Top 10 Strongest And Terrifying Dragons In The Game Of Thrones Universe - Explored

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Top 10 Strongest And Deadliest Dragons in the History of Westeros
Credits For The Amazing Artwork Used Inside The Video By Brilliant Artists!
Jordi Gonzalez Escamilla
Michael Komarck
Logan Feliciano
Janaina Medeiros
John McCambridge
Chase Stone
Jordi Gonzalez Escamilla
Viktoriya Biyanova
Chase Stone
#houseofthedragon #houseofdragon #gameofthrones

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@rav3nkai85 Жыл бұрын
I will always love that scene of Drogon curling up around his mother after Ser Jorah died. We always see him being very intimidating and torching armies but rarely see the empathetic side :')
@lyndsaybrown8471 Жыл бұрын
And he got revenge on that throne
@toy5234 Жыл бұрын
ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ိိိိိိိိိိိိထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထ ၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀၀ စစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစစ ေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေေ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ
@dougiebull2074 Жыл бұрын
So far Daemons dragon has been pretty badass way more terrifying than drogon.Drogon had a look of sympathy and even happiness at times.But the blood wyrm is just a spawn of satan
@realdaggerman105 Жыл бұрын
An adorable, noodle-necked good boi of destruction.
@kirk783 Жыл бұрын
And the sounds very irritating hahahaha always dangerous
@Schwertdaemon Жыл бұрын
Spawn of satan is a very good description
@playablecharacter3871 Жыл бұрын
Nah he's a good squeaky boi, just listen to him, he'd never hurt anyone
@dougiebull2074 Жыл бұрын
@@playablecharacter3871 yeah never he just loves to burn without command cause how friendly he is.justva misunderstood blood wyrm.
@rng_tsm_flash8651 Жыл бұрын
Despite how they’re portrayed in the show, drogon was actually very small compared to the likes of caraxes, Syrax and seasmoke. If you read the books, especially a world of ice and fire, you’ll realise that drogon was at least about a third of the size of syrax at both their largest
@dougiebull2074 Жыл бұрын
But I thought in the book Drogon was basically BALERIAN excuse if i splelled it wrong but thought he was reincarnated and was similar but was still to young wich made him smaller.after seeing Vaghar and how he dwarfed arax as he pssed above him in the clouds she looked about the size of a 707.Seeing the size of her i cant even imagine the size of the black dread who was even bigger than vaghar.i wish they just gave us a short flashback of viserys riding black dread before he when the lil girl was talking to him about being his last rider a short glimpse of that i would love to see
@toy5234 Жыл бұрын
၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁၁ ငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငကငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငငင ာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာညာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာ
@evenask Жыл бұрын
Cant use the book size tho, as they are older and way bigger in the show and will be older/bigger at the end of the books if they live that long. So book size is not relevant to GoT series to be honest.
@MT-UK 10 ай бұрын
They really grew them ridiculously for the show
@MT-UK 10 ай бұрын
@@evenaskthat’s true until you introduce HotD and actually show us the size of dragons in their prime and a lot older and hardened than the GoT ones then the size becomes ridiculous that 7 year old dragons were that big
@MaximusR93 Жыл бұрын
The Aemond/Vhaegar vs Daemon/Caraxes fight is going to be crazy, probably season 4
@Kevoooth Жыл бұрын
doubt it will be in season 4 by the looks of season 1 I think the dance will wrap up in the beginning of season 3 or end of season 2 but to drag it for 3 seasons..
@kecleonboi Жыл бұрын
@@Kevoooth sadly they’re going insanely fast. Like whoever was Laena? I couldn’t mourn her dying bc I didn’t even know her character
@NRTHK-wv9sb Жыл бұрын
@@kecleonboi brother S1 is like the first 30 pages before the actual dance, the dance is like 200 pages
@MermaidMusings7 Жыл бұрын
Balerion, Vhagar, Meraxes, Caraxes, Cannibal, Meleys, Vermithor. I also have to give a shot out to my girl Moondancer. Despite being the youngest and the smallest dragon involved in the civil war, she fought fiercely and bravely. She inflicted irreparable damage to certain someone and his dragon.
@nandolorris4960 Жыл бұрын
Sunfyre is also a legend, fought Meleys even though she was way bigger. Then killed Grey Ghost while injured, and even after all that he still managed to kill a quicker Moondancer while barely being able to fly. Dude went 3-0, top that of with him being the most beautiful dragon and you get one of the most persistent and loyal dragons there is
@Mcherri Жыл бұрын
@@nandolorris4960 yeah but in all fairness vhagar and sunfyre ganged up on meleys she most likely would’ve won if it was just sunfyre due to her being the fastest dragon. I guess moondancer got revenge for her by destroying sunfyre’s ability to ever fly again despite dying still powerful for such a young dragon.
@nandolorris4960 Жыл бұрын
@@Mcherri yeah Meleys would’ve 100% won if Vhagar didn’t interfere.
@kentbeitel9966 Жыл бұрын
I love the sound of daemons dragons roar! It so creepy and terrifying. And I like how different they are from each other.
@toy5234 Жыл бұрын
၁၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ တတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတတ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဇဖဇဇဇ
@brandonsalisbury7182 Жыл бұрын
Obviously Vhagar is an amazing dragon considering she’s the only legendary dragon left during DOTD but I really like Caraxes! Honestly at this point in the show he’s probably my favorite although visually he’s not as eye popping as Sunfyre or (if like the books) Dreamfyre is everything else about him is amazing! The deformed neck, his chirp like roar from the stretched vocal cords, personality & bond with his rider, wartime experience & the way he slithers almost like a snake is just so bad***!!!!
@matthewclark1006 Жыл бұрын
What are you talking about. Visually I think caraxes is incredible. His long worn like body, the way he kind of slithers to fly, his face is mean as f$&@. Blood red!! I mean visually which dragon even compares other than the enormous vhagar. Caraxes HAD to be Damon’s. Hes the only one who made sense lol
@brandonsalisbury7182 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewclark1006 I praised him for everything you praise him for as well…but what I meant was when you compare him to dragons like Sunfyre or Dreamfyre who are just beautiful dragons based on what I’ve read about them! I don’t consider Caraxes that visually stunning once I started imagining how a few of the upcoming dragons will look! Plus regarding Caraxes I wouldn’t consider him stale or ugly definitely not but his color isn’t as eye popping to me as Sunfyre or if done right Dreamfyre…..but that’s why he’ll most likely stay as my favorite because it’s everything like we both stayed previously he’s like a snake which really makes unique with his long neck & it’s chirp like sound! I didn’t read into a lot of the major story points but it’s quite obvious Caraxes is a beast fighter plus it’s been started he is a war dragon and probably the best relationship with it’s rider out of all the riders I’d assume! He’s definitely being set up as the most feared on the blacks side so far plus I’ve been told he goes 1 on 1 with Vhagar but dude told me it was a big moment so that was enough for me!
@christinelim7703 Жыл бұрын
what i'd love to see is for HBO to have another spin-off focusing on Aegon I and the Conquest.
@easye9-21 Жыл бұрын
Me too. I want to see Balerion on tv, so bad.
@ZuZu66667 Жыл бұрын
@bettyprice4450 Жыл бұрын
I want to see that as well
@mariwilliams5004 Жыл бұрын
I’d rather see Robert’s rebellion prime Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Barristan Selmy, The hound, The mountain, Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark,Qhorin the half hand, Garlan tyrell, Jaime Lannister, and Rhaegar all in their primes plus the mad kings fall
@easye9-21 Жыл бұрын
@@mariwilliams5004 That would be good too.
@lyndsaybrown8471 Жыл бұрын
I'm already sad these dragons are mostly all gonna die on screen.
@sammys3269 Жыл бұрын
Can't take this list seriously without Caraxes.... 🐉🐉🐉
@George-Hawthorne Жыл бұрын
He's there at 15:40. What's more infuriating is the absence of the Cannibal.
@toy5234 Жыл бұрын
ဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖထဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖဖ ခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခခလခခခ ထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထထ ဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘညဘညဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘဘ ယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယယ လလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလလ ညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညည ာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာာ
@gensischronicles1148 Жыл бұрын
@@George-Hawthorne cannibal should be number one
@coconutsnacks1811 Жыл бұрын
@@gensischronicles1148 don't we not know his abilities against other dragons?
@strkillr6367 Жыл бұрын
After what Caraxes did to Vhagar idk how Drogon is ranked higher. Half the age and half the size as Vhagar. Makes no sense but other than that great video!
@tjgreen4417 Жыл бұрын
Right, I wonder the same thing. Caraxes was older more in his prime than Drogon. Drogon was like 8-10 yrs old, an Caraxes was around 70. If I remember correctly. Caraxes was extremely battle experienced, an with him being that much older than Drogon, then he surely would have been bigger. Drogon would be bigger if they were close in age.
@johnmicollanza4980 Жыл бұрын
Drogon just battle white walker thats what badass (undead vesarion). Aside from that vhagar was too old that's why caraxes was able to defeat it.
@lyndsaybrown8471 Жыл бұрын
Remains to be seen in the books, but if the show is accurate, Drogon's flames being able to burst stone is pretty OP. Even Belarion could only melt stone.
@sanjaysanj5603 Жыл бұрын
@@lyndsaybrown8471 the show runners amped up his size and feats from the books, caraxes is much larger that drogon, more battle tested and was bonded to one of the best if not best dragon rider and warrior.
@rorytaylor8307 Жыл бұрын
@@tjgreen4417 nah cause if u compare the sizes next to humans drogon in s6 is near about caraxes size
@machpandac Жыл бұрын
meleys at 10 its questionable. Meleys was the fastest dragon during the Dance. Theres a reason both aemon and aegon had to both collaborate in a trap to take her out. Alone, Meleys probably beats vhagar. It's pointed out that the mobility discrepancy was glaring. Had she lived longer during the dance, the clear advantage would have been with the Blacks.
@ericmielke8454 Жыл бұрын
I love your content. I haven’t read all of the GOT books but listening to your videos makes me feel like I know everything about the GOT world.
@toy5234 Жыл бұрын
ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျျ ်််််ိ််််ိ်််််််််််််််််််််််််််််််််််််နနနနနနန ါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါါ့့ါါ့့့့့့့့့့့့့့့့ ါါါါါ့့့့့ြ့ြြုူူူးးးးယယယာာာာ ြြြြြြြြြြညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညညည ည
@MT-UK 10 ай бұрын
I think had Caraxes been able to live as long as Vhagar or Balerion did he would have been absolutely terrifying beyond belief
@gabrielmorin8498 Жыл бұрын
You forgot one of Vhagar's rider Prince Baelon the Brave the father of Viserys!
@somjittalukdar1360 Жыл бұрын
2:16 the image of Alyssa Targaryen, first rider of meleys is wrong. The image is of Elissa Farman, not Alyssa Targaryen. Elissa Farman was a friend of Rhaena Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen's aunt, old king Jahaerys' elder sister. Elissa Farman lived on Fair Isle, near to Casterly Rock and Lannisport. She was an adventurer and wanted to see what's at the end of the sunset sea to the west of westeros. When Rhaena Targaryen was in Fair Isle, her dragon Dreamfyre laid eggs there, out of which Elissa stole 3 of them and sold them in Braavos in exchange for a ship for her voyage into the sunset sea. Those 3 eggs are allegedly the ones Dany got from the Pentoshi Magister on her wedding as a gift more than 250 years later.
@la7era1u54 Жыл бұрын
I would have thought the Cannibal would have made the list
@georgbergsten6050 Жыл бұрын
It should've. It's probably the biggest by got
@MrHurdleking24 Жыл бұрын
@ralphdadon3026 Жыл бұрын
The cannibal is no where near the biggest.
@Aglexity Жыл бұрын
@@ralphdadon3026 u must be trolling right he is the 2nd biggest dragon and no one knows if hes even dead and he was already close to the size of the black dread.
@ghastlyghost2542 Жыл бұрын
@@Aglexity 2nd? It was said that the cannibal was much larger than Balerion himself
@carlosmaffizzoni2576 Жыл бұрын
As Dovahkiin, one mustn't forget to shout out Smaug, Toothless and my mate Paarthurnax.
@mandolorian162 Жыл бұрын
Spyro as well
@Force-Multiplier Жыл бұрын
Look up Ancalagon in LotR Smaug is a lizard compared to that god
@Preussenpenner Жыл бұрын
Glaurung is probably one of the most intelligent Dragons
@pedromartinezcalzada6328 Жыл бұрын
Then there is the Void dragon in 40k
@kupalhobby Жыл бұрын
Vhagar is Massive on that one scene but I really want to see Balerion in live action
@Divine_Chareka Жыл бұрын
Caraxes terrifies me more than any other dragon in GoT Universe 🙌💯🔥🔥
@jaimenazaryan860 Жыл бұрын
Vhagar is still more terrifying .his giant form is way more impressive and terrifying
@gisselleperezmoreno1910 Жыл бұрын
@@jaimenazaryan860 she’s older and quite slow in comparison. It’s why Caraxes was able to win their battle
@jaimenazaryan860 Жыл бұрын
@@gisselleperezmoreno1910 I KNOW CARAXES is faster but he didnt really win , theiy both die ,,, caraxes died later from his wounds
@hereiam8 Жыл бұрын
@@jaimenazaryan860 CARAXES > VHAGAR
@jaimenazaryan860 Жыл бұрын
@@hereiam8 VHAGAR> > > > > > CARAXES
@justinmcq78 Жыл бұрын
So wild to me that they treated those amazing (fictional) creatures so damn carelessly. Damn
@manikenpachi2760 Жыл бұрын
This was soo cool!!!
@freshkidd23 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if we’ll ever get to see balerian. Idk why but these dragons fascinate me. 😂
@chaddurns3970 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Sunfyre gets more credit than he deserves.
@Preussenpenner Жыл бұрын
True. He lost most of his battles leaving him crippled and broken. He was also really young compared to Meleys, Caraxes and of course Vhagar.
@MRXDS1989 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful yes, but id take maleys over him any day
@Rizz779 Жыл бұрын
He fought and helped kill Meleys while being wounded Fought off tons of knights and flew to dragonstone wounded Fought and Killed Grey Ghost while wounded Fought and Killed Moondancer while heavily wounded All while being a pretty small dragon compared to others
@Rizz779 Жыл бұрын
@@Preussenpenner He won every battle he was in
@chaddurns3970 Жыл бұрын
@@Rizz779 winning against Meleys doesn't amount to much when Vhagar is on your side. Dragons beating humans isn't what I would call impressive. Moondancer was a child. So I'm thinking that pretty unimpressive as well. Killing Grey Ghost is his one accomplishment that is truly his own.
@ashton2809 Жыл бұрын
You forgot the dragon that was said to be the same size or even bigger than Baelon, The Cannibal
@anatoldenevers237 Жыл бұрын
He wasn't Balerion sized. Balerion is always referred to as the largest and greatest dragon, and Vhagar was the largest at the time of the Dance. Then Vermithor after Vhagar died.
@dolevk08 Жыл бұрын
Prince Baelon(Viserys and Daemon's father) also rode Vhagar
@tzy129 Жыл бұрын
Drogon Isn't Old Enough In Game Of Thrones(He's Just Only 7years Old).. imagine seeing Him when He Became a Century Old.. I think He could reach the Size Of Vhagar&Balerion.
@matthewsweeney1593 Жыл бұрын
Would have been awesome to have saw balerion at least a flashback where he's old
@kamisato__ayaka Жыл бұрын
Why maeyles is kept at no 10 even though she was one of the fastest and biggest dragons Who fought vehghar and sunfyre at the same time and still manage to harm sunfyre seriously
@vikasatkan4607 Жыл бұрын
i am really rooting for caraxes for in battle between caraxes and that many years have passed in house of the dragon, it would be awesome to see caraxes gotten bigger.
@barronspears Жыл бұрын
Sunfyre could beat caraxes so eazy
@lorrainebrown2160 Жыл бұрын
Love the video
@itismadhan Жыл бұрын
I dunno guys, I think caraxes will seriously f up Drogon if they ever fought
@ii__jon_snow__ii4873 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure when Drogon is fully mature he's the largest!
@ragnarok283 Жыл бұрын
Yeah no chance, it shouldn't be. Balerion lived half of his life in Valyria, Drogon never lived there and even went North in the cold...
@malcolmlaron7367 Жыл бұрын
Drogon is balaerian reincarnated so im pretty sure he will be large when he hits his prime
@ahad1709 Жыл бұрын
Not if you go by the books
@ii__jon_snow__ii4873 Жыл бұрын
@@malcolmlaron7367 I agree 👍
@amyra8159 Жыл бұрын
@@malcolmlaron7367 is that's how he is mentioned in the books? Being balerion's reincarnation?
@colinfontenot7561 Жыл бұрын
I'm shocked that the canable isn't on this list.
@brandonsalisbury7182 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully we get to see Cannibal make his debut appearance onscreen in season 2! Honestly from what I do know about Cannibal (haven’t read Fire & Blood in its entirety yet) it seems he petty much stays on the sidelines throughout the war I think! The whole concept of a dragon that eats its own and kills any who dares approach it….seems very fitting and realistic when you realize not every wild dragon should be friendly or able to be tamed! Obviously if Cannibal is introduced we’ll get a few scenes where he is feeding or resting but hopefully they’ll do a scene of Cannibal attacking another wounded dragon after a battle (if that does in fact happen in the book I apologize) to get a good sense of his size but as it stands it would only take a few scenes to sum up his whole existence and although that’s better then “no scene at all” I would prefer more! I have no idea how much the cgi cost end up being for all the current dragons in the show so financially Cannibal might not even be a priority which is understandable at least until they kill a few main dragons off! I would like to see a scene where a few of the dragons are fighting around Dragonstone and maybe in the fighting Cannibal’s lair is disturbed or maybe he gets a minor wound thus feeling threatened enough to join the fight or go in defense mode!
@LordBonesaw Жыл бұрын
@@brandonsalisbury7182Yea the cannibal would eat dead dragons, injured dragons, new born dragons and even dragon eggs!!! He is a proper savage and it would be disappointing if we don’t get to see him at some point fucking someone or something up!!!!!
@made-line7627 Жыл бұрын
I was watching GOT last night, and there's a scene where Viserys and Doreah are in the bath getting sexual, and Viserys starts listing dragons that the Targaryens had before the dragons died, and I swear, Maraxes, Vhagar and Balerion were the only ones that actually existed. He name drops about six dragons that the Westerosi Targaryens never had. It was odd.
@Reverend2883 Жыл бұрын
@23:30 ish Wasn't Rhea Royce of Runestone Daemons first wife? And again @27:20. Vhagar also survived the conquest mofos still alive 30+ years after Balerions death
@sanjaysanj5603 Жыл бұрын
the error he made is saying that the 3 dragons of the conquest came from valyria, only balerion came from valyria, vhagar and meraxes were born on dragon stone after the doom, balerion was already an adult dragon before the doom occurred.
@Reverend2883 Жыл бұрын
@@sanjaysanj5603 None of what you said answered any of my statements. Nothing of what i said questioned the origins of the dragons. The doom isnt the conquest he claims vhagar died in.
@leonardoherrera9059 Жыл бұрын
Umm vhaegar also lived through the war conquest not just valerian. Also shouldn't vhaegar be above maraxes since she got to live about a hundred years longer?
@AnitaAnneLloyd Жыл бұрын
OMG I love ALL these Dragons. They are MAGICAL.
@MrDeone365 Ай бұрын
Me too 😀
@maxpudney3182 Жыл бұрын
Just before caraxes and vhagar were about to face off, it was said that caraxes was hissing and had flames dancing around his teeth out of excitement. This dragon was facing a dragon 2 times his size and was only exited. Fuck I love caraxes
@kecleonboi Жыл бұрын
Seasmoke sounds awesome 😍
@MourningCoffeeMusic Жыл бұрын
Caraxes is best boi
@devinbilbrey5950 Жыл бұрын
way to give away half the show. you're doing a great job lol
@ghoztly7099 Жыл бұрын
Caraxes is either #1 or #2 and easily. Smart, fast, tons of experience and managed to equal and outlast the largest dragon ever ridden. (Vhagar rivaled the black dreads size by the time the DoD happened) Drogon is basically a baby, they hyped him up more in the show because they needed shock value, in the books he is a tiny fledgling. Caraxes and Daemon's bond is also powerful, their personalities are alike, Daemon is the most feared in Westeros and Caraxes is one of the biggest reasons why.
@misterpebbles Жыл бұрын
I d like a spin off set around the fall of valaria and the conquest
@dantefromdevilmaycry9857 Жыл бұрын
Here to see the Noodle dragon I was promised.
@sidvyas9810 Жыл бұрын
@gaelsong168 Жыл бұрын
How i wished HOTD starts at Aegons Conquest
@MichelMawon4982 Жыл бұрын
So far, Dany's dragons look the coolest on the show. I am however beginning to see why the Maester's might've gotten rid of them. This family was relatively small and it is so silly that they fought each other to rule that they almost extinguished their whole line and the things that made them special.
@Hydra-og6jf Жыл бұрын
No way cuz seasmoke, dreamfyre will be the same look
@syedshakaibanwar2698 Жыл бұрын
Nah Drogon is stupidly upscaled in the show for one, he should be half the size of Syrax by the end of the series, also Caraxes design>>>>>>
@call4906 Жыл бұрын
Ain't no way you are saying Danys dragons look cooler than Vagar or the blood wyrm
@MichelMawon4982 Жыл бұрын
@@syedshakaibanwar2698 according to the lore, time in the dragon pit stifles the growth of dragons, when Drogon fucked off for a while, he was just growing.
@MichelMawon4982 Жыл бұрын
@@call4906 yes I am baby...I said it with my chest
@DTS_I Жыл бұрын
Caraxes is the coolest looking dragon
@sidharthsomaraj4362 Жыл бұрын
Why Cannibal is not in this list..?? 🤷‍♂️
@janw.8529 Жыл бұрын
@danijels7737 Жыл бұрын
Drogon really shouldn't be on this list, while he is biggest of the 3 dragons Danny has he's like 7 years old.. Most of the dragons from dance should be far bigger since they are way older, they just made Drogon big for the sake of having a big dragon on the show
@nsaneg00n74 Жыл бұрын
I've always loved Drogon, but man I dont know a cooler dragon than Caraxes. If I could chose any dragon to ride it would be him.
@doctormengele7372 Жыл бұрын
Why don't you ride my dragon called Biggus Dickus
@KagomeYasha023 Жыл бұрын
Aegon didn’t deserve sunfyre
@pitoseavy4523 Жыл бұрын
What😂😂that don’t even make sense
@windingroadelven Жыл бұрын
She’s absolutely incredible 😊😊
@wybielovat3860 20 күн бұрын
ok i know terrax is legit a footnote but i feel like it and jaenara belaerys are seriously underrated. jaenara survived 3 years in sothoryos on terrax, ya’ll are sleeping on her
@joeblow5658 Жыл бұрын
These videos are great 👍
@bluesfan1jordy99 Жыл бұрын
Vhargar > meraxes, lived longer grew bigger and fought against dragons which meraxes did not
@TayNewNerd Жыл бұрын
7:26 Sea Smoke looks dope af
@sidvyas9810 Жыл бұрын
I think that's quicksilver and not seasmoke
@graui2001 Жыл бұрын
maybe a idea for improve your videos time stemps will be nice i think :o
@guyonabuffalo2389 Жыл бұрын
Vhagar also survived Aegons conquest…. Do you mean Balerion was the only dragon dragon to have lived in Valeria before the doom?
@sigh5956 Жыл бұрын
Correct, Vhagar and Meraxys were eggs laid by dragons from Balerion’s generation
@mariekostava2150 Жыл бұрын
yes, Balerion was one of the 5 dragons Targaryens brought from Valyria. Vhagar and Meraxes were hatched on dragonstone.
@whitesage2066 Жыл бұрын
I swear they made Syrax a carrier. If Syrax was given a chance to be ride by Daemond for months she will be fierce like Meleys. Both Syrax and Meleys were the two fastest dragon in Westeros. At the last season the only problem of Syrax was her lack of instinct killed her by the angry villagers. She could just fly and breathe fire non-stop.
@MasterOfTheElements Жыл бұрын
You forgot that Baelon Targaryen second son of Jaehaerys claimed Vhagar before Laena and he died in 101 AC.
@chasbarnes3425 Жыл бұрын
Balerion is my pick , yea he’s the biggest and lives to an old age but still he would be my pick if I could choose
@lashellemmanuel6171 Жыл бұрын
Vhagar is my favorite 🥺🥺❤️
@whankinswh Жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure Vhagar was a she-dragon, not a he.
@Menace.. Жыл бұрын
How does sunfyre rank above the red queen when she clearly would’ve wrecked him if not for Vhagar
@barronspears Жыл бұрын
What do you mean sunfyre has 3 bodies 1 maelys. 2 greyghost 3 moondancer
@anatoldenevers237 Жыл бұрын
@@barronspears True, but apparently Meleys had just chomped down on Sunfyre's neck when Vhagar intervened in their fight, and Sunfyre was in pretty bad shape afterwards, it might have gone differently if Vhagar hadn't been there to help. And having more bodies doesn't always mean he's stronger. Sunfyre has more dragon kills than Balerion too, do you think Sunfyre is stronger than the Black Dread?
@midhun-007 Жыл бұрын
Only the got dragons are looks real, pretty great cgi..! 🔥🔥 18:10
@tyizzle80 Жыл бұрын
I think you accidentally put a few little spoilers in this video. But great content.
@frikkinpenguin Жыл бұрын
Something that was explained wrongly: Daenerys first fought against the Lannister army with Drogon and then burned down King’s Landing, not the other way around. One happened in Season 7 where all her dragons were still alive, the other at the end of season 8.
@andretiamzon3453 Жыл бұрын
I love how the guy explaining sounds like Hiccup from HTTYD
@Aglexity Жыл бұрын
list is good but the cannibal is easily number 2 if not number 1 we dont know what injured the black dread but it is theorized that the cannibal won an off screen fight vs him in old valeryia but obviously that is just a theory alot of mystery around the cannibal but one thingis for sure he should be on this list unless ur talking about dragons that have riders. i hope george pursues more of the cannibals lore and story to me he is the most interesting dragon in the books
@highercalling3285 Жыл бұрын
Daenerys's Drogon is such a smart creature. Hé os depicted as very EmpethetiC dragon. Sometimes you could swear he's about to speak to his beloved mother. When jorah died in her arms, he engulfed her With his wings in the Cutest hug ever. Maybe it's evolution haha
@kalyan7607 Жыл бұрын
According to the books drogon is believed to be the reincarnation of the mighty balareon the black
@VeritasOmniaVincit176 Жыл бұрын
Melees, Verma Thor, Drogan, Vegar and Maraxes. Close enough KZbin AI. Close enough.
@jrploftv Жыл бұрын
Drogon is basic dragon but has too much tv time so he will be loved. he aint strong enough to fight ceraxes
@Dasycottus 10 күн бұрын
Drogon is cool, but he cannot be compared with dragons of past generations
@miguellugo87 Жыл бұрын
What about the cannibal?
@kevinhitzemann1257 Жыл бұрын
Curious minds want to know who the Grand Master Dragon is, and who is his Red Queen?
@joshuathaggard5534 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion cannibal is one of the strongest and is said to be just as strong as vhagar and just as big if not stronger if someone managed to claim cannibal and fought vhagar it would one hell of fight one that the cannibal might win
@tensaiuchiha3073 11 ай бұрын
29:27 he passed away in 94 AC, not BC*
@wojtekszast2993 Жыл бұрын
@samuelpatton5148 8 ай бұрын
Seasmoke ranked above Meleys is incorrect. Meleys should be right behind Drogon. And Caraxes should be ahead of seasmoke too
@s.strongest160 Жыл бұрын
How do you drive a dragon?
@manojreddy2252 Жыл бұрын
Caraxes 😒🔥
@g17yt99 Жыл бұрын
The cannibal is the strongest dragon he was immortal
@earlgooden2160 Жыл бұрын
Are all the Targaryen dragons children of Balerion Vhagar and Merexes ?
@cwb5447 Жыл бұрын
You forgot the cannibal he's the largest dragon in the lore
@anatoldenevers237 Жыл бұрын
No, Balerion was the largest, than Vhagar second. Cannibal was the largest wild dragon but Balerion is always referred to as the greatest dragon Westeros ever saw.
@itrrii6582 Жыл бұрын
Caraxes needs to be higher
@just42day Жыл бұрын
I don’t like most of the placements. Lol but I understand that it’s subjective. Though, nothing beats Balerion of course, “the Black Dread”.
@gaelsong168 Жыл бұрын
So Rhaenyra was stabbed before she was eaten by Sunfire. Looks liked she and Danny had the same fate less the feeding.
@Simon-A.-Tan 5 ай бұрын
Did you call Aegon II "the Conquerer"?
@jipjabthefirst7014 10 ай бұрын
Just letting you know in GOT the skull that Arya finds in the dungeon is not Balerions, it doesn't have the same shape and some of the back of the skull looks like it's gone (horns) , and in the last seasons of Got we see cersi going down into the dungeons too and she encounters Balerions skull and it is completely different to the one that Arya finds and it also looks like its in good condition with the back of the skull still being there(horns).
@jipjabthefirst7014 10 ай бұрын
Could be vhagars as Arya was still just a child and if you put cersi next to the one that Arya finds it looks smaller than Balerions. It's possible it could also be the Cannibals as nobody actually knows if he was bigger than Balerion or not cause everyone says different things like some people say Balerion was as big as one of his wings and others say he was smaller than Vhagar but like I said well never know until he shows up in HOTD (if he does) , but personally I think he was so it could be Vhagars but like I said nobody actually knows.
@karannegi6723 Жыл бұрын
Caraxces is menacing
@AWD1990 8 ай бұрын
Why not feature the 3 wild dragons? I believe Cannibal is the largest, strongest and most terrifying
@mymh8633 4 ай бұрын
Cannibal is the largest wild dragon. Vhagar is the largest dragon during the dance then either the cannibal or vermithor
@Sheak420 Жыл бұрын
13:15 Aegon the conqueror?
@chtayyab8049 Жыл бұрын
Craxes at least deserved to be top 2 or 3 & drogon shouldn't be in top 10
@Xumaj Жыл бұрын
Daemons first wife wasn’t laenor valryion
@she_ryl1919 Жыл бұрын
Who is more rare caraxes or drogon im with caraxes .
@judgekraken1710 Жыл бұрын
As usual, Drogon is MASSIVELY overrated… He was much smaller than every other dragon on the list, shouldn’t even be on here.
@lazaroross9197 Жыл бұрын
The cannibal is the most powerful and biggest
@strongsuccessfulweeb1400 11 ай бұрын
The strongest dragon is the Golden Dragon coin. For it will outlive and out purpose all dragons.
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