Uncovering Amelia Earhart's Plane: The Final Mystery Solved?

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Taking Off

Taking Off

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@SubVet84 7 ай бұрын
As a former sonar technician & supervisor on submarines, I’d like to offer my thoughts. To begin with, I do not have experience with this particular type of sonar system, but have been on a few ocean bottom mapping missions, and one under ice mapping mission. Distortion can manipulate shapes but the sonar software should compensate for and correct before the image is displayed (at least that’s how the system the navy used to get detailed maps of the floor over 10 years ago). Other concerns are: if distortion made the wings look swept back, why aren’t the dual rudders swept back at the same angle? Also, the measurements don’t add up. The body is too wide compared to the wings & the wings are connected to far up on the body. However, this could be the result of impact damage & being partially buried. Why aren’t the dimensions revealed? If you know the depth, speed, & altitude of the sonar array, then the measurements can be calculated by hand, if the software didn’t have that capability (but it does). The fact that they aren’t providing the dimensions is very concerning and is likely because they don’t match up and this knowledge would impact fundraising efforts.
@Tagurrit 7 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t be too surprised if you’re absolutely correct. It looks more like an ME-262 than a Lockheed.
@Tagurrit 7 ай бұрын
I’m NOT saying it is a 262 I’m just saying it looks like one!
@keithtao2896 7 ай бұрын
Wouldn't it be interesting if a ME-262 is found? May be Germany had succeeded in shipping a jet fighter to Japan in the final month of the war...@@Tagurrit
@Tagurrit 7 ай бұрын
@@keithtao2896 wow! What a story that would be! Even better than if it’s the Lockheed. !!
@James-mz7tv 7 ай бұрын
Don't forget that the entire cabin of her Electra was a network of EMPTY, airtight fuel tanks. Depending on how much air was remaining in them, they would have imploded as the plane hurdled into the darkest depths of the ocean. How fast the aircraft sank would determine the extent of O2 remaining tucked away into the various pockets of the Electra. Also, the aircraft's aluminum fuselage may well be squashed flat or nearly flat, especially if significant imploding occured at depth, blowing out and potentially obliterating portions of the somewhat delicate fuselage, a somewhat significant degree of implosion damage and/or structural warping & flattening is what I am anticipating, and I'm surprised by how utterly optimistic this apparently naïve team appears, already bringing up the Smithsonian and skipping right past the likelihood of structural devastation. This flattening of the fuselage will potentially have been as a result of non-catastrophic implosive forces blowing out smaller portions of the port and starboard sides of the aircraft, as well as hydrologic-quaking as the aircraft smashed into the sea floor. All that displaced water caused by the aircraft cruising at 30-40 knots during the long descent will have bore down a significant force on the aircraft immediately following it's arrival to the sea floor. The deep sea and the claiming of man-made vehicles by the deep sea is almost always an unequivocally violent and catastrophic affair, especially for aluminum structures, which are significantly softer and more malleable than iron or steel. It's as if each time a new and optimistic deep sea exploration team believes they find something, they completely overlook and/or fail to become acquainted with the case studies of prior deep sea wreckage discoveries and the outspoken optimism from the teams who find and initially report on the potential condition of these wrecks, and the inevitable, subsequent disappointment these teams suffered upon realizing how devastating and harsh the deep ocean usually is on the things of man.
@markbryan9989 7 ай бұрын
I hope it proves to be her plane. It would answer one of the biggest question is aviation. Gender aside, Amelia was a brave and accomplished aviator. Thanks Dan.
@aviatortrucker6285 7 ай бұрын
But she needed a man to help her with directions. Hey you guys that are married, am I far from wrong?
@orionxtc1119 7 ай бұрын
She was not a great aviator...she lost to other females in competition...
@sauli776 7 ай бұрын
”gender aside” i wonder why you included that
@leilal8053 7 ай бұрын
What a stupid remark: She neaded a co-pilot/navigator....it just worked out that it was a man.
@aviatortrucker6285 7 ай бұрын
@@leilal8053 lighten up it was a joke. She was supposed to be the first woman to fly around the world. Charles Lindberg did it solo.
@gordonwaite2 7 ай бұрын
How many times in my 65 years of life have I heard this? Numerous times.
@tomathecatgato2813 7 ай бұрын
how many of those times did u see it though? Nitwit
@brianperry 7 ай бұрын
The fuzzing image looks more like it could be an F86 Sabre....swept wings!....but who knows. Unless a ROV is deployed to have a look see it will remain a mystery..At the moment it's just a blurred UFO photograph. The last program l watched someone had found a skeleton on some pacific island...
@robertmontgomery3943 7 ай бұрын
Plane found by marines in 1944 on Saipan . Earhart and her navigator executed by the Japanese. Aircraft burned by the marines. Many eye witness accounts not to be dismissed. A government cover up to hide Earhart spying.
@earth2006 7 ай бұрын
222 million 7 hundred and 57 thousand 5 hundred and 56 times.
@gordonwaite2 7 ай бұрын
@@earth2006 Don’t quit your day job, because a comedian you are not.
@nagjrcjasonbower 7 ай бұрын
I sure hope this is the real deal. Could you imagine finally putting this case to rest?!!
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
Im very hopeful.
@letstalkaboutit8254 7 ай бұрын
What I really find intriguing about this episode in history is the lack of planning that seemingly went into them actually FINDING Howland Island, A postage stamp sized island in the middle of a huge ocean. Clearly they should have given that portion of the trip considerable more thought- Instead of a wing & a prayer.
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
@@letstalkaboutit8254 Well they did plan with the US Coast Guard Cutter to broadcast a radio bearing, plus her boilers would have sent a bunch of black smoke high. But the airplane couldn't pick up the beacon and they never saw the smoke I guess.
@letstalkaboutit8254 7 ай бұрын
@@TakingOffThat's kinda what I'm getting at, Just ONE ship? Why not 6-8 ships? spaced at various distances from the island. And more alternate ways to make contact with those ships (if they were available) It just seems they were gambling (literally with their lives) on such a slim chance of finding that island. I'll try and elaborate what I mean with the extra ships, If they knew the basic heading she should be following and lined up those ships, say 20-30 miles from each other starting from the island, 3-4 ships to the left of the island and 3-4 ships to the right (same distance from each other) and lined up with the island, if she overshot the island to the left or right but looked down and saw one or more ships she would only need follow that line of ships toward the island. Just a plan that might have worked.
@danielgregg2530 7 ай бұрын
She wound up on Gardner Island. lol.
@joekerry2206 7 ай бұрын
I had a few more thoughts to add. Older former pilot here. That was highly informative. Beacon transmitters had a limited selection of frequencies and airplanes had a nearly infinite selection within their designed bandwidth. The same was still largely true to the end of her century (older former pilot here). The outcome could have been far different if a Direction Finder (DF)/Beacon frequency was agreed upon prior to departure and then provided when she requested it. Also, had the com receiver been working properly, she would have tuned her DF to a compatible frequency given her on the fly. Moreover, if there had been a prearranged DF/beacon frequency, with her DF she could have listened on it for them, provided the ship set had voice capability. This too would have saved her life. This back up receiver arrangement had been in use long before I started flying in the 1980s. Too bad redundant com and nav sets were so heavy in those days. Just some musings about a disappearance that still captivates me.
@garlandlabat4922 7 ай бұрын
Aviation tragedies are almost all wrapped in "if only".
@tired7140 7 ай бұрын
@mrimmortal1579 7 ай бұрын
Hard to take seriously someone who doesn’t know how to operate the ‘caps lock’…
@tired7140 7 ай бұрын
@@mrimmortal1579 On purpose Einstein. Duh
@mrimmortal1579 7 ай бұрын
@@tired7140 Hard to take seriously someone who feels as if shouting their poorly reasoned ‘opinions’ outweighs the points made by the poster who spent many years working in the field in question, especially when said ‘opinions’ are followed by childish name-calling.
@glennwatson 7 ай бұрын
Nice post-production on this video. Eg the photo book with Amelia's photos is a nice touch.
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
I didn't edit this one, had one of my staff editors here at SFilms do it. So much better, lol.
@auntbarbara5576 7 ай бұрын
@tedstriker754 7 ай бұрын
I was surprised that the ocean depth was so much. 16,000 feet. That's the first I've heard that the area she's suspected of being in was so deep. Since Howland Island is a volcano made island, those just seem to rise up from the ocean floor but the area around them stays as deep as ever.
@justinsmith4562 7 ай бұрын
Just look at a chart and you will see.
@Dwight_ 7 ай бұрын
@@justinsmith4562 which shard do you mean?
@harrygearhart4520 7 ай бұрын
I seen pics of I think USS Hornet?, show a tractor still lashed down on deck, still can read the name Allis Chalmers after about 80 years in deep water.
@claudenormandeau9211 7 ай бұрын
The ocean is deeper than the highest mountain, Everest at over 29,000 feet, and still rising every year by roughly a 1/4 per year because of plate tectonics.
@gregorylyon1004 26 күн бұрын
It's 16 thousand feet deep when your over a hundred miles from Howland island
@mjsup1 7 ай бұрын
Please keep us in the loop of any new information!😊
@bobperkinson6249 7 ай бұрын
Retrieving Amelia's airplane will be another Glacier Girl herculean effort.
@finalascent 7 ай бұрын
Hopefully they won't have Oceangate make any attempts to do this dive.
@hmybritannia 7 ай бұрын
@@finalascentOceangate has been shut down permitaly.
@finalascent 7 ай бұрын
I know... just had to go for a bit of dark humor. @@hmybritannia
@PeterNebelung 7 ай бұрын
After 80 Plus years on the bottom, there won't be much left. Saltwater doesn't do much good to non anodized aluminum. Looking at the sonar image, I'd say the spars are already broken with the wings both bent upwards. Besides, until we get an actual photo we won't know for sure.
@redemissarium 7 ай бұрын
@@PeterNebelung some undersea robot take the photo of plane remnants as evident is enough....
@mattikaki 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been reading numerous books and seen all the films available about Amelia. This news was also told here in Finland in every TV news broadcasts. Amelia was a real heroine of all times. Let’s hope this explains her last seconds.
@ToriTwinWasp 7 ай бұрын
First video I have seen of yours, this is tremendous quality! Keeping our fingers crossed on this!
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
Thanks! And welcome.
@M1903a4 7 ай бұрын
*IF* it's her plane the sweep to the wings could be distortion, damage from the ditching or from landing on the bottom. I've heard so many "we found her" stories in my lifetime (I'm 77) I naturally remain a sceptic. However, I hope they did, and that modern technology can finally help clear up the mystery. As far as raising it, restoring it and flying it - not bloody likely. It's like many of the recent warbird restorations - 10 or 15% original if they're lucky and the original serial number plate.
@jamessheehan1503 7 ай бұрын
I’m going to guess it’s definitely her plane! It’s going to be the exact find as titanic nothing at that depth with the silhouette of an Electra could be anything but her plane! R.I.P. sweet aviator 🙏
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
Another wild goose chase meant to get publicity and money from investors. Nothing to see here. The only story is what kind of a jet is it, and how did it end up there.
@evilrobots 3 ай бұрын
@@jamessheehan1503 Thousands of airplanes of all sizes and shapes rest on the bottom of the Pacific. Hundreds of those wrecks are completely undocumented as to location. This is possibly the Electra, but not likely. Fortunately, modern technology makes getting video and HD photo evidence at a known location pretty straightforward (although quite expensive). For myself, I believe her plane will eventually be found - because we'll never stop looking. Technology gets better every year and never means a really long time. When they are eventually found, the initial report will probably look a lot like this. So, I'm hopeful but doubtful.
@jumperguy9867 3 ай бұрын
It would certainly not be flyable without some serious replacement parts and restoration; however, the fuselage being primarily aluminum would lend to a significant percentage of the actual plane being salvageable.
@brianirwin5296 7 ай бұрын
How is it that I am just running across your channel now? What a great video! Your presentation is wonderful and I was impressed at how you descriptively highlighted your sponsors at the end.
@downsouth5971 7 ай бұрын
Maybe they can help with MH370 next. Well done.
@KevinSmithAviation 7 ай бұрын
Excellent video Dan. Exciting news, and I wish the crew luck in finding out more information on the discovery. Keep up the excellent work. Safe skies my friend 🇺🇸🛩️
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
And congrats on joining the pilot ranks!!
@KevinSmithAviation 7 ай бұрын
@@TakingOff thank you for all the inspiration.
@catgolfer1 7 ай бұрын
I hope it's her. I miss seeing her statue at the Bob Hope Airport. Quite lovely.🚀😸
@SmittySmithsonite 7 ай бұрын
Chances are very high that it could be hers! What a find if so! Can’t wait to find out. Thanks for the info, Dan & crew. 👍👍
@dwaynemcallister7231 7 ай бұрын
The plane would have floated for long while I think before sinking, 1200 gallon empty fuel tanks gives 9900 lbs. buoyancy in a 6500lbs. aircraft
@bigeclipse718 7 ай бұрын
​@@dwaynemcallister7231test show the specific plane would only float for 10 minutes.
@garbageday587 5 ай бұрын
Chances are very low. Looks more like a Mitsubishi G3M plane to me.
@JohnFrank-se9mx 7 ай бұрын
What ever happened to the theory about the plane crash landing in shallow water near an island and her possibly dying from her injuries there? I also remember there being possible evidence of a coral formation that may have grown over the body of the plane on that same island. This information would be amazing if it turns out to be true!
@jaybee7890 3 ай бұрын
That’s the Gillespie grift
@StanfordJohnsey 2 ай бұрын
I was a bogus theory based on phantom radio signals.
@david-f9z7h 7 ай бұрын
Dan - Its Lae in PNG and is pronounced Lay not Laeye. I lived in Lae as a young person and fell in love with the Earhart legend. As I recall there was a lot of material around the Lae airstrip about her but it was probably lost when the government moved the strip to Nadzab about 20 miles away. But what a woman. I hope the wreckage is found and good on you for the great coverage.
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I actually internet searched pronounciation, so I guess it was wrong. The internet has lied to me before. 🥸
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
@@TakingOff I am shocked!😆
@joekerry2206 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for providing fine details of her last transmissions, I had not realized she could not receive from the Itasca. I did not know the Itasca was unable to provide a beacon on the frequency requested. Given that days state of the art it not surprising. Had two way communications been established, the outcome almost certainly have been much different as Automatic Direction Finders (ADF) are tunable. Surely they could have found a compatible frequency. I hope it is her plane. A few good pictures will either confirm or dismiss the theory. That was a unique aircraft even in it's own day.
@yugbe 7 ай бұрын
No one can say definitively yet, but how exciting to think that we may finally have an answer to what happened.
@jim7544 7 ай бұрын
Well done, facts, history - unlike many KZbin sites!
@jeff-hopkins 7 ай бұрын
Good reporting. It is so sad that a friend of mine is not here to enjoy this diescovery. She was a U.S. Airforce veteran and an accomplished novelist. Sadley she was lost to concer a number of years ago. 😢 --She followed Earharts accomplishments closely. 🙂
@KimtheElder 7 ай бұрын
@W7LDT 7 ай бұрын
Been down this road many times. The answer to , “Could it be her plane?” Is an obvious, YES, it could be, just like many others. Anxious to hear what they find.
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
I really hope it is! But odds are it is an early swept-wing jet fighter. Even so, finding out the story on that would be very interesting.
@W7LDT 7 ай бұрын
Those might not be swept wing. The angle of the sonar reflection can change things, especially from that depth. Fingers crossed. I’ve always hoped they would find her during my lifetime. I’m 70, so hopefully they have a few more years.
@jakedavid8187 6 ай бұрын
This is an awesome update. Hope they found it. My grandad talked about this forever. He always wanted to be a pilot.
@PetesGuide 7 ай бұрын
It almost looks like it has three vertical stabilizers. How many planes like that were lost in the Pacific?
@gordonwaite2 7 ай бұрын
I’m sure a few.
@tomtransport 7 ай бұрын
Lost in the Pacific? Probably hundreds what with WW2. Better question would be.."how many planes like that crashed just off of Howland Island in the Pacific? The answer is "NONE KNOWN OR RECORDED". If it is a plane and it sure looks like one it is probably her Lockheed 10 Electra. Howland Island was her destination.
@petemcpeterson6205 7 ай бұрын
​​@@tomtransportthat looks like a swept wing craft though . The Electra was a straight wing .
@tomtransport 7 ай бұрын
@@petemcpeterson6205 I mentioned in another post that the wings may have been bent back when she landed on/in the water. I also suspect when the huge engines and gravity pulled it two and a half miles down the water resistance may have bent them back. The team that took the sonar and found this plane also said, as they swept by at speed, the image was distorted as the sonar took the picture we see. He said the distortion was expected and normal. So we wind up with my hypothesis for the wing sweep we see and the people who worked the sonar scanner that say the distortion is normal. That image is "not" a still sonar image/photograph.
@michaelcooley4553 7 ай бұрын
Navy Target drone??
@RandallFletcher-gi5ko 7 ай бұрын
The image does look like the Electra. My wife and I both worked at Purdue. I am a Purdue grad and a retired US Air Force pilot. I worked with a man named Paul Plunket who was my best friend and a WW Ii pilot and knew her and worked on her plane. Sadly Paul is no longer with us but would be happy to hear the news. My wife and I hope it is the plane.
@AECRADIO1 7 ай бұрын
Please do NOT GIVE UP!
@MrKillerno1 7 ай бұрын
Saw an Nat Geo docu once, like a good ten years or so ago, that they made a pilot error and got lost, ran out of fuel, landed or crashed on the water and died. End of story. It is nice that they hopefully can answer the hazy story around her and give that some peace. Thanks for the video.
@TheKittyClink 7 ай бұрын
whats crazy is i passed my pvt pilot checkride on the same day this plane was found, how neat is that
@sheliasears8282 5 ай бұрын
I've set up for 34 years ever since my little girl started writing Amelia instead of her own name I know what she meant and I told everybody that plane is on the under the island or on the ground of the ocean this is amazing
@patcummings7527 7 ай бұрын
Everything is lining up to prove that this is Amelia Earhart’s plane. If it is found to be true, it’ll be one of the greatest discovers in American history
@agentvenom8692 7 ай бұрын
Not really…
@Logan0o 7 ай бұрын
he said one not the @@agentvenom8692
@theia1653 7 ай бұрын
Except the swept back wings.
@russellstewart5414 7 ай бұрын
Everyone needs to pump the brakes for a minute. It’s at 15000 feet probably only accessible by submersible rovers. It took millions of dollars to generate the sonar image and will take probably 40 million plus just to verify if it’s the right plane. Thing look a lot different on sonar , even after running the appropriate data . This could take years or another decade. And with every passing day less and less people care about this story , making fundraising more difficult. The oceans are littered with wreckage of all manner and very few people are able to recover them
@Wilett614 7 ай бұрын
Don't HOLD your Breath !! I have Serious Doubts it is Her Plane . I DO hope I am Wrong though : )
@paulazemeckis7835 7 ай бұрын
Crossing my fingers! In high school in the 70's I remember learning of her. What a dream come true if this is her plane. Great role model for aviatrixes.
@garbageday587 5 ай бұрын
It's obviously a Mitsubishi G3M used by the Japanese.
@RickL_was_here 7 ай бұрын
I get his explanation of distortion but I really doubt that it will create that swept wing appearance. An old military plane is my guess. Which early gen fighters had swept wings and would have been known to be in that general area? If it indeed is her plane, best be getting these guys on MH370 too.
@Rohrkrepierer88 7 ай бұрын
Like early military jets
@manifold1476 7 ай бұрын
You, sir, have *much* to learn about "imagery".
@haredr6511 7 ай бұрын
I doubt that this is Amelia’s Electra, but, the sonar image could make sense, falsely looking like a swept wing aircraft, when it’s actually straight. The top surface of the wing is curved. If the sonar fish passed in front of the plane, particularly at a sharp angle, the sonar waves hitting the trailing edge of the wing would bounce off in the opposite direction, making that part of the wing appear as a void to the sonar receiver. If the plane came to rest slightly nose up, it would amplify this effect.
@TheMrPeteChannel 7 ай бұрын
Some are saying it's a Beechcraft Model 18. To which I say what the heck is a model 18 being that far out in the middle of nowhere
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, it is a jet, the shape is nothing like Earhart's Lockheed.
@garywinslow2973 7 ай бұрын
Excellent work Mr. Millican! Your narrative skills are most appreciated. Thanks and let’s hope for confirmation soon.
@carson0119 7 ай бұрын
Love the reporting. Thanks for all your efforts! Look forward to your videos
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
@T.N.S.A.F. 6 ай бұрын
I'm skeptical,.. I'll start by saying I am in no way an expert in this, I'm just using my own common sense. 1. The plane crashed in 1937 like 25 years after the Titanic at a similar depth. The Titanic was built with Steel plate with various thicknesses from 1/2" up to 2" thick. The steel is in very poor condition today due to rust and microorganisms literally eating the ship. The fuselage on the Lockheed Electra Earhart was flying was less than 1/8" thick. At 16,000' down,... there would be nothing recognizable left of that plane after 92 years of sitting on the bottom of the south pacific ocean. 2. In my opinion even if she made a perfect water landing, when that plane started to sink it would have broken up into many many pieces on the way down and scattered over a large area....it would not look like the perfect image we think we are seeing. I think what we are looking at is a natural formation, we see what we want to see...kinda like the face on Mars.
@sailormike1089 7 ай бұрын
It would be cool if the R/V Petrol could get images of the wreck in color since they found the USS Hornet in 17,500 feet. Ya never know at that depth the engines could still be intact or most of the aircraft if it is her plane. Look at the color image of the Intl. Harvester tug tractor on the Hornet. You can still see the white paint of the manufacturer on the tug.
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
That would be cool.
@antoniograncino3506 3 ай бұрын
You know the Petrel rolled over in drydock last year ? Just recently righted and re-floated. kzbin.info/www/bejne/g5ibn42vbLCJitk
@thisdirtsforyou 7 ай бұрын
That’s cool!!!! Thanks for the info! When do you think they will return?
@markmaz56 7 ай бұрын
Earhart was famously bad with the radio. Never bothered to learn it well.
@kenhurley4441 7 ай бұрын
Dan @ 2:55 I'm sitting to your right! Great video and I got to fly the electra later on in this flight! I believe you used my cell phone to take my picture! What a plane and what memories we have!
@kenhurley4441 7 ай бұрын
Friday Jul 17, 2020.
@RealRickCox 7 ай бұрын
I've heard some conflicting stories about Amelia... one of which that she was not that great of a pilot and that Fred was the one doing most of the work on the trip. But I will absolutely give her credit for having the courage to go on that trip and showing other women that they too can be pilots.
@dawndehoff4485 7 ай бұрын
Why do these vids keep saying it's her plane, when their not sure yet and their wating for confirmation???🤔
@paratyshow 7 ай бұрын
👍✅ Timeless story and great in depth and concise update Dan!
@MichaelDimaggio-h7x 7 ай бұрын
This makes no sense. You would have to ignore all the people that heard her distress calls and the fact her propeller needed to be above water to transmit radio signals. It’s pretty well established she beached at Gardner island.
@ZeeroGamingTV 7 ай бұрын
I am sincerly hoping that this tragedy will finally at last be cleared up. Such an amazing and inspiring pilot: Her demise was a serious loss for aviation.
@vasiovasio 7 ай бұрын
7:20 Tears in my eyes - the ship fired up the engine to signal with black smoke in a desperate attempt to help spot them from the sky... 😢🥺
@Laura-tp8wz 4 ай бұрын
@GeoffInfield 7 ай бұрын
Starts at 7:45 but everything before that is a very good history. Unfortunately we only have that one screen shot.
@IstasPumaNevada 7 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@patrickheavirland3599 7 ай бұрын
Good morning from Minnesota! Great episode. The question is, is it the plane??? Well, it's the most probable possibility I've ever heard of. I hope it is, and I guess we will find out.
@jimmykingsborough6549 7 ай бұрын
Great review of Amelia Earharts life and the new find.
@czechappy 7 ай бұрын
I'm 67 years old, I think it is her and I pray it is her. It all sound right it being close to where she was suppose to land, I've always had a feeling they would find it close by where she should of landed. Come home Amelia
@dwaynemcallister7231 7 ай бұрын
I don't think a large crowd of people would head out there, it's pretty far, very remote and nothing to see, no matter how clear the water 16'000' is a long way down. I think it's safe and no one is gonna mess with it where it is.
@Sacto1654 7 ай бұрын
The only people who have the capacity to confirm it is the US Navy, probably working in conjunction with the Woods Hole Institute using the “Alvin” submersible.
@flashgordon3715 7 ай бұрын
James Cameron has the coordinates, I'll wager.
@vuho2075 7 ай бұрын
Given the chance to go down in the history books, you never know
@carolinep.littlejohn7660 6 ай бұрын
This is the first time I have heard the full true story of what happened at the end. How the heck did they not check to see that the boat could communicate with the plane?!? That is WILD.
@StanfordJohnsey 2 ай бұрын
Amelia lost one of her antennas on take off. Also voice communications on airplanes and ships was in its infancy, ADF was experimental.
@barryjacobs8524 7 ай бұрын
Wouldn’t it be great if that is Amelia’s plane. How exciting. Hopefully another mystery explained. I remember when Bollard found the Titanic on their last day of searching in September 1985. I couldn’t believe it. Hopefully they will leave her alone now, for the depths to care for her now. If this is Amelia’s plane don’t make a circus of it. Good luck😮.
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, and at least they knew for sure it was the Titanic!
@peterlewellyn2389 7 ай бұрын
I think the odds of this being her plane are actually very good. The radio operator on the Itaska Coast Guard ship had heard her on the radio very strong and very clear, which we would call 5X5. His assessment was that she was close by. However, her last call was farther away. Point being she came close to Howland Island. Fred Noonan was an excellent and experienced airplane navigator. He had flown with the Pan American Clippers and had successfully located small islands throughout their pacific route. When Noonan reached his expected ETA, he would have started a standard search pattern to locate the island which was effective in locating it. However, due to the unexpected stronger winds, they had used up much of the fuel that they would be relying on for such a search. My guess is they were unable to be complete their such as the Aircraft ran out of fuel. This would lead to the expectation that the aircraft would not be extremely far from Howland Island when they ran out. 100 miles away would fit into this scenario very well. I am looking forward to the attempted removal of the aircraf so we can definitely know where it all ended..
@craig7350 7 ай бұрын
If sonar anomalies can account for the dramatic swept wing, they can certainly be responsible for what looks like, may be two tails.
@yamkaw346 7 ай бұрын
@bigeclipse718 7 ай бұрын
The swept wing could also be from the crash... fact is....this is highly likely man made since the bottom is flat everywhere else. Now, is it THE plane....time will tell.
@yamkaw346 7 ай бұрын
@@bigeclipse718 You think the buttons of the ocean is flat?
@bigeclipse718 7 ай бұрын
​@yamkaw346 if you watched the episode with the actual team that found it said this entire area....for miles, is flat sea floor and that this is almost certainly manmade.
@yamkaw346 7 ай бұрын
@@bigeclipse718 Hope that’s all true, but they are extremely biased. They are trying to get investors to help fund another mission
@UrSammich 7 ай бұрын
Even if its not her plane and a plane of someone else or something else entirely, its still interesting to note that we are trying to solve some the greatest mysteries not yet fully resolved. Hopefully we can provide rest for Amelia or whoever maybe down there waiting to tell their story.
@rcschmidt668 7 ай бұрын
There is also evidence that could be signs of Earhart and Noonan surviving and living on a desert island. After all this time, it would be nice to have definitive confirmation.
@donmurray2551 7 ай бұрын
1 thing I just don't get.....some years ago, I watched a documentary on Amelia's disappearance, during it, they were explaining the plane went down near Japanese war ships at an island....I don't recall the name of the island.....they also found out about an older woman who lived in a village on that island that as a young girl, she was a witness to something. The Japanese had taken over a portion of the island during the war, and that girl was out next to a field when she saw a few Japanese soldiers were walking/leading out there a woman and a man. They led them next to a big hole they had dug out, were talking to them, then shot and killed them, put them into that hole then buried them. While interviewing that woman (who was that girl) .....and asked her to describe the man and woman, she remembered very well, described them, even the clothing they were wearing, and she said the woman had short hair, the clothes they were wearing looked like to her they were some kind of work clothes, ....they then showed her a couple photo's of Emilia and the man, and right away she recognized them. The interviewers then explained the clothes were their flight suits. There was another witness they had talked to, who had from a distance seen something burning near a building the Japanese soldiers were occupying, he got close enough to see it was a plane. He remembered the style and size of it, and when they showed him a photo of Amelia's plane, he admitted that's what he saw as a boy. Now, here's what I don't get.....with all the other theories others talk about through the years, that others claim they know what happened to them and where the plane "might have" went down, since that woman was interviewed on that island, why hasn't any team of researchers looked into and went out to that island? I believe A LOT of questions could be answered if they would get the funding, and enough funds to be able to stay out there for a good amount of time.
@StanfordJohnsey 2 ай бұрын
Mostly debunked over the years.
@mikestarkel6559 7 ай бұрын
Its not solved until the plane is brought up and proven that its hers .
@jumperguy9867 3 ай бұрын
It doesn't need to be "brought up" to prove it's hers any more than the Titanic has to be. I'd be totally convinced if it's a Electra....doubly totally convinced if the plane's wing and tail numbers match her lost aircraft.
@joec-hd6dc 7 ай бұрын
I know the jury is still out on the definitive identity. But I'm definitely on the edge of my seat for the next expedition!!!
@tomster70 7 ай бұрын
Would have been nice to keep it silent until they know for sure. It's certainly a mystery I'd love to see solved! It has captured the attention of many! Any idea of timing when they can return with equipment that could provide a definitive discovery?
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
My guess is that they needed to go public to help with raising more funding?
@jamesrecknor6752 7 ай бұрын
If this turns out to be a 59 Cadillac Fin Master I will be bummed
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
@@jamesrecknor6752Or not, wow that'd be quite the find and restoration. LOL
@gordonwaite2 7 ай бұрын
The DFC, (Distinguished Flying Cross,) a medal only earned by military airmen and airwomen, was awarded to Amelia only due to a special act of congress.
@tungstenkid2271 7 ай бұрын
I've read some good books and it seems she, her navigator ,the Howland shore party and the Itasca ship all botched up their radio frequencies due to poor planning etc resulting in her being unable to get a position fix.
@bimmjim 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for having no music on your video. No music over speech.
@blackbirdpie217 7 ай бұрын
I just wonder if any war planes of similar dimensions might have gone down, either Japanese, American, Australian or British origin. If the war was not waged in the area I'd say there's likely no other explanation for the image than being Earhart and Noonan's plane.
@garbageday587 5 ай бұрын
Mitsubishi G3M Japanese reconnaissance bomber.
@mikemulholland2862 7 ай бұрын
I've never had more of a goose bumps feeling about Amelia than I do right now. She's coming home.
@Seadog..11 7 ай бұрын
Mitsubishi G3M Tail section is more in line with the image. That was a land-based bomber reconnaissance aircraft of the imperial Japanese Navy. That aircraft was flown extensively in the area until the first parts of 1943.
@glennhaney2140 7 ай бұрын
I think you may be right.and the story tellers neglected to mention other possibilities of aircraft .
@RustyK5 7 ай бұрын
Yes, The two planes do look similar. so can't rule it out.
@Seadog..11 7 ай бұрын
@@glennhaney2140 Come to think of it, the Lockheed Hudson was used by Australian Air Force and navy units during the war, primarily as an anti-submarine warfare attack aircraft. That was a main supply route from Australia to the United states.
@haredr6511 7 ай бұрын
I suspect virtually all aircraft of the period, with twin vertical stabilizers, would have had diamond shaped wings. None that I’m aware of had swept wings. The G3M is a good candidate. There are probably many such aircraft littering the pacific.
@Seadog..11 7 ай бұрын
@@haredr6511 Australia had a large inventory of the Lockheed hudson. She was used as a patrol / anti-submarine warfare aircraft. The discovered wreck lies not far from the main supply line between the United States and australia. There could be much speculation on type of aircraft because the image is distorted, even referring to the swept wings. Those two big old radial engines are going to hit the water before the wings do so no telling what happened. If somebody wants to fund a robot going down there.. that will eventually be what happens before we know the truth.
@clarencewiles963 7 ай бұрын
Interesting thumbs up 👍
@keithdavis9897 7 ай бұрын
well, very provocative. Let's hope this is it, than it can be raised and the mystery solved. Very good video.
@doncook2066 7 ай бұрын
I have a gut feeling it’s found
@TakingOff 7 ай бұрын
Me too
@NorCal-refrigeration 7 ай бұрын
Looks like the best lead in 80 years and worthy of another trip to identify object.
@GreggRoberts 7 ай бұрын
The distortion claim is plausible but that would indicate sloppiness. Distortions are caused by oscillations of the sss device. If they believe it to be such they should go back and get new scans. No less than 10 knot passes. Slower speeds cause the oscillations.
@Pepesilvia267 7 ай бұрын
Possible to be sonar distortions. Also possible that the plane got mangled a bit on impact. If it’s hers or not, still excited to see what they find.
@lonestarhog7407 7 ай бұрын
At times like this I always keep the words of Albert Einstein as my guide: "Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds". I attempt to not form early opinions, since the data is generally sparse, and the opinions can taint the new ones as more credible data becomes available. I await the plethora of data that should become available in the near future. Amelia, I pray that you are found so that your legacy is firmly established and no longer shrouded in doubt. RIP!
@montylc2001 7 ай бұрын
Great video, very informative on the history and facts. What I wonder is how active this area was during WW2? There are thousand of aircraft from that era on the floor of the pacific.
@Thomas1701E 7 ай бұрын
It looks like an F-86 Sabre at the bottom of the ocean. It was used during the Korean War. I don't know how it would end up so far out in the Pacific Ocean.
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
I agree. Could have possibly fallen off of an aircraft carrier during transport. Things like that happened.
@davidradich9342 7 ай бұрын
Pretty cool. Here on Saipan the local legend has it she was held here in the Japanese Jail, which is only a few hundred yards from my house!
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
That is the story I believe, she and Noonan had to ditch, were picked up by the Japanese and either died in captivity or were executed. And the Japanese have been hiding this ever since.
@mewrongwayKOCXF 7 ай бұрын
Japanese invaded China three months before! Gov was getting reports that Japanese were all over the pacific and that they were building war ships and planes. There are alot of islands between New guinea and Gardner. Why such a big hop? Why only one ship waiting for them? At that time US only had control of Guam and Brits Kiribati. There was a photo at one time that was proven to be taken on Saipan of a Japanese ship at dock and a wounded white man and woman exiting the ship at gun point. Looked very much like Amelia and Fred! Maybe the future will tell?
@Captain-Nostromo 7 ай бұрын
Looks more like a Jet with swept wings
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
Because it is.
@Saint.Broseph 7 ай бұрын
Every time you watch or hear about Amelia Earhart conspiracy, wreckage found, mystery, etc., EVERYONE tells her story from birth.... like in Batman Movies telling you how his parents died.
@1hornet1 7 ай бұрын
It's crazy how much everyone is getting overly excited about this without verification first. Fingers crossed though!
@jofus3604 7 ай бұрын
Click bait brings the views💩
@joannhempen8210 7 ай бұрын
I’m fascinated with history. I hope I hear that it is her plane. That would just be amazing❤❤
@Solitude47152 5 ай бұрын
Time will tell. Earhart was a horrific pilot. She crashed many planes.
@avflyguy 7 ай бұрын
Don't know why the finders of the 'aircraft ( Deep Sea Vision )' are saying they hope to get back to the area by end of 2024 or early 2025? One would think they would already be ready within 30 days at most to go back out with unmanned submursibles with cameras.
@bmacuyhggtfy1449 7 ай бұрын
Why? It pays nothing. It's just a hobby hunt.
@medea27 7 ай бұрын
I think you vastly underestimate the logistics & money required to get people & technology out to these locations. These companies usually have to take commercial jobs in between these types of discoveries to afford to have their staff & equipment out on searches like this that aren't making them money. Discoveries can mean a big pay-day, but no-one wants to foot the bill for the months of fruitless searching.
@charlessmith5177 7 ай бұрын
It stands to reason that this is the plane. The tail section along with the approximate location is certainly interesting. The swept wing or appearance of swept wings is the part that bothers me. But if it is her plane, a lot could be explained on what angle and how hard they hit the water. I hope they can return soon to confirm the I D.
@GeorgeSemel 7 ай бұрын
I am a retired professional pilot. My take on this one is the same bit that we think we found Earharts plane or remains since I was a kid. I doubt it. And unless they can get the serial numbers off of the engines or the aircraft Id plate. I am going to call this one more BS or worse money rasing scheme. Paul Muntz had a bit to say about her since he was one of her instructor pilots. She was pretty much manufactured hype.
@rogerloess2379 7 ай бұрын
Quick question: how many people do you know who have flown themselves across half of the world using technology that was invented after they were born?
@revecarodriguez709 7 ай бұрын
Every time there was a report on her plane I made sure I would listen ! In school at the beginning of my Jr year we were given the assignment, to write an essay on someone that inspired you! Without a doubt , I did mine about Amelia , the more I read the more she inspired me , there were times I could feel I was in the sky with her ! I was so sad when reports of her being captured , being pow I would pray that wasn’t true ! Now I have hope it’s her plane , you need to bring it home , to bring her plane to life , show us her great work! Tragically she died but not at the hands of anyone! She lives on in my heart ❤️!
@11ccom 7 ай бұрын
1: Earhart and Noonan did not know Mores Code (could not understand the transmissions from the Itasca). 2: Earhart took of the "radio directional antenna" (could not hear the direction of the Mores Code). 3: Noonan miscalculated location from being on the south side of the equator. 4: No water on Gardner Island (Nikumaroro) to survive. 5: Noonan may have been kill by sharks on Gardner.
@computerguy7213 7 ай бұрын
My grandmother said she heard Amelia speak at a gathering of news media,
@Halad49 7 ай бұрын
I just read she spoke locally here, more than a year before her disappearance.
@winningjubbly9712 7 ай бұрын
This is HUGE news! Why hasn't it been covered AT ALL by the media?
@LathropLdST 7 ай бұрын
Because you look at physical media. It has been ALL OVER THE WEB for DAYS.
@pointsoflightradio9785 7 ай бұрын
They'll probably find Jimmy Hoffa, Hitler, John Denver and a bunch of other famous disappeared persons down there in that plane with Amelia. Partying it up!!!!
@drn13355 7 ай бұрын
For. The tail looks spot on. Against. The plane didn't have swept wings. However..who knows. The angle could be affecting the capture.
@DBCOOPER79 6 ай бұрын
as skilled a pilot as she was, and how skilled her navigator was, i dont believe they crashed into the ocean at all. they landed somewhere on an island controlled by the japanese. they thought she was a spy for the government and she was executed as one along with noonan. the plane was destroyed so that no evidence would ever be found. this theory had some bite because a prisoner came forward saying someone fitting earharts and noonans description were executed on the island. i believe there was a picture showing her plane being towed while she watches.
@deanladue5367 7 ай бұрын
The image is fuzzy at best, but the dimensions appear to roughly match the Lockheed Electra that Earhart was flying. But also there were a fair number of planes that were shot down in that area during the war. So they will have to send an ROV down to the site to confirm that it is Earharts plane.
@Rambletambleforever 7 ай бұрын
Seems like real deal and makes since why we couldn’t find it being that deep.
@auntbarbara5576 7 ай бұрын
Nice job, enhoyed vid as always 👌🏽
@Solitude47152 5 ай бұрын
It was very well laid out.
@brotherandrew3393 7 ай бұрын
Amelia Earhart was already found by the starship Voyager. 😅
@MetroSA-227 7 ай бұрын
I hope, but will continue to wait. Never been a big fan of Amelia due to she received big fan coverage by her husband, while other female pilots of that time period out shined Amelia.
@stephenMc-b1j 7 ай бұрын
I'm more of a Hanna Reitsch fan myself
@richardschultz6522 7 ай бұрын
If this is true, it will be the greatest find. Since the titanic, raising the plane and refurbishing it and rerun, the route that Amelia ran is outstanding. It will be a great tribute to American aviation. Thanks
@RudeboyDaytona 7 ай бұрын
I remember as a kid in the 90's seeing the Unsolved Mysteries episode about her disappearance and always being intrigued whenever new evidence or clues surfaced... I sure would like to be alive when one of America's unknown cases is finally solved...!
@pauldavis4287 7 ай бұрын
I’ll believe it when we get photos up close and in high resolution.
@dmitrysofronov8624 7 ай бұрын
Great! Thanks for sharing!
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