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@pinkangel2667 Жыл бұрын
During the Second World War, Takashi Yanase faced starvation countless times, which made him dream about eating an anpan. This inspired the creation of Anpanman. Anpanman was shown that although he wasn't the strongest super hero. He was well meaning and self sacrificing. By the way anpan is a red bean bun. Which is a filling very common in Japan and Korea as well. The version of this song they do on a music show is also great to watch since you can see the choreography for the song. :)
I heard. This is crazy!
@abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz860 Жыл бұрын
This is one of my favourite bts songs hope you'll like it too and fun fact:mama banned lightsticks in the venue after this performance 😂
Lmao 🤣
@eevvee8831 Жыл бұрын
Anpanman is a cartoon that represents humanity. It's a metaphor that one does not need to be invincible like superman to be super. A hero only needs their courage, humanity, and a strong will to help those in need. Anpanman gives pieces of himself to the poor to help them even if he knows that he has to sacrifice pieces of himself in the process. It also can be seen as, if you help those in need, a part of you always stays with them because it is a memory they will always remember for the rest of their lives. It's only a weird analogy because the west is used to superheroes being strong and invincible but if you see it in a perspective of a normal human being that is aware of the reality of the world; you would know that being a superhero does not usually require being strong and having powers. Many superheroes are just normal people like you and me.
That’s really cool.
@juliejulie1818 Жыл бұрын
Wow!! How u articulated that so well! I agree, the West have a different mindset of superheroes.
@alm9535 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Ordinary people have done extraordinary things countless times. Nothing weird at all about Anpanman. It is the selflessness regardless of personal pain or sacrifice that makes one a superhero or superheroine. I have been fortunate to have seen lots of people doing touching deeds of kindness on a daily basis. The most moving experience is during times of natural disasters where even victims are the ones helping other victims or comforting relief workers overwhelmed by what they see. We all have a superhero within us.
@@alm9535 This is so true
@annajung1503 Жыл бұрын
You nailed!
@alipotter0613 Жыл бұрын
I love this track but also the message. The one superpower we all have is kindness and if you show this to people by giving a little of yourself, we can all be superheros.💜
@honeybee2532 Жыл бұрын
I know Anpanman sounds weird at first because it's his head😅 but if you realise it is the story of ultimate self sacrifice for those in need then it doesn't sound so weird. Anpanman has something (food) that can ultimately save someone (from hunger) even if it hurts himself every time he does it. People do that for loved ones all the time. Sacrifice time, hunger, money even kidneys, bone marrow if it calls for it! 😊
I love this superhero.
@juliejulie1818 Жыл бұрын
How u explained it is so on point!!
@@juliejulie1818 😊💜😊💜
@hsl2422 Жыл бұрын
You misunderstood the meaning of the song. BTS was saying they are not superhero with superpower but still willing to support and be the strength of ARMYs when you need them. You think the cartoon is weird but during a war, the one that can help you out from starvation is a hero. It is a very meaningful cartoon otherwise it won't be on TV for decades. Just like in our society nowadays, those who willing to sacrifice their time, energy and money to involve in charity works and help the people in needs or even risk their live to save others are heroes.
I see where you are coming from. It’s very meaningful now that I know the backstory
@mask8961 Жыл бұрын
My favorite live performance of this song: they are playing on an inflatable slide, while singing the song on stage during a concert. They are having SO MUCH fun.
I love it.
@Oo_myl_oO Жыл бұрын
YES! The ANPANMAN inflatable stage was the BEST!!
@almondjoy8354 Жыл бұрын
I heard somewhere that this comic series was inspired by the struggles that Japan experienced during world war 2. During this time, the writer of this book faced starvation and had to dream about this Japanese pastry named Anpan which lead to the creation of Anpanman.
That’s fascinating
@MaricelPelones-lg2ir Жыл бұрын
I love that💜
@heathernile4700 Жыл бұрын
It's all about not needing super powers in order to be a super hero. It's all about kindness.💜
Exactly 😊💜😊💜
@VanCityGal Жыл бұрын
The song also encourages the audience to be their own superhero. You don't need a cape to do good for yourself and others. 💜
Well said
@JeonJungkook-wr4yr Жыл бұрын
This song has such a meaningful song it has an impact on everyone of us for sure.
@00justsayin00 Жыл бұрын
That explanation leaves much to be desired. Let me see if I can do better… Anpanman is know as the weakest superhero. He doesn’t have any superpowers, but can save others by sacrificing a piece of himself. The song isn’t about BTS telling us to wait while they save us, but that all of us, anyone, can be like Anpanman & potentially save or help others, although it may require some sacrifice. In one of their live performances of this song, they dress as different blue collar workers. Think about it, our first responders, linemen, etc., could all be described as “life savers” & are needed to help bad situations. We can all be Anpanmans, but even if ur not, appreciate the everyday heroes who make ur way of life possible & safer.
That’s amazing. Love the back story to the cartoon as well.
@njjm5003 Жыл бұрын
Oh this is one of my favourite performances of Anpanman! I think you'll love it!!
It was a catchy song
@njjm5003 Жыл бұрын
@@DANDJREACT I just think their performance was amazing!! They really owned the stage and the awards!!
@@njjm5003 they always do
@rockbisonlajibolalainsfire1921 Жыл бұрын
I wish you react to MAMA 2019 where they perform their older song like NO, We are bulletproof part2.💜 love your reaction
Oh we will get to it don’t worry💜😊
@yasminesb7947 Жыл бұрын
Jeez the meaning that was given to you is totally wrong, BTS didn't put themselves as saviors in this song at all.... You guys sould be more careful to who is giving you informations and search for best reliable sources... Here's the real meaning of the song "Anpanman" and all what you need to know about: « ANPANMAN » from the studio album « Love Yourself: Tear” released in 2018, was written and composed by Supreme Boi, Pdogg, HITMAN BANG, SUGA, Jinbo, RM. The inspiration and name of the song is from fictional Japanese superhero, Anpanman. Anpanman is a kind hero who helps people in need and protects them from villians. He is seen as one of the “weaker” heroes for not having a superpower but it makes up for it in heart. With Anpanman and the lyrics, BTS is saying they would rather be the world’s weakest hero than the strongest hero. The idea that BTS are portraying is that one shouldn’t choose the option of being a hero just because you’re strong, but that you can be a hero even if you’re weak. Here the explanations of some lyrics: WAITING FOR YOU, ANPANMAN Anpanman is a fictional Japanese superhero from a children’s picture book. The series of books ran from 1973-2013. A few years after the book series gained popularity, an anime was adapted named “Soreike! Anpanman (それいけ!アンパンマン, Let’s Go! Anpanman)”. As of now, it is one of the most popular anime series aimed for young children in Japan. The character has become a icon worldwide thanks to the books, anime, movies, specials, & video games. It even inspired another popular series to be born, One Punch Man and later the BTS' song of the same name. Anpanman is kind hero who doesn’t have a supernatural power and due to it, he is called “the world’s weakest hero”. But he makes for it in heart and thanks to him being Half Human-Half Bread. In his name, “An” comes from “anko” which is red bean jam paste. While “pan” means “bread.” So “Red-bean-bun-man”, where “Anpan” is the red bean bun. (Anpanman’s Korean name is "Hoppangman” which is from 호빵 (hoppang), a steamed bun filled with red bean paste that is commonly seen in South Korea) I’M NOT A SUPERHERO DON’T EXPECT A LOT I CAN BE YOUR HERO I’M REALLY NOT SURE WHETHER THAT EVEN MAKES SENSE Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that one is far less capable than others seem to think, and that these flaws will one day be ‘found out’. BTS appears to have a bad case of Imposter Syndrome, as although they have undeniably shaped lives with their music and message, they identify with the “weakest hero, Anpanman” who is essentially a imposter of actual superheroes. This conveys a sense of inferiority that BTS feels around established and renowned artists of the music world. In these particular lines, Suga warns that BTS are not as amazing as their fans think, and to not expect too much from them. However, BTS have chosen to live up to the title of “hero”. In contrary to Suga’s warnings, BTS' next album Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’ was artistically powerful with its message of self-love, and broke records previously set by BTS themselves. BUT MOM, I REALLY NEED TO DO IT WHO’S GONNA DO IT IF IT ISN’T ME? Bangtan’s platform has grown rapidly and it’s always been in their interest to discuss relevant topics in their music. From criticizing materialism in “Spine Breaker” to criticizing how the youth throw their lives to fit cookie cutter lifestyles in “No More Dream”, BTS consistently confronts the issues that the media avoids talking about. Their music sends positive messages in response to these controversial issues, and when asked by J-14 their take on this Yoongi said: “I think anyone with influence should be trying to send a positive message. If more and more people emit this positive message and positive energy I think it would be better for the world.” AS I OPEN MY EYES, I’M A HERO, BUT STILL IN MAZE The fact that he “opens his eyes” connotes an image of waking up from sleep, and the idea of dreaming is seen in multiple songs by BTS, such as “Euphoria”. The lyric also implies that he has finally realized his own capability through him “opening [his] eyes”. Although he is pretending to be a superhero so that he can feel he is able to amount to anything, he is stuck in a “maze”, which implies that he is not as perfect as he may seem. The fact that he is “still in [a] maze” suggests he never really got out of it; he just pretended to be. This links in with the lyrics of “Fake Love” by BTS, in which the song begins and ends with the lyrics: “For you, I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad. For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt”. The lyrics imply that there is more to what meets the eye. I’M A NEW GENERATION, ANPANMAN I’M A NEW SUPERHERO, ANPANMAN Anpanman translates to “bread man,” and as the famous Japanese cartoon, he saves starving children by letting them take a bite out of his head. BTS are explaining their attempt to save people by giving them a part of them. Instead of bread, however, they are offering their music instead. By doing this, they hope to help those who can benefit from songs like “Anpanman,” songs about not being the best certified for something but trying to help others anyway. BTS have multiple uplifting songs meant to better the mindsets of those listening. Songs like “A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone,” “Not Today,” and “Whalien 52” were written to inspire people to ban together and endure their hardships together. ALL I HAVE IS THIS ONE SONG When BTS debuted, they were not as popular as they currently are nor were they favored as much as they are now. There were doubts surrounding their success and capability, but the members worked hard for their dreams. When the members left home, they were young and living in one tiny apartment, practicing hours on end. I feel this lyric is referring to the idea of the members as young boys, who, although everyone doubted, believed in themselves and their music. It shows how much they struggled, knowing that their career may never work out. The lyric may also be a metaphor, as the “one song” may be referring to the other members in the group. This would suggest that even if they have no support from the world, they have each other.
Thanks for sharing that with us that was helpful.
@a.k.a.b-hope1088 Жыл бұрын
Well researched and written explanation. I couldn't have said it any better. Thanks! Always appreciate ARMY's enthusiasm.💜
@@a.k.a.b-hope1088 same💜😊
@novitachomariyah Жыл бұрын
I grew up watching anpanman. I wasn't really get the idea of it when i was a kid. But as i think about it now, it's actually the most realistic hero. His superpower wasn't amazing or anything. He's not like marvel or DC heroes. The only thing he has & he can offer is himself. He's just a neighborhood hero. Human is like that, sort of. We don't have superpower or anything, we can only offer ourselves to help people in need. That is also the message that i think bts want to deliver, that even though we don't have superpower, we still are heroes.
Very true
@csong9940 Жыл бұрын
I really feel like this song is genius-level songwriting. If you listen to the studio version, they use old-school video game sound effects in the background. The whole thing gives a nostalgic vibe of childhood dreams of being a superhero, on top of a very relevant real-world message about doing the little things to help people in everyday life. It's details like this that make BTS songs so amazing.
I 100% agree.
@sjm5750 Жыл бұрын
Easily in my top 20 favorite songs. I’m fortunate enough to have heard this song live in Vegas. Definitely catchy but FUN!
I’m so jelly you got to see that live
@sfidelisg Жыл бұрын
It's like Anpanman is encouraging people to do something for others, kindness, happiness, comfort. Giving a part of yourself (not material things). And when you get tired, you recharge yourself (like Anpanman, going to someone to spin himself back to his original form), and then go out and help others again. BTS is my Anpanman. They also need to rest and recharge, and then come back and give us great music and content. They don't have superpowers like the superheroes in cartoons (Superman, Thor, etc...), but their power is being real, honest, being humans and being humane. At least, that's my take about this song, Anpanman. Thanks for reacting to this song. 😉
I love the meaning of Anpanman. Our pleasure😊
@wendybaker7999 Жыл бұрын
You should do." Airplane 2 ".It is sung in Japanese. But really watch MV's first or the interpretive dance will not have as much meaning. The dance practices really help and show the dance in its entirety.
Okay awesome
@abcdef-kr4lm Жыл бұрын
I hope you do BTS performances at MMA and MAMA in a chronical order btw thanks for the video 💜
@sarahh4687 Жыл бұрын
Also the fact that this is an award show is crazy they turned it into their concert lol❤❤❤❤
Loved this show. ❤️
@fbts9901 Жыл бұрын
I love that you sing along with the song 😂😆💜💜💜
It’s so catchy 😂
@julielarson9979 Жыл бұрын
Anpanman, Doraemon ,the Anime’s and a lot more are the cartoons from Japan that I used to watch as a kid. I love them all 🫰🏽
Loving the backstory of Anpanman
@njjm5003 Жыл бұрын
This who award show turned into a BTS concert with iconic Fake Love performance and this Anpanman. It's always so much fun when they perform this. BTS award show performances are completely outstanding. MMA and MAMA, SMA, GDA's. Really you should do these if you can. 2014 MAMA was iconic in many ways....... BTS really shine brightest at the award shows, especially in Korea and Japan ( this MAMA was in Japan, one day in Seoul, one in Japan). Definitely double check your information though as the person has already stated, that was not the meaning of Anpanman. Really should know that if you know BTS at all, all their songs are deep and mean so much more...even ones that just seem fun. My only issue was the singing.... if I didn't know you guys better it could have seemed as though you were taking the mickey out of them.... I do know you better thankfully but....
I think this is my favorite song. It’s so catchy
@sailormean1743 Жыл бұрын
This performance was great but its the Melon Music Awards (MMA) 2018 performance that was most iconic for the fans that year. They did some traditional Korean dance and they perform Idol at the end which has Korean instruments blended into the song.
Sounds awesome
@tracyblack8870 Жыл бұрын
After BTS performance at MAMA 2018, MAMA banned light sticks because at this award show it looked like a BTS concert. I read somewhere than ANPANMAN does have a alot of meaning to ARMY because they do class BTS as their super hero's because BTS have saved alot of ARMY's life's with their music and message, as you can see BTS have alot of fun while performing this song and they don't take it to seriously 💜🔥💙
This song is a great time. Love the meaning behind Anpanman
@beccal.5369 Жыл бұрын
Loved how much you guys enjoyed the song.... It's one of my favourites
It’s such a fun song to listen to
@subobing3551 Жыл бұрын
Love this song! It’s so unique and fun and they deliver it so well💜 it was too cute seeing you guys enjoying this and I think you now will have a little inside joke with each other - look at each other during the day and start singing this song and laugh. See, BTS made you smile and laugh and bop and made you feel better even if for a bit, right?! 💜💜💜💜🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yes we loved this song. We had a great vibe listening to it 😊💙
@Hehehehehehe7 Жыл бұрын
Lovely reaction and ur dad is adorable 😭😄💜
Awe thank so much 😊💜😊💜
@kathrinanatividad7403 Жыл бұрын
Because of this the BTS lightsticks got banned in the venue . 🤣🤣🤣
@user1999kiss Жыл бұрын
@Anne-pd2hk Жыл бұрын
As goofy as it is, the concept of literally giving pieces of yourself to help others is a beautiful metaphor about selflessness while making sure you don't deplete yourself entirely. As for BTS's approach to the idea -- I don't think they're saying they want us to wait for them solely (as the online interpretation you read indicates). They're saying if you feel like you can't hold on for anything for any reason, at least wait for us and see if we can help. :)
Oh ok got it thanks 😊
@a.k.a.b-hope1088 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorite songs. BTS is great at making very catchy, fun, meaningful and motivational songs. They surely are my favorite 7 Anpanmans who are giving me strength every day! Funny, I grew up eating Anpan because my mom loved it but I was never really into it.😄
Lol funny story 🤣
@OT9ONCE Жыл бұрын
Happy birthday to BTS own golden maknae Jungkook
Happy birthday!
@juliejulie1818 Жыл бұрын
Yes!! Our maknae Jungkookie!!💜
@beccaboowoos2122 Жыл бұрын
I love the progression of the stages of this song it’s funny too watch with such a good message is an unsaid rule the pop-pier more colourful and loony looking = Deep under the surface Double meaning lyrics off air definitely check out a whole variety of Anpanman stages Dance practices and tour tv(vised) it’s worth it personally I go from the mv date and then different dates of times they have performed it’s funny
@mac9822 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if it's just me but at 00:08 , I think the sound was too loud. I was on headset and I think it hurt my eardrum a little. 😢 Thankfully, my volume is only at 14. Anyways, I'd recommend another fun song of theirs called "Go Go" and "21st Century Girl". The dance practice videos were too funny. 😀
Oh sorry about that. We are about to get microphones so the sound quality is about to be a whole lot better
@elizabethsalazars3488 3 ай бұрын
Para mi esta cancion es una de mis favoritas para mí siempre seran mi heroes💜💜💜
@blancanavarro8487 Жыл бұрын
This where a cultural divide clashes. In Japan that cartoon is super popular and the song would be better understood in Asia because of that. If the song had been about Superman or Iron Man, it would be better understood over here. Still, the song is about being generous of yourself and helping as many people as you can. That’s all. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Beautiful sentiments as always from our wonderful boys!!!😊🤗💜💜🫰🏻
This song was the most fun song from BTS💜💜💜
@Myjotime Жыл бұрын
And this is an award show..not their concert😂
@aliciaenriquezk Жыл бұрын
Is just a happy song!💜💜🇲🇽🇲🇽💜💜
@T____BTS7 Жыл бұрын
bts full performance mama 2018 in japan fake love please
@T____BTS7 Жыл бұрын
bts intro+ No+we are bulletproof mama 2019 please
@tailsfeliz477 Жыл бұрын
BTS ha sido y será mi grupo favorito todas sus canciones me encantan saludos desde nicaragua
Wow watching from 🇳🇮 ? It’s crazy to me that people see my videos from all around the world. Thanks for watching 🙏😊❤️
@cookie808uk8 Жыл бұрын
Blood Sweat and Tears
@T____BTS7 Жыл бұрын
bts-intro+fake love+idol 2018 mama on mnet please
@liasari7909 Жыл бұрын
Acara penghargaan tapi seperti konser BTS 😅
@T____BTS7 Жыл бұрын
@josephinebalubar5741 Жыл бұрын
Please react on BTS paved the way and finding the next BTS by boracity💜💜💜
BTS paved the way is coming out the 20th of this month.😊💜
@LacostePrincess1 Жыл бұрын
Please react to Park Jimin the Main Dancer of BTS (+pre debut, debut life) 2022 (1/4) Park Jimin the Main Vocalist of BTS (2/4) Park Jimin the Face of KPOP (3/4) Park Jimin‘s positive influence (4/4) Park Jimin Stage Commander and Dance Teacher of Bts 2022 Park Jimin Real live vocals (high notes, growls, vocal effects, background vocals) 2013-2022
Thanks for the links 🙏🤩
@wendybaker7999 Жыл бұрын
You really don't know the back story........It is their culture to give of your self for the greater good. So if you are food and your country was a 3rd world country, You give of yourself. AND a miracle doctor fixes you up,......... so you can go out and save more people from starvation ( a real crisis) What you did was speculate from a rich country that has never been through famine.
I get it now 🙏
@wendybaker7999 Жыл бұрын
What is your time zone? My state is connected to yours and mine is MST.........I know yours is different.
We are on PDT
@wendybaker7999 Жыл бұрын
@@DANDJREACT hahaha, thanks 😁 But I wanted you to tell your viewers.
@suzannahmontreal1051 Жыл бұрын
Well about Anpanman, in the west we have Jesus recommending to gather in communion to eat bread and drink wine in memory of him as this is his own flesh and his own blood. If you think about it, this is crazy weird, why would anyone wants to eat a human body!!!!
That’s true. Never thought of it like that.
@supriyadiadi8148 Жыл бұрын
Next reaction ( VOICE Of Baceprot) VOB Band Rock trio HIJABERS 🇮🇩 VOB LIVE at HEAD IN THE CLOUDS LA 2023 VOB AMAZING fantastic 👍
@JoannaBatista-vb9mk 4 ай бұрын
Musica chiclete 😂😂😂
@jongban6134 10 ай бұрын
You guys think it's weird because you don't know the context of the song which is a shame.
@giny2633 Жыл бұрын
I think all superheroes were made while on drugs 😂 Like, batman??? what??? Hahahahh so funny
Lmao 🤣
@eileencullinan2936 Жыл бұрын
Love this song, but as usual the camera work is terrible. They never film the core properly, most of the time only showing one member or only showing them from the waist up. I would much rather watch fancams from Army, which do a much better job than the shows camera people. Good reaction. See you soon.❤
Thanks! See you soon🙏💜😊
@raeavilez9936 Жыл бұрын
The idea that we can all be a hero to someone is one of my favorite takes on this song. No matter who you are, you can be kind, helpful, compassionate, a hero, and BTS are the new generation who will show us the way.
I love the meaning behind it.
@i_think_i_am_lost Жыл бұрын
Anapan man, really, isn't that weird. It's simply a superhero that gives literally a part of himself to help others. He's not super strong. He's not super genius. He's just doing what he can.
That’s incredible.
@JeonJungkook-wr4yr Жыл бұрын
The story of anpanman is absolutely incredible and interesting i love it so much 💜 bts is and always our super heroes
@MariaChavez-ey5sr Жыл бұрын
Such a banger but the most wholesome of messages. They have done it dressed up as “everyday heroes” police officers, Drs, construction workers, firemen etc. They can take such a strange idea and make a fan favorite song is a BTS specialty. Sings about the 52hertz lonely whale? Whalen 52. Songs about Pluto losing its status as a planet? 134540 an absolute unique song. Never bored in this fandom. 💜💜💜
Same here it’s really been a great time.💜
@iyaboygenius Жыл бұрын
Anpanman is an unlikely hero... He isn't very strong... His weakness is water (since it makes bread soggy). But despite being a "weak" sort of hero, he does his best to help people by giving of himself (his head for starving people to eat).
I love that though. It’s different from the normal “superhero”
@njjm5003 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree, you do need to double check information. This is just perfect... if you know BTS at all you can't take any performance or song at first glance, there is always a deeper meaning there, even in the fun songs.... they are never as they seem...
Agree with that
@aldilinanascimento3524 Жыл бұрын
Amo suas reações, quero recomenda a música 134340 pluto do BTS, live performance por favor.
@Ween4ever Жыл бұрын
Itdoes sound odd when you read out the meaning of Anpanman. I remember the story though as a cartoon and I think the moral is good to know. Plus, BTS makes it such a fun song to listen to and sing along as I saw you do! Thank you for reacting to a fun, meaningful song like this! The MV is fun too to check out! Borahae
Now that I know the backstory it’s extremely meaningful
@Amina_2006. Жыл бұрын
Looks BTS- Paradise
@WilliamsAK07 Жыл бұрын
I love this song and the concept. This performance in particular is great. This was fan's choice song, they selected this song to be performed.
I would of to it’s amazing 🤩
@alm9535 Жыл бұрын
Anpanman is relatable. Other fictional characters with super powers from a different planet, bitten by some insect, can play with gadgets because has money to burn, some kind of science experiment that went wrong etc etc... well... not so much. 😂 Actually Anpanman has many forms in real life. Have several in my family to start with. 🥳 The rest of the superheroes - nice to watch on any screen (movies, TV, computer, phone) but they remain fictitious. 😉
Yes you are right
@ReeSh7 Жыл бұрын
Now a days superheros are very exaggerated & over fictionalized showing them strong with special power, can fight anything etc. which is no where close to reality. BTS is simply telling that to be a superhero you don't need extra powers, you just need a heart that is ready to help others in any way you can be by giving mental support to a depressed person or food to a hungry person or medicine to a unhealthy person or happiness to a sad person just like ANPANMAN. Anyone can be a superhero just by a simple desire to help. They are not telling others that they are superhero themselves they just want to comfort/help you through their music or personality and want to be a superhero in your eyes. Through this song I guess they are telling others to be a superhero in someone's life. Just see the superhero with in you
That’s a great superhero
@joycelevy3628 Жыл бұрын
The explanation you read is totally wrong. We can all be heros, and BTS is NOT telling us to wait for them to save us. It costs nothing to be kind. If we all sacrificed a bit, we can all help.
👍💜 Thanks for explaining
@abcdef-kr4lm Жыл бұрын
I hope you do BTS performances at MMA and MAMA in a chronical order btw thanks for the video 💜
No problem 💜
@abcdef-kr4lm Жыл бұрын
​@@DANDJREACTIt's just my personal preference However you can do it in your own way 💜
@@abcdef-kr4lm 👍😊💜
@silviaabidzar2901 Жыл бұрын
OMG, i love this performance 😂 thanks a lot for reaction, guys 💜
Our pleasure!😊🙏💜
@lalzawnglianasailo8000 Жыл бұрын
Do you guys read all the comments, just curious... Coz i see some insightful comments about the real explanation of the song that you just reacted to, and bts being known for their lyricism ( one of the main reasons why they have such a huge fanbase) , i think it will do you good if you can or try to grasp the true meaning behind their lyrics if you are going to keep on acting to their songs. Just a suggestion. 😊😊
We read every single comment. 😊💜
@lalzawnglianasailo8000 Жыл бұрын
That's good... As am a metalhead too, but army as well I love watching metalheads react to bts' songs. Before bts i never imagined myself to ever like a boyband, but my sis introduced them to me, at first like a typical rock fan I rejected them... But one day i came across 'black swan' while browsing some KZbin vids, and that peaked my interest... Well I guess that began my journey with them.... And by the way you guys are one of the best reactors(I really mean it)out there
@@lalzawnglianasailo8000 oh wow 🤩 Thanks for the kind words and support 👍💜👍💜 We appreciate your comment and for watching our videos.
@alinnetorressoares8483 Жыл бұрын
The concept is that people were starving. So is very logical a hero that can feed other, even if it loses part of their head. In this song, in my interpretation, is that they are not a "cool superhero" like batman (that is just rich imo) or superman. They are "just some guys" that want make people feel better and fine even if they themselves are not always ok, and even if they have to hide their own pain, just like anpanman. I think the song is funny and honestly adorable. 😅
I do to😊💜
@MaritesTalastas-n5q 2 ай бұрын
Thanks army for sharing the meaning of the song.. Army are great. God bless D&J and likewise to Army and BTS..
@jnt3105 Жыл бұрын
Review the BTS song WHALIEN
@supriyadiadi8148 Жыл бұрын
Next reaction (V.O.B)" ENTER SANDMAN "Metalica cover VOB BAND ROCK TRIO HIJAB 🇮🇩 VOB consert LIVE at (FRANCE) TRANS MUSICALES DE RENNES 2021👍 VOB AMAZING super talented 🤟
@lisajones4695 Жыл бұрын
They actually support many charities. Army has many charities because of them. They sing about many mental health and social issues. They are good souls. Watch some of stories about them. 100s of good songs.
We are doing all 21 parts of the rise of Bangtan and we have seen them donate their time to many people. Like the old ladies who live alone. It was really heart warming.
@ericaelizalde1544 Жыл бұрын
💜💜💜💜💜 saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷
Hello 👋💜💜💜💜
@anniedeedrix6732 Жыл бұрын
It's about kindness, so Asian culture is anti cynicism. They all about innocence and light.. Asian culture is very much about maintaining innocence and cuteness.. Quirky, cute and innocent is encouraged.. It's a beautiful culture.. 😊
I love that.💜
@ailynken4824 Жыл бұрын
Meaning they are giving their selves unselfishly .. just like anpanman ( the character ) sacrificing part of himself to feed the hungry people.. that’s the correlation of the character to their song … so I hope you understand …
Yes we understood it Thanks 😊
@lealarsen2017 Жыл бұрын
regarding your petreon i don´t really want to sign up mainly because i only follow BTS so it dont make sense to pay for other content too. maybe you can make a BTS only access?
We do more BTS on patreon like the behind the scenes and bonus scenes. We didn’t want to flood the channel with only one band. Maybe one day we can do just a dedicated channel. For now though we stay in the same niche but we do multiple bands. Plus people always think you do reaction videos just for clicks and views when you do just one band. I don’t want to be that kinda channel.
@suzannecharlton1362 Жыл бұрын
Do you guys read the lyrics before you react? BTS are know for their messages for mental health, social issues, & self- esteem, so that's how it relates to anpanma 10:04
Obviously you didn’t pay attention to intro of this video. I specifically read the history of ANPANMAN and how it relates to BTS. If you have a issue with the information provided please take your complaints to Google customer service as they will be able to better serve you. Thanks for watching and for your support 😊
@goretewolf58 Жыл бұрын
💜🇧🇷💜🤣🤣🤣💜I had a lot of !!🤣🤣🤣 thanks for your reaction
Our pleasure 😊💜
@Oo_myl_oO Жыл бұрын
SECOND FAVOURITE! Thanks fellas!
Our pleasure!
@クマリラ-y3x Жыл бұрын
アンパンマンは🇯🇵が誇るアニメーションです😊 🇯🇵の子供が必ず小さいころ見たりおもちゃで遊んだりします😊 それを歌のタイトルにしてくれるバンタンに感激です💜 JapaneseSUPERHERO🦸‍♂️
That’s amazing 💜😊
@linanarvaez4098 Жыл бұрын
La gente moría de hambre por eso creo a un super héroe de pan.
Yes I just learned that thanks for letting us know.🙏💜
@ikalestari6490 Жыл бұрын
Ohh you have to see their anpanman song at their concert!! With bouncy ball it's soo fun & funny🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 ahhh i missed them🥲🥲
This song was good vibes from the start 😊😊💜💜
@belindagarrido1511 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reaction. I think this is genius songwriting as well on BTS’ part. Another perspective is to move beyond the cartoon character and consider that BTS is also really paying attention to society’s problems and uses this song to convey a message in a fun way. It encourages people to give of themselves in whatever shape or form to help those in need. I recommend that you react to the explanation of their songs, Go Go and Baepsae/Silver Spoon as it also refers to what has been happening among their generation. This is one of the reasons why fans can relate to them bc BTS addresses these concerns. Hope these will provide you more insight regarding BTS. Thank you again for your reaction. Stay safe and well. 🫰🏼
Thanks for your comment and suggestions. We’ll check them out 😊💜😊💜
@haifayassin2842 Жыл бұрын
React to suga,song AgustD, and the last please
We will.
@haifayassin2842 Жыл бұрын
@@DANDJREACT am engaring wait for that reaction.
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