外國人認為台灣的哪些規則是可以被打破的?What rules do foreigners break in Taiwan?

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@lifeintaiwan 3 ай бұрын
德國Emma官網現在有早鳥雙11活動,最低5折 購買連結👉links.emma-sleep.com.tw/allan 輸入折扣碼再打九折:Allan #德國Emma #EmmaSleepTW #emma床墊 #AwakenYourBest #法國anna #外國人來台灣 德國Emma | 歐洲消費者評選冠軍床墊 | 喚醒最好的自己德國Emma 堅持使用德國科技的標準,製造出床墊、枕頭、床架等各種寢具商品,致力於為你提供最好的睡眠品質。
@actuallyUncleTopher 3 ай бұрын
I think it's funny that eating or drinking when riding the MRT is a more serious offense than running a red light.
@hayliann3399 3 ай бұрын
對。可是台中捷運只有一條,而且,他們兩個都會騎摩托車,所以不太會接觸到捷運。 外國人來台灣,如果不知道台灣的捷運不能飲食,台灣人只會柔性勸導,講過又犯錯的話,才會罰款👍 但也是因為禁止飲食,所以我們的捷運非常乾淨👍
@tiro_taiwan 3 ай бұрын
@rurumi0101 3 ай бұрын
@@actuallyUncleTopher 😂
@rurumi0101 3 ай бұрын
@@actuallyUncleTopher 😂
@Prozzie 3 ай бұрын
I watched this video while eating by myself at home
@sounhuman 3 ай бұрын
Waiting for someone who knows your English sarcasm?
@sandyhsieh2019 3 ай бұрын
@米達麥亞 3 ай бұрын
你這集好好笑 一點也不內向 我想說這部影片 你嗑了甚麼 給我也來一份🤣🤣🤣
@劉婷婷-h7f 3 ай бұрын
Prozzie don’t forget the traffic is also kinda a joke in where you are come from -“ Ontario “. ( especially in the recent years, Toronto traffic is absolutely madness). Not even mentioning I only learned about drinking and drive is totally legal in Ontario as long as you are under one standard drink (12oz of 5% beer or 5oz of 12% wine or 1oz of 40% liquor )🍹 pre hours ( I mean I kinda like it 😅)and you also can make a right turn at red light,. For a Taiwanese is mind blowing about entire province trying to do a wrong thing.
@funnyguyo7595 3 ай бұрын
@Yoyo-rl4vw 3 ай бұрын
Prozzie真是傑出的body language 專家👍👍👍
@et4221 3 ай бұрын
看完這手語介紹 我都噴飯了 呵呵~(QwQ)
@greatbc8885 3 ай бұрын
Please, "No sorry I'm working and I can't drink a beer right now" is a common reply even in Canada, America or anywhere basically. The Icecream one is a good example though. People in Taiwan don't normally get jokes. I mean, you know how intense they are every day at work. And the recycling one is wrong either. It is regulated in Canada also.
@陳盈廷-v4b 3 ай бұрын
哥倆好 祝福你們在台灣越來越好,平安
@陳學儒-f8i 3 ай бұрын
@neilstichbury5610 3 ай бұрын
You should really do a video clarifying things like slander, swearing at people, shouting at people in public because there is some confusion and people get in trouble. I would definitely watch that for sure.
@NgooChengInn 3 ай бұрын
Some people don't think a fan or a clock is a bad gift because they may sound like bad things in Chinese but not in Taiwanese. The culture was brought to Taiwan when the ROC government came to the island.
@蔡延雲 3 ай бұрын
希望兩人在臺灣順心順利 圓滿幸福❤️
@JoeBergy122 3 ай бұрын
There's a lot of laws about nature in Taiwan that won't be immediately obvious to foreigners/westerners depending on where they're from: collecting driftwood, tossing compost food scraps/peels, hiking on certain local trails without a permit, and swimming basically anywhere, might in fact be illegal. I've technically "broken the law" by hiking repeatedly on mountains in Fuxing District, Taoyuan, because they fall into a 自然保留區, and could have been fined up to 30,000nt. But when I meet and ask local hikers on the trail, no one has ever said they bother applying for a permit.
@Prozzie 3 ай бұрын
You went hiking? Straight to jail
@yhsung1201 3 ай бұрын
@@Prozzie I am sure you are being sarcastic here :)
@SL16867 2 ай бұрын
@@Prozzie You're very unfunny
@jlpcpr 3 ай бұрын
Excellent way to keep people through the Ad.
@joshuayang0331 3 ай бұрын
practically you can jay walk here, but you just need to pay attention to the traffic for your own safety, so jay walk normally only happens at some streets and alleys, you wouldn't want to go like through a road more than two lanes cause remember, Taiwanese drivers do not care about speed limits and tend to try to rush through in the last second, even if the light turned green, the best advise is to wait about two or three seconds before you cross the road or your fate relies on your prediction and sight
@djmaciiiii 3 ай бұрын
Own a car in Taiwan, and I have figured out that if there are laws for diving nobody on the island follows them. This is why you can't drive faster than bumper car speeds. Meanwhile in Germany I can drive 150 mph safely.
@萁-u7l 3 ай бұрын
@seeladys 2 ай бұрын
04:56 我覺得筷子指別人是嚴重的紅色,原因是:因為若對方不小心摔倒、有突然的身體擺動,筷子插入人體的可能性非常高也危險。 2. 筷子不能直立的插在碗裡是因為,那跟把食物用來祭祀往生者、幽靈的狀況很像。有人說這樣會招來不好的事、讓幽靈與你一起共食。 07:49 送時鐘這個也是習俗的禁忌。假如你們不小心送了時鐘之類的計時器給朋友,若朋友要拿錢給你們,一定要收下。(金額多少都沒關係) 送雨傘會禁忌是因為「傘」跟「散」有相似感覺。會覺得你送雨傘是希望兩個人的感情散了。 包紅包的金額學問有很多,但簡單一點就是:喜事類都要偶數。喪事要奇數。
@seanwu1968 3 ай бұрын
@Prozzie 3 ай бұрын
seriously? 😂
@hairdresser1300 2 ай бұрын
You two are always adorable
@fillrobs7726 3 ай бұрын
Blue council owned van and truck drivers live by their own rules! I've driven onto a freeway (motorway for us Brits) and only then realized I was supposed to be on a scooter and not sat in my car! As I drove up the ramp I realized that being unable to read the sign saying no cars and being waved at by the scooter riders - the dread set in and a NTD$600 fine came in the post!
@ianyo 3 ай бұрын
Prozzie did a great job on body language 😂 ! It is so interesting about this topic. From your view to see what we get used to. Legal or illegal that is a question! We still have a long way to make the law more reasonable. But for the custom, it is part of culture. Might take a long time to change!
@安娜-s6o 3 ай бұрын
我很驚訝的是外國人說台灣行人如果不按照紅綠燈過馬路的話怎麼不會收罰單. 我看過行人被開罰單的耶. 還有一點是國外根本沒有在看紅綠燈的啊, 外國人不是應該很習慣看沒車就過馬路, 哪有在看紅綠燈的. 這幾年去了幾個歐洲國家大家都是直接過馬路, 不管馬路有多大. 根本不用看紅綠燈的. 沒車就過了. 有的地方根本沒有紅綠燈
@米達麥亞 3 ай бұрын
第一點 交通方面:我自己認為是台灣的交通規則太落後 行人 機車 汽車 大貨車之間的路權並不相對的平等 常常是目前熱度是甚麼就改成熱度優先 導致人民抱怨連連 第二點 用餐禮儀: 基本上用餐時 我只會要求自己或是熟識的人 對於外人不遵守 會看不慣 但不會去強硬的要求別人遵守 塞滿東西講話 我會制止 因為殘渣會噴出來也容易被噎到 不安全 但如果他用手擋住自己嘴巴 我可以接受 長輩先吃這件事 現在的家庭比較少遵守 除了生日一定會遵守 第三點 生活文化規則: 修理人員來我是看情況如果要維修的在室內 會讓他們脫鞋 換上室內拖鞋 如果要室內室外走動的 我就讓它們直接穿鞋近來 趕快修理完 事後再脫地就好 禮物方面主要還是諧音的問題 有人介意 有人無所謂 我個人是避免送這些 以免不小心得罪人 婚禮以前是熟識的人才會發請帖 但總是有些人愛錢 不管三七二十一把人生旅途上經過的人都送 所以現在大部分人都是 接到請帖 根本不熟=完全不理會 見過幾面=隨意包個紅包 熟人+但沒空去= 包個大紅包祝福 熟人+有空=人會到甚至帶家人+大紅包 第四點 在地文化規則: 前面部份我也是認同的 在自身範圍內你要怎麼講話都好 不要吵到或影響到周圍的人 不然大家其實是在心中記錄在小本本上的 直到無法忍受爆發出來 那就不會留面子給對方 最後說"讽刺"其實我比較認為那叫"調侃" 在工作上大家都是比較認真的 如果開玩笑遇到神經質的顧客 可能會被鬧到丟工作 所以大家都不敢大意 但在生活上開玩笑就比較反應的過來
@LISLAB-Design 3 ай бұрын
Ha ha, Prozzie hand language make me LOL... the topic is so interesting, like it
@mwdfinch76 3 ай бұрын
Nose pick at 11:47. Check it out. That's a red for me but a full green in TW.
@chiang_paul 3 ай бұрын
@briancampbell5534 3 ай бұрын
Is jaywalking a non-Taipei matter? I don’t see people jaywalking here. In fact, many wait 60+ seconds just to cross a dinky-donk one lane street. Maybe it is my Boston showing as I would jaywalk constantly there so I am desensitized. Perhaps 1 or 2 jaywalkers in a city is memorable to non-Boston people. It could also be my Vietnam experiences… We know in Vietnam going full matrix crossing streets is a right of passage. Hey, I’m walking here!
@dreamkite6439 3 ай бұрын
12:11 其實我覺得這跟認不認識有關 台灣人比較不會跟不認識的開這種玩笑所以衣食反應不過來 但認識的就聽得懂
@shangcj 3 ай бұрын
尊重長輩好像有時候會有點爭議 壞人跟沒水準的人也是會老的 捷運逼人讓座的那些垃圾 其實新聞或影片大家應該都看過不只一次了
@cafezo87934 2 ай бұрын
Going to the police station to report a crime is apparently a no no (unless youre local because than they'll wait on you hand and foot)
@stephaniechung1768 3 ай бұрын
@BarrytheSuperScot 3 ай бұрын
2:44 People jaywalk here all the time, particularly in front of me while I'm on my scooter! 😠
@et4221 3 ай бұрын
當在有不同文化的國家想送禮物給朋友或重要的人時 我建議要先了解其文化 還有什麼是在這個國家絕對不能送的 這樣才會避免誤會喔!\(@0@)
@parthian945 3 ай бұрын
Dunno what you’re talking about. PDA is definitely not red, probably yellow makes more sense. Not full on make out sessions but a lingering kiss on the lips or something like that is totally fine. Couples snuggling on park benches is common too.
@hayliann3399 3 ай бұрын
呃……交通那部分,是真的滿多🟥 但,台灣人通常會因為,你是「外國人」,所以會比較寬容,而且,台中是外國友善區,所以,就算你做錯了,也不太會被用力譴責。 但如果說台灣人本土人士,態度就又會不一樣。
@panenkapredictions 3 ай бұрын
Nice to see the badboys of taiwan teaming up again. 😂
@SL16867 2 ай бұрын
bad boys? More like sad boys
@GullmanRollger666 3 ай бұрын
11:46 Somebody's digging for gold 😅
@邱志宗-g7p 3 ай бұрын
😅有一種叫睜一眼 閉一眼 , 時間 早上 還是 半夜 , 遇上的是否脾氣好的和脾氣固執的 , 還有各縣市區域民風不同 , 每個家庭規矩也不同◾◾◾😑, 😅自律 自由 自在就好
@習近平-e1u 3 ай бұрын
@FlAsChang 3 ай бұрын
the gestures ...
@黃偉智-m8n 3 ай бұрын
@歐北來-l5o 2 ай бұрын
看到封面被捕罪名 : 太帥了 , 我超級無言 , 如果我是法官 , 我一定這樣判 : 起訴內容與事實"嚴重"不符 , 罪名不成立 , 當庭無罪釋放 , 不得上訴 !
@廖堂彣 2 ай бұрын
11:45 快挖到寶了~
@林伯仁-u1p 2 ай бұрын
前兩天才看到台南男子酒駕被抓十次但是第十次被抓時 因為撞到人被判刑一年 台灣交通最大的問題是道路的設計規劃才是交通混亂的元兇 第二點交通法則的執行力度就像開頭說的 酒駕被抓前面九次 罰則有實際執行的話第十次的人就不會被撞傷
@NiceDreamXO 2 ай бұрын
Please someone answer 😫 How are you two sitting outside without getting attacked by mosquitos?? I have a mosquito bite allergy and am genuinely afraid of this problem with Taiwan.
@teierayui 29 күн бұрын
You can buy mosquito repellent or bug spary at 711 or other stores. Also try to avoid the forest.
@tengu 3 ай бұрын
Sarcasm absolutely exists in Taiwan. My Taiwanese friends are some of the most sarcastically funny and trash-talking a-holes to hang out with. The perceived lack of sarcasm perhaps has more to do with situational and generational factors. Old folks generally will not understand sarcasm, nor will the average convenience store clerk, who's probably some part-time hs kid that's sleepwalking through his shift.... he's too busy mindlessly ringing you up, processing your electric bill payment, and microwaving meals for the 3 previous customers to be cognizant of your dry humor.
@yfllll 3 ай бұрын
I feel like you should always fight for the bill but sometimes it’s obvious you should lose the fight for the bill. And if it’s against your own family there will be snatching of money and bills from each other hands and hiding money in each other cars to pay the bill. For the shoes definitely take off, but the host usually should have extra indoor slippers for the guests to wear and offer it. Taiwan is too dusty not to wear indoor slippers especially if it’s an older home
@skyline5466 3 ай бұрын
@johnshao123 3 ай бұрын
Green is king,is god!
@aadd0978 3 ай бұрын
@蔡林翰-v2m 2 ай бұрын
很多事情是不被在意,但很多違法 有些事情不違法,但很讓人在意的小細節 主要就是你尊重,或是在乎這個人,所表現的行為
@amiabura 3 ай бұрын
老實說很不喜歡諷刺 像是台灣的原住民就喜歡開玩笑話 但不熟的話還是別對陌生人開玩笑 我要是那個店員我也會覺得很無語 特別是在工作的時候,很不喜歡 在多花心思考慮別人帶來的問題。
@brentdavis555 3 ай бұрын
Personally if they get hit jaywalking in Taiwan I just laugh at him. My blonde self somehow managed not to get hit in Taiwanese traffic and I use a cane. But them old people just literally walk right when the light turns red even though the light was green for 30 seconds for them to go. Then when you try to tell him in Chinese to get out the way because the car is coming they just smile at you because they here foreigners speaking Chinese.
@chiaohongcheng 3 ай бұрын
If you want, i can actually show you my jaywalking ticket It does exist
@rurumi0101 3 ай бұрын
超速是黃色 酒駕是紅色 闖紅燈是紅色 亂穿馬路是紅色 筷子使用錯誤是黃色 嘴巴塞滿東西說話是黃色 不尊重長輩是紅色 搶付餐費是黃色
@福爺 3 ай бұрын
@howtopeter 3 ай бұрын
外國人是指非華人或台灣人嗎? 並不是 外國人在台灣也是分等級的
@sophiazhu6091 3 ай бұрын
@jeffchao3008 3 ай бұрын
@應徵 3 ай бұрын
在台灣 你可以,戴安全帽戴口罩帶手槍進超商。 但是,不能搶劫威脅炫耀。
@liangtsochen5737 3 ай бұрын
@吳梅芳-c6o 2 ай бұрын
@p78321 3 ай бұрын
@壬申 3 ай бұрын
筷子 這用法 在過年家族大團圓的時候 又 公筷的專用 但是外面餐廳 就省略了 所以應該是個人衛生習慣也有待改進 吃飯說話以前家庭會要求吃飯不能說話 現在很少了
@安娜-s6o 3 ай бұрын
@grampushell3727 3 ай бұрын
@kli7139 3 ай бұрын
超速危險駕駛根本上是人的問題 教育失敗與品格上的缺陷 過多的測速器與糟糕的道路設計並不能防止超速 反而增加行駛危險。 酒駕對於我而言完全是刑責不夠高 反正犯罪天堂 每個人都可以再教育返回社會 垃圾法律跟政黨
@華弟-t5y 3 ай бұрын
台灣的交通法規,路線標示.路線規劃 真的爛 交通部就是爛
@jason791111 3 ай бұрын
TM可以不要再EMMA了嗎? 都看到厭食症了~ 直接跳過絕對不買
@kimberlyvuong6396 3 ай бұрын
@ Jason 79111 tm no
@TL243 3 ай бұрын
JAYWALKING. DUDES THAT IS A TERRIBLE WORD TO USE. best to talk about how offensive this word is. Especially as former English teachers.
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