This is not working for my TM-050B timer device. I hold power, press and hold reset button and WiFi light turns off immediately. As soon as I release the reset and power button, the WIFi button blinks for a few seconds and reconnects to old WiFi before I can see the device on my phone. I'm trying to configure it connect to new WiFi network while old one is still available which should work since the reset should erase the old setting but it's obviously not doing that. I have tried multiple other scenarios of reset and power button combinations including turning the breaker off but nothing does a reset/erase previous wiFi setting.
@artsandcraftsmanship3 жыл бұрын
I'm having this same issue as well. I can't see it broadcasting a network to hook it up to my new network. Did you fix this?
@wakenup23v3 жыл бұрын
@@artsandcraftsmanship yes. Make sure your old wifi is powered off/ not available. I still had my old WiFi up and it kept connecting to it. Once I powered off my old wifi router, and reset the timer, it went back to new mode and was able to connect to my new Wi-Fi. I was then able to power my old Wi-Fi router back on
@sam6careiumulavi7222 жыл бұрын
How do you turn off your old wired Wi-Fi?
@sam6careiumulavi7222 жыл бұрын
I keep getting incorrect password on the Wi-Fi after resetting help