Voddie Baucham on Homosexuality and Civil Rights

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The Janet Mefferd Show

The Janet Mefferd Show

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Dr. Voddie Baucham tells Janet why homosexual rights are not equivalent to civil rights.
Original air date: March 15, 2011

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@LilyAmongThorns 10 жыл бұрын
I just recently "discovered" Voddie Baucham, what a gem! He is right on target, and doesn't apologize for being Biblical in his stance on what is wrong with the world. Praying for Voddie and praying for more people to stand for the truth regardless of how evil people get and how badly they will treat us for telling the truth.
@slynn41 10 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, I wished his church that he pastors at ad closer to DFW area.
@ifihadahammer7856 9 жыл бұрын
You should be far more concerned with how God will judge you for you and Voddies lies.
@stevenfsolmon8841 7 жыл бұрын
Ifihada Hammer what lies?
@kevinboone2178 6 жыл бұрын
My Black skin speaks louder than sexuality. The advice I would give anyone engaging in these kinds of debates is to fight oppression where you find it, otherwise you're arguing, which is a waste of time. Dr. Baucham believes in notions about homosexuality which lack theological, historical and scientific context. He should be called on it because it fosters "telling the truth while telling lies" (my quote), which historically, but not always, and not everywhere, has done great harm to individuals attracted to their gender, due to no fault of their own. It has allowed folks of good will, and their opposites, to speak nonsense, and do evil, in God's name, which is why it must be vigorously challenged, and why Christians and others shouldn't be perpetrators and bystanders when individuals, organizations and governments suppress, verbally abuse, physically attack, jail and murder fellow human beings for practicing the "love that dare not speak its name," for race, for religion, ethnicity, nationality, or gender, or homelessness or economic status, for instance. To mock our Christian Commission to practice love, the fourth- and greatest-commandment, puts us in mortal danger when eternity beckons because, in the end, nothing else matters. We are our sisters keeper, or aren't. We are our brothers keeper, or aren't. Everything negative about the human circumstance happens for making scapegoats of individuals and categories of people. We have all the excuses in the world for why we do this. Pointing fingers at others in judgement is easy, and puts one in mortal danger. Christians and others can speak about sin and temptation all they want. Look in the mirror for why the world is broken. And keep looking to find who must do better. Don't tell me you're "Christian." I know one when I see one. With all due respect.
@shirlenealleyne8766 5 жыл бұрын
Kevin Boone, My brother, if we believers live by example of the word we minister that is set forth by Jesus, the sins committed would not take place..amongst the vast majority of them...For instead of us saying we were sometimes like that to the sinners...The sinners are saying you have become like one one of us ...Jesus never minister about homosexuality...He spoke about marriage between man and woman..... Those that believe on the Lord God Jesus Christ must not exclude what is written in the Scriptures of the events that took place in the Old Testament and what is written against such practice, or what is spoken of in the New Testament..We have to be careful how we pass judgment on others..For the only sin not forgiven is the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God...The commandments are instructed by Jesus for us to follow....And who can know the heart of man ? Only God ...And his grace and mercy is going to be sufficient....For all will not enter, into the Kingdom of God..You have made a lots of valid points👏May the Lord Bless You.
@thereformedrant9592 9 жыл бұрын
Voddie is AMAZING!!!! Love this very godly, highly intelligent, extremely intelligent preacher! We are with you all the way!
@totaltranquility 9 жыл бұрын
*_Yes Ed all who have seen you post your highly ignorant and hate filled comments have know that you are with idiots like these people all the way._*
@thereformedrant9592 9 жыл бұрын
totaltranquility I keep very good company. Speaking the truth is not hate and believing the Bible is not ignorant. This is just one more opportunity to help my brothers and sisters respond directly, lovingly, and firmly to men like you who are out to destroy the Christian faith. And I welcome it as a wonderful privilege and hope it will result in your repentance.
@totaltranquility 9 жыл бұрын
***** _If you consider Biblically ignorant religious hypocrites like yourself to be good company, than you are correct. You have never spoken the truth on this, and you have been proven wrong over and over again, but you are far too indoctrinated and or homophobic to realize it. It is you that is in need of repentance for perpetuating the lies and distortions you post._ _Homosexual sex has never been listed by God to be anymore a sin than heterosexual sex, and you are incapable of proving otherwise._
@The_Word_Is_The_Way 2 жыл бұрын
@@totaltranquility What Bible are you reading? The Queen James Version?
@InternetDisciple 10 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that somebody is making a firm, logical stand against the homosexual deathstyle.
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
If he uses religious beliefs as part of his argument he has forfeited logic.
@InternetDisciple 4 жыл бұрын
@@cnault3244 "If he uses religious beliefs as part of his argument he has forfeited logic." Who told you that? And why did you believe him? Remember, there is either a way for sins to be forgiven or there is not. Only the Creator could defeat sin and death. Praise the Lord Jesus for defeating sin on the Cross! Praise the Lord Jesus for defeating death with His resurrection! Praise the Creator for making a way for sins to be forgiven!
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
@@InternetDisciple ""If he uses religious beliefs as part of his argument he has forfeited logic." Who told you that?" No one told me, I determined it myself using logic and reason. Religious beliefs are taken on faith, not evidence. If someone uses any belief they have that is based on faith as a part of their argument, their argument is void since they have not proved their belief is valid. "Remember, there is either a way for sins to be forgiven or there is not." The word sin is defined as "a transgression of a divine law". For the word sin to mean anything, two things must be accomplished: 1) prove a god ( or goddess) exists 2) prove what that god ( or goddess') laws are
@InternetDisciple 4 жыл бұрын
@@cnault3244 "No one told me, I determined it myself using logic and reason." What supposed logic and reason were you using? So far, all I've seen from you is empty declarations. Anyone could claim that their side is supported by logic and reason. Are all that you have is empty declarations? If not, then why not post your supposed logical reasons? "Religious beliefs are taken on faith, not evidence." Atheism is the philosophy of blind faith. Christians have faith, evidence, and logic. Remember, there is either a way for sins to be forgiven, or there is not. "For the word sin to mean anything, two things must be accomplished:" What makes you think that lies do not exist? "1) prove a god ( or goddess) exists" What about a Creator? Are you educated enough in basic science to know that there is a Creator? I mean, you do know that matter can't create itself, correct?
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
@@InternetDisciple "What supposed logic and reason were you using? So far, all I've seen from you is empty declarations. " I haven't seen any evidence for any god. For that reason, all religious beliefs based on belief in a god can be rejected. You could prove my position wrong by presenting evidence for god. "Christians have faith, evidence, and logic." Present the evidence. Star with evidence that Jesus was resurrected, since the entire religion is based on that belief. "Remember, there is either a way for sins to be forgiven, or there is not. " You skipped a step. For your statement to mean anything you have to prove sin exists. to do that you have to prove a deity exists. Go ahead. ( going by the Bible story of forgiven sin, to have your sins forgiven requires god to sacrifice himself in the form of his son before he can forgive you for sins you haven't committed yet because this happened millennia before you were born... Question: if I robbed from you and asked a random stranger to forgive me for robbing you, and the stranger forgave me, would you be satisfied? Question: if I robbed from you and later returned and asked you to forgive me and you would forgive me would you: 1) forgive me after I asked for your forgiveness? or 2) after I ask you to forgive me tell me "yes, I will forgive you but before I can do that I have to beat my son into unconsciousness"? "What about a Creator? " Define what you mean by creator. You also talked about sin, which implies a god and a religion. "Are you educated enough in basic science to know that there is a Creator?" Can you point out a science book that says this? "I mean, you do know that matter can't create itself, correct?" What is this alleged creator you are talking about made of?
@CARMENPEREZ-nv2ge 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Pastor for being so transparent and respecting the biblical truth inspite of all odds. We need many more pastor like you to raise up the banner of God and live up to the true meaning of who a Christian is as well as teaching what is written. There are too many preachers who evade this subject altogether, but the Lord raised you for such a time as this. I am proud of you. Sister Carmen
@mis-tur-tay-bur 3 жыл бұрын
Hello friend (I’ve just realised I don’t know your name!). This is the first time I've stated this publicly, but it's a view I've actually held since I was a suspicious early teenager, in the early '70s, when the word "gay" in its current sense first took hold. I've always watched the way words progress through the language. I remember when the coinage first began to be promulgated, and I could immediately see why. If you read any literature before about 1971, you'll find the meaning of the word confined to its long-used sense. It was rarely, if ever, applied to any description of one's sexuality (sexual preference). Since its hijacking, it’s been impossible to use the word in any other sense without having to at least clarify. It's time Christians actually debated the application of the word itself, instead of using it unthinkingly, and therefore buying into it. I'm noticing that even Christian preachers scripturally opposed to homosexuality inadvertently normalise the use of "gay" by treating it as synonymous with homosexuality. Consider the statement, “I’m not a hater of gay people”. To make this statement is to say more than one might mean to say. Apart from inaccurately expressing a truth about Christians (they don’t hate the person, only the sin) they are also unconsciously making a concession to an embedded command that we see homosexuality a certain way; that we de-couple the “state of being” from the act; that we discount any idea that choice is a factor - even though we apply the notion of volition to any other sin. It makes debate much trickier than it ought to be. The church should not be contributing to this situation. The word “gay” was invented for a reason. Before its use spread to the general population, "homosexual" was the term in popular use, obviously. The homosexual movement, as did other loud interest groups, had some ingenious PR working for them. They achieved two things very quickly: they developed "weapon words" to shame opponents and make them fear expressing opposition ("homophobic" was just one result), and they found a little word to describe themselves which was, in fact, a complete redefinition of who and what they were. The term "gay" enabled them to detach sexual preference from their self-description. Once that was achieved, it was easy for the word to snowball semantically. To be "gay" now means something other than to have a sexual inclination; it now describes a state of being. It has allowed homosexuals to place this state of being on a par with one's race, gender or nationality (see Martina Navratilova’s description of those who opposed same-sex marriage as “racist”. Once it would have been considered a ridiculous equivalence). “Gay” in this sense has probably usurped the original word as a lexical entry, but it wasn’t a matter of natural semantic development. Interest groups these days are pretty savvy to the trick of kidnapping words and meanings. The implications of this coinage are huge. It created an entirely new ground for debate, and we keep meeting them on this playing-field. Even Christians have been cowed into drawing the line at questioning this very self-description, imposed and insisted upon by the homosexual sector of society (calling it a “community” is another feat of linguistic legerdemain, and we have fallen for that one as well). Those who advocate for the homosexual movement have been enabled, thanks to this coinage, to speak of being “born gay” (because, let’s face it, you can’t say someone is born with a sexual preference); to search for a “gay gene” in order to reinforce the notion that homosexuality is inherent; to create their own victimology (it’s more emotive to say you are picked on for what you ARE [gay] rather than what you do [prefer to have sexual relations with people of the same sex]); to march alongside black people or people with disabilities as an oppressed minority; to speak further myths into existence, like, say, a “gay holocaust”; to extend the usage to others by employing sly “gay” words like "bromance" (others are "man hug" and "man crush") that (homo)sexualise even friendship; to create gay “heroes”, gay “icons”, gay literature - it goes on. The development of this little word is testimony to the human ability to conjure concepts out of nothing and then reify them by speaking of them endlessly until they become real - in the sense that they affect behaviour and impact society. One symptom of the evil chaos that besets the world is that epistemological problems abound, and are proliferating exponentially. This begins with language - just look at the staggeringly extensive lexicon the Covid event has introduced with a mere year of its existence. Truth becomes the casualty. Christians need to be a little more thoughtful and discerning and question existing narratives, no matter how entrenched they now are in “normality”. If they don’t, they inadvertently play a part in furthering these agendas, and make it more difficult for fellow Believers to combat them.
@TheGrooveRoom_Gabz 10 жыл бұрын
I love Pastor Voddie's sermon "The Sin of Sodom" very clear and direct message.
@wahomez1 4 жыл бұрын
link please
@christopherscheiber1439 2 жыл бұрын
The self righteous have been using this story in order to subconciously justify contempt and hatred through subjective comparison for thousands of years. The story in which the hero of the story offers his virgin daughters to a gang of men to be raped and these same righteous women later get their father drunk in order to have sexual relations with him.
@fiveSolas879 2 жыл бұрын
@@christopherscheiber1439 hero of the story? Lot? are u sure about that. theres only one "hero" and it aint lot. try again.
@LissSilverwing 10 жыл бұрын
glad i found this , confirmed me certain things but also im soo sharing this ... our brothers and sisters need to hear this so much!!!
@slynn41 10 жыл бұрын
This pastor is excellent handles the topic with logic and intelligence.
@UMANEDAKIDD19 10 жыл бұрын
@fostertrader4065 10 жыл бұрын
Thank GOD for a man of GOD that is preaching and teaching the truth!!!!!!
@jocotano769 9 жыл бұрын
excellent interview. I too lived the life since the 80's, full bore. then God woke me up 5 years ago, I had a run in with Jesus, He changed my world upside down, inside out, now, when it comes to the homosexual life, i'm sorta like a reformed smoker, probably because God showed me how wrong my lifestyle was, and I don't want to see anyone stand on judgement day without the blood of Jesus covering them. people BELIEVE IT, God IS love, you'll NEVER find that love IN anyone or any THING,sex, drugs,alcohol etc
@homepcmacbook5996 8 жыл бұрын
Are the SSA feelings really gone? I hope you'll answer.
@jocotano769 8 жыл бұрын
I have zero ... zero desire to live the homosexual lifestyle, and ANY attractions are gone .... I look toward living an eternity in heaven forever .... wrap your head around that
@homepcmacbook5996 8 жыл бұрын
wow cool. congrats bro. SO its safe to say that you are now straight (again)?
@jocotano769 8 жыл бұрын
Mstar ..... yes, I am, absolutely 100%
@mikejones-kq6sf 7 жыл бұрын
wat was your biggest rock bottom that made you stop being gay. and how many years was you gay.and how many years it took you to become straight.
@RonXP11 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks so very much for standing with Jesus Christ.
@blase410 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks Pastor Baucham for you stand on this issue. We who are chosen by God will love what God loves, and hate what God hates. Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed for lack of hospitality. People read your Bibles and believe what it says. Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. GOD says homosexuality is wrong. End of story! Justify it at your own peril.
@totaltranquility 9 жыл бұрын
_You should try being less Biblical ignorant!_
@blase410 9 жыл бұрын
Really? you must not read your Bible. Then again you don't know what the Bible says about sin..
@laceylittlelight9952 9 жыл бұрын
blase410 thumps up dude 😊 I totally agree
@TheSusieq24 10 жыл бұрын
God bless you Voddie ! You are blessed to speak the truth !
@lowellkuvin7634 10 жыл бұрын
Who cares about homosexuallity? Voddie only uses his hate against a group of Americans so he can promote himself. "Stop believing what they believe?" What an idiot.
@TheSusieq24 10 жыл бұрын
Idiot seems like a common word lately . Stop promoting lies . He is a man of God speaking truth . Truth is not hate . You hate the truth !!! The Bible speaks the truth .
@lowellkuvin7634 10 жыл бұрын
Susan Day Man of G-d? If G-d hates homosexuals, then why did He make them? And yes, idiot is a common word these days because of people like Voddie and yourself. Is your life so terrible that you have to drag others down to stew in the misery you live in? Instead of tearing down other humans with your hate, why not spend the time building yourself up?
@TheSusieq24 10 жыл бұрын
You are the one name calling , I speak blessing over this mighty man of God . All your words cannot change the truth into a lie . Your father satan has been a liar from the beginning .
@goocross 10 жыл бұрын
Susan Day Praise GOD! Don't back down. L Kuv is obviously uneducated. We all need to be better educated. This commentator does not understand that your life is not "so terrible that you have to drag others down to stew in the misery that you live in". The life of a true Christian is not steeped in misery, and we are not tearing down other humans with hate. Quite the contrary - if we hated homosexuals, we would never speak to them about Jesus Christ and salvation for their souls. We would just keep our mouths shut and watch them "steep" in their misery now and for eternity. They don't understand that we pray for better things for their worldly existence and hope for their eternal souls (and for our own.) Because we understand that it is not OUR goodness that saves us, but the sinless shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We must be obedient to our Lord by following His Word as closely as we can with His help. We can't "spit in His face" by our blatant disobedience and expect His Lordship in our lives. GOD's 'chosen' certainly didn't get away with it!
@ronaldmiller4429 10 жыл бұрын
1 Cor 5, says I am not to judge (not implying any judgement) the outsider, but I do have the right to judge within the church. It also teaches that I should associate with those outside the church so that I can share the gospel, but I am to AVOID the Brother who is living immorally (it seems the opposite is occurring in the church today). God says homosexuality is a sin and I will take that stand. We do live in a representative democracy and not a theocracy, so things may not go our way. It amazes me people in the most liberal state voted against same-sex marriage and the courts over ruled them. Whats going to happen is progressives in the church (Willow Creek & even social gospel "conservative" reformers are going to help pass immigration reform with a waiting period of 10 years. Supreme Court will rule unconstitutional and give them instant citizenship. They will vote D, and we will have federal law protecting same sex marriage . As Voddie said speak the truth in love.
@cahake 10 жыл бұрын
But does Paul's injunction not to judge outside the church mean that Christians are to be "muzzled" and cannot speak out, even generally-inside AND outside the church-against immorality? Surely not. Paul does also charge us, in Ephesians 5:11, to "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness," but rather to "expose them..." In John 7:24 Jesus tells us (inside the church only? or also outside the church?) to judge not by appearances, but "with righteous judgment." And Jesus' famous passage in Matthew 7:1-5 ("Judge not, lest ye be judged...") admonishes only against rash and hypocritical judgment, or consigning others to hell (which only God can do), not, it seems, against all discernment or fair, proper judgment. After all, later in Matthew 7 (vs. 20) Jesus asserts that "by their fruit you shall know them," implying that some sort of "judging"/discernment is allowable and even necessary, though, admittedly, that doesn't necessarily mean we must vocally share our "judgment" with those we are "judging" or that we are to exercise such judgment outside the church. But I DO know that non-Christians love to throw up Matthew 7:1 ("Judge not, lest ye be judged...") in Christians' faces as a tactic to silence or muzzle us from speaking out against evil, and surely God does not mean for us to remain mute in the face of pervasive societal evil. We have a cultural mandate to be "salt" and "light," to preserve our rotting, decaying culture (as salt preserves food) and to shine our light (through our good deeds and by exposing evil, as per Ephesians 5;11). And to do that, we have to speak up and out, always "in love," but nonetheless boldly and uncompromisingly, which sinners often perceive as "hateful," no matter how charitable we may try to be. (It's the old "shoot the messenger" syndrome . . . )
@sammy2840 4 жыл бұрын
A True Man of God! Courage to spare! God Bless you sir!
@dsanders74 10 жыл бұрын
@totaltranquility 9 жыл бұрын
_If by_ *"Outstanding!!!* _you mean hatefilled Biblically ignorant religiously hypocritical lies, you are correct._
@dsanders74 9 жыл бұрын
totaltranquility No! Disagreeing with the homosexual community is not hateful. Name one group that is not hypocritical or non-tolerant?
@totaltranquility 9 жыл бұрын
Dwayne Sanders _There is a huge difference between basic hypocrisy and religious hypocrisy. Jesus Christ detested religious hypocrisy, and He could hardly tolerate religiously hypocritical people. Voddie Baucham and everyone who agrees with him on this are some of the worst religious hypocrites alive. The statement that homosexuality is a sin is hate speech. That statement and belief has caused nothing but harm and death to multi-millions of God's children._ _You and your ilk do far worse than simply disagree with the homosexual community, you demonize them, oppress them, harm them, and kill them. The worst part is that many of the same things you do and say about them were used and said about us blacks, and relationships/sex/marriage between us blacks and almost any other race._ *_In the US, almost all Christians fully believed that for a black to have sex with a white was a sin._* *_The primary reason for that was based upon the fact that they were either indoctrinated into believing that lie, or because they want to believe that lie._* *_The same is true in the case of same gender sex!_* _I fully believed that any and all homosexual sex was listed to be a sin in the Bible, that was because I was taught that. AKA I was indoctrinated into believing it. Years ago, I broke free from that indoctrination, through educating myself on the Biblical Scriptures, and through guidance from Christ and the Holy Spirit. I now know for a _*_FACT_*_ that homosexual sex is no more listed to be a sin by God than heterosexual sex._ _Religious beliefs aside, much of this is about equal and civil rights! In the US religious beleifs are irrelevant, or at least should be irrelevant when it comes equal and civil rights. Or are you okay if your equal/civil rights are denied again because of other people's so called religious beleifs?_ _Voddie Baucham and his ilk are on the wrong side in this, and they are justfully and rightfully failing. Him and his ilk are all going the way of the racists, and history will view them in much the same way it views racism._ *_I thank God for that,_*
@dsanders74 9 жыл бұрын
totaltranquility Completely wrong! You tolerate everyone's belief? The purest tolerance is excepting everyone regardless of what they believe. You proved nothing by spitting this foul drama. Please provide proof of Christians hating homosexuals. Please provide research or studies about hate crimes committed by Christian groups. "I now know for a FACT that homosexual sex is no more listed to be a sin by God than heterosexual sex." You are correct in saying that non married heterosexual and homosexual sex is a sin. The Bible is clear with this message. YES!!! But the Bible only praises and endorses heterosexual marriage. "In the US, almost all Christians fully believed that for a black to have sex with a white was a sin." Please provide proof! I'm black and belong to a predominately white church and married to a white woman. I don't feel any hate at my church. Its ok to disagree with any group and not hate them. Its possible.
@totaltranquility 9 жыл бұрын
Dwayne Sanders *_"The purest tolerance is excepting everyone regardless of what they believe."_* _You are stating that slaves should tolerate their slave owners because they believe they should have the right to own slaves!_ _If you require proof of how Christianity has viewed homosexuality, and the affect many Christians have had on it, I recommend you stop being an ignorant fool!_ _Why don't you provide what a true marriage is according to God?! And, I am not referring to the man woman aspect._ _You love your philosophy of Christ, not Christ's philosophy._ _You follow eisegesis over Jesus!_ *"I don't feel any hate at my church.* *Its ok to disagree with any group and not hate them."* _Thats just marvy! In my church we all believe that blacks are an abomination according to God and Christ. We all believe that if blacks have sex with humans it's a sin._ _No hate their, just disagreement._
@cynthiaerickson3646 6 жыл бұрын
This man is a true shepard
@meditation4632 4 жыл бұрын
Of who? Heterosexuals?
@stewartbell1074 9 жыл бұрын
Let me say, Christianity may be against homosexuality. However, in this video Voddie says the key word: government. This is a theological issue and not a civil rights issue. Civil rights and civil liberties means exactly that. Civilians being able to do as they please as long as it does not harm. The way our government is set up, when thinking about laws and liberty it should all be based in natural law. Murder and assault kill and harm people. Drugs kill and harm people. Guns kill and harm people. Homosexuality does not. That means that homosexuality is an act that does not affect others except by enraging them based on moral obligation. Guns are against my moral obligation, but it is very apparent that there are many people who don't seem to care about that. I'm not going to say that homosexuality is right, but what I am saying is that the United States of America is not a theocracy which makes this entire argument null and void. And when he says that adulterers are not campaigning I present ashley madison. And adultery is not illegal either by the way. If you want to campaign against it, teach it in private schools, church, sunday school, and on your own time. We do have freedom of speech so do it all you want and nobody should stop you for that. However, this is a civil rights case due to the fact that they have been persecuted since the beginning of time and are being denied a civil liberty, that of civil union. This is why the argument of religion has a place in other areas but not in government. What we have to do is show them the love of the Christian community, show them their errors in a loving but convicting way, and take them into the folds of the Lord so that they may return to the flock, give up their sins, and repent. However, once again, that has no place in our government.
@xYondaimexJD 9 жыл бұрын
***** Marriage was never a right, it was always a privilege. How it became a civil rights issue is beyond me. Obergefell decision was unconstitutional. Justice Roberts said it best when he asked Americans to celebrate "LOVE" but DO NOT celebrate the Constitution. SCOTUS and the courts have been making such mockery of the judicial system for a very long time now and it is more than evident when a ruling on same sex marriage was never in the legal interpretation of the Constitutional but rather a personal opinion based on personal beliefs. What's worst is SCOTUS actually UNDEFINED marriage which opened up a huge can of worms that the dissenting justices have forewarned. Sometimes you are given exactly what you want, only to find out that was exactly what you didn't need. Hopefully America will learn from this in the short chaotic months/years to come. www.nationalreview.com/article/420934/same-sex-marriage-and-rule-law?dzsJ5LmDmXWjSAlP.01
@xYondaimexJD 9 жыл бұрын
***** You are referring to the infamous Loving v. Virginia case which supposedly set the precedence for Obergefell decision. I encourage you to read the link I posted. The two cases are dramatically different in their respective core arguments. Additionally, I challenge you to cite where in Loving v. Virginia, it specifically states that the institution of marriage was ever turned over to the federal government until Obergefell. SCOTUS is a joke and shell of its former self. There is no more nonpartisan "justice is blind" judicial branch. Let me remind you that none of the SCOTUS justices are elected officials.
@nyikofumani7010 2 жыл бұрын
What kind of government are we building if that's not part of the government?
@sequencerman5 9 жыл бұрын
*Kotesu:* The fact that it is satire does not negate its impact, nor does it prevent one from critiquing it, especially when groups use them as sources of inspiration and ideas. For instance: 1984 and Animal Farm were studied by Soviet Russia as sources of ideas for political control; Machiavelli's 'The Prince' advocates subversion, violence and deception and yet was influential on the thought of leaders in the modern era such as Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair -- yet it is viewed as satire by many (Erica Brenner and Garret Mattingly for example). *Rod:* I don’t deny that inspiration can be and often is derived from the writings and the ideas of others whether they be satire or otherwise. However, Voddie Baucham in the audio clip neglects to mention (intentionally, it would seem) that the item from which he’s quoting WAS written as satire and WAS intended to be read by others as satire. It would have been the honest thing to have done, don’t you think? As it is, those who probably hang on to his every word (just like Janet Mefferd who spent so much time fawning over him) is being deceived into believing that there actually IS a conspiracy afoot that is notoriously known as ‘The Gay Agenda’. Even if one believes that there IS such a thing as ‘a gay agenda’ their being given a misrepresentation of THIS particular item is intentionally dishonest. *Kotesu:* Given that the tactics advocated in "After the Ball" were implemented and still are being implemented they ought to be evaluated and critiqued, just like you are evaluating and critiquing this talk right now. If we cannot talk about our concerns regarding a concerted and coordinated effort to change the underlying fabric and values of our society, what is the point of open discourse? *Rod:* Again, it’s the blatant deception that is being used here that I’m evaluating and critiquing. Had the speaker been honest and told his congregation that what he’s about to quote from IS touted by its authors to be 'over-the-top not to be taken seriously satire', then whatever inspiration and tactics that may or may not have resulted from this 30 year-old essay (as you claim) could then be discussed if need be as separate items based on their merits. The mention of Sodom and Gomorrah in the audio and the destruction of these cities allegedly because of rampant homosexuality is also one of the huge deceptions put over on the mindless by present-day "Christians'. "Christianity" certainly does have much to answer for! As a practicing Christian for 25 years I thank God that "I" wised up some six years ago!
@dasugo 10 жыл бұрын
Do we have a link to the sermon that Voddie spoke about?
@scarfhs1 8 жыл бұрын
He has a very pointy handkerchief.
@trinityestrada9588 5 жыл бұрын
Triangle of the freemasons...perhaps. Imho...voddu is a hireling.
@christopherscheiber1439 2 жыл бұрын
The only difference between racist haters and christian haters is the fact that the former justifies their hatred through a sense of intellectual superiority, while the latter seeks to selfishly humanize themselves through a sense of moral superiority. So its a matter of the type of superiority that they are seeking ti instill in themselves through the stone of subjective comparison. In its truest definition, homosexuality is not a behavior ( neither is heterosexuality) while one choose to express their sexuality, that is not what defines their sexuality, but the fundamental orientation itsself. However, terms such as " gay lifestyle" are important due to the implication of choice, which subconciously justifies contempt and hatred through the stone of subjective comparison. Churches marry people who divorced for reasons other than adultery, which is, according to the bible, adultery. The bible has been used in order to justify the mistreatment of other people for centuries. Ask the televangelists to genuinely sacrifice for the good of mankind and watch their response.
@sandysolomon3140 9 жыл бұрын
I thin the Dr is right when he says we only have the 'word' of a gay person when they say this is thier 'orientation'. The same 'orientation' argument could be used for someone who is a womaniser they could say 'womanising is my sexual orientation I have in born urges to sleep with lots of women ! I'm a polygynosexual! I was born that way!' Or ' it's my orientation to do it with vehicle I'm a automotorsexual! I was born that way!' People don't choose thier ethnicity, but they do choose to dwell and dwell and dwell on otherwise fleeting thoughts unit they become thoughts that seem bigger than life until they convince themselves that these gay feelings are inborn. They are just 'feelings' that can be invested in until you think it's a part of you're identity or they can simply be allowed to float on by. It's all a croc a bs game of semantics to give some kind of credibility of gentically redundant sexual behaviour.
@sandysolomon3140 8 жыл бұрын
Kevin Boone I did not say sexual orientation was synonymous with promiscuity. I simply made the point that we could all use the same language that the gay community use to define themselves, to claim an identity in the things that we habitually do.
@JoannaDooley 10 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation!
@kevinboone2178 6 жыл бұрын
My Black skin speaks louder than sexuality. The advice I would give anyone engaging in these kinds of debates is to fight oppression where you find it, otherwise you're arguing, which is a waste of time. Dr. Baucham believes in notions about homosexuality which lack theological, historical and scientific context. He should be called on it because it fosters "telling the truth while telling lies" (my quote), which historically, but not always, and not everywhere, has done great harm to individuals attracted to their gender, due to no fault of their own. It has allowed folks of good will, and their opposites, to speak nonsense, and do evil, in God's name, which is why it must be vigorously challenged, and why Christians and others shouldn't be perpetrators and bystanders when individuals, organizations and governments suppress, verbally abuse, physically attack, jail and murder fellow human beings for practicing the "love that dare not speak its name," for race, for religion, ethnicity, nationality, or gender, or homelessness or economic status, for instance. To mock our Christian Commission to practice love, the fourth- and greatest-commandment, puts us in mortal danger when eternity beckons because, in the end, nothing else matters. We are our sisters keeper, or aren't. We are our brothers keeper, or aren't. Everything negative about the human circumstance happens for making scapegoats of individuals and categories of people. We have all the excuses in the world for why we do this. Pointing fingers at others in judgement is easy, and puts one in mortal danger. Christians and others can speak about sin and temptation all they want. Look in the mirror for why the world is broken. And keep looking to find who must do better. Don't tell me you're "Christian." I know one when I see one. With all due respect.
@sword6561 6 жыл бұрын
Kevin Boone you write all this to prove what exactly? What argument can you present ? Can you debunk everything dr Voddie said? LOL
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
"Dr. Baucham believes in notions about homosexuality which lack theological, historical and scientific context. " Until someone can prove their god exists, the theological context doesn't matter at all.
@kevinboone2178 4 жыл бұрын
C Nault I agree with the first statement, but by faith alone many believe in the Christian God, for example. Furthermore since forever and a day humans have sought to understand space and time through a supernatural lens -- through African deities, animism and Hindu gods, for instance. And theological beliefs regarding homosexuality do matter because they have consequences.
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
@@kevinboone2178 "but by faith alone many believe in the Christian God" By faith a person could believe whatever they wish to believe. A person could have faith that leprechauns exist. "Furthermore since forever and a day humans have sought to understand space and time through a supernatural lens -- through African deities, animism and Hindu gods, for instance," And also through the god of the Bible. But you are mistaken. None of these ( including the Bible) are an attempt to understand it, all they are is assigning an unproven cause to the effect. "And theological beliefs regarding homosexuality do matter because they have consequences." Such beliefs only matter to the person holding the belief. To people who don't hold the belief, such beliefs are nonsense. And exactly what consequences are you talking about? Be specific.
@kevinboone2178 4 жыл бұрын
@@sword6561I thought this thread was history, until out of nowhere I get another comment, then see yours. LOL. Elsewhere I've written a response to Voddie's (mostly) errant notions about the Bible and homosexuality. Maybe it would help you understand my comments, so here: When culture, tradition and religion negatively intersects with human dignity, our duty is to fix it, to seek justice. Using Bibles to excoriate LGBQT brethren is a vice centered in a reckless, literal interpretation of its "men sleeping with men" (MSWM), and related verses. Christians are called to follow Jesus, to imitate His life. It's important we know there is nothing in the Bible that speaks to LGBQT people per se, let alone ones in loving relationships, as the ancients had little understanding of them, gender, and the science of sexual orientation. The original Biblical "men sleeping with men" (MSWN), and related verses, are largely there, and interpreted, incorporating a serious misunderstanding of original intent. Reading the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and New Testament in Ancient Biblical Hebrew, Classical Aramaic and, in the first translations of them, into Ancient Greek, the original languages, is paramount. But for ignorance, heterosexual sensibility, Christian arrogance and/or vanity, most theologians, ministers and lay people (and others) don't see the truth. What's important about those verses is CONTEXT, and without it, Christians "tell the truth while telling lies" (my quote). 1. "AN AX MURDER ISN'T ABOUT THE AX." MSWM, and related verses, speak specifically to heterosexual male behavior, for all the right reasons. There's a 'distinction with a difference' between homosexuality & homosexual, and, heterosexuality & heterosexual, each one, and it demonstrates, for example, why homosexuals often have children the "old-fashioned" way (heterosexuality), and imprisoned heterosexuals often sexually engage their sex (homosexuality). 2. By knowing the history of sexuality in Ancient Greece, the Ancient Near East, and the Ancient Roman World, the areas in which the anthology of Biblical stories take place, we'd know the Ancient Greek practice of adolescent male and heterosexual adult male love, "pederasty," was popular in its athletic, military and upper class sectors, while freeborn men in the vast Ancient Roman World often engaged in anal intercourse with lower rank boys and men -- slaves, gladiators, clowns and actors, for instance. Freeborn men could be put to death for being the receiver (bottom) in such situations, a penalty noted in the original Biblical documents. As important was the practice of homosexuality within the biblical cult of temple prostitution, and other cults, and in the biblical notion referencing "man's inhumanity to man," which includes references to "carnal knowledge," which means to "know"/"to rape" -- males vanquished by war or street fights, one's abused for being poor, strangers and/or travelers, for example. (And females were not immune to victimization.) 3. Women played a tangential role why many men engaged in homosexual activity. Ones in antiquity thought twice before sexually engaging husbands and boyfriends, as it could lead to pregnancy, which put them, and their babies, in mortal danger. Unlike today with advances in maternal/fetal medicine, and nutrition, women often died during pregnancy, giving birth or shortly thereafter. Likewise their babies often died in the womb, during birth, shortly thereafter, or before puberty. For the consequences, women thought hard before agreeing to sexual intercourse. Many men compensated by engaging their sex, perpetrating rape against them, frequenting male prostitutes, etc. (Heterosexual rape, prostitution and orgies occurred as well.) If males were sexually engaging their sex, the prophets surmised the human race would become extinct. 4. SODOM & GOMORRAH is about wrongs done to the poor, neighbors, travelers and other strangers in the Dead Sea area between what are now Jordan and Israel in the Middle East. But in the 12th century, after a pamphlet published by a pious Roman Catholic monk exposed rampant homosexuality between cardinals, bishops and priests in the Vatican and elsewhere, the pope was alarmed and chose to falsely teach that homosexuals were the foundation of that iconic Biblical story, making it part of its theology. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church was the premier Christian denomination. The original Hebrew Bible (Old Testament/OT) documents don't mention homosexuals, as it speaks to groups of people engaging in "CARNAL KNOWLEDGE" IE., RAPE (REGARDLESS THE SEX OR AGE OF THE VICTIM) AND OTHER INHOSPITABLE BEHAVIORS perpetrated against neighbors and strangers -- robbery, fighting, and refusing them food and shelter, for example. (Source: In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy by Frédéric Martel, 2019) In conclusion, there's no hard evidence the Christian God ever said anything about homosexuals, nor are women in the Bible as it relates to lesbianism. When you see such verses, men put them in, as they aren't in the original documents. Many will say they were "inspired by God" to add them, but some harbored political agendas -- including deadly ones, others made mistakes in translation, some used terms which had different meanings in another culture, or no word at all. Etc. Indeed the harsh Old English term "ABOMINATION" doesn't appear in the original Biblical documents. "Sheketz" and "tovah," Ancient Biblical Hebrew words meaning "taboo" were used, and which one depended on the context. Male homosexuality, wearing woolen clothing, adultery, fornication, eating shellfish and witchcraft are among the taboos, which were a way to help distinguish Ancient Israelites from the numerous religions, spiritual philosophies, and gods inherent to Biblical lands. Most hypocritically point fingers at homosexuals, though no human is without sin. ... AFRICAN HOMOSEXUALITIES -- Most Africans today have internalized the behavior of their former colonial Arab and European masters, who bought Islam and Christianity, respectively, to bear on what heretofore was an acceptance of transgenders and same-gender loving (SGL) individuals, forgetting religion is fine, except when it isn't. Within various African ethnic groups, the acceptance included: "cross-dressing in some societies; recognizing SGL members have the power of "two-spirits," ying & yang, male and female, a "double-consciousness" that could be used for counseling others, or settling disputes, for example; some ethnicities allowed marriage/some of these unions didn't involve sex for being more concerned with strengthening economic, family and/or clan ties, for instance; in some traditions bisexuality was common/in others bisexuality was common until marriage...and many of these unions endured regardless; other cultures treated the SGL phenomenon nonchalantly, like, "So what?" The Arabs and Europeans undermined those practices and extinguished the vibrancy of African cultures and traditions in general. It's time to we recover our memory. ... BOOK --- GAY, STRAIGHT, AND THE REASON WHY: The Science of Sexual Orientation, Second Edition (Oxford University Press, 2017), by neuroscientist Simon LeVay, explores the latest research on the topic in a style lay people can understand and includes a glossary and additional resources. Human evolution, genetics, epigenetics, timing and hormones largely determine inherent sexual orientation, all within the context of fetal development. ... You know my name. Say your name. And call theirs." I will not be a perpetrator. I will not be a bystander. With due respect.
@gamhazell 10 жыл бұрын
I was on 2 radio panels on our local Government run station and We didn't even get to handle calls. I don't know how Janet did it.
@hughchristian1976 9 жыл бұрын
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not because the majority were Homosexual, but because the majority became indifferent (Tolerant) to sexual sin. That is where we are today. We do not have enough of Christ's love to be intolerant. To care.
@gassonteddy4293 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said.👍👍👍
@gamhazell 10 жыл бұрын
Is there any audio/video of the message delivered at the NRB convention?
@tttmsu 10 жыл бұрын
Thank for an honest, logical, passionate, and biblical analysis of sinful man
@UMANEDAKIDD19 10 жыл бұрын
@jdac22 9 жыл бұрын
Very well said Voddie Baucham!!!
@jilliankovac8708 9 жыл бұрын
As a heterosexual, sexual orientation was never a choice, as most homosexuals also report. The only group that could possibly make a "lifestyle choice" is the bisexual. I think people like Dr. Voddie might not understand that this isn't choice for most because they might be in this camp. He's a very good-looking, well-groomed gentle man and definitely would fit the profile. With him, he probably definitely made a choice with his life and simply assumes that others can make a choice as well.
@azbugman1 8 жыл бұрын
+Jillian Kovac For all the pro homosexual folks that would like to change God, His Word, his attributes etc...A small illustration if you will: whittle, whittle, whittle...Oh Hi, I didn't see you there. I was just whittling on some old wood creating an idol I'll call god. I have created this god of my own choosing with the attributes I like most, and think he should have. Please don't bother me with the real God, his attributes and all he has to say, It just interferes with my creative work....There, I'm not exactly done yet, But Isn't it groovy, this cool god I created, and I can change it like a Mr. Potato head anytime I want to suit my specific needs at any given moment. Well, I'm sorry I have go worship it now. Bye bye
@froggybug 4 жыл бұрын
Do you think he chose to be black? Cause that’s the overriding comparison. Being gay is like being black. Do you believe that’s true? Do you believe Dr Voddie and I right before birth from our black parents....thought....”newborn self...I think I’ll be black.”
@ingui007 10 жыл бұрын
I believe that gays should have the right the marry, adopt, and live happy lives. I do not believe that their struggle is comparable to the struggle of Blacks. I also do not believe that we need campaigns or coalitions to protect gays. All gays need to do is live their lives, pay taxes, and be happy with who they are. If they lead supposed normal lives, and develop thick skin, eventually they can be happy.
@travisalsobrook1964 10 жыл бұрын
just to discuss the marriage part ONLY, God invented marriage so y do they want it??
@ingui007 10 жыл бұрын
I'm an atheist. With that being said, I don't believe in a god. I respect all religions. I just think gays should have the right to marry in this country since it is a right that it granted to the majority of Americans.
@travisalsobrook1964 10 жыл бұрын
thnx for ur opinion
@azbugman1 8 жыл бұрын
+Ingui Jung For all the pro homosexual folks that would like to change God, His Word, his attributes etc...A small illustration if you will: whittle, whittle, whittle...Oh Hi, I didn't see you there. I was just whittling on some old wood creating an idol I'll call god. I have created this god of my own choosing with the attributes I like most, and think he should have. Please don't bother me with the real God, his attributes and all he has to say, It just interferes with my creative work....There, I'm not exactly done yet, But Isn't it groovy, this cool god I created, and I can change it like a Mr. Potato head anytime I want to suit my specific needs at any given moment. Well, I'm sorry I have go worship it now. Bye bye
@azbugman1 8 жыл бұрын
+Ingui Jung For all the pro homosexual folks that would like to change God, His Word, his attributes etc...A small illustration if you will: whittle, whittle, whittle...Oh Hi, I didn't see you there. I was just whittling on some old wood creating an idol I'll call god. I have created this god of my own choosing with the attributes I like most, and think he should have. Please don't bother me with the real God, his attributes and all he has to say, It just interferes with my creative work....There, I'm not exactly done yet, But Isn't it groovy, this cool god I created, and I can change it like a Mr. Potato head anytime I want to suit my specific needs at any given moment. Well, I'm sorry I have go worship it now. Bye bye
@AngeloLaCruz 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting approach to this question "did Yeshua ben Yusuf addressed the Greek Agape Love i.e. Same Gender Sexuality." In referring to Genesis 2 I would like to read This KZbin Community's response to the following: What Biblical reasoning is there to maybe illuminate the seemingly accidental creation of the Man With A Womb i.e. woMAN? By going through Genesis 2 one will read that YHWH state that MAN's creation is not to be alone, so YHWH decide to create a being that eventually would be his i.e. the MAN's Wife. But what di YHWH proceed to create Non-Humans out of which the MAN supposed to find future Wife. But for some Biblically not given REASON, the MAN did not find a future Wife to be amongst the NON-Human created beings. This by itself generate a second question Was YHWH in this instance on the road to instituting beastiality?
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
Who was the mysterious young naked man who was following Jesus and managed to escape when they arrested Jesus and tried to apprehend him?
@willnjohmandengue3006 10 жыл бұрын
Wow... Powerful
@essence1771 10 жыл бұрын
People this is Positive Education on how we are to stand true and strong in the face of the opposers of God. People like dutchYVA need prayer, but by no means argue with folks such as those - all they can do is use a bunch of colorful adjectives and spew nasty comments. Pray for the person, but stand your ground, be encouraged in Christ!!! Stand firm, continue to be Salty and BOLD and always pray & fast and ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit power to minister to others and to cover you in His presure balood. The powers of darkness are NO MATCH for the Holy Power, Righteous light of God Almighty!!! Everyone - Keep your eyes on the cross
@geralddixson214 7 жыл бұрын
Tell it like it is Pastor Baucham.
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Pastor Bauchman. Tell it like it is. Explain why slavery is just fine because the Bible says it is OK to own other humans as your property.
@dreyko166 4 жыл бұрын
C Nault indentured servitude.
@jubal76 9 жыл бұрын
Eye opening Radio Interview...like Transformers: There's "more than meets the eye"!
@brandonwoodson9348 6 жыл бұрын
Ex Ministries brought me here.
@rorschach162 8 жыл бұрын
Even "average Joes"that have no power or status and believe in God's word have to speak up and not be afraid. Threats have been made since Genesis 19.
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
How many slaves do you own? If you have none, why not? The Bible says it is OK.
@rorschach162 4 жыл бұрын
You're too vague. Give me your scriptures and keep them in their context.
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
@@rorschach162 Keep them in their context? In what context do you think it would be moral to own another human being as your property?
@rorschach162 4 жыл бұрын
@@cnault3244 Weak answer.
@cnault3244 4 жыл бұрын
@@rorschach162 Weak answer to what? Try to post an entire sentence next time.
@cruzan8183 8 жыл бұрын
This man is a good speaker but I disagree with him. The ,"homosexual agenda," is not what is killing the family. The biggest threat to the family is heterosexual men who do not take their vows seriously or twist and distort the bible in such a way as to make their marriages unbearable. I see this all the time in church.
@kevinboone2178 8 жыл бұрын
+Licarol Jones Hush, LJ. AIDS: You want percentages? It's too high for Black gay and straight folks. You want percentages: It's too high in straights folks in much of Africa. What's your point --- and why should we care? Human beings are not the sum of their diseases. A nasty, ignorant cuss with "no game" defines you. Sit down.
@Riverification 9 жыл бұрын
all this reminds makes me think of the mad hatter's tea party..........
@RonXP11 9 жыл бұрын
Many have left this sin behind and turned to Christ and others have died in their sin.
@deezignbydeeandartflow5192 9 жыл бұрын
@rodrickadams5639 6 жыл бұрын
I keep coming to a part of the scriptures that talks about effeminate being sinful like homosexual I've seen warnings about adding to the word and taking away from it and that it's wrong to do all the various " interpretations" worry me are we being lead away from the truth am I misunderstanding what effeminate means I'm under the impression that it's not being " manly " or a soft spoken person acting like a girl in voice and mannerisms but in the man's heart what if he's heterosexual and true to his wife and following the laws of God but outwardly he seems gay I'm concerned about the changes in are bible I've been given a drug for my cancer treatment that takes out all my testosterone and it's making me more women like I don't have any gay feelings towards men but some could wonder about my open emotional responses to the sad things in are society of today could I be considered immoral in the church's eyes I'm not trying to cause doubt in others minds I have no doubt in my own I worry about those that are effeminate and how they could be judged oh how we need the spirits input in these matters more than the writing of man's interpretation and revised additions to the word of God please pray on this thank you for listening I praise the Father and are Lord Jesus Christ and the HOLY SPIRIT to help guide us Amen
@natashajovin4363 10 жыл бұрын
Pastor Voddie, I watched your love and marriage series and i respect you and your heart for family and Gods biblical picture of that. however on this subject i believe that the church has missed the point, we are called to be a picture of Gods love. Jesus loved and spoke life into those that where in sin, outcasts, prostitutes and the like. Lets stop arguing and start loving. build relationships, then gain that credibility to speak truth in their life. i hate cliches, but hate the sin, not the sinner.... Jesus was a radical man, lets stop being pharisees playing the blame game, i'm more righteous than you..being all high and mighty and start being an example of Jesus.... building relationship first, that then opens a door to share truth. We all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. We should be the forerunner in LOVE, not judgement.
@imbatman3620 4 жыл бұрын
REVELATION 19:21 He himself (The Lion of the tribe of Judah)will tread the winepress of ALMIGHTY God's wrath and Fierceness against the wicked!🗡🛡✝️✡⚡🦁
@donaldewert2402 4 жыл бұрын
@claudiabailey5302 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry you didn’t just think this you typed it. My gosh
@froggybug 4 жыл бұрын
How often does that NOT occur? You raised the question you’re responsible for providing verifiable statistics
@donaldewert2402 4 жыл бұрын
@@froggybug I'm just tired if self rightous people be they preachers or whoever. My God Loves everybody and understands everybody. I have a Personal Relationship with God. Besides I never said he was gay I pointed out the Fact that many are gay and really are self hating!!
@UMANEDAKIDD19 10 жыл бұрын
@Payton20ADZ 4 жыл бұрын
Dear lord protect me from your followers like Janet Medford
@benjjrgraham6842 10 жыл бұрын
@christopherscheiber1439 2 жыл бұрын
The description of homosexuality as a lifestyle is a blatent oversimplification of human sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular. The purpose of this indoctrination of the collective societal psyche is paramount to the self validating delusion of heterosexuality possessing moral validity. The reason that we never hear the term " heterosexual lifestyle " is because such catogorazion is not needed in order to subconciously justify contempt and hatred through subjective comparison. The entire gay rights movement began as a counter protest to the dehumanizing way that homosexuals were being treated by Christians seeking to selfishly humanize themselves through the stone of subjective comparison.
@leeduon8012 8 жыл бұрын
Oh no, you've been "victimized" because you...walked into a shop and there were LGBT people there. Not bothering you. What a travesty.
@xYondaimexJD 8 жыл бұрын
We'd like to be your friend, but in order to do so you must change your values to fit ours specifically, you must admit that being physically attracted and wanting to have an intimate relationship with them should be a social norm. If you don't, then you are a bigot. In the meantime, we'll spread our propaganda to make romantic relationships with children a social norm all over the airwaves. You've got to accept the way we are because we were designed this way. See what I did there? What about the bakers in Oregon who were sued by a gay couple because they wouldn't bake a cake for them? Where were their rights when the gay couple targeted their heterosexual bakery when there were tons of others around? Where are our rights to believe that marriage should be between a man and woman? Oh right, it's stumped on, spat on, and grinded down the garbage disposal because 3% of the population felt the need to compel the rest of the nation that their cherished beliefs are rubbish and that the LBGT definition is the real and true one. This isn't a minor inconvenience. This is an assault on our senses on what is morally and for 80% of the world, religiously, wrong, AND 100% physiologically and anatomically WRONG.
@cbs4033 8 жыл бұрын
what about death threats for simply speaking on what he believes?
@leeduon8012 8 жыл бұрын
+xYondaimexJD Who said anything about wanting to be your friend? You should be entitled to marry the consenting adult of your choice without interference by others. Children can't consent; if you don't believe that the state has a vested interest in preventing people of different races from marrying just because that offends some people's deep-seated religious principles, gay marriage operates by the same principle. That it bothers others is not enough to prevent the couple from their own pursuit of happiness.
@xYondaimexJD 8 жыл бұрын
+Lee Duon funny you are exactly the type of person that would condemn underage marriage of other countries such as the mideast or certain cultures. and yet you bring up consent here. shouldnt it be only about love as you lgbt hypocrites so love to say?
@leeduon8012 8 жыл бұрын
+xYondaimexJD Love is predicated on consent. Marriage, as a legal contract, most definitely is predicated on consent.
@aleathatipton5792 10 жыл бұрын
Homosexuality is one thing and Civil Rights is another. The new black??? Your position is what keeps so many people away from religion and going to church. No one really questions what the scriptures say about homosexuality. What it seems that you are doing is building a bigger gap amongst people, just like a bigot would do. Another thing, A.I.D.S. is not just spread by sex. Where have you been? There are so many other worthy causes to spend your time on.
@infoguy1978 10 жыл бұрын
you can keep on using words like bigot all day to try and silence dissent but some bigotry is good. I am bigoted against ridiculous behavior.
@ArianaGlove 9 жыл бұрын
this is all bullshit im actually laughing, yall are great comedians though
@azbugman1 8 жыл бұрын
+Priscilla Tapia For all the pro homosexual folks that would like to change God, His Word, his attributes etc...A small illustration if you will: whittle, whittle, whittle...Oh Hi, I didn't see you there. I was just whittling on some old wood creating an idol I'll call god. I have created this god of my own choosing with the attributes I like most, and think he should have. Please don't bother me with the real God, his attributes and all he has to say, It just interferes with my creative work....There, I'm not exactly done yet, But Isn't it groovy, this cool god I created, and I can change it like a Mr. Potato head anytime I want to suit my specific needs at any given moment. Well, I'm sorry I have go worship it now. Bye bye
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