Delighted to be refreshed on the Vedic Yoga of Listening, after years of listening and meditating on what is heard - clearing the mental field of interfering vain habitual mental prejudice to recreate beginner’s mind at a higher level of understanding: pure pleasure! Thank you for making available this timeless teaching. ❤
@wetti20042 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much for sharing this precious wisdom with us!
@StevenShapsMFT11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for presenting these timely and valuable teachings of Vendanta, and especially to Ramji, James Swartz,
@8armwrap10 жыл бұрын
Once again these teachings are indisputable and contain the seeds for SELF knowledge-- the means of ending human suffering. A practical practice. Thank you for making them available to us.
@philiprobinson7332 Жыл бұрын
I know that it's years later, but I'm so grateful for this teaching and that it's so available. THANK YOU!
@nikkiyates629310 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this available to all
@edwardpaulfurr15256 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for some "rules...." , this video never gets there. It's a long introduction of the teacher. But I am grateful for it
@metaknowledge20108 жыл бұрын
James has a really good sense of humor, and is also a fine teacher; although maybe its too late for as I sail through my 50's !
@vedantipictures8 жыл бұрын
It's never too late for Vedanta :)
@zyxmyk8 жыл бұрын
+metaknowledge2010 In ancient India that had the idea of the "ashramas" the stages of life. You would actually be exactly the right age to start this, having wrapped up your householder duties. So, the idea that you are too old would just pertain to worldly things, for the spiritual path you would be right on time.
@moonsod11138 жыл бұрын
I got enlightened when I was 65 and I became spiritually awakened when I was 60.
@chocomanger68737 жыл бұрын
Hey. I'm 47. How on Earth could your 50s be too late? What does that even mean? You've still got another 50 years to go here, and then you might even have more time after that.
@pbwbh3 жыл бұрын
For all you know, you could be thousands of lifetimes old. It's never too late to learn how to be permanently peaceful and happy.
@amnondavid10 жыл бұрын
Sounds authentic. I'm glad to have come across this. Some nitpicking for historical accuracy though: Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming, not Marie Curie (who did pioneering work on radioactivity).
@vedantipictures9 жыл бұрын
+Amnon David Thank you!
@vedamurtischonert53989 жыл бұрын
If you want to attend a seminar with James Swartz right in the place where these videos are recorded: he will come for a five day seminar, 18.-23.10.2015 to Yoga Vidya Westerwald in Germany. Please send an E-Mail to: He comes also to Yoga Vidya Cologne, Germany 23.-25.10.2015. More information:
@vedantipictures10 жыл бұрын
Chant with James - here are the Stotrams
@harekrishna34959 жыл бұрын
Wow that was slick how you diss mojo how enlightened can you truly BE
@vedantipictures9 жыл бұрын
Enlightenment does not mean to take any person including it's own too serious, it means to know the true nature of any person as one and the same. This Workshop is about Vedanta, its teaching method and the discrimination of other so called teachings, it is not about james or moji or other teachers personaly. Love! T.
@waiataaroha7 жыл бұрын
Mooji is a spiritual pimp.
@chocomanger68737 жыл бұрын
What's wrong with dissing Mojo/Mooji? Are you one of the sheep that sit at Mooji's events, getting your shakti, then going back to normal later?
@noelferguson47566 жыл бұрын
Thank You
@bris1tol10 жыл бұрын
The three levels of reality in Platonic Physics Roger B Clough, National Institute of Standards and Technology (Retired) (11-28-2014) Abstract Here we combine the top-down metaphysics of Plato and Leibniz with the inside-out categories of C S Peirce to enable us to view the world in a new, more useful light, simultaneously from two perspectives, and in more detail than Leibniz's pre-established harmony. The top down structuring from Plato and Leibniz allows us to view the world as it is: governed cybernetically by thought from the top singularity (the One, comparable to a computer processing unit), rather than from the ungoverned perspective of current science. This allows us not only to understand the world properly, but to structure the world cybernetically. with all creation, perception and control coming in the form of thought from the top down, but inside out using C S Peirce's three categories. 1. Introduction. While C S Peirce is well known to the philosophy of science, the worlds of Plato and his follower Leibniz have been less explored for such purposes. Plato was an Idealisti and Arthur Eddington spent much of his life adapting Plato to science, but his use of Mind in a world thoroughly established in materialism ihas largely blocked exploration of the use of Mind cybernetically, as a singular, mental control point, so that the current world of science is only governed, if at all, in fiefdoms. But more significantly, materialism and a lack of a single cybernetic control from top down has hindered the develepment of an understanding to consciousness, thought and the role and nature of the self. For example, Dennett in his explanation of consciences does not have a perceiver (or at best a fancifal and abstract invention of one). Moreover the perceiver, to obviate the homunculus with homunculus problem, must be on a higher ontological level, and which has to be a living singular entity, not an abstract reference. By application of Leibniz and Plato and common sense as well,, we see that the perceiver must be singular-- the One, the cybernetic Perceiver and control point, the central processing unit, to use a computer analogy. The learning curve on Plato-Leibniz is a bit steep at first, foreign to most physical scientists because of their unfamiliar top down control, which is also done indirectly by thought rather than directly by physical interaction, but also because of Leibniz's unfamiliar spreadsheet style ontology, using not atoms but complete concepts called monads, which can be nested like sets. That would seem to render Leibniz more understandable to mathematicians and computer science, but his thinking in terms of substances and monads can be off-putting. Once these are understood (through his Monadology [ ]) and if one sticks to the elementary particles scale (the particles are both substance and monads) one can proceed fairly smoothly. 2. The three levels FIRSTNESS -FIRST PERSON (I) -Mind- The One, the Monarch- this is the realm of Plato's Mind. It is life itself, pure nonphysical intelligence. Purely subjective, timeless and spaceless - with innate knowledge and a priori memory, containing the pre-established harmony, necessary logic, numbers - the womb of the WHAT. Mind creates all, perceives all, controls all. Thus the individual mind controls the brain, not the reverse. Mind plays the brain like a violin. SECONDNESS - SECOND PERSON (YOU RIGHT HERE) ental objects so both subjective +objective- The Many. In this, the WHAT separates from Mind and becomes a HERE. Accordingly. Heidegger referred to existence as "dasein". "Being here." According to Leibniz, all monads are alive to various degrees. There are of three gradations of life in these, according to Leibniz: a) Bare, naked monads, which we can think of as purely physical ( Eg, a fundamental particle). b) Animal and vegetative monads, which Leibniz calls souls, which can have feelings, but little intellect. c) Spirits (corresponding to humans), which have, in addition, intellectual capacities. Mind transforms physical signals in nerves and neurons into experiences. If Mind then reperceives or reflects on these experiences, they are said to be thoughgt or apperceived. To be apperceived is to be made conscious. Thus consciousness is the product of thought. Intentions are also made in the same way, so that we caqn say that thoughts are intentions by Mind. The human brain is a monad which contains as subsets, mental capacities. Neuroscience tells us that there is binding between monads for parts and functions of the brain, but since monads cannot act directly on each other, this binding must be indirect, through the sequential updates of the perceptions and appetites of the subfunction monads. These must be made by Mind, either directly or through the preestablished harmony PEH). Unfortunately the Stanford Leibniz site on Leibniz makes no mention of the action of Mind on the individual mind, IMHO a gross shortcoming. Sensory signals and signals for feelings must also go through such a binding process. In a sense, the binding process plays the role of a self, but in conventional neuroscience self is a function of the brain, rather than the other way round, as common sense suggests and the intentionality of self or mind proves, along with the need for a PEH. This shortcoming in conventional understanding of the brain becomes all the more nagging if we consider thinking, which is closely related to apperception, because it must be conscious.Thinking, we submit, consists of consciously manipulating and comparing such apperceptions. Through Mind, with its potentially infinite wisdom and intelligence, intuitions and thoughts can arise spontaneously in the individual mind. If these are to be immediate and/or original, it is reasonable to believe that they originate in Mind, rather than indirectly through separate although bound parts of the brain. Anyone who has experienced a vocal duet in which the vibratos are in phase should become convinced of this. Mind is the monarch of the intelligent mind, which controls the brain. Mind plays the brain like a violin. Mind is also is able to focus on a thought for a brief period, within the context of one's memory and universal memory, for purposes of thinking an comparison, making the biological brain and its complex bindings seem hopelessly indirect and subject to confusion. THIRDNESS - THIRD PERSON (IT OVER THERE) Corresponding physical objects as is appropriate- -here the object is born or emittted from the monad--and emerges into spacetime as a particle, becoming completely objective, a WHAT+ HERE +WHEN., In addition the Thirdness of a private thought or experience is its public expression in some appropriate form. 3. Conclusions This format allows us to examine quantum phenomena from inside out and perception, thinking and consciousness ontologically- from physical nerve signals to mental experiences such as thought, consciousness, and cognition. It also avoids problem encountered in “bottom-up” science, such as complexity and emergence, if for no other reason than there is no apparent way of conceiving of a singular control point at the bottom. -- Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000). See my Leibniz site: For personal messages use
@cosmogang Жыл бұрын
This is beautifully stated! Thank you for sharing the full article! Wow.
@celebratinglife505 жыл бұрын
@RedStoneWhite Жыл бұрын
I don't know 🙏
@iamtheweirdestone8 жыл бұрын
Mooji doesn't say any of those things, lol.......I do however like James' teaching
@moonsod11138 жыл бұрын
In my opinion Mooji is a religious fanatic, with all his talk of Jesus and God (neither of which exist) which he tacks on to his awakening experience. If he was truly enlightened he would see through all illusion and question everything and see that all religion is a trap.
@chocomanger68737 жыл бұрын
Jesus and God don't exist? I'm pretty sure Jesus was an actual man that existed. God obviously exists too as God is just everything that is. All religion is a trap? Enlightened? What are you talking about, Moonsod? LOL.
@maicolx7775 жыл бұрын
Mooji is fake
@pramodsharma8912 Жыл бұрын
he told two word true selh what you are whose god govt came to seek only rakshas do not possess self or Atma within only breath now a ďays they placed in peacock n cheeta
@annush38808 жыл бұрын
He is interesting, surely honnest but, to me, he is a bit too much american style enlightened ..."GUYZZ I KNOW NOW AND I WILL TEATCH YOU TO THINK AND TO DOUBT". Well, for the beauty of the rhyme, a zest of feminity would not harm -but at least he isn't a plastic shaman
@vedantipictures8 жыл бұрын
So much for the teacher, why not to focus on the teaching now, lovely Vedanta.
@annush38808 жыл бұрын
Sure this is what happened in Part 2... and thank you because it is very good.
@bhavnavyas20809 жыл бұрын
@rudolfhaab355310 жыл бұрын
There are so many teachers in the world. I have also listened to this teacher. What bothers me is that he condescending other teacher (Mooij). He shouldn't be doing this !
@bikkuwisdom9 жыл бұрын
Rudolf Haab yes he is attacking all other good teachers. he is not equipoised.
@duality79 жыл бұрын
+Rudolf Haab (amsterdam006) Mr. Swartz is an amazing teacher. While I have read and watched videos of many different teachers (including Mooji for whom I have the utmost respect), James truly provides a complete teaching. While I was able to discover the Self thanks to Mooji, without James, I would still be confused as to how to apply the teachings. Anyone and everyone can learn a lot from James, but when one judges their teacher and don't place complete faith and devotion in them and treat them with respect, how can one expect to learn anything from them?
@vedantipictures9 жыл бұрын
+Rudolf Haab (amsterdam006) It is never about the Teacher but the Teaching. It is not about different Persons but the self, which is only one in the Vedanta World. James in my perception is always discriminating the Teaching and the Teacher. He does not take "his" own Person as James that serious, so he does'nt take other persons... For me it is an entertaining extra, a Special James Addon to the Teaching, which I am enjoying very much and not take too serious.
@bikkuwisdom9 жыл бұрын
If it would is so then ok
@BayviewFinch8 жыл бұрын
+Rudolf Haab (amsterdam006) I kind of like that actually. You have to take the piss sometimes. All of these people going in spiritual circles, never getting anywhere stuck in the realm of Mooji, Adyashanti, Tolle, etc. James says many times that he's not attacking the person, but the ideas. He also says over and over that a lot of these people are good for helping people get ready for Vedanta. Karma yoga is needed to prepare one's mind.