The 4 Maxwell Equations. Get the Deepest Intuition!

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Physics by Alexander FufaeV

Physics by Alexander FufaeV

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@fufaev-alexander 5 жыл бұрын
Do you want to solve every physics problem? Try my book! eBook: Paperback: Hardcover:
@jickbalinario6300 3 жыл бұрын
thank you
@Matlockization 2 жыл бұрын
By removing the arrow indicating a vector your making your explanation harder to understand by the layman. So let the equations be ugly !
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
WHY AND HOW THE BALANCED, TOP DOWN, AND CLEAR MATHEMATICAL UNIFICATION OF PHYSICS/PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE IS CONSISTENT WITH F=MA AND E=MC2: The following also CLEARLY explains why the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. c squared represents a dimension of SPACE on balance WITH the fact that the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Indeed, the sky is blue; AND what is THE EARTH/ground is ALSO BLUE (on balance) !! Consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE. A PHOTON may be placed at the center of what is THE SUN (as A POINT, of course), AS the reduction of SPACE is offset by (or BALANCED with) the speed of light (c) (ON BALANCE); AS E=mc2 IS F=ma; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is (CLEARLY AND necessarily) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). General Relativity is directly taken from Special Relativity. E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma. CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. I have exposed Einstein. Beautiful. Note: Consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. Think carefully about the black “space” AS WELL. Great. It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense, as BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. THE EYE represents a two dimensional surface OR SPACE (ON BALANCE) that is consistent with F=ma AND E=mc2. This NECESSARILY represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN/ON BALANCE. Consider what is THE SUN. The sky is blue, and THE EARTH/ground is ALSO BLUE. Again, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. GREAT. E=mc2 IS F=ma. This explains the fourth dimension AND the term c4 from Einstein's field equations. BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is fundamental. By Frank Martin DiMeglio WHAT IS E=MC2 is taken directly from F=ma, as the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution; as TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. c squared CLEARLY represents a dimension of SPACE ON BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE. Great. It is proven. WHAT IS E=MC2 is taken directly from F=ma, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. Consider WHAT IS THE EYE ON BALANCE. Great. Consider what is the fully illuminated (AND setting/WHITE) MOON ON BALANCE. WHAT IS E=MC2 is taken directly from F=ma. Great. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
Maxwell's equations are fundamentally consistent WITH what is E=MC2, particle/wave duality, TIME, AND the second dimension in/of SPACE (ON BALANCE), AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE); AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Great. c squared CLEARLY represents a dimension of SPACE ON BALANCE. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
Consider what is E=MC2. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). It is imperative to consider why and how it is that there is something instead of nothing ON BALANCE. WHAT IS GRAVITY is, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE. Consider INSTANTaneity. Excellent. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@christianlibertarian5488 4 жыл бұрын
40 years. That's how long I have known about, and not understood, Maxwell's equations. A 40 year quest has come to an end.
@umeshchandramakwana806 3 жыл бұрын
@@jewulo Really it is true for most of us!
@maskedmarvyl4774 2 жыл бұрын
I blame the teachers. They explain principles to their students as if they already understand the subject, all of its terms, and calculus. A professor that doesn't assume any of that and explains all of the principles, terms and math clearly is a rare gem.
@carlospascua5902 2 жыл бұрын
May I just ask (without being in any way disrespectful) how have known 40 years about it but never understood them?
@christianlibertarian5488 2 жыл бұрын
@@carlospascua5902 Sure. I know the symbols. I know how to do the math. But I didn't understand what the math implied.
@davewilson13 2 жыл бұрын
As a physics professor I’m delighted to hear you finally were lead to the understanding. I only wish it could have come sooner.
@izelyldrm6498 4 жыл бұрын
That is how everyone should explain physics. No more words needed.
@veerajvishnu899 2 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly speechless. I've never seen Maxwell's eqs explained so neatly and concisely. It's like you knew exactly what I wanted. Thank you!
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for the motivating comment!
@lewisfalm 2 жыл бұрын
This video is Gold. I want to cherish it forever hahaha
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma, AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. (Accordingly, ON BALANCE, c squared CLEARLY represents a dimension of SPACE.) Consider what is a two dimensional surface OR SPACE ON BALANCE. (Consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE.) Notice the TRANSLUCENT blue sky ON BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Indeed, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE; AND consider what is the speed of light (c) ON BALANCE; AS this CLEARLY explains (or proves) the fourth dimension. Carefully consider what follows. (Notice that the Moon is ALSO BLUE.) E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma, AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Accordingly, ON BALANCE, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution. Accordingly, ON BALANCE, the fully illuminated (AND WHITE/SETTING) Moon IS about one quarter the size of what is the Earth. Indeed, what is the orange (AND setting) Sun IS ALSO the SAME SIZE as what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. (Lava is orange, AND it is even blood red; AND the bulk density of lava is comparable to that of basaltic lava on the Earth.) In fact, it is now explained why the crust of WHAT IS THE MOON is about TWICE as thick on it's far side. Gravity is an interaction that cannot be shielded (or blocked) ON BALANCE. Again, E=MC2 is taken directly from F=ma; AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Notice that said Moon AND said Sun manifest (or form up) at EYE LEVEL/body height, AND the curvature or shape of said Moon DOES match that of what is THE EARTH/ground (given what is a CLEAR horizon, of course). The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE. Notice that TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Carefully consider what is THE SUN AND what is THE EYE (ON BALANCE). E=mc2 is taken directly from F=ma, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity ON/IN BALANCE. Magnificent. I have mathematically proven what is the fourth dimension. Finally, the illumination regarding said Moon AND said Sun does appear to be (or it is basically) the same. Now, what are the tides are CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) electromagnetic/gravitational (ON/IN BALANCE). Indeed, the average tide IS about six feet; AND the tide in the middle of the ocean is about two feet. Magnificent. Remember what is lava ON BALANCE. GREAT. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@fragilephoton Жыл бұрын
This is what Einstein meant when he said "you understood it if you can explain it to a 6 year old". Brilliant explanation with pace slow enough to grasp everything and fast enough to explain all four law under 40 mins
@tycobrahe7663 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant! If this is how Maxwell’s equations are held in your mind, I wonder about all the other concepts in physics that you hold in your mind - they must be held with such tremendous clarity. This clear video is possible because you must have put in the work to understand the underlying concepts in their most fundamental simplicity. I’m eager to see other videos by you and have subscribed to your channel.
@flophy5991 Жыл бұрын
You explained maxwell's equations better in 40 minutes than my professor could in 5 hours of lectures (and saved me from failing my electromagnetism exam next week). thank you so much dude
@francescaerreia8859 2 жыл бұрын
Idk much about physics but I just learned about geometric algebra recently and I hear it provides an even deeper intuition into this.
@jackmaxwell3134 3 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine the level of work you must have done to do this video! Thank you so much!
@SabaQamar-xu9hl Жыл бұрын
@andreadanesi53 5 ай бұрын
On YT this is the best video about the 4 Maxwell's Equations. I've seen so many videos in order to understand them but noone's explanation made them so clear as you
@annyali4542 9 ай бұрын
You just made me understand not Maxwell's equations only but you also explained line/surface integral in a deep way, really it is the deepest intuition!
@mathathiknai 4 жыл бұрын
This is the best video I have ever found on internet explaining Maxwell equation with such an amazing clarity. After watching the whole video I took no time to subscribe this channel. :-)
@mateuschahinsantos9040 2 жыл бұрын
This might be the first "understanding the maxwell equations" that I actually understood them. Great video!
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! #### Become a channel member 🏆 #### As a channel member you have many cool benefits: * Badge next to your name * Unique channel emojis * Your vote counts 10x! * and much more kzbin.infojoin ############### Of course, I would also appreciate a small donation: -------- Top supporters appear here:
@TheToffeyman 4 жыл бұрын
You are a global treasure sir. Keep doing what you're doing, soon you'll have the follow base and the recognition you deserve!
@whatelseison8970 Жыл бұрын
The slide whistle really helped my understanding of these topics. You have a real gift for this may friend!
@njmikeche5575 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Chemical Engineer, so although we learned these in school I never really properly got my head around them. These are sort of fluid flow equations, but we don't really use the actual vector calculus itself very much. I always wished I had a better intuitive grasp of these and now I do! Thank you.
@cstruble2 3 жыл бұрын
There should be a Nobel prize for explaining complex ideas, and Universaldenker should win it.
@alexxans1154 2 жыл бұрын
The video is incredible. In just 40 minutes it dissects and analyzes each aspect of the equations and comes the a conclusion about what they actually mean. It's honestly amazing
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, such comments motivate me a lot! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
@@fufaev-alexander THE CLEAR, MATHEMATICAL, INTEGRATED, EXTENSIVE, LOGICAL, BALANCED, AND IRREFUTABLE PROOF THAT ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity: One, TWO, AND three dimensional SPACE are CLEARLY and perfectly consistent with what is E=MC2, TIME, AND what is GRAVITY. Consider what is THE EYE along WITH the fact that the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE. (c squared CLEARLY represents a dimension of SPACE ON BALANCE !!!!) What is E=MC2 is taken directly from F=ma, AS gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE); AS the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches it's revolution; AS the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE. Indeed, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Great. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@pasixty6510 2 жыл бұрын
The most comprehensive explanation of Maxwells ideas, I’ve seen yet. Thank you so much. I hope, my fellow antenna developers enjoy this as much as I did.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! #### Become a channel member 🏆 #### As a channel member you have many cool benefits: * Badge next to your name * Unique channel emojis * Your vote counts 10x! * and much more kzbin.infojoin ############### Of course, I would also appreciate a small donation: -------- Top supporters appear here:
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
@@fufaev-alexander Einstein never nearly understood the mechanism of gravity. Einstein never nearly understood what is gravity. Einstein never nearly understood TIME. Einstein never nearly understood what is E=MC2. I have surpassed Einstein and Newton. FACTS. The coronal heating problem in solar physics relates to the question of why the temperature of the Sun's corona is millions of kelvins versus the thousands of kelvins of the surface. I have solved the problem. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). Inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE is proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). This CLEARLY explains what is E=MC2 AND F=MA ON BALANCE. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !! What is E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent. What is GRAVITY IS, ON BALANCE, AN INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. Gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE (ON BALANCE). Accordingly, ON BALANCE, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution. “Mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent WITH/AS what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY, AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !!!! Magnificent. Consider WHAT IS THE SUN ON BALANCE !!!! THINK. Consider why and how that there is something instead of nothing ON BALANCE. Consider what is THE EYE ON BALANCE. The first, second, AND third dimensions in/of/AS SPACE are BALANCED !!! (Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE !!!) The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky ON BALANCE !!!! TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). I have CLEARLY explained, ON BALANCE, how and why a given PLANET (including what is THE EARTH) sweeps out equal area in equal TIME. Great. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@konuljafarova4159 3 жыл бұрын
This is by far the most explanatory, clear video on youtube
@bhuvan1036 4 ай бұрын
Damm, I learnt more in these 40 minutes than around 50 * 40 hour sessions in class. Can't thank you enough!!
@rndtnt Жыл бұрын
this video successfully summarized 3 weeks cours material at electromagnetism, big thanks
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
you're welcome, Rafi! 🤝
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
@@fufaev-alexander TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. This necessarily represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE !!! Indeed, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON BALANCE !!!! Great !!!! By Frank DiMeglio
@alexursache3270 4 жыл бұрын
The best video I found, no Indian accent, no boring video like a guy writing on paper or something, thank you so much, my physics finals will be a lot easier now
@zakirhussain-js9ku 2 жыл бұрын
Best explanation of maxwell equations on youtube. Simple, clear and crisp.Well done.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you for your feedback! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@MusicEngineeer 4 жыл бұрын
amazing! it not only explains the maxwell equations themselves but also the divergence-theorem and curl-theorem along the way. and everything in very intuitive terms. i like especially, how the equations are correlated with the visual depictions - like having the symbolic mathematical equations drawn above an "equation of pictures". thank you very much. i'm looking forward to the derivation of the wave-equation from the maxwell equations!
@tominsoftware 4 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful explanation. One of the best videos on scientific phenomena. Thank you so much!!
@marcoantonioalcazarperedo8846 3 жыл бұрын
After watching this video, I had a profound spiritual experience, because I understood four of the most fundamental principles in our universe. I'm so grateful and I hope to see more content :) Nice Job!!
@breveennkukan3603 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant video. I cannot praise it enough. As the other comment said, after 20 years I finally understand Maxwell’s equations thanks to you.
@Bernhardseckm Жыл бұрын
This channel is a hidden gem on KZbin
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
And your comment is my motivation boost!
@joysaha1578 3 жыл бұрын
Sir, I am from India. I am a graduate in Mathematics and doing my masters in applied maths. In 12th standard, I first came to know about Maxwell Equations in Electromagntism chapter, the teachers of my institution just wrote it down on the blackboard and ordered us to copy that and did not explained us a single bit of the equations, especially when I urged him and showed my interest on how those four equations came to that particular form and why there are 2 forms, what is the uses of those 2 forms, what is curl and divergence and what does it mean by partial derivative...that teacher just scolded me badly for my extra curiousity and then I apologized to make him calm. Now by seeing this video I am thankfull to my fate because if in that day My school teacher gave me the idea of Maxwell Equations, I didn't even search for this awesome topic and I missed this beautiful video. Thank you sir. Many greetings and love from India❤️❤️
@mahmoudelnaggar8630 3 жыл бұрын
Keep illustrating physics like that, that's brilliant ♥️
@timurzhakeyev5149 Жыл бұрын
There are one of the best explanation what I know from more than 45 years when I had started university course of potential field. Thank you very much.
@erikdiaz-bautista3061 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a professor at a university in Mexico. Tomorrow, we're going to start the topic of Maxwell's equations. I'll recommend your video to my students. 🙂✌️🇲🇽
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
It is a great honor for me! Thank you very much for the recommendation! It motivates me very much! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@Cdglass 2 жыл бұрын
Finally :) I found a channel that goes into the maths of it like my teacher !! (I’m a first year polytechnic student from Brussels and you have all my thanks)
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Nice! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@fredg8328 4 жыл бұрын
I learned these equations 20 years ago and forgot most of their meaning. Thank for this great reminder. That's the clearest explanation I've seen so far.
@helmutalexanderrubiowilson6835 2 жыл бұрын
I am a wireless network designer 20 years of experience And must say thank you sir.. you solved all my questions i had about what is exactly a radio wave. I know its behaviour in practices but i didnt understand all the datails about how brillant minds like maxelll could visualize all this complexity of a physical phonomena and express it in such an elegant way. THANK YOU!
@Delta._ Жыл бұрын
My God! What did you just explained? I owe you something. Thank you so much from my little heart.
@peytonfitzgerald4216 9 ай бұрын
That is the greatest explanation of the divergence and curl theorems I have ever heard.
@artificialharmonic3527 Жыл бұрын
This ist a stupendous didactic effort and absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much!!
@youwillseelikethis Ай бұрын
This was by far the best video I watched on Maxwell equations. Thanks for your work!
@TlouMoloko-t1p Жыл бұрын
This guy is the future. Thank you from South Africa.
@christophgrauel9357 Жыл бұрын
After having studied most of the really great lectures on electrodynamics by Prof. Paul Wagner (Vienna) I ran into this video and was flashed immediately - a perfect summary of the four Maxwell laws. Thank you so much for this! Sometimes, however, you find an even more compact version for the 4th Maxwell equation, using the magnetic field strength H which even eleminates the field constants µ_0 and ε_0.
@joelwong62 4 жыл бұрын
Just found out this video, and this makes my day! Amazing job sir! Looking forward to your other videos sir.
@uceee1 4 жыл бұрын
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
@@uceee1 Consider what is E=MC2. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). It is imperative to consider why and how it is that there is something instead of nothing ON BALANCE. WHAT IS GRAVITY is, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE. Consider INSTANTaneity. Excellent. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@tigrayrimey6418 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think if Maxwell could have explained like this! I heard people say teaching is an art I have seen it here! So explicit and delivered in a very brilliant approach. This must be the best lecture video on Maxwell Equations otherwise equal. Keep up the great work!
@junchaochang6962 2 жыл бұрын
The best videos about Maxwell’s equations I have ever watched,thanks very much
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your positive feedback! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@valerifumero2486 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely true!! I'm a high school physics teacher and this is the best way I've ever seen to explain Maxwell's equations to the students. It's a class by itself!!
@jmcorpuz1 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. This is the best explanation that I have ever watched so far
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you John! #### Want more videos? #### As a channel member you have many cool benefits: ✅ Unlock ALL Physics Videos ✅ Channel Badges For Your Nickname ✅ Unique Channel Emojis ✅ Your Vote Counts 10x in Polls ✅ Immortalization in the Hall of Fame ✅ And that's not all! CLICK -> kzbin.infojoin
@Idkwhattonamess 9 ай бұрын
Maxwell is such a great physicist, and you are a great physics communicator
@danielmacfarlane4575 7 ай бұрын
If you keep the vector variables bold, but put a full arrow above the vector variables, I would hands down recommend this video to all my STEM buddies. It is jam packed with good stuff and makes me feel like I am getting something out of my second physics course. The use of bolding the vector variables is justifiable in the context of this particular video, because the animations and commentary explicitly demonstrate that the bolded variables are indeed vector quantities. In some ways expressing vector variables with an arrow above them and unit vectors with a ^ hat is more beautiful compared to leaving them off and bolding the variable for several reasons: 1. Someone who has never seen multivariable vector calculus can intuitively see with almost no explanation that something is different about the variables with the arrows compared to the variables without. This is great for people who are learning the material for the first time. 2. They serve as an intuitive reminder that the variable represents a vector. Much in the same way that the circle in the integral reminds us that we are dealing with a closed shell (surface of a potato). 3. Expressed with arrows the equations can be written the same way on paper as they are viewed in the video which reduces the cognitive burned in applying the equations to solving homework problems. 4. Also those with poor eyesight might not be able to distinguish the difference between bolded and unbolded variables.
@EricLeePiano 6 ай бұрын
i learned more from this video than i did in a 4 yr electrical engineering degree
@pranav2310 7 ай бұрын
Omg omg omg everything finally make sense. I was freaking out in college coz all of this looked like a bunch of symbols. You’ve made it so easy to understand. You have my eternal gratitude
@natejack2292 Жыл бұрын
Starting grad school in physics this fall, researching superconductivity. This was an amazing summary! I have a feeling I'll be back
@kapsabet3 Жыл бұрын
not a Physicists by you made me understand this concept . Thank you. very very well done. I am so grateful.
@Eric-jh5mp 11 ай бұрын
What a beautiful video. A perfect mixture of intuitive imagery and well-defined mathematics. I haven't learned electrodynamics in the last 3 years, so I'm very rusty. This was a great way to revisit it quickly and get a better intuition then I had before. Thanks for the video!
@Idkwhattonamess 9 ай бұрын
Yes it is
@jorn-michaelbartels9386 4 жыл бұрын
Endlich eine einfach verständliche Erklärung der Maxwell-Gleichungen. Super! Da ich ein kleines Kind habe, kann ich zwar das Video nicht in einem Rutsch gucken, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass ich zumindest eine ganze Menge mehr verstehen werde als in jedem anderen Video zu den Maxwell-Gleichungen. Bin begeistert!
@edvargas3105 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best explanations of Maxwell's equations. Great job!!!
@Simio_Da_Tundra Жыл бұрын
I feel like this video is very much underappreciated. The explanation is not only crystal clear, but wholy elucidates the mathematical framework behind the equations, while also making the notation feel justified. Nothing short of a masterpiece.
@rd-tk6js Жыл бұрын
Best concise yet complete explanation of Maxwell's equation on the web, thanks !
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
Hey rd, thank you very much!
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
@@fufaev-alexander Einstein was a weasel. DiMeglio is the mastermind.  Frank Martin DiMeglio 2h Do objects fall at the SAME RATE for the same reason that planets orbit the Sun at distances that are irrespective of any given planet's "mass"? Yes. Here's the CLEAR mathematical proof. THE CLEAR AND BALANCED UNDERSTANDING OF PHYSICS/PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE AND TIME: Consider THE EYE. CLEARLY, WHAT IS E=MC2 is KEY to understanding WHAT IS GRAVITY (ON/IN BALANCE). Indeed, c squared CLEARLY (AND NECESSARILY) represents a dimension of SPACE ON BALANCE !!! Consider what is the fourth dimension. CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). A given PLANET (including WHAT IS THE EARTH) sweeps out equal area in equal TIME. The ultimate mathematical unification AND UNDERSTANDING of physics/physical experience (AND TIME) combines, BALANCES, AND includes opposites. The rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution !!! Consider WHAT IS THE EYE ON BALANCE !!! Consider WHAT IS E=MC2 ON BALANCE !!! It is KEY to understanding what is gravity (ON/IN BALANCE), AS the INTEGRATED EXTENSIVENESS of thought (AND description) is improved in what is the truly superior mind. Consider, ON BALANCE, WHAT IS the fully illuminated (AND setting/WHITE) MOON !!! (It IS the SAME SIZE as what is THE EYE !!!!) INDEED, consider why and how it is (ON BALANCE) that there is something instead of nothing. Magnificent !!! It ALL CLEARLY makes perfect sense ON BALANCE. (BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand.) Think. Great. Consider what is the man (AND THE EYE ON BALANCE) who IS standing on what is THE EARTH/ground. WHAT IS GRAVITY is, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked !!! Great. Notice what is the orange (AND setting) Sun ON BALANCE. Notice WHAT IS the TRANSLUCENT AND BLUE sky ON BALANCE !!! Again, ON BALANCE, consider what is THE EYE !!!! CLEARLY, WHAT IS E=MC2 is KEY to understanding WHAT IS GRAVITY (ON/IN BALANCE). MAGNIFICENT. TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE, AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !!!! By Frank Martin DiMeglio WHAT IS GRAVITY IS, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. WHAT IS E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent, AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !!! BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. GREAT !!! WHAT IS GRAVITY IS, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. (WHAT IS E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent.) Consider what is the man (AND THE EYE ON BALANCE) who IS standing on WHAT IS THE EARTH/ground, AS touch AND feeling BLEND; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE); AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE !!! BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. WHAT IS GRAVITY IS, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. WHAT IS E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent, AS “mass"/ENERGY involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE consistent WITH/AS what is BALANCED electromagnetic/gravitational force/ENERGY; AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE); AS gravity/acceleration involves BALANCED inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE (ON BALANCE). INDEED, GRAVITATIONAL force/ENERGY IS proportional to (or BALANCED with/as) inertia/INERTIAL RESISTANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE); AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE !!! The stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. WHAT IS E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent !!! Accordingly, ON BALANCE, THE PLANETS (including what is THE EARTH) sweep out equal areas in equal times. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. WHAT IS E=MC2 is taken directly from F=ma, AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE). WHAT IS GRAVITY IS, ON BALANCE, an INTERACTION that cannot be shielded or blocked. WHAT IS E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent !!! CLEARLY, gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites (ON BALANCE); as the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME (AND time dilation) ON BALANCE. INDEED, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE; AS ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is CLEARLY AND NECESSARILY proven to be gravity (ON/IN BALANCE) !!! GREAT !!! ACCORDINGLY, ON BALANCE, the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution. GREAT !!! WHAT IS E=MC2 IS dimensionally consistent. GREAT !!! It is a very great truth that the SELF represents, FORMS, and experiences a COMPREHENSIVE approximation of experience in general by combining conscious and unconscious experience. INDEED, the INTEGRATED EXTENSIVENESS of THOUGHT AND description is improved in the truly superior mind. BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
@attilauhljar3636 Жыл бұрын
Clearest explanation I've seen so far, thank you so much!
@kylewolfe_ 4 жыл бұрын
"I omit the arrows because they make the equations unnecessarily ugly" HERESY
@RyanK-100 4 жыл бұрын
He didn't say he was using bold letters instead but he did.
@kylewolfe_ 4 жыл бұрын
Man I can't believe I went through an entire college E&M physics course without once hearing even a mention of curl and divergence. I learned about these concepts in multivariable calculus but never had the connection to physics. Maxwell's equations are so much more meaningful now with this connection. Last week I was just blindly following the integral form for symmetric cases.
@QUAGINATOR101 Жыл бұрын
Have you thought about doing this kind of video for mechanics: kinematics, forces, energy, etc? I’m a first year physics student, and while some of those equations made sense, the physical meaning of things like v² = 2ax, 1/2mv², and v²/r remained mysterious, and the professor’s explanation was always a little unsatisfying. Would love to see a video of this caliber devoted to those topics! Great work!
@frankdimeglio8216 Жыл бұрын
TIME dilation ULTIMATELY proves ON BALANCE that ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity. This necessarily represents, INVOLVES, AND DESCRIBES what is possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE !!! Indeed, TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual IN BALANCE; as ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy is gravity ON BALANCE !!!! Great !!!! By Frank DiMeglio
@darthnosam3313 Жыл бұрын
What you need is Six Easy Pieces and Six Not So Easy Pieces by Richard Feynman. The recordings of his lectures are on Audible, he explains those quite well
@geliogene2181 4 ай бұрын
The best explanation of Max's equations I've ever seen in my entire college studies
@sammradha7628 2 жыл бұрын
Deserves more than million views..great explanation ever experienced !!!
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you like my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about a small donation: Top supporter appear in the Hall of Fame:
@sergiolucas38 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, i've seen a lot of videos about these subjects, but yours is by far the best, in all the aspects. Great job, indeed :)
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thank you for your comment! I would be happy if you subscribe to my channel :))
@vinceespiritu4407 3 жыл бұрын
This is so enjoyable to watch. This is how learning should feel like! (not like the boring lectures in class)
@sanjivoddi9268 2 жыл бұрын
GREATEST EXPLANATION EVER! MAN WHAT A VIDEO, Till now in all my physics courses which I have attended they just explain Maxwell's equations in a very abstract way using very complicated phrases whereas here by explaining the stokes theorem and green theorem using effective animations the concept and getting built in front of our eyes.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the positive feedback!
@joseclementenavarrete6982 Жыл бұрын
You have accomplised to simplified the complex - for the didactical purposes and the aimed audience, this what you have done here is extraordinaire, thanks a lot, muchas gracias desde Mexico.
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks!
@roncho Жыл бұрын
You deserve all the views and all the likes in the world. This is the clearest explanation of maxwell equations ever... I could not explain it better and i have ten years teaching this topic. I am learning a lot from you.
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
Hello Helmut, thank you very much for you positive feedback. I really appreciate it! 🙂
@landonian1223 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't even watched the video but know it's going to be good bc it's aiming for intuition.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@fernandogaiborFMEspol 18 күн бұрын
I have just finished a semester on my master in physics program, and this video is just awesome, very well explained. I'm also an educator in the same college, and let me tell you, what a skill on story telling you have! Never did the video turned out boring or anything, not pauses were made, and really really good ways of connecting the concepts
@Idkwhattonamess 8 ай бұрын
Day 1: Really quite sick. Almost threw up in a subway. One week to college. Homeless guy said he had a Time Machine, but it was just a cart full of clothes. Super tired.
@edvargas3105 Жыл бұрын
The most detailed and brilliantly explained Maxwells equations. Thank you
@vincentkaruri2393 7 ай бұрын
Best video on the internet on this topic!
@dasanvarathan7959 4 жыл бұрын
First of all, Thanks for the video, Brother. It connected all my previously learned dots from ElectroMagnetics and gave a clear understanding and big picture on Maxwell Equations. I also realized, How great James Clerk Maxwell was deriving these equations at those early years? I respect him while thank you for this video. A true teacher is the one who inspire the students to love the subject. You are the Teacher.
@ek_minute_ Жыл бұрын
you're maxwell.
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
@ChrisInmanDrums Жыл бұрын
Just excellent. What a blessing to live in these times, with videos like this at our fingertips when we so desperately need them. Without this the banging-my-head-against-the-wall currently going on around this topic would've carried on into the very distant future.
@MatthewReiser123 4 жыл бұрын
Incredible! James Clerk Maxwell figured it all out ... without KZbin!
@marspalk7611 Жыл бұрын
Most beautyfully explained complex subject. My college professor did not explain this well because did not know any better. Job well done and every minute of this video worth it.
@robertrogers7331 2 жыл бұрын
Thank Goddess that you speak carefully and distinctly. Thank you!
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your positive feedback, Robert Rogers! #### Become a channel member 🏆 #### As a channel member you have many cool benefits: * Access to premium videos * Badge next to your name * Unique channel emojis * Your vote counts 10x! * and much more kzbin.infojoin ############### Of course, I would also appreciate a small donation: -------- Top supporters appear here:
@MEDSNMN 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best videos on understanding Maxwell's equations. Thank you for doing such a great job explaining these concepts!
@NickTheHunter 2 жыл бұрын
This is the best explanation I have ever heard! Thank you very much, you are a legend!
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@logogistiks8857 5 ай бұрын
Haven't had magnetic fields in highschool yet, but i think this video is very good explained for someone who has not seen this stuff often before. I feel like now after watching, i have a good intuition for the topic!
@eduardoteich5892 4 ай бұрын
The best explanation i have ever seen. Thank you very much!
@softwarephil1709 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video! I’ve watched several videos on Maxwell’s equations; this did the best job of explaining the calculus representation and the derivative vs integral forms.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I appreciate it very much Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@subuhulfatirissamawatrajab7727 2 жыл бұрын
Sharp and clean explanations. Thank you.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you too! 😎 Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@LaurenceRonayne 8 ай бұрын
That is the best explanation of vector calculus and Maxwell's equations ever. Awesome.
@jonomoth2581 8 ай бұрын
This was a great video. I found it hard to follow at times but after pausing to mentally recap different parts of the video I think I got it. one part that confused me was that I didn't know what flux meant.
@iluvyunie 7 ай бұрын
flux is sort of like the change in flow of a vector field when permeating a surface (I think), usually integrated over very small volumes
@steafanmaciarfhlatha8497 4 жыл бұрын
The best video I have ever seen on this topic. makes Maxwell's Equations easily accessible to anyone with A level maths (or equivalent)
@smitboraniya6752 2 жыл бұрын
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! #### Become a channel member 🏆 #### As a channel member you have many cool benefits: * Badge next to your name * Unique channel emojis * Your vote counts 10x! * and much more kzbin.infojoin ############### Of course, I would also appreciate a small donation: -------- Top supporters appear here:
@herbertzeller8181 6 ай бұрын
Fantastic video! This not only helped me to finally grasp what I learned about vector fields in calculus like 2 years ago, it also allowed me to finally understand these fundamental equations I've heard much about but never really understood how they work. Thank you!
@edd. Жыл бұрын
I have a BS in Electrical Engineering. This is by far the best explanation I've ever heard or seen.
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you very much for the positive feedback! I really appreciate it! p.s. Check out my new physics website:
@simonettep604 2 жыл бұрын
You not only helped me understand maxwell equations, but you also helped me understand some vector calculus concepts that got lost in the middle of all the tedious calculations that i was made to to, thank you.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the compliment! Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you regularly visit my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about 1 x coffee ☕ per month: kzbin.infojoin
@2hcobda2 11 ай бұрын
1:05 Given, for example, m = 1 metre & "the large sphere" has radius 2m & is centered at the origin ( 0. 0. 0 ) of coordinates & "the small sphere" has radius m & is centered at ( 4m, 0, 0 ). Then the distance r between these 2 spheres is m, while presumably, 4m was the intended distance. Also, presumably, uniform distribution of the electric charges Q & q was intended on the surfaces of &/or in the interiors of these 2 spheres. (A little more precisely, within/on either sphere the electric charge density is solely a function of distance from the center of that sphere. )
@srdenizakbal3676 Жыл бұрын
I'm a visual lerner and that's why this video was really the last stop for me. The perfect combination of animation and lecture was really fluent
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the positive feedback, Sırdeniz!
@pawelchmielniak3275 Жыл бұрын
holy shit that was a great presentation!
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
hehe, thank you!
@adleneboulebtateche156 2 жыл бұрын
Great job. I can't thank you enough. The best video about curls and diversions on KZbin. deserves at least a million likes.
@fufaev-alexander 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! 😍 Feel free to join the polls I'm doing in the community tab. There you can vote for the next video topic: kzbin.infocommunity If you like my channel and like my videos, I would be happy about a small donation:
@catculus1 Жыл бұрын
this video changed my life
@fufaev-alexander Жыл бұрын
Hey Trinity, wow thank you very much for your positive feedback!
@tayyabahaider3872 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I am doing masters in physics and I am still stumbling over Maxwell's equation that was a great help thank you
@DiegoKhers 5 ай бұрын
thank you! I was finally able to understand intuitively the four maxwell's equations.
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