The battle against climate change by Paul Kingsnorth - Docu

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Humanity has lost the battle against climate change. That is what Paul Kingsnorth thinks. The former environmental activist believes that we can´t stop climate change anymore. How should we live on knowing that climate change is a fact that can´t be denied anymore? A documentary that gives thinker and writer Paul Kingsnorth the time to explain how humanity still can be hopeful although the battle against climate change in his eyes has been lost.
Former environmental activist and writer Paul Kingsnorth has withdrawn to Ireland on a unspoilt part of the earth. You could say that he lives now at the end of the world. A portrait of an end-time thinker who nevertheless does not give up hope and continues to believe in the power of nature.
Thinker and writer Paul Kingsnorth stood early on the barricades as a conservationist. He resisted the insatiable hunger of the globalized world for more land, resources and things in England and on the other side of the world in Papa New Guinea. Kingsnorth was one of the leaders of the environmental movement and reached a large international audience with its passionate speeches. But at some point, he came to terms that he had to revisit his belief that humanity could save the world.
In his bundled essays "Confessions of a recovering environmentalist" (2017) he describes how some weak-kneed accountants of this world hollowed out the green movement from the inside and exchanged the barricades for ties and conference tables. Limiting CO2 emissions became the new gospel because it was measurable and countable. But according to Kingsnorth, that is an illusion. He thinks that in his victory rush, the green movement of today exchanges the remaining wild nature for a wind or solar panel farm. The battle is lost.
Kingsnorth withdrew with his family to the Irish countryside to live self-sufficient. He founded the "Dark Mountain Project" in which writers, poets and artists are looking for a different view of the end of the world, based on the connection between man and nature. He exchanged his clenched fist and protesting voice for an inner, literary search for the question of what makes us human and what our place is on this magical planet.
Original titel: De aarde draait door
Originally broadcasted by VPRO in 2018.
© VPRO Backlight December 2018
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Director: Tomas Kaan
Research: Henneke Hagen
Camera: Gregg Telussa
Sound: Benny Jansen
Edit: Sonja ten Boom
Pictures research: Nina Huisman
Online Editor: Erik van den Berg
Production: Marie Schutgens
Commissioning Ediotrs: Marije Meerman, Doke Romeijn
English, French and Spanish subtitles: Ericsson.
French and Spanish subtitles are co-funded by European Union.

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@vprodocumentary 4 жыл бұрын
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@joeknightus8827 2 жыл бұрын
The world will do just fine after it rids itself of these cancerous humans once and for all!
@johngibson4882 4 жыл бұрын
His remarks on how sustainability has basically been bought, rebranded as a product and sold back to us is spot on. Otherwise known as green washing. I feel the same way.
@dinnerwithfranklin2451 5 жыл бұрын
This is my introduction to Mr Kingsnorth. I'm really impressed and have to admit that I find my own sense of the world resonating with what he says.
@ssiddarth 5 жыл бұрын
Enlightening documentary & it would be a boon to have such parents who are so knowledgeable & can teach you so much about the nature of reality. “The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
@vprodocumentary 5 жыл бұрын
Enigma thank you so much!
@bobbyhuston2479 3 жыл бұрын
I remember Mahatma Gandi⚡🕵👍.
@linmal2242 2 жыл бұрын
The world will NOT have enough for everyones need in future when the population doubles !
@pereraddison932 2 жыл бұрын
@@linmal2242 ... Well, that came and is currently wenting, with some lamenting an actual sharp population decline. Look forward to more stagflation, and prepare the best you know how. This, too, will pass, to be seen as just another blip ...
@Cinetterose 5 жыл бұрын
I'd like to live off the grid and grow my own food, surrounded by nature, animals, clean air, water and get away from this awful toxic life. I can't do it alone.
@kaigogolin515 5 жыл бұрын
7 billion People doing this and nature is doomed.... You will create another kind of Elite which is fortunate enough to have the possibility to live on/from the land. This will be only possible if enough people live in cities so that a few people can live on/from the land.
@dcyphyr 3 жыл бұрын
@@kaigogolin515 Nah, most people will die trying. Self correcting problem.
@AlexandreLollini 5 жыл бұрын
I like the education he gives to his children. I like the education I get from watching this video. Despair serves no purpose. Nothing there is incompatible with activism and action to battle climate change and prepare for the inevitable defeat.
@remicaron3191 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this guy. Finally someone how understands that the problem is our consumption not how we consume. We are already dead like all other intelligent life in the universe we will soon be gone and the next intelligence in the UNIVERSE can start wondering where everyone is, and why they aren't seeing them as they destroy their world trying to find themselves. It was fun but we never grew up.
@dianalyman5950 4 жыл бұрын
He mentioned that we have NOT BEEN domesticated. I beg to differ, WE domesticated ourselves, we are genetically modifying ourselves as a species to NOT be able to live within our natural environment. You could look at it as "collective laziness" because living in harmony with it is hard work.
@glenndaniel615 5 жыл бұрын
Sometimes looking at all this information about climate change and environmental destruction can be a real bummer. This film is the most uplifting and joyful perspective on the topic that I have ever seen. Thank you's to The Kingsnorth Family, you're truly an inspiration
@Catajbr 5 жыл бұрын
Holy crap! lol
@mrweasel 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I feel like I understand Paul a lot better from this. I don't agree with everything he says here, but we are definitely on the same side and I respect the path he has taken.
@RomainJouandeau 5 жыл бұрын
Very inspiring, letting go is hard but probably the only healthy way to go...
@Patrick-jj5nh 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful film. Thank you.
@lenilenape 2 жыл бұрын
Consumerism is what has "got" us into the situation we are in. "The best things in life are not things."
@jellavanberkum8096 5 жыл бұрын
Paul, thanks for your insights! Your wisdom is really helpfull. Enjoyed watching this video.
@allmendoubt4784 5 жыл бұрын
No car refuse to drive, no holidays, live in an agricultural uni in the developing world these days. I berate myself for using an ac unit, this computer and a fridge. Environmental movement was very strong in the early 90's, I gave up society for a tent in protests and conservation back then, lost it when I had kids (there's the grab, that's how we're enslaved by our societies, I took their jobs and credit); free debt and the tech boom boosted everyone's consumption outrageously thereafter, slowly, unawares we've all been made to succumb. Then again we were worried the message would never get out there widely enough. It has, and therefore there is hope. Hope is all that life means. Note to ourselves.? Just push back, consume as little as you can, partake in the hype as little as possible. It is a war against a weak minded elite, the battle is against distraction. Eat wisely but well, talk to people, and walk everywhere; use respect and love as a weapon and beware of your comforts, even your soap. If you don't buy their shite they won't stay in power. energy is also vital for life there is nothing wrong with the compromise of non fossil fuel resources including nuclear to offset the looming catastrophe of carbon release. Really though there is a central tenet to respecting the world, a taoist philosophy of 2 days walk in any direction, live within that as far as possible and you can have a clear conscience. Now it is time I commit to not using this tech unless it is at work studying and teaching, or revising music. Don't ever give up and never be cynical, like this Oxbridge fool. I suppose I don't really need a fridge, hmmm.
@mollytherealdeal 5 жыл бұрын
My opinion on global warming has evolved. I talked to weather scientists from World War 2 who wanted more evidence before they would believe it would be a crisis. James Lovelock, a brilliant chemist who was my role model, said he believed we could muddle through it. Then he changed his mind, and warned about a catastrophe that it was too late to stop. Yes, now I believe global warming is a serious problem. Kingsnorth is right about that. My objection is that he has an environmental puritanism. My ancestors were farmers. I was born in a farm village in the Third World. Farm life is hard. I feel so much gratitude to modern technology, to life in a suburb. He feels disgust with city life. The billions in the Third World aspire to the American Dream, and will burn coal, oil, and gas to get it. If some genius can invent a cheaper power source that is sustainable, they would use that instead. He wishes that the human would want to return to a past he and other activists romanticize. Elon Musk is a problematic individual, but I like his vision of a modern life with a sustainable futuristic green technology. Kingsnorth hates that idea because he wants all of us to embrace "Nature". Nature is sublime, but deadly. A natural life means dying of small pox, getting eaten by bears, a desperate drudgery leading to an early death in the 20s. Aritificiality could be a good thing in some situations. Trump is exploiting partisan hatred, to rely on people not asking questions, to reject facts, to get elected and stay in power. We, the human race, need to find a way to talk to people we disagree with, to make a deal, to solve problems. Climate change is something we can handle through political cooperation and technological innovation. I disagree with Kingsnorth.
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
I disagree with you, based on the simple fact that we do not talk to people we disagree with, we kill those people. Have you not studied human history?
@dontoews6754 5 жыл бұрын
our ancestors did not think about population overgrowth, and now with 7.6 B people we can't just stop this maddness of infinite growth on a finite planet
@stevehain9572 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, most western populations are decreasing. As more development occurs elsewhere the world population will stabilise at circa 10 billion (allowing for longevity). We will do just fine so long as we farm intelligently.
@greysilverback3924 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting documentary! Thanks for sharing. Justifying ones needs is the hardest part.
@goddog47 5 жыл бұрын
Overpopulation MUST be taken seriously if we are to avoid biosphere extinction.....Religion has a stranglehold on that one, so it looks like biosphere extinction is the answer.
@johanneskingma 3 жыл бұрын
14:20 "Climate change is an enourmous accident that's happened to us that we've just create by living in a certain way and we've now got to a point where we don't know how to get out of it"
@richardnailhistorical3445 5 жыл бұрын
I think this boy is onto something here - he's got the right mindset and if the rest of the world would think like him I think some serious change could occur.. This man has 'respect' for nature which is absent in most of humanity. He should be the model the rest of humanity can emulate. Keep up good work Paul, you've evolved but rest of world is still living in Stone Age.
@luckyone7878 5 жыл бұрын
Since the world cant be saved .... PLEASE HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE!!!!
@nthperson 4 жыл бұрын
The fires raging across Australia are just one of the many disasters occurring with increasing frequency and intensity around the globe. Is human activity the primary cause? Or, a secondary cause? That does not really matter. Climate is becoming less and less stable and less and less predictable. It must be understood that billions of years were required for the earth's atmosphere to evolve to conditions that would support life. This delicate balance has been upset. We are now experiencing events that could soon be the new normal. Many changes in how we behave and live will be required if life is to continue on this planet. Right now, what is needed is remedial action to at least mitigate the dual problems of rising sea levels and drought. One action we need to take is to begin to dig canals that will allow the rising water to drain inland to regions where there is no or minimal population. We might remember that in the earth's distant past many of the dry regions were covered with water. The creation of huge inland seas would also change weather, as evaporation generates rainfall. The United Nations is encouraged to prioritize setting up an international conference to obtain the best scientific and technological advice on how to start this process. The cost will be huge, of course. However, the cost of doing nothing or proceeding as is now the case by responding to each disaster as it occurs will be exponentially greater.
@snkaron708 4 жыл бұрын
May god bless this man
@ArthursHD 5 жыл бұрын
If/when we get to harsh outcome we will self regulate either by starvation, unrest or carefull planning negotiations cutting down on resources for luxuries. Sooner we collectively address theses issues that easier it will be for as and our children. We indeed have a religion that is mainly economics. Problem with economics is that we don't think how to make over all benefit greater, but rather for our own personal benefit trough marketing and other means. Speaking of technological solutions. Central heating actually in cities makes less particle pollution than that firewood stove. There are a lot of solutions minimize our use of resources an pollution but will we use them?
@user-ej3jy6eg6h 5 жыл бұрын
The new equations for sustainability will require the human element to be tamed. Social engineering and probably bio-mechanical engineering will be the only way to maintain the system.
@xchopp 5 жыл бұрын
No. I disagree strongly with his thesis that renewables (wind, solar) are not enough. They are a necessary but not sufficient condition, along with efficiencies, nuclear power, and -- yes -- scaling back on some things. He shows us a terrestrial wind farm but doesn't even mention offshore wind. So _he_ can't save the world? Nice that he can afford to move his family to the Irish countryside -- but for the rest of us, that is not a solution (and it wouldn't be for climate if we all did this: it's very inefficient compared to a machine called a "city"). Fatalism and putting down the scaling up of renewables is hardly what we need right now: we need more of the kind of thing Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg are doing, plus everyone else who is working to promote large-scale conversion of electricity production to clean alternatives. And btw, some technologies can provide practical solutions (not geo-engineering, not free air carbon capture, not fusion: too dangerous, too little, and too late, respectively). Li-ion batteries and super-efficient LEDs come to mind. This guy has moved to despair prematurely.
@treesagreen4191 5 жыл бұрын
xchopp I disagree with you. We need to get to grips with the excesses of our unnecessary way of life. Our energy needs are far beyond what they were a decade ago. We need to reduce it to what it was 50 years ago at least. Because our personal energy use encompasses all of the technology we buy, all the plastic wrapping on the food we buy, all the oil going into food production. He isn't in despair he's being realistic. Speak to anyone in XR and really listen to what Greta Thunberg says and you will find they are probably more desperate than he is, more in grief and mourning than he is.
@marktwain1242 5 жыл бұрын
Nuclear power is insanity! Humans have no right to pollute the planet. Your not the only life form on the planet. What right do you have to destroy life to support your way of living?
@omeemo7003 5 жыл бұрын
@mellonman9299 5 жыл бұрын
And he has children... Overpopulation is the problem.
@-sabelmousse-2246 5 жыл бұрын
true about trees.
@newrisingsun6785 5 жыл бұрын
Scratch a green find a fascist
@bongodave13 5 жыл бұрын
And another loon!
@nolslifegren 5 жыл бұрын
Kingsnorth was always something of an eco loon . He'd soon embrace the society around him if he needed to call an ambulance for one of his kids ...
@jackgray3267 5 жыл бұрын
@@nolslifegren He admitted that he was part of the problem you clueless moron...
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
You don't know the meaning of the word "fascist"
@AlexandreLollini 5 жыл бұрын
If you want not that thing, then the thing is not missing. If you want something positive then you will go there. Modifying what we want is key here. If we don't change we won't adapt. Because anyhow you turn it, the trajectory must change. Comparing now to tomorrow is pointless. You can not go the way of removing all that is bad from the present trajectory, the new trajectory need to be completely new. Using past/present knowledge, but doing all differently. Change the definition of progress so that keeping a good habitat going on the Earth takes precedence and is included in that definition of progress.
@spex357 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't see any Bee hives Paul, will you be contemplating some in the future? as skills go it could be a life saver in the future.
@dougg1075 5 жыл бұрын
People know what it takes to eat healthy and not get fat... yet we are getting fatter. The planet will shrug us off in the end and be more beautiful than ever.
@koont666 5 жыл бұрын
If we could only all live like them!
@palika9369 5 жыл бұрын
Completely beautiful AND only privileged people can "leave" society to any degree and buy a small property mortgage free.
@falseprogress Жыл бұрын
There are still people who claim wind turbines are basically silent, as this video easily debunks. And you can't hear the insidious infrasound component here. The noise often manifests far away from the actual turbines, projected outward.
@kilbridemeredith8742 4 жыл бұрын
Depressing? The only person- regardless of situations and circumstances- that can depress you is yourself. Accepting and realistic consideration merged with either an opportunitist attitude, even if optimism means only only last delicious meal, or a pragmatic attitude for the perhaps physical driven person. Or whatever gets it done for each individual. Fear- same, what a person does with it or tempers with it is what counts. Plus, why do we villanize perfectly applicable appropriate human feeling and emotions? Most emotives are transitory or take different priorities when stacked together anyway! They are partly there to provide proportion and wise judgement and are evolutionarily proven to shade and tint issues so the appropriate proprietary proportional response- rather than reaction- can be thought through and then implemented in a complete reciprocal way. Aside from that perspective, if taken, is: What is the difference between a relatively sustainable population or overshoot? Same amount of sentient souls in agragate really. Our company or companions on this globe should be a definite if not definitive priority at this moment. The other creatures need a bill of rights or further consideration or something. Now? I like mitigation- not shut down. First: We were absolutely born _captive_ into this set of living arrangements. Name calling has never helped beyond reflection followed by improvement, ad hominiums are at the core logical fallicies and labels are often attached by psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists that can only "think" in black and white- the shades of grey utterly unsolvable by these odd creatures. Second: Simply doing away with the extraneous and unnecessary in achievable steps in attainable goals. Today do away with those big plastic pools that really waste a bit of water and simply degrade and chip away anyway. That's all. Start on that. Repurpose the plants and retrain the staff. Take your time- after all beginnings and first steps must be carefully taken and it would be significant in being the first mitigation taken in the past thirty years. Dire mitigation could be to consider: The ~450 nuclear plants, the ~1,600 nuclear storage facilities, the ~14,000 nuclear weapons and the ~124,000 toxic waste sites could be a start. Not take immediate action, consider what could be done with our time and resources budget. If the budget proves way too small, perhaps a moral effort, like moving sanctuary areas away from plants, plants that are actually needed at this juncture. We absolutely know we need to keep burning coal, besides the obvious, we have to keep up the particulate masking effect. Finally, let's see what happens. What evolves. Here comes the faith lecture: (You knew it was coming!) My faith centers on what is. Where did we come from or who ruined that or this and that is irrelevant on the face of it. We place ourselves accepting and in scholarship to everything and everyone in one place to stand based on: Emergence. We learn logic, humanity, science and accepting to follow our one "commandment": Consideration. Both above are the same once one thinks about it. Past, present and future are really all now in the abstract. My faith requires no mumbo jumbo or myth based nonsense to live our lives. First: My faith gives appropriately. Rather than make up rote rules for a variable subjective place, rather know humanity is embedded with morals and values, proprietary and appropriateness. That immediately dismisses thick tombs right off the bat. That got 230,000 of us murdered right off the bat by a Popel Bull in the middle ages. Yet I dare bring it up now.
@victorjcano 2 жыл бұрын
Pogo the 'possum's quote in the poster Kelly designed to help promote environmental awareness and publicize the first annual observance of Earth Day, held on April 22, : “WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS US.”
@karpenter. 3 жыл бұрын
Did I hear the word "overpopulation"? What is the reason for the overpollution (climate change)? Overfishing? Overmining? Overconsumption?... Overpopulation? Oh, nooo... It is taboo. Don't talk about it.
@eskii2 5 жыл бұрын
The last thing we owe to ourselves is to atleast try VERY HARD. This defeatism is just a bad excuse for not trying. Massive disrespect.
@karkasnatschka5779 4 жыл бұрын
Agree with his stance, but...Paul, drop the car...I'm 40, never even had a single thought about owning a car, for it simply is not is a luxury...
@liamtaylor4955 2 жыл бұрын
I fear western Ireland will be cold AF when the AMOC stops. :(
@BRaff-hl4ip 5 жыл бұрын
I am so glad you said it, Paganism is my religion.
@marklimbrick 5 жыл бұрын
After watching this I am re-reading Henry Williamson's 'The Peregrine Saga and other Wild Stories'. That's the same guy who later wrote articles for Mosley's fascist newsletter by the way. At 10:20, Paul states 'learning where you are in the web of life is a big deal, actually' The natural environment he revels in, it was deforested by people 12,000 years ago. Windmills are beautiful, in their own way. One can sit and observe nature going about it's business amongst them. Birds do not fly into them, anymore than they fly into swaying tree branches. Observe, as you keep saying. Of course, if you don't really like people...have spent most of your adult life running around shouting 'fire,fire!', think it's justifiable to live off the benefits of us environmentalists who provide you with a car and electricity and still live in the real complicated adult world, subjugate your wife into the role of 'mother teacher', in spite of the obvious signs it takes more than a 'scientific background' to take on this role and ask 'open' questions, not indoctrinate but nurture...maybe your children need to mix with diversity in a community.. Learning where you are in the web of life is a big deal, actually. If Paul is the 'brains' of the best of us, and still couldn't find the willpower, motivation or intellectual resources and acquire the needed skills and craft, if not having the innate human trait of leaders to be charismatic enough to generate a mass change in mankind to live with nature in harmony, even with all the exposure and opportunities he has had in the media, then we maybe will and should become minor parts of that web once more.
@UPCSE 5 жыл бұрын
You gave me Paul Kingsnorth and with him a sense of relief from self-imposed burden of changing the world.. Sober and deep thinking for peace of mind so needed right now. Indeed it's about our collective transformation with love and humbleness, where everyone plays a part. Thank you for a beautiful thoughtful story.
@reinerwilhelms-tricarico344 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't know this guy before this. He can really express what I often felt but couldn't put well enough in words. Now I love this guy and his beautiful family.
@smkh2890 3 жыл бұрын
" He exchanged his clenched fist and protesting voice for an inner, literary search for the question of what makes us human and what our place is on this magical planet." I can relate: '60s environmentalism didn't seem to go anywhere,
@Wallafaza 4 жыл бұрын
Great documentary, thank you. It boiled down so many of my similar perspectives and thoughts in a cohesive way. Hearing someone speaking so calmly about what some would discard as extreme cynicism really lets me breathe for a moment.
@funkymaniak 5 жыл бұрын
Whilst I admire the kind of Stoic peace this guy has found, this film is not about climate change. The point he is making is a philosophical one about what 'progress' should mean to humanity.
@LordSantiagor 5 жыл бұрын
Our economic progress is such that abject poverty has been cut in half in under 15 years. We can do a better job of understanding and caring for our ecosystem for sure, but don't underestimate the power of economic progress.
@chevytothelevy101 5 жыл бұрын
I think his philosophy is central toward countering climate change. Moving toward renewables is only part of the answer. Without a cultural shift, things will not change significantly.
@LordSantiagor 5 жыл бұрын
@@chevytothelevy101 I'd trust technology more than cultural or political change to solve climate change.
@DxV04 5 жыл бұрын
@@chevytothelevy101 but his premise is wrong. There is no danger from climate change, since climate has never nor will never be static enough to allow humans to live and expand comfortably. This erroneous thinking has given raise to the horrific and unatural wind and solar farms that also cause plenty of destruction to the environment. People who believe such things as having to fight climate in order to "save" the environment are chasing their own tail.
@funkymaniak 5 жыл бұрын
@@chevytothelevy101 I agree that effective climate action requires cultural changes. We over-consume and have to change that. Valuing nature more in its own right would also be beneficial. The world view Kingsnorth presents seems to go further than that though. He seems to put a low value on human productivity. I for one am glad for agriculture, electricity, education and flush toilets, and the productivity gains that come along with them.
@UKtoUSABrit 5 жыл бұрын
I'd never heard of Kingsworth before. Expected that his views would aggravate me. However, I had the opposite reaction. Very cool, intelligent, rational guy - with some VERY interesting perspectives on life and the planet. Very thought-provoking.
@stephenverchinski409 5 жыл бұрын
Greens are like that.
@EuroUser1 4 жыл бұрын
Willingly or naively, this man is a puppet of the fossil fuel industry. By 2018, many countries were already running with 30+% of renewable electricity. Why does he say, around 3:25, that there's no way we can provide enough renewables? As Al Gore pointed out many years ago, the fossil fuel industry tries to conveys three contradictory messages, to foster confusion and let the listener pick and choose: 1- Climate change is not happening. 2- Climate change is happening, but not man-made. 3- Climate change is happening and man-made, but already impossible to curb. All 3 statements are lied. Climate change is real and man-made. But we can still stop the more serious consequences of it. We need to act quickly and decisively in the next decade. And we should be planting the foundations of said actions right now.
@bobbyhuston2479 3 жыл бұрын
Mr Kingsworth the 🌐needs more of your kind🤞🤙👍 Okay👏!
@grimgrimey 3 жыл бұрын
@@EuroUser1 sorry buddy but if you have read the latest IPCC report and I read through it to find even a morsel of hope... There is none.
@EuroUser1 3 жыл бұрын
@@grimgrimey. Honestly, I haven't read the report. I believed the news reporting that there's still room for manoeuvrer, even if large damage is already inevitable. If you could point out to me where the report says that there is no hope - and, more to the point, that there was neither in April 2019 - I'm ready to reconsider my position. Otherwise, you're merely giving your personal opinion; no matter how thoroughly you've read the report.
@WhatsYourHzFrequency 5 жыл бұрын
A sincere testimony. The spirituality lies in the interconnectedness with all living forms.
@Catajbr 5 жыл бұрын
@3000_d_bomb 5 жыл бұрын
Reading some of the comments here..... Doesn't seem like some of you guys got this at all
@mickgatz214 5 жыл бұрын
No stupid questions, Just stupid people. :)
@jeremycassidy3796 5 жыл бұрын
Many people seem to just comment on the title of the video. Which for me doesn't represent the video!
@100mphFastball 5 жыл бұрын
Guilty parties in denial using deflection.
@devonseamoor 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly, it's proof of how climate change has turned into a religion to some and how it's perceived as total nonsense by others, ridiculing it, due to the presence of that fanatism. Climate change, how it's sold to us, is a false presentation of causes that are found based on data that are misinterpreted and copied by numerous scientists who don't dare to express a different opinion. For they risk losing their job and reputation. What's there to "get"? Make up your own mind, planet Earth has already done that and she's a living organism, warming up towards a new expression of her original old Self. The entire Solar System is changing, it's a natural cycle where we're all approaching the finale of human life in 3D. Got it?
@eatchabeans8363 5 жыл бұрын
Enlighten us
@urtemor992 5 жыл бұрын
nice to see a person who has arrived through learning and observing to an almost the same philosophical end point as I have. This is not a very common point of view
@fredk3859 2 жыл бұрын
I think that Paul Kingsnorth is sincere and has some interesting insights, more about culture than environment. But he talks about having enough land to feed himself and his family, which is quite a significant amount. The world doesn't have enough space for over 7 billion people to live the way he does. If it wasn't for developed civilization he would be defending "his land" from endless gangs wanting to take it for themselves ... and he would starve to death if he ever had a year of bad weather. Constantly living on the edge of starvation is our true natural way of being in nature ... not the pretend paradise he's living in.
@DenianArcoleo 5 жыл бұрын
24.54 -'' it's not a technological problem, it's a cultural and spiritual problem.'' Of course that is so. Veneration for the planet from which we spring is missing from our culture and has been missing for a very very long time.
@Elite7555 5 жыл бұрын
Really makes this idea that the roman empire perished because of decadence rather plausible. Of course, if a civilization thinks that it were invulnerable and could not be harmed by famine or desease then it will some day suffer famine and desease. Most people don't see that threat because they aren't doctors or farmers. They delegate those problems and think it were just fine.
@rnunezc.4575 5 жыл бұрын
We don't have any relationship with the earth with this planet as an organism alive which begot us...! Materialistic religion and education spoiled us all...
@davidbeaulieu4815 5 жыл бұрын
I'd say mostly it's a population and capitalism problem.
@olli-pekkalindgren4032 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's a great idea to burn wood to heat our houses but that only works if we are something like half a billion people in the world. There is not enough wood or land to grow the trees for everybody. Our biggest problem is overpopulation.
@gregpoirier1779 5 жыл бұрын
We have re-look at the idea of freedom to reproduce. We may have to adopt a Lottery System. In other words....not everyone will reproduce..... at least for a few generations. We have to clamp down on reproduction.. Even Agenda 21 will use ATTRITION.....not MURDER, to reduce population.
@Kiyarose3999 5 жыл бұрын
Olli-Pekka Lindgren Not true, if we lived a Green Lifestyle and adopted a plant based diet we could feed ourselves on 1/8 of an acre, if you add onto that another 2/8 for housing and other ‘needs’ such as hospitals etc. Then we would only be using 3/8 of the approx 1 acre there is for each person in the UK. The earth is not overpopulated by numbers, but by the lifestyles of a minority of people in wealthy ‘developed’ countries, The majority of people who live in poor countries live lightly!.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 5 жыл бұрын
Kang bed-stove masonry rocket heaters, TLUD stoves
@steve-r-collier 5 жыл бұрын
if we stopped the Elite breeding it would solve everything
@tbthomas5117 5 жыл бұрын
In fact, the vast majority of humans haven't the intellectual capacity to process the notion that they are one of 7.7-billion very similar organisms, each of which sees itself as the 'center of the known universe'. Getting to a sustainable number (whatever it might be) would be harder than you think. Our dominant economic paradigms are based almost entirely on perpetuating an 'under-class' which lives on the ragged edge of survival, 24x7, and are thus willing to accept the necessity to perform arduous and psychologically debilitating manual labor indefinitely. I would love to see the "In Our America" crowd -- you know, the social justice narcissists who believe "All People are Equal" -- faced with the necessity of sharing their equality with the many billions of unwashed, marginally educated 'peasants' who survive by snipping loose threads off their designer jeans, or slap together their microwave ovens for them. We will get to a sustainable population of humans eventually, "Mother Nature" has already put in 'the fix', its just a matter of time to see which of several 'herd thinning processes' gets triggered first.
@brianwhite9555 5 жыл бұрын
Timely video, thoughtful reflections on Paul Kingsnorth's part. Sounds like Paul has decided to grow where he is planted, but had the wisdom to plant himself and his family in an environment that is conducive for optimum growth. Everyone has to find their own peace in life, then build on it. Would like to hear from him again in the future.
@xobkcaj 4 жыл бұрын
How are you earning your money, driving around, getting your glasses and clothes made? Everything is a compromise. We have to find the best compromise.
@danielgrace7887 5 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a follow up from Paul. Sorry for being information greedy!
@chrisruss9861 5 жыл бұрын
He is right about tree planting. I have an impractical city block full of overgrown trees and as an older person I cannot bring myself to sell it and see it trashed. It is high rise for birds, spiders and even a snake so staying here buys them time.
@eatchabeans8363 5 жыл бұрын
Trees plant themselves. Unfortunately humans reproduce too
@karih9592 3 жыл бұрын
It is time to learn about the Great Waves of Change [The Great Waves of Change, Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead]
@armageddonouttahere1090 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Paul, both for this and for your book 'One no, many Yeses' which really shaped my politics and worldview. I am involved in Extinction Rebellion because the movement knows massive change is coming, that this is a spiritual crisis and that we need to have these conversations with the rest of life- or at least, begin to listen. I stopped being an activist about 11 years ago because I was also disillusioned and because I had children. But the growing crises are so great now that I have been yearning to be more active. Then Extinction Rebellion came along and my direct experiences with it have assured me that this is something worth doing. We won't 'solve' climate change, no. Slowing it down somewhat, regenerating what we've damaged, helping to wake people up to how we need to tell a different story of ourselves and how we're dependent on the web of Life... these are things I feel called to do through activism and my writing and channel. You still have important things to say, so please keep saying them.
@WonderMagician 5 жыл бұрын
Time for Fundamental Change in our perception, orientation and values
@Headwind-1 5 жыл бұрын
So tawat explain your bollocks
@henryholt1359 5 жыл бұрын
I assume like this guy you think you can buy yourself into this lie.. the truth for most we are trapped.. capitalism will prevail and the only perception that has reality and value is money.. sitting on a beach thinking you are making a difference is delusion..the trajectory is,we will grind the planet to dust and ourselves with it.
@CandidDate 5 жыл бұрын
Science is a parting gift from the Gods to humankind. We are here to use science to bring about the new world. Only logical conclusion.
@henryholt1359 5 жыл бұрын
@@CandidDate science will not change abrupt climate change..the feedbacks are increasing like a massive snowball down a hill..we who see the science, are under no illusions (such as the economist's), that geoengineering will reverse our footprint.. the greatest lie (that is not scientific) is we should reduce our emmisions to save the planet..the science says that the aresol masking effect will spike temperature within weeks if we stopped burning fossil fuels today,as particulates are keeping us cool.. enjoy it while you can.
@claudearmstrong9232 5 жыл бұрын
@@CandidDate - the fact is, people gravitate toward liars. Man-caused climate change is fabricated in the hoax that enslavement is good for the masses. It isn't good for anyone
@rukisar6312 5 жыл бұрын
1:40 This is key. I heard on another documentary that we should save "the species that help us the most" because we can't save them all now. But as long as we view nature as a resource to take from, that's what got us into this. There has to be a respect and a two way relationship - our relationship with nature can't be all about taking. What goes around comes around. We have to believe nature is worthwhile even when it is not useful to us. That plant and animal lives have value even when they have no monetary value. Otherwise, even the utilitarian parts of nature for humans will be gone eventually.
@gonzalobarros 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, it is very credible! As Paul says, the ego does not let us listen to nature. And we should not only defend nature because of climate change, but because it is respectable in itself. Let's start changing us. Y para mis amigos en español: Tal como dice Paul, el ego no nos deja escuchar la naturaleza. Y no sólo debiéramos defender la naturaleza debido al cambio climático, sino que por que en sí misma es respetable. Partamos cambiando nosotros.
@roberthicks1612 5 жыл бұрын
To be expected those that support want us to become the next Venezuela.
@richardlangley90 5 жыл бұрын
I think that respect is the key word. Our lack of respect for other living things, the air, the water...etc etc is the root problem. I don't see this as a spiritual failing I see this as simply irresponsible, shirking our responsibility as a creature that can actually appreciate the results of our decisions...the harm that we perpetrate on an indefensible world. We can reason therefore we have no excuse.
@roberthicks1612 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but to me that just sounds like more socialist claptrap. Good luck with your spiritualism, but when you try to force your beliefs on others it never works out for anyone.
@brianwhite9555 5 жыл бұрын
@@roberthicks1612, Actually, it didn't sound like anyone was "forcing" their beliefs on anyone. No one forced you to watch the video or read the comments. They were freely expressing thoughtful opinions. Obviously Paul Kingsnorth has given this a great deal of thought, and is pretty adept at expressing those thoughts. And if you think it sounded "socialist", then you really don't know what socialism is. Perhaps this calls for some homework on your part. Did you have any thoughtful reflections on the video, or were you just trolling the comments section?
@roberthicks1612 5 жыл бұрын
I wasn't referring to the video when I used the word forcing but to the guy above me. As to socialism, the entire alarmism is based on a fraud committed by people trying to create a socialist world government. I am sure there are a few people that are not part of it that get caught up in it, but all the "evidence" of man made climate change was created by socialist.
@dfs20111984 5 жыл бұрын
Seems like he has found some peace. Respect.
@Peter-nv3wu 5 жыл бұрын
Well done Paul, it takes a great deal of courage to stand up and tell the truth that the planet can not be saved, sadly no politician has the courage to speak up as you do and tell the whole truth !
@njosborne6152 5 жыл бұрын
I have decided to live on a hole in the Pacific Ocean and am learning to completely live off the grid. For electricity I’m still plugged in when in port. I’ll be investing in vertical wind generators that are quieter because they use maglev technology to supplement the solar when I’m out to sea or anchored off the islands. Unfortunately, families are no longer welcome in the Harbors of California. And “PORT’s of Call” is History. So it won’t work for him. I deal with other peoples shit. I pick up a barrel of single use plastics out of the bay every damn day. People refuse to be inconvenienced by reality. Mylar producers are the worst‼️ All politics is local.
@j.h.6633 5 жыл бұрын
Nj Osborne Thank you for doing your part to reduce the mess we humans have made. I’m ashamed to be from such a race of consumerist egocentric and apathetic peoples. Smart phones really have completed the dumbing down of humanity. But maybe there’s cause for hope. There’s a minimalist, tiny house movement growing which will lead to consumption of less stuff.
@LightSearch 5 жыл бұрын
I think the fact that he has 2 kids prevents him from seeing how quickly all this will happen.
@christinearmington 5 жыл бұрын
Alfredo Reis Deus Classic
@linmal2242 5 жыл бұрын
Well, he has reproduced himself and his wife and if everyone did this worldwide eventually the population would stabilise, but can the planet wait that long for the equilibrium. No. The planet will solve it, Gaia will adjust us like any plague that it deals with, whether it is mice or mosquitos, sooner or later.
@emmelawrence 5 жыл бұрын
He still thinks we're going to come out the other side of this.
@grimgrimey 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmelawrenceno he didn't. He has spelled it out many time that we are all fucked and has accepted that.. To just enjoy your life as best as you can as the world turns to shit.
@andyroid7339 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent documentary. It is saddening that Paul feels the "pressure" of environmentalism so greatly that he feels that he needs to withdraw, particularly at a time when society needs his skills so much. I hope that he'll realise that he is not on his own in the way he thinks (even though he feels other environmentalists have "sold out") and that now is no better time to continue to communicate his message.
@vprodocumentary 5 жыл бұрын
Googi Shite thanks! Very appreciated!
@andyroid7339 5 жыл бұрын
@@vprodocumentary You're welcome! In these times where intelligent content seems increasingly hard to come by, it's good that I've discovered such a channel. Thankyou!
@falseprogress 5 жыл бұрын
The wind power industry alone may have triggered his big shift, as it did for many like-thinkers. The zeal with which Greens defend such obvious landscape destruction is deeply disappointing. 22:35 He obviously meant fusion - or maybe that was dialect.
@elifire4147 4 жыл бұрын
His "skills" of whining like a baby? Democratic skill no doubt.
@brawndo8726 5 жыл бұрын
I've been watching this come for well over a decade. Basic study of economics shows exactly how things were destined to play out. Still crossing my fingers for the promised "global awakening"...
@duggydugg3937 5 жыл бұрын
vast majority unaware of the Godzilla in the room.... govt borrowing.! Why the hell should any Sovereign government feel the need to borrow a penny? 99% of the Nations around the world have given up their sovereignty by letting bankers buy the right to print the currency... now you know why nation-states have to sell bonds to borrow dollars or the equivalent currency... borrowing money by government has the same effect as you borrowing money to buy a house a car an education...... debt... Debt plus interest... government doesn't earn money there for tax revenue it's not enough to pay back the illicit bonds or their monthly interest payments... The swindle will eventually take down world's economies if not stopped
@bobbyhuston2479 3 жыл бұрын
@bobbyhuston2479 3 жыл бұрын
@cshipmanf1 5 жыл бұрын
Outstanding presentation. You are setting a great model for others to follow. Also, the focus on carbon only has taken the public discourse away from other serious ecological problems such as, plastic pollution, deforestation, and the injection of aerosols and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Whether the reader of this is an “Alarmist” or a “Denier”, it is becoming evident to all that climate change is real and humans have a role in it. We also can agree that we need to take personal action as well as political action to mitigate the impacts of climate change,. At this point, a carbon tax is too little and too late and will cause great suffering particularly for the most vulnerable in society. Whether it be a hot earth or a cool earth, changes in the jet streams, rainfall patterns, and the winds and ocean currents will create chaotic weather and be very damaging to global agriculture and fisheries. We already see rising food prices, even here in Mexico where so much food is grown. It is good that the IPCC Working Group II is concerned with adaptation, vulnerability, and resilience, "current and projected risks for food and nutrition security, food systems on land, in the ocean, and the food-energy-water-health nexus". We can anticipate much famine and disease ahead. It is time for us to put aside differences, join hands, and work together to create solutions, for ourselves, our families, our communities, and humanity as a whole. Planting a tree or a little vegetable garden are small things that any of us can do, even in an urban environment, and collectively add up to improved sustainability at a community level. At a larger level, “Restoration Agriculture” and “Permaculture”, as well as indoor, vertical farming on an industrial scale.n
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
Powered by pure hopium.
@spudwesth 5 жыл бұрын
Prepare for the coming Ice Age.
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
Ice age? What planet are you on, the flat Earth?
@stevehain9572 5 жыл бұрын
In fairness the next ice age is some way off (like 1,000 years), but it makes sense to be prepared. Maybe we should save some of that fossil fuel for later to keep warm. 🤔
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevehain9572 Like, leave it in the ground? Yeah, right, like that's ever going to happen.
@gbuz5789 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevehain9572 There is some evidence to support cooler temperatures in the coming decades. There was a mini-ice-age 500 years ago. The fact is no one really knows but we do know CO2 can't change the climate, even though people lie the opposite all day long either out of greed or ignorance. In the future we will be using 90%+ nuclear fusion or hopefully nuclear fission.
@robertglass1698 5 жыл бұрын
We are currently in an ice age, just an inter-glacial period.
@Cinetterose 5 жыл бұрын
People need to stop making babies.
@Headwind-1 5 жыл бұрын
not christian ones but islamic ones
@Cinetterose 5 жыл бұрын
@@Headwind-1 Everyone, it has nothing to do with religions, it has to do with Over-Population.
@wadegielzecki8373 5 жыл бұрын
@@Cinetterose You are right! See Malthus. I would add mankind is not as advanced as our ancestors having gone through Inbred Overpopulation Syndrome since the neolithic. Record breaking IOS compared to rabbits or deer. Cheers.
@Ojo10 5 жыл бұрын
most 1st world countries are already at below replacement rate? It has to deal with consumption, you're shifting the blame.
@wadegielzecki8373 5 жыл бұрын
@@Ojo10 You know, talking like that we will never have taxes on child births. :) The consumption you speak of is in proportion to human population. Blame has nothing to do with it, unless we put people in prison for having too large a family.
@9squares 5 жыл бұрын
Fantastic! Paul is most thoughtful, his theories, beliefs, or assessments ring true, and he is an inspiration. Wonderful documentary.
@vprodocumentary 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, Tim Christensen!
@shad0wyenigma 5 жыл бұрын
I hate the defeatest attitude of some of these 'environmentalists'. If you want things to change do something! Don't just stand there saying the systems broken, people should care about the wildlife, etc. Start a business or a charity that helps conservation efforts or fights climate change. You are only as powerless as you think you are.
@stephenverchinski409 5 жыл бұрын
Help fund Ancient Tree Archives in Michigan.
@drawyrral 5 жыл бұрын
The deer is running around because all the wolves were murdered.
@AniishAu 5 жыл бұрын
Exquisite images and sounds, and beautiful ideas; congratulations. I found it particularly refreshing to hear an environmentalist speaking humbly, and even raising spirituality. I concur that there is no simple analysis and are no simple solutions, and that a fundamental mental outlook shift must occur: there is no technological salvation awaiting. I disagree that we are all to blame. Paul needs to study Big Money, and its merciless, relentless subjugation of politics, education, media, etc to bend populations to its will. Though I agree, to a certain extent we have all been complicit in this, most are ignorant, or powerless. Eventually there will be a backlash, and words will be more powerful than dollars. I trust Paul Kingsnorth's words (or his children's) will then finally have their day.
@RaisingSaintsAcademy 5 жыл бұрын
Well over 90% of life went extinct well before humankind had reached the Industrial Age. Much before modern man even ‘evolved’. Climate always is changing, the geological record proves this. We are actually coming out of a mini-ice age, and the world is getting greener, as it once was. We KNOW sea levels were once higher, as ancient ports show that very active ports are now located over a mile inland. DC in the States was swamp, as was much of NY city area. The entire center of the States was under water. Why are these facts either never questioned or even brought up!?!? Now- pollution and trash are things that do need attention, especially in the 3rd world and the countries going through their industrial revolution (like India & China)? But ever since the carbon hysteria agenda came on the scene, those things seem to have taken a backstage.
@endeavorwebs719 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video. I think he is right, spirituality is what is missing and more appreciation to the other living creatures. As far as solutions and over population, i think we have gone too far now, we can't stop what is coming, even if all of us wanted to, including our governments, however the truth is less than 5% of people really understand what is upon us... Enjoy until you can.
@MyKharli 5 жыл бұрын
3.40 wrong , just every roof space would swing it and wrong its not wild mountains being industrialised. They are already industrialised by poor forestry and farming practices .they are already deserts to what they were.
@vicentacobo9293 5 жыл бұрын
Fantastic, I share your vision, we need to broaden our consciousness and love nature. We are part of the web of life. So inspiring listening to you!
@EuroUser1 3 жыл бұрын
And around 5:00 he engages in the long-debunked poor-birds argument. Domestic cats kill many more birds than air turbines. But he doesn't seem to have any issue with domestic cats.
@JayPeaTea 5 жыл бұрын
Deep stuff. He's definitely not wrong about the state of the world/humans.
@Plainsman1300 5 жыл бұрын
The windmill is not the answer, massive quanties of energy goes into building them, moving them, and mounting them and then youhave a bird killing, noise creating, unhealthy, temporary generator with a short life, and then needing a carbon rich Disposal.
@mgammeren 5 жыл бұрын
"bird killing" yes some birds will get killed. But much less as there are birds being killed by high building, agriculture and our cats. Short life? 20+ years..
@user-ej3jy6eg6h 5 жыл бұрын
Wind farm production requires rare earth minerals and creates toxic waste. Also, they specifically threaten large birds like eagles and cranes.
@mgammeren 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-ej3jy6eg6h It is true that there are rare earth materials needed for this. But we need that too for say nuclear, that is also not for a long time in the future if every country goes for that. Also that mining if even worse. Oil drilling already has killed a lot of animals and nature around the world in the history. More birds get killed by cats and farming. Nothing we do is totally safe for the environment but these things and sun and electric cars are the less of all evils for now.
@mikebonnell3160 5 жыл бұрын
Sigh. So, once again, somebody thinks that there's just one answer, one solution. And that the solution must be their own. In reality, it's a complex (catastrophic) problem that will require a multi-faceted approach. Do we need to change our consumerist ways? Yes. Do we need to change society from one of consumption and continued growth? Yes. But, this does not mean that we ought not try to make energy production greener and more efficient. Yes, wind turbines make noise but the noise pollution is far less harmful than burning coal to produce electricity. Can we put up enough wind turbines to replace coal? I dunno. PK seems to think it's not possible. But what if we can put a sufficient amount that can greatly reduce coal's use? I dislike his approach and think that it's actually counter productive and irrealistic given the current situation. We may not be able to change things, and it may be too late. But perhaps we should not poo-poo the efforts of those that are trying to make a change.
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe we shouldn't pooh-pooh the hopium addiction to which everyone is hooked, after all, they are powerless to overcome it.
@mgammeren 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I agree with what you say. His saying about the birds getting killed is indeed sad. However it is really small percentage of how birds get killed. Cats, farming, buildings etc kill far more birds. On sea they already sea a lot of small fish living under those wind farms. There already are "solutions" that we can use but we need to have a mentality shift.
@mikebonnell3160 5 жыл бұрын
@@obsoleteoptics Here's an another way to look at things. Since none of us can prove with 100% certainty what the future holds, let's not talk/act like everything is set in stone. With this in mind, If a person is more of a Guy McPherson adherent and thinks that we have 5 years left before all life on the planet is extinguished...then that person can choose to live in a way concordant with that belief. If another person believes that perhaps with hard work, we can avert human extinction, then let that person live and work in such a way. It's not a question of poo-pooing additions to optimism. It's a question of accepting that absent any powers of clairvoyance, that varying approaches might be accepted. On a personal note: I'd prefer to end my days productively trying to help/solve than to sit on a lazy chair in glumly dissing people with a different level of optimism.
@mikebonnell3160 5 жыл бұрын
@@mgammeren Agree fully.
@Julieann1437 4 жыл бұрын
How sweet ur son is . such a smart and bright young man !!! Smart , brilliant what u and ur wife did .. I wish I could do same. Hate city life.... U guys rock 🎸 literally great job also on your music 🎶 ur great.... Much love from Rhode Island 🇺🇸
@kathrynepaine2883 5 жыл бұрын
Right on, Paul Kingsnorth!
@trendyasdabbers 5 жыл бұрын
the sound and noise? really dude? the deer is right next to the wind mill fool.
@galefraney 5 жыл бұрын
Fantastic documentary!! One of the better ones I’ve seen for awhile! Thanks for posting.
@briancam_2000 4 жыл бұрын
@matthewkopp2391 5 жыл бұрын
Regardless if you believe climate change is happening or not. Regardless if we can do anything about it or not. Can we please work on some environmental issues. For example, can the USA create a national recycling project. We take out our trash why can't we separate everything and have our waste recycled. Can we create more nature restoration and protection and attitudes of gratitude and reverence. Can we hold industry accountable for pollution? I think consuming consciously is personally rewarding. Who needs the majority of the consumer crap. As far as energy we have two real viable solutions at the moment fossil fuels and nuclear. Both have major problems. At the moment I lean towards fossil fuels because the disaster of Fukushima and Chernobyl will last 1000's of years. Nuclear energy requires a responsibility that humanity shirks too easily. Our children will inherit the responsibility of maintaining nuclear waste for generations. I don't like the dishonesty of the oil industry in regards to all sorts of policies (like wars to control oil reserves in other countries). The fact that there is such a concentration of power. And I do believe CO2 climate change is real and they lied about it. Left and right politics largely obscures the real viable choices we can make. But guess what we have? two choices at the moment, fossil fuels or nuclear. Windmills are an ugly joke and Solar does not solve the problem in many areas. In some regions electric damns, solar and Geothermal can support local areas but not everywhere. We could find other viable energy solutions but we have not done it yet.
@safir2241 5 жыл бұрын
Wind & Solar are nice, but we should invest a couple billions into Thorium energy
@safir2241 5 жыл бұрын
Chernobyl is now a forest of wildlife & animals. That place is fine.
@Mo-sy6jx 5 жыл бұрын
Big hats off to him I don’t think I can take the step as he has
@Gumardee_coins_and_banknotes 5 жыл бұрын
If you try, then you will know.
@Catajbr 5 жыл бұрын
Nobody can afford to live like that. He's making lots of money, making videos like this, from the climate change, carbon tax etc billionaire promoters at the UN and where ever else.
@Gumardee_coins_and_banknotes 5 жыл бұрын
@@Catajbr What are you talking about. You know nothing.
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
@@Catajbr how does one make money from a documentary about themselves?
@Catajbr 5 жыл бұрын
@@obsoleteoptics Read what I wrote. He's getting paid by the UN and the group promoting this site.
@LoveWorkProject33 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this! I know it is a spiritual problem that ails humankind. We have been full of hurt and despair from the beginning. We have waged wars, murdered, punished, robbed each other blind, and hated ourselves AND each other for the most part. What else could have happened but what has happened? Even if we found a scientific or lifestyle solution for all that faces us, we would still ultimately be faced with the same problems because we ourselves would not have changed. What good would it do if we found another planet to inhabit, given the fact that we will take our unchanged, hurting selves with us? Hurting people not just themselves but everything they touch. We don't want to face what is in us that hurts so much, and its origins. Happy people don't destroy; self-respecting people would never accept the state of affairs foisted on us, with our permission, by those who are slightly more powerful than we are. I say, slightly, because if we had their money, their access to resources I don't doubt for a single moment that we would act just as they have. But it's not because we are bad, but because we have been in terrible pain, and it seems we always have been, and we're going to have to figure this out, or we will never allow ourselves a future. It is possible to be joyful, to share, to love and care for each other and the planet because it is a part of us like the animals, the wind, the seas, the sun, and all other things. We are not separate from nature, but an integral part of it. If it were not so, our world would not be dying with us. It will still go on, however, just as we will. There is no death, only a temporary rest where we have a real opportunity to evaluate ourselves and decide how we want to live. But make no mistake, our problems will not disappear with death. That's the thing about life it cannot die; it can only transform itself into another version of itself. So even if we die, we cannot escape. What we sow will be here for us to reap when we return.
@koerttijdens1234 5 жыл бұрын
Higher CO2 will green the planet.
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
Tell that the rainforests burned down for palm oil plantations
@stevehain9572 5 жыл бұрын
@@obsoleteoptics You again? The rainforests should be treated better, agreed, but planting crops for food or fuel is way better than letting people starve. Yes, crops are doing better from CO2. Intelligent use of land is very important, that is finite on this planet. One theory is that the Amazon rainforests were planted by humans. The conquistadors killed the natives off with disease leaving the forest unmanaged.
@mgammeren 5 жыл бұрын
Only to a certain level. You learn that on school.
@koerttijdens1234 5 жыл бұрын
@@obsoleteoptics Palm oil plantations also need CO2 in the air.
@koerttijdens1234 5 жыл бұрын
@JSavic You noticed that most deserts are in islamic countries ?
@HarveyFrench 5 жыл бұрын
A lovely man, and lovely family. What an interesting way of life. I'm in agreement with his philosophies but haven't been able to do much about my own lifestyle yet. Good luck to them all.
@concernedcanadian6683 5 жыл бұрын
Research Grand Solar Minimum and cross reference with Worldwide Crop Shortages
@fragglesbollox2126 5 жыл бұрын
One of the big issues we have to overcome is Class, I have lived in Eco aware communities in the UK, and lovely and "woke" as everyone is, what is very noticable is how these communities are largely middle class in their make up, There is the luxury of money which can buy you into a ecologically aware consumerism, lifestyle, and the time and ability to find peace, creativity, and the mental wellbeing to be effective, and of course property and land. Secondly there is a wiff of exclusivity and dismissiveness toward people with regional accents, or less educated/refined ways (like me-self). The reality is that in order to move forward, we need a political/spiritual philosophy that is more inclusive, and where access to land and ecological lifestyles are available to everyone, and that the benefits of a "less is more outlook" (in terms of health and wellbeing is promoted on a level we currently see for consumerism, but coming at people where they are at rather than lecturing down)... I am not alone in feeling powerless at the gulf between my values and my ideal of an authentic life... the urban (work produce consume) life I have to live (because the reality of my world, in terms of finances and family commitments), renders such an eco lifestyle an unobtainable dream. I do sense that many inside this philosophical bubble fail to fully grasp this.,
@eltonappie7125 5 жыл бұрын
Actually watched this finish 13 hrs into my shift. This was really interesting, it open up your mind and hopefully helps to think differently and do my small part to prevent a ticking time bomb even though it might be too late. Thanks for the documentary.
@claudearmstrong9232 5 жыл бұрын
elton appie - until you dig up the hidden agenda to overthrow all nations' governments by those who falsely claim man-caused climate change exists, you will have only their lies and deceptions and false 'science' to guide you. Instead, dig up these global slave-mongers' actual intentions and who they are behind the facade they use in their fake 'news' media. Then you'll have the facts about their claims and understand the Hell they have in waiting for after they deceive you and ruin your rights of life in real world existence. They hate you, and prove it by doing their best to eliminate all opposing, honest research.
@obsoleteoptics 5 жыл бұрын
@@claudearmstrong9232 Got any evidence to support your claims? A link to a source for reference?
@justmadeit2 2 жыл бұрын
A good slogan to put on a T-shirt would be....What is progress anyway?
@livingwithclimatechange8195 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this documentary.
@vprodocumentary 5 жыл бұрын
Your welcome:)
@gabyluriz2073 5 жыл бұрын
we are riding on a bus, and then suddenly the driver started shouting that we have to get off because it is running out of control and there is deep ravine ahead. and all we say is, "it is uncomfortable to walk and it is better to be on the bus with its comfy sits."
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