Unveiling Fundamental Mormon Beliefs: Is God a Polygamist? | Reaction to Polygamy USA Episode #2

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Growing Up in Polygamy

Growing Up in Polygamy

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@schs1977 2 ай бұрын
In an odd way I can relate to plight of unmarried Mormons. I got married when I was 19 years old (my wife was 18) as a college Sophomore. On our 1st anniversary our son was born. Four month later, my wife left us. At the age of 21, with 18 months of college remaining, I officially became a divorced single-father. I was a generational member of the Protestant denomination called The Wesleyan Church. Great people, but had a very strong stance on "remarriage." The belief was though my wife left me, and if I remarried, both of my new wife and I would be committing adultery. We would not be able to enter Heaven. I believe many denominations, take a certain scriptures and manipulate them to justify some other belief. My apologies to anyone reading this who may be a member of the Wesleyan Church denomination. It was not my intent to pass judgment. I am stating the facts as I understood and was taught according to the churche doctorate 25+ years ago when I left.
@dalithecat 2 ай бұрын
These theology talks are so interesting! Thanks for sharing all this info. I was a very strong evangelical/fundie Christian, who left religion very slowly over about the last ten years. I totally understand how people raised in a religion can believe 1000% some crazy things, including that they are the only ones with the truth. I agree with Melissa, too-it’s good to check yourself. I wonder what I believe now that I will totally disagree with in ten years?
@BeingLolaStar 2 ай бұрын
It's so interesting that you say that mainstream Christianity wasn't told to be "like God" because I was so often told that our behaviours should be "Christ like", meaning that we should act in the way that Jesus would. We weren't told that we could BECOME a god but we were definitely told to try to model his behaviours. Super interesting how similar phrases could have such different interpretation!
@annakonneker 2 ай бұрын
17:00 Mary and Martha are sisters of Lazarus; Sam is correct
@CLWettstein22 2 ай бұрын
I went to Catholic school when I was little and we switched to many different Christian faiths in my life. I was saved and baptized at a young age. I was taught as a pre teen that Mormonism was a cult. They cautioned us against many cults in my church. I joined the LDS faith, met and married in the temple and had babies right away. The Mormon church is the only one that taught they were the one true church and everyone else is wrong. I am no longer religious but do carry some beliefs from all of the religions I practiced. Great lesson you guys! Love ya ❤
@shella775 2 ай бұрын
Interesting conversation. I am 30 + years out of LDS and still learning the differences. Mary and Martha are actually Lazarus's sisters. I enjoyed how they were portrayed on the most recent season of The Chosen.
@dorapakozdi4578 2 ай бұрын
Loving the theology-heavy episoded and both of you. ❤
@Anna_Kristine 2 ай бұрын
The Eastern Orthodox Christian Church believes in theosis which is the process of becoming like God. However, a human can never become God because God is infinite, eternal and uncreated while we as humans have a created conception point. Therefore, theosis is an infinite goal, a never-ending yet rewarding process of becoming like God.
@teena4rl211 2 ай бұрын
@Anna_Kristine Also Orthodox. Wonderful comment. Unlike most Christian denominations, we don't teach or believe in substitution atonement. The consequences of my sins are mine alone. Jesus has quite a different role in Orthodox Christianity. He's the Savior, not a get out of jail free card.
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
I am happy to learn more about the Eastern Orthodox Christian church, thank you! I understand why you see it the way you do, the comparison about God being always and forever and humans having a conception point. I just want to say that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believes that though our bodies have a conception point, our spiritual matter is eternal from before we were born on this Earth to after we die. Our spiritual matter took form as God's literal spirit children, and on this Earth we take physical form. We believe that God has physical form, perfectly fused and exalted with his spiritual form way past what we have here on this Earth. We believe that with God's teachings and sacred ordinances, our bodies and spirits can become perfectly fused and exalted as well. This is one of the points of the atonement. We believe that when Jesus Christ was resurrected, his spirit returned to his body and became alive again, his body and spirit perfectlly fused and exalted like God's. Him doing this made it possible for our bodies and spirits to do the same, all becoming like God and developing the same knowledge and abilities that God has. Well, depending on our choices. Everyone will have their bodies and spirits perfectly fused together, but only those of us who have performed and kept his sacred promises will be able to do what God does. We believe that this is the point of life, for God to show us how to literally become like him because he loves us and we are his literal children. This is another reason why Satan does what he does, he will never have a perfectly fused body because he was never actually born on Earth to receive one. And he sure is mad about it, so he roams the Earth with his minions, trying to destroy our lives and make us miserable and forget our potential as God's children. So yeah, just to explain why we in the Church of Jesus Christ believe that.
@shirlzitting647 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting videos and comments. I believe that I believe, and therefore I am a believer in belief, both my belief and others. Do we differ. No, we develop, and that is the very purpose of this life, to explore and develop, even as the Gods did and do, forever increasing and endless. Any apparent contradictions of beliefs are simply polarities, even as the earth has opposite poles. Whenever someone's belief seems wrong and therefore evil, be careful. It is God's own doing. All who believe the Bible know that God is the doer of all evil: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things (KJV Isaiah 45:7). All as polarities to provide mankind with a vast array of possibilities and viewpoints, for their very consideration, human relation, and personal development, mortal and eternal, in all of its dimensions: Assiyah, Yetzirah, Beriah, Atzilut. Look it up.
@teena4rl211 2 ай бұрын
@shirlzitting647 Beutifully put and yes indeed.
@sarahcunniffe4678 2 ай бұрын
Listeng the doctrine is interesting. Looking forward to the next one x
@rin-eri 2 ай бұрын
Re: "Every religion believes they're the only right one" - I don't think you said that exactly but I've heard people say this. I just want to say that's not the case. I grew up Christian. Episcopal specifically. And my priest (who climbed her way up to the rank of Arch Bishop before retiring) (you can look her up, Susan Goff), she taught me that our religion isn't the only right 'right' one. In fact, no religion is right and no religion is wrong. She described religion like an elephant, and humans are like a room of blind men. Everyone only has access to one part of the elephant. One blind man has access to the elephant's ear and says that elephants are long and flat. One blind man has access to the elephants tusk and says no, you're wrong, elephants are pointy and hard. All religions look at god from one angle. And if all of humanity were able to come together, we would have a fuller picture of what the true god was like. So she believed all religions were valid, and that we're all worshipping the same god, just in different ways. She even took this to the extreme. Our church was next to an Islamic Mosque. And after 9/11, our church and their mosque held a joint prayer sessions for the victims of 9/11 in our event hall. (Not the sanctuary, just the place we hold parties and events, so that way it was neutral ground.) Our two religions came together and prayed for everyone in the situation. Because both leaders believed we're praying to the same god anyway, just in different ways. And this was a time more important than any for us to come together. So yeah! Just to throw a grain of hope out there. Not everyone is pretentious and thinking they're the only right ones.
@starri9103 2 ай бұрын
Well.... what about those of us who don't buy into ANY religion or even believe in a god whatsoever? 😉 Some people see religion as a way for other people to make an easy living without lifting a finger, as in the longest con game ever.
@rin-eri 2 ай бұрын
@@starri9103that’s valid too. I’m not religious anymore.
@WildVoltorb 2 ай бұрын
Not every religion is about a God, sometimes they can be about multiple gods, sometimes they doesn't even need a concept like a God at all
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
That is wonderful to hear! I feel like that is a much healthier way to look at things and get away from the "us vs. them" mentality.
@ATiredMom 2 ай бұрын
I don't agree with there being only 1 right sect or denomination but this idea or the elephant and blind men sounds so similar to the Mormon view of all other religions with the broken glass table analogy and everyone got a piece of it but they now have the 'fullness' of the gospel. I know you just mentioned this as another perspective that your priest had, but my concern with the elephant analogy is that if there is a divine being like God, why would he not provide a way for us to know Him? Maybe not in total fullness, but enough to not develop totally opposite views on key aspects of God and salvation as many religions do. I see what you are saying but I personally feel there has to be some clear truths we can know about God, otherwise, I would lean toward no God at all. Respectfully to those that it is, it's not offensive to me for someone to call their religion the correct one. It's offensive to me when those differing views cause violence, shunning, etc. They really can't all be true with how they do contradict. Truth either exists in this world or it doesn't at all. Like, it can't be true that I posted this message and also true that I didn't post this message. I believe the same would have to go for a God of the universe - and then each different religion (not necessarily denomination in Christianity) has different view and characteristics of God, so I would think he would have to be 1 of those or none of those. Just like Jesus, who we can know confidently did walk the earth. With his claims, he was either lunatic, liar, or who He said he was. Just good teacher doesn't really fit with all his actions and words.
@FaithBurnside 2 ай бұрын
Gotta correct you here Melissa, you said mainstream Christianitys goal is to be in God's presence again. Drop the "again" we don't believe in a pre-existence. Also, at least in the Bible, Mary and Martha are mentioned as Lazurus' sisters. Another great episode!
@JamesReilly-en4di 2 ай бұрын
I read a lot of the Book of Mormon twenty years ago when I was going a nervous breakdown it fried my brain 😮
@Katestaysconfused 2 ай бұрын
These spirit babies are such a wild concept to me. Or God out there making spirit babies with multiple women. It's just shocking to my little Methodist brain.
@helenejordan3896 2 ай бұрын
I am watching episode by episode with you guys in this and it’s so interesting to watch this and hear your takes. I was raised Catholic but as a teen decided to explore other religions and I’ve always been facilitated by it all so thank you so much for all this. It’s really very interesting and insightful. You guys are wonderful
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@nancyevans3590 2 ай бұрын
The Adam God doctrine used to be taught in the St George Temple at least. After Brigham Young’s death they tried to make it go down the memory hole, but unfortunately there was the journal of discourses. And he is still included in the temple in the creation narrative (at least the last time I went 10 years ago. So much has been done to change the ceremony since then I’m not sure what is taught there now.)
@jlee2133 2 ай бұрын
As a Christian....born and raised Presbyterian! I can firmly say that none of us know if our way is the right way. We just have to believe and have the faith. No matter which route you take we all come to the same Father in the end. ❤
@ATiredMom 2 ай бұрын
I think we can have full confidence in Christ, which IMO is what saves but in general, mainstream Christians don't believe 1 denomination is necessarily 'the only way' or 'the one true church' like all sects of Mormons do. But in some ways Mormons are much more universalists than Biblical Christians, but Biblical Christians are more focused on faith in Christ than things like priesthood power or being in the 'right' church.
@katlizski 2 ай бұрын
As always great video
@TiffinyHarrington 2 ай бұрын
I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools from 6-10 grades. We believe in ONE God. We believe Jesus was born to Mary after an Immaculate Conception. We believe Joseph married Mary with the understanding God was sending His son to us. We believe Jesus died for our sins and will return again. We believe in Heaven and believe our souls will live eternally with God. We do not believe we will be gods ourselves someday, nor have I ever heard of God having “wives” and nor have I ever been taught Jesus had any relations with women, let alone multiple wives and children. And any talk of someday having our own worlds and becoming gods & goddesses would be deemed blasphemous and from a very dark place. I think the LDS/FLDS beliefs regarding the Afterlife (Heaven having three tiers, becoming gods) and the seeming almost dismissal of the Bible over the Book of Mormon and other products of founding of the Church that just feels so foreign to me. I suppose it’s why I’ve found myself in this LDS/FLDS rabbit hole. It’s hearing Melissa say she was 30 years old when she learned the rest of Christianity believes there is one God; no gods came before and no other gods exist. This is a fundamental belief of both Christians and Jews. But the Church - both of them - seem to have such a stronghold on its members that you all seem afraid to ask questions and seek objective answers outside the bubble. It’s just fascinating! Very much appreciate your channel, Sam & Melissa.💜
@cc-hk5ih 2 ай бұрын
Terrific summary of Catholic beliefs, Timothy. I was brought up Catholic also. I am so glad that I was free to learn about other religions while being in my own. Can't get over how insular even the mainstream LDS Church is even today and how their view of God Jesus and eternal life is far, far from Christian belief. Though they are now pushing the fact that they are Christian. 19th century Catholicism seems to equate with 21st-century Mormanism as regards being closed-minded strict and very authoritarian and over pre occupied with peoples moral behaviour. Which ironically in both Churches is accompanied by much hidden abuse of children and people by clergy and members alike. I think when you blindly accept any doctrine and are actively encouraged not to educate or question a set of beliefs its never a good thing.
@karenbc99 2 ай бұрын
I can't get my head around any religion, but I do enjoy listening to others talk about it
@michellesunshinestar 2 ай бұрын
You are right, so many gods. Once I was at the bus stop, and this Christian was talking to a Muslim. He kept saying "Allah is God". I'm just thinking, you can't convert them. Guys, last night at the Bible study this woman kept talking about Kingdom Hall. I'm like "she's a Jehovah's Witness", they believe completely differently.
@michellesunshinestar 2 ай бұрын
Right, sometimes the faith works for the person. I know two people I would never want to leave the LDS faith.
@marymerritt7039 2 ай бұрын
Matthew 7:7 basically says don't judge others. It is up to Jesus whether or not you are saved. Just keep reading the New Testament. Love your podcast!
@michellesunshinestar 2 ай бұрын
I just bought the entire series. It's so good though. But I never got a "revelation" about my ex. But I was so pressured to get married. Our friend's her mom didn't want her to get married. So, they sent her on a mission. I felt so sorry for her. I found out because the family ward my ex and I were in, our friend's mom was in. I overheard her complaining to somebody that they couldn't find panty hose in the winter. (Pre-Amazon). She needed to send them to her.
@CherokeeJoy4308 2 ай бұрын
Morning 🌄 from Sydney nsw Australia
@homeonegreen9 2 ай бұрын
An important part of the Catholic faith that is much over looked because most Catholics even do not believe it anymore is faith and reason go together. Aquinas being the classical example of how belief requires an understanding of the intellect first. For example his proofs of God's existence start totally in Aristotelian Philosophy and observation on the natural world. Question 65 of the Supplemental to the Summa Theologiae Aquinas goes to great lengths explaining why polygamy is wrong; rarely drawing scripture into it except when talking about the Old Testament vs New Testament. Faith has you do crazy things when devoid of reason but reason alone leads to red Russia and China because the state becomes the religion.
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely! Beautifully said.
@erinl.2292 2 ай бұрын
I was raised Catholic, no longer practicing. My father still is. He's a Knight of Columbus (Catholic Mason) and he's involved in the process of the order's founder eventually becoming a Saint. One of the criteria for sainthood is preservation of the body, so they're excited an examiner is coming to look at it. We were having this conversation with my husband there, who wasn't raised religious. When my Dad left to go to the bathroom, my husband was like, "You guys are joking, right?" And then I realized at 29 years old that it is kind of weird to have "incorruptible corpse" as a criteria for sainthood. 😂 Mormons think they're strange, the Catholic church has had milennia to become weird.
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha we all definitely have our unique things that can seem normal to us when we are raised in it!
@homeonegreen9 2 ай бұрын
Incorruptible is not a requirement for a cause of canonization. It is a miracle that happens occasionally, some incorruptibles are hundreds of years old and unexplained by science. In many cases there are only bones. Also the body is kept as a reminder of resurrection not because there is anything special about a corpse.
@erinl.2292 2 ай бұрын
@@homeonegreen9 It's not a requirement but it is part of the evaluation, so I don't think it's wrong to call it part of the "criteria." Apologies if I offended or mispoke.
@teena4rl211 2 ай бұрын
The Hebrew Bible mentions, "Yahweh and his Asherah." Most of the references to Asherah occur in Kings and Chronicles but also in Exodus, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Micah. She is very much associated with a cult object (pole) and fertility. Sometimes this is also referred to as asherim, the plural form, in Hebrew. Although ultimately monotheistic, Judaism did not start out that way. Monotheism evolved over thousands of years. One of the things that I admire about Mormonism is the theology includes a Heavenly Mother, the feminine divine, the idea of which was lost long ago as the religion of the Hebrews took on more and more cultural influence of the places where it spread. The Mormon interpretation of the role that Eve plays is wonderful too.
@firstcenturychristianity6864 2 ай бұрын
Love the video. While I can’t corroborate the Mormon opinion on Mary being a wife of God, there are three passages that present God as married to more than one wife simultaneously. Jeremiah 3:6-14, Jeremiah 31:31,33 and Ezekiel 23. None of them are literally human women, but all three present God as polygamist as if it is a cultural norm. There’s also pro poly verses and phrases in the New Testament referring specifically to Christ. Not as married to Lazarus’ sisters or Mary Magdalene, but rather to the “bride” of Christ. I’m not a fan of Mormon or Muslim polygamy, but the fact stands that biblical history and early Christianity was definitely accepting and supporting of polygamy. The first anti poly “Christian” was Tertullian in 220 AD. He became anti marriage after his conversion to Montanism in the early 200’s and viewed marriage as a necessary evil to be tolerated only to sate uncontrollable lust. Thus monogamy was bad, therefore polygamy was worse.
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
That is such an interesting history about Tertullian, thanks! Just so you know, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints believes those scriptures you referenced are metaphors for God's relationship to his chosen people, not reflecting his actual relationship with them. He uses marriage as a metaphor because of how sacred and perfect of a situation a good marriage is vs how destructive and heart breaking a bad marriage is. He is saying that his relationship with Israel is like a bad marriage because Israel has lost their belief in him (comparable to a wife abandoning her husband), and they started worshiping other Gods (comparable to a woman acting like a "harlot", or sleeping with other men). His relationship with Judah is like a good marriage because Judah was still remaining loyal to their beliefs and worship of him at this time. So metaphors, but not literal marriages or a literal model of multiple marriages. At least that is the interpretation by the Church of Jesus Christ.
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
Mary being God's wife is not a part of the doctrine taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We do believe that God has a body (an exalted one) and that he is Jesus Christ's physical as well as spiritual father, but we don't know how this was actually done since the scriptures just say that Mary was caught away in the Spirit and then was pregnant. Further explanation has not been revealed to us as doctrine. It is also not our doctrine that Mary and Martha were Jesus' wives, though it is sometimes a topic of discussion that he probably was married since we believe that marriage is a huge part if exaltation, but again, not a doctrinal teaching. Something that has been a problem in our church, perhaps a lot of churches, is that when there is an unanswered question about the gospel, people start to come up with their own ideas for explanations. This is fine as long as it is continually presented as an idea. But a problem that happens is that when that idea makes sense to others, they start stating it as fact and start teaching it to others as fact, and it then becomes a generally accepted misconception that never had grounding in actual doctrine. The culture of the Church of Jesus Christ is rampant with these misconceptions. There have been whole books published with these ideas as fact. I have been a member all my life, but since becoming an adult, I have had to weed out beliefs I had that I thought were doctrine, but actually just turned out to be someone's idea and was never actually real doctrinal revelation.
@michellesunshinestar 2 ай бұрын
LOL, I just remembered my "new name". I like Superman and Lois, so I keep ruining into it.
@EliteMidwestQueen 2 ай бұрын
I know you're not in the LDS anymore I'm a converted LDS since 2013 can you teach me about the Book of Mormon and bring the bible alongside, please?
@felipeury Ай бұрын
Saludos desde chile ojalas hagan en español
@albertito77 2 ай бұрын
22:24 I'm RC and we believe that we are the one true church too, but there is wriggle room. God never commands impossibilities! Someone who has no ability to hear about Christianity will not be punished for failing to convert to it. For instance, we don't believe that non-Trinitarian Christians and non-Christians are automatically damned. We understand that there was something like 150,000 years of humanity prior to God revealing himself to Abraham. We believe that God looked after his children and probably the Neanderthals too, who lived prior to the revelation and covenants to Abraham, Moses, King David and eventually the new covenant that is Christianity. God looked after his children and continues to look after them in heaven.
@loveandbeauty 2 ай бұрын
So after doing a binge of episodes, does the Mary Magdalene and then Mary and Martha being the wives of Jesus form the basis of the 'you need three wives to reach the celestial kingdom' that has come up repeatedly within different groups? Or am I just blurring things together?
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
We are guessing that is where it came from. That an old apostle or prophet used this as an example of why there needed to be three and that the fundamentalists have clung to it. We are trying to sift through FLDS sources to find exactly where it came from, but for now it is just our best guess as well.
@wlgeiger 2 ай бұрын
The more I hear about the levels of Heaven and the creation of other worlds / spirit children. I am dying to know what Mormons / LDS / FLDS groups think of Aliens ?!?!?! They are close to the Las Vegas / Rachel NV areas too.
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
I (Melissa) was taught that aliens weren't going to be "little green men" but that it would make sense if we found life on other planets because every person that reaches the highest degree of glory would become a "God" and have their own planet. So naturally it would make sense that that process would already be happening on other worlds right now as well...
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
We also don't even know if all of God's own children come to only the Earth, or if it is happening on other planets too. Something we do know is that Jesus Christ is the Savior for all of God's children, on our planet and others too if there are people on other planets.
@starri9103 2 ай бұрын
There are literally thousands of religions, many of whom think they're the "correct" one. It's a given. What I'd like to know is where in the Mormon theology (I don't care which brand) is it written that god is a polygamist or even has one wife? It's certainly not part of any christian religions that I'm aware of (but there might be). The following is bible scripture, pick a version, any version and it will say basically the same. Matthew 22:30 Amplified Bible (AMP) "For in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are like angels in heaven [who do not marry nor produce children]." I'm also curious who wrote that Adam was god and that Eve was a bouquet of women? Is this all from the fingertips of Joseph Smith? p.s. I don't believe in any religions, so simply curious where these beliefs originated.
@RevolutionUtena 2 ай бұрын
Sisters of Lazarus
@ronyriveragalvez4585 Ай бұрын
Tambien me he hecho esta pregunta, si Dios permitio o permite la Poligamia, ¿tambien la practica, o practicaba? 🤔
@rin-eri 2 ай бұрын
Mormonism is the only polytheistic Christian religion I'm aware of. XD It blew my mind when I realized that, strictly speaking, the LDS church, which claims the Bible as a holy text, is polytheistic. Like the Bible is pretty damn clear that there is ONE god specifically, all other gods are false gods, one one one one god. And in LDS there is no trinity so like, Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit are all separate gods. So that's three. But even if you try to say they count as one because of the godhead (which I don't buy into), then there's still the heavenly mother(s). Which is several. And then there's still literally everyone who has proven themselves like Adam or other holy men who got to die and become gods over their own planets. Like there's a potential infinite number of gods in mormonism. It's wild to me. Yet every Mormon, if I ask them if they believe their religion is polytheistic, will be like "uhhmmm I mean like I can see why you'd say that, but not really." They can't see it.
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
I understand your statements about Mormon theology being polytheistic, and in a way we are, but there are actually quite a few more details that explain your concerns. Like that we believe in multiple Gods in existence, but we only worship one. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we do believe there is Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, 3 essential but distinct beings that make up the Godhead. Heavenly Father is the God of everything in existence, the supreme being, the supreme creator, the supreme planner, the creator of the plan of happiness which is the purpose of life, the God of everything, all worlds in the Universe and everything that we can comprehend and not. Most importantly, he is also our father, the actual father of our spirits and we also have a Heavenly Mother who is the mother of our spirits. They together make our Heavenly Parents, who are the literal parents of our spirits, while our parents we have on Earth are the parents of our bodies. We worship our Heavenly Parents as The Father. They are also the parents of Jesus Christ's spirit, but Heavenly Father is also the Father of Jesus Christ's body with Mary, in a process that we are not fully aware of, just that she was "caught up in the spirit". Jesus Christ is actually the one who created the Earth under Heavenly Father's direction and planning. This, plus the fact that he brought Heavenly Father's teachings to the Earth, and then overcame death on this world by the Atonement, is why we refer to him as "the God of this World", but we worship Heavenly Father. To explain Jesus Christ as a God further, we need to look at our belief in "The Plan of Happiness". The Plan of Happiness is why we are here. In a nutshell, Heavenly Father and Mother are perfect physical and spiritual beings. Then they had us as their children, though we were just spirits. They want us to become perfect spiritual and physical beings like they are, so they made the Plan of Happiness, which means we had to come to this physical world, get bodies, go through all kinds of physical and spiritual learning opportunities, die, and then resurrect, or have our spirits reunite with our bodies as a perfect being, becoming Gods like our Heavenly Parents. Jesus Christ has already completed this process and is, therefore, a God. Even though we worship the Father, Jesus Christ is such an integral part of Heavenly Father's plan and has done so much for us to achieve Heavenly Father's plans for us, that he kind of takes a place in our worship of our Heavenly Parents, or the Father. This is the one true God, as in no other inventions of men are the one true God. Also, we believe that the Plan of Happiness is how our Heavenly Parents became perfect physical and spiritual beings i.e., they used to be like us, and went theough the same process to get to where they are now. This means that technically, they are not the only Gods in existence, because they had innumerable spiritual siblings just like we do that achieved the same Godly goal. But we do not worship them, just our Heavenly Parents. Also, we don't believe anyone else that has lived on this Earth has become a God yet except Jesus Christ. There have definitely been great spiritual people i.e. Adam, Moses, Mary, etc., and even people who have reunited with their bodies (when Christ was resurrected, others were too), but there is a spiritual refining process that takes a long time, even past death that Jesus Christ is the only one to have accomplished so far, though even he hasn't accomplished to the level of Heavenly Father and Mother yet. But suffice it to say, we do not believe in Adam, Moses, Mary etc. as Gods. There is actually another interesting way to think of the scriptures stating that there is one God. Kind of what they touched on in the episode, everyone believes their religion is the true one, and in a way, they are all correct. This is because all truth comes from Heavenly Father, and there is at least a piece of truth in every religion. Now, we believe that most religions, based on history and topography and apostasy, lost a lot of the truth and began filling in the holes with their own ideas and explanations, coming up with new names and descriptions of God and life and important events, but all founded on the original truth. Therefore, making the Father the literal ONLY GOD, because all these other god's of men's inventions have a piece of the Father in them. We believe he will even talk to these different people in these different religions in forms that they know from their religions. Like, I don't believe in the Catholic Saints, but I believe Joan of Ark saw them because that is how she would be able to understand what Heavenly Father needed her to do, so he visited her, or sent messengers to her, in the forms that she knew. I believe in the many claims of Holy visitation in religions worldwide in different forms that have actually influenced people to do good. But it is actually all the Father, talking to people in a way that they will understand based on their culture. Now, we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ believe that we have the truest of the Father's religions with no holes filled in by men, but even we still don't know everything because the Father continues to give us more knowledge as we are ready for it. There are definitely still holes, unanswered questions, but we don't accept men's explanations for them as doctrine, though many people do try to fill in the questions with their own explanations. This is where a lot of past statements about polygamy in the mormon church and why we did it came from. The truth is, there has never been a clear reason given for it from the Father, he just asked us to do it, then he told us to stop. There was never a clear reason given for why black people weren't allowed to have the Priesthood for a while, and then were allowed to. There was never a clear reason given for why we are told not to drink coffee or tea. We don't actually know a lot about the Holy Ghost as a person i.e. who they actually are, but we know their purpose is to be able to convey Heavenly Father's communications to each of us individually as well as to help cleans us of our sins through the atonement, and we connect with it daily. We don't worship it, but treat it with profound respect, love and gratitude for what they do. Well, that was a sermon and a half😅! But as you can see, this is a complex belief system. It is difficult when little individual details get spread around and get judged, without the full doctrine being understood. Please just know, that "mormonism" isn't a superficial, uneducated, foolish, smashed together religion. It is highly detailed and complex and does take true devotion to learn it.
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
@rin-eri I completely understand the shock. Growing up LDS (Melissa here haha) and always believing in the fact that I could be a god and everyone else could too, I didn't realize that this was foreign to mainstream Christianity until I was in my late 20s! We were taught that the Bible still applied because we only "worshipped" one God. So interesting how interpretations of the Bible can lead to so many different beliefs! =)
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
@jvinson4181 that is a great explanation of the LDS perspective! Thank you! Also, just so you are aware, a lot of time when people refer to "Mormons" of "Mormonism" they aren't specifically meaning members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and aren't trying to be disrespectful or derogatory. There are over 50 sects that believe in the Book of Mormon and that Joseph Smith was a prophet (many of those being Brighamites) and people are normally referring to the "core beliefs" that they all share. Especially on our channel where we talk about so many groups within Mormonism, saying "Mormon" is a way to suggest distinguishable beliefs without clarifying a sect. Like saying someone is "Catholic" but really they are "Roman Catholic", I guarantee every Roman Catholic can tell you the many reasons they aren't the same from the other denominations, but to outsiders like us, if we know someone is "Catholic" there are certain fundamental beliefs that spread between all sects of Catholicism. Hope this helps clarify that we personally never use the term "Mormon" with disrespect!
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
@GrowingUpinPolygamy that actually makes a lot of sense, I am going to have to think about that! So when people make comments to me about Mormonism, maybe a good way to discuss it is by saying "well we in The Church of Jesus Christ...", as a specific faction of Mormonism. Very interesting. I appreciate your perspective! I think I will adjust that in my above comment.
@rin-eri 2 ай бұрын
@@jvinson4181 thank you so much for the detailed reply. i read it carefully. i can see where you're coming from. maybe there is more than one god in the greater existance, but the fact that you only worship one of them makes the religion monotheistic. i've never been mormon, and I'm not religious at all for that matter (anymore lol). but it at least gives me a frame of reference to understand. i've asked four missionaries this question and no one could explain it as clearly as you did. thank you for taking the time to answer my question in good faith.
@gwendolynnorton6329 2 ай бұрын
Well Uncle Arthur does have a toddler
@mienafriggstad3360 2 ай бұрын
@darcyackerman 2 ай бұрын
Polygamy is not for me but maybe it is for you guys. I personally don’t think that God wants people to have multiple wives but if a married couple comes across a woman who is in need with children maybe it is ok for the married couple to ask her if she would like to live with them temporarily as a platonic friend. Not as a wife.
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
It is definitely not for us either! =)
@teamcougars 2 ай бұрын
I was 21 years old and my husband was just shy of 26 years old and we’ve been married 33 years now and we have 5 children 💜💜
@jmksbk29 2 ай бұрын
Do Mormons follow the 10 Commandments?
@nancyamaral5620 2 ай бұрын
That leaves Catholic priests and nuns out of heaven
@cc-hk5ih 2 ай бұрын
And me !!! Single straight, happy free, and happy not to be living in a polygamous society in this life or the next!!! Even in todays society single people and their lives are often looked down on for being a failure because they never found 'the one'. And yet there have always been single people in society and religions. But hey I'm happy free well educated and enjoying life. My idea of heaven not the Mormon one! Catholic view of heaven God and Jesus is far removed in ways from the Mormon view. It's very interesting to see the differences. Very typical the older men going for the young girls that ain't just in the fundamental sects!!!!! I'm so glad I'm free to keep educating myself and learning new things but certainly have no leaning to the polygamous life. I would, as a single person, probably be a servant in the attic or in heaven. Oh dear! Enjoyed the insight cc
@couragecoachsam 2 ай бұрын
No, we believe there is this life and space between death and resurrection to accept truth. Even then, we have a far more universal concept of salvation than other Christians. Eternal marriage is required for the highest degree of celestial glory i.e. living in the presence of the Father. Many will feel totally fulfilled living in the presence of the Son in Terrestrial glory.
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
​@@cc-hk5ih 😂 a servant in the attic!
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we believe that everyone will have every chance to perform the tasks needed to achieve ultimate exaltation, not just in this life, but even after death. We believe in the Spirit World, which is actually Heaven and Hell (we actually call it spirit paradise and spirit prison). Spirit Paradise (Heaven) is where people go who have accepted the gospel and performed the sacred promises (ordinances) that are what we do in the Church of Jesus Christ. Spirit Prison (Hell) is where people go who have not done this, either because they didn't learn about it or they rejected it while alive. The key is that it doesn't end there. The people in Spirit Paradise and, I think even Jesus Christ himself, are actually doing missionary work to the people in Spirit Prison. So even if someone died without even ever hearing of Jesus or God they will have the opportunity to hear then. If people heard about it before they died but rejected it, they will be taught again and given lots of chances to believe it, though it is still all their choice to believe in it or not. If they do, they have the chance to perform the sacred promises. But this leads to something that is really important in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We believe that these promises need to be made with a physical body, so even though dead people might want to perform the sacred promises, they can't, so we do it for them. This is what we call baptism (and other promises) for the dead, and is one of the main things we do in our temples. We find thw information of someone (usually someone we are related to) who has died without being baptized and the other sacred promises, and do it for them, standing in their place. They then have the opportunity to accept or reject it in Spirit Prison (this ability to accept or reject it is very important. The Church of Jesus Christ got into trouble with I think the Jewish Defense League because the Church took on a project to try to baptize all the Jews who were killed during WW2 by baptism for the dead. The Jewish Defense League thought the Church was forcing it upon those who died and who couldn't say no. They didn't understand that people who are dead can still choose to accept or reject it.) Part of these sacred promises is celestial marriage, and every person who wants to achieve exaltation will have an opportunity to marry someone they will love forever. All of this work and these opportunities will eventually lead to a point where this process is complete and everyone will then be sorted into the places where they will be the happiest. We believe that it is only the people who chose to perform these sacred promises and kept them, who will actually be happy in God's presence. This is what we believe exaltation means, to live forever with God and with our families who have made those choices as well. Those who have decided not to make and keep these promises will go to places that make them happiest, some of which Jesus Christ can visit, some of which just other family members can visit. But we believe that it is just those who make and keep those promises who will actually live with God and Jesus forever, and that everyone will have the chance to make and keep those promises after having the full knowledge of it all given to them. This is The Plan of Happiness. We don't know everything about the rigidity of these concepts, or even the timing of them all, there is so much our brains can't even comprehend, but that is the general idea as we understand it.
@EliteMidwestQueen 2 ай бұрын
Is your birthday February 17th
@nancyamaral5620 2 ай бұрын
So the immaculate conception is not true
@couragecoachsam 2 ай бұрын
Immaculate conception refers to Mary being born without original sin. We don’t believe in original sin. So no, it’s not true but not for the reason you’re thinking. We also don’t believe that Mary was a perpetual virgin and Jesus likely had mortal siblings through Mary
@bente1881 2 ай бұрын
God is not a woman or a man. Just a force.
@majesticsunshine11 2 ай бұрын
I am blown away at the Mormon doctrine. I love Sam and Melissa but this may be what causes me to leave the channel, as much as I love it. To me this is sacrilegious and making light of the only creator.
@GrowingUpinPolygamy 2 ай бұрын
We are not trying to make light of anything, just trying to help people understand the beliefs of those of fundamental mormon religions, like the Centennial Park group that we are reviewing. When someone from that group says that they live polygamy because they are trying to "live as God does", we wanted to share why they believe that. Our goal is never to make light of or disrespect others' beliefs. ❤️
@sewmeonekenobi639 2 ай бұрын
They weren’t speaking in favor of a polygamous God. Please rewatch.
@WolfRoss 2 ай бұрын
We personify God in human form. But God is so far beyond us that God is unknowable. At one time according to the Greeks humans were both sexes in one body. Just 2 no more. Middle Eastern migration to Europe brought polygamy to Europe. Indigenous Europeans the woman went to war with the men to protect and care for the man. The children were left with the elders to car for. And there was no polygamy. Europeans have a different history from Middle Eastern people.
@EliteMidwestQueen 2 ай бұрын
Say what now?
@min_tea_ 2 ай бұрын
God wouldn’t be a man or a woman. There is no reason to believe it would be a polygamist. That’s a funny idea.
@debbiepowell2036 2 ай бұрын
Are you Christians, as in, have you repented of your sins, asked for forgiveness, and asked Jesus into your heart? And do you believe in the Trinity? Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. All one person though. Just want to know
@jvinson4181 2 ай бұрын
Yes, Mormon theology is Christian. We repent, ask forgiveness and let Jesus into our hearts. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this is a process that we do several times; actually, every time we make a bad choice, so sometimes multiple times a day. We believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost as 3 seperate beings as the Godhead. The Father is Heavenly Father, the father of our spirits, the father of Jesus Christ's body as well as his spirit. Heavenly Father is God we worship, the main authority, the creator of the plan of happiness that is the purpose of life. Jesus Christ is the Son, as in Heavenly Father's only begotten, as in Heavenly Father is the father of both his spirit and his body by Mary through means that we are not sure of. This is important because Jesus Christ needed to be both mortal and immortal to fulfill the Atonement i.e. have power over death. We believe that Jesus Christ is a spirit child of Heavenly Father just like us, but volunteered to also be Heavenly Father's physical child to make this huge sacrifice (the atonement) out of his love for us. We treat him with reverence, gratitude and love. The Holy Spirit is the third being that we don't actually know a lot about who they actually are, but we know about their job as part of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit i.e. Holy Ghost does not have a body of his own because he visits each one of our spirits to tell us Heavenly Father's messages. We also treat the Holy Ghost with revernce and love and a lot of our guidelines we follow are to create a atmosphere where we can hear the Holy Ghost as much as possible with few distractions.
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