*Update* Reviewers Threatened With Legal Action - This Has to Stop!

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@clarencehoover6748 4 ай бұрын
Reviews are meaningless without honesty. Bizarre how the owner managed to single-handedly destroy his company’s brand.
@WILLIAMMORALES-gw1zz 4 ай бұрын
Erin has always seemed as unbiased and honest as a reviewer can be which is rare , the craziness of it is that the review wasn't even bad.
@Crmsnraider 4 ай бұрын
Bet the company will be fine; buddy definitely does not deserve his company go under rofl
@annebokma4637 4 ай бұрын
He could have been running a computer building company. Stupid reactions make me buy elsewhere.
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
@@Crmsnraider I honestly hope so. I don’t want the guy to go under either. Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. But I sincerely hope this hurts him just enough for him to change his ways. Not because I want to see him punished. But he’s missing out on a lot of joy in life being the way he is. And it’s sad to see. My own brother is his own worst enemy because of similar issues that Eric has. That said if he’s anything like my brother, as far as being stubborn goes. We’re more likely to see the rapture than to see him change unfortunately. Guess only time will tell. ✌️
@mizake01 4 ай бұрын
Erin created the only tekton review that made me seriously con$ider a tekton product. No longer.
@bornagainbornagain6697 4 ай бұрын
Any company that hides the measurements of their speakers, gives no specs, and doesn't even make their own drivers is a red flag to me.
@ultra_sound. 4 ай бұрын
That sounds like Bose.
@toolsnme5132 3 ай бұрын
Companies with this attitude should NOT tolerated, and should be avoided for our love of ERIN.
@fonkenful 3 ай бұрын
I’m one of those guys for whom not manufacturing their own drivers isn’t as important as knowing how to get musical performance from OEM models, such as Dr Viet Nguyen, or Harley Lovegrove to name just two.
@lekmannen9990 4 ай бұрын
I thought Tekton had an interesting design approach and would have considered them until the owner showed me that he thinks his products are so weak that he needs to support them with threats of legal action.
@34332 4 ай бұрын
The good part was/is that other reviewers (like you, much appreciated!) chimed in to create awareness for this type of bullying. It'not like "the world according to Eric Alexander".. Audiophiliac made a favorable review that Tekton immediately published on their site for PR. The 'funpart' is that they also didn't have their feet attached... Go figure 🙄
@Douglas_Blake_579 4 ай бұрын
Tekton, Audioquest, Monster and a couple of others are perminently off my buying lists because of tactics like this. When I write a review or do a deep dive, I'm going to report exactly what I find and no manufacturer is going to tell me otherwise.
@billd9667 4 ай бұрын
Eric’s answer when his product is criticized is to pull it rather than redesign it - taking his ball and going home. If he keeps that up, he will soon have no products
@Douglas_Blake_579 4 ай бұрын
@@billd9667 Yes ... and?? Let's not forget who started this mess.
@billd9667 4 ай бұрын
@@Douglas_Blake_579 and who is a that, pray tell? Or are you just spoiling for a fight?
@Douglas_Blake_579 4 ай бұрын
@@billd9667 Take a look at the channels mentioned ... it's all explained there.
@archstanton1628 4 ай бұрын
The funny thing with Audioquest is that their stuff is demonstrably useless, it'll just take someone with sufficient cash to go to court and prove it.
@kurojack6874 4 ай бұрын
Remember when companies would receive constructive criticism and then take that with them to the R&D department and work to improve their product? Threatening legal action because of this tells me this company has little else to offer.
@shemsureshot 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the warning. I was torn between the Ulfberhts and b&w D4’s. I know which way to go now. I totally agree with you though. If this becomes the norm for professional reviewers, consumer reviews will be next. I heard someone recently went to prison for writing a bad review for tomato puree. These corporations will come for you if they can get away with it.
@MasterofPlay7 4 ай бұрын
But that tekton is not that big....
@chasg5648 4 ай бұрын
Funny thing, after seeing Erin's original review of the Tekton, I was going to keep my eye out to listen to one if one should show up in a local shop, but now, after these disgusting legal threats, there's no way I'll waste my time on any product by this speaker designer.
@xsamitt 4 ай бұрын
If Erin has to go to court over this then there will be no tekton for me! Erin is a fantastic guy and I do not like bullies!
@Bob-Fields 4 ай бұрын
The threat of litigation was enough for me. I will not even consider Tekton.
@lekmannen9990 4 ай бұрын
I thought Tekton had an interesting design approach and would have considered them until the owner showed me that he thinks his products are so weak that he needs to support them with threats of legal action.
@beastscinema3964 4 ай бұрын
Actually I've been looking at his design I might be getting teckon on speaker even though all this Is going on one thing is the owner and everything is the speaker's his speaker's look wonderful I know many people that have them I see many reviews out there over the measurements They aren't that bad and I would give the guy an opportunity I could kind of understand why it was coming from it's his babyBut he does have good designs of speakers I've been looking into itPlus like my wife said about the speaker it didn't come from the company it came from someone who sent it to him it's possible that speaker was repairedAnd if that was a case maybe that's whyAnd if that was a case maybe that's whySometime I've issued in the speaker as he said it when he turned the speaker backwards it went away so that seems like there's something wrong it's probably something that never got caught on because the owner of that speaker possibility didn't realize that there was an issue with it so it never got fixed or the speaker's been repaired by someone else and that could be possible Could had he wouldn't a different way as Eric as the owner he should have been a little bit more Professional about the situation but he probably got out and carry it away maybe likely there was orders being canceled and due to the fact he's just stressing out too just like he was he does run a business so that's why I don't blame their company too much It's a small thing it's not enough to go say OK I'm not gonna buy a nursery from a tacton by most different teckon what maybe he has a really good speaker for the money and another thing that I like about teckon He works with you and he can design a speaker that will fit your needs not many companies do that
@lekmannen9990 4 ай бұрын
@@beastscinema3964 it’s not a small thing. It’s actually a thing that nullifies all the positive reviews of Tekton products. You have no way of knowing if Tekton has threatened the reviewer with legal action behind the scenes.
@kevinsheppard6085 4 ай бұрын
As far as I am concerned, any company that does this has trashed it's own reputation, and I for one would absolutely vote with my wallett. no place in our hobby for that approach.
@Megamare1 4 ай бұрын
Eric is too smart for his own good. Him and his tech couldn’t even tell me which plate amp was used in their subs. Class D or?? Then they started calling me to act now on “specials” for sale 😵‍💫 Run the other direction &….fast🏃🏼‍♂️
@SkunkieDesignsElectronics 4 ай бұрын
100% agree and I did my monday monolog about this same topic. These Bullies need to be shown this type of nonsense is a deal killer.
@MasterofPlay7 4 ай бұрын
I would say boycott that company
@TriAmpHiFi 4 ай бұрын
. Yes you did. And now I see you're openly conspiring with other reviewers so that Tekton can quote "...be shown...". What's your plan? Pitchforks & torches? Perhaps raise a hangin' posse? Btw, is your business insurance up to date? Workman's compensation & Liability? Do you pay workers 25 an hour or minimum wage? Get those taxes done on time & claim that $2,400 Utoob cash? I ask these routine questions because I like to know with whom I may do business. Acid Jazz, Funk & Brass 🔈🔉🔊
@MasterofPlay7 4 ай бұрын
@@TriAmpHiFi who the hell are you? Eric from tekton? 💩
@TriAmpHiFi 4 ай бұрын
@@MasterofPlay7 . Instead of ignoring you, I'm gonna' give you a chance to show that you're neither 6 1/2 years old nor brain damaged. Here ya' go........ It's interesting you guessed I'm Eric from Tekton instead of any one else. I'm guessing you thought my words could be the excuses of the guilty man. Now here's the tough one MoP7. Having been found the cause of all this, tell me what specifically (because we're gonna' want to do this again) his infraction & what is to be the pay-back or punishment? Got a deductive brain? Acid Jazz, Funk & Brass 🔈🔉🔊
@carlitosgomez71 4 ай бұрын
He's aleady released a youtube statement saying he wasn't taking legal action I guess he got worried about all the blow back and is trying to minimise he's reputation and the business, too little too late if you ask me, you sow what you reap
@chrisnunya7171 4 ай бұрын
I'm with you, it's a damn shame how companies get their panties in a bunch! People WANT honest reviews! How can someone even be suede for their opinions anyway???
@shipsahoy1793 4 ай бұрын
it is a clear violation of the first amendment !!
@leecooper8589 4 ай бұрын
Going to really struggle getting their products reviewed in future. I'll tell you what really impresses me about a manufacturer. It's when they listen to genuine and constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement (I actually started typing this before you got to the part about various Chinese amp makers that have done precisely this because I was going to reference them as good examples).
@wahid-lg1kk 3 ай бұрын
That kangaroo court background is priceless
@alanharris2799 4 ай бұрын
I’d be really surprised if anything comes of the threat, the guy has scientific measurements so the problem can be demonstrated as fact. It would’ve been laughed out of court if it ever got there. Reviewers need to be able to have free speech and sounds like this designer needs to get over himself!
@AT-wl9yq 4 ай бұрын
I understand what you're trying to say, but measurements are not science. Measurements can be "scientific", but only if they're performed as part of some type of testing that follows the steps laid out in the scientific method. I'm not trying to single you out or give you a hard time. I only bring it up because a lot of people read these posts, and there are certain youtube channels that claim to review audio products using science, but in reality what they're really doing is, at best, junk science. The real objective is to grow a youtube channel be telling people what they want to hear. Yes, they take measurements, but you are also taking measurements when you bake a cake, or check your speedometer while driving to see how fast you're going. Again, I'm not trying to give you a hard time. You may already know all this. Its just that the word science, is being used to manipulate people, and it just keeps getting worse.
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
The real issue isn’t that the product needs to be fixed. It doesn’t. It’s fine as is. The real issue is that Eric needs therapy. Your Ego is not your Amigo! ✌️
@WILLIAMMORALES-gw1zz 4 ай бұрын
Thats catchy, going to borrow that. Yes Eric is thin skinned.
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
@@WILLIAMMORALES-gw1zz Think I heard that in rehab (I’m a recovering addict) the first time. It really stuck with me. So simple, yet so profoundly true. Please use it. 🙂 ✌️
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
@@WILLIAMMORALES-gw1zz Strange? I wrote a nice comment back to you about your comment. And it’s gone? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Oh well the main idea was that I would love for you to use it. ✌️
@jimsregaturntableshifijukebox 4 ай бұрын
I watched Eric's reply video, to me he came across as a total BAWBAG! as we say here in Jockland. For that reason and that reason alone, I wouldn't give his speakers house room! Jim🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🙂
Bawbag 😄😄
@jimsregaturntableshifijukebox 4 ай бұрын
@RanTausi 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video, our hearts with Erin.
@Drackleyrva 4 ай бұрын
Great video! Auto manufacturers do this all the time---they will change/update designs based on consumer feedback and reviews. Years ago, Honda swiped out their volume knob on the radio with a touch feature. It was horrible and so many people complained that they replaced the touch feature and put the volume know back on. They didn't sue anyone! Outrageous what Tekton did.
@DIRTCONVERT 4 ай бұрын
Some men get their period and say all kinds of stupid stuff
@xxxxxxxxxx6903 4 ай бұрын
I am seriously wondering if the owner is suffering from some kind psychotic breakdown? He is single handedly cancelling his own Company! 👀
@haridaspillay 4 ай бұрын
I'll stay away from Tekton for sure!
@kenandbarbie-b6c 4 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree. I know some people look down on Chi-Fi products, but I do have to say that companies like Fosi Audio is doing the process right by listening to their customers & gradually improving their product. Nothing new, Toyota has been doing this for scores of years. Edward Demming started it. Consumer electronics manufacturers have to wake up if they are not doing this.
@davidcarr2216 4 ай бұрын
The problemwith the entire HiFi business model is that it is everything to do with the business and nothing to do with the public/consumer. They simply don't care about the HiFi buying public - they have no interest in them. For the HiFi business it is all about creating/sustaining the rabbit hole, taking the punters for suckers and making money. All power to Erin , Amir and Joe NTell.
@AT-wl9yq 4 ай бұрын
I completely understand why you would say that, but I would keep an open mind. I've heard of all 3 people you mentioned, but the only one I know anything about is Amir. I don't see him doing anything other than building his youtube channel to make as much money as possible. He tells people exactly what they want to hear, and everyone loves him for it. But is his information correct. No, its not. I think he's deceiving his followers on purpose. And I don't say that lightly. I have yet to see him do anything that would be considered science. Its not even close. At this point, I'm fairly certain you would strongly disagree with what I just said. And that's fine. You're allowed to have any opinion you like. However, I would challenge you to look at all of his videos and point out just 1 instance where he's actually doing something that would be considered real science. I've asked this question many times, and have yet to get an answer.
@davidcarr2216 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment and what you say is partially true, especially about building a YT channel - but I doubt Amir is making a ton of money out of it and Erin certainly isn't. Bear in mind that both Erin and Amir have both spent a lot of money financing the purchase of their test and measurement gear. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of US Dollars here - Amir is wealthy and has several companies so I'm pretty sure he can afford it, not so sure about Erin. I apologise if you find the following contoversial or even insulting but here goes. Please bear with me as it may get long-winded. Amir uses a SOTA FFT audio analyzer for measuring amps and DACs. This means that if there's anything unusual going on with the component under test , it is extremely likely that it will show up in the measurements. The main goal in true Hi Fidelity audio is to make components which are completely transparent to the listener ie you don't hear them in the signal path. It's relatively easy for manufacturers to make DACs these days which are indeed transparent. If you audibly compare two such DACs they will sound the same, ie you won't hear either of them. Double blind, controlled listening has shown this many times. Now, if you change one of the DACs for say an R2R DAC , it might do this, and sound like this, and make your Pink Floyd sound different, etc, so you know instantly that it isn't accurate. Amplifiers tend to not measure as well as DACs but the best of them are still fairly transparent. Unfortunately, when you hook an amp up to a pair of speakers things get a bit trickier because the speaker load can change the sound of the amp, usually because it has insufficient power or is too load intolerant to drive the speakers properly. One way to avoid this problem is to buy powered studio montors (with built in amps), then you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, you're getting very well designed speakers (and well designed monitors do tend to sound quite similar as indeed they should). Secondly, the amps will be well designed and matched to the speaker drivers using DSP . Then all you need is a cheap, but well designed DAC and perhaps a laptop for streamer (streamers are simple devices anyway, and it's the DAC which makes the difference. And you don't even need any fancy cables or interconnects or power conditioners, etc. I hate to break this to you but "HiFi" doesn't even really exist - it's just a rabbit hole combined with badly designed equipment. I've spent may years of my life down the rabbit hole, so yes, I know the experience. These days I'd rather do audio (not HiFi) by science and engineering, rather than by hype, tripe and BS. Of course, it can still be fun to go down he rabbit hole and experiment for yourself but the rabbit hole is actually just a way for manufacturers to sell you badly designed equipment by telling you that it makes your Dire Straits sound better, or some such. Hope this helps 😊. BTW real electronic engineers know this stuff anyway, it really was sorted out decades ago.There are very, very, few true controversies in audio anymore. Feel free to ask any questions.
@soundblast8536 4 ай бұрын
Stupid answer , customer has the choice to buy or not.
@davidcarr2216 4 ай бұрын
@@soundblast8536 One day you'll realise it's just a gigantic rabbit hole. In fact it's two rabbit holes side by side. One is full of badly designed equipment, the other is full of bullshit. "HiFi " is about selling. Nothing more, nothing less. The equipment doesn't matter and the customers certainly don't matter. Get back to me when you've tried out all the different brands of bullshit.
@marstedt Ай бұрын
GoldenSound is being threatened with a lawsuit due to a review of the dCS Bartok. www.youtube.com/@GoldenSound Thanks for covering this abuse and bad bahaviour.
@biketech60 4 ай бұрын
A friend told me that a friend of his ordered a pair of larger floorstanding Tekton speakers and when they arrived he noticed their assembly hadn't been completed .
@shaunyweaver1144 4 ай бұрын
Most speakers would not sound any good if they measured perfect, if you like the sound buy it and bollox to measurements .
@editorjuno 4 ай бұрын
I've heard a few speakers that measure (very near) perfectly. They all sounded magnificent. IOW, I call "bollox" on your statement. Moreover, nowadays there are very few places and opportunities to audition speakers -- being that I'm pretty much limited to buying online, I value reliable reviews that include credible measurements and will *not* go by what the purely subjective reviewers have to say. Been there, done that -- never again, Steve Guttenberg!
@shaunyweaver1144 4 ай бұрын
@@editorjuno As it stands I have over 22 sets of speakers, none ZERO measure your perfection line, so I call bollox, and what measures perfect in one room will not in another, that's why dirac was invented . There are too many variables when it comes to speakers, hard floor, carpet, furnishings, shape, then you have amplifier, source, see funny thing is many devices have an eq why is that ? So bollox on your reply . Variety is the spice of life .
@thomaslutro5560 4 ай бұрын
That's just not true. I'd like to qoute Bjørn Børja of SEAS sometime way back (to the best of my memory and translation, and noting it's something I read somewhere): "I've heard speakers measure well, but sound bad. But I've never heard speakers measure badly but sound good." This was true before the industry moved towards better and more detailed sets of measurements. Measurements in the olden days were very limited, and ridiculously expensive with the need for anechoic chambers and all. What's supplied to readers of most of the "enthusiast press" is usually still only (gateed) on axis frequency response. That will reveal anomalies in the on axis frequency response. This is valuable info, but far from revealing everything that can go wrong in a speaker. Stereophile goes a bit further with lateral and vertical dispersion, but still with the limitations of gated measurements. What's provided by the likes of Erin and Amir is far more comprehensive, with the frequency response at all angles, distortion, and compression. You'll be hard pressed to find a speaker that measures well on ALL these parameters and still doesn't sound good. My 2c is that the thought of perfect measurements and bad sound is your average truism. It used to have a lot of truth to it, but a lot less so now. Old truths tend to live on in spite of new evidence, particularly when the new evidence isn't immediately and easily understandable.
@editorjuno 4 ай бұрын
@@shaunyweaver1144 -- "22 sets of speakers" says all I need to know. Good luck with all that -- not my circus, not my monkeys. By all means carry on -- you apparently have the means and motivation to do things your way, and who would dare call it obsession? I like relatively flat response as a better baseline for whatever alterations suit my mood, and my relatively modest system has the means to do that -- what I don't like is a speaker's FR and directivity quirks messing with that baseline for the same reason I eschew tube electronics and vinyl further back on the signal chain. Anyway, suit yourself...
@shaunyweaver1144 4 ай бұрын
@@editorjuno Now your just getting personal, if you like your set up that's all that counts . But don't profess to know someone when you don't, that's poor form .
@jacoblynch9862 4 ай бұрын
I’m not a lawyer, but from a legal standpoint, how does this not fall under the first amendment my freedom to speech my right to have my own opinion regardless of what that opinion is
@Bob-Fields 4 ай бұрын
The first amendment only protects your freedom of speech from the government. In the US anyone can file suit against anyone else for any reason. How far a suits gets in court depends on the merits of the case. My opinion is that this case would have not gotten very far but it would have been expensive. Some states have (Anti-SLAPP) laws on the books to protect freedom of speech in the civil sphere. Those laws go beyond the what the first amendment provides but they still cost the parties involved time and money. Please read a book.
@DAVID-io9nj 4 ай бұрын
Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hole.
@flashhog01 4 ай бұрын
Great discussion. Eric is a typical narcissist, blowing up when people don’t praise him or his products in the manner he thinks they should. He is blissfully unaware how much damage he’s doing to his own company. People are voting with their wallets and nobody wants to give money to such a terrible person.
@rogerboretskyjr5651 4 ай бұрын
Erin got them from one of his subscribers. They didn't send the feet with them.
@ryangonyer9498 4 ай бұрын
I will
@billd9667 4 ай бұрын
@@rogerboretskyjr5651 in fairness, Eric does include the feet. They are hard to find as they are embedded in the foam at the top end of the packaging. Those of us with half a brain unpack them upside down and will never see the feet.
@user-lz4mu4ge4q 3 ай бұрын
My opinion is that Tekton is a bad company who uses threat of litigation to stop reviewers from providing information about Tekton products to consumers. I wonder how they will treat consumers once they have your money.
@Finery_Binary 4 ай бұрын
It doesn’t matter what it is, you aren’t allowed to be negative about anything or it’s hateful and you’ll get cancelled. That’s what’s happening here. It’s another personal freedom lost
@PaulDoldenDetails 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been a product reviewer for the detailing industry for years and have always pointed out the good and bad otherwise there’s just no point it seems this has been blown out of proportion brands should sit up and listen to the consumers it helps develop and progress 🙌🏻
@StrangeBrewReviews 4 ай бұрын
But reviews need to be done by actual customers with first hand products or sanctioned, not third hand bought used or passed around by reviewers because then the manufacturer has no representation and it is commercial slander.
@PaulDoldenDetails 4 ай бұрын
@@StrangeBrewReviews I’m still a consumer at the end of the day I just publish my content on my findings so buyers have some idea how products work or don’t in this case commercial slander is a tad strong KZbin is just a audio and visual way of expressing an opinion there are magazines and forums that do just that only in a different way the problem is reviewers get targeted all to easily
@StrangeBrewReviews 4 ай бұрын
@PaulDoldenDetails and they should. Review products with proof of purchase or sanctioned by the manufacturer.
@PaulDoldenDetails 4 ай бұрын
@@StrangeBrewReviews clearly you don’t like reviewers then 😂
@StrangeBrewReviews 4 ай бұрын
@@PaulDoldenDetails get a real job
@kartickgrover 4 ай бұрын
Insecurity at its “peak”
@timleelim9930 4 ай бұрын
That assessment would resonate with many.
@elliotthall5543 4 ай бұрын
In the U.S. this is 100% Constitutionally protected speech. Bring on the lawsuit. That guy will be paying Erin's fees AND his own.
@danielfoote817 4 ай бұрын
You're opening yourself up to "litigation" for having an opinion. 😉
@ciejaygear 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate your videos. Thanks for supporting aaron. A lot of people liked tecton but boy what a party Foul and I'm sure their business will plummet because of this bad business. By the way you have some sort of noise happening when you move your arms that sounds a bit like somebody shaking a spray paint can, just so you know. Cheers
@maxotoole8766 4 ай бұрын
I.M.H.O there’s a pattern with E.A. going back several years, B.B.W!
@alexw890 4 ай бұрын
You’ve got it a bit wrong. The review pointed out a shouty, elevated upper midrange. That was what Eric did not like about the review. His initial statement was, “I’ve always said Tekton doesn’t do forward or bright…” How everyone got hung up on the resonance is a mystery to me as its inaudible. I think Eric pivoted to talking about the resonance/feet in order to draw attention away from the tonality issues.
@curtdiesner4667 4 ай бұрын
Just like Bose. If you don't like the review, you sue.
@madcrabber1113 4 ай бұрын
I emailed Tekton a simple yes or no question about a set of their speakers that I was considering and never got a response. That was over 2 years ago and that ended my consideration glad I did especially after this.
@middleearthltd 4 ай бұрын
Erin and Eric owner of Tekton squashed their beef. Done Only thing left is Eric versus Amir but Amir will not back down and I doubt Eric will do anything
@peterphan227 4 ай бұрын
What did Eric do to squash it? This is all on Eric. He showed his true colors. I doubt Eric would have "squashed their beef" if Erin wasn't so well-known and hadn't gotten so much support in the community. In reality, if Erin wasn't so well-known and well-established, Eric would have just "squashed" Erin. No thanks, Tekton is dead to me.
@xsamitt 4 ай бұрын
@@peterphan227 Same!
@hartsickdisciple 2 ай бұрын
It sucks that this is happening with Eric, because Tekton makes amazing speakers. They really do. I think the Pendragon is the best set of speakers you can buy for under $2500. I think the Lore is the best set for under $1500, and the Lore Reference are the best for under $1000.
@scottbennett3119 4 ай бұрын
Yes, absolutely agree!
@saxon4065 4 ай бұрын
Agreed, people become delusional, if he worked with the reviewers and fixed it the whole thing might have been beneficial and helped with sales instead of adding his product straight into the snake pit.
@kendrumm1292 3 ай бұрын
100 thumbs up that's how product gets better they listen to people
@keeferdog5617 4 ай бұрын
@sidesup8286 4 ай бұрын
Don't you all know a publicity ploy when you see one? I don't think Tekkton has been in the limelight that much lately. About 2 or 3 years ago, it eas different; you'd be hearing about them here there & everywhere. New companies come onto the scene; older companies have to fight the Flavor Of The Month club syndrome that is high end audio.
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
I’m willing to bet money that you’ve never seen a conspiracy theory you didn’t believe was true huh? 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻
@sidesup8286 4 ай бұрын
I really feel for you, that you have such a mental problem and soooo no life, that you spend your time patronizing people on an internet site, to try to feel not dumb.
@ryangonyer9498 4 ай бұрын
And you probably think Joe Biden is doing a good job
@migueldelaguardia 4 ай бұрын
Plenty of great speaker companies around.No needs to buy from Eric the terrible.Utah not known speaker or science.Do not support jerks in our hobby.
@bearded_wolverine3503 4 ай бұрын
Suddenly Eric of tekton pulled his threat video 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@marstedt 4 ай бұрын
There are copies around on KZbin and elsewhere.
@dalewilliams8001 4 ай бұрын
I was interested in Tekton, but after seeing their reaction to a review, I'm now reconsidering. Tekton is screwing their self.
@mm11720 4 ай бұрын
You are spot on. This could have been handled maturely. Trainwreckton chose the low road. Oh well, there are so many great speakers on the market the consumer has nothing to lose and everything to gain by the encouragement of honest reviews through a informal boycott.
@siriosstar4789 3 ай бұрын
band together and do a class action law suit . i'll bet they shut up when a suit focuses on a first amendment issue . My guess is they are bluffing because they knew in advance that a company takes a chance when they send their product for review . push back hard and they will fold.
@scientificaudiophile 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. We all need to protect free speech!
@ibleebinU 4 ай бұрын
Tekton is going to suffer much bigger losses due to this absurd behavior.
@DougMen1 4 ай бұрын
Bose has been known to threaten reviewers for decades.
@MasterofPlay7 4 ай бұрын
Boycott that company
@paulupton7698 4 ай бұрын
None of this is exactly world shattering, is it?
@citronski 4 ай бұрын
I got hte Linton 85 as well. I let them fight against KEF R3 (non Meta Marketing Material), ATC SCM19V2 and Focal Aria 906 in my living room. It's not even real how easily the Lintons wipe the competion out. Got mine for 650€ with stands used, an unheard of price. Sadly, the veneer is hazelnut, i wanted mohagony, but the price teached me to love hazelnut. ;-) Everything else you said, yes, true, with you there.
Wow that's an amazing price you paid for them! So would you say the Linton's are better than all your other speakers?
@citronski 4 ай бұрын
@@UTILITARIANTVUK I think so, yes. I run them with Dirac on a MiniDSP Flex and a Yamaha A-S1200 and so far they beat all my other speakers. They sound the same with a Fosi V3 to me, so it's not that the amp is magical or something.
@carlitosgomez71 4 ай бұрын
It all depends on what sound signature you like best
@donalonso2785 4 ай бұрын
Here's the Streisand effect for you on platter Tekton! 🤗🤣
@pccougar895 4 ай бұрын
Their webpage is dated 2021.
@realitykicksin8755 4 ай бұрын
Who in their right mind makes the feet sockets throughbore?! No Tekton for me.
@tnargs57 4 ай бұрын
I'm totally with you here, but just one point of clarification: Mr Alexander of Tekton said, if you can believe him, that he doesn't mind what *opinions* a reviewer gives, since they are just personal opinions. But he took offence at posting (what he thought were) bad *measurements*. He sees measurements as facts, and seems to think reviews need to be factually correct, as distinct from their opinions. (But his heavy-handed tactics are disgraceful.)
@Bob-Fields 4 ай бұрын
Yet, Eric did not provide his own measurements. The dust up at ASR is about "bad" measurements as well albeit regarding another speaker. All Eric has to do is provide his own measurements to dispute the findings. I wonder why he hasn't stepped up?
@drde4010 4 ай бұрын
Loved your video. I also subscribed to your channel. I also did a video myself to support your suggestions as well.
@gabrielmease1169 4 ай бұрын
Who is dead to me? Tekton.
@jameshutton5979 4 ай бұрын
All the best to Erin!
@connorduke4619 4 ай бұрын
Good on you for defending Erin!
@kobush18 4 ай бұрын
You're right 👍
@davidmorgen4558 2 ай бұрын
Klipsch better quality control
@Finery_Binary 4 ай бұрын
You’ll be told what to buy and don’t complain. That means it’ll be any old 💩 because big companies want to make money
@mizake01 4 ай бұрын
eric "Karen" alexander. No good deed goes unpunished.
@mfkhometheater7742 4 ай бұрын
Didn't Bose try to sue over bad reviews? I think they did and they lost. I suspect Tekton will lose a lot more sales over their response to reviews than the review itself even if the review is really bad. If that's how they want to play I wouldn't expect them to survive very long in the industry.
They tried to sue Consumer Reports for a bad review of the Bose 901. Bose initially won but it was overturned by the appeals court.
@user-ko8kx8vf1k 4 ай бұрын
I'm torn commented on Erin's channel giving my thoughts and he responded with a real derogatory comment to me? Not cool.
@ryangonyer9498 4 ай бұрын
Don't worry he's aloud too according to some clowns
@blipco5 4 ай бұрын
@@ryangonyer9498 *allowed
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
Erin responded with a derogatory comment? What comment? Under what video? How about a simple copy paste of the whole exchange, and the video it’s from? Until then. I call BS! I’ve never seen Erin act that way. Ever! He goes out of his way to not be a 🍆. And those are his words too. Watch the 2nd review video, and you’ll see what I mean. And in fact he never even talked bad about Eric after all that💩 her pulled. Again prove it, or you’re a liar!!!
@amb3cog 4 ай бұрын
@@ryangonyer9498nobody thinks that way at all. People back Erin because he’s a good honest person with humility. Not because he’s the opposite of that. And I defy you to prove me wrong!
@bearded_wolverine3503 4 ай бұрын
Show the receipts
@jacoblynch9862 4 ай бұрын
The worst part of all of this if I am correct, Eric didn’t even send the feet with the speakers to begin with so when Aaron got them, he tested what he had. That’s Eric’s fault for sending an incomplete speaker to be tested if the feet actually made that much of a difference in his mind, oh well as you said in the video, sir I hope people vote with her dollars
@patrickmiller4987 4 ай бұрын
Erin did not get the speakers from Eric.
@marstedt 4 ай бұрын
The speaker was sent to Erin (EAC) from a customer that owns them. After getting all the blow-back from Tekton and not getting any assistance, Erin (EAC) ended up getting the feet from that same customer. Eric (Tekton) has said many things and delivered nothing but threats.
@billd9667 4 ай бұрын
I tried a pair of Tektons. In all fairness, the feet are embedded in the foam on one end of the packaging- the WRONG end. When you unpack his huge speakers, you use common sense and do so upside down so that you don’t have to flip them later. The spikes are embedded in the top of the packaging, where most of us will miss them.
@FrightfulMess 4 ай бұрын
If I bought his speakers and they sounded like crap you can bet I'll have no problem saying so and if the manufacturer doesn't like it, to bad. Bring it on; I'll sue him right back for thinking he can interfere with my free speech rights.
@user-rj6ii2hg8d 4 ай бұрын
A clarification? The owner of Tekton Designs, Mr. Eric Alexander, did not threaten legal action because of a reviewer's opinions. He threatened to sue over (what he claimed were) inaccurate measurements. Now, to back up a bit... Were the measurements actually inaccurate? Apparently not. The screw-in feet were a red herring. The (apparent) source of resonance was the top panel. Were I an owner of the speakers under debate, I'd just put a barbell weight atop the speaker and be done with it all. But to address the question here, Mr. Alexander was wrong (and somewhat stupid) to threaten litigation. Better to ignore it and move on... But now what should have been a minor issue with a speaker review has blown up the internet. Whether you like his products or not, Eric Alexander is a fine speaker designer. A fine businessman? Maybe not so much...
@shipsahoy1793 4 ай бұрын
how about a thicker piece of wood across the top or a little extra bracing near the top ? these companies go cheap on the msnufacturing, and the engineer gets mad about it? Alexander should investigate to see that his design was manufactured properly before he starts yelling and screaming .. I was an engineer and some companies I worked for played games with changing my Bill of Materials without notifying me!
@neilfisher7999 4 ай бұрын
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. A review is an opinion of how something sounds to the reviewer and measurements are simply factual information provided to help people understand why something sounds the way it does. I'm not a big measurement person, I go with how it sounds to me. But this sounds like a bullying tactic by the manufacturer because they didn't like someone's opinion. It's the Donald Trump syndrome. If someone says something you don't like, threaten them. This would be a big turnoff for me about the Tekton brand. So they just shot themselves in the foot. I've listened to some of Erin's reviews. I've agreed with some, I've disagreed with some. He's got a right to express his opinions. Tekton will probably regret threatening a reviewer in the long run. Stupid move.
@AT-wl9yq 4 ай бұрын
There's no reason to make a big deal over this. Everyone is always threating to sue everyone else. In reality, defamation cases are extremely difficult to win. 2 things have to be proven. 1. Whatever was said or written, has to be false. If the statements are true, its not defamation. 2. Regardless if the statements were true or false, you need to be able to prove damages. So, even if someone is lying, its not enough. For example, if you are suing someone for 100k because defamatory statements were made, you have to show 100k in damages. You can't just make a number up and hope the judge gives it to you.
@Crmsnraider 4 ай бұрын
Ahh noooooo….the Drama. Stay away mate 😅😂 don’t do it Wish everyone wasnt jumping on thie drama train *edit* spelling
@audioeeze8396 Ай бұрын
The owner of Tekton seems like a fanciest to me.
@audioeeze8396 Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot you tube( my comment was censored.) you know what I meant.
@davewin1792 4 ай бұрын
What needs to stop is reviewers riding on the coattails of others channels. Most? Of the channels are far from helpful to the end user.
@TriAmpHiFi 4 ай бұрын
. Ya, it's pretty much mob mentality, cancel culture, & clickbait schilling for a $buck by Utilitarian TV. But it's working.......................... Acid Jazz, Funk & Brass 🔈🔉🔊
@kdomster9141 4 ай бұрын
Just boycott Tektron
@bruceandt 4 ай бұрын
You are a dollar short and a day late. Old news. I hope you get some views
I did! 👊
@StrangeBrewReviews 4 ай бұрын
this is just youtuber reviewers pushing for more views and drama just to get more views.
@Bob-Fields 4 ай бұрын
So what? I'm here for it.
@marstedt 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely not true. Erin just posted his Tekton review just like ASR did. Nobody asked to be threatened or slandered.
@carlosoliveira-rc2xt 4 ай бұрын
You don't know what you're talking about. Amateur reviewers have always been a menace to the industry. Most lack the experience and frankly they all have an agenda. I criticized Erin not too long ago about his amateur measuring techniques. He disagreed and that told me all I needed to know about Erin. He may be a nice guy but he is a hack. Lastly, most disputes, as Eric maintains is his use of the term litigation, never make it to the courts. They are most often settled between lawyers over the phone. You and others are blowing the whole thing out of proportion most likely because as is typical of your ilk, you're hunting for views and likes on your channel rather than actually creating content. Look in the mirror if you want to recognize a bully.
@marstedt 4 ай бұрын
You really are here trying to help right? Doing your 'best'?
@Gunmastercomua 3 ай бұрын
No more tekton in my life! I love you Erin!
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