thank-you for this sharing! I am currently facing what you call a 'void', vulnerability etc...I have had 3 very specific dreams about 12 months ago that resonate with your comments. I find your comments here and elsewhere about boundary situations etc., very clear and useful and would like to apply them to my current situation. .. ..I am grateful for the internet that makes this kind of thing available.
@C_R_O_M________13 жыл бұрын
@Helladius666 anger (when facing our ultimate situations and not only), love (for life itself), etc, and started this vicious circle of recapitulating our lives. Thinking was a tool in the past to help us survive but then it became an addiction. The empty mind contains more true knowledge than the intellectual mind (with its scientific orientation). My true enlightenment begins when I initiate a balancing of my silent and vocal self in me. It cannot be through communicating philosophy like >>>
@C_R_O_M________13 жыл бұрын
@Helladius666 P.S. talking against the importance of the axial age is deeply against my cultural heritage for I am Greek.