Niall Ferguson: After the Treason of the Intellectuals

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University of Austin

University of Austin

4 ай бұрын

Hear from Founding Trustee Niall Ferguson on why the time to found the University of Austin is now. “Individual freedom is the sine qua non for the pursuit of truth. This is why we won’t fail. This is why we must succeed. A hundred intrepid young people will be in the founding class. We are in the midst of hiring the world-class faculty to teach them, and to teach them to the highest possible pedagogical standard.”
Take your place among our founders at

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@peterklonowksi1436 4 ай бұрын
From the great Tomas Sowell " the best thing about having a Harvard degree was 'never again having to be impressed by someone with a degree from Harvard ".
@helenmalinowski4482 4 ай бұрын
A very great man, is Thomas Sowell!
@Achrononmaster 4 ай бұрын
Sowell is an interesting chap, but not great. On macroeconomics he is a down right idiot. He fails to even understand the very basics of monetary systems. I've often wondered why, since he comes across as someone genuinely interested in truth. I think it's because he is heavily captured by his own hold to a discredited ideology. Neoliberals aren't the only ideologues infecting current civilization, even though it sometimes seems so.
@danbethel3195 4 ай бұрын
He should have refused to speak in front of the fake fire. It’s a very disturbing backdrop!
@ithinkthonkthunk5333 4 ай бұрын
I love Mr Sowells sense of humor & more importantly his beautiful mind!
@MsElke11 4 ай бұрын
Never trust a member of a club that you once belonged to.
@duncanfindlay3227 4 ай бұрын
85% of students believed a professor should be reported for wrong think, oh how Mao!
@incognito3620 4 ай бұрын
Who runs the universities in inmates or the guards. Students don’t dictate what it is they should learn. And controversy is the key to learning. Challenging the norm and status quo.
@incognito3620 4 ай бұрын
I will tell you why in one word. TRUMP! Sounds bazaar but he has killed all civility in politics. And corrupted or destroyed our legal system. He showed us corruption works and is profitable and laws can be circumvented. It has bled into our society at all levels.
@duncanfindlay3227 4 ай бұрын
There is a difference between critique and intolerant condemnation especially in its worst manifestations, see cultural revolution in China. There is no equivalence.
@lloydgush 4 ай бұрын
The question is why teachers which thought them that where ever allowed freedom. "Why are you fleeing here, not the soviet union? Back to hitler, you are closer to him than us".
@coraleefarrell1066 4 ай бұрын
OnTucker Carlson's podcast the other night he spoke with a woman (?name)who was born in mows (hina. It was a grave warning, everyone should see,and think HARD ABOUT
@RicktheRecorder 4 ай бұрын
My wife and I recently fell into conversation with a young British female graduate taking a year out as a lifeguard in New Zealand. 'Are you looking forward to returning to the UK?' I asked. ' Well I have a good job lined up, but not really. You dare no longer say what you think. And if you have children they will just be indoctrinated with propaganda in schools', was her unprompted response. I do think the tide is turning.
@RicktheRecorder 4 ай бұрын
UK citizen here. You can protest, especially for illegal movements, but you can't venture an opinion in many jobs without the risk of being cancelled and losing your livelihood. Universities have become opinion monocultures. I was reassured that a 24 year-old had however seen the present culture for what it is.
@rubear8245 4 ай бұрын
UK citizen here and many topics that I value in philosophy were off limits in my humanities department were and yes school is full of indoctrinatiom. Unfortunately you wouldn't hear about them because you just scoff and snarl and call it" discredited ". Just look at how difficult it was for parliament to vote on a ceasefire in gaza, because they're affraid to have it on the books. There many elephants in the room so to speak. So, jam your hype.
@rosannaleman1314 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree, the uK is so woke it's shocking.On board BA they took a hat around to collect euro change supposedly for" Save the children "which is well known to be so top heavy with fingers in the pie barely 10 percent gets anywhere near the poor children of the world. I will never fly BA again.
@Kurtlane 4 ай бұрын
​@@joeegg90, weren't the protests at the King's coronation leftist or islamist? If so, what does it all mean? This is the new orthodoxy. Try protesting them.
@nagillim7915 3 ай бұрын
​@@joeegg90- you can say what you want in the UK and protest all you like so long as it's in favour of left wing talking points and left wing pet causes.
@liberty-matrix 4 ай бұрын
"We are rapidly approaching an era where people vs government becomes a worldwide phenomenon." ~ John McAfee
@levin448 3 ай бұрын
Yes. Netherlands, Argentina, El Salvador, Poland to name a few.
@kenwoodburn7438 3 ай бұрын
In 2020 that became global reality. Unfortunately a vast amount of people still refuse to accept this.
@AB-rx6no 3 ай бұрын
From France with ❤
@SamtheIrishexan 3 ай бұрын
In the West yes. We will either end up like Putins Russia, Xi's China, or we will save Western civilization. No pressure on those of us who are trying to stop it eh? The thing is the elite political class feels safe. But once things pop off i think they will be the first to try and flee the inevitable violence. We basically are all fighting a globalist communist revolution. Consider yourselves counter revolutionary and be prepared to act as such if required.
@Sakhmeov 3 ай бұрын
This has already been the case, depending on where you're at in the world, for decades and possibly centuries. And Niall is wrong on the point of "left vs. right professors;" Merely taking an anti-political stance is anti-Left. Yeah, not all of the Left and not to all of the extent. Not all of the Left has gone mad, and there's a lot of scum on the Right too. But nevertheless, the actual Mad Hatters and contributors to this problem are virtually all found on the Left side of politics. This is admin gone mad; The madness of admin being capable of affecting the world so negatively, is because it has achieved the size and scope it has; The drivers of size and scope are the "integratists" and the people who, awares or unawares, try to expand the scope of institutions and government and common systems for their own ideological sake or for a little brief authority or job security. It's people of the "surmiser" theoretician bent, the journalist "observer" bent, of the "prosocial" mindset and the high "functionary" bent and high trait "Fairness" and "Agreeableness" character. I.e. the Left. It's not rocket science. And part of freedom of speech and honest rigorous investigation should be to be able to make the argument so crassly and formulate the thesis so bluntly.
@orangetuono38 4 ай бұрын
I have never seen Ferguson so passionate. We need MORE Niall Ferguson in our world today!
@donaldrobertson1808 4 ай бұрын
Or perhaps Ferguson would serve better working as a Shakespearean actor.
@jamesdellaneve9005 4 ай бұрын
His wife is great too.
@David-hf7nn 4 ай бұрын
@robertson1808 I'm sure he'd do brilliantly as a Shakespearean actor. There is a performative capability in any good lecturer. Also the lecturer is not prohibited from inspiring and encouraging by example an engaged enthusiasm for the subject. (Shakespearean theatre itself enabled a hearty audience engagement with the play without negative impact on the validity of the content. So let it be for lecturers.) The use of barbed language is yet another Shakespearean ability, either for comedic effect or ad hominem attack. With that in mind, you have delivered three such comments in the space of an hour: one implying, at its most charitable interpretation, that Professor Ferguson is unsuited to an academic career. A second comment states that UATX employment selection discriminates offensively against Austin residents, and a third is again directed by innuendo at Ferguson's character and competence, in which you state his speech "feels so disingenuous [and] vacuous....". Granted that an assessment of sincerity may be more intuitive than factual, but the charge of rhetorical "vacuity" should be easy enough to prove with factual evidence, of which you have provided none at the time writing. Having based your entire criticism of Ferguson's content and delivery on your feelings, you finished the job rather ironically by expressing your feeling that Ferguson's abundantly factual and informative speech was "emotionally hyped".
@frankyyaggabot6222 4 ай бұрын
We need LESS - The treason of the Intellectual was led by people such as Ferguson who curtailed his thought and speech for 50 pieces of silver and a woke badge. Perhaps he is looking to secure a different legacy in his older years - too late! He has a record in this sorry morass and it will not stand the test of History no matter how much he tries to excise himself from it. Ferguson was responsible for promoting and elevating the worst academics ever to grace the hallowed halls of Academia (and you are seeing the more visible effects of that beginning to emerge in Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, ...) - the damage done will continue to erode society for decades to come. He shouldn't be at Austin - he is a weak link and you don't build a divergent future on the fracture points of the past.
@suewood8538 4 ай бұрын
When Americans hear "I'm from Glasgow", they would be well advised to listen carefully as to what follows.
@abuyusef27 4 ай бұрын
This is painful to hear. He’s right we need new institutions.
@artandculture5262 3 ай бұрын
They did it to themselves. They are the frogs in their own boiling water. For shame.
@hooked4215 3 ай бұрын
Why does truth hurt?
@mogznwaz 3 ай бұрын
100%. As Trump said, the best response is success.
@nicktheboomer 3 ай бұрын
Probably about 200 years too late. Bureaucrats run everything now. They fight among themselves but would join together to literally destroy anyone desiring any real change.
@richardkut3976 3 ай бұрын
No Pain No Gain. Keep the Faith.
@dd2nr 4 ай бұрын
Maybe Niall doesn’t see it yet..he’s the pendulum. This is the beginning of the swing. Thank you Niall.
@mickey1849 3 ай бұрын
You are wrong. The pendulum has not yet begun to swing. Moreover, before all this has finished, there will be blood.
@dd2nr 3 ай бұрын
@@mickey1849 at the maxima of the pendulum, as history has shown, blood is possible, and should be expected. Is that not part of the swing?
@anaibarangan4908 3 ай бұрын
Well maybe he's seeing the reality of the outcome of some of his past stances.
@chelseafisher6881 3 ай бұрын
Shit, maybe you guys should be trying to stop the swing by finding the balanced middle rather than baying for blood. Maybe time for some self reflection.
@dd2nr 3 ай бұрын
@@chelseafisher6881 No one said “We want blood.” I hope it doesn’t happen. Still. It’s a possibility.
@nancyjimeno7001 3 ай бұрын
I was subjected to an administrative inquisition for teaching the exceptionalism of the Founders and the genius of our republic. I was told I was GUILTY of microagressions because I had offended students. My response? That is my job!
@bearowen5480 3 ай бұрын
Bravo, Professor!
@howardclegg6497 3 ай бұрын
Never back down if ye be a principled educator.
@bellakrinkle9381 3 ай бұрын
I attended a city university and took a Politcal Science class because I knew nothing about anything political. When the professor spoke, I didn't know what to think. He was a Realist. He opened my eyes, even though I questioned everything he said. I was barely 20. He put me on notice: the world had many realities. It took years for me to understand reality. Most ever do.
@swiftmatic 2 ай бұрын
"microaggressions" my ass. Fkn ❄️❄️❄️
@Natty183 2 ай бұрын
We need to realize that this is straight up class warfare. They've got those who would lead the opposition fighting over very orchestrated distractions. The actual ruling class, the multinational corporatists, are winning most battles and the rest of us haven't even noticed we're at war. We're fighting for our children's future...
@lengraves2556 4 ай бұрын
As Dr Jorden Peterson repeats. You only need a few stand against the establishment change will come. It may take ten years' but it will come. Thank you for creating hope.
@wyattmccain5697 3 ай бұрын
People are Inspired by Hope when they take Complete Ownership of their Intentions, while Not putting their feelings on a pedestal. Feelings are NOT truth, they just show that we’re human, and Nothing Else.
@bellakrinkle9381 3 ай бұрын
I've read that 10% is necessary to turn the tide. 10 years seems probable. 😳 Do we have 10 years? A better goal is 2%/year.😂😮😅😮😮😮
@Peter-hz3vs 2 ай бұрын
@@bellakrinkle9381 But the thing is that 20% of people produce 80% of the true contribution. If what those people pursue is working for the society, you will see the spread. It does not need to spread very widely. We only need a core groups of people to survive.
@jefbezoss7638 2 ай бұрын
Peterson another intellectual treason - and evangelist fundamentalist - very dangerous cultist - shame his early lectures were excellent - lost his ethics
@madmaxfzz 2 ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson is an attention seeking hack who blathers on and on without really saying anything meaningful. I recommend choosing someone else to look to for inspiration. Peterson is a screwed up individual. Something messed that guy up in a big way.
@ToddSchul 4 ай бұрын
I am so excited and humbled that my son was accepted to this incredible university. I can hardly believe it....
@nancyjimeno7001 3 ай бұрын
@peggyoban4069 3 ай бұрын
@RN-lo6xc 3 ай бұрын
As a recent graduate of two universities - one being relatively unknown, and the other being so-called ‘elite’ - I wish your son the very best of luck. The quality of my education did not depend on the renown or age of the institution, but on the passion I had for my chosen subject and the integrity of (some of) my lecturers. Intellectual openness, inspiration and hard work is what will make your son a model citizen and net contributor to his society. I am sure this university will provide him with the first two, and I trust that he can bring the third. God bless!
@hjs9td 3 ай бұрын
A wise parent has transferred their wisdom.
@Angeprof 3 ай бұрын
Unless you’re looking for another Harvard for the political right, don’t get your hopes high. He’s being deceptive. Students have zero chance unless they teach themselves to think critically. He did a great job until he showed his true color-political inclination, something he said faculty members ought not do. FYI, US universities want students to be either on the left or the right. It’s easier to control them. Kids learn from day 1 in kindergarten that it’s more important to be liked than smart. By the time they’re in college, they’re mediocre at best and their egos are tiny. You’ll be a proud parent of a non-independent thinks who will think it’s OK to and murder children because their friends are the ones doing it. God help us.
@liberty-matrix Ай бұрын
"When intellectuals are unable to find enough contemporary grievances to suit their vision or agenda, they can mine the past for harm inflicted by some on others." ~Thomas Sowell
@norbutvstheworld 4 ай бұрын
is not just universities, i think this trend is prevelent throughout the whole schooling system.
@raevj 4 ай бұрын
@ellie698 4 ай бұрын
Schooling, media, academia, policing, civil service, arts, major corporations, the charity sector etc etc etc
@caseyspaos448 2 ай бұрын
Yet deluded conservatives continue to have low political and intellectual standards, venerating the conman Trump and brain dead pundits like Candace Owens and Tomi Lahren.
@dannyhughes4889 4 ай бұрын
Donors who previously donated to many of the Ivy League Universities are now invited to take a close look at this University as a place that will respect their values and hard earned money.
@friarnewborg9213 2 ай бұрын
I like it. Harvard is not getting a penny from me. Honestly, they deserve NOTHING. NIL, NADDA, ZERO
@Knotyoma 2 ай бұрын
So this uni is already bought out like the rest eh? Good to know ✌️🍻
@madmaxfzz 2 ай бұрын
Donors should not expect universities to which they donate to push their personal agendas. Give the money or not, it doesn't grant them authority to dictate the curriculum.
@friarnewborg9213 2 ай бұрын
@@madmaxfzz The universities are tolerating EVIL. Defund them
@fontainerouge Ай бұрын
Most heirs. Did not dilapidate inheritance so I Guess they have boundless merit.
@tambordecrioula 4 ай бұрын
Will donate to the success of this university based on its its principles and educational excellence. May there be others that follow in your footsteps.
@staninjapan07 4 ай бұрын
Donate? I was thinking about how non-specialists put investment groups together, so that people like me, who could not invest more than a couple of thousand, can get together with another 50,000 like-minded people and invest a million in the hope of a good return from a truly worthy enterprise.
@howardlarsen2540 4 ай бұрын
EVILuti😂nary materialism 😊doesn't like opposition,right
@Fran-ik6ob 3 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same@@staninjapan07
@chrisdiboll2256 3 ай бұрын
My proudest moment at uni was during my turn away from left wing economics. I had gone looking for evidence to support a contention and found the opposite. So I wrote it up, basically ended up being a defence of free market capitalism and limited state intervention. Feedback from my tutor was ‘I completely disagree with your perspective, but nevertheless this is an excellent piece of work, here are some pieces by people who would also disagree and some evidence against your conclusion’. We then spent the rest of the course strongly and respectfully disagreeing and I learned a ton from him. I wonder if that can even happen any more. And if it can’t, how can people hope to learn?
@teonactalpizza 3 ай бұрын
Your left wing tutor realized you were correct and properly congratulated you then proceeded to gaslight you with more wrong points of view. Sounds like a great guy.
@noeldeal8087 3 ай бұрын
I had a moment like this with my history teacher in middle school. I was against the death penalty, he was for it. (I'm so proud of my fifteen year old self, lol) I was falsely accused years ago and if I lived at the time of the Salem witch trials I'd have been killed under the command a lunatic fuming bunch of over-righteous bored rich men. Under my rules, I'd have lived, under my history teachers rules... well, you get it... Does this compare, lol? I think what I'm saying is, the teacher doesn't always get it right despite being the teacher. Sometimes(often) the students teach the teach a few things. 😎
@rossb4802 2 ай бұрын
If more teachers on the right and left were like that, it would be a better place. You learned to defend your position well but also maybe got a better understanding of why some disagreed with you. The ability to study opposing views for understanding is a valuable one. Also.the ability to change your mind as you learn.
@Flux_40 Ай бұрын
The whole concept of profit is ONLY derived from the deliberate and forceful creation of a large working class. Feudalism is to blame for that, however capitalism picked up that ball and ran amok with it. The hierarchies of CAPITALISM are /\ pyramid shaped, while every NATURAL hierarchy of competence is a bell curve (IQ bell curve) with few at the top and bottom and the majority in the MIDDLE. pyramid /\ hierarchies are ARTIFICIAL and integral to capitalism/profit, there has to be a very large base of low paid workers in a capitalist /\ hierarchy in order for profit to be generated. Profit is NOT possible in a natural (bell curve) hierarchy because there aren't enough people at the bottom to skim labor value from. Capitalism is immoral and unnatural.
@SN-sz7kw Ай бұрын
@@Flux_40Good Lord. Marxist AI. 😂😂😂
@teachermanret 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely superb talk, and I wish all the very best for the future.
@joezabek9526 4 ай бұрын
This is one of the most uplifting and inspiring speeches I've seen in ages. Bravo.
@andrewgrandjean1641 3 ай бұрын
What exactly is the problem he is talking about???
@JeppeJuhl1 4 ай бұрын
Wow...! I feel like I just witnessed a modern version of King Arthur's first speech to his noble knights. AUTX is indeed academias new Camelot. I wish you all well, students and teachers alike. There is hardship ahead; but I am certain you will prevail.
@EllaGreenn 4 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same, but you worded it much better.
@judycross7819 4 ай бұрын
@Allgood33 3 ай бұрын
Another fiction?
@charlesmackey8179 4 ай бұрын
I truly admire Dr.Ferguson. Good luck University of Austin!
@reuvenbisk3220 4 ай бұрын
Universities have become churches instead of learning institutions. We should not ignore this underlying cause of academic politicalization.
@teonactalpizza 3 ай бұрын
Marxism and ignoring the warnings from j Edgar Hoover and other hard asses who may have been not very pleasant individuals, Not someone you could enjoy a beer with, but righteous and committed all the same.
@margaretmeyncke3592 4 ай бұрын
Super excited to support this effort. Truth. Beauty. Goodness. ❤❤❤
@Haggis9 4 ай бұрын
I am inspired. I wish I was thirty years younger; I'd be signing up.
@DianaOlsberg 3 ай бұрын
I am a retired Associate Professor in Australia, aged 82. How I wish I could be there at Austin. Gloria Steinem always said the world would be changed by an army of grey haired women. I continue to fight for the Liberty and truth Niall Ferguson so passionately espouses. And as the 1000 mourners at Alex Navalny’s funeral chanted “we are not afraid”.
@noeldeal8087 2 ай бұрын
Maybe these grandma's could start by baking pies with the children they know instead of going on cruises and a second home in Florida?
@Knotyoma 2 ай бұрын
He’s obviously a Zionist so he’s used to stealing and lying as he has shown us already in his past and in this very video. He’s a paid bs’r. ✌️🍻
@bradspurrell9253 Ай бұрын
I think the 'army of Grey haired women' is how we got here.
@DianaOlsberg Ай бұрын
@@bradspurrell9253 Brad I hope your mother did not read this ! Diana
@maxrawnsley1401 Ай бұрын
I would be even more concerned if she did, they are a tough act to follow
@speakrussian6779 4 ай бұрын
What a beautiful language! With my poor English I could understand almost everything!
@andrewwood7303 3 ай бұрын
I’m glad that you noticed. I have occasionally been credited with speaking well, especially by non-native English speakers. I had not noticed that my parents and my schools had engendered in me a love of Spoken English that made me especially easy to understand. It is always a pleasure to listen to Niall Ferguson.
@barryyoung 4 ай бұрын
Truly Inspirational and profound speech - wish I was 18 again and heading to a University like this
@jessehepburn 4 ай бұрын
I need some University of Austin swag for my toddler. This is the only school I would consider sending my kids to.
@TheLucanicLord 3 ай бұрын
I'd have thought Prager was perfect for you.
@peggyoban4069 3 ай бұрын
@peggyoban4069 3 ай бұрын
Amen! Me too! And I have 4 of them!
@tabithan2978 3 ай бұрын
My niece went there, very good, nice and liberal, bastion in a Red Sea of ignorance. Vote Blue, Trump is a nut job! With dementia.
@MrTomehok 3 ай бұрын
​@TheLucanicLord is that real university?
@paulyardley383 4 ай бұрын
Not many people get to make a real difference. Exciting times!
@ozachar 4 ай бұрын
The "swing to the activist left" in academia was not accidental. It was forced by actively denying tenure or even applications of Center-right aspiring academics to any open positions. It was by actively drafting academic positions definitions that exclude other points of view. It was by inventing whole new academic fields and departments that by definition are associated with the political activist "left", which is more regressive, racist, sexist, and totalitarian than any center right Republicans or even what used to be garden variety Democrat.
@12monkies123 3 ай бұрын
Well said.
@StereoSpace 3 ай бұрын
Exactly right.
@bearowen5480 3 ай бұрын
Wow! How beautifully said! As an undergraduate in the '60s at the University of Washington, I witnessed first hand the birth of this radicalization of the faculty, and the acquiescence of the administration. I somehow survived it with my political and intellectual principles intact. I salute Niall and his Austin Founders for their passionate experiment. I wish them great success in righting the ship of academia, if only by one teaspoon at a time.
@MikeJones-mf2fw 3 ай бұрын
Thank God we live in the most well armed population to have existed in the US. They'll never fully take over the whole of the country, no matter how ignorant the masses become.
@noeldeal8087 3 ай бұрын
@@bearowen5480 It seems to me that anti-God ideology is at the root of all discussed. And sorry to say, this talk sounds like a fundraiser and who's to say this new uni will be any different? Sorry, I don't know who the speaker is, Niall, is it? I just dropped by to have a look see...
@aimhigh3701 4 ай бұрын
Long live the University of Austin!
@OlBlow-qv6oz 2 ай бұрын
Dont mess with Texas!!
@luizrcrispim 4 ай бұрын
Niall, brilliant argument, first to narrow it, very well put. Wonderful pursuit.
@fromthewrath2come 3 ай бұрын
The need for this university is so great. Get ready to expand.
@rhodaberger7262 3 ай бұрын
I remember her being disinvited and how horrified I was. She is a truly independent thinker and one of my great heroes.
@kirsty_iso 4 ай бұрын
God I love Niall, he speaks to my soul, whatever the utterance.
@lluisboschpascual4869 4 ай бұрын
Ecellent! A true inspiration. From historian to historian, thank you for your service!
@Aquila-sz8pl 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant, and necessary. Power to Niall and University of Austin.
@gregpennefather3495 4 ай бұрын
I’m generally a fan of Niall’s, but he has taken this to another level 💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥. Absolutely on fire in this one.
@maryspencer4274 3 ай бұрын
Note the fire all around him, goodun Prof
@lukelucy1980 3 ай бұрын
It is a privilege to listen to Sanity. Thank You
@cryptoemcee 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic! We are with you. Let it be successful.
@EllaGreenn 4 ай бұрын
39:25 This young woman's question brought tears to my eyes. She basically said that her generation is experiencing cognitive dissonance, but deep down they know what's good. The way she asked "Do you see that in our generation?" was truly heartbreaking. We're so busy being infuriated by their illogical behavior and demands, that we forget that we somehow created that madness and confusion in her generation. All they need is encouragement and guidance instead of all this awful destructive hostility. This university will be a place for learning and for healing their confidence.
@mickey1849 3 ай бұрын
They are natural born killers. They run to the madness and confusion with swift feet. They hate the light of the truth. Because it is where their awful works will be revealed completely.
@ToddSchul 3 ай бұрын
What a compassionate observation! I missed that the first time, thank you for pointing it out. You are right, while things are most certainly not looking great for the West, we need to remember to give our young people some hope that freedom can prevail and that they have a chance to live a good life!
@teonactalpizza 3 ай бұрын
Wrong. Being overly compassionate and worried about their self esteem and participation trophy's are the reason they can't cope with critiscism. The world is harsh. Shock therapy.
@mickey1849 3 ай бұрын
@@teonactalpizza What's a "participation trophy"? You get tougher by eating sh-t sandwiches.
@tburke3454 2 ай бұрын
I am 53. I was a nanny for most of my life and I am an aunt. I didn't teach any child to be self-involved, selfish and obnoxious. As a retired rich, spoiled brat who always go her way I used my experience as a cautionary tale. I gave/give children my time and love listening and being engaged when with them. I didn't tolerate disrespect, carrying on etc. Boundaries, communication, consequences & follow through when child has been punishment. I wanted/want better than what I had.
@debbielondon1809 3 ай бұрын
Marvellous speech. Made me cry. Go cold all over. Sorry to be emotional, but watching the corrosion intellectual freedom for the last 20 years has been heart breaking. (UK)
@salex5412 4 ай бұрын
Finally someone digs into the FIRE numbers not just the rankings. The high overall score can be as misleading as a college ranking score in US News and World Report that lumps everything together rather than ranking a college's specific disciplines. As a UChicago grad, I was concerned with the very low score of UChicago students and the lack of comfort in discussing topics. But I am very proud of the Chicago Trifecta. Hopefully more students will embrace the privilege of being at a college that champions free expression.
@Soulseeologia 4 ай бұрын
U Chicago is popish. Use the Ratio Studiorum and Father Greeley as your intellectual proofs, and the architecture in particular Rockefeller Chapel as your physical proofs in Roman concrete form.
@salex5412 4 ай бұрын
@@Soulseeologia To borrow from the spirit of Lincoln's comment on Grant's drinking: I would like to send Chicago's version of the Ratio Studiorum to other universities.
@sananton2821 Ай бұрын
@@Soulseeologia this is not English
@arendjedonk863 4 ай бұрын
Power! This is how education should be. In the Netherlands we have a simular initiative. Thierry Baudet, a politician of Forum of Democratie is one of the founders. You should work together.
@lawrencehalpin6611 3 ай бұрын
It is very refreshing to hear about the University of Austin. I wish you all success. God bless yous.
@jbwentworthe6082 3 ай бұрын
This is the best News we have heard in a very long and harrowing time. Yes, we will do what we can to support your vision. ❤
@lcitizen3029 3 ай бұрын
I loved the address but when he announced who his wife is, I felt it, I swooned. What a couple! This is true power. Many thanks!
@based-ud8nl Ай бұрын
I’m about to graduate from Yale and everything he said from the quality of the teaching to the political environment is correct. I’ve been lamenting it from the day I got here, but there were no better alternatives. I’m truly envious of these lucky students, and I wish I could be a part of this amazing project.
@terrypeters8682 3 ай бұрын
I thank you for the boldness of this presentation
@benbrill3617 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic lecture, the power, conviction, intellect, and charisma. Riled me up, grabbing my sword, lets go.
@timoshala8928 4 ай бұрын
Keep going, we need these things here badly.
@mariaharris8077 Ай бұрын
I'm overwhelmed with more colleges being built to combat the Yell's and Harvard's of the world. May God bless your endeavor.
@annekamumford849 4 ай бұрын
This attack on the pursuit of truth and free speech has happened in the same way to Australian and British universities.
@nomadicfrankland 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. Australian education is not good now. Any Critical thought is either neglected, or actively demonised since it challenges anything being told to children in both school and in life, and those idealogues who have infiltrated the education sector cannot allow this. Australian children are getting less and less intelligent. Australian parents, or those considering having children should really consider home schooling.
@aimhigh3701 4 ай бұрын
I highly recommend reading Fergusons work. His books on Empire and civilisation are excellent.
@patriciakimball8150 2 ай бұрын
@David-hf7nn 4 ай бұрын
Inspiring and moving, not just the lecturer but also his supportive, youthful audience! Bravo Niall Ferguson and University of Austin. With regard to what they've set out to achieve not just for the university but for the imperilled principles of academic freedom and those of liberty in general, the foundation of UATX "is not ... the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." And what a wonderful beginning it is!
@albertgrant1017 4 ай бұрын
Well stated !
@ToddSchul 4 ай бұрын
You have a wonderful way with words David...
@Twiglet1008 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant .. may this voice be magnified globally ..
@gerrytyrrell1507 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Sir...Enjoy listening to class....Ireland
@richardlindquist5936 4 ай бұрын
Very nice work, Niall. I heard your excellent Hoover version and this fills the gaps nicely. So glad you could do this at Austin. Keep going!!
@johnpaulsecond4626 4 ай бұрын
bravo; truth is the expression of freedom; the two are opposite sides of the same coin; the denial of truth is a vacuum of willful ignorance
@jameseverett4976 4 ай бұрын
I predict the Left will over-run this School in 1 generation. They have honed, tested and proven their methods, and this "open minded" shame in being right will be easier to overcome than the previous culture of common sense. If the Left has accomplished anything, it's instilling in conservatives a reluctance to defend their own positions as being truth, or the right way. Such a position cannot stand in the face of a new influx of Marxist's who know their methodology. Soon enough they'll be forced - by their own silly "open minded" polices - to concede at least the "possibility" that a man can get pregnant. No. You can't let everyone have their own opinion. It will never work. Marxism is far too clever, patient in their assertion of falsehood, and their "right" to be evil and wrong. To paraphrase one of my points above: The Right now fears being "far-right" more than they fear the infiltration and take-over of the Left.
@petermoore6414 2 ай бұрын
I am not a religious person, but I thank God for those who defend freedom. Well done!
@ibyhammer5347 4 ай бұрын
Wishing you much success from Berlin! God bless your work, Mr Ferguson
@emrabin41 4 ай бұрын
I wish all the success to this endeavor. The lecturer uses two key words that I frequently use with not much support: «Socratic” and “debate”. We live in the times when intellectuals who disagree have no chance to convince each other. The Socratic method of debate consists of speaking in turns, and at an every new turn the opponent answers the previous argument until the disputants come to a logically inevitable conclusion. But the way of a ”dispute” nowadays is that the previous argument is plainly ignored by the opponent who instead offers a new set of unrelated facts and forces the other side to discuss it, and there is no way you may return to the original point. In everyday life it may result in personal breaks, but on the world level - in more frequent wars merging into a world war. Growing in the Soviet Union, I from a close distance observed a spectacular fall of communism-socialism, both from the humanitarian and economic sense. So with an unbelievable surprise I observe the renaissance and almost victory of the left-wing totalitarianism without any basis, and it is still almost winning. Therefore, I am not as optimistic as the respectable lecturer is.
@obinwataje 4 ай бұрын
A phoenix rises from the ashes. Truth untainted by cynism and irony is a treasure.
@martinliehs2513 3 ай бұрын
Growing up in the west, up until the early 1990s, we could always point to the USSR and say "we don't want that". Since the fall of the iron curtain, we seem to have lost that moral compass.
@emrabin41 3 ай бұрын
@emrabin41 You are right, so Islam forces its moral compass on us. The “liberal” fascism is winning, because Islam and its laws rather rapidly replace the US Constitution due to influx of the Islamic money, and our freedoms have become a laughing stock at Harvard and other elite universities. 23 years ago, on January 21. 2001, 9 months before 9/11, The NY Times published my letter warning that “Islamic fundamentalism will be as dangerous (or more dangerous because of more sophisticated weaponry) in the 21st century as Communism and fascism were in the 20th century. The West spent almost a third of that century simply recognizing and admitting the danger, and this short-sightedness resulted in enormous loss of human life”, the Holocaust including. Those policies are continuing unabated, and Niall Ferguson predicts a possibility of the 2nd Holocaust if Islam and supporting it the left fascism are not rather quickly stopped.
@miramichi30 3 ай бұрын
The reason is that we can't agree on premises. We can't even agree on if there are two genders or not. It seems like everyone I try to talk to about the war on terror believes 9/11 was an inside job. Where do you go from that?
@gordonpepper1400 2 ай бұрын
this is a very good point, thew medium is the message: "But the way of a ”dispute” nowadays is that the previous argument is plainly ignored by the opponent who instead offers a new set of unrelated facts and forces the other side to discuss it, and there is no way you may return to the original point".
@dd2nr 4 ай бұрын
I am happy to see this.
@dtrfgr 4 ай бұрын
About a year ago, Mr Ferguson told Bari Weiss on her podcast that his hope for his children was that they attend either Cambridge or Oxford. Hopefully he's revised that desire, esp given his association with UAT.
@dtrfgr 4 ай бұрын
He's also famous for saying globalism would peak in the early 2000's (somebody tell that to the WHO, WEF etc) and that the U.S. should have followed the Asian model of forcibly tracking, tracing and quarantining (jailing) people during the recent "crisis."
@rouzbehazshab 4 ай бұрын
And i still miss Christopher Hitchens in our lives. Great talk.
@vinmartin6892 4 ай бұрын
Very insightful vision regarding Cold War II. Couldn't agree more.
@teachedteach 4 ай бұрын
From my Spanish viewpoint I basicaly agree with Prof. Ferguson on the need for a change in western academia. What puzzeled me is that as a historian that he is, he is so ignorant of the real situation of academia in Europe in the first 30 years of the 20th century. It might be due to the fact that his sources are fundamentally the Anglo world and Germany (he has excellent German language skills) but ignorant of the rest of Europe. In Spain, Italy and France as well as other European countries the Left did already have a huge presence and hegemony in major universities of European capitals and major cities. In Spain it was something around 60 to 70% then. Before Mussolini in Italy it was just as bad if not worse. That was the reason for why Mussolini and fascism came to power. As a reaction. Why did we have a devastating civil war in Spain in the 30's? As a reaction to the communist landslide that was taking over Spain which had its epicentre, its womb in the universities. No, dear Prof Ferguson. The left had already taken hold of most of the academia in continental Europe 100 years ago. Maybe Britain and Germany were unique in that regard. I can't tell. But the coming to power of reactionary leaders and ideologies such as fascism was due to the real threat of communism taking over Europe just after the WW I. What might be new to anglo countries is that this new left is being bred in american campuses and then exported throughout the West. But the intellectuals have largely been leftists in Europe for over 100 years now.
@ninaromm5491 4 ай бұрын
Brilliant and necessary point. Thanks. These decades matter. Unfortunately what seems to be proving true is that humans have a predilection for fascism / authoritarianism. The human default position... Let's wait and see whether this new initiative takes hold. Not waiting with bated breath. Best wishes 🎉
@teachedteach 4 ай бұрын
@@ninaromm5491 Thank you very much for your comment on my opinion. You make a very good and pertinent point indeed. We seem to be a pendular species, swinging from one extreme to the other. Best wishes for you too.
@tb8865 4 ай бұрын
People like Niall feel compelled to say "the Leftists are the new Nazis" for political reasons. They need to shoehorn in this paradigm to the current situation even if it doesnt make sense. It upholds the dominant narrative that "Far Right" is the absolute worst thing imaginable while ignoring the context in which the Far Right actually emerged.
@sanniepstein4835 3 ай бұрын
Wasn't fascism a continuation of leftism, not a reaction to it?
@sanniepstein4835 3 ай бұрын
YT erased this, trying again. Wasn't fascism a continuation of leftism, not a reaction to it
@stephenlight647 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic!
@ozachar 4 ай бұрын
The quality of faculty should attract the best students to this university
@ThePoetikJustice 4 ай бұрын
No one likes self censorship, but they do like to censor others. We need to want others to be as much as we want freedom for ourselves.
@BlueBaron3339 4 ай бұрын
The only flaw I find in Dr. Ferguson's data analysis is the assumption that membership in the Democratic party equates to left wing. Plus, plenty of former G.O.P. scholars and intellectuals have left the party yet remain conservatives. But *I completely agree* with his overall analysis, well fortified with loads of cautionary tales from history. Oh, and questioning the validity of plagiarism in the wake of Gay's resignation was not just restricted to the Harvard Crimson. The very same theme was picked up by the New York Times.
@garyrodriguez8414 Ай бұрын
Such a refreashing conversation in a world that has gone upsidedown .
@anettesandgren3338 4 ай бұрын
Fact don’t care about feelings, the truth always win, unfortunately we now have a generation of bad suited young people who can’t cope! Sad so so sad.
@JP-ms1dw 4 ай бұрын
Great inspiration Niall and UATX.
@Dreadnought16 4 ай бұрын
The resistance has started…there is hope.
@chrisar6068 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely shocking. This is the opposite of my experience 30 years ago, but in engineering in Australia.
@rucker69 3 ай бұрын
As a Texan this sounds really exciting for our state (and our nation if they choose to accept it).
@rodrigolumi 4 ай бұрын
Awesome and epic speech!❤
@arkhamxavier3066 4 ай бұрын
Thank you❤
@andrewwood7303 3 ай бұрын
Magnificent! THAT’S how you deliver a speech.
@johnmichaelchristian8207 2 ай бұрын
I'm a retired engineering designer and teacher of Computer Aided Design and Engineering, and this gives me such tremendous hope for the future of our country that I am beside myself as my late wife used to say. God bless you Mr Ferguson and all who are working with you.. I too know and feel that it IS going to succeed, and in fact I felt it so strongly at the end that I was literally moved to tears.
@stephaniezickgraf9672 4 ай бұрын
Make it a success, its now or never. Inspirational speech. 🎉🦋⚘️
@PVTconnect 3 ай бұрын
A fantastic speech that reawakens much-needed hope. My sincere respect.
@kathleencook3060 Ай бұрын
"To found New Instructions . We must do this" 100% Agree. As a Historian/ Historiographer I refuse to do any further Research work at an Australian University. But would absolutely consider it at a New University founded by Mr Ferguson . I want to study amongst Scholars, and Scholarship as I was taught in my University days. Thank you so much Mr Ferguson . Love your presentation and sense of humour!!!
@drjohnn.sutherland3455 13 күн бұрын
Makes me, for the first time in a long age, proud to be a Scotsman and an academic. Slainté!
@superturkle 4 ай бұрын
there are plenty of donors with deep pockets who do not like what the universities have turned into. give them an option they can support with good conscience.
@eveefstathiou3714 4 ай бұрын
Wishing all the best to UATX and hoping for an end to the madness that has taken over academia
@aristidesg11 3 ай бұрын
All the best, Uni of Austin!
@casteretpollux 4 ай бұрын
Great how they reciprocally award each other with title of genius.
@snowbirdsurfer2474 4 ай бұрын
Great job Niall! How about teaching an ethics class with Colonialism, a moral reckoning by Nigel Biggar as primary source. This will get the kids talking. And yes, I’ll make a contribution soon…hopefully to the class of 2030. Godspeed!
@jimluebke3869 4 ай бұрын
"IF WE FAIL" ... at the risk of being called a plagiarist: "then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science." Come to think of it, you could rewrite this speech, from "Therefore, in casting up this dread balance sheet and contemplating our dangers with a disillusioned eye, I see great reason for intense vigilance and exertion, but none whatever for panic or despair" through "Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization" , all the way to "Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.”" And if Churchill isn't enough for you, there's Patton's speech to the 3rd Army too. =D
@yoramanselm5122 Ай бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you professor - a vitally important objective for the truly free and liberal world.
@anthonyvalenti9093 3 ай бұрын
Well, here’s a plan to help education in the US. 1. Remove the Federal Government from the student loan business. A student goes to a bank. And the bank decides whether the student will complete a certain program and pay back the loan. 2. End all title programs from the Federal Government to schools and colleges. Less bureaucracy! 3. The end of the Dept. of Education with its very unsuccessful Pell Grants. Once again, go to a bank or apply for a scholarship from the school. We, most likely, will see immediate change. When you can’t spend other folk’s money reality sets in.
@terry9238 3 ай бұрын
Do you trust BANKS to decide which students (other than those from rich families) should have access to what kind of postsecondary education and (therefore) to what kind of careers?
@DeshCanter 3 ай бұрын
I like the direction of your thinking, but the corruption runs much deeper. The banks are driven in many directions by government itself (see the housing bubble). Get the government out of banking too and you’ll see that banks will be more than happy to “invest” in mechanical engineers and understandably reluctant to see how the “Gender Shamanism Studies” major would be able to repay zur loans, even with the “Indigenous Paganism Dance Theory” minor to enhance marketability.
@patriciakimball8150 2 ай бұрын
And what to do about, say, the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar funding departments and professors to propagandize students and give them extra credit for attending protests (as is the case now)? Also, I worked at a college a few years ago where Italian was dropped from the curriculum for lack of funding while Chinese was very well funded, indeed, and expanded. And I’ve read that in India, almost everyone is studying computer science and few want to study anything else, including Indian history and traditions. How to fund these important things and avoid funding pernicious things? (I’ll leave it to Niall, et. al, to figure out.)
@philippepoirier3268 3 ай бұрын
God dam its good to hear. Hello from Canada, i needed good news tonight, and i got them. Its time to fight!❤❤❤
@iamanomas Ай бұрын
Jordan B Peterson has been saying the same for some years in Canada. By the way, the cancelling of professors/researchers began in the late 70s I believe right here in London, Ontario, Canada - Rushton. His studies were later proven to be flawed but real time debate and presentation of research demonstrating those flaws were immediately quashed thus enhancing Rushton’s faulty science in the eyes of the people when his termination was published in the press.
@verabooysen3762 4 ай бұрын
Great lecture sir 👏👏👏
@amolsinha9871 4 ай бұрын
I wish I had money; would have donated generously to such an institution and considered myself privileged to have been given a chance to contribute.
@ToddSchul 4 ай бұрын
A wonderful and generous sentiment....If I may, if you are a person of faith, you could pray for them. And I do not mean that in any condescending way. Prayer is among the most powerful force on Earth. I would personally be grateful as my son will be a student there in the fall...God Bless.
@SayerBaca 4 ай бұрын
@@ToddSchul Hello! If you don't mind me asking, what is your son's name? I will be a student in the fall as well!
@noeldeal8087 2 ай бұрын
@@ToddSchul As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I agree about prayer. Very powerful.
@drKrollspell Ай бұрын
Exquisite! Absolutely great !!
@neovxr 3 ай бұрын
About the nation of "founding", yes this is absolutely great. Congratulations to Professor Ferguson for such a project to support the search for truth and honesty, and spiritual growth.
@neilhollands2750 4 ай бұрын
As a leftist professor from Canada I wish the University of Austin success in its important mission to remove politics from the institution and promote unfettered free speech. It is somewhat ironic that Niall Ferguson, a man with highly politicized views, was chosen to give this speech. Nonetheless, the crisis on our campuses is very real. Many “Lefties” will support this important mission, if it can be presented devoid of overt politics. Godspeed.
@teonactalpizza 3 ай бұрын
A leftty professor pretending he didn't play a roll in political indoctrination and wishing the right luck. Don't you like having total intellectual dominance without any challengers and if any pop up, you have the mob to cancel them?
@befirmbefair6674 2 ай бұрын
“Politicized views” What’s your evidence? What’s your point? I think the point of the University is to have many different viewpoints.
@johnricercato740 Ай бұрын
When you write ‘highly politicised views’ do you mean that he and others have had to react to the extraordinarily totalitarian takeover of the humanities - and now STEM subjects - by leftist academics such as yourself? You know perfectly well that the leftists have stuck with highly abstract notions about society deriving from post-modernism, Gramsci and the Frankfurt School and before them, Marx. They try to shoe-horn these often rather simplistic ideas - basically oppressor-victim-rescuer - into every debate and crudely apply them to formidably complex issues. Ferguson and others have merely tried to respond to, and deconstruct, this stuff…..
@jameswebb4593 4 ай бұрын
I am neither an intellectual or a university graduate . Having left school aged fifteen , used the past 68 years learning from the university of life. All that Prof Ferguson has done is echo the opinions I've been posting for several years. My first experience of repression of thought occurred in my first year at an English Technical School in 1953 . The teacher told the class that the lesson the following week .we would discuss the rights and wrongs of immigration. Came the day . all against raise their hand , to my amazement , mine was the only one . For the next 30 minutes stood in front of 27 boys arguing my point. That was the very last time any class was allowed to discuss current affairs. My conclusions from my 83 years is that so called Democracy is garbage . The choice to place a cross against a name of an unknown , when none of the candidates represent any of my views , and seldom the majority. True Democracy is the freedom to think , and relay those thoughts , to any who will listen . In return consider counter opinions , that may be better then your own.
@BellaMarsilioRN 4 ай бұрын
Wow, what an awesome share, Sir! #BlessedBeThee🦋
@debravictoria7452 4 ай бұрын
Why are you talking about democracy? What country are you in? Could not be the United States, since it is a Constitutional Republic.
@jameswebb4593 4 ай бұрын
@@debravictoria7452 Two points of interest , firstly you are unable to read English properly , as I stated quite clearly " my English technical school ". Regarding constitutional republic , all that means in essence , a clown eg: Biden throws his hat into the ring , Wins 51% of the voted from those as dense as he is . The other 49% have to suffer for the next four years. Then you claim democracy . The problem is that when the system is rigged , prime example allowing immigrants the right to vote , legal or illegal makes no difference . They haven't earned the right to vote , yet their input on the outcome can be vital . that is not democracy.
@noeldeal8087 2 ай бұрын
I find no one wants to talk about anything intelligent... But the latest ball game? No problem. FYI, Jehovah is my fave subject. His kingdom is what we need...
@jameswebb4593 2 ай бұрын
@@debravictoria7452 I wonder do you know what Con.Rep means , and when is it practiced . Certainly not by Biden"s gang of crooks.
@eladentopistevo 4 ай бұрын
I was gonna say nice but the last few minutes brought it to Very NIce!! All the best
@JamesLee-iv7ff 3 ай бұрын
I can second what Niall says at 40:16 because I am at a Red Brick university in the UK and the intellectual culture is so ossified and ideological that I despise going to classes. Not because of fear from cancellation or persecution, but from sheer boredom.
Niall Ferguson - Woke Totalitarianism
The Signal
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Final muy inesperado 🥹
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СНЕЖКИ ЛЕТОМ?? #shorts
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