Прежде чем брать последний сектор Оронегро, зачистим предполье в C2, судя по всему противник организовал там укрепленный полевой лагерь, противостоять нам будут автоматчики и снайперы, а чтобы совсем было не скучно, в конце ждет укрепленная мешками с песком вышка, на которой засели двое, просматривая и простреливая всю округу. Тактика боя простая - очень осторожно продвигаемся, ликвидируя противника снайперами по мере обнаружения. Снайперы работают в паре - наблюдатель с биноклем обнаруживает противника, снайпер стреляет. Очень важно вовремя уходить из под обстрела - мало того что растет шок и падает меткость, но если оставаться на одном месте, противник может подобраться так, чтобы заметить наемника, и дальше уже по нему начнут стрелять прицельно. С вышкой разбираемся достаточно просто - пока один наемник стреляет на подавление длинными очередями, вынуждая противника на вышке залечь и ничего не видеть, другой наемник подбегает и забрасывает вниз взрывчатку, обрушивая в итоге всю конструкцию вместе с теми, кто на ней находится. По итогу, было бы неплохо в сектор посадить ополчение с одним наемником, бетонный забор даст очень приличное укрытие обороняющимся, и можно будет легко отбивать атаки противника.
@RomekRomkowski-p7w3 ай бұрын
berry cool battle. It would make even more sense to use these sniper + spotter combo or even assasin mercs if there would be some "special oponents" like generals that are somehow buffing your enemy so spotting and precisly killing them would have real benefits. Right now you were just sniping regulars who were stupidly running towards you making their tower not very useful, because they fought outside of range of tower guys.
@AlexanderSeven3 ай бұрын
Main development branch has generals, but you are supposed to capture them and not killing. Enemy has skill traits, so they have officers who add significant bonus to enemy suppression resistance, so it makes sense to kill them first, also enemies with grenade launchers, machineguns etc. I also mostly use snipers because my other mercs are not good shooters yet and also don't have good rifles with optics. As for enemy behavior, if map creator put them into stationary positions around tower, it would make the battle more difficult possibly, but more predictable. Also enemy attacking in this map is not stupid, I tried this battle several times and was overrun by enemies, the problem with snipers they can take out one enemy per turn at most, and if sniper is suppressed, he is useless.
@RomekRomkowski-p7w3 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderSeven are you not planning to add this intel feature into your branch? The problem that i have is that i'm not really able to play without your AI+. It increased my demands about enemy behaviour and now it is too painful to watch opponents just walk into you like a pack of zombies. I don't want to resign from AI+ so i can't use other features
@AlexanderSeven3 ай бұрын
@@RomekRomkowski-p7w I am slowly adding new features from main branch to +AI, not everything is planned but still many features I would want to see in this project too. Can't make any promises on when it will be unfortunately, as it all takes a lot of time.
@RomekRomkowski-p7w3 ай бұрын
@@AlexanderSeven i have experience with coding, modding old games by editing files (not reverse engineering) and know english enough. If you are still motivated to mod the game then you may think about using other people to help you. You could even try to create your own discord server just to make it easier to talk with you
@AlexanderSeven3 ай бұрын
@@RomekRomkowski-p7w if you are interested in making a patch for +AI, I can give you link to svn sources, you could also make a patch just for yourself then if you have some personal preferences. People can communicate with me here or using email, as for discord, it's banned in my country, probably would work with vpn, but it seems too much effort for my little hobby project. Maybe moving it to github would help, but I'm terrible with that thing, I'm only used to svn.
@AllisonIsLivid3 ай бұрын
I was just hoping you'd get a little more aggressive, when Barry got out the Molotov.
@AlexanderSeven3 ай бұрын
You mean with the guys on the guard tower? That was risky move.