I would prefer to have the effects written perhaps in the description, it is boring to download and import the file into the loopstation, but thanks as always ❤
@baha_sarko2 күн бұрын
Good job ❤️❤️❤️
@iesawoormКүн бұрын
Rythmind made a cover of the song "fein". You can make a tutorial for it please?
@WespaVesaAijala21 сағат бұрын
Hi Sugar-music. :) I have an idea for the loopstation. Please let me know if this works and it would be awesome if you could make an TUTORIAL video as in use. We all know that there is only 5 tracks. Well I have an idea to have 4 samples (vocal samples) in one track and have the loopstation to play them just one at a time (like sample 1, 2, 3 or 4). Here is how it works (please give more precise instructions if you get this to work somehow): 1: Have samples recorded at one take (as bars 1-4, in one track), here is example of vocals bar1: "hey", bar2: "yo", bar3: "bird", bar4: "yolo" (all in one track). If played normally it would say "hey yo bird yolo". 2: Use Beat Scatter or other (?) Track FX to make the track repeat just one bar that is chosen (like bar2 "yo") and we can change the wanted line (/bar) as wanted with that. I think this is doable. What settings I could use to make loopstation to just repeat chosen one line from wanted bar? Does beat scatter work? Atleast it changes the pattern of how bars are played, like 2 2 3 2. (can it play just single bar). Do you have the pattern graph for the Beat Scatter patterns? Does Beat Scatter work for this or is there better Track FX (or other way) to do it (to play just one wanted bar from a track) ? Would be awesome if it would work well with one shotting. Would be nice to get this working so as there would be option when looping to choose one line from those 4 and then change it to other one etc. Would be awesome to have more precise information about this/tutorial video.