Victory Day celebrated in Britain, 9 May, 2024

  Рет қаралды 631

Russian Embassy in London

Russian Embassy in London

Ай бұрын

May 9, on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, H.E. Ambassador Andrei Kelin and Russian diplomats laid flowers and wreaths at the Soviet War Memorial in London.
The commemorative ceremony was also attended by CIS countries’ Ambassadors, members of the Russian Speaking Community Council and the Russian diaspora in the UK.
Russian compatriots laid flowers at the war memorials and graves of the Soviet soldiers in Aldershot, Bristol, Chepstow, Chester, Corby, Kingston upon Hull.
The car run was held in London.
The “Immortal Regiment” event was also held during the commemorative concert organised by the Russian Embassy School.
Other commemorative events took place in Edinburgh, Errol, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and other cities.
#9May #WeRemember #Victory79 #GreatVictory

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@TimothyWaldronSemple Ай бұрын
15 May 2024. Captain's Log, Personal. That outlaw biker in Spokane made a punk out of me when he interrupted my conversation with the woman I was talking with and said rude things to her - or rather I made a punk out of myself by not standing up to him in a shameful moment of cowardice. Women rightly expect men to protect them, and all the times I've stood up to scary men in defense of women in my life didn't matter to this particular woman because she wasn't present for those acts of bravery and the woman protected wasn't her. My burgeoning relationship with the woman predictably fizzled out. I think of a huge man in the Seattle Union Gospel Mission talking explicitly about sex over our incredible soup kitchen meal of smoked salmon, and how the older woman at our table was visibly uncomfortable - I corrected him, and she thanked me. Just words, I didn't have to fight him at all. Fort Collins, a man assaulting a woman on the sidewalk at night, the only time I've ever drawn my blade on a man to deter him, and how I almost lost that fight. Almost, but I won with my thumbs in his eyes. Maybe that's why I adopted Lucky my cat. Maybe I'm practicing protecting a girl cat to see if I can protect a human woman. To-night there was a commotion at the motel. As I walked outside I heard "I'll kill you both." "Nobody's killing nobody," I said. Two underage girls were in a motel room with two older men, and their parents came and dragged them out. So far so good. Then one of the underage girls starts attacking the mom, and the dad does nothing to defend his wife. Finally, I had to step in and separate them, physically insert myself between the teenage attacker and the mom. Took some glancing blows to the shoulders. The Law drove up lights flashing while I was engaged and restored order. The Dad said something to me like "I can't stop my daughter, I'll go to jail." "Do your job," I said to him, "you should be protecting your wife." I yelled at the underage girl not to attack her mom, and the Law shooed me away. Stopping a teenage girl from attacking her mom is nothing, this wasn't a Spokane outlaw biker in a town where I had no allies. Still I'll take it, I'll take the victory to restore morale and combat confidence, and give all the glory to God. Fighting women is the worst, it's my least favorite fight, because if I take offensive action to defend myself I'll look like the bad guy. Separating women isn't fun, either. I've done it before, I have planned and prepared to grab the ears of the two combatants and separate them like a schoolmarm, but that wasn't necessary tonight. Just put my body between the combatants and absorbed a few blows. You know who The Man is, at any given motel? The Man is the one who breaks up fights. There are men who shout and bluster and talk a lot, but if they don't break up fights then they cede the position of The Man to whoever will. There's a lesson in this for USA in our foreign policy. We need to be The Man. My neighbors ask me if I'm okay, I laugh and say I've been hit a lot harder by a lot bigger. But what I'd like to say is: "I could use a hug." Stopping a teenage girl from beating up her mom won't bring that Spokane woman back, she is forever lost to me by my shameful moment of cowardice. But it's something. I'll take the victory, and give the glory to God. I'll go to the recently-installed ice machine downstairs, get some ice, pour more gin & tonic. I look at my cat and practice saying nice things to her, kind uplifting things, not abusive things. "I love you," I tell her. "I'm glad you're here." "You're a blessing from God." "I won't let anyone hurt you." "I will protect you." - TWS
@user-gx6su8qw1d Ай бұрын
С днем победы❤
@Burachirotree Ай бұрын
@user-qu3dw6to9v Ай бұрын
С Днем 9 Мая🏅Великой Победы! 🎉 🇷🇺❤️💪🏼
@rickyspanish2435 Ай бұрын
С Днём Победы!
@user-xk7rd9mp1z Ай бұрын
За победу! За Нашу победу! Всем мира и добра!
@raissabettinson2377 Ай бұрын
Молодцы! Спасибо вам, что помните! За Победу! За Нашу Победу!
@user-db9qe3jk1h Ай бұрын
С Великой Победой❤
@l.l2146 Ай бұрын
С праздником, с днём победы всех 🚩💪💪🇷🇺
@mariokery7155 Ай бұрын
We will remember you for Eternity.
@TimothyWaldronSemple Ай бұрын
14 May 2024. Dispatch for Chief of Space Operations General Saltzman USSF, CC: POTUS & SECDEF & Chairman & Joint Chiefs & Secretary USAF Kendall: Too Many Officers. Dear General Saltzman, Sir: I am alarmed, alarmed I tell you, to learn that U.S. Space Force has a near 50-50 ratio of enlisted warriors to officers, and may even have more officers than enlisted. Sir, why you have you allowed this formation for which you are responsible, this formation which I have entrusted with the no-fail mission of interceptor missile defense, to be formed in such a haphazard manner? Good grief - and I thought the Air Force had too many officers. You know what the effect of too many officers is? Officers aren't respected, junior officers especially. If everyone's an officer then no one is. It wasn't until I served alongside Marines in Fallujah that I was first called "Sir" with sincerity and felt like a military officer - to the Air Force, a 2nd Lieutenant is unfortunately a hilarious joke. Marines have the highest enlisted-to-officer ratio of our branches, and it shows in how Marines treat officers. The United States Joint Force has the smartest, best-educated, most professional Noncommissioned Officer Corps in the entire world, it is one of our many competitive advantages. Not everyone has to be an officer, Sir, not everyone is built by God for command or even desires the heavy burden of command. We need skilled technicians in a thousand different warfare communities. There is nothing wrong at all with being a military tradesmen or military tradeswoman, we need more of these than we need officers. And has the United States Space Force been issued Space Force Ka-Bars in accordance with my orders yet? Or are we all still going on and on about AI because we secretly desire a computer to do our thinking for us? You know when I saw that AI-flown F-16, my first thought was that we could put a scary animatronic puppet in the cockpit and fly it alongside foreign aircraft that we intercept in our airspace. Shoutout to Colonel James "Fangs" Valpiani, my USAFA Cadet Squadron 9 Vikings upperclassman squadmate ("VALHALLA!"). There are things that machines do better than humans, and there are many many things that humans do better than machines (broad creative strategic thinking, for example). AI is a subordinate tool, not a commander-of-humans, and not a taker-of-human lives. I will allow AI to operate our point-defense weapons under human supervision - shooting down incoming enemy missiles because a machine can respond faster than a human - but when it comes to taking a human life I want an American human warrior to push the button. I want Space Force Guardians mentally prepared to defend their satellite control and missile interceptor bases against the enemy special operators that will surely be sent against them - that's what the Space Force Ka-Bars are for, for warrior spirit. And if, God forbid, we someday fight in space, then a Ka-Bar will be sufficient to catastrophically puncture an enemy space-infantryman's spacesuit. General Saltzman, Sir: Please bring the enlisted-to-officer ratio in your formation back to reasonable levels that more closely match the other branches of the Joint Force. Not everyone has to be an officer, Sir, not everyone is made by God into a Schwarzkopf. I can't maintain my own automobile, never learned how, and while I can carry and have carried an assault rifle in Fallujah, there are many technicians of infantry warfare in our formation far deadlier with an assault rifle than me. We are a diverse team of diverse skills which when combined make us the mightiest military formation. God save the Space Force. God save the General. One Team One Fight. Very Respectfully, In Christ, T.W. Semple 1st Lieutenant, USAF IRR Commanding EDIT: P.S.: BRAVO ZULU to All Hands for that impressively, beautifully-controlled demolition of the Baltimore bridge wreckage. Looking forward to USAF sinking that ship in a SINKEX. BZ.
@KatherineVVE Ай бұрын
С Днём Победы ! Вечная память героям 🙏🏻 ⭐️ спасибо Вам. Любим, Помним,Благодарим.
@tatianawatson7761 Ай бұрын
Никто не забыт! Ничто не забыто ❤️🌺❤️🌸❤️🇷🇺
@KatherineVVE Ай бұрын
@@tatianawatson7761 С я праздником Победы Вас ⭐️🙏🏻⭐️
@@tatianawatson7761 The only thing forgotten is what Putin is doing to Ukraine and Russia. That is not a victory.
@KatherineVVE Ай бұрын
@@OLDCHEMIST1 This message shows luck of historical education of tyrants and poppets with power. Infantile perception is a dangerous criteria in personality my friend.
@@KatherineVVE Not in the least. A tyrant is a tyrant and Putin is an example of one. If you disagreed with him, would you dare say so? You have been indoctrinated by a depressingly backward regime.
@TimothyWaldronSemple Ай бұрын
Tank Battle of 73 Easting, Operation Desert Storm:
@user-ik4ml7js6e Ай бұрын
@tutnetam Ай бұрын
@user-nu8zv2ss7n Ай бұрын
Всех с Днём Победы! Огромная просьба - проводить ликбез с участниками о недопустимости наступания на мемориальные надписи.
@tatianawatson7761 Ай бұрын
С праздником, дорогие Россияне, С праздником, великая непобедимая страна Россия! С Днём Победы ! ❤️❤️❤️🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@user-ur6ll9yh8h Ай бұрын
Какая песня!
@user-md6hu3co9i Ай бұрын
Пусть скорее наступит мир во всём мире! Господи, помоги нам! 🙏🙏🙏. Сделай так, чтобы не было войны и все народы жили мирно, дружно!
You will only get that when Putin lies in his coffin and the world is sensible and bans all despotic leaders. But you are right, a wonderful dream!
@OLDCHEMIST1 27 күн бұрын
A song all Russians need to remember:
@elenalukashova1958 Ай бұрын
С Днем Великой Победы!
@chisasa9509 Ай бұрын
Thank you Russia ❤✊
@user-pm1py3li2k Ай бұрын
со слезами на глазах
@TimothyWaldronSemple Ай бұрын
14 May 2024. Dispatch: The Nuclear Bombing of Japan was a Military Necessity. I am not interested in re-litigating past wars, except to the extent that it informs the world of USA's military posture. I understand these nuclear bombings did grievous, multi-generational damage, and I understand our Allies the Japanese are upset about recent comments by our military. The Japanese are the finest warrior people in the world. Are you surprised to hear such sentiments expressed by an American? Why do you think Vovochka Putin studied Judo? Why do you think I studied Ninjutsu and Aikido and encourage the study of martial arts in our United States Joint Force? It is because we hope to cultivate some fraction of the Samurai Spirit of Japan in our own forces. The Pearl Harbor Ambush was one of the finest and most devastating military actions in all of military history. Our fleet was nearly totally incapacitated. A few more ships lost, a little more time lost in recovery, and USA might have lost the Pacific Ocean entirely and then lost the war. To my eye, looking back on the USA-Japan war, it could have gone either way. I consider USA to have barely won that war by the skin of our teeth. An amphibious invasion of the Japanese mainland would have been a slaughter, and very likely a failure. I know how many brave American Warriors perished in house-to-house fighting in Fallujah. Imagine attempting to invade and occupy a nation where every man, woman, and child is ready to die for the Emperor and has been brought up since childhood in this samurai spirit. We witnessed the fearsome banzai charges of Japanese forces stationed on outer-perimeter islands, we witnessed the desperate selfless kamikaze attacks of Japanese aviators - if we invaded Japan, we would have faced a banzai charge and a kamikaze attack from every house on every street of every city block. Japan attacked USA, I needn't remind you, but that is not why the nuclear bombings were a military necessity - it is because the Japanese are the finest warrior people in the world, and this is the only way we could defeat you. USA did not summon the awful specter of nuclear war into these present times, Vovochka Putin did by making repeated nuclear threats/bluffs to defend his genocidal war of annihilation against innocent Ukrainians. Even now, my forces are preparing to fight and win an all-for-all nuclear exchange, should the world reach such a peak of insanity that two or more nuclear powers fire all of their arsenals at each other. Half the Russian weapons will fail to operate. Of the remaining half that are combat-effective, perhaps half will be intercepted by our Space Force. So perhaps a quarter of Russian weapons will penetrate our defenses and cause untold devastation in USA. But 100% of our American weapons will penetrate their defenses. After that, the tattered remains of both nations will fight on to either victory or defeat. Space Force, our goal is 100% interception of enemy weapons. In an all-for-all nuclear exchange, it will come down to how many of our weapons get through and how many of their weapons we intercept. And on that awful day when this unthinkable horror unfolds, we will all ask ourselves: Why-oh-why didn't we summon the courage to stop Vovochka Putin in Ukraine when it was still possible to prevent this? God save our Ally Japan. May God heal Japan from the terrible damage we caused. May we in America learn something of the Samurai Spirit of Japan, that most fearsome warrior people. May God grant total victory to our Allies Ukraine and Israel. God save the United States of America, and all our Allies. God save the President. God save the Emperor. God save the Cherry Blossom Alliance between our two Great Nations. Banzai! Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy Waldron Semple 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Air Force IRR Commanding EDIT: P.S.: All U.S. Joint Force Warriors are hereby explicitly forbidden from committing suicide for any reason for the entire duration of their natural lives. Your lives are precious to God and to America and to me, so to avoid any confusion while praising Japanese samurai culture, by general order I explicitly forbid this practice.
@user-ch3qm7fl3e Ай бұрын
@qwertyuiop4053 Ай бұрын
ГРАЖДАНЕ РОССИИ, с ДНЁМ ПОБЕДЫ. ! забудьте слово- "россияне"
@elenashevchuk9234 Ай бұрын
Thank you very much soviet soldiers for your service and for peace.❤❤❤❤❤❤ Поклон до земли. Помним, любим и гордимся.
@Putins_shirt Ай бұрын
Thank you for honoring the Soviet sacrifice 🕊 #Great_Patriotic_War 🥀
@olgaborisova755 Ай бұрын
С Днём Победы!
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