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@thefinal9923 Жыл бұрын
Pyrion’s story about his girls not going horse riding tells me how great of a parent he is. Really, that his girls were apologizing to him is wholesome, but equally that he accepted responsibility for the whole deal and explained that to them. It just really stands out as good parenting. Huge respect.
@omarsaleem7187 Жыл бұрын
I want to play devil's advocate and mention a counter point to this. Everything you said is true and right. But please remember doing something like this underminds the other parent. It erodes respect and trust. The reason Mrs. F. is furious is because the feeling of parental equality was taken away. Which is very hurtful. Being the 'lesser' parent is not fun, especially when you're actually the more responsible one. Hope you all have a great day.
@thefinal9923 Жыл бұрын
@@omarsaleem7187 Agreed! And while Pyrion didn't acknowledge that specific point, I still really appreciated that he accepted the fault onto himself entirely (as it was entirely his fault).
I would have said the opposite really. None of them were being honest until they were caught. Plus just chucking away stuff that they were given is cruel. It's like Pyrion has no concept of empathy or guilt. It's terrible to teach anyone to not feel guilty.
@thefinal9923 Жыл бұрын
@@HYPERPEACE I appreciate that your perspective is no less valid than mine, but I equally disagree. I mean, okay, not about the binning the food they were want to have, that was just rude and wasteful. But excluding the other commenter who also pointed out that Pyrion undermined Mrs. F with his actions. It was objectively "bad parenting", letting the children off and binning that prepared food, but I do genuinely appreciate him. If his children (and he has done streams with them, I think his parenting is shown in a good light) learn not to feel guilty from this, they learned the wrong lesson. They were regretful that they got him caught lying. he taught them that it was the lying (his actions) that were bad. I could have used a role model who was happy with that level of responsibility, on a consistent and fundamental level, that is for certain. And I'm not saying that this one event determines his "parenting status", we only know as much as he shares, but on the whole it was a good story I felt was worthy of commenting on. Just got a weird but complete sense of Deja Vu, I think I've had this conversation with you before.
@alfredhadesworth9253 Жыл бұрын
@The Final To be fair quorn mince isn't "prepared food" it's an ingredient that was presumably about to expire, that he just didn't want to use. However of course it does also undermine, as stated.
@CntrazZombie4 Жыл бұрын
36:35 After all these years... people are "Doing A Balloon"
@SorryYoureCanadian Жыл бұрын
To Pyrion's point about Band of Brothers and the soldiers knowing what they were doing and why they were doing it- one of the heaviest plot points is that many of them don't actually know why they are fighting. There is a scene towards the end where they are in their trucks moving past endless columns of surrendered Germans and one of the soldiers is reading a newspaper article about why the war is being fought. And what he gleans from it is that "Hitler is bad, very bad". That's it. Then another soldier gets up and starts screaming at some German officers for dragging everyone out there to fight. The one Jewish soldier in his squad, whom modern audiences might expect to be the most incensed about the whole conflict, tells him to give it a rest. To me, that entire scene points out how it really isn't that clear to any of them (except maybe Webster, the somewhat college educated, screaming soldier) exactly why they are fighting other than the fact that there is a war their country is involved in and Hitler is "bad". Today most people in the west (definitely in America) view WW2 as the "noble" war, but at the time it was deeply unpopular and quite unclear to most people what was actually occurring in Germany and German occupied areas. Most of the motivation (for America) to join wasn't because of Nazi crimes against humanity, but because of the geopolitical realities German dominance in Europe would create. And that was only for American leaders, not even your average Joe. To them it was often as simple as fighting for their country, which was and still often is widely considered virtuous even without cause. It's one reason why you could see moments of respect between the soldiers of opposing sides, as you can imagine Axis soldiers often didn't understand why they were fighting either.
@Rice0Cake Жыл бұрын
So the thing with All Quiet on the Western Front is that the misery is the point. Yes, all war movies push the whole “war is hell” message, and as you’ve pointed out, this message doesn’t work. Apparently after big war movies release, military recruitment invariably increases. This is because, in order to make a war story that would appeal to people like Flax, you need heroism and brotherhood. Those things appeal to people. All Quiet forgoes those things; there are no heroes and there is no logic or sense. To make the misery appealing to movie goers they just dialed their filmmaking to 11 and honestly made a masterpiece of a true anti war film.
@Nimbus3000 Жыл бұрын
It's also worth pointing out that it's a remake/update of a very old movie. It's not like it's a new property trying to send the same message.
@XMysticHerox Жыл бұрын
Yep. Most anti war movies aren't really anti war. You can have all the gore in the world. As long as your story is one of adventure and heroism thats what a lot of epople will see.
@capulcinka Жыл бұрын
Lewis, whenever there is a fire in Bristol, fire department always checks if yogscast is not making a special video first 😂🔥
@abehurwitz8861 Жыл бұрын
45:59 Lewis - "No one looks cool with an accordion, do they?" Two words: Weird Al.
@foreng3095 Жыл бұрын
Western European slander for accordions.
@LeSpulch Жыл бұрын
There's this old baltic guy in my city who plays the accordion and I'm not gonna lie he's like one of the coolest breddas around
@NoNaame04 Жыл бұрын
46:28 Lewis looks like he’s mocking Sips
@Wyattporter Жыл бұрын
Lewis needs to get some Neutral Milk Hotel in him if he thinks the accordion is too clowny
@sprxable Жыл бұрын
In german, the equivalent for dad/dada is papa. But often, the first thing children actually say is also dada. Which makes me think, maybe dada is nothing more than easy to pronounce noises and has nothing to do with calling anybody dad. ;)
@kdg8076 Жыл бұрын
Accordions (or something very much like them) appear a LOT in south American music. Sounds great too
@ADwarvenBard Жыл бұрын
You guys are the best kind of entertainment! Much appreciated, lads!
@haterhater6409 Жыл бұрын
I know this is probably a bit late given its 2 month old podcast episode but like an absolute banger with a kazoo is lime cordiale's "no plans to make make plans". I think the story was they had the kazoo as a place holder while writing but then it just worked so they kept it
@ArkonArchive Жыл бұрын
One foot in the shower, one foot in the grave.
@gregorB92 Жыл бұрын
i disagree with pyrion so much on war movies..there should be more war movies showing the reality of how cruel war is. does pyrion realize there is a new generation of young people that dont even believe ww2 holocaust happend? people need to be reminded of this forever.
@a_e_hilton Жыл бұрын
For a non-comedy song with a kazoo in it: No Plans To Make Plans by Lime Cordiale
@sproot7461 Жыл бұрын
This is probably one of the best episodes of recent memories
@JJDPerry Жыл бұрын
This is the one where Lewis finally loses it
@danedwards7869 Жыл бұрын
*loses it
@andreasd1132 Жыл бұрын
Jünger is a fascinating person. He used to do LSD with the Swiss chemist who discovered the stuff. He fought in both world wars, but hated the nazis. Got shot and decorated like a 100 times, but was also an anarchist.
@carlhilber2275 Жыл бұрын
I only associate harmonica with cool... like an old soulful black dude playing the harmonica is peak cool
@GalianMode Жыл бұрын
Chinese for dad is "Baba," so it isn't surprising that the mums get jealous when the babies always say "baba" first, intentionally or otherwise!
@q.q.p.p Жыл бұрын
lol at lewis head going crazy sometimes
@wuhu_island Жыл бұрын
A bit late sadly but Billy Joel’s piano man has a kazoo in it
@Reik483 Жыл бұрын
lol Pyrion going pro-psychpath at the 54 minute mark
@ashton35 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, the classic family bonding moment... Lying to the head of the household then failing Excellent example, well done flax
@BertJonesSon Жыл бұрын
25:11 can flax add bussin' to his lexicon, he say funny
@XMysticHerox Жыл бұрын
I feel like Pyrion thinks every war movie that has some gore is anti war and has the same message. But that really is not true. Gore doesn't really matter much. Recruitment numbers for the military have shown that again and again. Movies like Full Metla jacket for instance actually boosted recruitment. Rather it's about the story the movie is telling. For instance Full metal jacket has lots of gruesome scenes sure. But fundamentally what happens in it? A guy experiences a bunch of gruesome shit but overcomes it and then overcomes his fear. Thats what matters. Gruesome shit happens sure but it serves a purpose. Characters overcome adversity and come out on top at the end. All quiet on the western front is in that sence not the usual war movie because the characters just die meaningless deaths. The point of the story itself is that war sucks and is pointless. Not that it is gritty. Not "war is hell" but "war is pointlessly throwing away the lives of real people".
@dankirt15 Жыл бұрын
Pyrion I think in Russia the first words would probably be yes (da) it's twice as easy as da da in England 🤣
@Mpwilson123 Жыл бұрын
37:15 hopefully not the hatfilms bus
@TheZaius Жыл бұрын
Weird Al's songs Smells Like Nirvana features a kazoo in one part.
@Eliteerin Жыл бұрын
The piano lesson story reminds me of school when we'd just set the keyboard to sound effect mode and we'd be just recreating sex noises
@RedSntDK Жыл бұрын
58:43 Lewis animation broke?
@theishiopian68 Жыл бұрын
For the record, mods for Minecraft are not owned by Microsoft.
@TheMrKraps Жыл бұрын
Lol Sips' Alec Baldwin joke aged like milk
@thefinal9923 Жыл бұрын
Lol this comment aged like milk
@MystLunarabne Жыл бұрын
1:03:05 Probably because particularly for someone like Pyrion (owns a house, has a wife and children, fairly stable job etc) you're at a far more stable point in your life where you don't have to worry about the future as much and your place within it because you're in a pretty comfortable position now and you generallyhave an idea of where it's going. When you're younger youdefinitely have far less of that and although you can see that some parts of history are interesting for the most part you're not going to devote too much time to it because you're ubsy trying to figure out the here and now. Additonally I also think experience in general probably plays a part, learning and thinking about cultures and life in the past definitely got more interesting the more I had experience with how things work currently and could relate that back to thepast and see the similarities and differences and guess how certain people might've acted etc. But you can't really get invested in that same way if you don't have the experience to base those assumptions and scenarios on. And yes looking at some parts of history can help you with the future and even in a generally comfortable situation in the present you may still have some uncertainty and planning ahead required but as a raito those are going to be less common in those circumstances.
@JooJingleTHISISLEGIT Жыл бұрын
nah idk mate, i disagree with pyrion's whole perspective. history is fun at any age. different eras at different times maybe, i've never much been one for wars and tanks and guns and machines and all that, but i've always liked one bit of history or another. same with most of the people i know. i'm not the most practical minded of blokes, but i get on alright. not everything's about where you're going or what you're gonna be doing in 5 years or whatever, uncertain or not.
@antares____ Жыл бұрын
Great episode as always chaps
@ninejives7799 Жыл бұрын
poor lewis' mum
@dudekazoo Жыл бұрын
It's me. I am the saddest kazoo in the world.
@Reece983 Жыл бұрын
kazoo sonata in c major
@BennyAtwood Жыл бұрын
Inglorious bastards... First one that came to mind and is arguably the most famous example of war through the eyes of men who knew they were doing the right thing, and enjoying it.
@Crackmonkey809 Жыл бұрын
Love you guys too 😂❤
@Zanth123 Жыл бұрын
accordion, lewis ever heard of polka music?
@gregorB92 Жыл бұрын
Its not dada in all languages..where im from dad is they say tata
@gnarwhale Жыл бұрын
Fuck yeah
@MiseralalTaverna Жыл бұрын
Greetings from Germany. My twins startet with mamamamamama, bababababababababa und dadadadadada. Mom is "Mama" in german and dad is "Papa" so we are quite similar. One of them had a strange phase, where he made a sound, like a broken printer. aaaöööhhhh aaaööööhhh (trying to write kinda mechanical sounds is hard).
@divamon5602 Жыл бұрын
Horse riding is unethical, neither is the Quorn mince, but to just be dishonest about not wanting them too is probably worse.
@theacer3aper Жыл бұрын
Early gang?
@McKillaboy Жыл бұрын
@sunblade52 8 ай бұрын
I loved ancient history as a kid but the moment you got to guns i hated history because all the books did was spout numbers at you instead of telling interesting stories like the ancient history books did
@plopap Жыл бұрын
@rpreston5867 Жыл бұрын
i didnt enjoy this episode. the prison talk gives me anxiety
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