The manual couldn't help me visualise it. This video: gave me the exact visual guide I needed to understand the gameplay and in an hour I had gone from dying in the starting cave to rats, to getting to Shady Sands and Vault 15 with a companion.
@Matheus-uv1dc 3 жыл бұрын
k i literally just closed fo2
@jimnms 3 жыл бұрын
My personal suggestions are: 1) RTFM. 2) Play the game. 3) Take notes. 4) Don't lose your notes. Seriously, the manual tells you what you need to know. Besides how to play, it lists the perks, their requirements, etc. so you have all you need to plan out your character. I grew up playing RPGs starting with Pool of Radiance in the late 80's, and those don't have built in quest logs like modern games, so taking notes was pretty much required. I still take notes even in modern RPGs because even the in-game's quest log may not contain everything important, such as information that an NPC might tell you. The first time I played the original Fallout, I read the manual and planned out my character build and progression. I was taking notes as I played, as usual, then something came up and I was unable to play for a couple of months. By the time I came back I'd lost my notes. While I remembered some things, I had forgotten my most promising lead on the water chip and was fixated on one of the last things I remembered, which lead me to an area that was impossible at my level. I decided to quit and start over, but it was years before I came back and played it through from start to finish.
@windebiesteultima3317 3 жыл бұрын
Lifegiver perk icon is telling me to play classic fallout? Guess I must obey now.
@Keleigh3000 3 жыл бұрын
The creators of these games expected you to RTFM. They're extensive, essential, and entertaining in themselves. Read them.
@bonogiamboni4830 3 жыл бұрын
@Keleigh3000 3 жыл бұрын
@@bonogiamboni4830 Read The Frickin Manual
@bonogiamboni4830 3 жыл бұрын
@@Keleigh3000 makes sense. Why bother putting a half assed unskippable tutorial inside the game when you can just tell people all of the mechanics and what to do in a separate document that noobs can read and experts can skip, after all?
@lich6241 3 жыл бұрын
Another fantastic video Mantis! You are doing good work for Fallout content on KZbin, keep it up!
@kickbutt-julez 3 жыл бұрын
As a fallout fan who hasn’t played the classic fallout games, thanks Mantis.
@osiris_the_great6861 3 жыл бұрын
It’ll be worth it, patience is the key tho
@_Caz 3 жыл бұрын
@@osiris_the_great6861 kinda reminds me of one time where I read several novels
@lopez4292 3 жыл бұрын
remember to give ian the 10mm smg
@user-sx6rm9uu7q 3 жыл бұрын
@@lopez4292with machine gun he is op
@williambrennan1658 3 жыл бұрын
@@lopez4292 yeah he is very accurate and definitely won't shoot you by accident. No risk.
@Silver-ib1it 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely say you helped me decide to play fallout 2 I love the story and the gameplay is a nice change of pace from modern games so honestly thank you.
@WikkeSchrandt 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. Just want to say, it's "et cetera", not "exetera".
@josephmyers6844 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like this is a letter to DJ peach cobbler
@ididntmeantoshootthatvietn5012 3 жыл бұрын
LMFAO never expected someone to mention him, he's a good content creator but he sucked at the game lol, but thats understandable because im exactly like that when i first played
@burymeinjhenny918 5 ай бұрын
@mancubwwa 2 жыл бұрын
TBH for starter builds I would recommend ditching the guides in one respect - always, always take gifted trait. You can flash your Fallout muscules and play without it on later playthroughs. Sure, you take a hit on your skills, but those will come eventually with levels, but you get 7 extra S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points, and early Educated perk plus high INT will offset the downside quickly.
@bruhlobby5418 3 жыл бұрын
i got 1,2 and tactics a while back but haven't been able to comprehend the mechanics so thank u mantis
@dadanny187 6 ай бұрын
As an Advent player of fallout 3, New Vegas and 4, going back to fallout 1 is definitely an eye-opener. It's definitely has a learning curve, but i think for playing the game for 24+ hours, it's not as difficult as i thought it was going to be. Even in normal.
@MinakoAino2112 3 жыл бұрын
I love fallout one the atmosphere in that game is so good even the music makes the game scary honestly no fallout has really matched the atmosphere of the first fallout
@human.rationally 3 жыл бұрын
Just beat 1 and 2 for the first time. Most likely wouldn't have played without you talking them up. Thanks Mantis
@Phishyification 8 ай бұрын
weirdly enough, as someone who was captivated and loved fallout 1 over an enitre summer between grades, I found it really hard for some reason to enjoy fallout 2. not sure what is going on, but I am taking it bits at a time but feel like I lost my patience or something
@jurajkristofik2023 3 жыл бұрын
For me Fallout 2 was the best game ever, maybe because I played it over 2 weeks when I was out of school due to minor infection. I woke up to my parents leaving at 7AM to their work, smoked a blunt and instead of school spent then next 3-5 hours immersed in the game. Home, alone, no distractions, stoned, just me and Fallout 2. Overall, I completed the game like 10-15 times I guess, but forgot most of it already. So my pro tip is: no distractions, dark room, get high (or not)
@wiictvchannel1112 3 жыл бұрын
I say don't use a guide to make your character if you're starting the game fresh. You aren't going to learn much doing it that way. Looking up stuff if you're stuck is perfectly fine but don't do it just to get through the game faster, it won't be enjoyable.
@lukeandchloewhite 8 ай бұрын
The OG Fallout games have, for me at least, the same atmosphere and aesthetic, as Ridley Scott’s ‘Alien’ movie, which I love 🙂.
@some-replies 5 ай бұрын
Wow, just lost a whole day and night playing Fallout. Was worried about hating the turn based combat but it's actually kind of engaging, almost like chess. I've got the water chip, saved the gouls, rescued the initiate, blackmailed Iguana Bob, and now off to the deathclaw cave on my way to The Glow. The super mutants in necropolis are funny. Larry, Jerry, Terry, Barry and then Sally. Made me laugh more than it should have.
@gavvy8434 Жыл бұрын
Had to restart a couple times but feeling like I’m getting the hang of fallout 2. The dialogue is so fucking good compared to what there is today.
@northernmask6096 3 жыл бұрын
I really need to get back into classic fallout. I played the first one for a little while a few years back. I didn't go in with a guide and didn't realise the days were actually counting down. I think I got to necropolis with somewhere between 50-20 days left, which scared the shit out of me and I quickly put the game down after that.
@derpnoz 3 жыл бұрын
just started playing it with a friend of mine yesterday, and absolutely loved it despite thinking that I was going to hate it
@ebinboris 3 жыл бұрын
I literally played through Fallout 1 about a week ago, and I liked it a lot.
@TrackManiaFtw 3 жыл бұрын
I recently got into Fallout 2 for the first time, and I must admit that the start was quite painful and frustrating, but now that I have gained a few levels and the first companion it is starting to grow on me more and more. I agree that "save scumming" is quite important :D
@MadMatth7 3 жыл бұрын
Well what do you know, I just started playing the first game 2 HOURS AGO. Mantis, I love your content, but I did not agree to let you spy on me. Jokes aside, I’ve been waiting for a video like this, thanks.
@Kindertautenleider 4 ай бұрын
I might have put a couple thousand hours into fallout 1 and 2, not a misspent youth
@eisendrag 2 жыл бұрын
One time as a kid I used fallout 2 character editor to tell my freinds that you can get every special on 10
@sk3tchinatortv733 5 ай бұрын
There’s a difficulty modifier? I’ve just been rawdogging it lmao
@Badusername2000 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to be able to enjoy the classic fallouts, everything I've seen of them I love, but when I go to play it I just cant enjoy it, the gameplay just isn't for me. I'll just watch videos of it.
@anevenevenmoreuncreativena8852 3 жыл бұрын
Just bought fallout 2 on steam this video makes me worried but a little excited
@Matheus-uv1dc 3 жыл бұрын
hm that makes sense, didnt know the restoration project added a bit of difficulty, i considered removing it but having "impossible random encounters" sounds fun
@boardante8454 3 жыл бұрын
i never played a stealth build, only melee and sniper and others. Is it fun?
@byzantinephilosopher Жыл бұрын
I just binged Fallout 2 for hours. I have a problem.
@Snoopy.Diz23 3 жыл бұрын
I started on Fallout 3 and when New Vegas came out it instantly became my favorite and stayed that way even after 4. The reason I was able to get into 1 and 2 was because they are Fallout games. I could not in good conscience call myself a fan if I did not play the originals. New Vegas is still my favorite but Fallout 2 is a very close second.
@ryaneverett830 3 жыл бұрын
I found the combat in these games really difficult because you can't use cover or take enemies out with sneak attacks, and I usually use a stealth playstyle in rpg games
@marciamakesmusic Жыл бұрын
You can, you literally have a skill called sneak
@michamarkowski2204 8 ай бұрын
You can hide behind the corner to avoid getting shot. You can sneak attack and there are perks making sneak damage higher.
@yahya_elistinsary 5 ай бұрын
Just play man, old school. That how we used to do it...
@thatmaninblack 3 жыл бұрын
I always set Luck to the lowest. I don't need luck, I want more action points and I want to be stronger and smarter. I don't gamble and I don't go for luck-based critical hits either. :)
@TheCynicalCommentator 5 ай бұрын
Jokes on you: I’m already into classic Fallout! Seriously tho, Fallout 1 is one of my favorite games of all time.
@potatowarrior4062 3 жыл бұрын
The way i got into the original fallouts is through Forcing my self to play it till i get used to it. By playing like an hour figure things out. Then i realized i suddenly got into the graphics and combat. Now i genuinely enjoy it. I have over 100 hours in fallout 2 and 21 hours in fallout 1
@noogia1 Жыл бұрын
yeah dude i was playing fallout 1 but smfh i got to vault 15 explored all levels and at level 3 the message that the waterchip message wont appear. Anyone know what to do?
@Darkeus1 5 ай бұрын
Check the status of the quest in the Pip Boy. Click the Pip button, click status and click Vault 15. If the water chip quest is crossed out, it is complete. I had this happen to me too recently.
@joshbigz8440 3 жыл бұрын
I would encourage all new players to try everything and experiment with everything you find including bizzare character builds. When I first played I tried using repair and science skill on everything to see what happens. As someone that has already played all the games a dozen times its nice when someone out there with a different mind discovers something nobody else has yet.
@VanBourner 3 жыл бұрын
just be careful with Falche and the carry weight limit. You can actually pick up items like a corner of a library (if you want to loot the library) which shows like nothing in the inventory (no item icon) but weights like 1000lbs. Suddenly you will be encumbered but your inventory would seem to be fine.
@steveboi5482 3 жыл бұрын
I know this video is 2 months old and you probably won't respond but I love your channel. Thanks to you I played fallout 1 and I'm currently going to kill the master, it was tough but honestly and it took me 30 minutes to learn the mechanics but everyone deserves to experience the journey. I'm getting my hands on Fallout 2 after I finish fallout 1 and I can't wait, honestly. Nice video!
@Garinovitch 3 жыл бұрын
Here's my honest tip to getting into Fallout 1 or 2 The same way I did when I was young "Neat, a game." Turn it on, and play. Bam, zam, done. You learn, you'll make mistakes. Might do multiple playthroughs. But this is the honest way of getting into a game. Not through a youtube video, but through your own effort.
@ssheeessh 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah back then you had nothing better to do with your time, and an animated rat sprite blew your mind. People don't like to play like that anymore. My favorite game is Daggerfall but I'm not going to recommend it to anyone besides a minotaur. I'm not going to recommend classic fallout to anyone aside from a sperg or masochist - unless you're using a guide.
@charliehunter9257 5 ай бұрын
Late to the game here TKS... but I really do want to tell you this: I played these games as a kid. So they come natural to me. But I played Dungeons and Dragons and I understand dice rolls. I truly appreciate that you've put work into encouraging newer players to these wonderful games. I personally believe that anyone who falls in love with fallout should at least play through each of these games once... the lore is so deep in these, it's almost necessary to enjoy the newer games as much as one can. I'll never deny that New Vegas is my favorite of all of the newer games. FO2 is my personal favorite, because it is still the only true Fallout game that takes place in my home-state of Oregon. I went to college in "Arroyo." It always felt a bit surreal. I was led here by your recent content on the TV show. Thank you for your hard work. You are a fun content creator and I appreciate you.
@djkiltech 2 жыл бұрын
Fallcheat literally just saved me. I am at a certain point, and realized I don't like my build but don't want to start over. Now I can go in and edit my character to change my build. I don't want to "cheat" my way through the games and want to experience how unforgiving they can be, but without having to replay through the initial first couple hours all over again just because I set sneak instead of lockpick as a tagged skill, or starting Fallout 2 with too low of a charisma score.
@mkcstealth7624 3 жыл бұрын
I had gotten the original CD of the original Fallout "trilogy" (Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics) way back in high school and after a very arduous process of getting the games to work, i had an absolute blast. Fallout 2 is easily my favorite of the classic games
@spencerbowden2979 3 жыл бұрын
I recently started playing the classics after playing 3 Nv and 4. I honestly thought I would be fine with my soldier build because he has been my one build that was consistently strong even though I didn’t know what I was in for on my first playthroughs. I completely underestimated the classics almost nothing works the same.
@marekkunicki8167 2 күн бұрын
I will finally be able to try it after seeing you can change the color palette since after playing for 30 mins in the past my eyes were done like I played for 10 hours straight.
@loganwolford5836 3 жыл бұрын
The classic collection was on sale on steam a while ago and I thought I’d give the classics a try and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 1. I’m surprised how fast I clicked with the games.
@tfjuarez Жыл бұрын
You try to like this video You missed
@shift7808 2 жыл бұрын
7:33 "Create a couple of slaves" O_O
@notandrew8171 3 жыл бұрын
Yo could it be released on mobile?👀
@HeritageHarvestFarm 3 жыл бұрын
well crap mantis i gotta play it know
@CartersRemasters 3 жыл бұрын
Not that hard to get into tbh, I remember I was 12, had my family’s MacBook with a shitty GPU away on vacation at my cousins. I was missing playing fallout NV, or 3, and decided to see what Fallout 1 was all about, I remember I booted into it and was confused by it, but after a while I get into it, and started to dig the interface. I remember making it straight to Bakersfield and just sneaking inside and grabbing the chip before dying from an attack, forgetting to save, I had to restart. These days, though, if I’m gonna play classic fallout, I very very rarely play fallout 1. Fallout 2 is just so much more superior in my mind, love fully updating the car, getting the deathclaw companion, the classic dog meat Easter egg, and Vic, we’ll drive our asses to new Reno, to Shady sands, Enclave base, and whenever good loot and old friends stay. Fallout 2, is probably my 4th favorite fallout, I know I sound crazy, It makes me think, and I like thinking about the world and characters, but I simply enjoy the survival mode of fallout 4, and the scavenger play style of a heavily modded fallout TTW.
@theuberedredspy8791 3 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I wish people would talk about what I feel is the biggest problem with getting into the classic Fallout games, at least Fallout 1 anyway, which is simply the ability to roleplay. In Fallout 1, if you want to find the Mariposa base, the only way the game directs you towards it is to join the Brotherhood of Steel, or get kidnapped by the Super Mutants at Angel's Boneyard , which the game only gives you one opportunity to be kidnapped by. If you're building a character with a personality that wouldn't allow for these two things to happen, which is more common than you might think, you either just end the playthrough, or have your character suddenly grow a third eye and just know EXACTLY where the Mariposa base is for seemingly no reason. There is no other way to progress. Maybe this is just a me thing, but this happens pretty much every time I try playing Fallout 1
@kevindecker4803 3 жыл бұрын
Hi mantis notification squad for life
@umartdagnir 3 жыл бұрын
My tips: 1. RTFM (yes, literally. The games come from an era when there was a paper manual included with the game. Read it, it will explain the interface. It also has some cooking recipes!) 2. Don't quit Fallout 2 because you did not like the Temple of Trials. It is the most boring and confusing part of the game. Sit through it and be rewarded. 3. I will re-emphasise how important installing all the patches with fixes is. GOG version already includes most of them. 4. Spend some time setting the right screen resolution, BUT: don't use your maximum screen resolution. I believe there is a scaling option in the high-res patch. Use something like 2x OR manually set a lower resolution. Don't play in your native resolution, this is not how the game was meant to look like. Your character should be around 1 inch tall on your screen. That's it more or less. Character builders might be useful, but your first character most likely will be crap in any case, so don't waste too much time on them. Your next one will be better. The only thing you need to check is the stat requirements for some of the high-level perks in Fallout 2 (Sniper/Slayer/Better Criticals). You don't want to miss them.
@hailcaesar2328 3 жыл бұрын
This is a good resource for new players. I remember when I first tried the older games it was a little overwhelming. If you are interested in these games, don't be discouraged. It's quite a change at first, but they are really amazing games.
@Wiktorino1984 2 жыл бұрын
You played Arcanum?
@helioseternal2537 3 жыл бұрын
First off long time viewer and subscriber and man the quality increase over the last little while has been noticeable. Not to say your videos were bad or anything I loved them and rewatch a lot of them on a regular basis but damn that intro man that was smooth! Keep up the awesome work cant wait to see the channel grow!
@Xegethra 3 жыл бұрын
I made the mistake at first without using fixt. I play with that now....not for any of the extra features, but rather just the fixes. It plays much better now. Also don't use companions.
@RandomAllen 2 жыл бұрын
I was born in 96 so my first FO game was Fallout 3. I played that game to death but I've always been the kind of person who likes to check the first games of a series regardless of how old they are. I was lucky to find a PC combo pack of FO1, 2 and Tactics when I first started High School and then I sat down to play FO1. The interface was strange and confusing at first, especially the combat, and I was a bit annoyed at having to kill rat slowly as a first enemy. But after about an hour, when I first started doing quests, it clicked and I never looked back. FO 1 and 2 became not only my favorite Fallout games(still are) but also some of my favorite games of all time. They are amazing RPGs and were really my first exposure to a real RPG with so much freedom to do what you want and very clever writing and design.
@taumil3239 2 ай бұрын
That first build you have shown is so bad lol, I don't know where people find these. What you actually want to do, especially for fallout 1, especially as a new player, is first of all start with 10 agi, it makes the difference between being able to make 2 shots vs 1, and later 2 aimed shots instead of one. Now there is a way to raise agility later, but there is no point making the early game harder. Overall you should take the gifted trait and the stats should be 6 7 6 2 6 10 6, you will have 4 points remaining to put where you want, I like bumping luck but inevesting into IN is also a good idea. The reason for these stats is because of 3 perks - bonus rate of fire (reduces AP cost of using guns by one, with this perk you can start firing two aimed shots per turn, or 3 if you take 2x action boy/girl perk), better criticals (if you aim eyes it's like 70%~ chance to score a crit, and with this perk not only crits do more damage/effects but also make it possible to straight up instakill most "normal" enemies, this is also why fast shot is a bad trait for new players, it can work but for more specialized late game builds that utilize the Sniper perk, which is why you want to get 8 pe eventually or use a mentat when leveling up, but that's more of a fallout 2 thing because in fallout 1 you most likely won't get to lvl 18) Now this is f1 specific, and there are more things and tactics and cheesy things and stuff, but it's a start
@Dubwolfer 2 ай бұрын
I looked up "How to play Fallout 2" and was pleasantly surprised to see that this is EXACTLY what I was hoping I would find but didn't think I would
@reinoldwalser8501 3 ай бұрын
Just wanted to express my gratitude for all the information presented in this video. At age 72 with arthritus in both hands I am not the quick response player I was when playing with my kids in the 1990"s. Admittedly, the brain is not as sharp either. The editor and the easy mode will help me play Fallout 1 for the first time at a pace that is comfortable for me. I have done this method with other games and then progressed to playing at harder levels until I hit my wall. Again, thank you for the tips that allow older players like me to still feel the thrill I felt when I played Pong and Space Invaders for the first time.
@thelememonk 3 ай бұрын
Fallout 1 & 2 is the Fallout. Later 3D versions of the franchise are somehow sugary, too acrade, and don't have the same dark, postapocalyptic vibes.
@SilverionX 5 ай бұрын
I didn't think you were gonna bring it up but the way I played it back in the day was to get my SPECIAL stats up to 10 and then roll out. It gives you very reasonable base stats and skill progression and let's you do almost everything, except very specific playthroughs like 1 intelligence runs and seeing a few special events, as far as I know. You can look those up online if you want.
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Fallout 2 for Bad People
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The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 1 & 2 Combat Guide - Part 1
Quantum Apprentice
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20 Helpful Gameplay Tips, Hints & Tricks - Fallout 1
Caedo Genesis
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Fallout Guide - How TF To Play Fallout 1
Games Twice-Over
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Fallout 3 was my childhood
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Fallout Needs To Let Go
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What happened to the other countries in Fallout?
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Get the Best Gear at the Start of Fallout 2
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How to Enjoy FALLOUT 1 TODAY
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