WATCH IT UNTILL THE END as ALL PARTS are needed to FULLY UNDERSTAND this THEORY! *Does this mean FREDDY was bringing victims to the pizzaplex to farm remnant?*
@Chinkenjdndd7 ай бұрын
Nice video chat
@Gocarts37 ай бұрын
@Crazyben2127 ай бұрын
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the save bro!
@funmommy19897 ай бұрын
Hi its me Gabriel again I just like commenting on your videos
@skyenight-by8yh7 ай бұрын
Using Remnant as a power source to make the Glamrocks essentially humans themselves, while unknowingly being possessed by the victims of said Remnant… That is honestly quite bizarre and somewhat convenient when you think about it. 😅
@skyenight-by8yh7 ай бұрын
@Sonicmid I know but putting this theory into perspective, it would make sense.
@ExtremeOverlord7 ай бұрын
What if Remnant is just a soul that has gone supernova? Think about it-In FNaF AR, Remnant and Dark Remnant look like, respectively, a star and a black hole. BOTH of these can be the result of a supernova.
@Sejoseon7 ай бұрын
Also doesnt afton kinda expand into that agony monster only to explode? Death of a superstar pretty much 😂
@ExtremeOverlord7 ай бұрын
Agony monster?@@Sejoseon
@ChilMemez7 ай бұрын
Black holes can’t go supernova
@1philanna7 ай бұрын
@ExtremeOverlord7 ай бұрын
@@1philanna Really? I thought it was just me!
@theadventurousneko7 ай бұрын
They're full aware of everything that is going on with Afton and the souls There's straight up a warning in the original help wanted that says "fazbear entertainment is not responsible for digital consciousness transference" So the idea that they're now toying with remnant is not unbelievable
@deanastephensosborne56042 ай бұрын
I like to think afton made a will and said that the next ceo must continue his work and so the new ceo who is as bad if not worse than afton accepted it
@cleaveuntome427 ай бұрын
Counter thought. If this is the same scooper as sister location, we should consider that remnant would still be on the scooper and could include old soul juice
@voidedcircle6 ай бұрын
i mean remnant dosnt seem to ever run out it only seems to be moved. which might be why fasbear entertainment kept powering the animatronics with remnant. if they didnt know that the remnant could not run out then they might have just kept adding more to keep the animatronics powered thinking that it was like electricity.
@RFDN06 ай бұрын
@Subject010vr, unfortunately, we have two methods to say that what was seen in sister location is not what it actually looked like. Nightmare gas and the in-game indi games plot point.
@nightmarefredboi57277 ай бұрын
I remember seeing a Glamrock Freddy voiceline about Fazbear Entertainment having used to do slumber party, but stopping due to "legal reasons"...maybe that has something to do with where they get the remnant
@Ancient_145 ай бұрын
Wait where did you hear that from, I'd like to look into it.
@The-amazing-speaker4 ай бұрын
Sun:ArE yOu HaViNg A sLuMbEr PaRtY?
@agentconneticut61617 ай бұрын
something else to note is that the sister location design of the scooper is attributed to the "Rogue Indie Developer" which was also a cover up, he'd know about the Scooper from local stories and fazbear handing lil bits to him but not the actual scoopers appearance thusly the design discrepancy
@amaccoy7 ай бұрын
I just realized that the Mimic is now possessed thanks to the scooper ending...
@Elle_Brielle_Elle7 ай бұрын
While I believe that Glitchtrap is the Mimic and that the original souls have moved on, (I believe the Princess and the dolls in HW2 are essentially the memories of the tragedies remaining) it is clear to me that the Glamrocks are supernatural. These things are completely sentient and don't need power sources anymore. The fact that the scooper exists in the Pizzaplex just proves that Fazbear Entertainment is essentially the continuation of Afton's legacy but on a much larger and more dangerous scale.
@TheKindArtist7 ай бұрын
Here's my nerdy moment. But in order to get rid of the body completely you'd need a LOT of sulfuric acid. And even then you'd be left with bones, hair and mush from the dissolved cells of the flesh. And it does quite literally take a lot of time. So my question is, what would they do with all of that without professional help? :0 Also amazing video!!! Love the detail with Glamrock Freddy and having him voice the start and the end!!
@sordolaxder3.42015 күн бұрын
flash freeze in liquid nitrogen and then pulverize it? dry it all aut and you got a bag of dust you can dispose of with all the other bio waste a mega restaurant makes.
@HaruMochizukiVT9 күн бұрын
@TheKindArtist my thoughts exactly. My mind went back to an episode of Bones in which the killer of the day tried to dissolve the corpse in *hydrofluoric* acid which also couldn’t get rid of a human corpse in time to cover their tracks. Back to the sulfuric stuff though, it’s used for something else apparently: electroplating, which is a process by which a thin layer of metal is applied as a coating to a solid surface by-get this-the use of an electric current. Maybe it’s just me thinking too much into it, but I’m now wondering if the shocks applied to the Funtime animatronics weren’t also there to maintain the presence of remnant on the exterior of the robots as well as interior. Though, if that’s the case, that’d mean Afton did way more murderous deeds than what we’ve been led to believe thus far.
@richardkirkland68057 ай бұрын
About Roxy getting shut down and coming back online... You're forgetting that Cassie, before that point, had only rebooted an animatronic (the daycare attendant). It's likely she just rebooted Roxy, and it just takes a lot longer for the Glamrocks to reboot that the always-needs-to-be-active Daycare Attendant.
@shelliblossom8953Ай бұрын
It also could be that sense she was also turning off the security system in foxy it could take longer
@5k8k97 ай бұрын
You keep poping in my for you page, and I ain't complaining
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Or me ;)
@PeppermintWolfOnPaws7 ай бұрын
Simple reason they built on top of a sinkhole: they already owned the property and didn’t want to buy more :)
@SithMaster1844 ай бұрын
I originally thought it was to hide and contain anything that could have been leftover from Fnaf 6.
@Th3DankestMemerАй бұрын
@@SithMaster184 could be both!
@AloneTheorist7 ай бұрын
I guess this video can be considered your 'second wind.' on a more serious note, couldn't Glitchtrap run the remnant farm given the nature of help wanted 2? Who better to industrialise evil than the assumed dead evil head of a corporation. Remember as Glitchtrap, Afton essentially IS Fazbear entertainment as he controls their computer systems. Removing him is the ONLY thing that will stop the nightmare.
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
That is indeed possible. Good thought process.
@theengineer20174 ай бұрын
@@TwistedAnimatronic Afton is NOT Glitchtrap, Glitchtrap is Mimic 1 aka Mimic's AI, it's referenced that Mimic saw Afton killing the children which is why the Mimic is recreating his form based on Springbonnie, in FNAF Security Breach Ruin when we see the Mimic again you can tell it was him because when your in the recharge room for Burntrap the lights are orange instead of purple not to mention several other details such as the Princess Quest ending being the true one so we never see Burntrap truly which makes sense because that's the ending that leads to Ruin and the Mimic, although Michael Afton might still be possessing Glamrock Freddy due to several clues like his room from SL which was in his house, also the thing on the wall was a poem referencing to the original animatronics and their souls
@loganentertainment18147 ай бұрын
I never noticed the vats in SB, and given the scooper in ruin looks more advanced than Sister Locations Scooper, there’s no doubt it’s crazy. Thanks for shouting me out in the description, also, I can’t believe the video that I recommend you to make is your 4th most viewed video. I noticed you haven’t used the images that I made for you, but that’s no big deal. 😉😀 Keep up the great work, and I can’t wait to see your next video!!!!! 😀👍 Edit: I also noticed Monty’s absence in HW 2. We only see him as a model to have displayed on the stage and a plush of him. It’s possible we could get a DLC in the future, but it’s just something I noticed.
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Good point! And we LOVE your voice lines Logan!
@loganentertainment18147 ай бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate it. 😀👍
@michaelaugust82327 ай бұрын
I still don't believe it was Roxy who was deactivated in ruin, but the mask she was wearing which was really the security node. We all assumed it was Roxy because of the misdirection given to use by grimic, as well as we didn't even know it was a mask for sure until after when help wanted 2 came out. Nothing in this series exists for no reason. My main question is what IS the mask that Roxy is wearing? It can't just be a mask because it obviously has a port for a faz wrench, so it has to have a purpose. It seems like is it's a really early really draft attempt to copy the vanny mask, Roxie is the only animatronic that can see us in the AR world after all. We can tell that the vanny mask that cassy has is not the same as vanny, because vanny was more clothy which covered the whole head, while the mask given to cassy is more rigid and fits on the front of the face. This could also explain why Roxy has a repaired form in the AR, because thing ins AR can exist, or not exist. This also explains why Roxie wasn't fully shut down in ruin, because it was just the mask that shut down. This could've been controlling Roxie leading to her core personality leaking out at times (specifically the "error" and "remembering Cassie" instances) and fully shutting it down caused Roxie to fully reboot into her own core personality to help Cassy against grimic
@TheUnrealRager7 ай бұрын
I dont think mike died in the fnaf 6 fire but died at some point before security breach so i do think he still posesses freddy
@GameJam2307 ай бұрын
The thing that is important to consider is what exactly the "security" in security breach IS. As Ruin seems to show, VANNI wasn't the security system, but was really its weakness. Under control by the mimic program, and with direct neural links to people who wear the mask (like Vanessa) and the animatronics, it is trying to do something specific. What is that thing? Well consider what Vanessa was doing at the Pizza Plex under Roxy Raceway. It is heavily implied that SHE was partially responsible for digging that site up, and that Freddy helped with it as he's been down there before. She was trying to dig up the site below the Pizza Plex, and she was under control by the mimic AI. Same thing happened with Cassie- she was being LED down there for the purpose of freeing the mimic. So, whatever AI is in the VANNI network is clearly trying to FREE itself. Because of that, the "security" is the MXES system, which before the introduction of the virus, was likely in control of the animatronics and held the purpose of preventing the mimic from escaping. In fact, if this is the case, then it's likely they RETURNED to the control of MXES after Gregory freed Vanessa of it, as if they were still controlled by the mimic, they would just let Cassie through. In fact, it's quite likely that the only reason they even attacked GREGORY was because he would be a threat to the operation, and he was. So, given all this in mind, what IS the Pizza Plex? Really, I'd like to think that it's less intended to be an activity super center, and more supposed to be a PRISON. After all, they could have built it anywhere if it was really just a normal business, but they put it directly on top of the FNaF 6 location. But that's not all, because the tunnels continue even deeper than that- I believe they lead to the FNaF Sister Location facility, with the scooper and collection of strange suits that may have reason to be questioned for "relevancy" as the FNaF 3 tapes state when discussing the springlock failures leading to temporary replacements. And, you have to remember something too- the restaurant seen in FNaF 4 was above the SL facility. Which means.... it's the same location as the Pizza Sim location! After all, it makes sense that they all need to be located similarly geographically- after Baby and Molten Freddy left the facility, it'd be kinda weird if they all just left thousands of miles away and just HAPPENED to go to the same place, all because of what- a new pizzeria? No- the new restaurant was opened in the exact same place as the old one, because they were already near that area, so it would be easy to lure them. And once they were there? Operation Pizza Plex Prison begins. As the tape girl in Help Wanted said- it was all just a cover-up. The Pizza Plex was made to LITERALLY "cover up" the past of Fazbear Entertainment, and MXES was made to ensure that they would never get out. So to answer the question of why the Pizza Plex has a secret scooper? It doesn't. That's long ancient history they tried to bury with the rest of it.
@Rajd_is7 ай бұрын
MXES was made by Gregory and Vanessa to keep Mimic locked away from the world.
@GameJam2307 ай бұрын
@@Rajd_is was that actually stated anywhere in-lore, or are you just citing the Game Theorists?
@Rajd_is7 ай бұрын
@@GameJam230 None. I'm telling what game and books tell us. Gregory says about security keeping it locked or smth, and we know he's good hacker, it all comes together.
@GameJam2307 ай бұрын
@@Rajd_is Okay, let me give you the EXACT quote from the game that Gregory used to discuss it: "That thing in the sinkhole tricked you. I really don't know what it is, but it's been trapped down here a really long time. That M.X.E.S. security program was designed to keep it hidden, but you shut down the security. Now it's free". "That M.X.E.S. security program" isn't the way somebody who had a part in making something that technical would describe it, that's an extremely awkward choice of words. If he had anything to do with it, he'd just say "We designed M.X.E.S. to keep it hidden", but even that doesn't make sense because Gregory would have no reason to make an entire security system to prevent the discovery of something when he doesn't even know what that thing is or how long it's been there. Going by the wiki, it only mentions Gregory and/or Vanessa as THEORIES, but it ALSO lists Cassie's father as a theorized creator. Point is, it DOES specifically note them as theories and doesn't even list what EXACTLY the evidence for those theories are.
@Rajd_is7 ай бұрын
@@GameJam230 How the frick would Gregory know about highly advanced MXES connected with the VANNI mask, if he's not the one behind it. And Vanessa isn't really good at programing
@kevinahm37737 ай бұрын
Very good theory, it’s most likely that William got his soul back after he got his body back and maybe Vanny fused remnant into Burntrap/William with the scooper.
@Adventist19977 ай бұрын
No, that would be a random remnant from New Victims that was infused with the Mimic that copied some of Williams's stuff. That mixed with agony would make it believe it was William because the original souls lose their memories. Glitch trap was always just the mimic code.
@theengineer20174 ай бұрын
Afton is NOT Glitchtrap, Glitchtrap is Mimic 1 aka Mimic's AI, it's referenced that Mimic saw Afton killing the children which is why the Mimic is recreating his form based on Springbonnie, in FNAF Security Breach Ruin when we see the Mimic again you can tell it was him because when your in the recharge room for Burntrap the lights are orange instead of purple not to mention several other details such as the Princess Quest ending being the true one so we never see Burntrap truly which makes sense because that's the ending that leads to Ruin and the Mimic, although Michael Afton might still be possessing Glamrock Freddy due to several clues like his room from SL which was in his house, also the thing on the wall was a poem referencing to the original animatronics and their souls
@kevinahm37734 ай бұрын
@@theengineer2017 First of all when was it ever referenced that Mimic saw the Missing Children Incident. Second of all I cant remember that those Lights were Orange in ruin, and if you are a Talesgames beliver then the Mimic can´t be Burntrap because the Mimic was locked behind a wall, and we know that the room that the mimic was trapped in had some costumes and we only see costumes in the room the mimic was trapped in. Also I believe that Glitchtrap is a digital entity like Tak-Team Monty. If you ret Tales you know that Tak-Team Monty had the same abbilitys as Glitchtrap and I suppose that some of Montys code was used for it.And for Burntrap look close at the Endo skelleton. Mimic´s Endo is a combination of several Endos. The Torso, the Hands and Arms and the Head of Burntrap are the ones of a Springlock Endo , while the Legs are Glamrock endo parts and one Foot comes from Springtrap while the other one comes from Scraptrap. Also the colour Purple is highly associated with William Afton. And for the Hand again the mimic was created with several Endo parts so this just could be a springlock hand that was used to create him. So all in all I believe that Glitchtrap was created by Mimic01 with Williams Code. There is litterly a line in the HW 2 game files that implis that there is a small bit of Williams code remaining in Glitchtrap. And for Burntrap i still believe that he is William Afton. Just look at the Burntrap opening cutscene. He has pitch black eyes with white dot´s in the middle which often implis some sort of possession. Also if my gramma is bad im sorry i´m from germany.
@theengineer20174 ай бұрын
@@kevinahm3773 Nope the Mimic wasn't trapped behind the concrete wall in Security breach, Gregory lured the Mimic into that room using his walkie talkie after the Pizza Plex collapsed and that's how the Mimic has Gregory's walkie-talkie, plus the burntrap ending DIDN'Thappen we know this because we see drawings of the other endings in Ruin including one for the Burntrap ending showing that the other endings were merely Gregory's imagination
@theengineer20174 ай бұрын
@@kevinahm3773 Also we never see any other sighting of Burntrap before that ending, it may have some influence of William but William's soul is long gone in hell
@KillyBean_YT21 күн бұрын
The fact I didn't recognize the scooper in the thumbnail and thought it was an animatronic demagorgan
@padmanaalegacy7 ай бұрын
Great theory mate keep up your past few theories have been really fun :)
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Glad you think so!
@cleaveuntome427 ай бұрын
Also, I always thought that cassie went from UCN via princess quest and then into Freddy. If Jeremey was pushed into Bonnie in HW2, why could that happen with other souls? So the name change wasnt a mistake. They wanted us to see it, then when they did they changed it up. Maybe? Idk, good video by the by
@papsi103 ай бұрын
I've watched couple of your theroies/findings and i must admit, they feel quite concrete. Your interpretation of events and visuals seems to me very accurate and questions you ask youself in video are good and relevant. Keep on with your theories!
@TwistedAnimatronic3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@MadiiPlaysАй бұрын
Alot of people forget that lefty was the marrionate puppet. So if the marrionate can transfer its soul to another anamatronic it's very likely the rest of them can
@Theonly_z_OfficialКүн бұрын
Isnt that a grapling hook? I dont see how it look like a scooper.. The one in SL doesn't seem to function the same
Opening 5 seconds: This'll make you question and change all of the lore and opinion you believe in about sb Me: I don't think I ever believed any of the sb lore from the start 😭
@ChaoticLunar5 ай бұрын
Honestly fair I try to watch FNAF theories to come up with my own timeline but they are all so different and confusing that I honestly gave up on making a timeline and just enjoy making small theories here and there about fnaf
@lunar_star_gaming1175 Yeah, 100% agree, me too.
@ChaoticLunar5 ай бұрын
@@CRAFTYONSOMANYLEVELS I gotta say matpat confused my brain on a FNAF timeline I tried keeping up and taking notes but he changed the timeline so much my brain gave up lol
@@ChaoticLunar IKR?! I feel like it was kinda too rushed, in a way. Lol
@ChaoticLunar5 ай бұрын
@@CRAFTYONSOMANYLEVELS rushed and confusing loo
@HexanTronic7 ай бұрын
What about Glamrock Chica. She seems to shut down completely until she ends up back in a recharge station, and that charge only lasts for a while. Then again, there is the question of how she got on that conveyor to begin with, but the point stands.
@trixxart7772 ай бұрын
Where do you get all these nice animations from
@TwistedAnimatronic2 ай бұрын
Check the description
@FNAFhomie7 ай бұрын
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
This one is a WILD RIDE
@FNAFhomie7 ай бұрын
@@TwistedAnimatronic LMAO OH GOD-😂
@Gocarts37 ай бұрын
Ok, that should be everything, I am all packed up for the 12 hour trip back home- *Twisty uploads* Ok, priorities first *watches theory*
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Love it!! Safe Travels back after watching ;)
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
It's a WILD ONE THIS!! Prepare yourself haha
@Uk-9own.SC.7 ай бұрын
Before i even watched the video i assumed that fnaf 6 fire destroyed the whole pizzeria and they rebuilt it and named it the pizzaplex.
@Snicketbar2 ай бұрын
I actually posted this exact theory in one of your other videos earlier today.
@marley_10256 ай бұрын
Agreeing with @ExtremeOverlord I do believe that the remnant is actually the spy of the animatronic,think about it,if the glamrocks were possessed and the originals were,it could be the souls transferred over to the glamrocks that would be the case of possession.
@BunnPlayzz6 ай бұрын
Love your lore videos man ! And as a fellow content creator I am happy that your channel is progressing so well! Keep up the good work!
@TwistedAnimatronic6 ай бұрын
Thank you very much I appreciate it :) we are working hard !
@BunnPlayzz6 ай бұрын
@@TwistedAnimatronicyou are welcome to add to the discussion Roxy also lifted up the cart that Gregory hit her with in Security Breach so we can assume her animatronic is very strong and able to also lift the forklift in Ruin she was stuck under 🙂
@AuzoraKnight3757 ай бұрын
This is just a theory, but I think you'll be joining Tom (or MatPat, since he is retired and he has more time to spend in GT Live) in the future, because this alone is enough to convince me. It did happen to FuhNaff, so before it happened I would like to say "I told you so". Keep up the great theories, you're doing amazing!
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
That would be AMAZING! It has to happen !
@AuzoraKnight3757 ай бұрын
@@TwistedAnimatronic until then keep theorizing, you've got our attention, so it's a good sign.
@lochlanbell12667 ай бұрын
1:12Not the cat nooooo
@valkozelj43226 ай бұрын
i think that miachel was alive in the pizaplex (that's why he has his room), but was scooped, probably by an accident, and then vanny tried to bring him back to life, but it didn't succeed, and on her way down the sinkhole, debris fell down blocking the path, and since freddy was at hand, she used him to clear it
@Adventist19977 ай бұрын
They all need to recharge. Turning on a flashlight with a presumed dead battery will light up, but it's dim and fades in and out before shutting off completely. That's literally what we see happening to Freddy. He's able to walk for a bit but he completely shuts down right before he can recharge. With Roxy, it's a mask that's connected to her so it glitches her out, but she doesn't fully shut down.
@wolfyjack38666 ай бұрын
I think the other's can't do it because they moved on during the events of Ultimate Custom Night, where only the soul of William Afton is left to be tormented.
@VegitoBLUE087 ай бұрын
I feel like the scooping ending is a potential reintroduction for Afton, ‘cause Afton’s remnant or agony was most likely stored with the rest of the other animatronic remnants and his remnant might’ve been injected into the mimic.
@Fahimh.Mirzaii-ej5jy6 ай бұрын
Hey your vidoes are amazing but one question do you remember that message in security breach that told us roxy was able to see throw everything so she could see us in Freddy's chest but she act like she didnt why?
@eevee2s6763 ай бұрын
this might be a stretch but what if Charlotte moved from the puppet to glamrock freddy. I mean both are described as friendly and protective of children and freddy does say that his friends are here when he goes into the sinkhole
@mirekasukukurayuki4307 ай бұрын
Hear me out, what if Henry was trying to make a thing that WOULD have been a back up, but they did not have the time because Henry perished in the fire, with the Fazbear Entertainment company finishing it in their own twisted way
@FunHuman-bg3eo7 ай бұрын
In security breach when you can’t save you know how the helpy animation changes. Well if you look at it helpy is in the same position that you find glamrock Bonnie in, even the eyes are the same.
@EnderEnergy12 күн бұрын
8:15 What video is this clip from?
@JoenilEDITS7 ай бұрын
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@JoenilEDITS7 ай бұрын
@@TwistedAnimatronic your welcome
@blakepalmer80297 ай бұрын
I remember when twisted only had 19 k subs and now he’s almost at 30 k great vids twisted keep up the good work
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Appreciate it
@FANE30027 ай бұрын
just when i thought i could sleep
@DoChickNugsNotDrugs2 ай бұрын
Me wondering if mike is possessing glamrock freddy now im not all hes def possessing glamrock freddy now im like maybe not
@DDidc24Ай бұрын
Oh nooooo kittyyyyy 1:11
@Eddieavina1237 ай бұрын
Love your video and keep up the great work you are awesome bro
@MarkCyrus247 ай бұрын
How the hell a scooping room is hidden in the pizzaplex 💀
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Watch and find out
@MarkCyrus247 ай бұрын
Already watched it
@aizenbob4 ай бұрын
When you look closely you see that the scooper is under the fnaf 6 location like a few hundred feet. Therefor it isn't part of fnaf 6 pizzeria. This room is near the MXES core and inside a bunker sealed off completly. That is Sisters location. The scooper you saw is in sisters location below fnaf 6 below the pizzaplex. Heck cassie falls even further down so yeah.
@jehovehs72967 ай бұрын
i love how you have a freddy mask that can wink at me makes me feel like a super star
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Your my SuperStar
@TPLS27 ай бұрын
You could even look at Balloon Boys arcade machine as proof they can go into the games.
@BabukAdamRblx3 ай бұрын
hey twisted how'd you get the freddy mask? cuz i want it badly i would want it even more if it was a classic foxy mask
@BLANK-23065 ай бұрын
I know MatPat mentioned the SB location being a remnant farm but wow, just you mentioning the reason why there are vats of acid and a scooping room just makes it seem much more believably creepy and so sad for all those kids souls. The theory that all those souls power the glamrock animatronics seems solid, but the fact that they may be possessed by random souls (GF isn’t possessed by Mike) doesn’t like a plausible conclusion and then again we believe what we wanna believe
@inkblooded1058Ай бұрын
Now, correct me if I'm mistaken, because I'm not super nuts about FNaF lore, but wasn't it implied heavily in the Happiest Day minigame, the souls inside the Vintage animatronics moved on? We know Cassidy stayed behind due to her volatile rage. However, this would mean that the chips scanned from the vintage animatronics wouldn't have a digital consciousness from souls, as no souls were trapped within those animatronics anymore, and presumably hadn't been since after Afton's death and the minigame moving on. The biggest counter to this argument is Tangle/The Blob and it's glowing eyes. Idk how to explain that.
@Taro_Yanada7 ай бұрын
Your theory about the scooper is really good. You've laid out enough evidence to say that the Glamrocks have some sort of paranormal stuff going on. I just don't like the narrative presented here. Mike is alive, Afton came back once more, and th MCI kids and Charlie are also back, but they seemingly have no agency in the story except for Cassidy that somehow became the Princess, and the MCI kids possessed the Glamrocks, but then other kids possessed the Glamrocks, so it just becomes unecessary. And apparently Henry was the ONLY one to die, which not only Ruins the ending of FFPS, but it makes it borderline useless. Characters coming back, ruins their own arcs that FFPS tried to finish. The new story just CAN continue without them, their arcs are done, they have no use now. Sorry for the rant. I just vented about my issues with most FNAF's theorists. But these videos you've made really made me realize a lot of things, and the theory works very good as lay it out!
@shadowgamer-vq8fc7 ай бұрын
Actually the vat room and the larger unused one are just used for production like syrup for fizzyfaz and what not but not remnant and I can confirm from some unused dialogue that I can’t seem to remember who’s voice line it is from
@Gamer_Goodness7 ай бұрын
Good theory, except one thing you forgot to point out. There is both scrap baby and circus baby plushies in random places, and that makes a lot of people connect it to SL, why would they go back or recover them? My theory is that fazbear entertainment is very cheap, and takes the plushies, items, and scraps, from old locations to rebrand the plushies, during night, they leave the plushies there, they do this until all of them are rebranded, or all of them are rotted. ай бұрын
The anomatronics from the past can’t possess the sb ones because other wise they wouldn’t of been so kind after maybe Monty was possessed but chica, Roxy and Freddy aren’t. And if they were the children from the original they would of wanted vengeance still.
@Picklehi277 ай бұрын
@LiminalShift6 ай бұрын
I took the 'found myself for the first time' bit as Glamrock Freddy (possessed by Mike already or more likely possessed by Mike during that first visit when Vanny took him down there for... reasons) finding Mike's body in the burned pizzeria. Freddy was used as muscle by Vanny to clear the way into the burnt pizzeria, found Mike's body, Mike's soul jumps into Freddy 'finding himself'. He refers to The Blob as his friends which I feel he'd come to know them as from being a security guard watching over them in multiple games and from being stuck with them for years after the fire. I also assume that Mike takes control of Glamrock Freddy during after-hours at the MegaPizzaPlex to continue his mission to stop the killings and that he converted that room into Mike's room so he has a little touch of human comfort to go to when he needs it. (No idea how he'd procure all that stuff though aside from maybe the old house still being connected... unless Henry made it for him.) Henry's around in some form - the message in Mike's room is definitely Henry in my mind due to the word usage, talking to Mike/Glamrock Freddy. Then again the door is small for a human much less GR Freddy but I bet he could crawl in.
@ashervallieres24475 ай бұрын
1:53 Uh yes roxy got crushed by a boulder
@1v1mehkeed7 ай бұрын
Bro is replacement MATPAT
@TwistedAnimatronic7 ай бұрын
Hahaha maybe ;)
@elithelizardfolk6 ай бұрын
I personally think it's the Freddy Bully possessing Glamrock Freddy because remnant doesn't have to just come from Children
@HungryFella43986 ай бұрын
Bro is better than Matpat
@TwistedAnimatronic6 ай бұрын
Love it
@kjjjh55556 ай бұрын
a theory here cassy only deactivated the masc
@totallynotnightmare63 ай бұрын
i just realized the guy with a phone head is the sad death of phone guy
@Over_Chip7 ай бұрын
The scooper in the thumbnail looks like a demogorgan
@cleaveuntome427 ай бұрын
Maybe last thought. There is a giant freddy head in the basement right?? He found that head down their?
@CreatorLixnation6 ай бұрын
6:17 another part of a fnaf song "salvage rage" by "tryhardninja"
@CreatorLixnation6 ай бұрын
at the end of the second of 17.
@Clutchthecreepyandsweepy6 ай бұрын
ah, another fnaf youtuber i cna trust except matpat
@NoahArpin5 ай бұрын
Do you know that Freddy says himself that i is Michael Afton? I told gregory is story and gregory go's like (H... How do you know all that?) and Freddy go's like (because i am Michel Afton).
@TheWolfQueentm2 күн бұрын
No one in freddy believe all the remnant that granted their power also granted them their own souls freddy found himself for the first time the moment freddy became self aware with his own soul he is not the freddy the company made him to be he is his own person now
@SkibidiChipGaming4 ай бұрын
Basically the scooper room means there is sister location underneath mimic room and Gregory's there cuz at the start he could barley reach us from the walkie talkie and he said "the mimic has been down "HERE" for a long time" he said here instead of there plus why is the connection good when Cassie is at the mimic room?
@mannyegarica127 ай бұрын
If the spirits are back it could be Gabriel possessing GlamRock Freddy or a different ghost kid
@BlaGray7 ай бұрын
ohh the glammike theory
@TEW58_De_BlueyАй бұрын
Hey, the Corvette museum built over a sink hole. And rebuilt over it too.
@TEW58_De_BlueyАй бұрын
Also it was a Faz-Forklift that crushed Roxie too.
@AftonsRoboticsINC3 ай бұрын
I know this video is 3 months old but I believe Micheal posses freddy when he said “I found myself for the first time down here” because Micheal had been down there before and he could have rebuilt his room as glamrock freddy or glitchtrap built it.
@verificationnotdone7 ай бұрын
holy water this is actually crazy
@JuliisChica7 ай бұрын
If there was a Scooper Room in Pizzaplex, i believe Henry is the one who built it Look, in Fnaf 6 Fire Ending, we see that the Animatronics are finding a way out. But we hear in Henry's speech that he wouldn't let them escape. So maybe Henry built this Scooper so if the Animatronics escape, he will inject them so they will get out of Conciousness. But i think its also Impossible, because Scoopers have Remnants. If the scooper in Pizzaplex has Remnants, maybe they inject it to Glamrock Animatronics so the MCI (the new one) would possess them. Maybe that's the reason why Freddy was helping Gregory, and Roxy saves Cassie. A Kid help a Kid lol. ANYWAYS, THATS JUST MY THEORY, A GAME THEORY!!!
@cammcgill61606 ай бұрын
I feel like its more of an extractor for the victims and injector for the glamrocks
@ShineEdgateAshton1423 күн бұрын
I have questions who was funding the company and who was covering this info up and why?
@MK-jp8yw6 ай бұрын
What if the destroyed glam rock version were just the kids from CMI?? Like he said, they just went digital as well. idk
@JamesWebb-ku6dn6 ай бұрын
Agony and remnant are different things, agony can fuse with a I. And we can see the FNAF one animatronics broken down in Help Wanted vent repair and The circuit boards that they scanned in was the Chip in Circus baby. And in sister location game we know that there was a leak that could’ve been hallucinogenic gas we could’ve perceive things differently than they actually were.
@alessandroluisi61927 ай бұрын
Whats the music in the first 4 minutes?
@JaydenEdwardMangilin-fd6zt7 ай бұрын
u look like matpat :D
@corrupthades7 ай бұрын
Ok so no one ever brings this up but Roxy couldn't see and keeps talking about being blind in the beginning of ruin and during security breach but when she comes to save Cassie she rushes the creature and looks right at her. So what if the animatronics that took to the remnant or picked up a soul only get possessed by it when the AI for the animatronic is gone. For example her getting crushed or Freddy crashing and going into safe mode. Safe mode dictates a standby mode of sorts but he is far more then in standby and even learning more then he could have as an AI.
@voidedcircle6 ай бұрын
thid makes a lot of sense because in the books if you give something agony and a body that can move it will start moving. and if we asume remnant works in a similer way then theres no reason why the remnant wouldnt get roxy up and moving again. especialy when you consider that remnant unlike agony is a soul i would asume that it would make them more "alive" than agony would. where agony might cause and empty animatronic to attack people remnant might give them sentience.
@meratolima27 күн бұрын
Remnant doesn’t necessarily mean possed it’s a power source from souls and agony. We have seen it give personality before (ennard) which could have been an amalgamation of the personalities of all the souls within the remnant mix but 🤷
@RadiogenMediaАй бұрын
I’m pretty certain Henry is the real villain he had to have done something to William and the other Afton’s AAAAAND he assumes Mike wants to die in fnaf6. All the pings lead to Henry being the real evil/first evil
@cleaveuntome427 ай бұрын
I dont have ant lore figured out hahaha. Im still wondering what thr 1 change scott made was
@AndieBoss3 ай бұрын
where does he get the phone guy animations?
7 ай бұрын
I like the Henry ending💎🐻
@LycanWolfStudiosАй бұрын
Here's my theory about Mike: I think he is dead, and that his soul is in Glamrock Freddy. Why would he be the only animatronic who would protect Gregory? Mike went through a lot: The bite of 83, FNAF 1, FNAF 3, Sister Location, FNAF 6... He has seen how evil his father, Afton, was, and how dangerous it was to be part of Fazbear Entertainments "Family". It makes sense why Freddy would protect Gregory.
@Stewyboy24Ай бұрын
But he was on safety mode that probably explains it
@chasecaudle87496 ай бұрын
Uhhh Henry owns fazbear entertainment
@CookingwithLincoln6 ай бұрын
Yes and no
@cuby-w4d7 ай бұрын
0:33 BRA BRA
@ogcasperko87465 ай бұрын
The scooper in the video looks different, then What it looks like in the game? Sister location. Remember, Michael got scooped by the scooper. Or circus, baby or ennard in circus baby's world AK. A sister location
@Wrynn1424 ай бұрын
I watch matoats I'm leaving video, then I see this in the bottom corner of my screen, so happy i found this!,
@Wrynn1424 ай бұрын
Matpat not matoats... Damn auto correct
@TwistedAnimatronic4 ай бұрын
I'm glad you found us!!
@user-PixelCat6 ай бұрын
Also did you know that remnant can regenerate flesh and organs? I heard of this by a different youtuber hoe was talking about scraptrap from fnaf 6 and how he looked more flesh and bone than robotic and since remnant is a supernatural energy capable of bringing spirit's back he theorized that remnant could also heal and regenerate lost limbs organs and even more! This could explain why scraptrap looked more organic that robotic and also why William Afton thought he could become immortal. Ps. This could also explain your theory that how and why Michael is still alive, he could have gone to his father's old workshop where remnants were stored and used them to regenerate himself after the fire thus making him immortal. What do you think about this?