Why NO ONE Plays: Urgot | League of Legends

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Despite having a very well received visual gameplay update, Urgot's presence in top lane has, albeit not as badly as before, struggled to see any period of dominance ever since. For today's episode of Why NO ONE Plays, we're gonna be discussing Urgot: The Dreadnought.
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#Urgot #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays

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@voidrush2738 Жыл бұрын
As an Urgot main, the fact that Urgot cannot engage by himself is what balances him. If he was to have more speed or range on his E, or if he was to be counted as a melee champion, he would be able to 1v5 every game and win pretty much every single matchup. Just imagine melee stats of Eclipse, Titanic Hydra, or even Duskblade on him. Urgot mains will know what I mean by this.
@sammigs34 Жыл бұрын
It's still crazy how 1 lethality item makes him 1 shot any sqashy and then he can build bruiser or tank items to complement it. But that ranged debuff sucks for bruiser aspects. (Imagine grasp as an option.)
@shagix. Жыл бұрын
Yes and it would be perfect
@Trollrijas Жыл бұрын
melee bork on him would be broken
@johnanderson3559 Жыл бұрын
I really wish urgot becomes a melee. We will get hullbreaker back, titanic at full strength, bork, even conq. But sadly we are perfectly balanced in an unbalanced game.
@etienneruche2844 Жыл бұрын
Remember when there was no ranged penalties for Hullbreaker? I swear to god, I discovered that on Urgot a couple days right before the nerf and every single game I rushed it, I steamrolled the enemy laner.
@Diurdii Жыл бұрын
If Urgor has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Urgor has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Urgor has only one fan then that is me. If Urgor has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Urgor, then I am against the world. I believe in Urgor supremacy.
@jacopo1012 Жыл бұрын
Amen brother, long live the Crab 🦀!!
@EliTheGleason Жыл бұрын
@carrier2823 Жыл бұрын
Urgor 💀
@infiniteearth6996 Жыл бұрын
@severedproxy Жыл бұрын
Well said brother. Praise the UrGOD
@makaramuss Жыл бұрын
Urgot is a brutally strong pocket pick that you choose when you decide it is effective. Its a champion makes you win the game at champion selection screen
@josephdempster4688 Жыл бұрын
I play Urgot a lot and I think there are two additional weaknesses that you've missed here, firstly no sustain in his kit. Pretty much all other juggernauts have some form of sustain, also he has a massive hitbox which means basically anyone with a ranged skillshot can poke him out of lane.
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
you missed that he has litterally no snowball
@rega5888 Жыл бұрын
​@@d4s0n282what do you mean he snowballs very good
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
@@rega5888 naw is trash
@Fr33mx Жыл бұрын
@@rega5888 2 early kills on Urgot means fuck all whereas 2 early kills on Rengar or Lee Sin make or break the game, he has Midgame powerspike, which means unless you reach it you are still weak, even if you are 3/0 you can still get killed by your opponent, Where as 3/0 Darius can run you down.
@rega5888 Жыл бұрын
@@Fr33mx no
@Vernafveik Жыл бұрын
Urgot's Ultimate is the most satisfying ability in the game, plus it's an execute that has a learning curve which I wish was the case for all executes.
@hachihiraga Жыл бұрын
what learning curve? not in a "it doesn't have one" way, i genuinely don't know
@Кожуркаотпомидора Жыл бұрын
​@@hachihiraga, yeah, yeah, execute, which can be cancelled by too many ways has literally no learning curve. If only it was like Pyke's one, that's the execute you really need to learn, I guess? Or maybe Syndra's execute requires much skill. Or Asol's.
@victorgomezgarcia5630 Жыл бұрын
​@@hachihiraga disagree. His ulti can be game changing if done well, but is also pretty useless if you dont use the fear. And his execute is a long range skillshoot and is not to hard to counter
@MrReaperHand Жыл бұрын
It was also the first true execute in the game and set the precedence for future ones, even on items. Honestly it is one of the best full redesign of the champs that people accepted with little push back. So many others, before fiddlesticks, suffered push back. I think he needed and deserved it more than many others at the time. Doesn't mean it was balanced or anything just accepted change.
@MrReaperHand Жыл бұрын
​@@victorgomezgarcia5630 I would say Asol has the easiest execute in the game since it is the only true execute that goes above 25% of max life AND on a basic ability. Though it only does it at the center it still can get massive. With a Rylais it is really hard to escape. Pykes is better on squishies, but Asol is downright disgusting. Sydra, Urgot, and Draven (the three others with true execute) is only single target Draven bring the weakest as it is flat health equal to stacks which is often less than the 5% from collector anyways. Syndra has the advantage of at any point while the ability does damage it will execute so it isn't only at the first hit like others. Personally I think the true executes are becoming too easy and now with 5 champs with it (Urgot, Asol, Pyke, Draven, Zeri) it is questionable how easy it is to get. Collector was feared for a 5ime because it was easy for anyone to get, but once the 5% was seen it really isn't that big of a deal when you get to 4.9% life unless you are so God awful tanky where you take almost no damage. Even then it should be rewarded for how much they had to do to get you down that far. I had Asol execute at 28% max health once. It was disgusting how easy it was to get kills.
@Millsii25 Жыл бұрын
I love urgot! One thing I didn’t hear you mention (I may have missed it) is that his itemization is bad. He has no good mythic items and he’s technically a ranged champion. Which means items like deaths dance are bad because he gets the ranged effects not melee
@lightdrgn20 Жыл бұрын
Him being ranged keeps it balanced
@Nikolapestanac Жыл бұрын
Only reason why i wouldn't say his itemization is bad is because he has a lot of options; His only "must build" item is black cleaver, and an upgrade to tiamat depending on games. The mythic isnt even an issue, since it would be your second or third item, so you can build anything that fits for the game.
@xandd5693 Жыл бұрын
​@Nathan Waterser but Nilah plays in a lane where she has the lowest range and Urgot plays in a lane where he has the range advatage
@isaacmaya1915 Жыл бұрын
​@Nathan Waterser she gets bonus xp, counter strike she can give to allies, bonus heal and shields from everyone around her, a instant cast dash, and aoe autos. Urgot is all forward or all backward he can't kite like she can.
@isaacmaya1915 Жыл бұрын
He syngerized most with eclipse. Goredrinker was 2nd but it interrupts his damage pattern with the cast. Bork and cleaver are needed to fight other beefy champs but full tank isn't worth it because he's not a frontline and the only reason it's common now is because they force everything into titanic. His runes are bad now too, bloodline is gutted and overheal is shit
@sandersonstreamingnetwork7380 Жыл бұрын
Urgot is by far my favorite champ. I played him religiously when strikebreaker had the leap with the active. I felt invincible with it on him
@jamestaylor9887 Жыл бұрын
It fixed his greatest weakness and provided an additional slow.
@duwanglover3424 Жыл бұрын
Urgots one of those champions I started the game with and dropped in favor of who would become my mains. Wish I had played more of him before, because now he just feels so much more different than who I normally play to get comfortable with him.
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
what do other urgot mains switch to? his weaknesses really feel bad and im thinking of trying to leanr a different champ
@marcos.a1005 Жыл бұрын
legit same, but i think i played him enough
@johnanderson3559 Жыл бұрын
@@d4s0n282 darius or morde
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
@juho5282 yeah I like my late, rn learning jax and gwen
@CabelCabelCabel Жыл бұрын
I played Urgot as my first main, and played too long. The W auto-aim really made me a bad clicker xD then changed to Jinx/MF and god was it hard to learn that stuff. These days everything pretty balanced. Played like 500h of ARAM only to get repetition on every playstyle.
@nicolasschell8846 Жыл бұрын
I also used to play urgot a lot and still do sometimes. I think he struggles because there is no real mythic for him, if you don't want to build assassin and the CDR in many juggernaut items is not very useful for him. His Q is also a super underwhelming ability, it's expensive in manacost and doesn't accomplish much
@D4n1-VA Жыл бұрын
Urgot Q is less there for the damage and more to tag someone for your W. It gives you more control over your W, which is a vital tool to use but without using Q to tag your W will change targets when you don't want it to. You shouldn't be using it for damage, that's what your W and passive is for.
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
not true, when he had good mythics he still had same issues
@GruntpocalypseGaming Жыл бұрын
Urgot W should crit... then krakengot will be back
@reaper8264 Жыл бұрын
@@D4n1-VA I mean e does the same thing and grants better things like a dash that if used correctly can stop cc, a shield, a knockup stun, and you can use your w during e or at the end of e to get 2 shots off really fast.
@lucamecchia5354 2 ай бұрын
@@reaper8264 Using the Q to tag allows you to poke with W a bit more consistently. If you're E'ing to tag them, you're either committing to a fight or you're over-extending.
@afriendofjamis Жыл бұрын
For that short period where he was viable in the jungle, he was so much fun.
@dominicguye8058 Жыл бұрын
he's viable in jg in Wild Rift. What happened that he's no longer viable as jg in League PC?
@discountthor8727 Жыл бұрын
@@dominicguye8058 He is still viable in the jungle I ve been nonstop Jg with him since his rework. Its good just gotta know what you re doing
@Bighomer5 Жыл бұрын
@@dominicguye8058 He's viable. Obviously his ganks are pretty ass, but he clears well.
@Wookiescantfly Жыл бұрын
@@dominicguye8058 His ganks don't exist when his ult is down tbh. The strength of Urgot jgl is that he can clear camps and objectives lightning fast with tiamat or hydra, and his overall kit discourages running him down like so many jgls are built to do. Outside of that, he doesn't have any hard engage abilties to let him be a proper boogeyman of the fog of war. Other junglers all have abilities that let them suckerpunch you out of nowhere and get on you immediately, Urgot can really only land the *tastiest* long range skill shot you've seen all day and snipe you out of jungle with a ranged execute. While equally as terrifying, it is not near the boogeyman ability of a certain mutant praying mantis or one eyed cat jumping on you out of a bush. It definitely doesn't compare with Sasuke using noclip commands to run you down either. This makes him more of a counterpick for when your team already has engage rather than a blind pick in the jgl tbh.
@santumi2298 Жыл бұрын
@@Wookiescantfly yeah it feels like that a lot with champs that used to work. Garen jg used to be sleeper strong but they nerfed Predator into the ground bc singed mid was 56% winrate with it and he's barely playable since
@Izzy-rh7br Жыл бұрын
If Urgot got a reset on his E (dash) after a kill or even after his Ultimate goes off would be a ton of help.
@cuegert9895 Жыл бұрын
I think the ult resetting his e would be good but I think every kill would be a bit too strong since it also gives him a shield. maybe if the shield was less or it gave him something else like a small speed boost?
@hachihiraga Жыл бұрын
@@cuegert9895 nah, the speed boost is pointless kind of. you're supposed to use it to stun, after which you just attack, the speed boost would reward you for missing
@Betroid Жыл бұрын
Give brand a reset on his spells after his passive gets a kill give garen another ult while you’re at it
@Izzy-rh7br Жыл бұрын
@@Betroid Garen with another Ult is just Darius.
@isaiahchapman8616 3 ай бұрын
@@Betroiddid you seriously say this? Have you looked at the newer champs? Giving urgot a reset on any of his abilities still wouldn’t make him close to champs like ksanta, Akshan, or hwei, like, at all
@anno2700 Жыл бұрын
As an Urgot main i can say that i love the video! Keep it up!
@BrontiThor Жыл бұрын
There's also the fact that you can hard counter him by rushing wardens or bramble. Wardens makes his damage useless, and bramble turns his w against him.
@rex9412 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see them make his E unstoppable. also give him 5 more base movement speed but that could break him. being just too slow is such a massive issue with him if you are winning it's hard to punish when they can just run away every time they walk up too far.
@seancollins7482 Жыл бұрын
His E is already undtopqble, you just need to use it at the right time. But you can use it to stop cc if you use it correctly.
@masazino4967 Жыл бұрын
@@seancollins7482i dont think so cus i get stunned at the end of my e animations or get my e cancelled
@seancollins7482 Жыл бұрын
@@masazino4967 maybe while you are dashing, but if you start your E just as the cc comes in, the E will go off
@jujubear9909 Жыл бұрын
One of the things I love seeing playing as Urgot is how enemies SEVERELY underestimate those shotgun knees. The number of panic flashes I've seen when they do an aggressive engage only to realize how fast their HP is tanking when you do that orbit-walk magic. Out of all the lanes I've tried him on, botlane is is the most fun, interesting and frustrating at the same time. Paired with the right support though, and if you play your lane well, botlane is basically free food.
@ervinmontemayorsoe9789 Жыл бұрын
I played Urgot last year and his abilities really amazed me. I love playing Urgot. His ultimate is unique and exciting to use it's a brutal death to an enemy champion. Imagine, you've been hit by a pierce and pulling you back to him and gone in the map.
@rrg.r2456 Жыл бұрын
Iceborn Gauntlet was really good on him before its rework. I hate having to constantly proc it manually.
@RadicalJawzFunnyMoments Жыл бұрын
Urgot is absolutely amazing into dive comps because anyone who dives in usually just gets shredded. He’s amazing counter engage
@hungrymusicwolf Жыл бұрын
I think you nailed how you described Urgot. My main issue with that feeling of "just not enough" is that it should be a precursor to improving your skill, but skill isn't the issue that's just his design. I don't think that can be solved either, because he is balanced by those very limitations.Compared to hyper carries where as you pointed out while the variance is high it is a skill issue of whether you can achieve it, here it is a situational issue. Which is something you can't control.
@galvanize790 Жыл бұрын
When I started out over two years ago, Urgot was the "If he gets one kill, you're fucked" champ. When I didn't know what all the champs did, he was TERRIFYING.
@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 Жыл бұрын
Honestly though, the few times I've seen an Urgot, it never goes poorly for him. Dunno why, but it hasn't happened once. My current theory is that there's actually only one guy who plays him, and he's naturally really experienced.
@localhobo5362 Жыл бұрын
he has the same power Yorik mains had (I think they no longer possess it). No one plays this champ, so no one knows how to play against it.
@bjarkegarling6413 Жыл бұрын
I have 650k mastery on urgot and I can be dominating from early game, but I can also still go 0/12 against a better player, sooo
@YaMumFlat420 Жыл бұрын
Because the people that play him are the the ones that know him best
@jackbarnhart7394 Жыл бұрын
its me sry... i have a 90% winrate and consistently get the most gold every game
@keyman245 Жыл бұрын
​@@localhobo5362yorick lost it's magic after videos about how no one knew him started popping up, then everyone started testing That and when he got the massive lethality buff
@cristiangarciagomez9020 Жыл бұрын
Urgot actually carried me out of gold, I really liked playing him and had a lot of games on him, but as I climbed I realized that he was so restraining, so limited, and it was very difficult and frustrating to play Urgot, then I shifted to Ornn, him and Sion made my climb easier, and with the help of my old friends Jax and Cho'gath, I was able to hit diamond recently. I wish Urgot was more playable.
@victorzheng8042 Жыл бұрын
Why no one plays Urgot: Warden’s Mail
@skinnybonesjones302 Жыл бұрын
One thing not mentioned in the video or in the commenst is the fact that he more or less has to push thanks to his passive. This means you cannot freeze, making it quite difficult to play safe in hard matchups or to punish the opponent if you are winning.
@jamestaylor9887 Жыл бұрын
This is by far his greatest weakness. Due to his inability to slow push he just can't stack the wave big enough to get a good window for diving and even then due to his low mobility diving is a risk.
@nathanielrobles3284 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing Urgot since before his rework and during those times I can use him top mid or bot lol. It took me some time to learn him after his rework cause he was so much different. I still enjoy him from time to time and I even bought his newest skin last year!
@Ankhakaru Жыл бұрын
@barse.255 Жыл бұрын
Me watching this as an Urgot OTP : 😬
@patchesm Жыл бұрын
What does that mean? You agree with what he says in the video or disagree?
@mobi2289 Жыл бұрын
​@@patchesm pretty much most of the points the video tries to make aren't issues to urgot mains. It's honestly kinda funny the video talks about urgot as if he is an engage and chase champ. When he isn't. He is an anti-engage champ, as in he punishes champs that engage on him. Also most of the "counters" he listed aren't counters at all to an experienced urgot. All those melee match ups except for Olaf, urgots typically don't have much issue with at all. It also glosses over basic facts like how urgot e makes him pseudo-immune to cc. If you time it right, the wind up of urgot e does not affect the dash. So if you know you are about to get stunned, pulled, whatever, you can use e, get hit by the cc, then the dash goes through. Riven tries to q or stun you? She set herself up for an easy e into ult. Same with aatrox, but aatrox doesn't have an easy way to get urgot off him. That is why Olaf is a true counter, urgot can't kite olaf while he is ulting, so urgot can't make the most of his passive if Olaf knows what he is doing. So this video really only shows that the reason urgot isn't played much is because most people who try him at first don't understand how to play urgot properly.
@dominicguye8058 Жыл бұрын
@@mobi2289 You said the people who try him at first don't know how to play him properly. But that's true for all champs. And you said that he's an "anti-engage" champ, something that Vars has long argued is an inherently degenerate playstyle.
@localhobo5362 Жыл бұрын
​@@dominicguye8058 you completely missed the point. It's not about playing him properly, it's about not understanding his role completely. Some champs are just more straightforward than others. Even first time picking Leona majority of player base would understand that she is an engage champion, first time picking Urgot they wont understand wtf they have just picked
@mobi2289 Жыл бұрын
@@dominicguye8058 not necessarily. It was pretty obvious Leona on release was a hard engage champ. It was pretty obvious that Darius was an all in champ. It was pretty obvious that Leblanc was a burst champ. Now imagine if instead of those roles, they played Leona and Darius like poke champs or assassin's, and played Leblanc like a control mage. Then those same people wonder why those champs feel awful. Also, anti-engage isn't degenerate. Never has been and has been a part of the game ever since beta. Champs like anivia were designed around the whole idea of slowing down the opponents and stopping or delaying their engage. Also any champion who peels is considered "anti engage" cause they stop your more vulnerable carries from being free gold. The only people who think peel and anti engage are degenerate are the same type that wish cc wasn't a thing so they can't be punished for playing stupid. Which urgot thrives on. I have watched this channel for a while but never heard him call anti engage or peel degenerate. Definitely didn't hear that when we was talking about yorick and his w.
@DeltaDan2002 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to say thank you Vars, your content was citeable enough for me to use in my dissertation :)
@Bighomer5 Жыл бұрын
Urgot Jungle is so relaxing. You press w and the game plays itself.
@soixev6330 Жыл бұрын
I love Urgot's rework, to me he's kind of an ol' reliable, while he can swing heavily between his lows and highs, a good player can overcome his weaknesses to an extent. I think you kind of downplaying him, but i also kind of agree with the fact that he need a bit more, but this bit more could skyrocket him into top meta pick, and personnally I don't think that's what good for the game. Also, thematically, the fact that Urgot can shred you into bit in few seconds, and the fear factor he generate if you approach him is really cool.
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
yes and no, my main issue with him is that his snowball is so ass, due to no engage or nothing, there was times I lost due to team just losing and im really strong, but they just refused to fight me at all in midgame
@urgott6945 Жыл бұрын
You perfectly explained my frustration with this Champion, but I can't stop using him for some reason
@emagod9431 Жыл бұрын
Curios watched u for such a long time now I'm looking at the time stamps and I realized how much it has been since I played lol and how many things have changed I just enjoy watching now and reading lore great youtube channel btw but I would like your opinion on wild rift just out of curiosity
@yoelpokeylora9193 Жыл бұрын
That feeling of "I wish Urgot had more" is something i usually think when I play the champion, like, there is a moment where i just dont feel i can do anything else, it's a sad feeling :(
@guilhermegoes711 Жыл бұрын
Vars, I absolutely love these videos of yours, but just a little constructive criticism: when you talk about certain weakness of a character you could actually play some clips of that specific weakness putting them in a difficult situation, or at least then dying, is actually pretty funny to hear you talk about how weak a character is while on screen they are doing some insane 1v3 plays. But that's it, love the videos, much love.
@kentgil2526 Жыл бұрын
5 years later every champion in League will have this title on your videos
@linccooldude1616 Жыл бұрын
You are mad underselling my boy Urgot. You say he can be countered by push away champs like Gragas, Lee Sin and Janna but if you time the e you just counter their abilities.
@AlphalVerd Жыл бұрын
Good lord the clips played made me really fear a well played Urgot. I do miss his old kit though
@Nerfornothin111 Жыл бұрын
Urgot with the old dash stridebreaker was amazing! It was what made me start liking League when I was new.
@jnnk_x_hydra6808 Жыл бұрын
As an urgot main, I would really love if his E was unstopable. It loses to everything, for example yone can cockblock your e for an entire game with q3 or r. Its just really frustrating and antifun to lose just because some random knock up fucks up your entire combo. On assasins thats kinda whats makes them fair, but Urgot is a Juggernaut.
@PeriodVampire 7 ай бұрын
Nah you just gotta time his E properly. Yeah if you’re already mid dash with it and you get ccd you’ll lose but if you activate your e right as you get hit with cc, your dash will come after and you’ll still grab your opponent
@rekaolle3830 Жыл бұрын
If you understand how to play urgor, lower ranks players have no idea how to win against him. I was able to achieve a 17 games won in a row on my main account last season, by picking only urgor and i totally stomped majority of players i faced. He might not be perfect at anything, but he's good enough to win a lane, get a lot of farm, destroy turrets, zone enemy from objectives and take care of any type of champion. Squishy adc? Totally demolished. Huge tank? Shredded to pieces. Assasin? Caught while it tried to execute your carry and sent to sender. I am actually happy about his low pickrate because other players can't get some practise against him. It's so great for urgor mains, to the point where even the simpliest e+flash combo still works on majority of players. That's probably the most important thing to do in early game, cause his E deals a ton of damage early, grants him shield, and reposition enemy to the other side of lane
@madmanarnold8498 Жыл бұрын
I love urgot but I think that if he would be alot better if he had more range on marked targets from his q. It would be such a simple change that would make him so much better
@miniloot1 Жыл бұрын
Actually... As a top lane main, and I have played almost every champion once in a while, it just described the whole situation on top lane and for juggernauts. You pointed out why urgot especially is "worse" than others but his problems, are kind of the problems of the juggernaut/bruiser class as a whole Nice video btw. I really like your videos ^^
@masazino4967 Жыл бұрын
Juggernauts and bruisers like sett darius illaoi garen aatrox mord ksante literally like 60% of top lane playerbase
@aljared7800 Жыл бұрын
i didnt play urgot in summoners rift until 2020 i was only playing him in aram and i throroughly enjoyed him. tried to play in rift and watched some Goliathgames videos... urgot is so much fun! lots of item builds and yea most are baited on how much damage he can actually deal.
@krishnachaitanyagv5065 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't help that he has no mythic that he actually wants to build or that most of his damage is countered by a single 1000g item (Warden's Mail). Hope S14 makes his situation better
@olianims Жыл бұрын
I've always said that urgot's not very good since he's a stat checker who can't build bork. His playstyle is honestly very similar to champions like jax or irelia, in which he dashes in, CC's, and starts autoing. However, unlike Jax and irelia, he doesn't auto with autos, but with his w instead. he's an auto attacker who doesn't auto attack, which makes him very difficult to itemize. That's why no mythics are good rushes on him and he always goes cleaver into titanic, and THEN maybe a tank mythic just for the stats
@Кожуркаотпомидора Жыл бұрын
W has a catch: it's still not his main source of damage. Passives are, W provides decent amount, but this amount still way less, than from passives.
@joehudson7007 Жыл бұрын
E reset on takedown. q, less mana cost on and an instant detonation if the center point of the ability hits a champion. Passive reset and proc on e (he shoots a champion he flips over himself with a guranteed charge even if it was down before with the charge theyre at at the end of the flip) if he connects with a champion for the early game pressure.
Hey Vars! I have a video/series suggestion: How about you compare some champions in lol to their wild rift versions (if there are changes to the champions kit ofc) and talk about if you find the wild rift approach better or worse as some champions like Karma and Vi and Sion have small but really interesting changes that i would love to know your opinion about :) Edit: As someone suggested don’t forget the items! (Also not only could you check out the item differences,but maybe also some or the WR exclusive items? Idk that’d most likely be a separate video/series anyway lol)
@serawr6449 Жыл бұрын
Also zeri and upcoming champion twitch have some adjustments to PC counter part but yeah I hope vars talk about wild rift for once maybe.
@yogialghani3151 Жыл бұрын
And item's exculsive Wild rifd (solari blade charge, ixtal seeds jar, etc)
@@serawr6449 I mean WR Zeri is just pre-mini rework N.8 PC Zeri lol But i get what you mean.
@thatoneburrito6319 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention the lack of certain items (like the Hydras and the Collector) and how it affects the champions that mainly use them, among other suggestions The potential is there Vars !!
@dominicguye8058 Жыл бұрын
how is he different in WR? I don't think I'm familiar enough with his PC kit yo notice a difference
@MangaGamified Жыл бұрын
Riot: We have read all you're feedback, and we're multi-million dollar indie company that takes your feedback very seriously! And passed it on to the higher ups, and we concluded that we should release more skins.
@benjaminfletcher6279 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. If Urgot could just be a touch more consistent or able to engage a liiiiittle better, he’d be so nice. It just feels bad playing him atm which sucks because he can be so fun
@trollerox7276 Жыл бұрын
Warden's mail. That's it.
@Nikolapestanac Жыл бұрын
Only stuff i'd like to comment on as an urgot main: 1. urgot CAN go ghost, ghost feels amazing on urgot, but 80% of the time its just a "win more" (strikebreaker has the same situation) 2. His e is TECHNICALLY unstoppable, as i'm sure anyone who played urgot can tell you, his e is comprised of 2 parts, a dash and a flip, the flip is inniated on contact and the dash doesnt stop unless you get hit by something that knocksdown, like poppy w, ahri e or yone q wind start (which is the only weird one since you can time your e to flip yone over and one shot him) Overall i agreed with 99% of comments you made, they were accurate and the information you missed tend to be something one tricks do because they spent hundreds of hours on him and know how/why it works.
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
thats honestly just e buffer tho, unstoppable is different
@YCZ233 Жыл бұрын
Very good video to analysis Urgot in the current situation
@Frankleitor Жыл бұрын
A thing I find missing from this is the loose of control over your W, if you don't land E or Q, or you have them on cd, W is basically random as it targets the nearest target, and in lane a lot of times that are the minions, not the enemy champion, that makes you lose a lot of trades, i love urgot and have him ofc m7, but is as you say, why not play another?
@voidrush2738 Жыл бұрын
However, you still have a way to control your W (With your E or Q), unlike Bel'Veth who attacks the lowest health target, whether if it's a minion, monster, or a champion, in short, has no priority.
@Кожуркаотпомидора Жыл бұрын
​@@voidrush2738, Belveth will benefit helluva a lot from E anyway, unlike Urgot.
@fklmrek437 Жыл бұрын
I play yorick and on paper urgot should be a tough matchup because his machine gun melts my cage and minions, but it doesn’t feel bad at all, just mildly annoying early. I just have to never get in range of his E and he can’t ever kill me. If he ever misses his E then I can just turn around and halve his hp. If he ever hits his E then I either die or have to back, but it’s such an easy ability to kite so that never happens. I just farm until I have ravenous hydra + last whisper (it’s good, trust me) I can 1v1 him with maiden up. Once I finish grudge he can’t survive in a sidelane with me and as long as my botlane isn’t 0/20 I can usually solo carry the game. Urgot is so easy to play against as long as you respect him, because he can never run you down. He is super strong when he is engaged on and can actually get value out of his abilities but if you just stay at a safe distance from him he can’t do anything.
@FlippantDevil85 Жыл бұрын
because people would like to play the cool guy with the sword rather than the discord mod who fused with his gaming chair armed with a minigun
@nhatphatly3587 Жыл бұрын
As a urgot main, i know if his E has a better animation speed or just faster he will be dominating every matchup
@tientruong7205 Жыл бұрын
I like how now if you don't have at least 4 dash you are considered an immobile champion. A cc dash is good enough for him
@JustAJauneArc Жыл бұрын
After watching this, I agree with Vars on often wishing Urgot just had a little bit *more*, though what that is really depends on the match. He can engage, but not engage well, he can tank, but he can't tank well, he does great damage, but he has to be literally doing laps around you to do it. He has a curve like everyone else, but there's definitely a lot that can be frustrating about the way he plays since there's just no good way to navigate his hardest counters.
@gamesforwin2292 5 ай бұрын
ONLY thing i DISAGREE is that he has a weak early, he has a strong af early, at least on lane, u e someone, stunned forever, gives u time to do 2 autos with passive sometimes even 3, enemy is down to half life then or seldom even less hp, hes insane
@CoolzTR Жыл бұрын
As a Urgot Main, my only issue is his W, I'm talking about how he locks on the closest target or last champion hit. Plus the range of it as well its AD ratio (60% of his AD). Its a very unique ability but in teamfights or in a scenario when you have no mana but want to switch target during fight, it's hard. I would like if his W was able to hit multiple targets without titanic or his Passive.
@PloddingDream-px3fz 2 ай бұрын
From the future, Urgot is in a pretty great spot with PTA and Phase Rush to choose from. Plenty of great items and is still a blast. As he was in 2014 (for me).
@escapegrass Жыл бұрын
Every time a “why no one plays” episode comes out I will immediately first time them in my ranked games then fall in love with each and every single one. Thanks vars :)
@tyranomu Жыл бұрын
Why NO ONE Plays: Urgot? Easy, every single one of his skills is a crowd control on him. It's like a champion whose every skill is a Blitzcrank's W.
@thejedisonic67 11 ай бұрын
Only his W slows him lol, a major self-cc but still
@lestatmusatcamus Жыл бұрын
As an urgot OTP everything he said is true
@reckingnoobs6809 Жыл бұрын
As someone who played Urgot a LOT from S9-12 I can say that the only thing that’s working against him per se is that he doesn’t have a clear mythic you go on him. Back when they weren’t a thing you always went Cleaver first into a few other items + boots but nowadays a mythic rush is always stronger than your Cleaver rush. Not only that but people are always not sure what his best mythic is. Before people started building Jak'Sho on him he would build Heartseel and before that it was Frostfire Guantlet, and even before THAT when mythics first came out he built Stridebreaker only because it gave him another dash on otp of his E and, once the dash was removed, he built Goredrinker because none of the others were good for him. If he had a mythic that he could really abuse like how he did Cleaver once they changed his W to be a toggle at max rank then he’d be just as popular and strong as he was back then, as seen by the abundance of players I had seen playing him in addition to pro players picking him. I miss my boy Rito games, let me play my UrGOD yet again
@Tiblious Жыл бұрын
They should should increase his range of E and movement speed while W is active towards champions if you recently hit a champion with Q. Or increase Q range/animation speed, and missle speed
@Herbicide420 2 ай бұрын
Urgot is one of the best lane pushers in the game. Build Hullbreaker, walk up to the tower, press W and then walk to another lane and repeat the process. If you can do it a few times without the enemy ganking you and without establishing a pattern of where you are pushing the enemy team will go into panic mode trying to defend their towers rather then pushing for objectives/farming.
@dasunguy Жыл бұрын
I don't see a way to buff Urgot without making him op ... and that is ok. As you said yourself in the video: Urgot's biggest problem is that all meta top picks either go even or whoop Urgot's ass badly. Personally I love picking Urgot as a counter to ranged top lane picks like Vayne or Quinn. It's the Uno reverse card/"no u" to this cheese strat.
@dominicguye8058 Жыл бұрын
didn't Vars say over and over that ranged champs counter Urgot?
@dasunguy Жыл бұрын
@@dominicguye8058 Not by my experience. You can poke them back with Q and if they dare to come close to harass, you'll just hard engage on them. Of course I am speaking about low elo here but Urgot isn't as viable in high elo anyway. There are higher priority top picks than him.
@d4s0n282 Жыл бұрын
@@dasunguy they super hard counter urgot tho, its just that 99.9% of people are bad
@PeriodVampire 7 ай бұрын
@@d4s0n282that’s why he said low elo. And Urgot has his E + Flash anyways which may as well be a guaranteed kill on any champ he would wanna use it on like ranged squishies
@d4s0n282 7 ай бұрын
@@PeriodVampire opinon has changed since then, although he's a low elo stomper, I honestly thinks he good in higher elo, he's just a unique champ, and he's not extremely rewarding for a scaling bruiser
@whosewell6918 Жыл бұрын
buy wardens mail to scare of any urgot players.
@ОктавиусМоз Жыл бұрын
Urgot is really fun, he brought back my love to tank class, can't say anything more, like this champion a lot
@TheLightBringer365 Жыл бұрын
urgot it tons of fun, i liked him before the rework too. i quit top a long time ago, but i remember playing with friends and since my jg was a rammus main i just had free reign on enemies, and DAMN was it a good time
@Ichorizor Жыл бұрын
If Urgot was allowed to have the melee effects of items that differentiate between melee/ranged, he'd be a lot better and a lot more popular. Juggernaut items (like Death's Dance) are such an important part of toplane, and they are constantly balanced/changed to dissuade other champions from building them (ADCs), but those same changes hurt Urgod. Underrated Urgot tech is to build Seryldya's Grudge and take Approach Velocity, helps you stick onto targets and circle them. All hail the crab-lord of toplane!
@luism2125 Жыл бұрын
Whenever I played him I also found his w to be extremely uncomfortable to use, especially in a teamfight it's hard to make it target the enemy you want it to
@usernotf0und722 Жыл бұрын
use your q on the one you wanna target, it auto locks people hit by your q
@overstimulatedboy01 Жыл бұрын
@@usernotf0und722 it's like the way how you can't even hit anyone with it because how small is the cast range
@ifyoudobutdont9774 Жыл бұрын
@@usernotf0und722 yeah but that’s not viable at all when there’s 3 people that were hit by your Q or other scenarios like CC making it where you have to land Q again. His W is also built where the person standing next to you will be hit so even if you land your Q you still won’t hit your target
@HerrZerox Жыл бұрын
Skill issue
@prettygreenbud Жыл бұрын
That’s why titanic is a must on him
@Rncko Жыл бұрын
Urgot is literally the definition of Immobile Juggernaut. He deals tons of damage with great sustain in exchange for mobility. But, at the cost of his mobility the enemy loses a lot of engage pressure. (as long as you don't fall behind) You want to contest something? You gotta get thru the machine gun, shotgun knees & the ultimate teamfight flip switch --> FEAR BEYOND DEATH.
@realdealman5594 Жыл бұрын
What sustain? He has no built in sustain in his kit, which is unusual for juggernauts. There aren't really any items giving him omnivamp anymore either since eclipse and rav hydra got changed. You could argue that he has a form of sustain through his E though since he's able to block damage every fight with his shield.
@dominicguye8058 Жыл бұрын
I'm no Urgot main, but it feels like a third of their comments on this video are complaints about how Urgot doesn't have a mythic item that works particularly well on him. I'm surprised Vars didn't mention this apparent consensus among Urgot mains.
@mendrik. Жыл бұрын
not a top main, but i sure love playing urgot jungle. he has amazing clear with his passive, really good ganks with 2 slows & his E, can 1v1 a lot of other junglers and takes objectives like a beast
@Kampsycho Жыл бұрын
Funny how I main Yorick, illaoi and Urgot as my 3rd most played and they all have similar niche issues and tend to be neglected.. And people wonder why I'm so frustrated or salty at Riot and just HATE champions that get a lot of attention by the balance team while being broken and popular..
@exodus1055 Жыл бұрын
Illaoi...other than morde she shit on all of them if played corectly, i perma bannef illaoi for the past 3 years till i got to actually play and abuse her and man...even if u are 0/15 you still do damage
@GaryBaldon-ov3tq Жыл бұрын
Illaoi has a decent playdate right now.
@Kampsycho Жыл бұрын
@@GaryBaldon-ov3tq only been decent past month, almost never happens and I been playing her since release..
@unnaterava7183 Жыл бұрын
Because his kit is not made for the weak
@dominicguye8058 Жыл бұрын
@foggyestidea3090 Жыл бұрын
Would love to see a why no one plays on the happy go lucky Bard!
@astillia6073 6 ай бұрын
sounds like either disdains range needs to be increased, or his base auto attack needs more range
@gregottorry2994 Жыл бұрын
urgot is one of my 3 safe top picks and i dont even main him building swifties on him is actually quite valuable since the passive does work on purge and reduces the slow
@nari4481 Жыл бұрын
Urgot should get the Lillia treatment where they made Lillia a melee champion so she gets full benefit from Demonic Embrace. Giving him full value for items like Titanic would be a huge boost to him in my opinion.
@EruCoolGuy Жыл бұрын
No. It would make him the most disgustingly strong champion in the game. Riot had to make hullbreaker have less efficiency on ranged to target ban Urgot, early 2022. He would absolutely delete anything in the game, especially towers and squishies. He already just needs 1 letha dagger to blow anyone up.
@liv9520 Жыл бұрын
​@@EruCoolGuy the hullbreaker changes were to hit Akshan actually, they were ready to buff Urgot if he was hit too hard by the hull nerf
@jacopo1012 Жыл бұрын
Last year for 1/2 patches his W on-hit modifier was increased to 75 from 50 and that broke him, sooo.... He's fine as it is
@einjharrelraca Жыл бұрын
Absolutely not. Ad items are beyong gimped on every ranged champion, 1000000x worse than on ap items. Lilia got a 4% winrate bump from beibg made melee and getting full benefit from just demonic embrace and his runes. Now expand this out to every single item urgot buildsb
@ianhandy5090 Жыл бұрын
I love urgot, but its a shame that none of the mythics really work on him. Like, jaksho and frost gauntlet arent horrible on him, but they arent as good for him as those mythics on other champs. Urgot isnt bad, hes just balanced, like jhin. But unlike jhin, unbalanced tops are a LOT more annoying to deal with then unbalanced bot laners.
@biggiecheese2004 Жыл бұрын
IBG is his best mythic by far and it works perfectly on him because he doesn't need more damage other than his cleaver + hydra core
@fildelara279 24 күн бұрын
I love urgot, since my playstyle revolves around high risk high reward. 95% of my games, the top laners think they already won in the laning phase, only to be surprised to get eaten by urgot mid game. He always bounces back even if you think you're being beaten by the enemy top.
@TroyBurris Жыл бұрын
You have simply forgotten that a simple purchase of wardens mail and tabis make urgots autos heal the target.
@conductingchaos7710 Жыл бұрын
I think one thing that makes Urgot so different is his (ironically) consistency. Consistency in the sense that he’s an auto attacker juggernaut compared to the rest of the roster. His Q and E are practically just engage tools and his damage is loaded into his passive and auto attacks (and his W which is basically a passive). That’s why he’s doesn’t do well against other juggernauts. When you have one big tank with a quick time to kill and another big tank with a slower time to kill, it’s obvious who wins. But this is also what makes him so good in team fights, besides his range. He’s not reliant on the damage spike of a Sett W or an Illaoi ultimate to kill things, so he consistently does less damage all the time than more damage only some of the time. When you’re deep into a team fight and everyone has 2-4 abilities on cooldown, Urgot will still be doing about as much damage as he was at the start of the fight. Speaking mostly from experience, he was my first main and still my number 2 top laner.
@BowYangJam 8 күн бұрын
Just picked him up a few weeks ago and he became my new main. So strong in almost every lane. Especially in low elo. People don't respect his early damage.
@Veolfen Жыл бұрын
To me it really feels like there's no mythic item that suits Urgot well.
@DinnerMahBoi1 Жыл бұрын
I want to say something that might get me on a Hitlist, but I love Urgot so much that I wound up driving myself insane having to play in a lane that didn't let me play Urgot intuitively for me. I wound up playing a strange game where someone was just joking around, and came across a newfound passion for playing Urgot in Midlane. It's different from toplane because you can really sink your teeth into Urgot's damage capabilities, and he feels like a natural counter pick for most assassins or divers who start mid. It's not The Urgot you might know and love, but I will be honest when I say Urgot mid has changed the champion for me. I even find you can build naturally into Ghostblade for the extra mobility required to get in the mix up and even roam to other lanes. His ult is wonderful for cleaning up a lingering enemy under other towers who think they're safe.
@nutzor9594 Жыл бұрын
As an Urgot main I agree with the "just a little more" sentiment. I havent played LoL since last season because I always felt like I was playing an uphill battle because other more meta picks just had those tools and numbers Urgot lacks. Now I just check patch notes for a buff or an item change that would benefit Urgot enough for me to come back and try him again.
@Gavineitor Жыл бұрын
I learned things about my main in this video. I’m low elo so some things don’t apply because we all suck but it’s the best thing when people underestimate you at low health. I’m pretty happy down here. Standing with a 70% win rate but now I’m afraid of climbing
@SonJupiter Жыл бұрын
Yeah, urgot is my main as well and I love him my play Midlane reason for that I don’t have to deal with the top lane people but it’s kinda hard going up against the mages which season 14 that should change a little bit with one of the items are forgot the name so we’ll see what it has to offer. Also, he’s consistently gotten me to gold and now Platt in the middle lane on pretty much all my accounts.
@harz632 Жыл бұрын
prowlers claw was the only thing keeping Urgot afloat imo, now that it has been reworked the best thing he can build is stridebreaker and that item is a shadow of its former self too. I just sometimes wish Urgot could build the old Stridebreaker, just him, not all the other champs that can hard abuse it.
@GamerDadTV Жыл бұрын
Urgot OTP here, my only complaint , is they constantly nerf the items that are OP on him ;) oh and Olaf lol :) good vid
@fabianleondaus3080 Жыл бұрын
Tbh as an Urgot main, I do not understand how so many urgot players lane badly against sion and the only actually unplayable matchups are fiora and olaf, where urgot can not win the lane, but the others can still lose them if that makes sense. against sion, if you see him charge his q, just channel e and cancel the knockup and kill him but that's probably because i go a more dmg focused urgot build always with eclipse, the little ms burst helps a lot with proccing and the bonus armor pen and lethality are great as well
@tristincrowley8458 Жыл бұрын
The key is grabbing heartsteel, then titanic. You have now made yourself a ticking time bomb, and if they dont end the game before you get sufficient stacks then its all over but the crying. I have a friend who mains Urgot, and honestly, i think id put my money on him against every other top laner i know. He may fall behind, but he always hits that tipping point where gets attacked and pulls off a 1v3, and you can practically taste the confusion and panic of the enemy team, its incredible.
@Hokou Жыл бұрын
oh the times the good old times of building sunfire cape urgot good ridance but the same time dangit
@thec-yb6ug Жыл бұрын
As for good gimmicks i feel like azir is underappreciated name 1 thing in gaming that feels more rewarding than just blasting tru an entire enemy team without even moving a muscle past your commands , it makes u feel powerful once u get good enought
@SzambiarzXD Жыл бұрын
I used to play urgot before item rework, I had fun playing him. After mythic items he became unplayable for me despite his winrate not changing much. I int every single time when I try to play him top.
@tuongpham7609 Жыл бұрын
Losing the dash on stride breaker really hurt him.
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