It's incredible how instantly immersive this world becomes when you turn off the mini map.
@Sakurestu01 Жыл бұрын
the level that video games achieved is scary, I don't know about the gameplay, but the scale of the game is nuts
@bagelbramble7335 Жыл бұрын
24:49 - 40:00 is so beautiful and immersive its insane The massive yet believable scale of the buildings, the way it all connects, the beautiful shade of yellow that gives it so much character. I may not love the gameplay or story that much but the artistry in the design of the world from both an aesthetic and technical standpoint is astounding.
@MrOnetedify11 ай бұрын
yes... but i believe this is heavy moded, i dont think the original game is like this... i could be wrong.
@mark_frankfurt Жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing! :^)
@tylertiffin90678 ай бұрын
Looks about like LA but about 30 years in the future.
@fjmafia2630 Жыл бұрын
😢This is scary... That is future....
@alaincamolli9 ай бұрын
Existe-il un endroit où il serait possible de connaître l 'historique de cette ville? Pourquoi elle est là, coupée de tout, il y a eu une guerre, laquelle? De quel monde s'agit-il?
@LGamory8 ай бұрын
Night City, you can read about it) Yes, 4 wars were. But not countries, wars of corporations. This city was built by NightCorp for other corporations. They tried to build the paradise, but it is hell