ሰው የለኝም ለሚል ኢየሱስ አለለት:: ተስፋ አትቁረጥ:: ጠላት ለመጥፎ ያለውን እግዚአብሔር ለበጎ ይለውጠዋል:: ጌታን ታመነው:: ህይወትህን ስጠው:: ጌታ ለሚጠሩት ቅርብ ነው:: ጌታ ለህይወትህ አላማ አለው:: Don’t give up. Giving up is what the devil wants you to do. God wants you to trust him and keep moving. “Trust in the Lord and lean not on your understanding”
no sir, your life is not over. There is a reason for this to happen to you. Please, keep your head up. You have a lot to give and teach as the best way for learning is thru your past mistake and experience. Please be nice and kind to yourself. You are not the first nor be the last to be fooled. Stay strong!
Thank you for sharing the real story. It saves a lot of young generation. Be blessed
@senaitberhanudesta2 жыл бұрын
You are a hero, you 1001 chances to move forward. Don't even think of the past,you are honest to yourself and God, you will see what God will give you.just 🙏 and be positive like you were before.