СROCUS CITY HALL, 22 March, 2024
@TimothyWaldronSemple 3 сағат бұрын
28 June 2024. Dispatch. America was here before all of us, and God willing America will be here after all of us. We are but momentary stewards of this great enterprise that spans centuries and generations and will outlive us all. My Grandfather Parlan Semple Jr. was an Army Radioman with the 94th Infantry Division "Neuf Cats" in France in World War II. Alzheimers got him. We took him to a steakhouse one time where the gimmick was buckets of peanuts on the table for the guests to shell and eat and discard the shells onto the floor. My Grandfather the World War II Veteran, he took two peanuts and stuck them in his ears because the noise of the restaurant was too much for him. We all had a good laugh at his expense, a memory I would come to rue more and more as the years passed, for back then I had not yet tasted of war myself. I do not expect to age as well as Biden, or Trump. I have lived a hard life of hard miles of itinerant homeless torture in the indifferent country I went to war for, I have not lived in a Senator's palace nor in cushioned gold hotel rooms. It is not a competition - all our lives are in God's hands. But I must tell you that when I watched Biden's debate showing last night I thought of my Grandfather, the proud World War II Veteran, sticking peanuts in his ears. I want to say something in Biden's defense - not because I am prejudiced against any native people but because I am skeptical of military records - who knows what happened to his uncle who went down in a plane? I'm just calling balls and strikes, here. What did the military record of Captain Charles Butler McVay III say - that as Skipper of USS Indianapolis he delivered the bomb and helped win World War II, or did it say he was court martialed for hazarding his ship by failing to zig-zag? What does my own military record say, my DD-214? It is a blank sheet of paper. What will my niece and nephew know of my own military service? Military records are not infallible. Sometimes, the family history is a better record. I don't know what happened to Biden's uncle, and I will not dispute his story simply because there is no military record of it. God save us all. May my Grandfather Parlan Semple Jr. rest in peace in the presence of the Lord forever, where there is no war and no alzheimers, only peace and bliss forever, in Jesus' Name, Amen. TWS
@TimothyWaldronSemple 4 сағат бұрын
"In baby-boomer-plantation-capitalist-kleptocracy-masquerading-as-democracy, PARTY chooses presidential candidates for YOU!" kzbin.info/www/bejne/q5fJeZVsf8yin7M
@user-bs2kw4dh5y 16 сағат бұрын
Главное озвучить ...цели и планы... Почему никто не возмутился этой речи?
@TimothyWaldronSemple Күн бұрын
27 June 2024. Dispatch: A Debate For The Ages. Wait, that's a typo - I meant "A Debate *Of* The Ages." Will there be a debate tonight, or will Biden pre-emptively capitulate to Trump in order to avoid escalation at all costs? Or will Biden hit that "high speed rail" hard? That was the best joke of the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, by the way. Shoot, Colin Jost put a ring on Scarlett Johansson - maybe he should be president. I bet he didn't win her heart by grabbing her by the p*ssy, by believing he can do whatever he wants to women because he's a star. There are no good drinking games for this debate; what, drink a shot every time you are sad about your country? I'll stick to cola tonight, I'll be sober as a judge but much much poorer than a judge because I do not take bribes. Got to laugh otherwise I'd cry all the time. God help us all. Time to convene the millennial shadow-government-in-waiting. Or, you know, a military coup because both candidates will be in the same place at the same time tonight. Good luck to you boomers on your audience-less boomer debate - may the best boomer boom and become the new boomer of boomerica. So that government of the boomers, by the boomers, and for the boomers shall not perish from the Earth. kzbin.info/www/bejne/mXKli5mhh8iEbKM
@TimothyWaldronSemple 2 күн бұрын
26 June 2024. Dispatch. I didn't choose Mark Rutte to lead NATO. Why should I recognize his leadership? What percentage of GDP does his country spend on defense? What branch of his country's military did he serve in, what war did he fight in? These civilians in America and abroad are f'ing ridiculous to believe they should lead nations and alliances when they never risked their own lives for their country. The older I get, the more I believe Robert Heinlein's invented government of an opt-in military state, described in his book _Starship Troopers_, is a superior form of government. In Heinlein's vision, military service is entirely optional, but only we who serve can vote or hold political office. Rutte, Biden, Trump ... why don't all of you civilians sit down and make way for braver military men and military women. This is a time of war, and we require warrior leadership. kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2ipoJZsdtp1g68
@TimothyWaldronSemple 2 күн бұрын
25 June 2024. Evening Poem: Noise Machine At band practice we musicians learn each other's rhythms where each man begins and ends the fills become easier each time delicate touches on the toms the notes falling like a waterfall stopping precisely when the next verse begins Tin Soldiers and Nixon's Coming but we play it TWICE as fast enough to get your blood pumping the songs of another generation passed down by our leader water from another time I go home and let Lucky Luckdragon out my Cat and I, we learn each other's rhythms when we go out and come back where we start and end My legs are sore and shaking like I've been running PT at the Academy I turn on the Green Day She drum beat my favorite drum beat the drum beat I most want to learn and go back to the war. TWS kzbin.info/www/bejne/ipzSea1pfKd_orM
@TimothyWaldronSemple 3 күн бұрын
25 June 2024. Dispatch. I see a world of difference between a mole, a double agent, a spy, a penetration like former CIA Officer Aldrich Ames - who sold the identities of our Soviet agents in the Soviet Union to the Soviet Union causing them to be summarily executed, literally selling men's lives for personal profit while betraying our country and the agency he worked for - and someone like Assange who journalistically works to uncover the secret misdeeds of USA not for personal profit but because they need to be uncovered and because this is the job of journalists. We did terrible sh't in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our misdeeds ought to be brought to light, so we might not repeat them. It is the duty of journalists to uncover secrets - it is their job and purpose. So pleased am I at the pending release of Assange that I have switched from holding SPY put options to holding SPY call options. The stock market is a waste of my time, but this country pays me so meagerly for my national security work that I am reduced to it, for I still own no home of my own in this ungrateful land. This release of Assange, this unexpected event makes me optimistic about America. It's never a good idea to bet against America. The Statue of Liberty is intact, as President Obrador of Mexico said - somehow, some way, thanks be to God. V/R, In Christ, TWS kzbin.info/www/bejne/fXPKq3-hltp8qNU
@TimothyWaldronSemple 3 күн бұрын
24 June 2024. Dispatch for U.S. Marshals Service: Protect Assange while he is in USA. From the time he gets off the plane in American territory until he boards a plane to leave American territory, I ask the U.S. Marshals Service to please protect Assange. His fate will be decided by a judge in a court of law, not by a jailhouse "suicide." I believe the real reason Assange has suffered is because he revealed the emails of certain American political personages who previously held power in America, emails that referenced an abominable practice called "spirit cooking." It is the duty of journalists to uncover such secrets. Assange can steal my emails, I have nothing to hide. There will be no "spirit cooking" in my government or in America, for this is abomination. A reminder for the FBI: Public Enemy #1 is whoever sent the hitman to Judge Esther Salas's house while she was hearing a case concerning the Epstein matter. I take the safety and security of American judges extremely seriously, and for this I expect American judges to be incorruptible, unbribeable, untouchable, and fearless & impartial when dispensing justice. God save the U.S. Marshals Service and God save the FBI. These are my orders given under my hand. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@lawrencedanao7648 4 күн бұрын
If I had a pound for every time this guy lies I would be a millionaire
@user-kx6uu7ps5w 4 күн бұрын
А ссылка где
@TimothyWaldronSemple 5 күн бұрын
23 June 2024. Dispatch: Set a table, bring meat and wine, put rings on their fingers and let weapons and money be given unto them. There was a story in the paper about an American family of Taekwondoka who heard screaming coming from next door to their dojo. They ran towards the battle, and saved an American woman from being raped. These are the sorts of Americans I would honor & fete at the White House, should I ever serve God and the American People as president. For their heroism, I would dine with these Americans, and place golden Jostens rings upon their fingers, and present them with weapons and money. During dinner, they could ask the president any petition they desire, and I would be inclined to grant it, for I am grateful for their heroism. Americans who stop rapes, Americans who stop active shooters, these are the Americans I would dine with at the White House. May God bless these American Heroes. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@TimothyWaldronSemple 6 күн бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/n6aQlHqEjM2aitE kzbin.info/www/bejne/mKacmnyDbbefotE kzbin.info/www/bejne/d5OumYSmp5uSjqM
@TimothyWaldronSemple 6 күн бұрын
21 June 2024. Letter to President Biden & Secretary Haaland, CC: Governor of Idaho Brad Little. Dear Mr. President, Sir: From social media I discern that the Governor of Idaho, the Lieutenant Governor, both Idaho Senators, and two Idaho Representatives are all opposed to the construction of a wind turbine plant here in Idaho - they have concerns about the impact on grazing, on wildfire response, and on the Minidoka Memorial Site. Idaho has been good to me, Sir, so let me now plead for Idaho to the President. Is there no other state where this wind farm could be constructed, a state where it would be welcomed? Is it the custom of the federal government to force construction projects on states against their will? The imprisonment of Americans of Japanese heritage during World War 2 was a grievous moral failure and a betrayal of our American values, to be sure - yet to me it also represents a great military error, and for this reason I would preserve the memory. All those Americans of Japanese heritage that we forced into camps - they should have been our spies and translators and military intelligence analysts, and we would have won the war much sooner, maybe even won it without an atomic bomb. Mr. President, Sir: If the elected government of Idaho does not want a wind turbine plant here, then I respectfully and humbly request that the President respect Idaho's wishes. Is it a matter of national security that it be built here? Surely there are other states in our great Union where such a project might be welcome? They are right to protect American children from transgenderism, here in Idaho. And you, Sir, are wrong to encourage child transgenderism. Let American children grow to adulthood before making such permanent choices, Sir. We wouldn't let children get tattoos, would we? Thank you for considering my request on behalf of Idaho. God save Idaho, and God save the President. Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy Waldron Semple
@emmaaustin123 7 күн бұрын
Afternoon tea with Lord Cameron may be appropriate.
@TimothyWaldronSemple 7 күн бұрын
20 June 2024. Dispatch: The GE Clock Radio Theory of Business. 33 Million dollars that Boeing CEO gets paid. A 40% raise he got to underpay his workers and skimp on quality control and make shoddy airplanes that break apart in the sky and endanger American lives. $3,000 a month veteran's benefits I've made these past six years four months since I assumed command, no raise and no promotion, less than active duty NCOs make, to serve as an acting five-star general. It's enough to make a man want to throw his laptop in the river and run screaming into the woods. This country pays traitors and draft-dodgers handsomely, but not me. What a f'ing waste of a career, to defend a country that doesn't compensate me for my work. The biggest un-forced error in American Business that I ever saw was when IBM sold their personal computer division to the Chinese. I don't agree with "Neutron" Jack Welch firing all his people - people are the strength of a company, the keepers of company culture - but I do have this GE Clock Radio Theory of Business. A customer buys a clock radio from GE and finds that it works to his or her satisfaction; this customer is then comfortable buying GE airplane engines for his company because he knows that clock radio works. IBM's personal computers were their clock radios - unless a customer knows from personal experience that an IBM personal computer works, why would he or she buy some esoteric cloud supercomputer from IBM? They sold their clock radio to the Chinese, it was a mistake. 33 million dollars they paid the CEO of Boeing. I'll take over as Boeing CEO for 10 million dollars a year. The 23 million dollars in salary that I save the company can be re-invested in the company: half to shareholders in buybacks and dividends, and the other half to workers in bonuses. What a f'ing stupid country. Capitalism is so f'ing stupid. F'ing pay me, Department of Defense. Who's ready for a presidential debate?! V/R, In Christ, TWS kzbin.info/www/bejne/fHK3cqduf8ulg7M
@TimothyWaldronSemple 8 күн бұрын
20 June 2024. Dispatch. What word, O God, for my country and my people this day? Speak Thou to us, O Pillar of Fire, O Pillar of Cloud, for who am I? I fear we are already in the opening of World War III, the teams have already been drawn up. In the years and years that President Biden has avoided escalation at all costs, Putin has copied my strategy and strengthened his foreign alliances. Avoiding escalation at all costs is a war-losing strategy that leads to defeat, as we are seeing. The new Secretary General of NATO must come from an ally that meets their treaty obligations - a country that demonstrates by their own actions that they take their security and the security of the alliance and their own word seriously - and he or she must be a military officer. No more of these civilians, Biden and Stoltenberg who cower and will not fight. This is a time of war, and we require warrior leadership. There will be a debate between Biden and Trump, candidates the American People do not want. If your generation gave a damn about this country you would gracefully yield power to the next generation. Fifty years in government isn't enough for you? We ought to call you King Biden, you might as well be a monarch for how your many years of privileged cushioned political life have detached you from the poverty and misery of the American People. The traitor should not even be running - the Supreme Court ought to have barred him, and now all those "justices" must be fired for failing to uphold the Constitution. To the Department of Defense and to the NATO Alliance: There were many times of military opportunity in this war when we might have acted boldly and won - when Putin retreated from Kyiv, for example, and during Prigozhin's aborted mutiny. However, by the rank cowardice of our current leadership, by our illogical war-losing strategy of avoiding escalation at all costs, we have allowed the aggressor to strengthen his position with foreign alliances. I fear it will no longer be possible to fight against only Putin's Russia. The NATO Alliance must prepare for bloc confrontation, and both NATO and America need warrior leadership that can fight and win a bloc confrontation. I resent Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News brainwashing the American People into believing the immigrants are coming to take everything we have. I have no land and no home here, nothing for them to take - the only thing these poor immigrants take are back-breaking jobs we citizens do not want. It is the rich capitalists like Murdoch who loot and pillage and poison this country with their vitriol, so they attempt to deflect scrutiny away from themselves onto these poor immigrants. I for one welcome the Browning of America, the Great Replacement of racist confederates with hardworking immigrants. We can solve this immigration crisis by ending prohibition, the failed war on drugs, but you will not listen to me - you Boomers listen to long-dead Nixon instead of me. God save the United States of America and all our Noble Allies. May God grant us worthy leadership. In Jesus' Name, Amen. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@OLDCHEMIST1 8 күн бұрын
Putin is dead! I wonder how his supporters and regime will react when this day comes. Perhaps a few will hide in the new government, maybe they will all find themselves without a job or in prison. Running away is an option, I suppose, retiring to North Korea, or some equally wonderful country!
@TimothyWaldronSemple 9 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 9 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 10 күн бұрын
archangel 7 fortochka 1 haversack 9 kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2iTe3Ztr8-mmsk
@TimothyWaldronSemple 10 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 10 күн бұрын
18 June 2024. Letter to the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III. Dear Sir: Thank you for your service and for all your hard work shoring up our alliances. The President should give you R&R, all that travel and time-zone changing must be exhausting. This department owes me 6 years pay for 6 years arduous active duty service well above my pay grade - pay me so I can buy a home in this country I defend, or do only traitors and draft-dodgers get homes in America? I've got an idea I'd like to bounce off you this morning. Not an order, an idea I respectfully request your feedback and thoughts on. I think all Department of Defense Civilians should qualify on the pistol and on the assault rifle. Just basic marksmanship, just basic weapons familiarization - we don't expect everyone to be door-kicking operators, we are a diverse team of diverse skills. My reasoning, Sir, is what if the Pentagon gets attacked again, as it was attacked on 9/11? What if it's boots-on-the-ground next time instead of a kamikaze airplane, what if there is no Todd Beamer to valiantly lead the counterattack? If the Pentagon gets invaded, would we uniforms have to simultaneously repel the attack and protect our own civilians, or should everyone take up arms to repel boarders? These may be "civilians" but they work for the Department of Defense, they are part of our warfighting team. Basic weapons familiarity is a reasonable expectation. I happened to catch a government civilian award ceremony this morning, that's why I'm thinking about this. I would appreciate your thoughts on this proposal, as the head of the Department of Defense. God bless you, Sir, and God bless the Department. Very Respectfully, In Christ, TWS
@TimothyWaldronSemple 10 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 11 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 11 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 11 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 12 күн бұрын
16 June 2024. Sunday Optional Non-Mandatory Freedom-Of-Religion Christian Theology Dispatch: The Book of Exodus. Previously, I mentioned re-reading the Book of Exodus in celebration of the twelve year anniversary of Jesus saving my soul out of terrible post-war demonic darkness, for Exodus chapter 20 (the Ten Commandments) was where I first attempted to read & understand the Bible twelve long years ago. Lest you think I brag of my piety - for I have no piety to brag of, I am but a sinner saved by the grace of the Savior - I assure you I have spent 60 minutes playing the computer wargame Battletech for every 2 minutes I have spent reading Exodus. Incidentally, Battletech is a wargame I recommend to Armor Tank Warriors, Supreme Commander 2 is a wargame I recommend to Missileer Warriors, and Tournament No-Limit Texas Hold 'Em is a wargame I recommend to Intelligence Warriors. Reading Exodus, I am struck once again by how _specific_ God is. God is not a haphazard God, God is a God of order. He gives incredibly detailed and specific instructions for the building of His tabernacle, including recipes for the incense and perfume to be used therein and warnings against duplicating or approximating the recipes for any other purpose. I am reminded of Noah - God gave Noah incredibly specific instructions for building the Ark. God is not haphazard. Aleister Crowleyian satanism proposes the opposite of order and instruction: "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This may seem attractive, but it is a trap that leads to destruction in this life and in eternity. We may buck against God's instructions. I certainly did, as a young Christian, and still do. But it is like ignoring the operating instructions for an automobile. If God says to change the oil and we say "F U God, I do what I want!" then eventually our car will break down, and then who is right and who is wrong? God's instructions are for our benefit, and it is to our benefit and blessing when we bring ourselves into alignment with God's instructions. There are parts of the Bible that don't make it into the TV movies, violent parts, terrifying parts, hard parts. In Exodus, Moses goes up the mountain to meet with God, and he is gone so long that the people start to worry. They ask Aaron to make a new god for them, for who knows what has become of Moses? So Aaron collects gold jewelry, melts it down, and casts the golden calf. The people worship it instead of God, and this is a grievous sin. Moses comes down the mountain, is furious, breaks the tablets of the Ten Commandments which he carried down - you've seen this, it is in the TV movie. The people were naked, worshipping the golden calf. That's what it says in Exodus. I never knew or had forgotten this, and lo each new reading of the Bible brings new understanding. When informed by the Holy Spirit, the Bible is an infinite book. It was some sort of bacchanalian, some sort of pagan orgy by which the people worshipped the golden calf which was no god and did not bring them up out of Egypt. Then Moses asks who is on the LORD's side and the Levites - the priests - rally to him. Moses orders them to take their swords and slay all their countrymen and countrywoman and children who had defied the LORD, and they do it. Much blood was spilt that day, for the people had defied the LORD. May the LORD avenge me and all Veterans from Vietnam to now tortured with homelessness by a spoiled selfish cowardly capitalist people. May God utterly destroy this country and this people before you torture even one more Veteran with homelessness for decades as you did me. May God change our hearts so that none are homeless in our land. May God overthrow the morally-bankrupt generation that has monopolized American political office for decades to the grievous detriment of our nation & the younger Americans who will inherit this nation. May God be with our Noble Allies Ukraine & Israel who are at war, and grant them total victory, and grant us courage to run to their defense. God save the United States of America. Renew in us, O Dread God, the fear of the LORD which is the beginning of all wisdom. Forgive us our many sins, and grant us wisdom gently that we might not sin against Thee. Be Thou God over us, over this my People and this my Country, O Pillar of Fire, O Pillar of Cloud, O Dread Drowner-of-Pharaoh's-Army. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Keep Trust, In Christ, Timothy I
@TimothyWaldronSemple 13 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 13 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 13 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 13 күн бұрын
14 June 2024. Dispatch: Peace Conditions for Russian Embassy London. Here are the conditions that must be met in order for me to declare victory and suspend my war against Vovochka Putin and his regime. These terms are subject to approval by Ukraine and are in addition to conditions applied by Ukraine. - Putin must get down on his knees and present a samurai sword in surrender - Putin will be remanded into the custody of Ukraine to stand trial for war crimes - All Russian forces must throw down their weapons & flags and march out of the sovereign territory of Ukraine - All prisoners must be returned - Ukraine joins NATO - Russia closes all consulates in USA, leaving only one embassy - Russia surrenders control of Kaliningrad - it will become an independent European republic - Russia surrenders the Kuril Islands to Japan - Russia pays financial reparations to Ukraine of an amount to be determined by Ukraine - Russia loses permanent seat on U.N. Security Council - Collective Security Treaty Organization is dissolved - The head of the Russian church that promoted this war will take a vow of poverty and live out his days as a mendicant friar - Russia will not compete in the Olympics and no Russian flag will fly at the Olympics for 50 years - Russia surrenders entire nuclear arsenal to Ukraine and agrees to not possess nuclear weapons for the next 100 years - this, to be verified by Ukrainian inspectors I reserve the sovereign right to add additional terms as they come to me for as long as you do not accept my terms. If you do not accept my terms, then I will finish the war that you began, and the world shall see Swan Lake play on Russian television once again. Keep Trust, In Christ, Timothy I
@TimothyWaldronSemple 13 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 14 күн бұрын
14 June 2024. Dispatch for Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin (full disclosure I am a shareholder): Next Generation Air Dominance Heavy Fighter NGAD. DoD, you owe me over six years pay for over six years arduous active duty service well above my pay grade. Pay up, I want a home in this country I defend. Our fighter pilots will always need to know how to dogfight for the same reason our infantry will always need to know how to fight hand-to-hand - the fight could go badly due to fog & friction of war. However, since we reasonably expect to fight and win our air engagements beyond visual range (BVR) thanks to our superior Air Force, since we are looking at overcoming the "tyranny of distance" in the Pacific and elsewhere, since the NGAD will have the added security of loyal wingmen drones that can deploy countermeasures and even absorb incoming fire in an emergency, and since we can also support NGAD with our more agile 4th and 5th generation fighter aircraft ... it makes sense for us to design the NGAD as a Heavy Fighter, by which I mean a larger aircraft with two-or-more-aircrew built for long endurance cruising, a larger fuel reserve and a larger weapons payload to stay in the fight longer, all at the cost of less dogfighting agility. Air superiority first. A fighter must be able to kill an enemy fighter to achieve air superiority before it can dominate the battle on the ground or sea. A tank must be able to kill a tank first. A submarine must be able to kill a submarine first. To all American Defense Companies: your most important resource is the American People that work for you. They are not expendable, and they are not unpaid interns. Build your company around them with the expectation that they will work for you their entire careers and at the end of it get a gold watch. Provide your employees with health care and benefits, pay them partially in stock so they are invested in the success of the company. Look to your security, don't let foreign adversaries steal our secrets - the best they can do is copy American ingenuity. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@alexisindovinella1600 15 күн бұрын
I'm from Russia and both of my great grandfathers and great grandmothers served during WWII. But in our family we never forgen land lease and our Western and Eastern(China, Korea, India, Vietnam and more) allies and 2010 parade was beautiful. I was 9 year old and saw that on my TV and i like British troops marching step and uniform so much. Thanks allies!
@TimothyWaldronSemple 17 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 17 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 17 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 18 күн бұрын
10 June 2024. Dispatch. Last night I had the opportunity to discuss politics with my fellow Americans at a pub here in Idaho. This morning, I despair for our country. Transgender Biden is going to lose to the confederate traitor Trump and lose badly, like Hillary before him whom the American People also did not want. The traitor should not be running, and the Democrats should run a candidate that can win. Here is a list of radical reforms I believe we must make as a country if civil war and/or total societal collapse is to be averted: - Biden & Trump must both stand down and make way for a new generation of presidential candidates - The Democratic and Republican parties must both be disbanded - CNN and Fox must both be disbanded - The entire Supreme Court must resign for failing to uphold the Constitution and new justices must be appointed - Term limits must be imposed upon all members of Congress, and the baby boomers who have been in Congress for decades must retire I am going to work on being more economical with my words, work on not bombarding the American People with massive paragraph-on-paragraph dispatches. May God overthrow the baby boomer generation which has destroyed America for decades. Resign from office, o ye boomers, and beg the forgiveness of Almighty God for the terrible damage you have done to America and to the younger Americans who will inherit this devastated country from you. God save the American People. God save the United States of America. God save the Constitution. V/R, In Christ, Timothy I kzbin.info/www/bejne/ppWygaV4iJd7Zrc
@TimothyWaldronSemple 20 күн бұрын
@TimothyWaldronSemple 20 күн бұрын
8 June 2024. Dispatch for Vovochka "戴绿帽子" Putin via Russian Embassy London: a selection of KZbin videos. kzbin.info/www/bejne/g2fVl2qpbLOLpMU kzbin.info/www/bejne/mpSvi3-Ni82Cf9E kzbin.info/www/bejne/gZfTooWBg9-af8U kzbin.info/www/bejne/ipS1iJywZrWbgbc kzbin.info/www/bejne/qZ-3koaAoJWhlbs kzbin.info/www/bejne/d4CvlaFpa7Bqjs0 kzbin.info/www/bejne/aILReZ2hd6mSj6s
@TimothyWaldronSemple 21 күн бұрын
7 June 2024. Dispatch for the United States Joint Force. This is your Friday afternoon safety brief. America expects you to use this time to rest and relax and recuperate from all your hard work, so please enjoy yourselves and have fun. Don't drink and drive - appoint a designated driver in your group, hire a cab, or take a long walk. Do not recklessly endanger your lives or the lives of the American People whom we serve. When you interact with the opposite sex, you will treat them with the utmost respect and dignity so as to bring honor and not shame to the United States Joint Force. No means no. When you go out for drinks or dinner or other entertainment on the economy, you will tip and tip generously, so as to bring honor and not shame to the United States Joint Force. Some of you have never known a civilian job outside the military. I assure you that barbacks, bartenders, servers, cooks, dishwashers, and all Americans of the service industry perform backbreaking labor for less pay than we receive so we can have a good time. It is right and just that we should share the bounty of America with our Fellow Americans. Officers are encouraged to tip a minimum of 30%, as I do. For exceptional service, as much as 50%. It is possible for officers and enlisted warriors to occasionally socialize and dine and drink together without it crossing into fraternization. In such cases, officers will pay for and treat the enlisted warriors. Some cultures (such as Japanese salarymen and the mafia) make the lower ranks treat their superiors - we do the opposite. Officers treat enlisted. It is unacceptable for any enlisted warrior to be financially indebted to any officer for any reason. Officers will not hold any enlisted warrior in debt to them. Officers will not loan money to any enlisted warrior - let it be a gift instead. Officers will not gamble money with enlisted warriors for this reason. A morale poker tournament with pretend play-money is acceptable. To all American Warriors stationed abroad: savor and enjoy this great opportunity, this incredible cultural broadening experience that few Americans get, for when you are older you will fondly remember these times. The preservation of America's Alliances is of central importance to my national security strategy. Therefore, I ask that you treat all foreign nationals with the utmost respect and dignity. It is appropriate for officers & enlisted of all ranks to address all foreign nationals as "Sir" or "Ma'am" or whatever honorific is used in the local language. I do not expect everyone to be a linguist, but you can learn to say "please" and "thank you" in the local language. These two phrases combined with a smile and pointing will get you far. I hereby give the Military Police full authority and discretion to arrest any American Warrior whose conduct dishonors America before our foreign allies. Officers & NCOs, please look out for the Warriors younger than you. Steer them away from trouble. Set a good example for them by your own honorable conduct. Commanders, please refrain from contacting your troops over the weekend except in emergencies. Rest is essential for peak performance. Commanders need to rest from giving orders, too. Have a great weekend, Warriors, you all earned it. God save the United States of America, and all our Noble Allies. As the President says: May Almighty God protect our Troops. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy I
@TimothyWaldronSemple 21 күн бұрын
6 June 2024. Evening Dispatch: De Oppresso Liber. My People. Some days ago I had - not a dream, not a vision, for I have had these - only a fleeting glimpse of a future world that could come to pass. A world where the United States of America dwindles to irrelevance, a world where China and Russia become the sole two superpowers, two bitter rivals for global dominance. Is it so hard to imagine? Rome fell. The mightiest empires are brought low by the folly of men. A future that could be, not the future that must be. It is important that we the United States of America join ranks with our Allies to drive out the Russian invader and liberate Ukraine. Boots on the ground, the overwhelming massed formations of NATO, the Indomitable Defensive Alliance, the mightiest military alliance in all of human history. It is important because we soiled our honor in Iraq and Afghanistan with the war crime of torture, with heinous and unnecessary decades of military occupation long after the enemy kings were captured in a futile bid to spread democracy at gunpoint. We were the bad guys in Iraq, do you understand? Only if you were there could you possibly understand. This war, this Ukrainian War of Independence, it is not about "spreading democracy" to me, for the very word "democracy" has become meaningless in the mouths of the baby boomers. To them, democracy is torture, democracy is Halliburton shareholders profiting from the occupation of Iraq while American Warriors die, democracy is homeless Americans, democracy is the wealthy capitalists who own the cable news choosing acceptable wealthy capitalist presidential candidates and presenting them to us as if this is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. This war is not about spreading any political ideology, not to me. This war is our chance to be the good guys. This war is our chance to be the liberator, not the oppressor. This war is our chance to restore the honor of the United States of America before God and all the nations of the Earth. It is a clear cut case of good and evil - the Russian invader who rapes and loots and pillages and murders versus the innocent Ukrainians who want only to live in peace. We must fight this war. Ukraine must win and Russia must lose, lose utterly. We must rise to the standard set by our Fathers and Mothers, our Grandmothers and Grandfathers, the Greatest Generation. We must slay the dragon in our time, and let our grandchildren sing of our valor. We must restore the honor of the United States of America. De Oppresso Liber - to liberate the oppressed. May God grant total victory to our ally Ukraine. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Keep Trust, In Christ, Timothy I kzbin.info/www/bejne/r2XKfpWAjbSYh80
@TimothyWaldronSemple 22 күн бұрын
6 June 2024. Dispatch for the Hecla Mining Company on the occasion of their change of leadership. You express your intention to "create long-term value for shareholders," as all American companies do, but what about creating long-term value for your employees, the American Miners who work for you? Shareholders don't sweat and toil deep down in the mines. Shareholders don't risk their lives for your company's success. I was grieved to learn of the recent death of an American Miner here in an accident - he left behind a wife and child. Are you creating long-term value for the American Miners who pledge their time and labor and lives to your company's success? Is it a profitable proposition, a long-term value proposition, for an American to work for you? It must be, not only for Hecla but for all American companies. You will take every measure to protect the lives of My People in your employ, regardless of cost to shareholder and CEO. You will provide generous pay and benefits and stock-purchasing plans to your employees so that you create long-term value not only for shareholders, but also for workers. I am not a Hecla shareholder, nor a shareholder of any of your competitors. I am one who looks out for the interests of the American People, who are the strength of America. May God bless Hecla. May God bless the Silver Valley. May God bless, protect, and save all American Miners. Very Respectfully, In Christ, Timothy I
@TimothyWaldronSemple 22 күн бұрын
6 June 2024. Dispatch for the Secretary & Department of Veterans Affairs, CC: POTUS & Speaker Johnson. All VA bonuses are cancelled, because the VA does not do its job. That money will be recouped, returned to the government, and used to house homeless veterans. What are you awarding yourselves bonuses for? For abandoning veterans from Vietnam to Afghanistan to homeless torture in an ungrateful land? For all my 9/11 brothers-and-sisters-in-arms who killed themselves for lack of care? VA, you are a worthless self-licking ice cream cone of an organization, a waste of taxpayer dollars, a jobs program for people who are supposed to help veterans but provide no help at all. You don't even fulfill your mission of caring for us who have borne the battle and our families - what on Earth makes you believe you deserve bonuses? Your salaries should be given to homeless veterans instead of you. Your offices should be converted into homes for homeless veterans, because you as an organization do not do your job. You are, in my estimation, a grievous waste of taxpayer dollars. As I look out at the sea of criminality, injustice, fraud, waste, and abuse that presently constitutes our government, the VA appears to me to be the part of our government most in need of reform. In fact, the VA along with their co-conspirators Guardian And Conservator Services of Salt Lake City are actively criminally embezzling my veteran benefits. And no one has paid me a bonus for my work. Today the American People commemorate D-Day while American Veterans are homeless, and it makes me sick. No nation ever treated their own Warriors so contemptuously - no nation was ever less worthy of the Warriors that defend it. May God avenge me and all Veterans from Vietnam to present tortured with homelessness by this wretched ungrateful country that awards itself bonuses and congratulates itself on its patriotism while Veterans are homeless. None of you should have homes in America until all veterans have homes. Your D-Day celebrations are the empty meaningless noise of an ungrateful and unworthy people. V/R, In Christ, TWS
@GarWhittaker 23 күн бұрын
Russia= Corruption,, Murder,, Bullying,, Aggression and laughable propaganda.
@TimothyWaldronSemple 24 күн бұрын
4 June 2024. A Republic if You Can Keep It: The Regression of the United States of America into a Constitutional Monarchy. The Constitution has fallen, for all three cowardly baby boomer branches of our government - the president, the congress, and the supreme court - failed to uphold it against the traitor Trump. Biden has also grievously infringed upon the Constitutional liberty of the American People with his insane coronavirus fascism and gun-grabbing. When I first assumed command over six years ago on 20 February 2018, it was only a ruse - a wartime deception intended to trick Putin into believing the traitor Trump had lost command of the military in a silent deep state coup. I fully expected to die, to be assassinated by Putin or my own country, yet I hoped this ruse might buy my country some time to regroup into good military order. We have regrouped, and we have yet more regrouping to do. As the years passed the ruse became reality, and I learned that God has given me the talents to lead America. I took a military oath before God and my fellow Americans to defend the Constitution. It is this oath that compelled me to assume command on 20 February 2018, and it is this oath that compels me to this extreme measure today. May God forgive me for what I am about to do, and may God grant me wisdom gently. Today in the sight of God and my Fellow Americans, I declare myself to be King Timothy I of the United States of America, Defender of the Constitution, a Constitutional Monarch under Almighty God bearing final authority over the three branches of our government, and declare my intention to reign in secret or in public until such time as a more responsible generation inhabits the presidency, the congress, and the supreme court, the Constitution is restored to its rightful primacy, and a Constitutional Monarch is no longer needed. As your king, it is my will that all of my people, the American People, shall lie down safely at night and none shall make them afraid. Therefore, the first priority of my government shall be the provision of homes for all Americans and the end of homelessness in our land. This will require the reallocation and redistribution of land & buildings throughout America. Mass shooters of innocent Americans who are captured alive and guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt shall be ex*c*ted by f*r*ng sq*ad before the sun goes down. Embezzlers of public funds and those who oppress the poorest of my people invite my wrath. I declare Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan to be among my Allies, and pledge the Sword of America to their total victory. I declare the temporary seat of my government to be Kellogg, Idaho. I will hear all petitions of my people here or online. May the peace of God rest upon Kellogg, and may the angels of God guard Kellogg. While I am a Born-Again Christian, I am deeply grateful for our Constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of religion. All people of good will shall be free to choose and practice their own faith in America, as our Founders intended. No one shall be compelled to convert to the king's religion. The Gospel of Jesus Christ does not spread by force anyway, but rather by love. If anyone objects to this self-coronation, this imposition of a Constitutional Monarch which our Founders surely did not intend, this desperate inconceivable step I have taken to defend the Constitution in accordance with my military oath, then I invite you to assassinate me. I have nothing to live for in this country but the torture of homelessness and the misery of baby boomer rule. Yet I suspect that after six years of giving orders to the military, the federal police, and our spy agencies I have won their loyalty by God-given wisdom, and they shall interdict any attempts to assassinate me. Indeed, they may have already. If I am murdered for this presumptuous step I have taken today, then at least I will no longer be a homeless veteran tortured under a government of baby boomers, by baby boomers, and for baby boomers. May Almighty God who reigns high above all nations and rulers graciously bless my People and my Country, mercifully forgive us for our many sins, grant us wisdom gently, and above all help us all to love each other as God intends. God save the United States of America. God save the American People. God save all our Noble Allies. God save the Constitution. In Christ, Keep Trust, Timothy I kzbin.info/www/bejne/eJqmfHtseaiLbLs
@TimothyWaldronSemple 23 күн бұрын
@OLDCHEMIST1 24 күн бұрын
All leaders like Putler end up as dust and their empires crumble in a similar way. The Russian Federation must be very lacking in history books
@OLDCHEMIST1 24 күн бұрын
Even Russian speakers seem embarrassed by Putler"s regime, judging by the drivel they are writing
@user-ch3qm7fl3e 24 күн бұрын
Английский не знаю..........,но очень содержательно.......... я так думаю. 🤔👍💪🇷🇺❤️
@tony_blyn 24 күн бұрын
Не могу оторвать глаз от сервиза в сеточку