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This Grandmaster Protoss Didn't Like My Planetary Contain... (Ep #28)

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@shufflecat3334 Жыл бұрын
I struggled to get out of Platinum and then I tried Thermy's coaching and I learned two barracks cost more than one, now I'm flying to dreamhack on my private jet with two women on each of my arms. Thanks Thermy!
@Justbleed434 Жыл бұрын
So kind of you to bring your mom and sister with you! Good luck brother.
@@Justbleed434 who are the other two woman since you've seen him in action?
@LoganJamesMusic Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah. StarCraft brings all the babes.
@williamtee6776 Жыл бұрын
@@BOOYOUDEAD he brought his two grandmothers too
@jamiereid7428 Жыл бұрын
@@BOOYOUDEAD your mom and sister. 😎😂
@Kokii87 Жыл бұрын
"oh I have very high ping, that means I will go macro instead of micro": goes mass reapers
@onyxia8786 Жыл бұрын
0:29 NOOooo uThermal!! YOU MUST GO TO RANK 1!!!!!!!!!! NO END OF SEASON TILL RANK 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@puritan7473 Жыл бұрын
@yommers Жыл бұрын
Watching those zerglings fly around from the grenades was beautiful.
@colts500ind Жыл бұрын
Have you considered doubling down on the PF rush? Rush with 2 PFs instead of just one?
@redbeam9212 Жыл бұрын
When the series is done: double planetary rush to GM
@fytube7818 Жыл бұрын
double planetary sounds wild. that is a lot of resources lol. he has to try some wild stuff to kill zerg though. have to contain the creep somehow first
@MikeKirkReloaded Жыл бұрын
Like... one in the front... and one in the back?
@TexasGTO Жыл бұрын
No one would suspect the 2nd CC floating into main lol
@redbeam9212 Жыл бұрын
The year is 2050, uThermy is still playing SC2 for our entertainment. New series: 37 Planetary Fortresses to GM
@Bolku94 Жыл бұрын
You asked for idea for challange. May I suggest one? You go fulll turtle and you are not allowed to attack your opponent bases until you are max supp. Then you play however you want. I really enjoy watching macro games :)
@bingo282 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if you could try a variant with the building armor upgrade to make the planetary just a little harder to kill?
@berenger1002 Жыл бұрын
I guess Mr Thermy could delay the attack by a couple minutes, but I wouldn't think that it is worth giving up the element of suprise for a building armour upgrade
@fytube7818 Жыл бұрын
@@berenger1002 it would be a much slower attack and he has talked about how this rush works the least against zerg. maybe waiting for double planetary or the armor upgrade then containing zerg later would be good. the upgrade is great against queens and lings.
@Andnie Жыл бұрын
@@fytube7818 That is an understatement. I did a lot of planetary rush with structure armor back in the days. It reduces zergling/queen damage to 0.5 - making it practically immune to early zerg tech. It does not have to delay the attack for minutes. You just build the engineering bay very early. The upgrade also helps a lot on the command center - making it very much easier to keep alive while morphing! I think it is worth a shot!
@WhatsY0UTUB3 Жыл бұрын
@@berenger1002 it wouldnt be 2 minutes slower lol. just start the eng bay a bit earlier and start the upgrade right away. it can finish while the cc is flying or the pf is building
@detachsoup6061 Жыл бұрын
Most of the time it wouldnt be worth it since the extra delay means the enemy has more units and thus can deal with it better.
@eightball941 Жыл бұрын
I love your mass reaper micro. So sick. This is my favorite series by far, and they are all great. PF to top ten lets fucking go!
@stefan.jokanovic Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for posting more vids 💗 💕 💓 I can't play SC2 right now because of a condition I have and watching you makes me so happy, both because of your personality and because of your amazing gameplay! Thank you 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
@patrickhill7084 Жыл бұрын
Always amazed how you can play so well while commenting on your play. Keep it up!
@VeryBadPlayerTV Жыл бұрын
These new names are fucking great. xXEvilsmurfx hahaha
@PashaSlavaUkraine Жыл бұрын
when uthermal dont know what to do, he do what he know :D legendary
@Kingcob7 Жыл бұрын
I look forward to the next episode of Planetary Rush to GSL champion :D
@janfischer1717 Жыл бұрын
Man i love to watch your videos ! :D I found my love to sc2 because of you . All the great strategies and possibilities you showed us
@Tassadar606 Жыл бұрын
This guys play style makes my heart sing.
@mattijohansen3471 Жыл бұрын
That first game. That is how I have been saying is the best way to use a PF. Don't fly it into the base to lose it right away ( Or win sometimes ) But use it to lock down the other player on the map. and use it as a point to control and push by keeping it alive. Chocking them out.
@leafykille Жыл бұрын
That is a truly legendary MMR for a planetary rush! Even if you can't sustain it this is still incredible, nicely done:) Time to head to your second channel for a bit more crazy stuff!
@Phi1618033 Жыл бұрын
Dude blinked _into_ the planetary!
@robocopter2534 Жыл бұрын
Hahaha you made me laugh so hard with the 2 Barracks cost more than one 🤣❤️
@projman2155 Жыл бұрын
Evil Smurf 🤣
@Dr_Baphomet Жыл бұрын
That first game was great, seeing the planetary supported by tanks is super satisfying
@MozartificeR Жыл бұрын
If ever you have heaps of reapers, they become much more effective, when you back them up with hellions. Reaper, hellion, BC is a good opening.
@sako2239 8 ай бұрын
Just noticed that its always Protoss that get salted by the saltcannon, I wonder why?
@danielfredriksson6788 Жыл бұрын
the scv that's left over should start building a bunker some space behind the command centre when it lands and starts transforming into a planetary, maybe some bunkered reapers could deal with the ling spam that usually comes?
@Ty-bz7zx Жыл бұрын
Always Bangin'
@kurtremislettmyr7108 Жыл бұрын
dude, you are a content creating beast.
@Dawindell Жыл бұрын
Wow, +1 reapers SHRED. Queens especially are pretty tough usually, but they just melted after +1 o.O.
@jeffr3773 Жыл бұрын
You were such a silly goose in this game
@adcyuumi Жыл бұрын
I know you like cheese, uThermal. So I have a strategy for you to attempt - in PvZ, specifically. It isn't "a cheese" with one tight build to follow, so much as a cheesy strategy that takes advantage of a significant weakness built into Zerg. The Zerg weakness you seek to poke at is Zerg's lack of response options to massing Void Rays. Typically Zerg has only one early option - build lots of Queens, build Spore Crawlers, and sit back on defense unable to build other effective combat units or expand freely without walking a lot of Queens out to take space. Their Overlords can't move out to scout. It's PAINFUL, from the Zerg side, to have to play this way. Zergs will typically want to change this dynamic by going for mass Corruptors (and maybe Hydras) to give themselves a more mobile army that can actually cross the map. Occasionally they will try Infestors. If an Overlord can sneak out, a Nydus Worm counterattack might get tried. But this bind of restricted clumsy responses is where the cheese part of the strategy comes into play. Your army composition, roughly, is something like: - a number of Void Rays, to create a problem Zerg needs to solve - a number of Stalkers (vs massing Corruptors and/or Vipers) - Blink here is important to get; don't forget it. - a Warp Prism and 2 Disruptors (vs massing Queens and to decimate drone lines defended by Spore Crawlers) - a couple of Oracles (possibly replaced by a couple of Observers if you lose your Oracles) The way that I'd suggest opening is Stargate into 2 Oracles. The first Oracle defends vs zergling cheeses until you have your second Oracle, then you cross with both Oracles to do damage. Ideally, you hide the Stargate and the first Oracle from any Overlord scout. You want to at least kill something if you reveal your opening, rather than give out the info for free. So it can make some sense (in a cheesy world anyway) to proxy the Stargate on your own side of the map where it will waste tons of Zerg's scouting time to ever find. You use the Oraces to semi-contain while you expand, build up a Void Ray count to help, and at some point completely wall off at home so that a run-by of fast Zerglings doesn't zip past your Void Ray semi-contain. You never engage the Queens. You just make them walk out en masse to fight, then fall back calmly. At a certain point, you make the Warp Prism and the 2 Disruptors. Queens, being slow and needing to mass up to contest your mass Void Rays. You hit the massed Queens with your Disruptors as you force a fight with your Void Rays, then clean up vs the injured Queens. It's a bit of a messy fight sometimes, but you do win it and can then just utterly wreck Zerg's bases while they scramble to put together new anti-air defenses. Against mass Corruptors, you don't need that tech. Instead you just split your army - some Void Rays, some Stalkers (with Blink). It doesn't take that many Stalkers to make even a huge ball of Corruptors feel like garbage. The whole build doesn't really need any upgrades or a lot of production, other than Blink for the Stalkers. So despite some of the units being expensive, the build itself isn't all that bad. You can kind of execute it off of 2-3 bases - two that are walled off (Void Rays fly out, the Warp Prism ferries Disruptors out, Stalkers blink out) and then maybe a third base hidden in a corner somewhere that gives you extra minerals/gas without needing to defend an obvious forward base. The whole idea is just to make Zerg play in the most miserable way possible - that's the cheese. They are forced to turtle and move their Queens together in a ball, they can't send out effective scouting or harassment squads, their creep spread can be pathetic, and a lot of units that some Zergs love to build (like Zerglings, Roaches, Banelings, Brood Lords, Mutalisks) may as well not be part of SC2 because they'll be utterly useless. You pigeonhole them into a play-style of YOUR choosing, one that they don't know but that you (because you use this cheese strat at least occasionally; possibly often) know very well. Things that come up sometimes: - Oracles might want to put down Stasis Wards to help contain. If Queens walk out and some get caught, that can be a moment for mass Void Rays to swarm in and take an advantageous engagement. - Observers are good to spot desperate moves, like burrowed Roaches trying to sneak out (perhaps with the help of a Dropperlord to get them past the mass Void Ray semi-contain). It is an easy way to catch it without having to move your camera around. You don't need that many; 2 is usually enough. - Sometimes the play with the early 2 Oracle harass, once they are repelled by Queens and/or Spore Crawlers, is to Stasis Ward in clever places to slow down Zerg's ability to expand. One "cool trick" I like is to catch the drone that wants to make a new base before it can get there. Another trick can be to place a well timed Stasis Ward behind the mineral line of a base about to be taken, just before Zerg moves out to take it - they end up triggering the ward with new drones that are mining, slowing down Zerg's economy. When the Oracles can't be used aggressively anymore, things like this can buy a bit of time to increase your Void Ray count. - Going against on-creep Queens + mass fast Zerglings can be awkward. You really want the Warp Prism to deliver the Disruptors to/from battle, to guard them vs a metric ton of fast Zerglings rushing them down. But the Warp Prism can get picked off by Corruptors/Queens if you aren't careful enough there. Of all of the easy early defenses Zerg has while it scrambles for some kind of way to actually go on offense, this is the one you need to get down to a science. Or... just suck it up build an extra Warp Prism and 2 more Disruptors too at a certain point, in case one gets picked off. It really depends on whether you have that third base up and running (and maybe a 4th, depending on how effective your contain has been). - The mistake is typically getting overzealous with trying to kill Zerg's units just because an exchange is favorable. You end up losing too many Void Rays at once, Zerg despite the semi-contain can remax faster than you, and things start to unravel. It is better to just squeeze the Zerg, forcing them to fight for inches without ever giving them that big engagement until the one they do get is the one where you wipe them out practically for free.
@efrestein Жыл бұрын
I love the new name!! :D
@daviderwin1204 Жыл бұрын
Would it make sense to build a factory or barracks in your natural cc's place to fake an expand? I know they're different sizes but I bet opponents wouldn't always notice.
@sintanan469 Жыл бұрын
Hey, Thermy, for the mind games when you're parked out front their natural with the planetary... what about shaking their resolve and floating a second CC overhead as if you're planning to drop it in the main? Sure, it might not work and 400 minerals is a solid dump for what amounts to a ramp scout... but the mind games might break your opponent.
@timreutemann9223 Жыл бұрын
you can do different timings by building 3-5 SCVs at the proxy hatch before flying in.
@timmylau8139 Жыл бұрын
It's always a good day when uthermal uploads 🏯
@nicklindberg90 Жыл бұрын
The silliest of all the gooses! Thanks for the upload
@davidelrizzo Жыл бұрын
That first Planetary was amazing! 🤩
@jamiereid7428 Жыл бұрын
Challenge idea: Reaper God to Rank 1. Use and abuse that devastating reaper micro. Maybe with Vikings as secondary units. Reaper god ft. The penguin bros
@TM-vd3df Жыл бұрын
Would be nice if you upgrade the Fortress armor and +2 attack at Bay ;)
@blue-phoenix115 Жыл бұрын
69-13 I wish my NBA team has that record next year.
@trolltowin3424 Жыл бұрын
Id like to see uThermal Top plays of the Week in YT Shorts. would be awesome!
@majormajorasic Жыл бұрын
11:55 Couldn't you kill the creep tumor with reaper grenades?
@peterc588 Жыл бұрын
Yes!!! My favorite series 😂
@linkten4108 Жыл бұрын
5.8 Planetary Rusher!!...and people complain about cannon rush! lol, it will be so funny if this can become popular.
@michaelj.podlovics2246 Жыл бұрын
“No creep” to grandmeister
@MozartificeR Жыл бұрын
Why don't you use a PF in the centre of the map against Zerg, and use it to get a forward radar?
@rocketrockinit Жыл бұрын
G to the G
@gentlecoder5167 Жыл бұрын
Can you play two games at the same time? On two different computers :) Or maybe on the same computer with virtual machines?
@user-ur4nl6dq2x Жыл бұрын
I dare you to have an episode where you wear a blue smurf outfit.
@248Lorbz Жыл бұрын
Ultimate challenge incoming: mind control enemy worker to Grandmaster. Please Marc.... please?
@JoshuaWinkleman Жыл бұрын
@marphillois Жыл бұрын
Rush with 2 PFs
@craig4811 Жыл бұрын
Let's go!
@artemirrlazaris7406 Жыл бұрын
Rule of them for mining count, is calcualte your mules at 4.5 or just make it 4.. rounding down works better because you would be more ahead.. with a non over estimation. technically with three mules active your worker value is 35+12.... or more exact 13.5. or over estimate is using 5... 50.... anyways your worker count is 47... so... mules are powerful economic heros of hte Terran army.. allows high army cap.. and mules cost no supply.. I think they should cost suppy because it would balance the power of mules.. but skill wise.. most players don't have the skill to manage terran as well as it oculd be, and imo, Zerg is just more fun to play... you have what I call all units have static cloak and basically you can harrass in comical ways... lmao... Althoug hI jsut watched a game, where someone did somethign I mentioend a long time ago.. which is you pile up your BC's.. you make a route(shift click path) then you add spell casting like trans warp.. and then shift Yomamto to each target.... your T-jump needs a slight plannign takes about 10 seconds to do... with about 15 Bc's... so once you have all those orders bascially automated in a chain command, you simply need to keep vision ofthose targets and scan and then can freely manage your other units... while your shift routing command operates. THus.. Ithink it was Byun game verse creator or something.. when htey exit Tactical jump.. all your yomato cannons fire... at their targets... first.. and lightning speed and hten auto attack. decimating any army.. from 160... supply sky tooss to 16 supply in about 6 seconds.. the magic nad power of shift controlign and tactical jump re distributes units in thir proper space so they are not over lapped so its like magic boxing your enemies also... It was good to see, oftne if you TJ and then yomato you ru nthe risk of targeting your own ships and over target other units... good see good routing plants for units that are not oftne used. SPell casting routs can be really effective, of course.. they can get picked off easy too... drops it doesn't work so well.. infestors it can work, ghosts it can work... if set a shift move, into SHIfT (spell) into shift move and then shift nuke.. so it optimizes route, and shift retreat... High templars.. can wonder about and psi storm an area nd move back ,but they are obviously quite slow... magic of shift spell casting.. It also works well with siege tanks.
@zimjalali Жыл бұрын
Dont forget to check server next time:)
@paulberry5750 Жыл бұрын
Terran FTW!!!
@jrtodd-br4zc Жыл бұрын
Protoss just said “gg”. Good grief with the clickbait titles smh
@Biomechan Жыл бұрын
I know Zergs who feel compassion towards this Protoss.
@davidelrizzo Жыл бұрын
Australian players on Australian servers have zero ping... You underestimate how bad Aussie internet is 😂
@MozartificeR Жыл бұрын
@faithrobert764 Жыл бұрын
Yoire a master. Keep it up you cheesy bastard. If you’re ever in Winnipeg come hang
@deevagarannair4057 Жыл бұрын
Shoutout to all the Malaysians watching this channel!
@user-nd2tp5yv6l Жыл бұрын
I think the first game would have been better if you put scv on auto repair😉
@matthewsemenuk8953 Жыл бұрын
its so funny. Most pros cant seem to make a proper read if its not scouted.
@njdarda Жыл бұрын
6k is inevitable
@rmfurry Жыл бұрын
What will commenters say??! Send a replay to lagtv, let’s see what happens.
@kaylaaltamirano7329 Жыл бұрын
hey marc, it seems like there are less and less videos and less time and # of games that you play in each episode. I was wondering, is this because you are devoting more time to your stream? And if so should i direct my attention away from your youtube and more to twitch? I feel like im not getting enough marc in my life
@uThermal Жыл бұрын
I've been uploading 2/3 videos a day mate :P One here, one on uThermal 2 and last few days one on uThermal Clips aswell. I usually experiment with video length so sometimes they'll be short and sometimes long ^^ With the macro challenges coming back videos will inevitably be a bit longer so no worries :D
@kaylaaltamirano7329 Жыл бұрын
@@uThermal i mostly just watch on youtube, im sorry, im sure you have said it in a video but what times duriing the day NA do you stream on twitch? also im a huge fan man and didnt mean to sound shitty if it came off like that , i super appreciate what you are doing for all of us and cant wait to see more. Thanks for answering too, btw
@kaylaaltamirano7329 Жыл бұрын
i think you are the man
@Dreamydarkful Жыл бұрын
Anytime you see "xX" in a name, it makes a certain statement, you know?
@amythystmiriel Жыл бұрын
Next time, check the server before you pick a strategy :P
@jameshuntington440 Жыл бұрын
first hehe bwoi
@mahmoud7188 Жыл бұрын
u beat me to it lol
@UBik0013 Жыл бұрын
u still pro bruh....... playing Starcraft for ummm making aliving right ?
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