10 Largest Megastructures In Star Trek

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@sergentmaso Ай бұрын
#1 sould be Discovery's turbolifts holding area
@jimmysmith2249 Ай бұрын
Right? Wrf was with that?
@TheVeritas1 Ай бұрын
​@@jimmysmith2249 To be fair, Trek hasn't always been consistent with the interior size of its ships. A great example is Star Trek V, in which Spock, Kirk, and McCoy fly pass far more decks in the Enterprise A than what was described in past shows.
@MrDeadsr Ай бұрын
@@jimmysmith2249 that was the moment i stopped caring about that show
@mperlatti Ай бұрын
Star Trek’s depiction of a Dyson Sphere was terribly flawed… Showing the Enterprise in orbit and seeing any sign of curvature in the sphere was so wrong. The sphere should have appeared flat next to the Enterprise
@kevreid82 Ай бұрын
Borg cubes are not 3 km³. They are 3ish km long. So 27 km³.
@iceman11766 Ай бұрын
27 km^3
@kevreid82 Ай бұрын
@@iceman11766 that's right
@classicsreimagined373 Ай бұрын
Well done 1 of 1.
@TheBucknative Ай бұрын
How many hamburgers long is it?
@88porpoise Ай бұрын
​@@TheBucknativeIt would depend. But, on the basis that the average German aduly is 173 cm tall, you would need to lay approximately 1,734 Hamburgers head to toe to extend 3km.
@Perplexum Ай бұрын
There's no way the ring in Lower Decks can be as big as the Earth's orbit. The thing only seems to be a few kilometres wide, and you can see cities at the other end with the naked eye. The star is probably not a real star, given that the computer in the episode was able to simply switch it off.
@Enigmanaut Ай бұрын
What about the Voth City Ship? It seems to be a little bigger than the Whale Probe?
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
Bigger than the Whale Probe scaled to five miles, smaller than it scaled to fifty miles.
@gwenever7286 Ай бұрын
I did expect the Spheres from Enterprise to make this list though at the lower end. especially as the network of them held enough power to completely change the nature of space for their builders
@firstname4337 Ай бұрын
Enterprise sucked ass and should be erased from canon
@MovieLuvr2000 Ай бұрын
I was surprised the Delphic Expanse spheres from Enterprise S3 were excluded as well. Although dwindled down to 19 km in script, memory alpha states that they were originally scripted as 90 km. Either of which would be large enough to make this list if you use the size differentials of the humpback whale probe being included as a precedent.
@MrDeadsr Ай бұрын
@@firstname4337 the show was good, it was just the entire Xindi thing that should be erased.
@Trueflights Ай бұрын
@@firstname4337 Enterprise was far better than Voyager, lol. Heck anything was better than ToS as well (save maybe the animated series), that's why it got canceled twice in 3 seasons.
@Hewkll Ай бұрын
@@firstname4337 Compared to what came after, ENT is a masterpiece
@noelht1 Ай бұрын
1:26 The probe is basically Rama!
@Becvar80 Ай бұрын
I dream that we'll get a Rama movie or series in my lifetime
@noelht1 Ай бұрын
@@Becvar80 oh me too. I’ve dreamt about it for 20 some years
@watiguess 6 күн бұрын
​@Becvar80 there are rumors about it. I don't know a lot, though. I hope we'll get one though.
@jeff119990 Ай бұрын
Did you forget the shield, fence, thing Q made appear in Encounter at Farpoint? He made it appear and go faster than the Enterprise. Who knows how far that could scale.
@violetlight1548 Ай бұрын
Shouldn't it be a Niven Ring? Dyson came up with the sphere, yes, but Larry Niven (creator of Sean's favourites, the Kzinti!) was the one who thought up a Ringworld.
@TwoWholeWorms Ай бұрын
Yeah, deffo a Niven Ring.
@TKBarnes 9 күн бұрын
Both terms are accurate. A ringworld is just a variant of a dyson megastructure. From what I noticed the terms are usually used interchangeably in sci-fi, in actual "can we do this" science Dyson's name is more often used because unlike Niven he came from a purely scientific approach so a dyson sphere, like seen in TNG, was something he never really considered viable.
@JDEhlert Ай бұрын
Thinking of Voyager 6 in the Motion Picture, and I'm reminded of the Tumblr story about how the galaxy feels about human engineering. *Klingons*: Tell us again why you never conquered them?? *Vulcans*: Because they tend to do things we never believed possible. For example, every probe we've sent out have either returned with information or been destroyed in asteroid collisions. Humans sent out two of their probes and they returned not only sentient, but violently so. Two...out of perhaps two dozen. The odds are, another will return to Earth and they'll have to deal with it. *Klingon Captain Klaa remembering he destroyed an Earth Pioneer Probe* "*laughs nervously*
@Thurgosh_OG Ай бұрын
Voyager 6 is well known but what was the second probe to return with violence?
@JDEhlert Ай бұрын
@@Thurgosh_OG It had help but Nomad. Although sentient may be a bit far for what happened to it ultimately.
@jimigrunge Ай бұрын
Corazonia is basically a copy of Larry Nivin's Ringworld. So to give some since of size and scale... The Ringworld is an artificial ring about one million miles wide and approximately the diameter of Earth's orbit (which makes it about 600 million miles in circumference), encircling a Sol-type star. It rotates, providing an artificial gravity equivalent to 99.2% of Earth's gravity by way of centrifugal force. Ringworld has a habitable flat inner surface equivalent in area to approximately three million Earth-sized planets. Radius: 1.5 × 108 km Circumference: 9.7 × 108 km Width: 1.6 × 106 km Height of rim walls: 1600 km Mass: 2 × 1027 kg Surface area: 1.6 × 1015 km2 Surface gravity: 9.69 m/s2 Spin velocity: 1200 km/s
@-Gothicgirl- Ай бұрын
Are you correct with the measure? Because there is every earth continent in it and mars and earth in the ocean. the ringworld has a weidth of 1.600.000 km. i think you have the measures of a halo ring
@adamlytle2615 Ай бұрын
Yeah, based on what we saw on screen in Lower Decks, Corazonia is nowhere near this big. I think the sun must be some sort of artificial construct and it is a much smaller ring.
@-Gothicgirl- Ай бұрын
@@adamlytle2615 perhaps the sun is artifical but its a niven ring but in smaller size. Halo ring doesnt have a sun and dyson never make clear data over a dyson sphere and he doesnt make a dyson ring paper
@timbert4672 Ай бұрын
Indeed, I read Ringworld when I was a kid and loved it. It is probably a reason why I then fell in love with the first Halo game so quickly.
@-Gothicgirl- Ай бұрын
@@timbert4672 you should read more there are new novels the last years came out
@RichTeer Ай бұрын
Dyson Ring? Pah, in my book it will always be Ringworld (from Larry Niven's novel of the same name).
@mcsquared5047 Ай бұрын
How about a video on "10 promotion scenes in Star Trek" The rules: - A character has to be promoted to a higher rank by another character. - No off-screen promotions - It doesn't actually need to be a starfleet officer.
@bonusbaby801 Ай бұрын
@mcsquared5047, as much as I didn't care for Wesley Crusher, the scene after he is made a full Ensign & he walks onto the bridge in uniform is one of my fav ST moments. And Gates McFadden really looked like a proud Mom in that scene. It was well done.
@TheForeverRanger Ай бұрын
Seven's promotion to Captain should be high up on that list.
@masere Ай бұрын
Nothing can beat Worf's promotion in Generations.
@ldawg7117 Ай бұрын
I always figured the probe was like a big tank/aquarium type deal.
@KnightOfHvn Ай бұрын
There was a book. The book indicated there was an interior and even explained the origin.
@ldawg7117 Ай бұрын
@@KnightOfHvn I forgot there was a book, looks like I know what I'm getting next on audible. Or the actual book, if it isn't available there.
@Thurgosh_OG Ай бұрын
@@KnightOfHvn The is just called Star Trek: Probe.
@timbert4672 Ай бұрын
@@Thurgosh_OG Was that the one where it is explained that the probe was originally designed to move in, scan, then leave undetected? I remember a story where the havoc it caused was a result of the Borg attempting to interface with its computer.
@joermnyc Ай бұрын
If you're going that far for #1, then the Q Continuum, which is supposedly INFINITE in size.
@Zurround Ай бұрын
Iffy. A world is not a "structure". Earth for example is not a "megastructure" Plus the continuum is an extradimensional SPACE which is not the same thing as a PHYSICAL OBJECT.
@patryn36 Ай бұрын
The Dyson sphere is a bit more extreme than most of the other entries on this list, it's outer layers were made of neutronium, that is the ultimate in structural/armor materials that I aware of in the trek verses. Also the probe interior was largely solid, it was essentially a crystalline tech base according to a novel I vaguely remember.
@MotherShipMedia Ай бұрын
A smaller entry you missed was the Voth City ship from Voyager ... 11km long, so comparable to the 5mi whale probe (bit bigger)
@bangablesnowbeast Ай бұрын
I would disagree with #1 as calling a pocket universe a "superstructure" fails to imply exactly how big a space within a space that loads content as needed truly is and that said location has measurable boundaries other than whatever Q decides those boundaries might be.
@ZappaBlues Ай бұрын
I'd like to see an episode on the 10 most deadly aliens creatures in Star Trek, ... and if the Moopsie isn't #1, I will be very cross!
@Thurgosh_OG Ай бұрын
Moopsy are not quite as dangerous as being in the same room as a Tholian but they are nasty little buggers.
@laggybum3218 Ай бұрын
Very interesting video! Thanks! I had forgotten about some of these. It was good to see them again!
@TaiBlaine Ай бұрын
I found the diameter of the DMA absolutly ridiculus. 5 Lightyears? That would consume our Solarsystem and the next system Alpha Centauri at once. That is completly bonkers.
@chacaf22 Ай бұрын
As everything in DSC
@TaiBlaine Ай бұрын
@@chacaf22 Not even close. Voyager had also some veeeery stupid dimensions. In one episode a Malon Waste Freighter was about to explode and it was said, that the waste would poison a radius of some lightyears within days. HOW? Is the waste travelling faster than light?
@chacaf22 Ай бұрын
@@TaiBlaine well yeah sometimes incoherent things are said to generate tension & drama since TOS And people still argues about that because Jim Kirk said so... In S1
@trekkieraccoon3343 Ай бұрын
The DMA was basically a black hole and those can dozens if not hundreds of ly across
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
@@trekkieraccoon3343 No. Sagitarrius A*. The Supermassive Black Hole that is the core of the Milky Way Galaxy is estimated to have a diameter of 32.2 million miles, which is roughly a third of the distance from Earth to the Sun.
@UlliStein Ай бұрын
1:44 Most beautiful picture ever in Star Trek history. And the music is great! I love Dubai and so I love Yorktown!
@cjt217 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed this list, thank you for your service
@SaberToothBicycle Ай бұрын
The Tholian Web was gonna be pretty big....
@sinswhisper9588 Ай бұрын
so happy for another Sean Trek vid
@silviadragoness5904 Ай бұрын
"Dyson Ring" _bah,_ the term you're looking for is "NIven Ring", as the concept was first popularized by the novel _Ringworld_ by Larry Niven.
@-Gothicgirl- Ай бұрын
Yes and dyson never make puplic of a dyson ring. That make other out of its dyson sphere. the biggest change is that a dyson sphere doesnt rotate and the ringworld rotate for Gravitation
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
@@-Gothicgirl- Well the Sphere does rotate, it would just be imperceptible at that size.
@CaritasGothKaraoke Ай бұрын
What? What you wrote is very hard to read. I think you’re saying that a Dyson sphere wouldn’t rotate. Why in the universe not? Rotating a Dyson sphere would be an easy way to get gravity, with the top Gs at the equatorial ring and reducing as you reach the poles. Additionally, this could be used to gain structural support by directing stress forces in a specific way rather than just anywhere. Puplic?
@CaritasGothKaraoke Ай бұрын
Regarding the misnomer, yeah Seán Ferrick’s kind of not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
@krisgonynor689 Ай бұрын
@@CaritasGothKaraoke IF it rotated, the atmosphere would collect around the equator, with the polar areas being uninhabitable. Which is why Larry Niven designed the Ringworld to spin to provide gravity. There is also the problem of the inside being in constant daylight, which would make the surface too hot to live on quite quickly. The Ringworld solved that problems by place a system of "Shadow Squares", enormous solar panels strung together closer to the star, to give the surface of the Ring a day/night cycle and to also provide power.
@dawnmcauley6411 Ай бұрын
If we're including non-mechanical creations. Might I submit the Bajoran Wormhole. Its artifical and (if we do consider length for a moment) spsns two quadrants in length.
@MaiAolei Ай бұрын
Good point. But the criteria excluded very long structures. The wormhole might fall under those.
@dawnmcauley6411 Ай бұрын
@@MaiAolei The criteria de-emphasized length, it's more accurate to say they were looking at volume over length (otherwise as pointed out, a whole lot of space elevators.) The mouth of the wormhole was still fair significant and thus gave a fair volume. I'd include it due to it's uniqueness; it's not just another space station or vassal (even unusually large ones.)
@violetlight1548 Ай бұрын
The way the Bajoran Wormhole was protrayed is inaccurate. It's not a tunnel through space, it's spacetime being pushed together at two points. It *should* have been more akin to going through a door than a tunnel when ships travelled through it, but considering it is artificial, perhaps physics was skewed (or they shouldn't shove all the Prophets into a Galactic doorframe). I still headcanon that the reason the Prophets are in the Wormhole is because they pissed off the Q at some point and were shoved in there.
@dkSilo Ай бұрын
Seeing it's actually a very short shortcut between the two points in the galaxy it connects, it might not be as big as you think it is. Still definitely worth mentioning for this list.
@jimmangefrida5207 Ай бұрын
I can't remember if dimensions for the ocean world in Voyager were ever given, but it certainly has to be up there.
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
The Waters was 1200 km in diameter.
@jacara1981 Ай бұрын
The Galactic barrier
@XKageDragon Ай бұрын
The Dyson Spheres's origins are covered in Star Trek Online
@MrDeadsr Ай бұрын
STO isnt canon tho.
@XKageDragon Ай бұрын
@@MrDeadsr it actually kinda is, as 4 original ships from the game have appeared in the TV shows
@MrDeadsr Ай бұрын
​@@XKageDragonyeah as a wink and a nod. But the game and it's storyline aren't cannon.
@Trueflights Ай бұрын
@@MrDeadsr It might as well be, the writing of the stories is far better than anything officially cannon in the last couple decades.
@Zurround Ай бұрын
There was a novel where they went back to the Dyson's Sphere in the Next Gen book series called Dyson's Sphere.
@rickaychappell4850 Ай бұрын
@dekovangrear Ай бұрын
No mention of the Prophets or the Wormhole? It was constructed by the Prophets since it was artificial and was pretty large in size.
@Johnny_Ocha Ай бұрын
Nice list guys. 💪🙂👍
the size of VGER is insane
@jamesi8594 Ай бұрын
Credit where its due: I could’ve spent weeks working on my own list, and I NEVER would have thought of Q’s “pocket universes.” Very good 👍
@CaritasGothKaraoke Ай бұрын
The First Federation may not be as big as a Dyson Sphere or _NIVEN_ Ring, but it’s bigger than a few of these.
@nicksmith5374 Ай бұрын
Balok.... " is the Fesarius a joke to you?"
@extendedepicmusic5017 Ай бұрын
The Fesarius was a lot bigger than what Spock calculated, look at the scale from the pics when it first encountered the Enterprise. It was the size of a moon
@pault151 17 күн бұрын
@@extendedepicmusic5017 "That's no moon....!" said by a non ST character.
@pault151 17 күн бұрын
Yeah, and another one they left out was the "planet" that the Squire of Gothos drove around that star system like a Tesla on warp drive, playing chicken with the Enterprise. It wasn't clear if the Squire had created it or just put the honeypot trap habitable area onto an existing planet to attract the Enterprise crew.
@robbiedean2006 Ай бұрын
You forgot the voth city ship so large it swallowed voyager whole
@grumpy2.0 Ай бұрын
Why o why, did they never revisit the Dyson Sphere?
@violetlight1548 Ай бұрын
They did in the TNG novel "Dyson Sphere", but yeah, we need to see it on screen again!
@chacaf22 Ай бұрын
Holy Q!!! My only correction its about Vexilon Yes, if the Star inside Vexilon it's around the same size and mass as our sun, the ring have to had a size as Earth orbit But if we're talking about an smaller Star (much more common star type in our own galaxy) You could achieve "naturally" Earth like conditions with a much more smaller and compact ring, mercury orbit size or even less because the Star energy output will be orders of magnitude smaller than our own Sun
@OldCurmudgeon3DP Ай бұрын
The gravity well of a Dyson Sphere must be quite impressive.
@AlainDessureault Ай бұрын
Huh? What do you mean? Dyson spheres *_cause little or zero gravity_*
@ZachNimmo-w7a 12 күн бұрын
Wow amazing
@usstiger_cd4165 9 күн бұрын
This may not be 100% cannon anymore, But Star Trek Online explored this and, in the game, they've had this, and several other dyson spheres built by the iconians.
@wazarflenainquiboitpasdebi2732 Ай бұрын
what about the nekrit expanse created by the sphere builders ? Although it's not purely a megastructure but the spheres network in itself seems pretty big to me.
@twocvbloke Ай бұрын
Considering that 82 Astronomical Units* in diameter is 0.001 of a light year across, I'm not too sure why they reduced the V'ger probe cloud down to 2 AU, that's about 3.2 minutes at TNG-scale Warp 5, and then the discovery writers barfing out something being 5 light years across which (to them) seemed fine, I dunno, with edits, re-writes, retcons, etc. to pre-2009 trek, things just get so messed up... :\ (*average distance from the Earth to the Sun)
@gothix5868 Ай бұрын
1 AU = 93,000,000 miles in case some didn't know distance.
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
It was done in the Director's cut around 2000, I guess they felt they overdid it. I consider 82 AUs to be the true diameter, it inspire the appropriate terror. Also the cloud could easily be variable and it dissipated before it entered the Sol System anyway. Probably the only Director's Cut decision I disagree with.
@Trek001 Ай бұрын
In the novelisation of Relics, they actually sent a away team party down to look around a bit and found houses inside the Dyson Sphere
@SaberToothBicycle Ай бұрын
Respect for properly rhyming Marcia with Garcia.
@RionE23 Ай бұрын
Anyone remember the unity device created by the ancient chodak? It was seen in the Star Trek TNG game “A Final Unity”
@Woopaloops 19 күн бұрын
The Unity Device. I really hope one day it’s added to Star Trek Online. So many opportunities.
@Zurround Ай бұрын
A similar show called The Orville had a space ship close in size to New York City and it was a generation ship with inhabitants not even knowing they were on a ship.
@kenwynn3871 Ай бұрын
Oh even as a kid in the 80s watching Voyage Home, I always assumed that the Whale probe was a habitat filled with water and teaming with alien cetaceans
@amandamatheny3675 Ай бұрын
two items that better be on this list are the Dyson sphere and the Voth city ship, oh and that weird thing from twisted that warped the ships internal structure and then exchange a bunch of information and left
@taitano12 Ай бұрын
The Whale Probe was never seen again and took centuries to arrive. I suspect an extragalactic civilization built it. If they're cetations like the whales, a ship the size of Enterprise-D would be rather cramped for crew of more than fifty. Especially for a journey lasting at least a century.
@TheFiddleFaddle Ай бұрын
I've always wondered about the society that spent the time and resources to build a Dyson's Sphere, then had to peace out because the star they picked was unstable.
@billnicholson3173 Ай бұрын
Yeah, somebody probably got fired over that one
@FlintIronstag23 Ай бұрын
If they had the technology to build a Dyson Sphere, they should have had the means to stabilize the star. Star lifting is the most likely method to acquire enough matter to build a Dyson and it also extends the life of the star by removing elements heavier than hydrogen that the star can't use for normal fusion.
@AlainDessureault Ай бұрын
@@FlintIronstag23 > If they had the technology to build a Dyson Sphere, they should have had the means to stabilize the star. Nonsense. The technology required to build a Dyson sphere is *_nowhere close_* to that required to "stabilize the star"
@FlintIronstag23 Ай бұрын
@@AlainDessureault This was a Dyson Shell that was portrayed in TNG. It is VASTLY more difficult to construct and stabilize than a traditional Dyson Sphere or Swarm which is what Freeman Dyson actually envisioned. Dyson said, "A solid shell or ring surrounding a star is mechanically impossible. The form of 'biosphere' which I envisaged consists of a loose collection or swarm of objects traveling on independent orbits around the star". So, if a civilization can create an "impossible" Dyson Shell they should also the technology to perform stellar husbandry and star lifting to stabilize the star it was constructed around.
@AlainDessureault Ай бұрын
@@FlintIronstag23 > A solid shell or ring surrounding a star is mechanically impossible. Actually, _it is_ possible _but not_ such that it can provide useful gravity by rotating > if a civilization can create an "impossible" Dyson Shell An "impossible" one is one that rotates fast enough to provide useful gravity. That's impossible and moot. > they should also the technology to perform stellar husbandry and star lifting to stabilize the star it was constructed around. If a civilization can create an "impossible" Dyson Shell, it possesses _magic_ and can do _anything_ including "stabilize the star" but _also_ to _not need to do either in the first place_
@andrewmurray1550 Ай бұрын
Pocket universe? - Yeah, the "Planet Hell" Stage 16 at Paramount!
@robertheinrich2994 Ай бұрын
so gabriel bell arrives today in san francisco, sanctuary district A. and that's the day the original gabriel bell dies, but the replacement will live until september 3rd. your opinion on that? ;-)
@antney7745 Ай бұрын
How do you know a Q "pocket Universe" isn't just like a holodeck equivalent? There's no way to determine whether they're the size of a city, a whole planet, or the size of an entire galaxy. Considering the people brought into them never really explore the region, assuming the Q make a whole "Universe" in size is a completely baseless assumption.
@ronm6585 Ай бұрын
Thanks. 🖖🏻
@GeekFilter Ай бұрын
If we’re going with a whole pocket universe thing then the Megan’s from ‘The Magiks of Megas-Tu” essentially did the same thing as the Q continuum 14 years before Encounter at Farpoint.
@dannyriddick1701 Ай бұрын
What if? Q instead of making a huge wall, make them smaller in size
@glennwoden528 Ай бұрын
I picture Q creating a giant mega structure 100 miles long and 78 miles wide in the likeness of Ky'occ & Buals and putting it on a collision course for Uranus.
@nagjrcjasonbower Ай бұрын
Corazonia… Halo invades Trek…
@EggsyTrekJedi Ай бұрын
Yayyyyy @TrekCulture and the Humble Hubristic Handsome Hibernian Hombre @SeanFerrick!!!! 😅🎉🎉🎉
@pault151 17 күн бұрын
No mention of the alien ship from the corbomite maneuver?
@jhwheuer Ай бұрын
Corazonia sounds very much like a Culture O.
@EggsyTrekJedi Ай бұрын
--Borg Transwarp Hubs: Each BTW Hub was at least several hundred Kilometers wide, harnessing Stars and Nebulae for power to the intricately vast Transwarp Network...Six facilities connected to the entire Milky Way and possibly beyond...It raises the raises the question: Is the Transwarp Network related to, part of, or descendant technology from Vadhuaar Underspace?? --Borg Unimatrix One: This megastructure is likely the remnants of the original Organic Races (Species 001 & up) which had inhabited the Planetary System Unimatrix One resides in...The structure seems to include various captured Starships, Technology and races from Borg Assimilation runs, in addition to the Diamonds, Spheres, Cubes and lesser craft of Borg conveyances...This hodgepodge is well over several thousand years old and Kilometers wide
@davidsingleton1072 Ай бұрын
Six million years ago, the builders of the Corazonia ring evolved into fifth dimensional energy beings... Is one of them named Myxyzptlk?
@aaronjanson5645 19 күн бұрын
So I never look up anything star trek on KZbin and I always have ear worms that I cannot get fixed for the life of me and this morning I had the new star trek them song in my head and now I have this video...
@Aragorn7884 Ай бұрын
#1 is kinda cheating 😅
@TheCerealHobbyist Ай бұрын
I just went #1.
@bonusbaby801 Ай бұрын
@Aragorn7884, I don't know if it was so much "cheating"...more like rampant speculation😂
@johnvoncannon9717 Ай бұрын
RIP James Darren aka Vic Fontaine
@bladecole Ай бұрын
@PauperJ Ай бұрын
You can fit 2,244,648,000,000 of Worf's poker cards end-to-end along one side of the Dyson Sphere in "Relics."
@MaiAolei Ай бұрын
How did you know I was wondering about that just now!?
@masere Ай бұрын
Where do you measure 'one side' of a sphere?
@PauperJ Ай бұрын
@@masere It took awhile to do, however, I borrowed some gravity boots from a colleague of mine in Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country.
@bonusbaby801 Ай бұрын
Ah...That explains it. I always wondered why where Admiral Janeway went to confront the Borg Queen looked different from the Transwarp hub.
@watiguess 6 күн бұрын
9:36 what about the M continuum?
@vic5015 Ай бұрын
Where's the Ogawa video, guys?
@stevengalloway8052 Ай бұрын
🤔 Why is the Kelvin timeline not considered to be the main timeline but only an alternative one? 🤨
@y_fam_goeglyd Ай бұрын
Because TOS is going to be the main one? It makes sense that it's in "our" universe. Any deviation from it must therefore be an alternate one. You have to start somewhere 🤷🏻‍♀️
@antney7745 Ай бұрын
Because it's the result of a time travel event, which, by its very nature, makes it an alternate timeline.
@leonardogoulart3245 16 күн бұрын
One thing i never understood about star trek is that it has this geopolitical (actualy galactopolitical) scenario between comparable civilizations (type 1.something in the kardashev scale), but it's canon that there are many type 2+ civilizatios that rarely interact but could easily overpowee the usual federatio, klingon etc. Why none of these higher civilizations decides to intervene and rule the galaxy?
@kennethquinnies6023 11 күн бұрын
in the Boloverse series cybernetic humans were turning the entire galaxy into a bolo structure, they would laugh at any of the star trek large structures.
@Montegoraon Ай бұрын
Sounds to me like the Unity Device has them all beat. 314 million km diameter, and with extensive internal structures, unlike a Dyson sphere which is mostly hollow.
@bluegold1026 Ай бұрын
I'm surprised the Dyson sphere was lower on the list than I expected/
@marekmynarczyk9800 Ай бұрын
q created a barrier through which the Enterprise ship could not fly, this barrier was huge
@XDeminox Ай бұрын
Q Pocket Universes are literally that. They're pocket sized. Very tiny. You could fit a dozen of them in Picard's pocket
@roleplayer5564 Ай бұрын
The true biggest is the Discovery's turbolift chamber
@kellycochran6487 Ай бұрын
Anyone ever notice that Picards costume in the Robin Hood episode was the exact same as his costume in Men in Tights?
@blackc1479 Ай бұрын
Ive always wondered about the inconsistencies in the borg general strategy. The general idea is essentially grabbing resources, both in the form of sentients, (and their tech) but also raw materials. Before the introduction of the queen, they were a linear bulldozer. Assimilating anyone they came across. That was what made them scary. They were like army ants rolling anything in their way, and converting any beings to aid the cause. Then comes the queen, and completely blows that out of the water by having an avatar that can be tricked, manipulated, killed, etc completely in contradiction to their previous system. In their original version, they should have literally been taking over everything bit by bit by just moving the front forward, and replenishing their numbers from the new worlds. Raids, feints, diversions should have been utterly irrelevant. The concept of a queen completely pooched that.
@sugar_ltd 28 күн бұрын
You wouldn't need that much material to build a Dyson swarm. Also it's called a ringworld
@alm2187 Ай бұрын
Basically all of Kurtzman Trek must be one of Q's pocket universes.
@minesguy Ай бұрын
What about the Bajoran wormhole made by The Prophets?
@BOTHthosearetaken Ай бұрын
In Picard Q created an entire alternate timeline just to mess with Picard So technically he created a whole, artificial universe the size of the whole, regular universe Hard to be "Everything that exists or ever will exist all at once with room left to stretch your legs" for size of creation
@ericteneyck246 Ай бұрын
Stupid thought. What if the whale probable was a long range communication device to a different galaxy. Such as the galaxy that discovery went to.
@chefdean7257 Ай бұрын
Sean, I'd give you a megastructure. It'd be the directive, of my optimal prime.
@DocWolph Ай бұрын
Yorktown station is likely the size of PLUTO a dwarf planet almost 1500mi in diameter.
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
It's not anywhere near that big, you can see the detail of the building in the cities built on the rings. That's like looking at Chicago and New York from space and being able to see the buildings and the windows. And that's half the distance you're proposing. Even as large as the Konnie is, you wouldn't be able to see it next to a 1500 mile wide structure. Sean Hargreaves who designed it said, _"each of the arms of Yorktown was intended to be 17½ miles long."_ Meaning at most she's about 35 miles in diameter. Which means you could park Yorktown between Washington DC and Baltimore with only a mile to spare on each side.
@DocWolph Ай бұрын
@@3Rayfire Yeah, more like Vesta or Circe. No seriously, I read somewhere Yorktown Station was about 35mi across. I don't know why I posted Pluto.😵‍💫
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
@@DocWolph I gotcha. It definitely gives that's no moon vibes. Even those planetoids are 30 times wider. And Yorktown is only half the size of the first Death Star. The mind boggles at those scales when dealing with a single object. I bet seeing the Dyson Sphere in real life would be mind breaking if you contemplated it.
@itzdcx Ай бұрын
I feel like you're missing some
@Dlf212 Ай бұрын
Enterprise J - "larager on the inside".
@TheSchmed Ай бұрын
The whale episode was the same storyline as “Star Trek the Motion Picture”, except whale probe instead of vger
@JROD082384 Ай бұрын
#1 should be the universe-sized plot holes with no explanation or resolution that Discovery was rife with...
@HellOnWheel Ай бұрын
6:46 No relation!
@sw-gs Ай бұрын
Size of Enterprise-J is most ridiculous thing that Starfleet ever did. It makes no sense to create starship so large, that it is entire city and send it to explore galaxy if Glaxy Class project of sending entire families onboard exploratory vessel was deemed failed and later scaled down to ships like Enterprise-G.
@whitewolf3051 Ай бұрын
Not to mention that it looks absolutely ridiculous. It’s not even starship, especially with the ridiculously thin and skinny nacelles, pylons, and even body. My brother made fun the D by saying it looks like a pizza delivery person, made fun of Voyager by saying it’s a spoon, but he’ll really have a field day with Ent J undoubtedly. Also, do they really need go bigger with each starships?
@sw-gs Ай бұрын
@@whitewolf3051 Well in fact surface of connetion between nacelles and pylon is the same as in Constitution Class. Drexler designed it that because he wanted to go beyond "ape brain" in the way he forgot that in 29th century technology is far less advanced. So Enterpise -J would fit in 32nd from Discovery.
@3Rayfire Ай бұрын
@@whitewolf3051 Drexler's idea in addition to trying to go further ahead in time and therefore do, the future of the future, he also designed the Universe class to be an extragalactic exploration vessel that would be an independent starship community that would be gone on generation ship time scales. The Galaxy class is designed to come home, the Universe is designed to *be* home. It has universities on it. Going to your duty shift is a commute.
@selvahechicera4292 Ай бұрын
Q's pocket universe's would not NEED to be particularly large. The only events to EVER happen inside of these universes were, effectively, 'plays.' Why would they not be effectively 'sets' for those 'plays?' The stars and planets seen above would most likely be a "sky box." The mountains in the distance may seem very lifelike but... they don't need to really BE mountains. The characters in the 'play' will never travel that far and if somehow they DO... then the mountains, or a portion of them, can come into existence. A pocket UNIVERSE has laws of nature different from the full real universe. They are dictated by the pocket universe's creator and thus, said P.U. does NOT need to have an area, or volume, so large as the "r4eal" one. A volume that would be largely ignored by it's creator for it's entire existence since the pocket universe would only exist for the time during which the play takes place. I bring this up because there IS, in existence, a megastructure in the Trek universe that are much larger than the ones mentioned. I seak, of course, of the "barrier" surrounding the Milky Way galaxy. A structure that, as mentioned, contains a volume a wee bit larger than The Milky Way galaxy. In the series we are given the impr4ession that this must be some sort of natural phenomenon. I'm sure that it is mentioned somewhere in the "expanded literature" but I have only read a very small portion of that so... I have to go by what's in the various series and movies. That said, a force field surrounding a galaxy being a natural phenomenon? B.S. A force field that zaps the latent powers of psychics up to Goku level? Uh huh. Sure. THAT occurs naturally. And the Earth is flat as a pancake. Who built it? I sincerely doubt it was the Q. It does nt seem like their sort of thing. BUT it does have an obvious PURPOSE as an artificial structure. Seems something happen4ed to the scout ship the Andromedans sent. What could it have been? I POSTULATE that the field exists specifically to protect the galaxy from exactly that, external invaders. The barrier would have been built by a race that, like humans, have some members with latent esper level powers that were basically never naturally active. (The Slavers? The Progenitor Race? Dunno) The field has a psychic charge that awakens these powers long enough for the telepath, now a godlike being, to let whatever vessels are needed along with said esper through the barrier. The unfortunate members of the enterprise did not know WHY they were given these abilities. Nor did they know how TEMPORARY they were. Or they would have4 acted differently. Another theory. BUT. A field of that size an consistency would NOT be a naturally occurring thing. And thus, it would be the largest artificial structure I am aware of in STAR TREK. Q's pocket universes may have been big. But, as I said, I doubt they were that big. Even IF they COULD have been.
@andrewmurray1550 Ай бұрын
will we have to wait until the 23rd century for "V'ger" I and II to return to 'the maker'? :).
@brianterrill9587 Ай бұрын
Hey Sean. So I got booted off Twitter for saying a common Klingon phrase, one I've said a thousand times before, in English. I explained it to them and they weren't hearing it. So y'all be careful on there. See you here now I guess???
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