黄亚生长期认为印度经济发展条件优越于中国,并看空中国经济发展,早在2003年[4],黄亚生以印度和中国的经济社会对比得出了印度制度优于中国的结论,并且认为民主制度必将胜利而中国的社会制度必将失败。[5] 他是《有中国特色的资本主义:企业家与国家》(Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Entrepreneurship and the State)一书的作者。 来源维基百科
Sorry. The so-called PROFESSOR in MIT is only an ordinary man - without deep insight on the actual economic situation in Mainland. Does he really know the performance of China's economy? Is he just mirror the US/Western presence to China. By the way, thanks for his words.