1. Tube Arrester 2. It oscillates whn the capacitor charges and builds enough voltage to discharges through the tube 3. Time it takes for the capacitor to reach the breakdown voltage of the gap in the tube, in this case, your bulb, the capacitor in series(yellow), the capacitor(brown) value and the input voltaage u have given 4. you added the bulb in series so it takes longer for the capacitor to build up voltage 5. Diodes rectifier, capacitor in parallel to the tube to set frequency, capacitor in series to the circuit probably to limit the current flow into the circuit same for the bulb 6. No, capacitors don't have path to discharge
@Snow-tk9zv8 ай бұрын
Is it a spark gap?
@Benadski8 ай бұрын
1: I don't know what kind of tube this is, but it behaves like a unipolar sidac it seems. I really would like to know which tube it is! Is it a surge/lightning arrestor maybe? 2: The brown capacitor is charged until the breakdown voltage of the tube is reached, at that point the energy inside the capacitor is dumped in the arc. When the voltage is low enough, the arc breaks and the capacitor charges again. This takes some time. Then it all happens again => oscillation. 3: The frequency is limited by the current through the 60W bulb and the value of the capacitors. 4: If you use a small wattage bulb in series it probably will be slower. Lowering the input voltage can also lower the rate (until it's too low). Radiating the tube might increase the frequency. 5: The diodes and capacitors form a voltage multiplier, the 470nF capacitor stores the energy. 6: Only after discharging the capacitors first!
@CircuitChaos8 ай бұрын
As to 1, I'll tell you in a couple of months, when the contest in „Understanding Electronics” is over :)