Vyvanse and Wellbutrin Combined

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@kmaster87 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this! I have struggled with a number of things for years. Long story short, I am on Vyvanse and will be starting Wellbutrin as soon as the rx is filled. Fingers crossed that this combo works for me as well! Congratulations on finding what works for you!!
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed the video! Yes it's been about 2 years on these prescriptions and it been consistent! I hope everything works out for you!
@IlluminatingNight 3 жыл бұрын
Just finished watching your first video then watched this. You're looking great man. I hope you and your family are doing well.
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed the videos! My family and myself are doing great. Vyvanse works for me but it took years of trial and error. A miserable process. I wish you the best! Let me know if you have any questions! Happy to help out a fellow ADHD 😐😆🤣
@IlluminatingNight 3 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 Thanks man. I appreciate it!
@m.m.m.c.a.k.e Жыл бұрын
Nice. Glad it’s working for ya. Continual forward growth, clean eating, cognitive based therapies, honesty, meditation, etc ….you are doing all the right stuff.
@Niteflme Жыл бұрын
God Bless you young man. Make more videos. Informative, relatable.
@NotSoNormal1987 Жыл бұрын
I have adhd and bipolar disorder. I take latuda for bipolar disorder. I'm on Focalin for adhd. And I started welbutron for the depression that has been hard to lift. The biggest thing I've noticed so far on welbutron is that my leaden paralysis is gone. I can actually get up and do things.
@wetwaterfish 6 ай бұрын
I'm off Wellbutrin now as it felt like I was getting a tolerance/immunity to it. On Vyvanse now but it makes me have no energy and my head is so thick the whole time I don't want to do anything. Feels like you have not slept for 24 hours... Was told you can not use Welbutrin and Vyvanse together..??
@caramelcookie1765 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you making these videos thank you
@batoNika 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video! Could you tell me more about your appetite, is there a came back after changing Adderall in Vyvanse?
@michellefarr8977 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your post. Just watched your first one because my doc is starting me on Wellbutrin and Adderall. Sorry that combo didn't work out for you but glad to see Vyvanse is doing you good. I'd be interested in seeing your second video on Adderall if you're willing to share.
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. I will do my best to get a second video out regarding Adderall and Wellbutrin and exactly why it didn't work for me. I hope you liked the video!
@mollywilson5639 3 жыл бұрын
michelle how is it working for you? i cant find many videos on this
@christinaknight794 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 Hi! I noticed you haven't made any videos for months.How are your meds working for you? I really related and was fascinated by your description of how your ADHD meds affected you.I was on Adderall for years.My psyc took me off Adderall and put me on Wellbutrin then added Vyvanse.
@jacobreinholdt2 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. Thank you
@jakeorel3406 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this video
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
Of course! I hope it helps
@99jsuave 8 ай бұрын
Sorry you went through all the negative side effects brother. Does that mean everybody will have the same side effects? I’m trying to figure out how to address my situation.
@q3mago 2 жыл бұрын
👍 awesome video and recap
@ARadiantSoul 2 жыл бұрын
Wow so relatable! Thank you for posting.
@Califu 3 жыл бұрын
Just had this combo prescribed yesterday. I’ve been taking 70mg Vyvanse for 8 months but lately it’s been inconsistent. I’m dropping down to 60mg Vyvsane and 150mg of Wellbutrin. Do you mind sharing your dose of Vyvanse? Also not sure if you know but i noticed in a comment you mentioned orange juice in the morning. My doctor mentioned to avoid acidic drinks. They interfere and interact with Vyvanse reducing its long-lasting features and strength. I did a trial and error one day and consumed my medication with orange juice and it made me anxious and irritated later on. I’d recommend drinking OJ either 1 hour before medication or 1 hour after medication.
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
That's true. I must of made a mistake by saying that. 😅 I take 300mg XR of Wellbutrin and 40mg XR of Vyvanse.
@ulisesastorga8172 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this video. Im new to the combo, and was wondering if you wouldnt mind sharing what your routine looks like? Do you take them together? Do you take them with/before/after/breakfast? etc.
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
I don't mind at all. It's actually quite important for people to understand what habits will contribute to a positive experience while on this combination. When I wake up in the morning I try to eat something as soon as I can that's relatively healthy. Bacon, toast, eggs and water or orange juice. In case anyone is unaware, sugar is the worst thing a person with ADHD could consume. If you drink coffee, I challenge you to write down how you feel after coffee and write down when the energy runs out. Then the next day try a sugar-free coffee and write down the results. You might be surprised by how much more effective it is. Like I said I drank water in the morning with a sugar-free flavor (I hate drinking plain water). Right after my breakfast, I take both my pills. 30 mg of Vyvanse and 300 mg of Wellbutrin. On occasion I take a "1 a day" vitamin. Although it's difficult and my wife will usually help me, I try to focus on a chore that's most important. In about 30 minutes my medication will kick in and since I'm already doing chores I will continue to be productive for hours. Note: you will most likely have no appetite and be very honed in on whatever activity you are currently engaging in. So the thought or idea of eating won't cross your mind. But your body will definitely know that it's hungry because your attitude will start to shift into one that is very agitated (hangry). It took over a year for me to discipline myself on not being a perfectionist. I have fallen victim dozens of times if not more (sometimes I still do) to spending hours on the most unproductive things trying to make it perfect. Don't do that... The effect of your medication will continue to work so long as you stay somewhat active and drink fluids. I have noticed that when I do finally eat something, the effect of my medication dissipates. Throwing yourself back into a productive activity can sometime kick it back into gear. If you are ever in need of your medication lasting just a few hours longer, never take more medication. Stick to what your doctor tells you and instead drink caffeine (sugar-free). This will give your body energy and your mentality will still be medicated enough to steer that energy into focusing again on whatever it is you need to do. It'll last for at least another 2-3 hours. I should definitely listen to this last piece of advice because my daily routine would show otherwise... Get plenty of rest. 7 to 8 hours at least. I am a night owl so I will usually stay up to the point where I only end up getting about 5 hours of sleep and what happens is my medication works half as long and I still feel exhausted throughout.
@MultiStar84 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if you covered this, but did you have inattentive ADHD or Hyper? I have Inattentive type, been on adderall and noticed my dosage I've been wanting to increase, however i was just put on wellbutrin due to depression (also currently getting therapy). 4 days on Wellbutrin and I feel like it's holding back my energy with the adderrall maybe it's the first stages, my brain feels cloudy. as to where adderall i could at least focus for the most part. I totally agree with you on when you get up that's strenious it can kick in the medication, even the adderall. I could be working from home and get tired but if I start to move and walk around it's like it brings it in, that's something that a lot of people probably don't know. Great video
@minddrift7152 2 жыл бұрын
I have inattentive ADHD. When I was younger, there was a lot of hyperactivity added to it but now that I'm "approaching 30" as my Doctor so kindly puts it...I'm always exhausted, clouded mind, literally just feeling dead until I take my medication. As I've said before, Wellbutrin takes nearly 2 months to really start working. (At least it did for me). Now, I can be in a slump, and go to work, slowly getting happier and goofy and I'm like "man I'm in a great mood?!". Then I remember that an hour prior I took my Wellbutrin. Lol Adderall destroyed me. I defended the living hell out of it for so long but I don't think I had ever been so irritated, angry and defensive in my life until I started taking Adderall. On top of that, I would hate myself even more after diving into some pointless project for hours upon hours because the Adderall made me hyper focus but ultimately waste a crap ton of my time. Now, with Vyvanse and Wellbutrin, I can honestly say that I am no where near as productive as I was on Adderall but I am in control. There is no irritation or anger. I really feel like I am in control of myself. If I get sucked into a project, I can snap out of it much easier.
@MultiStar84 2 жыл бұрын
​@@minddrift7152 Hello, thank you for the great response, I truly appreciate it- no one knows i'm on medication other than my doctor so this is helpful. I agree with you on the Adderall, I remember taking it months ago and thinking it was the perfect place for me, all my answers were solved, however it must be the honeymoon phase because the problem is, is now I have been increasing the dose to get the same affect, it's not doing it. I think at first it was giving me such motivation and was almost giving me a lot of positive energy that I thought it was making me smarter and curing my depression. I realized now that though it does help at times, my depression is slowly getting worse- hence why i got therapy once and for all. However, I do feel like giving Vyvanse a try. I did start Wellbutrin but I recently broke out in rashes and hives and think it could have been the Wellbutrin, my doctor told me to stop. I'm not sure if he'll prescribe me Vyvanse. However, the energy from adderall is what I need because I can be so unmotivated but the more adderall I take the more I can't focus...
@cindyglevine 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the vid very helpful!!
@jessieborrell1856 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. I recently found out I have ADHD. I have been on wellbutrin for 4 years when my previous doctor diagnosed me with depression (side note, I don't think I was depressed. I didn't feel depressed. I think it was adhd symptoms). I've been on both of them for almost a week and I feel really good but I'll definitely be on the lookout for problems that might pop up along the road
@minddrift7152 2 жыл бұрын
I am glad to hear you are doing better! I'm also glad you found my video and I hope it was of some use for you. Depression is tricky. If the depression is caused by traumatic events or situations that you can recall to a person (such as a psychologist) than it's usually a phase that can be remedied. But if it's caused by a chemical imbalance then that's where things get tough. People like that (myself included) have no clue why we are depressed. We couldn't tell you. There isn't a specific point in our lives where we can say "this is what caused it". We can and sometimes do try to find something just to satisfy others. I mean when everyone is asking "are you alright? What's wrong", telling them that you don't know will only draw out more concern. So we sometimes fish for a reason or cause. Still, the truth is we are depressed because we are depressed. Depression caused by ADHD is still depression. In fact, it's a very specific depression. From my experience, I have come to the conclusion that it seems to be a neurological adaptation to the chemical overload brought out after countless bouts of disappointment. Evolution is all about making changes to prolong our existence. Well, that may be why ADHD has the symptom of depression. Usually, you try and fail at dozens of projects or goals. You might get started and at first it feels great to have that drive but you can only handle it so many times when that drive disappears and your left with nothing. The people you talked to about your plans or goals, you'll have to face when they ask about how you're coming along. "Well... I gave up". It doesn't paint you in the best light. You begin to feel like you have no purpose in life. It's exhausting constantly trying to win people's favor and be something you're not. You'll eventually find yourself reacting to situations in ways you normally wouldn't react because "this reaction is the most acceptable". It's almost as if you have to pretend to be human. The depression could literally be a subconscious attempt created by your brain to minimalize how often you let yourself down. You can't disappoint yourself if you never try to begin with. It's ironic if you ask me. If this isn't you, consider yourself blessed and lucky. I should also apologize for rambling on so much. But if it is you, I just want you to know you are not alone. I and many others understand the difficult journey of trying to figure out who you are and where you fit in. I understand what it's like to try to force people to like you. And if you are liked by many, then I also know what its like to try to force yourself to like yourself. The only thing you can do, is take that leap you never took. I wish you the utmost best that life has to offer. I hope your journey is filled with growth. 😊
@jessieborrell1856 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it and don't mind the long rambling at all. It gave me a lot to think about. It took me a few days to think on things and how I wanted to respond because I wanted to at least thank you for your kind words. But, I basically started a word document and made an info dump where I went back to the earliest times I could remember struggling with symptoms of adhd and I discovered a lot. It connected a lot of dots and now I have a feeling that I could indeed have been depressed because of my constant disappointments and struggles through school and work and social relationships as a comorbidity of adhd. And the anxiety I struggle with is most certainly related, too. It was really tough to revisit some of those memories but it's really helping me get a clearer picture of things because I started to doubt myself after I received my diagnosis. But I realized that 1) symptoms are different in everyone and just because you don't have one particular symptom doesn't invalidate you. And 2) many of the things I don't struggle with, I had simply found coping skills for or overcompensated. I've been trying to find a therapist in my area to talk to about all this but it's been hard to find anyone who is relatively close by and takes my insurance. But in the meantime, writing down my experiences and piecing things together has helped tremendously. I'm also going to try and look into self-guided therapy exercises and see if that helps. Mostly, I am trying to find someone to see in person because I can't foresee holding myself accountable. Thank you again for your thoughts and kind words
@jimmyt1371 2 жыл бұрын
That's crazy, I got the same diagnosis last week. I talked to a therapist for the first time about my possible ADHD and I was prescribed Wellbutrin for depression. I don't think I'm depressed
@rcmjrcorp 2 жыл бұрын
Good job bro
@JeffHucik 3 жыл бұрын
After 2 years of trying to get Adderall to work for my ADHD and nothing but crappy side effects I ditched it and was put on Wellbutrin this week to help ease the transition out of it. Vyvanse didn’t work either on its own but I’ve been curious specifically on what this combination could bring. The Wellbutrin seems to help stabilize the effects of the amphetamine from what I’ve read. I’m on 150 for the next 2 weeks before I pop up to 300. Hopefully the Wellbutrin will be enough to help my SAD and ADHD alone.otherwise I may ask to give Vyvance another try in this combo. Thanks a lot for the info! Take care.
@minddrift7152 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, thank you for watching! I hope my video helped you in some way. Adderall was a very harsh medication. My first video was about Wellbutrin and Adderall combined which was overwhelming to say the least. But what I can tell you is how this combination will work. Wellbutrin is like a wall. You have neurons in your brain that are like messengers. Dopamine is the message and the synapse is like a cell phone. ADHD people have an issue, a chemical imbalance that makes our "message" quite dull, incoherent and awkward. Like two people on the phone not really knowing what to say. When we take medications like Adderall or Vyvanse, it gives our "messengers" something to talk about. So your neurons will start to communicate with each other through the synapse. When this message is brought by dopamine, the topic is exciting and keeps our attention. When the message is brought by another neurotransmitter like serotonin, the message is happy and uplifting. But then we ADHD guys have a second hindrance which is that our neurons tend to talk fast and then hang up the phone. So we can be really interested in something but then all of a sudden we could care less about it. Unlike a normal individual without ADHD is able to continue a project until it's finished. That's where Wellbutrin can come in handy. Remember how I said Wellbutrin is like a wall? That wall blocks the messengers from being able to hang up the call. So Vyvanse will give your messengers an attention grabbing topic to talk about, and combining Wellbutrin will keep that conversation from ending too soon. ......... I feel like none of that made any sense
@JeffHucik 3 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 makes total sense. As you can imagine, I rabbit holed years ago and hyper obsessed about how our ADHD brains work and it made a lot of my behaviors all the sudden make sense (including the hyper focusing rabbit hole researching topics lol). It makes more sense to have a combination like this. With an amphetamine alone you are just giving your brain more fuel to work with but it can still exhaust it.it always made me feel burnt out at the end of the day. The re-uptake inhibition of the Wellbutrin seems to keep those signals sent by the amphetamine in the brain longer by recycling those neurotransmitters. It’s interesting. Something I’d like to explore if it comes to that. Thanks again for the video!
@antiques001 2 жыл бұрын
i need honest review on my amazon product...can you help?
@antiques001 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 i have seen your nice way of giving review with videos n pics. My product is a KNIFE
@minddrift7152 2 жыл бұрын
@@antiques001 what is your WhatsApp, friend?
@deborahstagg3978 2 жыл бұрын
Can I please get an update on this please? Its been a year. I am combining the lisdexampthetamine and bupropion. I have tried the addrall aswell and for a few years it was super solid. When it no longer was beneficial I changed x
@minddrift7152 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Deborah 😊 I wish I could create an update but time management is definitely NOT my strong suit 😅 But I'd be happy to tell you! Vyvanse and Wellbutrin are the 2 medications I am still on as well as pantoprazole (an acid reflux reducer). I can happily say that I have been on this combination for almost, if not over 3 years now. Every day is the same. No roller coaster of emotions. No "some days it feels like this while other days it feels like that". Every day I am on this combination, my head is in the same place. While not nearly as productive and "powered up" as Adderall, consistency was what I was after. Adderall was absolutely a rollercoaster for me. And it would mess up my priorities. I often felt like Adderall would take control of me. I used to call myself "Evan 2.0". Or "I'll let the other Evan deal with that." But I didn't really like that after a while. On this combo, I'm me, I'm control. The acid reflux reducer I believe takes a large role. But I have serious acid reflux. Regardless, lowering the production of acid in my stomach seems to make my medication work better, longer. I definitely feel when my medication has "run out". Brain fog sets in. If asked a typical question like "what's your birthday" I would freeze. But it's not all rainbow and sunshine obviously. I don't eat as healthy as I should. I don't exercise the way I should. I don't get outside as much as I should. I don't keep up with my vitamin intake like I should or my water intake. It's like adding nitro to a car that you never give tune-ups to. (If that makes sense). So while I operate very well, I know from experience that when I take care of myself, my medication works that much better. Because ultimately, our medication uses what it has to work with. I hope everything is going well for you. Ask me if you have any specific questions. I'm always around! Oh and thanks for watching 😁
@deborahstagg3978 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 I know what you mean with emotional stability. When I am emotionally stable, I can have important conversations , mainly around boundaries. I am not freaking out about rejection. I am having problems with sleeping at the moment though. Hormones play a huge role for me. Hormones influence my sleep and how the meds work. I have started running again , seeing friends more. Having stir frys Have a day of meal prep Its been a month on combined Zyban (bupropion) and vyvanse. Adderall just cleared my mind. I had less of a crash, but it made me soo hungry after it wore off I actually gained weight. Vyvanse and bupropion together hopefully will help with weightloss. I got on the combo because I struggled to see reality and made a bunch of terrible decisions. This lead to me being so depressed I couldn't communicate effectively or leave my room. Its good that you are still on it and its working for you. Its like one of the only useful videos I have found that was relatable Thank you super much x
@minddrift7152 Жыл бұрын
​​@@deborahstagg3978osh I'm seriously beating myself up for never checking my KZbin comments! 1: I hope you're okay! (Six months later) 2: When (speaking for myself) trying to escape reality, Adderall did a much better job of "taking over the steering wheel". But as a family man I noticed that was the last thing I needed. 3: I have insomnia and it sucks. About a week ago I had an allergic reaction and took Benadryl and discovered I slept like a baby. So the next night I took it again, slept like a baby, and the next night and the ne- you get the picture. Then I read that Benadryl is linked to Alzheimer's. I don't know about you but I like my brain and I don't want to destroy it 😅 so I haven't used it in 3 days and it's been rough. Melatonin doesn't work for me anymore since I've been using it since I was a kid. Idk what to do. 4: I hope you're still running. My wife is trying to drag me out of house to work out with her. I'm not exactly protective but I do recognize when the possibility of an opportunity of cheating can arise, typically a very slow process. So I promise her I'd go with her to the gym when she decides to go. I wonder how it'll go. I haven't worked out in...when was highschool? 😂 5: My father and I don't exactly get along so I was hesitant to listen to his advice when he mentioned something called saffron and it's affect being on par with stimulants and antidepressants. I did my own research on it and it seemed promising. I purchased a bottle online, not very expensive. Basically it's just a spice but it has some pretty cool effects. After the first day of me taking it I noticed I was happier. I'm a very skeptical person so I kept taking it, this is going to be the second week. It actually keeps me in a happy mood. It might be worth looking into. 6: I know what it's like for reality to shatter. I remember those days. It happened while I was on Adderall. Sometimes, depending on my environment and who I'm speaking to, my brain can be tossed down a rabbit hole. It's a very dangerous place to be. But it does keep things interesting if you have the time to spare on it. 7: Tell me how you're doing!
@deborahstagg3978 Жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 lol I dont mind 😅 respond when ya like. I too have slept alot on benadryl haha. I ditched the bupropion. I got very very sweaty and my heart raced all the time. I didnt lose weight on them and my hair started to fall out. I needed a fast. Ive done a few fasts and now the elvanse/ vyvanse works. I can appreciate things with parents are tricky. I have got the ick with myself recently and therefore have the ivk with them because they made me lol. I have ocd too. So when these things are in my head they cycle round.
@indieexboyfriend 2 жыл бұрын
you look like the guy in @Androloma channel
@giabrt 2 жыл бұрын
But you were taking both wellbutrin and adderall those two are not good together
@minddrift7152 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. I've been off for about 2+ years now. I'm on Vyvanse and Wellbutrin. Much better. Consistent.
@giabrt 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 I am thinking in trying wellbutrin any advice
@giabrt 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 I fell so down I am on vyvens only
@minddrift7152 2 жыл бұрын
@@giabrt hey 👋, my best advice for someone wanting to take Wellbutrin is to not stop taking it lol. Even if it's rough, keep taking it for about 3 weeks. If after 3 weeks your symptoms are the same or getting worse, then stop taking it. But if things start getting better, don't skip a day. I will have entire mood shifts if I accidentally forget to take it.
@giabrt 2 жыл бұрын
@@minddrift7152 hellooo I take the medication for two days but I got a bad brain fog I didn't do my best on a test it was like my brain wasn't there then I took a vyvens and I got worse I so frustrated today I decided not to take anything I am feel hopeless lol
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