I WiSHのときから青春時代をずっと川嶋あいさんの声を聴いて育ちました。バイトしてCDを買って、iPodに入れて通学のときに聴いて…僕の学生時代を定義してくれたのがあいさんの曲でした。 自分も長年音楽をやっていますが、あいさんの作るメロディーに絶対的に影響を受けてると感じるし、それがとても嬉しいです。 この度、恥ずかしながらHOMEを初めて聴きました。相変わらず温かさと優しさに溢れた歌声ですが、以前より柔らかく、それでいて芯が力強くなった印象を受けます。そして心がふんわりする歌詞。 聴く人を優しい気持ちにしてくれる歌を今も作り続けていてくれて嬉しいです。アルバム「針の穴」、要チェックですね。
I have no hometown. I've been a transfer student since I was a kid. So I feel enviable some have a hometown. I tried translate into English in my feeling. If you don't like it or the nuance of the lyrics is wrong, please delete it. Ai Kawashima / Home A bento shop in the corner of a nostalgic shopping street, It is still open today with a faded signboard. I can also see the elementary school in the neighborhood, jungle gym, sliding table. I used to play game of tag with friends here. Time's goes by for many years since then. However, the days in town I'm spending now are longer than those days. Want to go back to your tenderness now. To most warm place. Surely I was not understanding nothing what was important. New Year we spent together when I went to your city first time. Mountains and beach were beautiful, and the people were kind. When it was many times hard until now, You were silently, and hugged the fragile me with that big arms. I want to go back to your tenderness now. To most warm place. I was always thinking only about myself. I want to go back to your tenderness now. To a place that is so important as hurts. I know what I can do because now. Give it to you.