This reminds me of my own hay operation. If it's not one thing, it's another... that breaks, won't run, catches on something, or it rains! But I still love it. Fortunately, I'm only making enough hay for my own 2 horses. About 200 bales each year. Maybe when I retire in a few years, I'll have time to cut and bale more hay to sell. And then, only if I want to.
@karl-egertdaskov6217 Жыл бұрын
oh i love that time of the year i remember iwas like 3 or 4 when i started going with granpa to the field he had (and still has but dont use) a east german made baler that made little smaller bales than yours it was a offset baler with a frame that sent the bales up and you drove a second tractor under the frame offset again and so you had to stack the bales once but we actually stacked them on the trailer too because it was a group effort to get them up into the barn (it was a interesting one the barn didnt have a loft like yours it was a high building and hay was stacked from ground to roof) and we used 3 tooth pitchforks on long handles and just took the bale and lifted it up the bale was taken and again took the bale around 150 bales per load they stopped using it quite a few years ago the 2 cows they had were getting old and wasnt worth keeping anymore but my great granma shes the toughest human i know at 84 years she cleans the 3 barns by hand she feeds them by hand and also milks them with the old school milkers that had like a bucket under it and you pour it out to the puckets and haul down the hill she has 35 head of cows and 24 are being milked i would love start something like you guys are doing small farm in the middle of nowhere and have few cows for milk and raise bulls and heifers and use old equipment but at 19 (20 on july 13) i dont have the starting capital for such operation i wish i had
@newtsfarm Жыл бұрын
We used to have a small gas engine belted to the elevator and that worked well as long as the engine did! I was always the kid in the loft yelling down to let me catch up.
@browdylozinski1490 Жыл бұрын
You should give us a farm tour I’m very interested in how that operation is with the outdoor farrow-to-finish because im starting to do an outdoor farrow to finish pig farm as well and it’s very hard to find other operations anymore
@chargermopar Жыл бұрын
Might even be low enough to pick up a stack of bales with the Bobcat and lift to the door if the conveyor breaks.
@greggergen9104 Жыл бұрын
As big is the guy working the hay trailer is it might be easier and faster to park the trailer under the trailer and throw the bales right into the loft.
@joegerman1998 Жыл бұрын
I suggested that but he wanted to use his elevator! 😂
@RuralMidwest Жыл бұрын
Wanted to test out the new toy 😁
@farmerbill6855 Жыл бұрын
Then use it right. Put the bottom of that elevator on a bale on the trailer. You don't have to lift or walk the bales as far. But seriously, he's right, throwing them up there would have been way easier and faster.
@ChristopherLee77 Жыл бұрын
You're spreading your arms out too far, he's not that big
@farmerbill6855 Жыл бұрын
Your chain needs to be tightened badly. Best regards from Indiana.
@RuralMidwest Жыл бұрын
Yep, we tried to tighten it before we started but did not have any more adjustment, will need to take a link out somewhere.
@stevefoley7345 Жыл бұрын
What part of Midwest?
@RuralMidwest Жыл бұрын
@jimwilliamson7598 Жыл бұрын
If the chain is catching on something why don’t you stop and fix it before something breaks???
@RuralMidwest Жыл бұрын
It catches once in awhile, not a big issue, fix it after we are done using it.