的確是很有意思,我很少見到平價的 BB 是可以轉這麼久的,我超六 EVO 上面的是 CERAMIC SPEED,一開始也是可以轉很久,不過現在不行了。有一個產品叫做 FINISH LINE EXTREME FLUORO,是杜邦公司公司做的神奇培林潤滑油,就是標榜很稀薄,我有樣品但是還沒有實際用過,我覺得這個 BB 裡面可能是用類似的,我之後再把手上有的幾個名牌培林打開來觀察觀察:)
@commandku3 жыл бұрын
@@MazingerZX Hello, using a grease or fluid lubricant depends on what kind of application. Inside the bearing, the steel ball is rolling/sliding against inner and outer race. In bicycle crank application, it's considered low RPM and medium/high radial load, in this situation grease is better. Take a Shimano bearing and open the seal, you will see grease not fluid, and the viscosity of grease should be determined by balancing performance and life cycle.
我用 Manfrotto Super clamp,夾在座管,不過根據我的經驗,座管需要是圓形的,這個產品才能夾。上次 PO 的那個 TARMAC SL7 是空力座管,我就沒辦法用這個來夾。 www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/546356-REG/Manfrotto_035RL_035RL_Super_Clamp_with.html