Versus Series Redux: Exar Kun Vs. Darth Vader

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Jensaarai One

Jensaarai One

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This remake was motivated by a number of factors.
Firstly, my understanding of both Exar Kun and Darth Vader has developed a great deal since I made the original video, and there are a lot of elements that I feel need to be better explained, and there are a number of areas where my opinion has changed.
Secondly, this is in response to a forum discussion of this very match-up started by ShadowKing on ComicVine. While I found the initial comment by Silver2467 to be an absolutely beautifully concieved argument in Vader's favor, the rest of the forum was nothing more than a big echo chamber. There were no dissenting opinions, no one coming up in Exar Kun's defense, just a whole bunch of people agreeing with and reinforcing this initial comment. The whole point behind forums is for debate, and this wasn't a debate. So, consider this video my answer to Silver2467's excellent argument.
Exar Kun and Darth Vader, two of the most infamous figures in galactic history, and two of the greatest Sith Lords in the history of their Order. If these two juggernaughts ever met on the battlefield, who would win.

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@EvanNova95 9 жыл бұрын
And they say remakes are never better than the original. :)
@CaptainOfTheCrapShak 9 жыл бұрын
Yay evanova
@PapaCthulhu 9 жыл бұрын
EvanNova95 Hey Nova
@thecesaroguy2447 9 жыл бұрын
EvanNova95 Well if the director knows his own content knows the flaws then remakes are well done. But if its given to some random director that just uses the characters and uses his vision of it then yes the original will be better.
@darthbane97 9 жыл бұрын
Evannova95 when does your season 5 start off
@darvish2012 9 жыл бұрын
EvanNova95 How about this one for you: Luke Skywalker vs Darth Krate.
@AntoineBandele 9 жыл бұрын
Well done, well done indeed. If only more could articulate their points as well as you do. When someone disagrees with you, at least they know what specific point they are disagreeing with.
@BlackLegion12621 9 жыл бұрын
I concur.
@jedislayer7373 9 жыл бұрын
Well, all of you do a pretty damn good job. I love Star Wars and your videos gave me a deeper and better understanding of why.
@drakegeer-timmins6780 9 жыл бұрын
I was just like " i wonder when antoine is gonna upload?" *Remebers versus series update..* OH SHIT!!
@100dfrost 9 жыл бұрын
Antoine Bandele Antoine, I gotta agree with you, though to be fair you're not so bad at it yourself! Dante.
@100dfrost 9 жыл бұрын
100dfrost Antoine, I hope you know that was supposed to be classic understatement. Dante.
@lordvader1993ger 7 жыл бұрын
I would like to see Darth Caedus taking on Exar Kun.
@BerserkerX 6 жыл бұрын
Lord Vader Love your videos!
@generalgrievous4722 6 жыл бұрын
Give me that plot armor
@ggamesgarner8027 5 жыл бұрын
Darth Caedus would win but in a hard battle. Exar Kun might be a little bit better in lightsaber dueling but in force powers Jacen is superior.
@Jensaarai1 4 жыл бұрын
I'm actually planning on doing Exar Kun Vs. Cade Skywalker.
@lordeon3968 4 жыл бұрын
Caedus would crush Kun
@swcallow98 8 жыл бұрын
Exar Kun vs Darth Krayt would be very interesting; both are incredibly high level practitioners of form VI and are remarkably powerful
@robgeorge4581 8 жыл бұрын
+swcallow This is match I am in love with. Personally I think Krayt pulls a win due to his superior force abilities (ie shatterpoint and Dark Transfer). Krayt is more powerful, can deal with sorcery, lightning, force blasts (tutaminis), and retaliate with greater force (ha ha). Lightsaber dualists is tricky because while I think Krayt can deal with trakata, idk about the matchup between dual blades and archaic saberstaff. I think that's sort of an impass but idk about that.
@lordhex2164 6 жыл бұрын
swcallow I would say Exar Kun. He drained entire Massassi population, annihilated giant monsters and almost killed Master Luke Skywalker. Can Darth Krayt defeat him?
@thecrimsonlord8589 5 жыл бұрын
Old Krayt doesn't stand a chance but Reborn Krayt is considered a great match for him. Although, Kun would win.
@ggamesgarner8027 5 жыл бұрын
Reborn krayt I could see barely beating exar kun. Reborn krayt was almost as strong as Darth Caedus so that’s really impressive.
@DropkickNation 4 жыл бұрын
@@ggamesgarner8027 Reborn Krayt was easily above Caedus.
@Tracer_Krieg 9 жыл бұрын
Jensaari, I do respect your in depth research and analysis of these two fighters, but you are missing out the most important part about Vader: His tactical experience. Yes, you did talk about it greatly, but you didn't actually analyse what it would do to Kun. You even stated yourself that Kun doesn't plan out his attack in advance, relying on improvisation. I have faced opponents like this in MMA and Knife on Knife sessions, and the result is always the same. They will go in almost completely blind to their opponent until they actually meet. Sure they stay in for a lengthy period of time, but eventually the more prepare always wins out. Vader is a MASTER TACTICIAN. Everything he does is planned out, and his use of the environment is going to throw him Kun off his game no matter how powerful he is. Even with his unpredictability in hand to hand, it's still grounded to the basics of lighsaber combating styles. This is what plays into Vader's advantage. Vader is 45, Kun 25. Vader has spent nearly thirty years in nonstop combat, where as Kun only under ten and close to five. As such, Vader's understanding of strategy and understanding his opponents is FAR more developed simply because he has faced far more opponents in rapid and everchanging battle situations. This in turn concedes two additional advantages that Vader is easily has over Kun. 1.) His experience to rapidly changing conditions will be more in depth. Take an incredibly skilled, mind you over confident boxer vs an experienced, older boxer. Because of his superior time in the ring, the older is going simply how and more importantly when to outstep his opponent or walk him right into a trap. 2.) His combat analysis. This isn't something that you touched up on at all. Vader has faced down enough opponent's, some more powerful than him, that his ability to judge exactly what their capable of doing. This is what makes his fear ability so effective. And do you know what Vader will pick up on first? Kun's arrogance. Forget everything else talked about. That is Kun's undeniable, undefendable weakness. His arrogance. You stated that Vader's general fear tactics wouldn't work on him because of it. It's the exact opposite. Vader will detect that first and immediately exploit it. He will begin to humiliate him, goad him into exactly where Vader wants him. Kun will push himself into a trap because he needs to prove to himself that he is the greatest there is. He can't accept weakness. And when he tries to overwhelm Vader, he will find Vader's blade right through his back.
@christiantveito8877 9 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. I have faced some opponents like that on MMA to and they fuck up for themselfs
@Dark-Lord-Of-The-Sith 9 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you! Lord Vader is battle hardened and modified his combat to a superior level to be damn near flawless.
@Akechi_The_Phantom_Detective 8 жыл бұрын
+Jacob Sailer Big problem there is while Darth Vader's battle technique is beyond question as are the utilisation of his force powers. The fact is he was nowhere near the tactical genius the fans wish he was and constantly underestimated the strength of his enemies which lead to him being defeated both by Obi-Wan as an apprentice and Galven Marek as a leader. His focus on individual goals has always cost him in the bigger picture and is ultimately why he failed in his intended goals.
@seangere9698 8 жыл бұрын
+Jacob Sailer Yes, you did talk about it greatly, but you didn't actually analyse what it would do to Kun. You even stated yourself that Kun doesn't plan out his attack in advance, relying on improvisation. Which would still play in his favor against Vader as there would be no pattern for Vader to follow. I have faced opponents like this in MMA and Knife on Knife sessions, and the result is always the same. They will go in almost completely blind to their opponent until they actually meet. Sure they stay in for a lengthy period of time, but eventually the more prepare always wins out. First in all MMA fights you study the way someone fights for weeks to months before hand. Even those that seem to "Go In Blind" as you say, even if they disregard what they learn from studding you eariler fights. Second to this to compair this to MMAis nowhere is the same ballpark as these two combatants are from two different times with totaly different training styles. It would be like you going against a Glatiator. They are well versed in not only weapon combat but also hand to hand combat and most where born into a worrior life while you where not. Kun was brought up as a Jedi from a very young age while vader was not.... now before you say yes Vader was.... Not really as Vader would have been considered a late teen just starting preschool and for that reason Yoda and the other Masters did not want him trained in the first place. While Kun started his training as an infint. Vader is a MASTER TACTICIAN. Everything he does is planned out, and his use of the environment is going to throw him Kun off his game no matter how powerful he is. Even with his unpredictability in hand to hand, it's still grounded to the basics of lighsaber combating styles. Yes Vader is a master tactician and so is Kun. Kun just fights in a chaotic manner and doesent fall into a patteren for a reason and makes it look like he has no plan but in the end that is his best plan in a Saber fight as like stated most if not all Jedi stick to only one form and is predictable. As you so pointed out at the end of this statment it's still grounded in lightsaber combat styles.... Well as said Vader trained himself to find the patteren of a fighter and exploit that while Kun is chaotic in his fighting style and never developing a patteren,Vader would not be able to exploit and weaknesses that way. This is what plays into Vader's advantage. Vader is 45, Kun 25. Vader has spent nearly thirty years in nonstop combat, where as Kun only under ten and close to five. As such, Vader's understanding of strategy and understanding his opponents is FAR more developed simply because he has faced far more opponents in rapid and everchanging battle situations. Age would not be an advantage in this fight as Vader is not only getting on in age (Yes hes a cyborg) and well past his prime. He is actually only about 1/4th his formor strength in the force as he was before turning to the darkside and almost dieing. While Kun is still in his prime and even has vastly more training in the darkside then Vader does. As to Vader having "FAR more" understanding of his opponents is not true. From the day the Jedi Purge started most Knights and Masters where out in the field. The ones still at the Temple where mostly newly made Knights and youndlings with a handfull of Older knights and less then a handfull of Masters. I would say 90% of the knights and Masters where killed in Order 66. The rest where killed in the next 19 years execpt for a handfull that survived or where turned to the darkside. So Vader only had a few years of fighting Jedi on any kind of regular basis. Kun on the other hand Spent years about 20 years of saber and force training every day of his life for just about every waking moment of said time. Then after he Became The Dark Lord of the Sith he was in battle after battle against Knights and Masters alike for at least the next 8-10 years and never once lost a saber fight, while both as Anikin and Vader have lost many fights. Granted most where to Starkiller and Starkiller was nothing compaired to Kun. 1.) His experience to rapidly changing conditions will be more in depth. Take an incredibly skilled, mind you over confident boxer vs an experienced, older boxer. Because of his superior time in the ring, the older is going simply how and more importantly when to outstep his opponent or walk him right into a trap. 1) Vader is not quick to Rapidly changing fighting and no patteren to how the person fights. Yes an Older boxer has experiance over a younger one but the younger one has the strength and stamina to go longer and harder the the Older boxer does.But then again it comes down to who gets the lucky blow in first when it comes to boxing. Yes Vader is a Master Manipulater of Jedi and non force users But not someone that is Better in Darkside abilities such as Kun. 2.) His combat analysis. This isn't something that you touched up on at all. Vader has faced down enough opponent's, some more powerful than him, that his ability to judge exactly what their capable of doing. This is what makes his fear ability so effective. And do you know what Vader will pick up on first? Kun's arrogance. 2) Do you really think someone that has lost some duels is better then someone that has never lost a duel.... Take your MMA and Boxing as an example... Fighter V has lost say 10 fights while Fighter K has never lost a fight who would you say if the better fighter? Yes Vader has faced stronger and better fighters then himself and lost a few fights and won some. Kun has as well but the BIG differance is Kun has NEVER lost a fight. You'er talking about Kun being arrogant.... Vader is the biggest one to be called arrogant and in doing so has lost a fair few fights... yes he learns from those mistakes but Kun has a right to be arrogant as he has never lost a fight. Forget everything else talked about. That is Kun's undeniable, undefendable weakness. His arrogance. You stated that Vader's general fear tactics wouldn't work on him because of it. It's the exact opposite. Vader will detect that first and immediately exploit it. He will begin to humiliate him, goad him into exactly where Vader wants him. Kun will push himself into a trap because he needs to prove to himself that he is the greatest there is. He can't accept weakness. And when he tries to overwhelm Vader, he will find Vader's blade right through his back. Vader has the same exact weakness and Kun is also a master manipulater. (My guess is you know nothing about Exar Kun or anything about the EU). Though Kun uses the force maniplation more then taunting and in a fight he relies on his unbeaten fighting style while Vader taunts and throws things around when he notices someone is the better fighter also Vader is used to fighting Jedi not Sith Lords while Kun fights both Jedi and Sith alike as well as a Sith spirit (I.E. something that is made of the darkside) something Vader is not used to. Vader relies on making someone that fights in a calm way to get mad and falter whell doing that to Kun will only make him stronger as He is already a Sith Lord and not some lightside Jedi that has never Fallen under the sway of the Darkside. So yes let Vader do his usual stuff and make Kun that much stronger and kill Vader that much faster.
@MichaelTheArchangel2500 8 жыл бұрын
+Adam Anouer OBIWAN NEVER BEAT DARTH VADER, sorry about caps lock, too lazy to change it. obiwan beat anakin skywalker not darth vader. second he is take then in their prime not their first time in suit, his prime is during empire strike back, if galvern marek took place during the main story, his story would of took place during the early days of lord vader, before he developed the skill and knowledge protect himself. he had to change his whole fighting style to work for him.,
@jon636374 3 жыл бұрын
Really wish there was more lore on Niman. Such an interesting Lightsaber Form.
@andrewperkin7192 9 жыл бұрын
arguments with ex girlfriend, alot of collage work and thanks to this my day is not ruined
@PapaSmurff660 9 жыл бұрын
hang in there man
@_Egil 9 жыл бұрын
Stay strong buddy.
@andrewperkin7192 9 жыл бұрын
thanks :)
@tiredjediknight3110 4 жыл бұрын
@@andrewperkin7192 5 years later hope things are going well
@andrewperkin7192 4 жыл бұрын
@@tiredjediknight3110 wow thanks and yes things are much better ! Currently studying at university and thank these videos for giving me alot of content through highschool! Hope your well too dude
@nickpickxd2138 5 жыл бұрын
Vader pinned Sidious to the wall and choked him casually in a fit of rage. Is said that he cant break through the force wall of the strongest Force users. I dont think any Force wall was above Vaders force attacks.
@crebic 7 жыл бұрын
Couldn't Vader use his lightsaber to deflect Kun's lightning?
@a.w.rachnid596 6 жыл бұрын
Zhengster yes he can it some reason he doesn't think of that
@tiredjediknight3110 6 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Never mind the electrical insulators in Vader's suit and his robust force defenses
@GayFishYe 2 жыл бұрын
I imagine Vader has tried to use his lightsaber to deflect Sidious' lightning before, and since pretty much his entire body is made up of cybernetics that were specifically made to be weak to lightning..... Yeah.
@danieltinsleykhvsff9622 2 жыл бұрын
@@GayFishYe your forgetting that darth sidious has the most powerful force lightning out of all the sith as well that exar kun and darth sideous were two different sith lords.
@GayFishYe 2 жыл бұрын
@@danieltinsleykhvsff9622 I haven't forgotten anything. Kun is almost on Sidious' level, and both of their force lightning would be on a similar wavelength. Just that Sidious has mastered it completely by the time of Dark Empire, which was 6 years after his own and Vader's deaths.
@geoffreyedgson7875 10 ай бұрын
After rewatching this, I'm wondering about Exar Kun vs. Kyle Katarn. Jensaarai One has videos of both against Darth Vader, and each is far removed from conventional Jedi Guardians or Sith Sorcerers. Kun is a uniquely lethal figure not only from his weapon and martial arts, but his Force-powers are also extremely lethal. Katarn has been overwhelmed by Force-wielders before, yet Kun is not Darth Caedus, and Kyle is undoubtedly near enough to Kun's league. Plus he has more extraordinary defensive powers from Tuteminus to Force-deflection and resisting telepathic intrusion. Kun's composure falls apart whenever he takes a hit, while Katarn can take a hit and throw a sweet one-liner in return or can survive a lightsaber through his chest then crawl through sewers to get away. Kun has a lot more offensive mystical tools and tricks, plus Katarn's long combat resume does not include Sith Sorcerers in Kun's mould. Yet Katarn's sabre skills have much greater depth and at least 2 decades of development that Kun does not have, plus between Dark Jedi, Yuzzhan Vong, and regular sparring with NJO era masters (Corran Horn, Mara Jade Skywalker, Grandmaster Luke), Katarn has a sizable martial arts advantage without mixing explosives or blasters on-hand. Even Massassi warriors subdued Exar Kun with spears and rocks, and looking through the Old Jedi Order Comics, were grenades even common arms during his time? It would be a thrill to see Katarn and Kun paired up in a versus video. Katarn could outlast Kun is unlikely to lose from martial skill without a desperate move from Kun (anything is possible). While Kun's lethal Force powers could leave Katarn dead on the floor in parallel with Odan Urr.
@EpicTimeLady 9 жыл бұрын
Honestly, it's amazing how complex and well thought out these characters' fighting styles are. And it's not just one or two characters! So many fighters in this universe have fighting styles that can be very deeply analysed. I would be honoured to be able to write something like that for my own cast.
@LokiTheClever Жыл бұрын
It just goes to show how skill based the Starwars EU was, in some ways the SW EU is more Naruto than Naruto with the amount of strategy and stuff that goes into combat
@thesun5275 7 жыл бұрын
Gotta say, while that was a solid analysis I still have to go with Vader as a martial artist and duelist. Because it's one thing to have an opponent that is random and chaotic but there is one big glaring weakness that Kun has, the moment he shows even a hint of a pattern or the moment Vader even gets the slightest edge Kun's ego would show itself And Vader would exploit the hell out of it. Kun's random fighting style is good in theory but he fights in a manner of controlled chaos, eventually however Vader would be able to break Kun in psychological warfare due to Kun's ego. Vader isn't intimidated by shock and awe seeing as most Jedi he faced were all bark and no bite, however Kun would have to face an opponent that could break his ego. Here's the thing Vader doesn't need to constantly deal with a changing fighter if he can make that fighter get sloppy. If he can disrupt Kun's controlled chaos then he'd be torn apart, and Vader could definitely last long enough to begin to pry away at it.
@tommyg506 4 жыл бұрын
I fully agree if Sylva can make Exar Kun go ape shit with a little scratch just think what being hit with stray debris would do to him? All whilst vader mocks and taunts him like the sass master we all know he is. But then that leads to Exar just going berserk and cutting lose in the force, my question for you is do you think vader can handle exar kun going dark avatar in this way? Would he use force lightning? maybe but i think its more likely he just tries to blow vader up with the amulet and I have honestly no idea how he would deal with that unless the amulet is just an ancient version of force destruction? Which Vader does know about cause jerric and thus would have ideas active barriers and the like if they are similar which I feel they should be then yeah vader has this high diff because exar is still going to be dropping everything he has and that boy is powerful and wild but vader would endure and just cut him down the last thing to be heard is vaders last remark, a jab at kun for being weak. I also think using the shrine fight as strong evidence is iffy since that was still an early time for vader still not in his prime, yes he wasnt as painfully raw and unsure as he was when he first met shrine but still man got years more experience and literally taught his apprentice to be unpredictable and wild and managed to fuck him up pretty good.
@HPalternetive 3 жыл бұрын
Thats a lot of assumptions made on your sides here.. That exar is bark and no bite. That he cant recover from a hit, AT ALL That vader will recognize an artifact he never seen before... Idk what to tell you, the guy paralyzed the whole senate, defeated one of the greatest jedi martial artist and also jedi grandmaster, and has possession of one of the greater sith powers... And he can force lightning. And what vader can do? “Defend from kun’s chaotic jabs, maybe if he’ll find a pattern, it there is a pattern”.. “He can take lots of hits”&”he have stamina”, ok both of those are true.. And he “maybe know the artifacts of kun, and’ll do something about it, exploit it Idk how tho :P” All Im getting here is that vader could off chance get a hit on kun, hold his ground.. nah thats it. Vader is really a great and experienced sith of the SW EU, but he is basically a “can opener” compare to kun’s power.
@rileyblais7850 2 жыл бұрын
@@tommyg506 u still have yet to say why Vader can beat exar… last time I checked Vader don’t know shit about dark side relics😂😂
@richardoguinn5264 2 жыл бұрын
@@rileyblais7850 imma go out on a limb here and say that Vader definitely knows about past sith lords and there artifacts sidings has wells of knowledge from holocrons and artifacts not to mention plagues the wise
@richardoguinn5264 2 жыл бұрын
@@rileyblais7850 sidious *
@nickchatziioannidis9395 8 жыл бұрын
IMHO Exar is at a disadvantage against an opponent with the particular strengths Vader possesses. Vader is immune to Force Drain, as per his learning a defense against that effect from the spirit/recording of Ulic Qel-Droma so that he could destroy the Dark Reaper during the Clone Wars. Exar's supreme feat with Drain was killing thousands of Massassi with it, but he accomplished this within the parameters of his dark side-cultivated temples which were designed to focus his powers. This is only roughly equal to the Dark Reaper, which could siphon the energies of entire armies, and Anakin was unaffected by that. Vader's stated and tested invulnerability against Drain renders that power moot. Exar's Force Blast was damaging enough to kill Massassi, kill a wyrm, and ruin portions of the Massassi Temple walls. However, he did this following what appeared to be a "charging," so to speak, of his gauntlets within pillars of energy. Later on, when he traveled to the Empress Teta system to confront Ulic and Aleema Keto, Exar's Blast failed to kill Aleema; it only jolted her into unconsciousness despite his professed intention to kill her and Ulic. So it stands to question whether his Force Blast is as powerful as was previously portrayed, especially on account of the aforementioned enhancing that the gauntlets seemed to receive. With that said, Vader is durable enough to tank explosions without much trouble, withstand electricity, withstand blaster bolts, withstand being Force Pushed through rubble, withstand impact force sufficient to slam him through walls, and has survived other effects, such as flamethrowers and buildings collapsing on him. Not only is it suspect whether Kun's Blast is sufficient to wreck temple walls, it may not be enough to drop Vader (in one shot at least) even if it did. It seems as if his Blast is only powerful enough to KO a normal human, and that would definitely not stop Vader. Exar's own TK is rather useless as well. His best showing was easily hurling back Sylvar, which is decent but hardly incredible. Vader has thrown around ships, crumbled cathedrals, crushed massive droids, knocked over titanic trees, used Lightsaber Throw to spin his blade around his body, pushed people across alleyways, torn down structures, ripped apart platforms, redirected projectiles, etc. Kun is immensely outclassed in telekinetic proficiency. TP would never become a factor in this. Though Kun does have more impressive showings in that regard (though the full circumstances of his sorcery-related TP showings have never been disclosed), but this is irrelevant because to its combat-disuse. Exar's Force Scream never engendered much noticeable wreckage either. It was sensed by Vodo, who was searching the Force for Exar, but its tangible results were minimal. Even then, Scream is involuntary, and Vader evinced a more powerful Scream when he awoke in RotS, years before reaching the height of his abilities. Of course, Essence Transfer is of no use to Kun without his ritual; so there is no need to discuss that. Exar's speed is the generic afterimage-related feats. Vader has achieved that and more. Kun has no other especially notable physical feats, aside from possibly smashing a holocron in his hand (though this was part of a ceremony; so it may not have been purely a physical showing). Vader, on the other hand, has slammed people onto the ground so hard the stone cracked beneath them, remained unmoved by the weight of a dozen stormtroopers, torn steel doors off ships, broken nets, collapsed crystalline pillars, broken binders, etc. Vader is obviously more physically dominating. Overall, just about every Force ability at Exar's disposal, Vader can either match or circumvent completely. This isn't so much due to a power disparity as much as Exar simply being unfortunate enough to fight an opponent like Vader who just possesses the right tools to deal with him on almost every front. In return, on top of his telekinetic powers, Vader has Dun Moch, Alter Environment (which he has utilized to control winds during his duel with Luke on Bespin), Deflection, Barrier, etc. Really, Vader has the edge in Force-generated skills. On combat skill, really Vader supersedes Exar here as well. Kun has good dueling feats, such as beating Crado, beating Sylvar, beating Vodo twice, and stalemating Ulic. However, all of Kun's skill showings, except for his fight with Ulic, were against featless characters, and his victories over Vodo were both a consequence of breaking through Vodo's staff, not necessarily outskilling him (not that I think Kun couldn't have outfought Vodo, but he never won over Vodo by virtue of being more skilled), not to mention the Jedi at the time being unaccustomed to engaging twin-bladed weapons. Whereas, Vader has fought equally with an amped Maul, fought equally with Obi-Wan, beat Roan Shryne, beat Celeste Morne, beat the Dark Woman, and beat five Jedi simultaneously (more than once), among other showings, and all of that was done before Vader reached his peak. His feats and his technical knowledge and adjusted lightsaber form just play it out.
@YTPrule 5 жыл бұрын
Vader's fight with Maul had Maul kick his ass until he stabbed through himself and Vader himself taunted Obi-wan on how weak he became. Next, numerous Jedi, including Exar Kun, are capable of facing several force users at once. Revan was reputed to and Malak was said to be a better swordsman than Revan.
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
you need to do more research on exar kun he was more powerful than vader and dooku, he not only mastered all lightsaber form but also had lightsaber skills from tulak hord who was a better duelist than vader and dooku, exar kun had the ability of acknowledge absortion and power absortion, he possessed the dark holocrom which was the most powerful holocrom in sith history he had acknowledge of over 10,000 years of sith magic archemy rituals lightsaber skills ect, exar was physically more gifted than dooku and vader, exar kun escalate above naga sadow which papaltine was scared to perform his rituals and archemy, kun was more powerful in the force than nadd and naga sadow both sith were easily star booster, and kun destroyed nadd spirit before his prime, exar kun tanked force sever from his master who had 4000 years of experience in the light side of the force and kun easy overpowered him, kun defeat a jedi master who tanked the explosion of over 10 supernovas and was amped by a light nexus of an entire planet, and kun one shot him, exar kun mastered sith archemy rituals and sith magic from marka ragnos tulak hord ajunta pall naga sadow and freedon, vader was look for help from murr spirit which was weaker than exar kun spirit that was drained and depleted by the wall of light created by over 1000 jedis using force sever and preps, kun defeat prime luke Skywalker who was estate to 2 times more powerful than the luke Skywalker from dark empire, which was more powerful than vader, Leia which was a force harmony master States that exar kun spirit was more powerful than luke and about two times stronger than vader at the least kun break all luke Skywalker defensive skills that luke Skywalker learned from yoda and obi wan finally grandmaster luke Skywalker compared exar kun spirit to emperor papaltine reborn who was a multi galactic threat
@slipknot1131 7 жыл бұрын
I just hate the fact in this video a lot that contributed to kun winning is totally jensaarai1's own speculations on kun's power, like his sith artifact, it is not proven he can use its full power all the time, the fact you're bringing kuns force lightning into play when he never ever used it.( even if he did we don't know the potency of his lightning, and vadar just use his lightsaber to exorb and reflect so lightning is irrelevant) High balled kun but low balled vadar. After almost losing to the jedi that was unpredictable, which btw vadar wasn't anywhere near his prime at that point, it is sure as shit he would train afterwards to make up for those short comings, a I mean look at his loss of mustafar... It completely changed his way of fighting. Plus vadar trained on his free time whenever he got a chance. I'm not gunna go on depth on his tactics since so many other people have I'd just be repeating what they said.
@spartan-6364 7 жыл бұрын
I disagree with the verdict but good video
@ForklifterMatt 9 жыл бұрын
Great video Jensaarai! Beautiful editing, perfect voice-over, and great song choices! While I disagree with the verdict, you made a brilliant case for Exar Kun! Well done!
@douglastarbox7640 8 жыл бұрын
Somehow I find the idea of Xun twirling his saber one handed like a cheerleader's baton just silly. How do you block any sort of power attack doing that? you can't, the first time he tried Vader would send his saber into the next zip code then cut him down. Xun was shown in the comic to be a glass cannon, unable to deal with the sort of damage Vader shrugged off as less then a nuisance. Also minus a dark side temple to feed off of Xun's force feats really are not of a magnitude to drop Vader, outright, assuming he's even given enough breathing room to gather his energies in the first place.
@voji4407 8 жыл бұрын
Odann Urr hit Kun with the strongest and most dangerous of all light side powers and he shrugged it off and then one shotted him with force would. To be fair Odann was elderly than, but I agree with the rest of your points. I do definitely think Vader would best Kun.
@nikolavitanov3522 8 жыл бұрын
+The HoloNet who will win between revan and krayt
@voji4407 8 жыл бұрын
Nikola Vitanov Darth Revan? Krayt wins.
@nikolavitanov3522 8 жыл бұрын
+The HoloNet and lastly vader vs revan
@voji4407 8 жыл бұрын
Nikola Vitanov Again, if its Darth Revan, then Vader wins.
@crowsnest43 4 жыл бұрын
Darth Vader is one of my favorites, but Kun definitely beats him.
@iantheweird1384 3 жыл бұрын
@Emperor Vowrawn hes better then vader yes but not even close to Sidious
@Siavh 3 жыл бұрын
@@iantheweird1384 think he could beat Sidious ngl
@Reti4 9 жыл бұрын
As excellent as ever.
@kiadisandwich1836 9 жыл бұрын
When's your versus video gonna be released?
@TheSunStudio1 9 жыл бұрын
Reti4 Still waiting for your versus videos Reti!
@oswaldmosley36 8 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't jensaarai1 bring up that Darth vader faced more than 5 Jedi at once and has several back ups to people that use lighting. Also, vader could use some of the lighting and store it in his suit. Another thing is that vader was trapped underground or underneath something, I forgot what it was, but he survived days underneath with out his respirator because of the dark side he said.
@rex7on 9 жыл бұрын
36:52 name me one force lightning feat demonstrated by Kun that will put him at least near Sidious. Marek's amped force lightning has barely brought Vader to hes knees ( after he managed to damage/cut hes suit ) and you say that a simple burst of Kun's lightning would cause Vader to step back ?
@robgeorge4581 8 жыл бұрын
+Vlad the Impaler idk think lightning is the big issue. Its the force blasts from his gauntlets. Go back to the video, lightning helps but not a game deciding factor but Kun can penetrate Vader's defenses and blast him with his gauntlets.
@jessiezhang8311 4 жыл бұрын
Exar kun’s force abilities are insane. He’s the 4th most powerful sith confirmed by EU.
@mr.ditkovich6379 3 жыл бұрын
@@jessiezhang8311 Where did you see that?
@mr.ditkovich6379 3 жыл бұрын
@Jay Williams Sidious is the #1, right?
@JBonjubia 3 жыл бұрын
@@jessiezhang8311 Source?
@wolfgod6443 6 жыл бұрын
While this vs. was well made, I can't agree with the verdict. The most notable problem I have is that you took into account what Exar Kun is capable of beyond what his feats alone would tell us, but you did not do the same for Vader, and that gave Kun an unfair advantage. Vader is as smart a fighter as Obi-Wan, but with the added advantage of natural talent, decades of combat experience, and is one of the most unique duelists out there. However, while you did counter most of this, you undermined Vader's intelligence. Vader's kinetite, stabbing himself to kill a clone of Maul, trying to carbon freeze Luke, etc. are all showings of his willingness to seek unique strategies to win. What you didn't account for is how "low" Vader will go to achieve victory. While not explicitly stated, Vader shows clear signs that he will do ANYTHING to win, even the most dirty, cheap tactics possible. He will threaten loved ones, crush buildings, hell he might poke you in the eye if he thinks that will win the battle. This is why we only see Vader use his more unique skills sparingly, because he only uses it, or comes up with a new one, based on the circumstance of the fight. Yes, this is not something that can be easily gauged, but it is still unfair to make assumptions on Kun's behalf and do nothing for Vader. That's like saying a person could never win in limbo because they failed before, while not accounting for the training they've done recently, but still valuing a different competitor because you believe they could go lower than what you've seen. As for Vader's other tactics, he is clearly as good at managing a battleground as Obi-Wan or Maul. Sure, if these two fought in a gladiatorial arena, Kun would have an advantage, but Vader isn't dumb enough to walk into that arena (unless he KNOWS his opponent stands no chance, or is trapped in unwillingly). Much like most fights involving Obi-Wan, you have to take into account that most people don't fight in flat arenas, so giving Exar Kun one for the sake of "even playing field" cripples one of Vader's greatest strengths. In fact, I would argue that the flat arena itself is an unequal playing field given what we see in Star Wars (basically, if this were real life, a flat arena is fair, but lightsaber dueling has so many extra factors that this becomes false). A more fair field would be the Emperor's throne room, with enough area for free movement, different playing fields, and it's dense enough for either side to use all of their skills. Granted, I don't think you stated the battleground anyways, but I thought this was worth mentioning when considering "fair" duels, and I'm assuming you meant for their fight to be in a flat arena. I will admit that your details on their lightsaber skills are near perfect, and that can go a long way in Kun's favor, but something that always bothers me how few Vs. videos account for battlefield awareness on the levels of Vader and Kenobi. Kenobi defeated Anakin, the best duelist and naturally gifted warrior ever, with nothing but his defenses and tactics. In fact, Kenobi has a history of defeating people leagues above him with his strategy alone. The same could be applied to Vader in many regards. The only reason this isn't seen is because Vader is already better than most others anyways. But every time Vader is backed into a corner, he wins, no matter how good his opponent is (with the exception of Luke, but that was very circumstantial). Is this enough to always win? No, but it is enough to win against foes who are only slightly better like Exar Kun (and besides, Sidious is basically the only person Vader's tactics wouldn't help him with anyways given the level he's already on). One more thing worth mentioning is that, given when this was made, I know that recent examples, like Vader destroying a dam to distract In'Fala (that Barash Vow jedi master), or the fact that canon Vader is not restricted by his suit, were not known at the time of this video. However, even ignoring recent Vader comics and feats, you can still infer Vader's feats before hand. One thing I love about Vader is when he proves something you think he should be able to do true. Like, theoretically he can kill a whole army of Rebels, or maybe he can force choke anything. He has proven this in recent months by killing whole armies of Rebels and force choking Darth Sidious. My point is that these recent feats are examples of what can be assumed for Vader in the first place, but weren't, while Kun got all the attention and assumptions on his power.
@traikentercept7074 8 жыл бұрын
How about Roan Shryne Vs. Xanatos? It seems like a good match up to me.
@kaitosevski3881 Жыл бұрын
Shryne stomps. He was able to match Vader as a duelist and even land a few hits. Xanatos was repeatedly stomped by a holding back Qui Gon
@KumaoftheForest 2 жыл бұрын
Exar Kun’s greatest strength and weakness are the same, his equipment and trick Lightsaber
@JLoC.2479 8 ай бұрын
In cannon vader can resist needing his cybernetics , Cylo5 helped build vader and made an "off" switch when he used it not only did darth vader overcome paralyssis w force , using force to control his body , so what u said about resperator wouldnt work
@DAce-vu5ct 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos to the stay and I hope you're still a fan. However I just have to say this I love the fact that you use Halo music Got me so nostalgic
@DAce-vu5ct 2 жыл бұрын feels
@onlycorndog6322 8 жыл бұрын
I don't think any of Exar Kun's Versus Series episodes have ended where he's lost. It's, honestly, really boring to see Exar Kun appear in a Versus Series episode 'cause I immediately think "Well, I know who THEY'LL say wins that one. Don't need to watch". I want to see Exar Kun VS Darth Sidious just to see Palpatine beat the stuffing out of the overrated fucker.
@jonathanjoestar9714 8 жыл бұрын
Palpatine would take a dump on Kun.
@Comedy-up5ck 7 жыл бұрын
Mitchell Fechter Revan could beat Exar kun Go to Evan nova Yoda can beat him
@darthniennunb234 7 жыл бұрын
Comedy 123 he is fucking yoda
@darthniennunb234 7 жыл бұрын
Comedy 123 exar kun would wreck revan
@natasapopovic8679 6 жыл бұрын
Darth krayt vs exar kun.
@NightOwl-yb4bg 7 жыл бұрын
I want to say this was not a matchup I ever wanted to see, I really like both Vader and Kun, But if this video proves one thing its how someone can overlook and predict only ne side of the fight, Ignoring things that counter what they themselves ant to believe, That elephant being how many time he says COULD HAVE or POSSIBLY, Those are no confirmation and have no baring in this fight, I could say Darth Vader was not as diminished as people keep saying he was, As Vader still commanded powerful connection to the force, He was the chosen one after all ? He lost limbs, Not his force ability, Or connection, His power being In a suit hampered only certain things, Like the ability to shoot lightning, As it would hurt him. Vader was a battlefield commander and no stranger to tactics s he did that in TCW as well as his time as Vader, He butchered and killed many Jedi in his time, And only people who have shut down his suit with lightning are people giving him all they have, The suit survived the emperors torrent full force that would turn most to ash but left Vader somewhat in one piece, He was not unable to move, You see Luke helping Vader before he finally collapses at the ship, Hardly what I would call a low level burst that would stop him from walking or moving ? And that's from a master of the art, Who most say is one of the most powerful sith lords of all time, He took that, Killed the Emperor was still able to make it most of th way to the ship despite the pain and damage to his suit yes aided but not carried or dragged, To many people bring up the lightning like its the ace in the hole, Vader will lose because his suit is not suited to stop that type of attack, Yet Starkiller gave Vader all he had, He was able to hold off the Emperors lightning for a short time, I think Starkiller is just a plot character and give 0 respect to any feat he dose, But that's 2 characters who put Vader down with Lightning and it took a constant barrage of it, Hardly a weakness as any force user would have been turned to Ash, Vader was able to walk with help with the Emperor, And was able to stand up after Starkillers attack and survive, Yep... Weak to that you say ? Also did people get stupid ? He has a lightsaber to deflect lightning with, He is also very powerful I the force, He did force choke Starkiller in one of the sequences in your video, He was able to use his force powers against most Jedi also, Actually, Name someone he really struggled against that Exer Kun would not have also ? You made a comparison to Kun using wound on a Jedi master to Vader force choking Yoda, To push the point of how powerful Kun had to be, But you also stated was a possibility that's how he killed him, There was no confirmation thus point is invalid Kun might have been able to use force lightning, So could Vader, But to what degree and power again you can only guess, Thus not Valid, Most of the points you made are assumptions very few confirmed and the ones that are, Are not on Vader's level he was a powerhouse said by most who talk about him, Yet you want us to believe he could not overcome Kun's force wall ? Really ? Also repeatedly you state Kun preferred to go on the offense his defence was not as good and he could not take hits well, Look at who he is fighting ? Vader is just as skilled if not more so, Kun came before Vader not vice versa, Vader knows of Kun's techniques and skills as a dueller as he probably studied it during his own training, Like Maul. He would not be unpredictable, As being offensive made him predictable, Vader would see this and press his own offense forcing Kun to take his overwhelming strikes and counter strikes forcing Kun into a mistake, Yes Vader taunted opponents, But anyone on Kun's level ? No, He would kill out right as he was not stupid or ego driven, That died with Anakin, So there are most of the reasons your video is wrong, And why I disagree with most people when they bring up the lightning thing, They seem to forget the Emperors was as powerful as you can get and he took it and did actually survive for a bit, Killing the emperor in the process I might add, Kun never fought anyone like Vader, Smart secretive intimidating, Kun could look into his enemies eyes and fight them work them out, Vader on the other hand was not the same, He was a cold calculating killer who take this win from the points you made, If someone else makes a video without throwing in possibilities and Vader loses i'll take that, Because I really like Kun. End of the day when you use assumptions and guess work the vs match, And you only do it for one side makes you look like a bias, That's just not professional. {0,0}
@banethesithari 9 жыл бұрын
***** Maybe I'm missing something but i disagree with Vaders suit making him weak to lightening, Yes Vader was injured by Sidious lightening so badly he had no chance of survival but that's sidious he can instantly kill people with his lightening with ease the fact Vader took Sidious lightening for about five seconds and wasn't instantly killed is incredibly impressive. Then we have other instances like in TFU 2 (as much as i dislike the game) where Vader takes Starkiller lightening for at least a minute and he's still not at risk of dying bare in mind Starkillers lightening was able to turn 3 stormtroopers to ash that shows incredible resistance. As far as im aware Vaders force shied still helps protect him from lightening even when he has his suit on . Bottom line the only time i think Vader suit is badly effected by lightening is when it's lightening so powerful it would of killed him if he didn't have the suit, the suit is far more resistant to lightening that a human body even those humans who were far more durable than the regular huamn such as Caedus ,Anakin and Malgus. Edit: At this point I haven't finished the video im simply stating I disagree with what Jeensaari says at 36:42 about Vaders resistance to lightening.
@zennim125 9 жыл бұрын
banethesithari but it wasn't the lightning that would be vader fll if they fight, it would be exar kun approach to combat, vader specialize in killing the jedis of his era, he is a superior sith, superior warrior, duelist and telepath, but exar kun is the kind of duelist that brings what vader isn't suit to fight, vader wins through superior fire power, forcing the opponent to submission, kun is only focused in killing outright, he isn't a resistant fighter, neither one that have much stamina, but he will kill in the first opportunity, using his unorthodox saber and style to force openings in the opponent defense.
@banethesithari 9 жыл бұрын
Rasmus Nordenstein I haven't finished watching the video ,it's just something Jeensaari said that i disagree with he says what im referring to at 36:42
@radicalgoodspeed16 9 жыл бұрын
banethesithari I think Sidious is the kind of dick bag who would build in a weakness to force lightning as away of destroying Vader should he try and turn on him, as a type of control
@banethesithari 9 жыл бұрын
Nathan Norman But in a normal fight Vader would just block it with his saber plus im pretty sure Vader would of check his own suit given how skilled he is mechanically he could tell what weaknesses there would be and either fix them himself or get someone else to ,it's not like Sidious could openly stop it.
@banethesithari 9 жыл бұрын
Rasmus Nordenstein Which comics or novels was Vaders suit badly effected by lightening ?
@kylemc2290 8 жыл бұрын
While this video was still a fantastic analysis, I must disagree with the verdict. I think you place exar kun on too high a pedestal in regards to his combat feats. He primarily slew a bunch of featless characters, with the exception of his master vodo bass. Vader on the other hand has beaten duelers with better track records like anya kuro and old Ben kenobi. While I agree that the skills and powers of an individual are more important factors than feats, feats still show a great deal about a combatants skill. Regarding vaders " predictable " dueling skills, his fencing skills are a form in their own, primarily novel and existing long after kun had fallen. When regarding vaders duel on kashyyk and a Jedi sussing out his " predictable technique", this was a Vader who was not yet in his prime, and when he was still adjusting to his new cybernetics, and he still won in the end. Kun was only able to defeat vodo by implementing dual weapons, a practice that for some reason eluded him which resulted in his death. When it comes to force abilities, I'd say it would end in a draw, due to vader's tremendous power in the force and telekinetic might, and kun's overall larger bag of tricks. But I would also favor Vader in this regard as well, due to his suit having electrical dampeners to lessen the effects of force lightning, as well as his lightsaber to ward off any that he can't simply tank. While kun's use of force lightning could be a viable threat, you once posed the question in your ' Count Dooku vs Darth Malgus' video; Is it better to know a lot of tricks, or to be really good at just a few, and I stand by what you said then, that it is better to be great at just a few. Other than my own disagreement with the verdict, it is still another of your great analysis. I can't wait till November to watch the next one.
@TTTTCJGKS 4 жыл бұрын
Anya and Old Ben were much weaker than Vodo Baas & stalemating Ulic is also under question but we do not know how this fight would have proceeded without intervention. Still, Ulic was easily on the level of ROTS Anakin in terms of dueling abilities & Kun didn't even have his saberstaff yet so who knows how it's another question as to the outcome of Ulic vs Kun with his saberstaff
@kylemc2290 4 жыл бұрын
@@TTTTCJGKS While my opinion on who would win has not change in the 3 years since I posted that comment, my reasoning has changed. Old Ben most definitely has become rusty during his time on Tatooine, though he was still a credible threat if his defeat of A'Sharad Hett is anything to go by. The Dark Woman is also not nearly as skilled in dueling as Vodo Baas was; her prowess was more to do with the unorthodox force abilities that she had learned. What I disagree with Connor's assessment is that he gives Exar Kun too much credit with some of his force abilities. He says that he COULD use force pushes in the midst of combat, that he COULD break out the force lightning....but he never actually does. The only instance of Exar Kun even knowing force lightning to begin with (that I can recollect) is the SWTOR timeline videos, which are inconsistent in and of themselves. While I do concede that Exar Kun is the more knowledgeable force user in a general sense, Vader still outclasses him in telekinesis in regards to both magnitude and refinement and Exar has never used his powers in the midst of a lightsaber duel. It's essentially a comparison between a Warlock and a Battlemage: The one may know more sure, but the other is better at using it in actual combat. In regards to saber skills, I definitely would consider Ulic Qel Droma to be around the level of Anakin Skywalker as a form V specialist. But the primary factor that I believe would seal Exar Kun's defeat is his lackluster composure and discipline. When Githany scratched him, he lost his shit. Vodo Baas, an experienced warrior, was able to capitalize on this and knock his ass to the ground. A masterful duelist like Vader would definitely be able to break Kun's composure and score a few hits. Now if it were Spirit Exar Kun, I'd honestly give it to him. He'd been stewing in the power of his temples for millenia. On a side note, I'm surprised and disappointed that there was never a Star Wars Tales comic about his ghost giving commentary on everything that happens on Yavin since he's been dead: Anakin vs Ventress, Revan Reborn, The Battle of Yavin, etc.
@Odama10 8 жыл бұрын
Halo music in a star wars video. BEST VIDEO EVER!!
@nathanmitchell9695 4 жыл бұрын
Have you ever seen a talented but inexperienced and overconfident fighter go against an older and more experienced fighter? Often times the talented fighter is physically superior, being both faster and stronger than his opponent, but the experienced fighter tends to have a more polished technique and is able to manipulate the fight to play out as they want it to in the long term, enabling them to disable and overcome an opponent. This is how i imagine the fight between Exar Kun and Darth Vader playing out. Vader will quickly be put on the back foot by Kun, it's very possible that Kun lands a decisive blow here thanks to his unorthodox and highly improvised style, but I don't think it's very likely that Vader will be overwhelmed by Kun in this way. He will identify the ego that dominates Kun almost immediately and will be able to goad him into overextending, adapting his use of Dun Moch for this purpose. He will use the environment to his advantage, smacking Kun around with projectiles like he did to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back, eventually managing to separate Kun from his weapon. He will figure out that Kun won't submit because his ego won't allow himself to accept defeat, so he will simply finish him with a quick decapitation or thrust through the heart. Kun might well resort to force abilities, but the one force power he likely won't use is Force Lightning, we have never seen him use it and it's not likely that we would see him use it here, and we've seen Vader resist the effects of force abilities before, or otherwise simply power through them. I think that Darth Vader is more likely to win a fight against Exar Kun, though I readily acknowledge there are scenarios that are not unlikely to happen where Kun wins.
@voxbox697 9 жыл бұрын
I completely disagree with the statement at 44:31 Vaders attacks specifically his lightsaber attacks were nothing less than killing blows using precise attacks with his monstrous strength wile using his force abillities to throw or move objects from the surounding terrain to put them off balence he wouldn't use anything less and waste time. Another thing is vader as you have stated has more tactical viability, Vader would be much more strategic than exar kun was so it stands to think vader would be able to beat him using years of battlefield experiance to compensate for exar kun's strong force abilities and his varied blade work. I believe Vader would be at an advantage by using the terrain around him to beat exar kun and use his durability and near unlimited endurance to take punishment to buy time to come up with a stratergy to beat him. I enjoyed your analyses of these two fighting each other even if i disagree about some things about Vader. Thank you for a very interesting and entertaining video Jensaarai I hope you read this :)
@drakegeer-timmins6780 9 жыл бұрын
While I can agree with some of your points i disagree when you say vader can use expirence to deal with kun. And thats because 1 the only force wielder that he fought who is as strong as kun is Dooku. So he is not really practiced against it, escpecially in his suit. And for bladework. No one is like exar kun. No one vader faced is at least. With all the constant adjustments and the unique saber, vader woud be pretty lost on what to do.
@voxbox697 9 жыл бұрын
Drake Geer-Timmins i wasnt talking about experiance fighting someone like kun i meant combat experiance using terrain and his abillities to his advantage.
@Dex1er_2000 9 жыл бұрын
I agree with your point that when vader recognizes a equal he goes only for the kill. However i think you overestimate vader just a little, he is my favourite sith but he is not perfect. Still, good point
@voxbox697 9 жыл бұрын
Darth Taters He is my favorite sith as well and I agree he is not perfect.You may be right in my argument that i over estimate him a little lol (Im not perfect either) but if I do Its only because I really like Vader. :D
@Dark-Lord-Of-The-Sith 9 жыл бұрын
Drake Geer-Timmins I have to disagree with that. Lord Vader fought numerous Jedi at once and won, that would be the same as fighting Exar Kun. Lord Vader does win by his experience.
@nicklasdantes2471 9 жыл бұрын
I disagree with your opinion about Exar Kun's fighting style, such is his dual blade lightsaber practically useless. it gathers all the power of the wrist, one of the body's weakest points, this means he can not make andgreb with enough power to get through Darth Vader's armor, and this is certainly something Vader could figure out. Moreover, because the focus on a body joint, there is very high chance of hidden damage in the body joints as a heavy blow can aggravate to provide a handicap Exar Kun's fighting style is a clear example of artists who do not know anything about sword fighting, doing something that they think will look cool
@banethesithari 9 жыл бұрын
A very interesting and enjoyable video you've persuaded me that Exar Kun would win.
@veganminimalistpastor 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think you give Vader enough credit. While he is at a disadvantage in lightsaber skills and force abilities (you convinced me of that :), his physical advantage is quite substantial. As you put it, this is a battle between a glass cannon and a glacier. Vader is indeed not suited to battle against Kun's tactics of unpredictability, Kun is not suited to fight against Vader's. To say Vader will never land a (physical) hit is simply ridiculous, and these hits over time will weaken Kun, and may lead to his demise. Also, although Vader's weakness against lightning is notable, he has developed several countermeasures against it, including tutamintis, insulation, adjusted fighting tactics, etc. I don't believe Vader is losing this fight as you argue here.
@josiahjenksisawesome 7 жыл бұрын
Could Vader draw from the power of Kun's Sith Artifacts? Like if he only needs to be in close vicinity to boost his powers and gain those extra Sorcerer Powers, could he use Kun's own tools against him? I'm just speculating, but that would be fun to watch Vader summon a rancor and set it on Kun.
@josiahjenksisawesome 4 жыл бұрын
@@vishalyathish8581 I'm referencing an old comic. One of the only times we've ever seen Vader use Sith Magic was when he turned a man into a rancor while he was close to an artifact.
@drgerodarthplaguies4666 9 жыл бұрын
I do agree with some the following points you made out for Exar his force blast would momentarily stop Vader. As far as force powers goes Exar has more variety but Vader I believe is more powerful and more skilled in telekinesis force push if odan er can force push kun rocking him back the way he did Vader can far exceed that With devastating effects simultaneously Vader cannot break Exar for shields for mental assaults that I also agree with. I know for fact Vader wins this fight Exar would start out impressive no doubt an excellent swordsman as you stated a niman fighter is prepared for everything Exar Dueling abilities are on par with Vader Exar will fail in the fight. My reasons why = Darth Vader's superior stamina due to cybernetics grants him superior stamina. Darth Vader cybernetics grants him superior strength. Darth Vader's cybernetics grants superior endurance yes Vader is a tank that can take damage upon damage. After an impressive showing by outmaneuvering Vader chaining force blast into his niman sequences Exar will get overconfident forgeting discipline in his previous battles he chooses strength over moderation once he feels confident and drives Vader onto his back heels he would reengage Vader in close quarters doing so thinking Vader is down for the count Exar would try to overpower Vader with forced enraged Power techniques abandoning niman principles Vader would seize the opportunity Utilizing his hybridized light saber techniques while kun is presenting openings Vader would lash out with a saber Parry with superior strength due to cybernetics Exar would lose his light saber in the process Vader goes for a a force push that Exar has no defense then Vader gives him a makashi thrust Impaling Exar
@kylelobb7736 8 жыл бұрын
The two problems I have with this versus series is having Exar Kun have is amulet and that Vader can't protect himself against force lightning. Having the amulet in this comparison is like comparing two elite level athletes: one who is naturally gifted the getting to where he is by taking steroids. It bolsters the athletes ability but not because of natural talent. Second, I do think Vader could protect himself against force lightning with tutiminus just as long as the force wielder was less powerful than Vader. He could deflect force lightning only up to a point. I know that I might get a lot of people who disagree with me but that is what I believe.
@DarthVages 8 жыл бұрын
I never understood to begin with why it is said that Vader can't neither deflect nor absorb force lightning with the force. He could use tutaminis and force deflection. I could understand that he can't absorb force lightning with tutaminis because of his cybernetics. But deflecting it with force deflection should be okay, or not? (Sorry for my bad english.)
@SFArasTMToomuchslays 8 жыл бұрын
Fucks sake Vader can deflect it with his lightsaber either way, this is arguably the greatest duelist of all time. He can handle lightning with his saber
@neighborhoodgaijin2617 8 жыл бұрын
+SFAras agreed if obi wan could deflect darth tyranus lightning then so could vader to a greater degree. Especially since vader would take more damage from it.
@yrooxrksvi7142 3 жыл бұрын
Vader is more like a paralympic athlete who had re-adapt to his amputations. His cybernetics can be just as much of a cheat, as they can keep him going for hours without fatigue.
@benjaminjones2185 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe no one was debating because there was nothing to debate.
@CYBERJASE 6 жыл бұрын
Great video Jensaarai 1. Your versus series is well thought, and well made. The best thing of this whole series is the selection of characters! Great depth in each and every character chosen, nice pictures from comic books and movies/games/cartoons, congratulations my friend! That's what I'm looking for in a Star Wars KZbin channel. Keep up the good work!
@DarthDeuces 9 жыл бұрын
Quinlan Vos vs Cade Skywalker would be cool, or any duel that uses vos
@MrSnakekaplan 9 жыл бұрын
in maths, the rule is that you round up from this analysis you round up in Exar Kuns favor for unknown variable and round down for Vaders unknown variables no consistency, Very dissapointing
@Amadeo790 8 жыл бұрын
Do you think Vader could go toe to toe or even kill sidious after a good fight if he didn't have the lightning weakness? same skill and magnitude with the force but with out the lightning to his life support weakness.
@kyloren2099 8 жыл бұрын
hmm probably not..
@crazyscotsman9327 8 жыл бұрын
I would argue that Vader could. Not saying he would be the victor but he has the potential to win that duel. He was stated as being 80% of the Emperor after being defeated on Mustafar, so it is very possible for Vader to be powerful enough with his force barriers to withstand the force attacks from Sidious. Lightsaber skill it is possible for Vader to win but it would be a hard fought battle to the point that Vader if he won would walk away with only 1 or two limbs still working.
@devenmckinney7602 6 жыл бұрын
Definitely not sidious was a master in all forms of light saber and is more attuned to the force then 1/4 of anakin s body that is left
@tiredjediknight3110 6 жыл бұрын
It's possible but it's not likely, Vader would have to do everything perfectly in a scenario where he's done something to limit what Sidious can bring to bear against him. Else he would simply lose. Beating Sidious in Vader's state would require significant planning and cunning and no small share of risk on Vader's part. Prep work would be key.
@matthewszabo7066 7 жыл бұрын
You have the best analytical discourse when it comes to these versus series! please make more
@corymccarty8603 6 жыл бұрын
I find this analysis to be incredibly biased. At one moment you claim Vader has an answer to anything thrown at him, adjusting his style and tactics to always be one step ahead of Jedi who change up thier forms trying to throw Vader off, and then say sincd Exar Kun constantly changes his style and tactics to be unpredictable, Vader would be unprepared for his onslaught. You claim Kun's defensive approach to be a strong offense so his true defensive technique is lacking and then say he is more than capable of defending against Vader, who by the way has a very formidable defense as you yourself have stated in other videos. You say that thpugh Kun is never really depicted uaing force based attacks in conjunction with his lightsaber combat that sense his primary focus is in Niman he would be familiar with such techniques. He may be familiar but as he is not depicted doing so he is clearly not practiced at this where Vader on the other hand does this regularly and to great effect, constantly using his environment very tactfully in all his engagements. And you say everuthing Vader does Kun equals if not surpasses. Tisk tisk. You say although Kun has never been shown using Force Lightning he certainly knows it and can therefore use it on Vader since, according to you in this video, he has no defense against it. Yet in other videos you claim that having Force Lightning is not necessarily a trump card as Vader does have certain counters to Force Lightning. His Lightsaber is a perfect example of this. You site Kun's Sith Sorcery and Alchemy as advantages even though they are not all that applicable in dirrect combat situations. Vader isn't going to just allow Kun to cast spells. You speak of this energy blast Kun has as a big deal even though I see no reason why Vader can't parry it with his Lightsaber as he would a blaster bolt. You say Vader won't have an amulet or kyber crystal and then allow Kun's amulet/gauntlet. By the way, much of Kun's power is drawn from that amulet and then you say Kun completely outdoes Vader as a force wielder. You say Kun is like glass and can't really take a hit and then say, once Vader starts hurling things Telekineticly he would probably get some good hits on Kun and then act like it wouls be no big deal and it would only prolong things till Kun eventually wins. I previously mentioned Vader's tactics but lets go back to that. Vader is an extremely tactical warrior with decades of expirence both as a Jedi and then a Sith Lord. You mentiones this as well and then went on to basically say it just wouldn't matter where Exar Kun is concerned. This video is laced with things like although we never see this we know Kun can do it and therefore does it as good or better than Vader. Although Vader is great at this Kun would just overcome it. Those kind of comments are always unjustifiably heavy handed to Kun's favor and much or it is speculation and conjecture. This whole video, as well as the first one on the topic you did, in my opinion, is a completely trite and ridiculously biased fanboy farse. That being said, overall I generally enjoy your videos and the work you put into them even when I disagree but his time I had to say something.
@mercury2157 9 жыл бұрын
I'll admit, the notification for this shocked me a bit.
@jw8395 9 жыл бұрын
You forgot another similarity between Kun and Oberyn: both are arrogant and hot-headed. Even if we actually take everything you said into account, and if the fight played out similarly to the Viper/Mountain fight, then Exar Kun would dance circles around Vader, but Vader, unlike Clegane, would keep his head on straight. Even if Kun did get Vader into a vulnerable position, much like Oberyn, he wouldn't finish Vader off but instead would showboat his greatness, giving Vader the chance to grab him and crush him to a pulp before Kun could deliver a killing strike. You also use assumptions far too often in regards to Kun's force abilities--yes, those examples of him using them with deadly effect exist, but who are the victims? Are they powerful force users or helpless muggles? I don't know, I didn't read the comics. If they are indeed "muggles", then Kun's force abilities are not as remarkable.
@Darthpsychonis 9 жыл бұрын
While I agree with your overall verdict, as I did with the previous version, I'm wondering what happened to "....Vader had developed a number of counter measures against Force Lightning, the most notable involved using his lighsaber to absorb and redirect high intestacy blasts, a method he demonstrated against the Starkiller Clone when they fought on on Kamino. He also outfitted his armor with electrical isolation to lessen the effects of Force Lightning, though this was only effective to a point....." from your Vader/Malgus video where you argued that Force Lightning in itself is not a total Achilles heel for Vader, but yet here you make it sound as if Kun's lighting which he has never been shown to use would be a notable factor.
@seraphx26 9 жыл бұрын
Psychonis I actually was thinking that exact thing because I remembered it being used in other Darth Vader videos, it doesn't really change my opinion since Kun would never have relied on it to begin with, in any event perhaps he just forgot?
@deadponic117 9 жыл бұрын
Psychonis Kun was never depicted using lightning but it is implied that he can but Vader has multiple measures to counter it
@Darthpsychonis 9 жыл бұрын
Darmeda 45 Ok? That is what we were talking about. Your point?
@deadponic117 9 жыл бұрын
my point is that exar kun is a sorcerer that balances his force abilities and his lightsaber skills while vader is a wreck but is still the superior warrior he only lost because of physical handicaps and his basic force abilities may seem to put him at a disadvantage but remember, this is the guy who has taken lightsaber hits, been shot, torched with a flamethrower, been crushed underneath a building and had a grenade go off in his face, exar kun is just, as jensaarai puts it "a squishy human", no other explanation needed
@Darthpsychonis 9 жыл бұрын
Darmeda 45 Sorry, but again I don't see the relevance. As I said up top I don't disagree with the verdict, I'm questioning as to why Conner in other video's would argue the effectiveness of Force Lightning against Vader noting how he can defend himself against it while here he don't really do that against an opponent who has never demonstrated the ability outside of an rpg guide book. It is a moot point as taking Force Lightning out of the equation wouldn't really change the outcome, I just though it was a bit odd.
@hamishmarshall7782 9 жыл бұрын
Good video, but a few contradictions. You say there is no evidence to say Odan Urr was killed by force wound, that it is just your theory, then you start calling it a fact. You also say Vader's cybernetics and armor help him in a physical martial arts way by adding to his resistance and damage, then give the edge to Kun. Speaking of Vader's cybernetics. You say in the original of this video and others, that Vader has taken steps to insulate his suit against force lightning, but forget to mention that fact here. You also talk up Kun's never displayed force lightning ability a bit like his force wound ability. Vader loved to used fear and terror as weapons and what better way to do that than suspend someone in mid air while choking them. Im sure with that level of control and power displayed he could just snap their neck like a twig if he wanted to leaving no time for them to escape. Vader could shoot to kill if needed. Regarding the psychological game, you state that Kun's ego wouldn't let him fall for those tricks, but his ego is exactly the button Vader would push and given Kun's style and character Vader would pick up on it pretty quickly. It is better to have practiced one punch a hundred times than one hundred punches only once. Vader's style may be more orthodox and textbook, but it is well practiced and efficient. Kun's style is more hail mary all in, when it works it works well, but if it doesn't he's toast. On that note, you refer to Kun as a glass cannon unable to take damage. Then near the end say Vader would get a few good hits in but Kun would still win, wouldn't one of these good hits be enough. It basically comes down to two evenly matched fighters. But Vader could take a hit from Kun, but Kun can't take a hit from Vader. So you have to give the fight to Vader. For these reasons I declare this video a thumbs down.
@caos1925 9 жыл бұрын
part of me just has to wonder, did you have a bias in favor of the victor just because of how the forum went, and you wanted to argue with and disagree with the people on the forum. Also can you please put in credits, or links next time like for that fan lightsaber duel at 12:13 and for the forum?
@TheGhostDogg100 9 жыл бұрын
caos1925 Same here.
@kingoftheunderground3557 5 жыл бұрын
things to consider vader physical strength, form 3 elements, power parrys, form 1 basics. endurance staminia which are Superior to exar. kun will exhaust himself and spread his martial skills to diverse giving in to fatigue resorting to the saberstaff it takes dexterity and control i see vader disarming kun and makshi thrust impailing exar kun before exar has a chance to use his force powers. I declare Darth vader the victor.
@OfficialRedTeamReview 9 жыл бұрын
DO A VIDEO ON Luke Skywalker VS Luke Skywalker.
@TheNuisanceBird 8 жыл бұрын
+RedTeamReview What?
@solomonaraneta1878 9 жыл бұрын
Is cutting an enemy in half truly a feat of strength? We know lightsabers can do that easily with minimal effort. Unless the opponent is wearing Mandalorian beskar or cortosis armor, slicing an opponent in half would hardly be difficult.
@TheGhostDogg100 9 жыл бұрын
Vader may be a specialist but he incorporated heavily for ALL forms of combat. He was no one trick pony and could easily adapt to any situation. Also for TK abilities b he easily out strips Kun in both magnitude and precision.
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
you need to do more research on exar kun he was more powerful than vader and dooku, he not only mastered all lightsaber form but also had lightsaber skills from tulak hord who was a better duelist than vader and dooku, exar kun had the ability of acknowledge absortion and power absortion, he possessed the dark holocrom which was the most powerful holocrom in sith history he had acknowledge of over 10,000 years of sith magic archemy rituals lightsaber skills ect, exar was physically more gifted than dooku and vader, exar kun escalate above naga sadow which papaltine was scared to perform his rituals and archemy, kun was more powerful in the force than nadd and naga sadow both sith were easily star booster, and kun destroyed nadd spirit before his prime, exar kun tanked force sever from his master who had 4000 years of experience in the light side of the force and kun easy overpowered him, kun defeat a jedi master who tanked the explosion of over 10 supernovas and was amped by a light nexus of an entire planet, and kun one shot him, exar kun mastered sith archemy rituals and sith magic from marka ragnos tulak hord ajunta pall naga sadow and freedon, vader was look for help from murr spirit which was weaker than exar kun spirit that was drained and depleted by the wall of light created by over 1000 jedis using force sever and preps, kun defeat prime luke Skywalker who was estate to 2 times more powerful than the luke Skywalker from dark empire, which was more powerful than vader, Leia which was a force harmony master States that exar kun spirit was more powerful than luke and about two times stronger than vader at the least kun break all luke Skywalker defensive skills that luke Skywalker learned from yoda and obi wan finally grandmaster luke Skywalker compared exar kun spirit to emperor papaltine reborn who was a multi galactic threat
@Kainlarsen 8 жыл бұрын
Good points, and I must admit, it does look like Kun has the advantage, but what of Vader pre-cybernetics? That would be a different story, I think.
@nathanmitchell5550 8 жыл бұрын
Anakin Skywalker was very similar to Exar Kun in terms of the type of character they were. Both were extremely naturally talented with the force and both were carried through by this natural talent making up for the shortcuts they made. Both were arrogant and both flirted with the dark side. However, Kun had time to practice Sith powers following his turn to the dark side where Anakin didn't (with the exception of force choke that he used throughout the Clone Wars) before the defeat that necessitated his suit. In a confrontation that ended with them resorting to their force abilities, Kun wins hands down. In a lightsaber duel, this would be an extremely close encounter but I believe Kun would win that as well due to his unorthodox weapon and skillset.
@matthewstrader1568 9 жыл бұрын
Although, I could see the fight going either way, you have to go with who would win 9/10 times. I am somewhat bias to Exar Kun, but Vader was extremely skilled. Most under rate the abilities of Kun, however also, Vader's endurance/will. I would call this the "any given Sunday" scenario. A play on circumstances maybe?
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
you need to do more research on exar kun he was more powerful than vader and dooku, he not only mastered all lightsaber form but also had lightsaber skills from tulak hord who was a better duelist than vader and dooku, exar kun had the ability of acknowledge absortion and power absortion, he possessed the dark holocrom which was the most powerful holocrom in sith history he had acknowledge of over 10,000 years of sith magic archemy rituals lightsaber skills ect, exar was physically more gifted than dooku and vader, exar kun escalate above naga sadow which papaltine was scared to perform his rituals and archemy, kun was more powerful in the force than nadd and naga sadow both sith were easily star booster, and kun destroyed nadd spirit before his prime, exar kun tanked force sever from his master who had 4000 years of experience in the light side of the force and kun easy overpowered him, kun defeat a jedi master who tanked the explosion of over 10 supernovas and was amped by a light nexus of an entire planet, and kun one shot him, exar kun mastered sith archemy rituals and sith magic from marka ragnos tulak hord ajunta pall naga sadow and freedon, vader was look for help from murr spirit which was weaker than exar kun spirit that was drained and depleted by the wall of light created by over 1000 jedis using force sever and preps, kun defeat prime luke Skywalker who was estate to 2 times more powerful than the luke Skywalker from dark empire, which was more powerful than vader, Leia which was a force harmony master States that exar kun spirit was more powerful than luke and about two times stronger than vader at the least kun break all luke Skywalker defensive skills that luke Skywalker learned from yoda and obi wan finally grandmaster luke Skywalker compared exar kun spirit to emperor papaltine reborn who was a multi galactic threat
@giovanniciccone1323 Жыл бұрын
Did Lucas like make the forms cause I have never heard of the forms in the movies or shows
@Jensaarai1 Жыл бұрын
While they have been referenced by TCW and Rebels, the 7 Forms originated in the Expanded Universe; George has nothing to do with them.
@giovanniciccone1323 Жыл бұрын
@@Jensaarai1 so did mace windu always practice vaapad or did he create it during the clone wars/phantom menace if so what form did he use before
@giovanniciccone1323 Жыл бұрын
@@Jensaarai1 before windu made vaapad what form did he use? Also you should really do more windu versus like a dooku vs windu would be a perfect match up
@dmstantastic3653 8 жыл бұрын
I bow to how skillfully executed and brilliant your analysis was.
@LutherBlackmar 8 жыл бұрын
But the Kashyyk mispronunciation is killin me!
@dmstantastic3653 8 жыл бұрын
Hey I am insanely critical of these things and this was done well maybe downplayed Exar a lil bit as he would absolutely own Vader but altogether an enjoyable vid
@jamespoelvoorde4414 8 жыл бұрын
+Luther Blackmar Actualy he is saying it correctly but to be honest there is no wrong way to say it its kinda like an acent. but it is Ka-Shik not Ka-Sheek.
@voji4407 8 жыл бұрын
+stanley callahan how would Exar defeat Vader
@jamespoelvoorde4414 8 жыл бұрын
The HoloNet The whole video kinda explains that.
@bluelick7578 9 жыл бұрын
0:01, I already think vader wins, but will continue watching to see how it goes.
@bluelick7578 9 жыл бұрын
David Lalonde Heh, I could argue That the martial judgement could be impared by the duel against Shrine since that duel was still extremely early in Vader's history and kept growing and learning afterward, and though Khun could detect a patern in Vader, Vader could also see how Kun always like to go in offensive due to his lack of defensive ability due to his *fragility* could also be exploited. In that Area I'd say its more like Arogance VS experienced and humbled. I favor the later. Physical, Vader win as in Khun gives only speed and agility and Vader can answer that, but Vader outrank Khun in endurance, toughness and strenght. Force, yea Khuns gets it, Armement, yea Khun gets it again. Other then that, who wins is, in my opinion, still open to debate. I do press though, that in that high caliber fight timeline and tipical MO contribute to a lot, since every single detail can prove vital or fatal, Khun got shock and awe, but when he got confronted to someone who can withstand it, he either got to find a new trick or tie, at least as far as his history goes. Vader got something to answer initial shock and awe since most attempt against him were assassinations or ambushes. In term of timeline, I would like to quote that on various show and tails when martial artists of different eras were pitted against one another, the new was meant to learn and surpas the old. Vader was easely in a top 5 of his era on just about any level, save agility. But strenght, tactic, endurance, willpower, technique, toughness and even to some extend his use of the force, needed only the top to be answered for. As for Kun, he boasted to be the best, in an era when the force and the lightsaber combats were more.. tame. Suffice to say, that someone like Lanari from *into the void* would be extremely impressive in term of ability in her era, and hell, her raw force aptitude were so high, she did most of it instinctively, to the point she sheilded herself from a bomb kamikaze who's detonation almost level the whole damn block, beeing vurtualy LEANING on the guy. But she still would be unmatched by any top tier duelist, not only because lightsaber didnt exist back then, but because in her era, jedis were extremely young and underdevelopt. Hell the republic didnt even exist. What I am trying to say, is that Vader comes from a time where force user could level whole battlefeild with thoughs, as kun, those kind of skills were still extremely rare. As for force ability, in a sheer contest of the force Kun wins thanks to diversity, but that aint that much of a game changer. Why? Yes he got lightning, but that could be contered by nearly every jedi with a lightsaber, to be effective he'd have to overwhelm Vader with it, and Good luck on that, and his beam of pure dark force energy could be used only when near a source of force bolstering artifact. And here is the flaw : 1, That power would stun or kill people of relatively normal constitution. I really doubt that Vader could be taken down by 1 hit of that, and even Exar Kun would be hard press to go at it long and often enough to kill Vader, not to forget Vader is no fool to ba taken often by the same trick. Second, Vader did similar awe inspiring feets by beeing NEAR such objects, not even wearing them. Yes what could use increase the power of his wearer, but lets not forget that nearly all artifact was intended to do so and Vader wear none. I mean I dont think any artifact were design to simply cut off its effect from others or if such methods can even exists, but the reason why would anyone rely on these around any other force user, if due to its rarity and the simple, again, shot and awe at what happens when force user use these artifact. If Exar Kun come with his artifact, ANY of Vader's previous feet of force ability *COULD* come into play, in fact I would not be suprised if the main contributer to USING these artifact is whoever has the more willpower, and to be fair, Kun isnt a pushover in this area, his will weakened when he was burried as for Vader stood strong for days in a similar situation, and as Vader have no experience with Kun's Dark beam, Kun is completely out of his depth to what Vader did when those artifact were there, so by bringing the artifact, Kun dooms himself. In my opinion, this could be a tough fight for Vader, but he is the ultimate victor. In my view, Vader, is stronger, tougher, a better duelist who learned in a fiew weeks to tromendisly improve his skill and had about 22 years from then to get even better, is still stronger in the force (though marjinaly) is way wiser then Kun as ever HOPED to be, and is a way better tactician then again Kun as ever been by far. In fact, the only real affecting advantage Kun Boast on Vader is armement, anything else would be Marjinal at best. But thats my opinion. If you think I'm wrong feel free to say so. Wont mean I'll beleive, but I can be civil enough to say I do not know all, and in a duel, everything can happen.
@exarkun9790 9 жыл бұрын
@TheMuser1791 9 жыл бұрын
@jarodlandry4181 6 жыл бұрын
are you still cannon no then shut up
@generalgrievous4722 6 жыл бұрын
@@jarodlandry4181 OH FUCK VADER GOT PLOT ARMOR
@LeonardBillsMcGoatPryor 6 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a fight between Darth Malak and Count Dooku, or a fight between Satele Shan and Ahsoka Tano (Canon, at least).
@clementex2 9 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, I disagree with this completely. Vader outclasses Kun in raw skill in the blade and sheer telekinetic prowess. "Vader has so little to work with tactically" Absolutely incorrect. Your argument on Shryne was when he was struggling to adapt to the suit, not when he was at his prime. Kun's specialized weapon would do nothing because Vader is perfectly capable of combating against double bladed and single bladed lightsaber duelists. You grossly underestimate Vader's ability to adapt, his personalised fighting technique flexible to any type of opponent. It is Exar Kun would have no clue of his opponent, because Vader would simply hammer him with power blows and a quick flourish would disarm him. Kun is nowhere on Vader's level on tenacity. I think this is obvious. "Everything Vader does, Kun does just as well" No. Vader has demonstrated vastly superior TK feats compared to Kun. So what if Kun's intent is to kill or disable his opponent? Dosen't mean Kun's attacks would outright disable someone as powerful as Vader. I have no clue where u got the idea that Kun and Vader are comparable in TK, Vader just completely outclasses him in magnitude and in combat effectiveness. Kun's gauntlets won't do shit on Vader. Vader can simply block the energy with his lightsaber. Vader on the other hand can simply disarm Kun by using the force to forcibly remove the gauntlets from Kun. So what about the rate of success? Probably the most notable kill in Kun's belt is against Baas, and it is due to Baas' unfamiliarity with double bladed lightsabers that led him to his defeat. Baas is strictly on Kun's level when it comes to single bladed lightsaber combat. Should Baas understand how to fight against double bladed lightsabers, Kun would not defeat him in martial skill. Exar Kun's opponents are nothing on Vader's level, even Baas is nothing on Vader. Just because Kun's opponents die instantly to his spells dosen't mean Vader will. Darth Vader beats Exar Kun 8/10 times. Exar's only edge is his superior array of force powers, but none of them will stop Vader, and Vader beats him in other more important areas such as lightsaber prowess and magnitude of telekinesis.
@shanebrown5340 9 жыл бұрын
Vader went against some of the weakest Jedi in the the history of Jedi. Most of the Jedi "Vader" fought were weaker then him? And besides Luke I don't think any of the Jedi Vader fought were even half as strong as kun... And some of them still put up a good fight against him.....Vader is powerful but I don't think he is as stronger then kun. But hey we both have our own opinion I could be wring since I haven't put any time into star wars in years.
@BlazeIgnitus 9 жыл бұрын
+shane motha fuckin brown Elaborate. Vader at more than a few points faced multiple Jedi Masters who survived the Great Jedi Purge and he still prevailed despite the disadvantage in numbers, and having his overall Force potential cut by probably about half due to his dismemberment and the inferior cybernetics that Sidious had him fitted with.
@slitor 8 жыл бұрын
Darth Vader...conqueror of Padawans.
@rip0ffproductions68 8 жыл бұрын
and the majority of jedi, but hey that works too
@rip0ffproductions68 8 жыл бұрын
+ didnt he technically lose thrice to people who were technically padawan learners? 1-Luke 2-Galen Merek
@tosttomthebom1107 8 жыл бұрын
+Rip0ff Productions well Luke, at the time of vaders defeat, was basically a high end Jedi knight as yoda even said that he had nothing left to learn meaning he definitely wasn't a Padawan. Also Galen marek was a sith assassin making him a far cry from any Padawan as he would have been so much more skilled than any Padawan ever could be so no not really
@Mikethehamham 9 жыл бұрын
This is prolly gonna be buried in this mass grave of comments but here goes... First off in regards to Vader's dueling skills, IIRC the fight in which he fought Shryne (the one you seem to be basing his skill point at in the video) took place not too long after being dismembered by obi-wan (maybe a year?) he may have once been dependant on pattern recognition, and Shryne took advantage of this, having dealt with that situation, you don't believe that Vader would have thought it prudent to work on this flaw over the next 20 or so years (in which he improved drastically as a duelist imo) while coming into his own as a sith lord to prevent just this situation from happening again? additionally kuns main advantage in his fight against vodo is that his was the first sbaer staff, and no one knew how to deal with any of these brand new techniques, Vader has faced opponents with similar weapons, albeit kun's is smaller. thoughts on this? in regards to Kun's use of Niman, yes it does entail a familiarity in incorporating force attacks into lightsaber sequences, but does not necessarily require mastery, especially if we've never seen him do this, iirc in a past video you stated exar had to stop combat to use offensive force abilities such as tk etc. (correct me if I'm wrong). wouldn't this make it more likely then that Niman was used as a gateway to Jar'Kai? whats the probability of this? I'm not saying exar cant use force abilities in the middle of a fight but to assume that he's simply holding that in reserve when we have no previous showings of this is making a stretch no? I'm also wondering why you think Force wound would be an undefeatable attack that kun can use on a whim? did it not take a lot of concentration to use? yes it was effective, but can he spare that much time? and even if he could use it on the spot, our only showing of it was against Odan urr, a very aged jedi, who had no specialization in combative force techniques, he was more or less a pacifist yes? would he necessarily be familiar/ skilled in techniques that could be used to defend against this power? In regards to the Gauntlets, it seems you intepret their destructive power as originating from itself. if this is true is it realistic to assume that their peak level is always available for use? the gauntlets were in that temple for 1000 years correct? wouldn't it be more realistic to think they reached that level from "charging" for that 1000 years? and once kun unleashed a great part of its reserves it would take a very large amount of time to replace it outside of a darkside nexus? All in all a good thorough video even if I do disagree with some of your arguments. Thanks for putting in the time for these videos that most of us are too lazy to. *****
@Mikethehamham 4 жыл бұрын
@luke greensaber Gemini I totally forgot about this thread lol, but thanks!
@BrandonDeriveAncestorEmpire 9 жыл бұрын
The remake of all remakes: Grandmaster Luke Skywalker vs Revan With less hugging and running then that PPV boxing match
@yagamifire7861 8 жыл бұрын
Glad to see the correct outcome upheld. Kun wins. Exar is a monster in many, many respects.
@JediSentinel1010 9 жыл бұрын
I would love to see exar kun vs darth krayt! They are both niman duelists with very strong force abilities
@bobbytokyo8132 8 жыл бұрын
More like Exar KunT amirite?!?!!? lolololo give me an "oh yeah!" if u agree.
@Saiyef96 9 жыл бұрын
Exar Kun vs Darth Bane Exar Kun vs Satele Shan Exar Kun vs Obi-wan Kenobi Exar Kun vs Anakin Skywalker (RotS) Exar Kun vs Luke Skywalker Exar Kun vs Darth Zannah vs Darth Maul Kyle Katarn vs Galen Marek (Original) Rahm Kota vs Qui-Gon Jinn Darth Malak vs Desann Dooku vs Starkiller (Clone) Asajj Ventress vs Starkiller (Clone)
@starwarzchik112 8 жыл бұрын
+Arishem the Judge Exar Kun DID fight Luke. He put him in a coma and turned his apprentice to the dark side.
@robgeorge4581 7 жыл бұрын
I'm really late to this but here goes. Kun, Kun, Kun, Kun, GM Luke, Kun, Katarn, I think Kota, Malak, Dooku, idk.
@alankeyz1 7 жыл бұрын
I respect all of your works and I'm just a fan. I think that Darth Vader in his full prime was extemely self aware of his weaknesses potentially and sealed or developed technology to address those weaknesses. He was always Count Dooku level prepared for any combat situation, always in a state of warfare where he never allowed himself to get rusty and NEVER stopped delving into the depths of the Dark Side because of his hatred of himself.
@phoenix_rising23 9 жыл бұрын
17:10 Batman or Darth Vader? The world may never know.
@baki484 Жыл бұрын
How has this comment gone on so long without a single like is beyond me.
@braxtongrundy4625 Жыл бұрын
Darth malgus vs exar kun would be good
@TheTrickynicky13 9 жыл бұрын
Exar kun vs Darth malgus please !!!
@nedoubles6377 9 жыл бұрын
Good call. I second that.
@TheTrickynicky13 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks man, I've been asking this for ages would be epic though
@jjjmvp1864 9 жыл бұрын
Nicholas Boyle I agree I can see either taking that one so interesting selection
@TheTrickynicky13 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think the same, to close to call ...
@jsb1585 9 жыл бұрын
***** Judicar's videos leave much to be desired. For the time being, Antoine, Jensaari and Evan are my 3 favourite versus series producers.
@alfonsbochove 9 жыл бұрын
vader can just take control of exar with his abilities as shown in the clone wars vader has been noted for the force choke and neck snap so when did vader not use lethal strikes on his son and master b/c of the light side still residing in him and they had relationships. does he have any relationship with exar no! so why waste his time on him
@samuelswahn5702 9 жыл бұрын
You forgot Exar Kun has a force shiled so it is not as simpel as just snap his neck. Theres a reason why force users can't just do that to each other.
@scorch775 8 жыл бұрын
I think you should add What-If Darth Vader as a character It would change the outcome of a lot of the fights Vader looses
@ZunaZurugi 9 жыл бұрын
Something with Darth Nihilus :3
@crazyjjvols 9 жыл бұрын
i don't think you give vader enough credit.
@AntoineBandele 9 жыл бұрын
crazyjjvols OH trust, he gives Vader his apt credit.
@BlazeIgnitus 9 жыл бұрын
+Antoine Bandele Hardly. Exar Kun has never demonstrated any notable feats in lightning. It took Sidious' lightning to kill Vader, and Sidious' lightning is known to kill instantaneously when set to a level when he wants to kill. His blasts on Luke were intended to torture, not kill. Vader is also a much greater tactician than Jensaarai gives him credit for. He wouldn't just "waste time" hurling objects. Vader is very adaptable to different scenarios and opponents. He used that against Luke because he knew it would be effective against Luke, who was only a budding Jedi and not a seasoned one. On what grounds is it feasible that Vader would think the same thing about Kun? If Vader thinks there's even a possible or probable threat, he will eliminate it without hesitation. His hesitation with Luke was because Luke was his own son and he wanted Luke to join him. He would have no such hesitation with Kun. If Kun must die, then Vader will use all that is needed to slay him. He is also faster than can be perceived with the eye in most cases. He's not some slow, sluggish tank. Without the need to use the Force to bolster his physical strength, he used it to bolster his speed and agility.
@mets2128 9 жыл бұрын
Request for a versus match up: Jolee Bindo vs. Ki-Adi Mundi
@Kristian.B.Kristiansen 6 жыл бұрын
This is Jensaarai at his finest, a beautiful lightsaber analysis, that i agree with.
@a.w.rachnid596 6 жыл бұрын
Darth Signifes no he's off Vader is one of the best lightsaber duelist ever and he adapts so he could handle Kun plus he has much more experience than him Kun only has 2 years of experience Vader has many years and plays the fight smart
@Kristian.B.Kristiansen 6 жыл бұрын
must assume you are trolling, or did not watch his video. All your points are addressed in his analysis
@ancientone2926 3 жыл бұрын
Kun. Vader has no counter for Kun's esoterics.
@fly672 7 жыл бұрын
you made the same video 3 years ago
@samuelmyth8392 6 жыл бұрын
that's why it says "redux" on the tile of the video.
@lovefrompraha 4 жыл бұрын
Not really sure how Kun is a fragile lightweight according to the picture. The object launched at his head honestly would probably kill most people. He fell down and was like ow. Nor did he ever seem helpless in any kind of way.
@Jensaarai1 4 жыл бұрын
Kun is robust but undisciplined, and is practically made of glass next to an indestructible beast like Vader. I cannot picture Kun powering through loss of limb.
@lovefrompraha 4 жыл бұрын
@@Jensaarai1 compared to Vader, just about everyone is glass. But fragile? Mmmmm not buying into that one. Also nice lol, first time you've commented back in 6-8 years XD👍. Senpai noticed me
@lovefrompraha 4 жыл бұрын
@@Jensaarai1 also I was wondering, you ever planning to use Dawn of the Jedi characters like Lanoree Brock, Xesh, etc? Or Ahsoka, Kanan, Ezra, Celeste Morne, SWTOR characters, etc? Characters we either never see or don't see enough in vs videos
@MusicFan752 3 жыл бұрын
Could’ve sworn kun did captured by the musassi after getting hit in the head with what looks like a discus, though it’s been a while since I’ve seen the comic. Still kun couldn’t didn’t exactly bounce back like Vader has done on occasion or being someone like Shaak ti who fought while having been dealt a lightsaber stab through her stomach and kept fighting.
@sirjedisentinel 9 жыл бұрын
You know, the timing of this is kinda funny. Last night (April 27, in case there's time differences), a new novel about Darth Vader was released. Star Wars: Lords of the Sith
@darthmaze4913 9 жыл бұрын
WOO! Go Niman! I always love to see characters that are from the movies pitted against ones that aren't... Do you think you could do something like Luke Skywalker VS Nihilus? Not sure if it would be a land slide, but i think it would be a very interesting match up! Feel free to comment on who you think would win!
@delianaw7051 5 ай бұрын
Exar Kun(Curiosity) + Ulic qel Droma(Revenge) = Anakin Nomi Sunrider(Patience) = Obiwan
@deadponic117 9 жыл бұрын
i honestly feel this match was based solely on force ability versus lightsaber ability, Exar Kun may have an unorthodox style but he is nowhere near the level of precision and unpredictability that vader is, true, Vader had to work his way up after his rebuild but ironically, that only made him stronger, jensaarai forgot to mention that Vader's armor later on in his career as a Sith, was outfitted with electrical insulation, but I want to stress that even though Vader was beaten by several jedi during his early days as a sith, he always came back and improved with every fight also I wish for you to do a matchup between asajj Ventress vs Obi Wan Kenobi or Revan/Malek vs Anakin and Obi wan
@xopticobelisk2075 9 жыл бұрын
This should do it.......... Darth Zannah vs Anakin Skywalker Darth Plagueis vs Mace Windu Luke Skywalker vs Satele Shan Darth Maul vs Yoda Darth Sidious vs Luke Skywalker Darth Sidious vs Obi Wan Kenobi Darth Sidious vs Exar Kun Mace Windu vs Anakin Skywalker Mace Windu vs Yoda (A very tricky one) Cin Drallig vs Luke Skywalker
@TheStellarmanCo. 3 жыл бұрын
Exar Kun was a way more Powerful Force user than Vader! Exar Kun mastered the Force he learned all the abilities
@warrickjames7527 7 жыл бұрын
Extend Universe >>>>>> Original Universe in storytelling, character development, more planets it seems, more force powers it seems, and more powerful Jedi and most definitely more powerful SITH. Oh and Grey Jedi
@papawedge7396 4 жыл бұрын
I've come to realize there's some kind of bias from most posters in favor of Vader, Dooku and Windu in all their versus in Comic Vine, regardless of how evenly matched some of them are, especially on Dooku's case, he's almost regarded as a god around most people on Comic Vine, he beats everyone, from Nihilus, to Dark Revan and everyone in between. Great analysis, i agree with the outcome and i find that Exar Kun is heavily underrated by most fans, wich i don't understand since he's shown to be one of the greatest Sith Lords of all time.
@bradgamerbloggerwise 9 жыл бұрын
Nah Vader would slam him into submission making him lose his lightsaber then slicing his head off.
@98Dreadboy 8 жыл бұрын
+Dawn Malyon HAHAHAHA
@TheNuisanceBird 8 жыл бұрын
+Dawn Malyon Doubt it. Exar has been shown to be strong enough to send shockwaves out that were felt miles away so he could contend with Vader no problem.
@HouseLyrander 8 жыл бұрын
+TheNuisanceBird He can only do that because of his sith artifacts. A youngling could do the same if they had his stuff.
@TheNuisanceBird 8 жыл бұрын
HouseLyrander Not necessarily. A youngling still wouldn't have his level of dueling skill.
@HouseLyrander 8 жыл бұрын
TheNuisanceBird Fair enough, yeah. Then again, if his duel with his former master is any indication, his dueling skill involves him brute force slamming his way through everything like he was using a long-handle lightsaber rather than his custom, short handled saberstaff. Seriously, there are way too many panels in that fight where he should be both gripping and being impaled by the second blade.
@kevinnitta1301 5 жыл бұрын
Exar Kun is overrated here.
@gundamfan7541 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed, kun is a skilled duelist but I really havent seen anything that puts him as a tier 1 combatant as everybody just loves to do, yet at best he's a mid to low tier 2 duelist, definitely a foe to not be underestimated but he is by no means invincible as everyone loves to say, especially in tales of the Jedi.
@fictionrumble 5 жыл бұрын
I think kun should win because he's a master of sorcery and alchemy...force powers that vader has never deal with before
@thecesaroguy2447 9 жыл бұрын
Im glad you highlighted Comic vine im surprised you or the others used that as a good source hell I wanna debate with you and the council, just to see how well your SW knowledge takes you. Man The day I debate or share Ideas with Evan,Jen,Grey Jedi and Antoine(EMAIL ME THAT BEAT DAMN YOU!!) My SW fan meeting will be complete....Hell Id like to debate against Ant, but...
@zackthezabarak739 5 жыл бұрын
Darth Azaard( legacy comic series) vsJaden Korr. Lucien Draay vs Darth Scourge. Darth Caedus vs Depa Bilaba. Luke Skywalker ( dark empire ) vs Galen Marek. This one i feel is most tricky, because ROJ Luke is very capable, but Starkiller is combatively superior, and master Luke makes Starkiller look like a Padawan. But in this specific setting I think that while Luke has a edge over Starkiller, it’s more like the difference in power with Darth Vader, being enough to make it difficult, but not impossible considering the twos tactics and fighting styles.
@JohnSmith-cw6qu 9 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to thank you, Evan, Antoine, and Reti for the videos you guys do man. They are really entertaining and 90% of the time I agree with you guys. Keep up the good work, love the Forcecast where you all talk and debate, especially the lightsaber forms. Thanks for a the hard work
@xRadinox 9 жыл бұрын
Awesome Duel And Re- Analysis. Vader definitly is not going down easy and a mistake for Kun could mean instant Death. Still Kun is Surgic Precise... Alas, im Sure that Vader could suprise Kun resisting one or two (intended to be) Lethal Powers/Blows and fighting back with force Powers that could penetrate and make Exar Kun Bleed. Though in the end I Agree with you, Vader Stronghold would collapse againt Kun Assault in most cases. I think like 7/10 or even 6/10 of times and no combatant would be in good shape after the fight.
@edwaiwood2416 9 жыл бұрын
Verses Request: Tulak Hord vs Luke Skywalker. Its said that Revan's massacre of the sith academy on Korriban was great enough to worthy of Darth Bane's mention. Its also said that this achievement was only rivaled by Tulak Hord on Chabosh, and Luke Skywalker at (Lost source but I'm pretty sure it was the maw.) They seem to be mirror opposites but similar in combat comparison. Also Kreia's mention of Tulak Hord's saber prowess sounds worthy of Exar Kunn which is another cause of curiosity.
@mauriciovaldes9007 9 жыл бұрын
Exar Kun´s finesse vs Vader´s brute force and endurance. Acording to Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Vader was forced to protect his chest. I believe Kun could destroy Vader´s chest machine with several strikes using his finesse. The only chance Vader has is hitting Kun with ONE deadly blow. I guess Vader could lure him into impaling his chest device and then strike Exar Kun down. Possibly a DRAW.
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