Why is Centrism So Unpopular in France?

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@soniajames-tn4mp 2 ай бұрын
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@marte9346 3 ай бұрын
Kinda find it funny the fact that everyone in the comments dislikes macron so much both right and left keep trying to push him to the other side of the spectrum lmao
@CaptainD0dge 2 ай бұрын
He who tries to please everyone, pleases no-one.
@stri2003 3 ай бұрын
Nobody likes the extreme center!
@valm9462 3 ай бұрын
the extreme fascist right "wing"
@DaveSmith-pm2yq 3 ай бұрын
@hanstun1 3 ай бұрын
Everyone does after a few years with far right or left.
@marcoshac9337 3 ай бұрын
After years of lunatics from the far left or the far right, you will wish for those boring centrists
@joshhoward1289 3 ай бұрын
Centrist? Leftist…fixed it for you. Or by your language, far left.
@yoshimeier3060 3 ай бұрын
Turns out people dont want the status quo when life currently sucks.
@jeromegouvernel8552 3 ай бұрын
Life has never sucked less in the history of mankind.
@twicethegalo 3 ай бұрын
@MrHellelement 3 ай бұрын
@@jeromegouvernel8552 That's pretty much true other than like the last 30-50 years in western countries. Not being able to afford a house and family and becoming an ethnic minority in you own city in a few decades really has people scared.
@controllerplayer1720 3 ай бұрын
0:03 - 0:11 for me this sounds like a Blackmail..
@Cosmic_Chronicles_ 2 ай бұрын
Well first we have to admit that macron isnt really a centrist party, they are moderatly left whereas as populaire is far- left, and assembly is simply right.
@blitz3391 3 ай бұрын
Pretty good video. But one mistake i'd say is to define Macron's policy as centrist. When you look into it, Macron's policies, especially on his second term, have been more and more hard right. The RN has voted in favor of most of his laws, and LR have also barely voted against. If the Assembly looks like the predictions you showed, then it doesn't really matter to him, he will still have a majority since 90% of these right/center wing allign with what he's doing. It won't change anything if he choses a far right prime minister or not, it's mostly symbolic. I don't think he dissolved the assembly as a show of force. To me, as it's his last term, he dissolved the assembly to get rid of his old party which clearly had started wavering and whose popularity was down the drain, and reform a new government based on the far right and "less far right", who almost unanimously vote anything he proposes without question. That also means that the few progressive laws we could have had will definitely never happen. Macron is one of the political figure who has had the broadest political career : started as a socialist minister (socialist in Europe term, not communist), elected as a centrist, led a right wing policy, and ends with a far right government.
@neptune1525 3 ай бұрын
Ohhh this is so interesting Hahah!
@Eresea 3 ай бұрын
I think something needs to be understood about current French politics : Macron's party is not centrist. You often hear about French politics that there's the far left, the centrists and the far right nowadays. It needs to be said : This is a failure on the part of the media, the truth is the "far left" has been officially designated as left by a statute of the state council, that at the same time confirmed that the Rassemblement National is indeed far right. While it is easy to check that the left of today does not in fact support a far left agenda, we also have to look at the way the parties have voted and in that regard it becomes obvious that the "centrist" party of Macron is just as far right as the R.N except on very few subjects mainly immigration. And for those that wondered about the historic right, they rallied to the far right and vote basically as the RN does. So in conclusion, there's the left, the right of Macron and the far right. While politics has shifted to the right for a long time, its transition has been accelerated by the last few years under the rule of Macron, and I believe that might have a lot to do with the way we label those parties ; It is very important to review the politics and history of each parties before labelling them extremes. And the French media has basically been bought by far right billionaires, there's that too
@kortexounet 3 ай бұрын
Because Macron centrism is an excuse to do whatever he wants. He's a banker and a buisnessman not a politician
@jiado6893 3 ай бұрын
“You can now be shot dead for running from a traffic stop.” What kind of tucked up sh*t is that.
@kathleenbolton-schmukler5727 3 ай бұрын
American as apple pie.. 🙃
@StephySon 3 ай бұрын
Oh look centrism in a nutshell
@aghost1 3 ай бұрын
4 views but 5 likes is crazy
@michaelh13 3 ай бұрын
No it isn’t
@loremipsum7ac 3 ай бұрын
Look up eventual consistency. KZbin runs on a distributed architecture that isn't updated immediately
@Elongated_Muskrat 3 ай бұрын
Half the people think he goes too far? The other half think he doesn’t go too far enough?
@realkekz 3 ай бұрын
John Jackson and Jack Johnson!
@lilied1 3 ай бұрын
That's literally the definition of center 😂
@toyotaprius79 3 ай бұрын
The other half *sees that he's only in power to preserve the transfer of wealth and compromise towards the right.
@FairPlayGaming 3 ай бұрын
Well, if he gave both ends of the political spectrum what they wanted and needed (within reason), he'd still be in the center and likely be less hated.
@harpogrine 3 ай бұрын
Welcome in France
@Sol_Invictus_ 3 ай бұрын
Have you considered he might be unpopular because he's a politician in France?
@dlugi4198 3 ай бұрын
@merlinbreaud7379 3 ай бұрын
He's a politician in the West, as France isn't the only Western country with generalized discontent right now. If this was the only factor, however, Macron would still remain in charge despite discontent ; just like Sanchez in Spain.
@wearebecomedeathstar2658 3 ай бұрын
You do realize there are popular candidates and politicians, right? Just cause they aren't as famous as the ones who are shit dosent make them not exist.
@Godzilla52 3 ай бұрын
The sad thing is this isn't even really a joke. If you look at the polling for French Presidents over the past 30-40 years, they all become extremely unpopular around the 4-5 year mark. The countries electorate is fickle and slow/resistant to change with the hyper-partisan left and right wing blocs are very combative to basically anyone that's not as ideologically pure as they are. I'll be surprised if the next two or three President's after Macron can somehow break the cycle.
@EvgeniiaGubin 3 ай бұрын
Its management went down the drain because initially it was some kind of fucking theater. Attempts to push his wife into management positions, to make her the first lady, statements that he is not able to manage without her and they will make decisions together. This theater, when after Russia’s attack on Ukraine he changed into sweatshirts and pretended to be concerned, copying Zelensky. And his tone when he advised the protesting farmers to do something useful. It's theater after theater. And then three billions of government money disappeared, oh. Crime and unemployment are through the roof and there is nothing he can do. But the name champagne may now only apply to sparkling wines from the Champagne region.The same thing with cognac. Well, they returned the historical blue tint on the French flag, they did a very important thing🤦‍♀️. He set up his own playground from France and now threw out the tantrum because they didn’t like him.
@F_REY_A 3 ай бұрын
Please give her more airtime, I love her professional, composed and well made reports - and bonus point, she's the only colleague who can pronounce foreign words properly! Bien joué ;)
@ChineseKiwi 3 ай бұрын
Georgia does the French stuff while Nadja does the Slavic language stuff. Makes sense to use people who speak the languages.
@wile123456 3 ай бұрын
Brits find it easier to hire native speakers rather than learn new pronunciation themselves 😂
@bodhisitter 3 ай бұрын
All of what you said, plus I am glad to see the diversity. I have no idea how most international news is presented, as I live in a very rural area of the US with mostly people in my Native tribe, but here women are co-anchors. I'm a middle aged minority and I grew up seeing nothing but white men. I still see mostly white men. Warms my heart to see the younger generation do things right when they run things. *edit* I honestly don't think she's a diversity hire, realized my statement could be taken that way or seen as an insult. I honestly think TLDR didn't even consider this. That's why my heart is warmed. Where I live the Christian Bible is being forced taught in public schools, while teachers (like I was) are fleeing en mass because they can suffer legal consequences for stating that slavery was a racial issue/don't want to teach the Bible. Our news casters don't even mention it.
@mihaimaracine5373 3 ай бұрын
Her reporting is horrible
@mihaimaracine5373 3 ай бұрын
@MaistrePathelin 3 ай бұрын
Arrogant? The dude dubs himself 'Jupiter'...
@et2709 3 ай бұрын
Both arrogant and ignorant to the extreme
@natedogg890 3 ай бұрын
@monkeeseemonkeedoo3745 3 ай бұрын
@ctrlzed5132 3 ай бұрын
The press called him that not him but he is still arrogant enough to deserve it.
@MaistrePathelin 3 ай бұрын
@@ctrlzed5132 Darn, you saw right through my exaggeration for dramatic purposes! ;-) I'm not French, so my opinion: a) matters much less (ie, I can't very much influence today's elections' outcomes) and b) is to be taken very a big grain of salt (I'm an avid reader of "Le canard enchaîné", which is rarely kind to the president; so my opinion is biased). Still, the man sees France like a plucky "start-up" nation and fancies himself a savvy CEO but behaves more like a dictator. He has quite a few issues to work on on a personal level. Anyway, that's what the French are stuck with for the foreseeable future and I wish them well; yet, I'd be lying if were to say seeing him lose his big gamble wouldn't put a ginormous grin on my face :-D
@guillaumeremy1720 3 ай бұрын
I'm French, living in France, and I approve everything said in this video. Very clear, very informative, non-partisan, well-informed : Two thumbs up 👍👍, and Merci.
@English_Dawn 3 ай бұрын
D'accord! 🇫🇷🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@edsiles4297 3 ай бұрын
Tu as bien raison
@guillaumeroussel8633 3 ай бұрын
There is an important omission about the immigration law. It was censored by the Constitutional Council and its harsher articles were removed. Morever, this law was harsher because LR refused to vote the initial law and Macron didn't wanted to use yet another 49.3. He also knew that most of what was added by the LR dominated senate would be stripped off by the constituional council, and that's exactly what happened. Macron never really intended to make a harsh immigration law, and taking action on this issue isn't going after the RN votes which he would never get anyway, it's just listening to an opinion that is majority among French people.
@yayafromnortherniran731 3 ай бұрын
Are you a leftist, a rightist or a macron supporter?
@guillaumeremy1720 3 ай бұрын
@@guillaumeroussel8633 You know, it's made for people who are not awarded of all the subtilities of French politics. So, they apply the KISS principle : "Keep it simple stupid !" 😁
@MagicNash89 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant ad for new jobs with Sunak though...subtle🤣But yeah, Rishi is going down very soon...
@Richard1A2B 3 ай бұрын
TBH the British election is a much more local affair with little consequence outside the UK. But the French election will have some impact on 450 million EUropeans, Ukraine, and the Eurozone, among others. In that sense, it's significantly more important than the British election.
@edsiles4297 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if the seemingly inevitable landslide which is set to happen between both rounds may energize the French left of center electorate though ...
@weamibrahim2146 3 ай бұрын
I literally just realized the California thing also referred to Sunak
@Masilya111 3 ай бұрын
There has been nothing centrist about Macron's policy...
@wearebecomedeathstar2658 3 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? Their centrists because everyone to the right of him thinks he's left and everyone left of him thinks he's right wing... that's what centrism is. If you don't think he's center you're a super extremist.
@Kalimdor199Menegroth 3 ай бұрын
Correct, it was always leftist.
@Godzilla52 3 ай бұрын
@@Kalimdor199Menegroth The fact that the leftists are saying he was always rightist, seems to contradict that. If anything that shows that Macron himself is fairly centrist going by the left and right wing's reactions to him.
@mathias9542 3 ай бұрын
​@@Kalimdor199Menegroththat depends only on who you ask
@asdv-gm4yy 3 ай бұрын
@@Kalimdor199Menegroth Mind telling us what about Macron's policy was so left? If not, you're just another bot
@peterfmodel 2 ай бұрын
Once you factor in inflation the GDP per person has been going down in French since, at least, 2000. This is pretty much similar in all developed countries, with only a few exceptions, such as Japan and perhaps South Korea. When people see their living standards going down, then people get grumpy and it really does not matter what side of politics you are from. I am certain there are a long list of other minor reasons as all governments, the longer you are in power, the more people you end up annoying.
@ekesandras1481 3 ай бұрын
64 retirement age is still below what other European countrie have. What do the French expect? Life expectancy has risen, university studies take more and more time. The average years in retirement should be less than the years doing full time jobs.
@loremipsum7ac 3 ай бұрын
Article 49.3, in a democracy that goes through the trouble of having two rounds to assure proportional representation, is just 🤯
@hydromic2518 3 ай бұрын
It’s like the Notwithstanding clause in Canada that just allows the federal or provincial government to ignore certain sections in the constitution like fundamental freedoms( freedom of religion, peaceful assembly, thought,etc), legal rights(not to be arbitrarily detained,etc) and equality rights( no discrimination). Thankfully it doesn’t apply to democratic rights but still
@TheRodco 3 ай бұрын
The French electoral system is not proportional, and using the article 49.3 is democratic, constitutional and legal
@tms725 3 ай бұрын
The "idea" of the 49.3 is to let the prime minister pass important votes if the Parliament is stalling too much or too fractured. It's a pretty controversial tool, but it comes with several caveats. The main one is that a 49.3 automatically triggers a vote of no confidence against the prime minister. If the government wins, the law passes. If they lose, the law is scrapped and the prime minister is fired, together with *the whole government*. The president has to choose a new prime minister, who must be approved by the parliament, and who will build a new government. Also, it's the *prime minister*, not the president that calls for a 49.3. During Macron's government, this difference was moot because he had enough votes to choose a prime minister aligned with him. During a co-habitation, when the parliament and the president are not aligned (and which will probably be the scenario for the next two years), the president cannot force a law with this tool.
@linusminus3 3 ай бұрын
​​@@TheRodcoIt isn't proportional in the official sense but unlike most FPTP-systems it applies a two-round system which in turn makes the result more proportional than say the british parliamentary election. And of course it is legal and constitutional, it is in the constitution. But that doesn't make something right in and of itself. It could be argued to be democratic, also necessary as a last resort. But it is inherently an article which allows the president to bypass a democratically elected assembly, it is necessary for executive efficiency but at the expense of "the peoples will" and the representation of it in the government in the form of the parliament. Both efficiency and representation matter in a democracy although it being used so frequently certainly isn't to be preferred.
@tms725 3 ай бұрын
So ... I wrote a longer comment, but youtube decided to send it to the void ... Long story short, the 49.3 is controversial, but it has a big caveat: the law doesn't pass automatically, the 49.3 forces a vote of no confidence against the prime minister. If they lose it, the law is scrapped, as well as the whole government. The president then has to build a new one. Also, it's the prime minister that calls for a 49.3, not the president. If both are aligned (which was the case during most of Macron's government), this point is moot. But, if they're not, a president cannot use it to force a law.
@ks4733 3 ай бұрын
People talking about centrism in the comments 😂 Centrism DOES exist! There is not only black and white! Some people have more right views on certain topics and more left on others
@ks4733 3 ай бұрын
I think what would be very interesting would be to show analysis like this for other countries in EU. For example I’d love to know what’s going on in Greece, Portugal, Estonia, Cyprus… France and Germany might be the most populous countries but this channel is called EU so it would be good ❤
@green-user8348 3 ай бұрын
Macron...arrogant? Shocking. Where is the taxing of the rich?
@danielcaldwell1110 3 ай бұрын
Taxing of the rich? He worked for the Rothschild🤣I don't think he'd ever tax his owners.
@huguesjouffrai9618 3 ай бұрын
He's not taxing the rich? In France if you make 100k a year net, you have already paid 145k to the state (110k in social contributions, 35k in income taxes). Your employer has to pay 245k for you to get 100k to spend. And that's before paying your other taxes! And that's with Macron having had full control of the parliament. Keep it real, in France the rich are paying their fair share (and they're usually okay with it otherwise they would have left)
@danielcaldwell1110 3 ай бұрын
@@huguesjouffrai9618 100K a year you're talking about middle class. Of course those and lower class are the one's who pay the taxes of the likes of Bernard Arnault. Those are the real rich that instead of paying taxes are actually milking it as much as they can.
@andybrice2711 3 ай бұрын
I can image a form of centrism which pragmatically combines the most popular and successful ideas from the left and right. Currently, most mainstream centrist parties seem to combine the worst of both, to the benefit of the small elite who fund them. Like privatizing gains and socializing losses.
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
that´s what normally happens in capitalism as we know it. One big reason why we had better social policies in the 60s and 70s was because the Western governments were terrified of the USSR.
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
@user-tz9wk2rj2d I mean we had migration in the cold war period too.
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
@user-tz9wk2rj2d well, the striking thing is how similar the debate was, Enoch Powell was very popular in the late 60s and 70s
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
@user-tz9wk2rj2d I think the thing is the actual number doesn´t matter so much, I am wary of people just plucking acceptable numbers from hats.
@andybrice2711 3 ай бұрын
@@Minimmalmythicist That’s quite an interesting theory. I’ve long thought of liberal social democracy as being the reasonable synthesis between capitalism and socialism. But I’d never really considered that the threat of communist revolution might be necessary to make that happen.
@MRMixedup 3 ай бұрын
I'm not French so maybe there's something I don't know, but generally from what I've seen Macron's decline is due to actions under his administration, not the decline of centrism as an ideology, I predict Macron's party will have a period of losses but if a new popular face that sticks to centrism is introduced they might come back in the distant future.
@TasTheWatcher 3 ай бұрын
_"People are fed up with Neoliberalism. I know what we need! _*_MORE_*_ Neoliberalism!"_
@comicbutserious263 3 ай бұрын
Macron isn’t really that liberal tbh
@yeetdragon1629 3 ай бұрын
​@comicbutserious263 his economic stance is undeniably neoliberalism
@ElBandito 3 ай бұрын
@@comicbutserious263 Do some online research. Neo-liberalism is economically the opposite of liberalism.
@dlugi4198 3 ай бұрын
​@@ElBandito "Do some online research" while pushing American restricted understanding of economical ideologies...
@KSUser-0301 3 ай бұрын
@@ElBandito Neo-liberalism is opposite of american liberalism
@WOTEOT 3 ай бұрын
Although the whole immigration law episode was indeed an ideological win for the national rally, the harder law didn't come from his party but from the more right leaning republicans that still have a majority in the senate (despite representing around 5% of the votes in latest national elections) and amended the original version of the government. Nonetheless, all hard measures included within this version were declared unconstitutional by the constitutional court after Macron asked them to examínate It, and we ended up with an immigration law that is very similar to the one his government first proposed. It was a short term victory for his party, but I think this whole process ended up nourishing the anti establishment feeling against his party and institutions like the constitutional court that was seen by many as more of a political than a judicial institution, acting ideologically (many of its member being former left wing politicians with no background in Law). With that plus the fact that according to polls, the french public was overwhelmingly backing the harder version of the law, I don't think we can say it was a good move for Macron's popularity.
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
I think the problem is that politicians haven´t been honest about immigration, right wing politicians have used it as an easy source for votes, but no French president has ever explained the complexities and the nuances of the issue. Instead they´ve just tried to ape the FN to stop people voting for them, and it worked for a couple of elections, but not any more. Politicians need to be honest about the issue and say "fine we can have less migration, we can be much more draconian, but it will cost money and mean we can´t have retirement at 64 years anymore". Every policy stance has consequences and there needs to be a lot more honesty about that.
@JordiVanderwaal 3 ай бұрын
Macron's centrism is unpopular in France for many reasons, one of them being that it's actually right-wing policies masked under a centrist veil. But he does most of what Le Pen would do, without being a fascist 70% of the time.
@CFaring-j1u 3 ай бұрын
Either way. People vote when babies get stabbed in playgrounds. Not much else matters
@kc_1018 3 ай бұрын
According to the neoliberal The Economist: "Much of the credit belongs to Emmanuel Macron. His seven years as president have seen a sustained effort to remake France as a modern, business-friendly economy. He has reformed employment to encourage bosses to take on workers. Since he moved into the Elysée in 2017, 2m jobs have been created and over 6m businesses set up. He has cut business taxes, along with stifling wealth taxes. He has boosted education and started to reform the unaffordable pension system. France’s growth is above the euro-zone average, and poverty rates below it."
@chrisbremner8992 3 ай бұрын
Guess who owns the Economist , his ex employer and wife's relatives. Best ignore .
@Jaegerfunky 3 ай бұрын
Ok, as a French, I have to speak politics of my country, 1- When Macron went to power, he promised to raise the age of retirement from 60 to 65, in 2023 the age of retirement would be 61, 62 for 2024, all this whilst not affecting people who would retire in said yeas and etc... but he quickly said 'F*ck all' and raised it to 65 as well as halted the possibility to retire to those who wanted to retire. 2- The shooting of the Algerian teen was after he drove over the speed limit, refused to stop after police biker's attempted to stop him, the teen almost killed several people on the way, and the only way to stop the chase was to shoot him when he got stuck in traffic, the cops tried to make him give up, when he saw a chance, he tried getting away, AGAIN, which was when he got shoot, the cops even warned him that if he drove away they'd shoot him, guess what he did? he drove away, the cops merely followed up with their promise and light him up. There is footage of the shooting online, look it up in French and you'll see what I mean.
@Kephy_ 3 ай бұрын
Hmmm... QU'EST-CE QUE TU RACONTES ? Déjà l'âge de retraite était à 62 avant Macron hein c'est Sarkozy qui est passé de 60 à 62. ET PUIS MACRON L'A AUGMENTE A 64 PAS A 65 ? Donc déjà ton premier point j'ai jamais vu autant de fausses infos stupides dans une même phrase, ça montre juste un manque évident de culture politique. Chuis pas macroniste je cherche pas à le défendre là mais je peux juste pas te laisser raconter n'importe quoi, il a augmenté la retraite de 2 ans pas de 5 ans, et puis j'ai pas compris le délire de "61, 62 en 2024" ça pouvait pas être 61 vu que depuis Sarkozy c'est déjà à 62, la seule promesse que Macron a fait qu'il a pas tenu c'est de NE PAS TOUCHER aux retraites. Pour ton deuxième point, NON, il n'a pas roulé à plus que la limite de vitesse, il était reproché de rouler SANS PERMIS. Mais il n'a jamais mis en danger quique ce soit dans sa course, évidemment si c'était un taré qui fonçait sur les trottoirs, dans des gens, etc. y aurait pas eu de soutien, sauf que non. C'était un ado en train de faire une bêtise, mais qui restait humain, il n'avait pas envie de mettre en danger quique ce soit, il SAVAIT conduire, il avait pas de permis mais il a du l'apprendre d'autre part car 5 minutes de course poursuite sans faire de mal à quique ce soit c'est pas n'importe qui qui peut y arriver. Et puis non sur la vidéo les policiers ne le "menacent" pas, on en entend clairement un dire "Shoot le" à celui qui a le pistolet, avant même que Nahel démarre, Nahel a littéralement fui pour sa vie car les policiers le menaçaient pas de lui tirer dessus s'il roulait, mais ils disaient clairement qu'ils comptaient lui tirer dessus direct même s'il restait immobile.
@Jaegerfunky 3 ай бұрын
@@Kephy_ Alors je suis seulment une victimes de fake news alors, principalement dans le côté de l'âge de retraite. Tous se que j'ai dit c'est les choses que j'ai étendue dans les journal, est même si j'ai dis des faux info, Macron aurais jamais dû changer l'âge de retraite. Après si t'as des bonnes sources, envoi-le moi ici, merci. Après, quant à l'Algérie, une voiture c'est sa peut-être une armé mortelle, ils c'est fait tirés seulment apres qu'il à mis le pied sur l'accélérateur, là même raison que les flics Américain veulent finirs les course de poursuite le plus vîtes, pour éviter que des gents meur, tu peux aussi bien défendre l'Algérien avec la psychologie humaine, qu'ils avait peur, mes quand tas deux mecs avec des armée pointé vers toi, tu suis leurs ordres, si c'est des flic, tu gagne pas la lutte dans la rue, tu là gagne devant un juge. Même s'il ont pas menacé directement, avoir des armés pointé vers toi sa devrait être un signal que tu devrais coopère avec les flic, même si ils finit en prison, ils serais vivant. Peut importe que ils savais conduire où pas, t'as pas de permis, ne conduit pas, fin d'histoire. Encore une fois, si t'as des bonnes sources, envoi-le moi ici.
@Jaegerfunky 3 ай бұрын
@@Kephy_ j'avais envoyé 3 paragraphes, bah KZbin m'a dit "fuck you" et ça pas envoyé, donc je fais un résumé. Mes infos sont dû journal pour l'âge de retraite, apres, si t'as des meilleurs sources, merci de les envoyer. Après, quant à l'Algerien: 1. Il avait rien à faire d'arrière un volant sans supervision d'un adulte responsable avec permission. 2. Tu peux "savoir" conduire, met si tu fais un accident, là faute c'est directement à tois. 3. Quand t'as des armés pointé a tois, spécialement des flics, tu commence pas à accélérer, dans la vidéo, oui ils ont ouvert feu apres que ils dîtes pour tires, aussi, les flic sont aussi humain, oui, il y à des mauvaise pomme partout, inclus d'ans la Police, dans la position d'un flic, t'as un mec d'arrière le volant qu'il refusé d'arrêté la voiture, il veut pas coopérer avec toi, qu'il commence directement à accélère le moment qu'ils peut, si tu l'arrêté pas il finiras par tuer quelqu'un, les Américains sont un bon example de sa, tous se qu'ils faut c'est qu'ils rentré en panique est qu'il faîtes un mauvais tour est ils peut se tuer, tuer les passagers est peut-être une famille dans une autre voiture, une voiture, n'importe qui là conduit, cest une armé mortelle tel comme une arme de feu. Est-ce que la police pourrait avoir fait mieux, peut-être, à la fin de la journée, c'est fait, c'est fait, je pense même que les flic se sont fais punir, j'avais pas trop vue sûr le pos-incident.
@thaneofwhiterun3562 3 ай бұрын
Centrism can be effective when you build a social concensus, are effective and have your own principles. It's not about being a vacuum of values, it's about being a moderate in the means or at least dialogue while having very clear how you want your country to look. Macron didn't have commitment to a national vision for France, he was the response to the national visions of those perceived as more radical than himself. Hence, he couldn't ever have had that much momentum, especially if his competent centrism didn't actually deliver on the competence part.
@oohforf6375 3 ай бұрын
Well said
@Cronosonic 3 ай бұрын
Sadly, these days "centrists" are more often than not useful idiots for the right who can't identify when one side of the isle has completely lost the plot, rather than actually meaningfully moderate.
@kauz33 3 ай бұрын
"centrism" on that case being just neoliberalism with traditional conservative and liberal policies, there ain't a single "centrist" policy made on that goverment, whatever would that mean
@michaeltoma9329 3 ай бұрын
Centrism by its very definition isn’t competent. They never get anything done, uphold the establishment and drive the working class into fascists arms. Neo-liberal policies always lack any real benefit for the average people, and this allowed the right wing to peel off voters with social issues.
@alexlehrersh9951 3 ай бұрын
Macron istcentrist he is left
@jermunitz3020 3 ай бұрын
He’s always represented the status quo. Why would anyone wanting change vote for him?
@Jajalaatmaar 3 ай бұрын
The pension system bankrupting the state was the status quo. He tried doing something about that and there was a revolt. I have to retire at 67 in the Netherlands. The French revolt for retiring at 62. Sure, you do you. But thanks to the Euro I'm now also liable for french debt. Interest rates will be kept low to save France and a side effect is me getting absolutely fucked trying to enter the housing market.
@padriandusk7107 3 ай бұрын
The pension system was doing fine, so said many studies. Even going into excedents. Macron just wanted to make the country and the rich richer and the poor poorer and dead right after retirement.
@scientia8442 3 ай бұрын
Never saw him representing the status quo. He's one of the most vocal voices on the European stage for change, wanting to reform the EU. And he tackled long overdue issues like the pension reform that are naturally unpopular but for the greater benefit of the country.
@pinguin472 3 ай бұрын
@@Jajalaatmaar Small correction as a Frenchman: the legal age to start retiring is 64 but to get a full pension it's 67. Front Populaire proposes 60/64 and RN 62/66
@MarketsDriveTheWorld 3 ай бұрын
Well still better than the left, but surely they'll think the same with the right. If there was a centrist or even kind of leftist party against immigration it would win everywhere.
@giantWario 3 ай бұрын
The problem with modern politics is that everyone is fixated on the left vs the right while ignoring the other part of the political spectrum, authoritarianism vs liberalism. Yes Macron is a centrist. But he's also *extremely* authoritarian. Which is what people actually hate about him, not his centrist policies.
@evonne_o 3 ай бұрын
Bang on as you won't see the left and the right coming together to get rid of him. The MSN should know this
@ΔημήτρηςΚαμπόλης-μ8χ 3 ай бұрын
All reformist politicians are. You have to break some eggs to make an omelette, as Saxons say.
@spiritnone2818 3 ай бұрын
Actually, no, in France, people do hate the centre, the dominant policy trends that have been in place for the last thirty years. You're welcome to look up polling data on what people think of immigration, the pensions reform, etc.
@Silver_Prussian 3 ай бұрын
Authority can be popular you just need the right person to make it popular
@TugaThings 2 ай бұрын
How the fck is he authoritarian? He just threw his lead in parliament to democracy willingly. Every thing he did as far as I know was not anti-democratic
@dianakimak3543 3 ай бұрын
It is not "Ukraine's impact", it is "the consequences of the Russian war on Ukraine". RHETORIC MATTERS!
@williamhenry8914 3 ай бұрын
Agreed, pretty slack after 2 years.
@et2709 3 ай бұрын
Green man obsession back fired!#!#!#!!!
@et2709 3 ай бұрын
Warmongering back🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@ronmastrio2798 3 ай бұрын
Get a grip nobody cares.
@williamhenry8914 3 ай бұрын
@@ronmastrio2798 you get a grip
@Rexboy1566 3 ай бұрын
Macron must go .
@padriandusk7107 3 ай бұрын
Quite the half-assed job this time, completely overlooking one of the simplest reasons why Macron was hated in the first place: The man itself. He's selfish, arrogant, shows no restraint when he insults a large part of french population and lavishly rains money on the already rich people and business. All of this while surrounding himself with traitors from both the left and right wing, business people with no experience and no morality, and finally, his past job and behavior during Hollande's era. It didn't take long for people, especially the rural world to hate him: he doesn't care about France nor the french. Only about himself, his friends and business. This channel totally failed to notice it.
@allahlesboslu2_9 3 ай бұрын
His centrism came at the cost of s u ffering for his own people 😂
@Kyle-xd4ep 3 ай бұрын
Because it's not " center", doesn't matter if you call it left or right- it's "anti West liberalism"
@eternusgravitas 2 ай бұрын
Yes. It's the corrupt vs. representatives of the people. They are illiberal, against freedom of religion, thought, and speech. Even some conservative parties have been corrupted here in Canada. Fortunately, we cleaned up the hidden "agents" inside the National Council running the Conservative party of Canada.Then we got rid of the fake-conservative leader Erin O'Toole, replacing him with Pierre Poilievre. But provincially, the Ontario Conservatives are corrupt under Doug Ford. The evil agents are everywhere such as the Ontario Law Society administering the bar, lawyer licensing, in Ontario Canada. Look up: Statement of Principles Ontario Law. The agents are everywhere: school boards, municipal city governments, etc... We must track them and expose them. Easy to find: They try to impose so many poison pilled "human rights". For example, erasing women and girl's rights to replace them with trans rights, forcing children to body negativity, choosing the "right body" and cut off what is "wrong." leading to regret and de-transitioning but who cannot function sexually or cannot have children. Too much to explain here but the liberal parties and centrist parties have pretty much all been taken over.
@adrianhartanto5243 3 ай бұрын
Try go to eiffel tower and count how many black guy
@michaelwellen2866 3 ай бұрын
He's not really a centrist, he's a neoliberal. If you want an American comparison, it's George W. Bush. Now, I actually don't mind neoliberalism, I grew up with the ideology. But it has some real blind spots when it comes to culture and immigration.
@qjmhvmiuqzhguomqhvmo 3 ай бұрын
More like Reagan
@stormy_waters 3 ай бұрын
What? Clinton is a neoliberal, George W is a neocon. Macron would definitely be left of center than George W on cultural issues. George W is Methodist, while Macron is not religious or identifies as such…unless he is Christian, as I could be wrong if there’s something I don’t know.
@michaelwellen2866 3 ай бұрын
@@stormy_waters I don't think there's all that much different between neocons and neoliberals.
@fastsnake 3 ай бұрын
Definitely more bill Clinton or tony Blair rather than George W. Bush...
@alejandromaldonado6159 3 ай бұрын
​@@michaelwellen2866Both are pro war, pro immigration and are controlled by central bankers.
@-Batou- 3 ай бұрын
You could remove the term "centrism" from the caption 😁
@Briky37 3 ай бұрын
This is very accurate, from a person living in France. Keep on with the good work, and merci beaucoup!
@andrewmaxwell6533 3 ай бұрын
Hate how everything is 'far right' like it's some sort of militia. Just say right wing. The RN aren't some military dictatorship
@iannoble 3 ай бұрын
keep ignoring growing income inequality and you get fascism
@deadlyoneable 3 ай бұрын
That’s sounds great. I’ll take anything over what we have currently.
@iannoble 3 ай бұрын
@@deadlyoneable cool and normal response
@aesma2522 2 ай бұрын
Income inequality isn't growing in France and is very low (after taxes and benefits).
@napoleonfeanor 3 ай бұрын
The problem isn't raising the pension age but setting a higher one for all job sectors. Bureaucrats and office workers can work longer but hard physical labour cannot.
@alexlehrersh9951 3 ай бұрын
They can because they start later than in the past
@ΔημήτρηςΚαμπόλης-μ8χ 3 ай бұрын
White collar jobs are strongly associated with chronic stress and burnout which also lead to poor quality of life. Blue collar is indeed physically demanding (improved a lot with modern technology, if employers follow the safety standards ofc), but it doesn't usually require any decision making, time management or much interaction with corny customers, partners or even public institutions. Mentally consuming stuff which can also affect individuals physically in the longterm run (headaches, insomnia, disorders etc). Also, blue collar is strictly restricted at the workplace, unlike white collar employees who usually have to do a lot of preparation, research, work on projects close to their deadline etc at home.
@L425-g1f 3 ай бұрын
The problem was doing it for no real reason, he made economist made a study on the future of how well the today's (perfectly fonctioning) service would work in many years, but forced them not to consider the real situation of France under his mandate. The economists published a model where after his mandate the situation "crashed" to return to reality, and this "crash" would have potentially stop pensions from functioning after a few years in the worst cases... It was obviously a right economical policy with objective to increase labor supply and diminish salaries, that no one in the electorate actually want...
@TheSandkastenverbot 3 ай бұрын
@@L425-g1f Raising the pension age not only HAS real reasons, it is practically unavoidable and not only in France but everywhere. Life expectancy is rising continually and the demographic structure makes paying for pensions even more difficult. You need immigration to pay for that but this increases house prices and rents - along with all the problems scared right-wingers will create including voting for openly authoritarian parties.
@julemanden32199 3 ай бұрын
Other EU countries have had significantly higher pension ages for decades. If safety procedures are met, physically demanding jobs do not decrease lifespan or ability to work. Labour safety standards are the solution to this issue.
@joeyjojojrshabadoo7462 3 ай бұрын
Macron needs to stop pushing the soft centre policies and go for the hardline far centre vote.
@byunbaekhyun2283 3 ай бұрын
yes, to the left he should go. steal that 29% vote from NFP.
@Hardcore_Remixer 3 ай бұрын
No such thing as far center. In fact, given that what is currently labeled as 'far right' was just center-right 15 years ago then I doubt there is such thing as 'center' either unless it is just a mix of left and right politices.
@minsapint8007 3 ай бұрын
@@Hardcore_Remixer I disagree. Someone came up with the phrase ‘extreme centre of British politics’ and France is just like Britain. I think that ‘far centre’ is just recasting ‘extreme centre’ and extreme centre rings true. The political centre has given us: biggest war crime of the century (Iraq 2003); biggest war crime of 2010s (Libya 2011); and absolute support for biggest war crime of 2020s (genocide in Gaza). War crimes and genocide exemplify extremism. The centre is extremist.
@Hardcore_Remixer 3 ай бұрын
@@minsapint8007 Because 'the center' is just a combination of left and right. I guess that by extreme center you mean extreme left and extreme right wing policies. Being economically right wing and socially left wing doesn't make you center on their economical or social terms. I haven't got to see Netanyahu's policies, but given that he wants to get rid of the Palestinians from Gaza then I can tell he is socially (and geopolitically) right wing and not center by all means. You can also have a look at China. Communist political system with capitalist economy. Does this make them center? Even the 2D one is an extreme summarization of the reality and misses some details, but the 1D political spectrum is simply misleading. However, Macron's only right wing policy I have seen is the raising of the retirement age.
@wildfire9280 3 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@Hardcore_Remixer I’m not sure that expanding the leeway for police conduct could be described as a left or center policy. But then again, there’s nothing that necessarily conflicts with a police state anywhere on the simple left right spectrum.
@kennymcats 3 ай бұрын
Centrism will never get anyone excited. It's up to the candidate to sell this extremely unsatisfying platform.
@Godzilla52 3 ай бұрын
Overall I think France is just a nearly unreformable mess as a state with too much hard left/hard-right wing ideological fervor. Pretty much every French President in the past 30-40 years has polled miserably after their first 4-5 years in office and become extremely unpopular. There's room for both big government social democracy and neoliberal policy aimed at trade & market liberalization (Scandinavian countries, Germany and the Netherlands all prove as much), but France's democracy seems seem more systemically dysfunctional and incapable of moving past that dysfunction. Rather the dysfunction just evolves and each French President ends their tenure extremely unpopular, not able to achieve most of the ambitious reforms they ran on when they were first elected etc.
@HSE331 3 ай бұрын
@@Godzilla52 lol no france and the eu is ruined by this baseless desire to neuter its wings and remain arrogantly centrist beyond the wishes of the people
@momom6197 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the information. I'm French, and this is very informative, especially as a summary of the news and what could have caused them.
@alexpotts6520 3 ай бұрын
To be fair to Macron, *all* French presidents are unpopular - this is country whose founding myth is the French revolution, whose national identity is built on suspicion of those in power. Macron actually did okay to win a second term, something neither Sarkozy nor Hollande before him managed. And before that, Mitterand and Chirac had to experience periods of cohabitation, just like Macron is going to have to do now. So from a historical perspective he's only averagely unpopular for a French president, maybe even a little bit better than average.
@Gasbap 3 ай бұрын
What about the warmongering? I'm sure that's a factor too
@gp-1542 3 ай бұрын
Looks like his arrogance is coasting him
@rustybucket7323 3 ай бұрын
If Macron is a centrist, what do y'all call a leftist?
@RahatSiddiqui-nq2lt 3 ай бұрын
@RobGradyVO 3 ай бұрын
Macron was a Centrist???????
@MrCalls1 3 ай бұрын
Shocking. Centrist liberal with no interest in politics and views the electorate as an impediment to technocracy, while tacking right on social issues at every opportunity bar one fails to gain consent for governance long term. Truly shocking. There’s no way you could predict this. And leading the centre in this rightward direction has never ever before produced a rightwards shift in the electorate thereafter either, it’d sooooo unpreceddented. I just can’t imagine why a liberal who campaigns for nothing, thereby generating consent for their programme, who simply follows the polls on what to discuss lost control of the narrative, it’s just in comprehensible why a person who refuses to campaign for a position ends up talking about things on ground he is uncomfortable in, if only there was a class of people who had the power and ability to shape the national discussion.
@falafelscobes6122 3 ай бұрын
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris will be very telling. I'm sure it will ultra PC.
@wildfire9280 3 ай бұрын
I was hearing a couple days ago Macron called the election to dare them to actually govern. I’m guessing that wasn’t the case?
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
He may be genuinely deluded enough to think people still like him. The thing is the front republicain has collapsed too, so he won´t necessarily get second votes against the FN, and many frontistes would refuse to vote against him against the Front Populair, thinking he´s as bad as them. I think it´s a crying shame and if Le Pen does become president, people will hopefully see what a mistake not carrying on with the Front Republcain was. As bad as Macron is, he´s not anywhere near as terrible as Marine Le Pen.
@aesma2522 2 ай бұрын
We don't know what he was thinking. In my opinion he envisioned several possibilities and figured they were all better than the situation he was in. He would have probably had to call elections after summer anyways because there was no way to pass next years' budget.
@joeshmooo5327 3 ай бұрын
Il serait intéressant de connaître le parcours de cette présentatrice, car son français est excellent.
@מ.מ-ה9ד 3 ай бұрын
Why did it fail? Since when the French were politically moderate in history? Lol
@niaraa8378 3 ай бұрын
scince the 70's. 50 years of softs clowns. now we have the possibility to see a far left vs far right in the next election! things back to normal at long last.
@failedrockstar 3 ай бұрын
I like how the first riot footage is from Rennes where I live !
@BirdEgg123 3 ай бұрын
My condolences
@failedrockstar 3 ай бұрын
@@BirdEgg123 people need to fight back
@karankapoor2701 3 ай бұрын
​@@failedrockstaragainst ixlamist extremism
@BirdEgg123 3 ай бұрын
@@failedrockstar my condolences that you live in France thoughts & prayers 🙏
@williamhenry8914 3 ай бұрын
nothing says justice like random property damage
@neverluckyneverpro2731 3 ай бұрын
Centrists wimpering xD
@autumnson 3 ай бұрын
Macron is only a centrist by name. His policies, both economical and social have all been closer to the right than anything else. I struggle to recall anything he's done that could be considered left leaning to counteract this. Moreover it's his repeated use of 49.3 and general disregard for the people's will in favor of helping big business, as well as tough répression on any form of contestation that led him to become so unpopular.
@aesma2522 2 ай бұрын
He allowed women to have kids without men, pretty left wing. He continued the insane spending, that's pretty left wing too.
@Daniel-q9f8p 2 ай бұрын
@@aesma2522 neither of these issues lie on the left-right spectrum. The first is a personal freedom discussion, for the second you need to go into the details but generally spending above a nation's means is bipartisan.
@aesma2522 2 ай бұрын
@@Daniel-q9f8p In France our right wing is pretty conservative socially so yes it's left wing to vote for things like gay marriage, there was literally only one right wing MP that voted for that (and he's a gay man). Later he was a minister for Macron so he moved to the center. I agree that if you look at the US the insane deficit spending is bipartisan but in the EU it isn't the case, running a tight ship is at least in theory still a common right-wing thing.
@WSEDT-re6mn 2 ай бұрын
Well this did not age well. ❤😂
@cald1421 3 ай бұрын
Raising the retirement age was critical. The French are lazy and love socialism too much but it saves them from austerity measures. Or at least buys them more time
@StruggleGaming 3 ай бұрын
Well well well, whod have thunk appeasing faccists didnt actually appease them. Ey Chamber- I mean Macron?
@EgoHead710 3 ай бұрын
Poor Macron. As a non-European I must say he's one of the more tolerable political types in Europe tbh. He'll have to do something big *AND* positive to keep going..
@NikoBuraitoPinku2024 3 ай бұрын
Pero, Macron tiene todavía poder político a pesar de que ganó la oposición de derecha más poder? 🤔
@EgoHead710 3 ай бұрын
@@NikoBuraitoPinku2024 Time will tell...
@NikoBuraitoPinku2024 3 ай бұрын
@@EgoHead710 Macron es necesario para el apoyo a Ucrania, los demócratas igual.
@EgoHead710 3 ай бұрын
@@NikoBuraitoPinku2024 Indeed. Hopefully nothing bad happens over time.
@NikoBuraitoPinku2024 3 ай бұрын
@@EgoHead710 Aunque Biden debe ser reemplazado, qué opción hay?
@davidpalin1790 3 ай бұрын
Vive la France 🇫🇷 Glory to the sixth Republic
@networknomad5600 3 ай бұрын
What do you mean "how it failed"? It doesn't matter how "centrist" or "reasonable" you are, you can't have unrestricted immigration and immigrant crime reigning supreme in every major city.
@LiArrowMaster 3 ай бұрын
"Unless I win, there will be war!" Wow. What an egomaniac!
@wabakoen5548 3 ай бұрын
Remember when Trump said that “there will be a massacre” when he lost? The whole media, even here in Europe, was up in arms about the threat. But he said it between two arguments about why Democrats would “massacre” American industry. Imagine if the media treated Macron’s words the same way.
@Jaegerfunky 3 ай бұрын
fr, he scared my grandparents from voting for the party they wanted to vote.
@ArturoSubutex 2 ай бұрын
Perfectly summarized. As a French left-leaning voter, back in 2017 when Macron first ran on a "both left and right" type platform, I didn't expect him to be my cup of tea, but I still thought he'd be somewhat palatable. Never would I have imagined him drifting so much to the right. He passed an anti-Muslim (anti-separatism) law. Several laws to give more leeway to the police, including *a law punishing people who film the police that was passed just a few months after George Floyd's death, and a week after a high-profile case of the police being filmed beating down a Black man who was just going back home in Paris* (though that part was later censored by the Supreme Court). He passed a hardline anti-immigration law. He did nothing on climate change, and even rolled back on things that had been done before him. He recently called the left "immigrationist" and criticized its platform for making gender transition too simple. I could go on and on. His strategy seems to have been, in essence: go always more to the right while also posing as if the political debate was just between him and the far-right and pretending the left didn't exist. He thought he'd keep being the "only safe option" forever. That came biting him in the *ss. But he won't suffer from it. Marginalized people will.
@JamesL42 3 ай бұрын
Because centrism is utterly meaningless and completely relative to what is to the left and right of it. In this case what macron meant by centrist was the status quo, and nobody wanted that.
@catlover12045 3 ай бұрын
Saying he is status quo is quite a overgeneralation. His pension reforms were the farest things from status quo.
@soundscape26 3 ай бұрын
Didn't Macron break the status quo himself? Look where the traditional French parties are now.
@JamesL42 3 ай бұрын
@@catlover12045 true, and honestly that's the one policy of his I actually do support and pensions are honestly the one area the RN concerns me. But overall I think it's clear Macrons policies are just the same as the policies of all the elites and mainstream 'centrist' parties of Europe, and that's why I think he is still a status quo politician, even if he does break with it occasionally.
@JamesL42 3 ай бұрын
@@soundscape26 Breaking the status quo by acting exactly like liberal, centrist and centre-left parties all over Europe?
@soundscape26 3 ай бұрын
@@JamesL42 Many argue he's center-right... which makes sense given his economic policies. Either way, it was him who broke the center right/center left duopoly in France.
@18gShop 3 ай бұрын
There is a massive error on the Unemployment Rate chart(at. 5:34) - the provided percentages are impossible. You are showing youth unemployment rate between 75 and 90% and overall unemployment between 55 -62%. Can you imagine what would happen if this was the case???!
@maurodellisanti7163 3 ай бұрын
The reality is that people enjoy to complain and blame whoever politician is in power, especially if they really try to do stuff, as Macron actually did. Otherwise you can do like Giorgia Meloni that in 2 years literally did nothing. It’s easy to stay in opposition and gain votes, you just need to say that everything is bad, without being held accountable for your proposals. Macron actually managed to stay in charge for full 7 years and he can still oversee the situation for 3 years as President in case the RN wins. I wouldn’t call that a failure. After 7 years people will be tired anyway and look for the next person who promises what they want to hear. I think history will judge him much more positively than his current polls
@davidringmann3395 3 ай бұрын
Instead of pushing through leguslation without parliamentary approval, he should have tried to forge issue related alliances and find compromises. Maybe then public unrest wouldn't have been as bad as it was and partially still is.
@KnightRaymund 3 ай бұрын
"We protest your right wing policies!" "Hey, let's elect a far right party!" Genius! *slaps head*
@spiritnone2818 3 ай бұрын
Maybe, just maybe, you're a r3t4rd who has no idea what policies are in question and what the respective stances of the parties in question are on them?
@zaydalaoui9397 3 ай бұрын
The far right when it comes to economics is not really right leaning, they have more like left policies in their agenda but just for pure french citizens, excluding the rest. Never understood what we put them on the right except for their xenophobia
@ronanducluzeau3416 3 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as an incumbent fatigue. A satisfying policy could generate love from the people towards their good politicians, and regret when they would have to leave. They should try. Inflation is the fault of politicians. They have the power to administrate prices, adjustment of minimum wage on inflation and money creation. GDP is only useful to thieves, trying to identify where are money flows to drive to their pockets. That is why it has being used by their propaganda to qualify a policy as bad or good. As a result, politicians did everything to increase it at global scale, producing global warming and mass extinction of live. Macron used article 49.3, each year of his second mandate, to pass budget of state. That means no democratic control by parliament of how money collected from taxes was used. Macron already used heavy police force, during his first mandate, to mutilate yellow jackets. Same violence was directed to students, ecologists, journalists and people with wrong color of skin. In the 90s, French police killed less than a dozen of people per year. During 2000s, 2010s, French police killed less than twenty people per year. Macron's police rate is around 34 dead per year. Situations in Mayotte and New Caledonia are powder kegs because of decades of abandonment from French governments. But Macron did everything to make them explode, quickly. What I wrote proves that Macron being authoritarian is proven by facts. It is not a subjective perception. Macron being arrogant is a fact. Each time, he appears in public ; he pronounces a sentence diminishing or criminalizing a part of the audience. There are 7 years of macron's speeches as evidence. You can easily find hundreds of compilations of them, made on that basis. His strategy of communication when a media addressees his failures, consists in blaming his opponents, praising himself about how his propaganda was more efficient than what media said, saying that "work is not completed yet, and there will be more in upcoming weeks". People saw that when weeks passed, situation worsened. There has been no private sector regulation. Only public services collapsing, coinciding with country record of public subsidies to big corporations. Cutting unemployment & housing benefits is not improving labour market flexibility. Employers can't find workers, at proximity of their enterprise, because of lack of housing. Ratio is about 10 workers asking for a job for 1 job offer. Unemployment is not due to people unwilling to work. It is due to enterprises, massively, unable to deliver a sufficient amount of jobs, relatively to changes of demography, of technologies and stupidity of economical rules. Pension reform is a denial that labour is breaking human bodies. There is a lack of physicians, in France. There is a lack of medical drugs. There is a vast feeling of lack of security. Far Right medias, financed by billionaires, are constantly putting in front page, crimes. Last year's riots, that were fruit of a colonial treatment of issues that never ended, was a gift for them. A surge in a creation of new businesses and falling employment rate are not signs of improvements. Rules to count employment rate were changed. That is just a falling on paper. Creation of new businesses means that people who are unemployed, are trying to survive by becoming independent workers with less social security. That does not indicate if those businesses are successful or people are more happy about that. The only indicators relevant to judge presences of improvements for population are mortality rate and poverty rate. Mortality rate is increasing. Macron suppressed the observatory of poverty. When he did it, it was estimated to concern one fifth of population, before covid and inflation. Unless that, because of inflation and lack of housing, media still said that Macron broke the record of amount of homeless people, in the country, in 2023. Minister of economy of Macron, Bruno Le Maire said that EU sanctions towards Russia would crash Russia's economy in few weeks, when EU started to help Ukraine. That did not happen. EU just paid its fossil fuels, at an higher price. That same logic applied to other external resources is an excuse to explain inflation. Reality is that many corporations improved their benefits a lot. That would not have been the case, if they had just been adjusting their price to difficulties due to war. They did super-profits. Most of EU governments created a tax to correct that. Le Maire refused to do it, arguing that behavior from corporations did not exist. He spend months, saying that his constant begging towards corporations to lower their prices will work, while he could have passed laws. At beginning of this year, Le Maire announced he made a mistake of 10 billions in the budget of the country. And because of that, price of electricity would increase at beginning of summer. Refusal of Macron to resign whatever results of legislative elections are, goes against the spirit of French constitution. He never respected it. Since decades, the last French president is always worst than previous one. Half of Left in France is more centrist than a real Left. One half is a soft left. But it is qualified as more extreme than communists, because they are ecologists. French communist party is productivist and talking like conservatives about preserving gastronomical tradition of eating meat and avoiding to frighten entrepreneurs and investors. By definition, in France, Far Left is abstentionist. It is made of tons of micro parties, more numerous than their amount of activists. It is a very weak opposition to what will happen. There is no difference between Macron centrist policy and right policies done in the past. It is just more destructive, because it is the last step done in that direction. Far Right will do a jump in same direction of destruction. Colonial past and present of France was made of slaughters. And there are upcoming slaughters to fear. Its racist police will be more well equipped, while hospitals will be more well demolished. Childhood was abandoned. No measure against its poverty or against sexual assaults or to improve its education. Far Right program will increase by a multiplier of ten, amount of homeless children, seen as foreigners. And all of that was the initial plan, when Macron became minister of economy. An egotistic stupid ambitious guy has been flattered by financial ecosystem, to become the president, that will destroy faith in politics, more than all his predecessors. Financial ecosystem don't know how to make money, without financing the end of the world. So, they finance authoritarian politicians to be able to continue. And they finance media to sell them, as champions of democratic values, telling 3 falsehoods per sentence.
@gontrandjojo9747 3 ай бұрын
Centrism is popular among the elites but unpopular among the people because people are passionate (should they be right-wing or left-wing). Centrism is moderate, cold and practical. Polarization is passionate. The problem with Macron's centrism is that this centrism is assumed and claimed. France has been ruled by centrists since WW2 but there was still the illusion of these centrists being right-wing (for exemple Sarkozy or Chirac) or left-wing (Hollande or Mitterand). Of course the illusion faded and people got tired of the Socialists and Republicans who were in practice doing the same centrist policy (being right or left only in electoral campaign and then betraying their electorate with a moderate and centrist policy). It opened the way for Macron who made everyone believe he was some "new" anti-establishment guy (while he is in fact the same centrist as his predecessors) because he didn't come from the 2 main political parties. But then again, the illusion faded, and since his centrism is assumed he is hated by both the left and the right. Now the 2 main political parties have been destroyed by Macron (since all the moderates from the Socialist party and the Republicans joined him) and the new centrist party of Macron is in turn hated by everyone. And so now the hard-right and the hard-left have an open road. But to all those who are freaking out and believe the 3rd Reich or the USSR are coming back in France, don't worry, once in power they will continue the same centrist policy. Because they won't have any other choice. Didn't you see what happened with the so-called "fascist" Meloni in Italy? Being far-left or far-right today is just not assuming being a centrist and trying to maintain the illusion while you're in electoral campaign that you will be able to do a real right-wing or a real left-wing policy. So we have now a new polarization from parties being labelled "far-right" or "far-left" that have become popular, until they will be in power to do a centrist policy and deceive their electorate. Then we will have new parties emerging on their left and on their right, they will be the new "far-right" and "far-left". And the cycle will continue.
@TroubledTrooper 3 ай бұрын
His "Centrism" is like a lot of peoples "Centrism", ends up being much more right-wing than advertised.
@alexlehrersh9951 3 ай бұрын
Nope he is leftwing not rightwing
@L425-g1f 3 ай бұрын
@@alexlehrersh9951 Economically, all of his major policies were really far right (reducing taxes on the rich, pushing the age of retirement, privatazing...), and he made them pass even though there was massive strikes through undemocratic processes. You call this leftwing ?
@heinrichpreussen 3 ай бұрын
@@alexlehrersh9951 Since when is neoliberalism left wing?
@Dunendil 3 ай бұрын
Ah yes the old "anyone to the right of me is a Nazi". And you wonder why more people are leaning right.
@Miamcoline 2 ай бұрын
Unemployment rate at 60%?!? and youth unemployment at 80%!?! I think not! You mean 6% and 18%? Also regulation instead of deregulation? Graphics person is trippin in this episode.
@CloroxBleachCompany 3 ай бұрын
Sacre bleu who would’ve guessed fence riding isn’t a winning strategy
@soundscape26 3 ай бұрын
Then how did he win before?
@MagicNash89 3 ай бұрын
Judge by policy, not by some label like "centrist" or whatever. Macron has been implementing integrationist policies favored by RN, is that fence riding now? When the RN promises to renationalize the highways is that not a left-wing policy? When the NFP promises to cancel the accord with Mercosur and CETA with Canada for the supposed benefit of the peasants is that not a right-wing policy?
@AlexC-ou4ju 3 ай бұрын
Guy got elected twice he literally can’t run again. Also moderation is hardly a bad thing.
@DFandV 3 ай бұрын
​​@soundscape26 "I'm not Marine Le Pen" that's how he won. But the French didn't necessarily agree with his politics, but had enough trust to block the far right from entering. Hence, they call it the "barrage" - to blocking the far right. But lost the parliamentary elections in 2022 and will this time again in 2024 by that same party.
@Dsexh_dsexh 3 ай бұрын
The thing about fences is that it’s a wall… and the question always become what’s the wall build to stop?
@1964_AMU 3 ай бұрын
In 1789, the day after the "Serment du Jeu de Paume", 2 parties came out from the very first National Assembly : the "Jacobins" and the "Montagnards". Since, there was no idea of a Democratic Administrive Order, except under the dictatorship of Napoleon, no mention of Pericles' original democratic system neither. Anything not being this opposition is not democracy for French. Centrism always raised and failed in France. Macron is not a real centrist by the way, and plays right wing most of the time.
@diogorodrigues747 3 ай бұрын
People will only learn when the country's Social Security system collapses. Go ahead, French people!
@el_famoso_albatar 2 ай бұрын
Well, "centrism" is not absolute. Macron just took the worst of both worlds. Maybe his goal was to eradicate "centrism" from the French political system to bring it towards being more "USAian". Now, centrism in France is associated with him, so it's not seen as a good option (except for the elderly).
@jujube3736 3 ай бұрын
Is it just me or does "centrism" just sound more like conservatism?
@jimpaddy79 3 ай бұрын
I was thinking that, every thing they listed sounded very rightwing
@alejandromaldonado6159 3 ай бұрын
​@@jimpaddy79If your far left that would be the case for you.
@jimpaddy79 3 ай бұрын
@@alejandromaldonado6159 but all the policies listed were neoliberal style market reforms, reduction in Government supports, plus some heavy hand policing. How are they not right wing policies? Which policies that it listed in the video were centrist or left wing
@ronmastrio2798 3 ай бұрын
@@jimpaddy79 Neoliberalism is left wing globalism
@frocco7125 3 ай бұрын
Jreg at it again.
@neilknightley4703 3 ай бұрын
does the french ever like anyone ?
@jolpu183 3 ай бұрын
we only like dead leaders. ...it's kind of true since every time a former politician dies, everyone starts saying "ehhhhhhh t'was a good one", whereas everyone was shitting on the same man's face before he passes away
@xoxo5276 3 ай бұрын
In politics, no 😢 French people are ungrateful
@elriolimpio 3 ай бұрын
@@xoxo5276 for two hours De Gaulle was popular,jajajaja
@oleg.petrenko 2 ай бұрын
Hello, please, if you want to mention Ukraine's impact - please consider saying the truth and call it as it is. It is Russia's impact. If you want to be more precise - the governments of Ukraine and Russia combined impact. Ukrainian people did not wish for this barbaric invasion and to just receive more problems on top of existing ones. It is not difficult to name the real enemy and terrorist aloud.
@Azrudi 3 ай бұрын
It's not his centrism that failed. It's his support for Ukraine that has caused massive rises in bills and prices. Every country that supports the war and escalation is suffering from the same. Meanwhile every country that protects Donbass is growing economically and industrially.
@paulomartins1008 2 ай бұрын
Historically the French have only shown moderation and respect for human rights wherein benefiting from economic cycles, and when the going gets rough, they inevitably show their true imperialist colors.
@jakalordarkblood4331 3 ай бұрын
If you stay in the middle of the road, you get run over.
@thedutchfoxxx 3 ай бұрын
He's been in power for 7 years, getting elected twice in a row. That's far from "getting run over".
@oriontigley5089 3 ай бұрын
As opposed to the two cars driving towards a head on collision?
@NeistH2o 3 ай бұрын
are you suggesting that there is a lot of traffic between left and right? x)
@fyodordmitrenko622 3 ай бұрын
Not necessarily - some of the world's greatest leaders were centrists and moderates like Ataturk, Pilsudski, FDR, Churchill, De Gaulle, etc
@jakalordarkblood4331 3 ай бұрын
@@fyodordmitrenko622 Ataturk was a consummate nationalist, Churchill was an unapologetic Imperialist, De Gaulle was an authoritarian asshole that proceeded to use the Vichy French and nazi structures to his advantage after the war, Pilsudski was in all honesty mostly weird brand of nationalist (that became an authoritarian asshole later, which was a real shame) and I'd hardly call FDR a centrist considering all the shit he pulled.
@MicheleLLOYD-bk2mt 2 ай бұрын
Left. Right. Centre. Meaningless perjoratives. Let’s be more helpful and say exactly……….
@brianwings6908 3 ай бұрын
Macron is arrogant and possibly narcissistic. He is however the best President France has had sincr at least Valery d' Estaing. He has made many tough reforms which have been necessary forever.
@Minimmalmythicist 3 ай бұрын
He´s completely hopeless, he may go down as France´s version of Paul Von Hindenburg or Franz Von Papen (the German president and chancellor who thought doing a deal with Hitler was a good idea).
@ivanbrezina7632 3 ай бұрын
Arrogant? Isn't he french?
@aesma2522 2 ай бұрын
@@Minimmalmythicist The RN is already saying that they won't change anything he did after all, proving he was right all along. They will concentrate on immigration reform, which is a blind spot of Macron.
@TheRightONe-et3gh 2 ай бұрын
You must not be french. Giscard is the man who destroyed France, and yes Macron is from the same vein.
@danemlive 3 ай бұрын
Centrism is not a solution to modern day problems. All Centrism acheives is maintaining the status quo. Whether we are on the left or the right we can all agree the status quo needs to go. We need modern solutions to modern problems. While I am not extermist, fence sitting acheives nothing, and is what has, in part, led to polarisation of the electorate.
@TheSuperPsychoKiller 3 ай бұрын
What is centrism anyways and who gets to define what is normal?
@HSE331 3 ай бұрын
its just the ugly uniparty status quo that everyone thinks is common sense but does more harm than goof while preventing real change
@evryatis9231 3 ай бұрын
its status quo neoliberalism for western republics
@deadlyoneable 3 ай бұрын
And what is “far right”? Oh yeah, a tactic by media to delegitimize them. Can’t be far right when it’s a majority.
@gijane2cantwaittoseeyou203 3 ай бұрын
in france it is the constitutional council. It is made of smart people who know what they're talking about. And they said Marine party is far right, now the french are dumb enough to pick her and will find out.
@gineshellfire9442 3 ай бұрын
This reframing of neoliberalism as "centrist" is absurd. Macron is a right wing president, in a right wing party, since the start, and his right wing policies are prove of that.
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