This is why self-actualization and integration are so important. Our conversations about free will are meaningless until we realize what our unconscious is secretly pushing into our conscious thoughts and desires. Similarly, within type, we cannot justify bad behavior because of our type- because we are born this way and cannot change. This is antithetical to the entire point of typeology, which is growth and understanding.
@user-soon3003 ай бұрын
Thank you beautiful lady❤
@mayasnew20852 ай бұрын
❤ lovely example with nice way
@solarisan_11 ай бұрын
I like this idea. And I have noticed that I do have things in common with ENFP, ESTP and ISTJ. We may not show reactions towards the same ‘what’ element nor is our ‘why’ same, but the element of ‘how’ can have an overlap. Having a dad who is ESTP and coming across others who happen to be that type, I have noticed what is irritating vs what comes across as similar between us. Concrete things are what I work towards. Let’s say they are at the end of the road for me. To get to it, I need to go through a lot of abstract reasoning, helping others, further researching etc. All in all, I would say I am selective when it comes to concrete thinking. My dad is selective when it comes to abstract reasoning. In fact, considering many aspects on a given topic has the capacity to scare him so much that he can either become isolated or start to argue (I show similar reaction but for a different reason). My first best friend in high school was ENFP. The simplest way to explain the dynamic is saying that ENFPs externally show what is internalized for INFJs while INFJs externalize what is internalized for ENFPs. There are many ENFP characters that I love because I can recognize elements of my reasoning in them although the direction is reversed.
@jonathansun4831 Жыл бұрын
Recently I’ve been stuck in a mindset of us vs them where ‘rebellious’ subtype of each type are against the ‘status quo’ subtype of each type is a battle for supremacy. It’s too much unjustified hatred towards people and It’s refreshing to think that I’m not stuck in this particular role and that perhaps my mindset could grow.
@thetruthspeaker1978 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad to here that your self-awareness is growing. It is very easy to remain stuck in a negative mindset. Only a person who at their core has a good heart and an intelligent mind can become self-motivated to change. Your willingness to admit that you need to change your thinking demonstrates courage and compassion. My hats off to you..👍 ❤
@samuelmyllyaho606611 ай бұрын
Interesting and informative video!
@clli94586 ай бұрын
where does this quote orignate from!?!? cant find anywhere, the book or audio?