Top 10 Drumming DISASTERS (Epic Fails & Recoveries)

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@steinblitz1506 4 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Jeff Prosperie mentioned the axe incident in one of his judge tapes while judging I think the cadets? He said "If I can dodge an axe I can dodge that"
@EMCproductions 4 жыл бұрын
That’s epic
@peeairborne3740 4 жыл бұрын
Pasta It was Bluecoats 2015, “If I can dodge an axe, I can dodge a sphere”
@steinblitz1506 4 жыл бұрын
@@peeairborne3740 my memory sucks !
@luisb2312 4 жыл бұрын
I guess you can say it was a real AXcident
@AznAfroMan513 4 жыл бұрын
imagine if that axe had legit injured his arm... could've fucked up his entire career... seriously irritating, that whole situation. felt real bad for the man
@DevilDwarf165 4 жыл бұрын
The timpanist whose sheet music fell is currently teaching timpani at my school. He's the ex-principal timpanist of the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra and his knowledge is extensive and invaluable. He also doesn't like to talk about the incident. Edit: He did not get fired but rather retired.
@reeseprovost7392 4 жыл бұрын
i remember when my indoor director said this on a saturday 12 hour rehearsal “rhythm x got a 27” and i said “is that even possible”
@jaredgarcia2906 4 жыл бұрын
R.J. Provost bro same
@feverpa 4 жыл бұрын
A story that I'll never forget is from my Jr. High School concert band. We had a percussionist who was a great kid, but was learning disabled. It was unfortunate that some people made fun of him (it was the 80's, so we hadn't figured out the whole bullying thing quite yet). He happened to be playing crash cymbals on this particular song, and a couple of trumpet players were giving him a hard time. He had enough and threw one of the cymbals at them like a frisbee - and he threw it hard! Luckily, he missed and hit a music stand instead. I don't want to imagine the decapitation I could have witnessed if he had connected with his target.
@macerunner4674 Жыл бұрын
oh my.
@digitaldeathsquid3448 Жыл бұрын
Serves the trumpet player right
@Asura579 Жыл бұрын
@happypercussionist1 11 ай бұрын
@@Asura579I agree. Jo Jones didn't "nearly decapitate" him, he threw it lightly near Charlie. Fletcher lied about that, and him throwing a chair at Neiman's head could definitely match this situation. I'm so sorry I just love that movie 🥲
@doodoodaadoo1 4 жыл бұрын
I like how your “bleeps” are rimshots
@aprilmoore2917 4 жыл бұрын
Rimshots are a drummer's God given right. Gawk!
@dimitrysfunwithflags1630 2 жыл бұрын
Those are the spock drum on the tenor
@centralcontroller6483 2 жыл бұрын
Oh *shot*
@DerpOKat21 2 жыл бұрын
@@centralcontroller6483 What the shot happened?
@SlyHikari03 11 ай бұрын
Same idea for Aguifish but he uses a guitar chord/pinch harmonic.
@bradensteen5599 4 жыл бұрын
My band director marched on the same line the crown 2014 dude, he says he was in shock and it was one of the best recovery moments in DCI
@meganbono7034 4 жыл бұрын
The crown 2014 dude is my director and last season, our Indoor Percussion Regional Championships was judged by the same judge that picked up his snare.
@brococho8198 2 жыл бұрын
@@meganbono7034 Me too he is my percussion director also hey megan
@meganbono7034 2 жыл бұрын
@@brococho8198 hi! Who is this?
@Heathharris508 9 ай бұрын
good ole mr hall
@KVanceH 4 жыл бұрын
One time during a finals run a couple years back, a flutist who wasn’t very physically inclined nor really liked marching band missed her spot and caused a tuba tumble, long story short, we got fourth
@MistaMobie 4 жыл бұрын
"The Best Drumline Show in the World" happened in my circuit. It was actually a high school line (who just so happened to be one of our biggest outdoor band competitors), and the rumor is that their show wasn't finished in time for a very early qualifying competition. They ended up being bumped to scholastic world soon after, in the same season.
@ThePMcDonald 3 жыл бұрын
TCHS and the Timber Creek Regiment THANK YOU for your support, but this was a "protest" performance against the FFCC rule in 2007 that indoor percussion ensembles were required to perform at the Percussion Preview to be eligible to compete that season.
@hi_imtree146 4 жыл бұрын
As far as drumming disasters: We were mid show and the resonators literally fell out of the vibes... one of the band parents ran onto the field after the show, picked them up, and ran off the field with them. Definitely one of my favorites.
@Isopropyl_Alcohol 4 жыл бұрын
- 2 Cymbal Drops - Off beats - Giant flag (covers whole field) is tangled. All that in a single live performance. We still placed 2nd cus of musicality
@rouxsauced200 4 жыл бұрын
During a finals run in marching band, I had a quad solo with nobody else playing on the field. (Keep in mind that I'm the only quad.) So the 2nd movement ends, and the drum major goes to count us off, but she started conducting really weirdly, and she ended up starting us a beat early. So there I was, in control of the entire field's tempo, and which foot they were on. I ultimately made the decision to improvise the solo based on which foot the clarinets were on, and I had to make the end of the solo really obvious as to let everyone know "hey, the solo is ending". Wild shit man
@tomkiriaty3513 4 жыл бұрын
We were at the spring concert doing the hardest song we’d done all year and I was on mallets and I was the only one that played in the first measure and my bd was counting me off and I started a beat early
@tomkiriaty3513 4 жыл бұрын
Luckily we managed to recover
@EMCproductions 4 жыл бұрын
@@tomkiriaty3513 Glad you recovered! Hopefully no one in the audience could tell it was a mistake
@tomkiriaty3513 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah no one could but a different time we performed it me and the flutes clapped the same beat that the snare and tenors were doing and then the people in the audience started clapping which was bad because we were keeping low brass in time and that threw them off which threw of the rest of the band sooo yeah
@tomkiriaty3513 4 жыл бұрын
Btw the song is called Prelude and Firestorm
@noahpickelsimer2989 2 жыл бұрын
I have done that on bells
@jellykk6437 2 жыл бұрын
During worlds competition my sisters mallet broke the tip of it bounced off. For a solid second she kept playing without the top. She was able to find another and recover. I was so proud of her.
@rahttt9245 4 жыл бұрын
Drum disaster: during a highschool competition at a college about 3 hours from our school, we were prepared for our show. First thing I realize is: well, crap, my bass drum mallet holder is broken. Good news is that it didn’t break during the show, it broke afterwards when I put the mallets back in. Bigger disaster: during the same show, about half way through, the drum line kneels in an arc at center field, and then I hear angry whispers from my fellow percussionists. It turns out, that our center snares snares were OFF for the entire show, and we couldn’t turn them on in this small time period. We didn’t make finals...
@tyleralbrecht6015 4 жыл бұрын
CRASHY BONGO. If you don’t know there is sheet music for this out there now. This was also at the Chicago regional like last weekend
@TylerDunphy 4 жыл бұрын
it's out there
@Chloe-ps9xo 4 жыл бұрын
Our drum tech decided to tune the drums right before we went onto the field for competition . He tightened my snare head too tight and ended up snapping it. I had to pretend to play through our whole performance... he was not back again the next year.
@anthonyperkins9982 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, so I'm a clarinetist. And this story comes from my sophomore year in high school. In the climax of the third movement of our show. We had a set that involved a gradual accel. To a sprinting Jazz run. After this set we transition straight into the woodwind feature that began our Fourth Movement. This Next set was very difficult to get to. So this Jazz run set Involved three lines running past each other And I was towards the end of one of these lines. One time when we were rehearsing this set. The string that held drill book of the person in front of me snapped as she began to speed up causing the drill book to fall. With no time to react I tripped over it. I did a martial arts style roll on the ground and popped back up to my set just in time to play the woodwind feature. Now my favorite part of this story Is that only two people saw me do this The person behind me and the woodwind caption head who is in the Box. And when it was her turn to hold the mic she said something like " AJ I have no idea how the heck you did that, but that was amazing." and handed the mic over So now the entire band was wondering what the heck this kid did.
@danieldavis2049 4 жыл бұрын
that’s absolutely amazing
@oo0sixletto0oo 4 жыл бұрын
my hero
@EvanFMusic 2 жыл бұрын
Nice work rolling back on your feet, us drummers could dream
@indigohued Күн бұрын
did you chip your reed
@gavin_gillespie 4 жыл бұрын
Our Bass 5 was a senior and it was his first year on drumline. He worked super hard to get on the line and we were all proud of him. Well, the first competition rolls around, and it was a really clean run. Since I was sick (and not able to perform), I recorded the whole thing and went back to the bus to show the basses their really clean 32nd note run. I ask where our Bass 5 is at, and it turns out that about 5 minutes after the run, his knee dislocated. He wasn't able to perform for the rest of the season
@panzerbuchse1828 4 жыл бұрын
I marched Bari Sax for my high school and my worst disaster was during a competition where my harness *freaking broke in half* in the middle of the show. So I kept on marching but I couldn't play because I was weak and was barely able to hold it, but I made it to the end of the show safely. We ended up getting 2nd place.
@dylanmccoppin8325 4 жыл бұрын
My sophomore year in high school marching band, we had a performance pretty late in the day (around 7:30-8:00) and it was super windy and one of our props broke from the wind (it was super tall) which sucked but I also fell face first over my tenor drums during that performance which really sucked because I had to almost dead sprint to my dot (thank god it was in the back of the field) and it hurt. But for some reason I was able to get up and continue to the end of the show. We got the best visual performance score ;)
@psychedahlia 4 жыл бұрын
My vibes literally collapsed as I was moving them halfway through the season (Adams in case anyone was wondering) Luckily we had almost a week before our next performance...
@sturmtruppen6345 4 жыл бұрын
My school also has Adams vibes and xylophone and the wheels are terrible, if you try to move slightly fast while pushing the instrument the wheels will shake violently.
@psychedahlia 4 жыл бұрын
@@sturmtruppen6345 the bigger problem is once you lose just one screw, the entire frame gets wobbly and soon the whole thing falls apart
@MusicalMatthew 4 жыл бұрын
@boombadabing It wasn't a performance, we had actually finished a performance, and my vibes went over a sidewalk crack weirdly and they collapsed as well. It wasn't the worst thing, a lot of parts were still in tact and we had to put all the bars that slid together in our truck separately. We also had a rehearsal where we were down a hill (didn't usually rehearse there) and the vibes had a mind of their own and nearly crashed into a set of huge rocks. Luckily someone else was there to save them.
@xochitlvasquez2422 4 жыл бұрын
my vibe at guardians was held together with zip ties and ductape and was the one that worked the best
@tristanpaige5286 4 жыл бұрын
I had a similar thing happen to me haha we were waiting to go in to perform our show and the front beam of the accidentals on my vibe came out of place. I tried to fix it but there wasn’t much I could do lol so like halfway through the show it came out of place and was hang there until we finished lol
@emerald2700 3 жыл бұрын
Two band stories: One: I remember all the times in my middle school band during practice when something funny would happen, like the band director's music falling off the stand when she was trying to turn it, and I was one of 3 other people who saw that, and since I play trumpet, I laughed right as I was going to play and it made a loud noise and I stopped playing and got myself under control but we stopped anyway. Two: during my 5th grade concert, a alto sax player had put a penny in his instrument and in the middle of the concert, just before we started another song, it came out and made a loud noise on the floor. My band director said to the audience, because we were switching pieces waiting for the percussion people to get sorted, "Parents, one of your kids is making money with their instrument." And everybody laughed. When I asked him later, he said that he put the penny in to see how it sounded but forgot to take it out. Lol!
@JMRSplatt 4 жыл бұрын
So I attended Berklee in Boston for a few years and was taking a totally sweet afro/cuban drum lab with the amazing Eguie "Eggy" Castrillo... Anyway... This very nice lab has full wall sized windows to the hallway; it's also full to the brim with equipment, a few drum sets, practice pads on stands, and some 30 or so congas. In the 2nd week, the 7-10 of us students are gathering and Eggy comes in, asks everyone to grab 2 congas each. I grab one and mistakenly bump, more so just brush another conga with my hip, it tips... This conga hits another and that goes flopping on the floor, rocking back and forth. This leads to someone trying to grab it quickly and brushing another conga which hits another, which sends more.. until they are all 20+, except maybe one or two standing, are just bobbing back and forth on the floor to slow stops. Dead silence. ...................... ............................ I wanted to just disappear.... Please.. Please... Eguie is dying laughing, we all start laughing. .. Thank you, thank you thank you. After the fray he explains that it happens more than you think, once one goes, they all go! Either way, big oof.
@thisguyoverhere4746 4 жыл бұрын
7:56 - sickest bongo roll ever 8:09 - SCV Cymbal line wishes to be them 9:46 - sickest drummer
@kishascape 2 жыл бұрын
That was absolutely terrible. Not that hard to improvise a catchy cadence on bongo smh
@nathanhauber9503 4 жыл бұрын
One time, I was in a competition, and I had a solo, a duet, and then a trio, and I messed up on both solo and duet, but then I recovered, and got the best performance award right after that😋
@johnjuan6698 3 жыл бұрын
That's just sympathy from the judges...
@Crisprian 4 жыл бұрын
Everyone else : *worried about the musicians* Me: OMG ARE THE DRUMS OK?!!?
@lonely_ghost9857 4 жыл бұрын
Fr me though
@kalicarr4306 4 жыл бұрын
@Jas7567 2 жыл бұрын
I have two stories, both from my Junior Year of High School 1. We were in Concert Band practicing for our Spring Contest when the mallet came off of one of our Marimba player's sticks and went flying across the band. I sat almost directly across and got to see most of it happen. 2. In Marching Band my Junior year we used doors as our props and we had parents put them in their places for each competition or football game. The first competition of the season, one of the doors was set wrong and one of our Tuba players ran into it and almost crushed a Trumpet player between him and the door. The same competition, one of our Baritones had to run fast to a set and almost went sliding when he tried to stop.
@snareline 4 жыл бұрын
This year at DCI I saw Boston Crusaders' bass 5 fall down, pretty rough!
@Eminentharp 3 жыл бұрын
I've fallen with a snare before. HS Band Camp we were going through the halls to get to the practice field. I went through a 2 door doorway that usually has a pole in the middle. At this time there was no pole, but the metal to hold the pole was still there. I tripped and slammed down in absolutely no grace
@afellowclikkiei-8798 3 жыл бұрын
two disasters: 1. When I was in eight grade. my school performed a christmas show with the highschool. I played egg shaker, and for my part I had to go to the front of the stage to get the audience into the groove of the song. I got a little too into it, and my shaker flew out of my hand into the audience, and hit a little girl in the head. she was ok, but I felt terrible. 2. I'm in 10th grade now. I play bass drum. For one game, I was filling in for our bass 4 member. I'm kind of short, so bass 4 was huge on me. It still is huge one me.... We don't have a big enough drumline to march, so we just play cadences and march from the school to the stadium. Once we got to the stadium, our snare player accidently dropped a stick. I didn't see it, and ended up tripping and falling over it. The bass drum rolled a little bit WITH ME STILL HARNESSED and stopped rolling after about a fourth of a rotation. I'm short, so when the drum stopped, I was left lying face down on my stomach on top of the bass drum. I was too short to reach the ground with my feet, so I was stuck in the harness on top of the bass drum. Fun times....
@yeetfeet7616 4 жыл бұрын
once i couldnt find my mallets and it took me like 3 minutes and it was during a performance and everybody was waiting for me
@oo0sixletto0oo 4 жыл бұрын
I had my bass drum on and didn't the the tenors right in front of me so I tripped on them, gashed my shin with the rim, and almost rolled off with my drum. It was bloody and I couldn't march after a while :D
@Kettie5 3 жыл бұрын
@PuffyOne1898 4 жыл бұрын
Good morning! 10:49 That actually fits the sound for La Grange by ZZ Top.
@shawnsilva2337 4 жыл бұрын
Final high school senior concert just finished playing our indoor percussion show for the audience. Our head band director praises me for joining college marching band and I make a speech saying how great a director he was. As soon I walk back stage the assistant band director throws the podium in front of my feet tripping me and making a loud noise as my drum rolls on the floor. With the entire audience gasping wondering if I’m okay then starts laughing. Best way to go out
@nickyd2702 4 жыл бұрын
I’m seven months late to post this, but my drum disaster was that I had on bass five in the stands (28 inch diameter) and while the drumline was exiting the stands for our show, our tenor player just left his drums on the ground and I tripped over them. The worst part is that the bass drum didn’t come off the carrier, so I like got bent in half and looked like a scorpion, and man did it hurt. But I’m fine now and I’m on the tenor line this year!
@AidanMmusic96 4 жыл бұрын
I once did an orchestra concert in London, and I ended up travelling down on the train from Manchester (UK) with the orchestral management team. I and the rest of the percussion section had set the instruments up outside college the night before so that the instrument truck could be loaded. Sadly, there was snow and ice for miles around and the truck never arrived. We ended up having to hire 2 sets of timpani and all the percussion we needed, as well as two harps and 4 double basses for half of the section, on the train down. The gig ended up going really well!
@cowzilla8 4 жыл бұрын
I remember, in high school, we were rolling our mallet percussion instruments around the field to the other side to set them up, and as I was rolling one of them, which was a marimba, it got caught in a crack, and tipped over. Luckily, though, I had someone with me while I was pushing the marimba, and helped me quickly pick it right back up, and continued onward.
@lordpikachu7093 3 жыл бұрын
0:04 The thing that happened to this cymbal player happened to me in the middle of a post game show. But when it happened to me, I dropped the strap and rested the cymbal in my left hand so I could finish the show.
@kevinjones5560 3 жыл бұрын
When I was in high school (1976), I was the #1 snare and our band was marching in the halftime show at the Fiesta Bowl. While waiting to get on the field, we were sitting way up in the stands and I dropped one of my sticks like two stories down through the stands and it was the only pair of sticks I had. I marched and played with one stick. Mortifying. My director was not pleased. Never recovered that stick and no one else had any spares.
@milkshake-380 4 жыл бұрын
I was playing the marimba at this concert i had to play on a high octave ( we needed about a 2 octave range of playing). my friend was on the low octave and thare was no G on the high octave so i didnt play G. That was the only improvement i made in the moment really.
@mahebubaalamkhatri7003 4 жыл бұрын
I got to see crashy bongo live, it was awesome! They were the only group to get a standing ovation.
@Thefourthtenor87 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, I’m so happy I found your channel. I was in the drumline in high school, bass line, then snare, then tenors for two years, section leader my senior year. I’ve had the itch for corps-style drums for a while and I was starting to lose hope that anyone was as much of a geek about it as I was/am. But then you showed up!! I’m excited to binge your content. Keep it up!!
@immuneflyer60 2 жыл бұрын
(My Freshman Year) We were in our towns parade. 5 min before we started the senior drummer decided to tighten my marching snare. Almost instantly it went *pop* and 2 cracks were in it. Had to play the rest of the parade like that. :D
@ethan-jy4ld 4 жыл бұрын
at my first marching band show of the season last year (i'm in drumline) the person playing bass 5 fell backward while marching but got up within seconds and recovered really well!
@thezombiecreeper 2 жыл бұрын
A personal disaster for me (although it’s pretty minute) is that I was playing a vibraphone and I accidentally smacked the string holding the bar extremely hard (although it just gave a very dull B flat sound) but one time my band accidentally triggered a lockdown because some idiot put the light switch and the lockdown button next to each other in the auditorium. The entire school went crazy while we ended up losing our shit after five minutes.
@olaftheblack2012 3 жыл бұрын
I have two incidents from my sophomore year of college at Pitt State University (KS) in 2008-2009. It was my only year in front ensemble (I was on the line every other year). I played all of the auxiliary parts for our halftime shows while the other 3 up front usually played a combination of vibes, marimba, xylophone, and glockenspiel. I had already established a reputation as being able to play louder than basically all the other members of the line and front ensemble, and the guy marching bass 5 had a... softer... playing style. So I quickly took over as the "boom-crash" for the national anthem for the season. Well, fast forward to mid September and we are on the field Saturday morning for rehearsal before the game. Last thing we do before breaking for lunch and meeting up for the March over is run through pregame. I guess after about 4 weeks of abuse, the massive bass drum we had rigged up on the frame had decided it was done taking abuse and stopped resisting the urge for my mallet to be on the inside of the drum... Needless to say, the director cut the band off to address me when I wasn't "boom-crashing" only to start cackling hysterically when I sheepishly replied I broke the drum head. Incident two happened later that year, during an awfully cold, rainy playoff game. Instead of having a front ensemble, we marched cymbals for pregame and halftime. I had won a competition to "dot the i" for our pregame show when we spelled out "Pitt" (we usually went with PSU, but being a playoff game, we went with a "script Pitt). I go out and do my thing, dancing in my spot and playing cymbals during welcome to the jungle, when I hit them together JUUUUUUST right and invert one DURING the climax of the song... Obviously I just kept going like nothing happened, but our drumline coach was just shaking his head and laughing when we came off the field. The following year I moved to bass 5 and before handing me the mallets, made sure to remind me that I don't have to hit it as hard as possible. 😂😂😂
@DavidThePercussionist 4 жыл бұрын
2:53 I had something similar aswell in middle school I was playing glockenspiel with almost broken black small mallets and the head came off during rehearsals That was a bad situation to be in....
@Dailysnaretricks101 2 жыл бұрын
In my first year of marching band, (I was taking the snare drum) we had two parades, the second one was in front of the whole town as we marched down the road. Right in the heart of the parade my stick slipped out of my hand. (It was wintertime and I was wearing gloves) I kept going, and tried to fake it until my instructor handed me the guys next to me stick.
@mr_marlin0896 4 жыл бұрын
2:20 Thats 1st suite in E flat by Gustav Holst, played it for this last all-state band. Funnily enough i had that bass drum part, and dropped the mallet when i hit it at the end. Had to grab my other bass mallet, but it was VERY loud.
@the_rat_king9796 4 жыл бұрын
It was my first concert ever we were doing bells and snair and for twinkle twinkle little star everyone was on bells so we turned are snails of and putt are bells on top of the snair drums and I was on snair next so I put down these bells how my teacher told us to you know with the big side down to make no noise and then the worst happened it fell in the middle of a song and every heard it and they all stoped playing and looked at me I cryed but then got back in and kept playing and then some other kids trombone slide came of and we had to have a extra minute to get it back on cause he had to oil it and before the show a trumpet players mouthpiece case got stuck in his bell and during the show it sounded horrible but then it shot out and hit a flute in the head and she dropped her flute
@accurrent 2 жыл бұрын
I love watching your marching band videos, because I can’t be in one myself! I am an oboist/bassoonist!
@michaelschlabach970 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks. I was eating dinner at 9:47 mark on this video...Thanks! LOL
@mforme6349 4 жыл бұрын
During a rehearsal in high school I was sitting in front of the percussionists playing tuba and all of a sudden I got hit by a triangle beater. I was very surprised to say the least
@DJG44 4 жыл бұрын
Once we marched a 30 minute parade in middle school and not even half way through my friends tenors broke on one hoke but he continued marching playing all the songs with one hand for the rest of the parade What a goat
@lewisk2806 4 жыл бұрын
This was in all district honor orchestra. I was playing 2nd violin and practicing our pieces as a full orchestra when this female 1st violin had her bow broke like that vine girls bow did. So the organizer got her a new bow and it broke as well. Then they got her another bow and that one broke. Finally on her fourth bow it didn’t brake and we kept on with the performance.
@loading2796 2 жыл бұрын
So at one of our high school band comps, after the field show when we did the drumline exhibition, the final downbeat at the end of our cadences caused one of our cymbals to invert. Luckily it was at the very end, but it was still very funny to laugh at afterwards.
@PorterWonacottPercussion 4 жыл бұрын
We were in the Pomona Christmas parade and this flute player stepped on a cymbal before the parade, and inverted it.
@xdanulicious4275 3 жыл бұрын
one of my cymbals fell of tight at the beginning of an indoor show. lucky it wasn’t a competition but it was a family performance. i was fortunate enough to have my band director recover the cymbal for me and i had it stealthy recovered in the second movement. i think there’s video of it so if i find it i’ll post it
@campbellzachc 3 жыл бұрын
when that guy fell on his kit, did you hear how hard he hit the kick drum? legend has it that kick drum is still ringing to this day
@Cheezumz002 3 жыл бұрын
The only disaster that happened in my marching band was all the percussion skipped our biggest parade of the year. Only people that showed up was a snare (not the lead player) and a Bass Drum. Great cadence.
@nathanratermann9204 2 ай бұрын
Freshman year on the bass drum. Passing through the color guard, her flag hit the back of my helmet and went over my eyes. I tried to keep going, ran into the bass in front of me. Absolutely hilarious!! I still watch it!!😂 That was 2000
@Happythonk 4 жыл бұрын
My high school drum line was marching in to play at the junior high assembly (they are in the same building(s)). Now me, with my snare on, trips over a metal grate that was sticking out of the floor. So, since this happened when we were a few seconds before walking in, the junior high kids are ready for the drum line to come in, and all they see is some freshman in the front (I’m lead snare) tripping for like ten feet before falling and sliding another 5 feet. Luckily, not as many people noticed as I thought would, and I got up within about 15 seconds, and both me and my drum were fine. I remember seeing the rest of the drum line basically not caring, and everyone including the teacher and drum major (they didn’t notice) and just laying there embarrassed (and in pain) for like 15 seconds before getting up, and having to chase one of my sticks through the drum line, tripping AGAIN, chasing my drumstick AGAIN, before finally catching my stick at the other side of the gym and playing with the rest of the band.
@ChillXeno 3 жыл бұрын
I actually had an slight accident a few days ago as a tenor drum player. We were playing for the senior parade in our high school - marching through the halls. There were a lot of doorways and poles you can't really get through with the quads so you have to turn the quads 90 degrees and turn your self sideways multiple times. One time during that performance I accidently turned my drums 90 degrees too forcefully and the quads came off the harness luckily they didn't fall since I had my hands positioned right holding on to them. Band director did not notice except my friend Dustin (snare player) behind me was like "you alright there buddy?" I managed to get them back on just barely before we had to turn around and go back through the doorway. Several of the Kindergarteners saw and were freaking out I remember (Our school has an elementary and high school side btw). I told the band director after we got back to the band room.
@mrnoname2353 4 жыл бұрын
hey please remake the Bongo solo
@carstonm.7864 2 жыл бұрын
During a performance people came by to set up all the percussion instruments such as marimbas, xylophones, snare, bass etc. on the stage. When it was time to preform one song where I was on one marimba that didn’t have a music stand by it and I couldn’t grab another one because the song was about to start. So kind of a disaster at the start but once I came up with a place to put it (which was another music stand on the other marimba quite far from where I was standing) I was able to now play with the rest of the band.
@The-Clockwork-Eye 2 жыл бұрын
That tent ⛺️ drummer...Bad Landing dude! 😆😆
@elymarching 4 жыл бұрын
During our high school musical, we had a performance during the middle of the day for everyone's relatives. I had just gotten up away from the Drumset to leave during intermission, but as I was leaving, I realized I left my phone on my music stand. As I was walking back to grab my phone, I blacked out, and fell. I knocked over multiple music stands, multiple trumpets, and completely broke one of the saxophones (which were all the musicians' personal instruments).
@ferretrunner09 4 жыл бұрын
I was in a Marine band. We were doing a counter and the toms got out of alignment. He nailed me left arm. I play French horn and I dropped it. Needless to say it needed serious repair and we were traveling at the time. Fortunately, I used my personal instrument for concert band so I was able to perform that night.
@rakuhusky8427 4 жыл бұрын
2:33 the guy on the far right is like "MY GOD!!!"
@Kyle7K 2 жыл бұрын
I helped set up that Tommy roller coaster a few times and it's a miracle it didn't break worse and more often!
@johnrourk1064 4 жыл бұрын
One time during a show my friends stick broke right down the middle and flung off hitting him in the face. He recovered though catching it in his mouth and playing one handed for a moment till he got a new stick and the band continued
@yamzam20 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, yes the classic axe story. I happen to attend Prosperie’s old high school and especially being in percussion, I’ve heard the story of the axe throw many times. He even told us in person at band camp one year
@drumset09 3 жыл бұрын
My senior year of high school I was on quads. One of the hooks on the harness, going to the drums, broke. Fortunately it was during a rehearsal, and we pulled another one from an unused harness. I also hit the bass in concert band so hard the mallet went flying - fortunately it didn't hit anyone.
@juniorescobar3694 4 жыл бұрын
One of my drumline buddies was walking back up to the band room after practice when he tripped on a sousaphone😂 he just laid there emotionless 😂😂
@iieaglelordii3096 4 жыл бұрын
It’s funny that you made this video, me and my high school indoor ensemble were in that show. Loved the video!!
@RDash 4 жыл бұрын
I was 3rd bass, my drum rolled down the stairs of the school bus and kept rolling outside as I chased it down a hill
@ShrikerN955MG 2 жыл бұрын
I played crash cymbals for a song that should not be for middle school, i put it on a table after the song and the VIBRATION of the bass drum shook it off the table
@crazylilrocker7076 4 жыл бұрын
My first year in drumline we had just finished a rep on the field of marching and music. Everything was good but all of the sudden my knee gave out and I fell over with bass 3 on. It was dead silent and my drum captain thought I was marching incorrectly
@pc_bot Жыл бұрын
Never thought I’d see full throttle on a drumming video but here we are
@cjaverysrandomreviews4675 4 жыл бұрын
Drumline kid : *falls with drum on* Drum tech : *”ARE THE DRUMS OKAY”*
@amontillado0651 4 жыл бұрын
On February 11th, my middle school ensemble recital concert, the percussionists were last and my sticks looked beat up because there were so many rim knocks in the music (Singletary Strut). Around the end my drum stick full on just snaps and the tip just goes flying and hit another dummer’s drum so i flipped the stick and played on the back of it. However it gave the percussionists some cool points ajd made us the best recital with “outstanding visuals” as my band director said. He gave me another pair of sticks but ill never forget that day, i still have the broken with me rn
@GRedit1000 4 жыл бұрын
It's so much funnier when you get things explained!
@quadz19 4 жыл бұрын
This whole video is a bruh moment
@matthewolive1262 4 жыл бұрын
9:17, so... just like an EMC productions video
@ThePMcDonald 3 жыл бұрын
@mothsmalarkey3871 4 жыл бұрын
In my sophomore year of highschool, our football team made it to the state championship. We were pretty excited, since the whole thing was televised and everything. My friend Savannah was marching flubs that year, and minutes before we went on the field, the brackets holding the drums together broke, and she was left with nothing but a shot drum. There was no way to fix it (unless someone had a welder), so she had to go out and march the entire show with nothing but a shot drum. I felt awful but she thought it was the funniest thing ever. We ended up holding the toms up over out heads in the stands and used them as "rally flubs." Oh and we lost by over 30 points
@buckleymerrill1776 2 жыл бұрын
My sophomore year of high school I played the bass drum and when we were unloading the truck for the State Finals, we learned that the bass harnesses were still in the band room - three hours away. My Junior year I played the tenors and minutes before we were to compete (at State Finals again), the drum instructor was cranking things up to 11 and a lug casing broke. My Senior year I played the snare, but that is irrelevant. The week before State Finals our band director was fired. I promised myself that I would never march in the high school state finals ever again. [grin]
@Z3L4N 4 жыл бұрын
This year for indoor, we were doing a run through of our show in the gym, and our 4th bass fell on hide right side, he didnt know how to react at all, he also broke that bass drum, but we got it fixed before our first competition
@colinjohnson1591 4 жыл бұрын
I was playing my school's fight song on the football field for pregame and when I bought my cymbals up the strap of the left cymbal broke and rolled down the field for everyone to see then me and my buddy hit our cymbals together that next Monday all my friends who weren't in band said d did you see that dumbass who dropped his cymbals and I said that dumbass was me
@Chiickiienuggiies Жыл бұрын
I had a show where my tenors fell down and didn’t lock in. We have the kind with the rotating bar, and they just kinda didn’t lock in and they swung fully forward and dropped. They hit my legs and I nearly fell. But thankfully, this was right on a move where I'm supposed to pass in front of one of our panels. All I did was go behind the panel fix my drums and then RAN to my set. I made it right on the impact point, so it was a good recovery 😭
@chopman0036 4 жыл бұрын
I've seen a few in my time. The Cadets 1989 season (I think). I won't name the location, however, they were on a badly tore up field performing in contest. Of course this had to be the tenor section. One caught a divot and fell. The next guy ran over the first and fell. The third one tripped but stayed up and the other 2 barley missed the ones on the ground. They did recover well though.
@a.lovely.person.sometimes2012 Жыл бұрын
one time i was playing timpani and not playing loud enough because the soft part of the mallet was loose, so the teacher came over and show me how to play louder and the soft part went flying across the room but it finally got fixed so i could play properly
@fadededed 4 жыл бұрын
1. Right before a parade, someone's snare side head broke...from them playing it. 2. Every year, my school does an indoor marching band shtick for the 8th graders to get a taste of what MB is kinda like. One song required a drum set, and our Battery section leader played it. the Ride cymbal fell halfway through the song. And that's it lol
@courier712 Жыл бұрын
Im my school, when a percussionist breaks something. We all usually celebrate, depending on what was broken. Like if a snare stick was broken, it would be a small celebration. But if a bass drum mallet is broken, we all cheer and whatnot. It's also a good luck thing I guess.
@vaughns9460 4 жыл бұрын
our director wasn't in the band room for like half an hour because he was donating blood (good job him) and in his absence, one mallet got stuck in the ceiling, the substitute called the school resource officer bc she thought kids were starting a riot, and im pretty sure at least three rituals took place
@Aquaticcaa 3 жыл бұрын
1:55 He missed to chance to say "AXEdent" Im broken
@DonaldSwaby 9 ай бұрын
Lucky me - I had two of these mishaps, both in my senior year of high school. 1: Marching back to the band room after a football pep rally, and one of my snare's tension rods let go - the one where the strap was attached. I broke the drum's fall with my foot, and quickly reinstalled the tension rod - always carry a drum key! By this time, I couldn't catch up to the rest of the band, so I fell in with the girls' drill team, and marched with them. 2: Rehearsing Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. One day, the bass drum mallet flew out of my hand from the force of the rebound and hit the young lady playing tympani in the head. She wasn't hurt - thankfully, it was a lambswool mallet - and many years later, we're still friends.
@sethguzman456 Жыл бұрын
I'm a sousaphone player and in my state marching finals it had been raining for 4 hours before we played, we had a dance in the very beginning then a double time move and I slipped because of the muddy ground and it looked like I crapped myself
@tylero4750 4 жыл бұрын
While walking the football players out to our cadence "Rampage" at a home game, our bass 1 player tripped and fell onto a metal trash can. We couldn't stop for but the football players helped her up and she ran back into formation. To this day that trash can still has a huge dent in it
@cosmoreed3461 4 жыл бұрын
I cannot tell you how many times my vibe petal broke during our marching band shows
@poorboy819 2 жыл бұрын
I remember in my first year of Marching Band, 7th Grade. Were repping the first movement to transition into bigger chunks since we had the whole show on drill at that point. My dumbass didn't march backwards properly until Drum Camp before 8th Grade. Therefore, I rolled on my heel and fell backwards and my bass drum rolled over my head and cut me near the eye. I got up as quick as I could and got to my set, but my set was at the end of the rep(it was a small chunk). No comment from the box, but our percussion director asked if I was good. It was funny and I think that moment was when I earned the respect of the drumline lol.
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