(無藥可救...) 這些年的我是怎麼度過的?一路走來我經歷了什麼... Q&A - BRUTAL Honesty of Living with….

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The Reynolds Family

The Reynolds Family

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Do YOU or someone you love suffer from anxious thoughts? 🥺❤️‍🩹
What causes this anxiety? And how to cope? 🤔⁉️
Jump into this Q&A and see how I have learned from my REAL experiences to deal with different kinds of anxiety in my life from being a young girl, until now as a working mum 👧➡️👩‍💼
Whether it’s worries about the future, sleep deprivation or panic attacks, anxiety can really get a grip on your life. So I opened up this discussion to hopefully allow people to take control again 💪🏻🥰
There are ways you can can help yourself and others tackle anxiety and I hope sharing here can offer some support ☺️
🚨 以上只是個人經驗及分享,並不是專業建議,如果你有需要,請向合資格的人士查詢更多醫療援助🚨
🚨 DISCLAIMER: Having said that, this is by no means professional guidance, it is a reflection of my personal experiences, and if you need to, you should always seek qualified medical support 🚨
Please let us know your feelings on this topic with a COMMENT, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE 👍
Thanks so much and see you next time! 😊

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@thereynoldsfamily Күн бұрын
大家好,我係Gladys嘅媽咪。我見到今次嘅主題是談焦慮。我相信人人都會有負面情緒,有擔心嘅時候,有害怕嘅時候,亦都有恐懼嘅時候。當然我都同普通人一樣有以上各種唔同嘅負面情緒。有時我會安慰自己和朋友,聰明人會較容易焦慮😅 讀書嘅時候,我經常在考試前夕都瞓得唔好,所以成績都會飄忽,好似過山車咁,休息得好成績會好啲,成晚唔瞓去考試,成績就會下滑。呢個情況一直維持至讀大學修讀心理學科後才有所改善。 我最記得有關焦慮的內容是人們所擔心嘅事情十居其九都無發生;此外,即使係我哋擔心嘅事情發生咗,後果亦都唔係我哋想像中大到不能承受。隨着時間過去,只要我哋繼續正向前行,原來行吓行吓又行出一條新路。 祝願大家,在情緒的波動中仍然保持盼望和找到方向。
@hanksbbyy1 Күн бұрын
我無你咁嚴重 好少睇你channel 但一直覺得你係一個好好媽媽! 因為你呢條video 覺得你好有好有愛 好喜歡你🫶❤ Thanks a lot ~ 😢❤
@wantengliu8787 Күн бұрын
第三點social media真係好認同,我前排係IG見到我d中學同學依家去咗好多唔同嘅國家旅行、去外國交流,我成日攞自己去同人哋比較,諗點解自己無呢d機會,質疑自己係咪揀錯學校、揀錯專業。不過,我同自己講要相信自己係正確嘅路上,大家一齊加油!
@ey6644 Күн бұрын
@cakkkkkkkkkke Күн бұрын
感謝Gladys 分享。條片好好睇!我依加都學業上好焦慮。焦慮到一起身心藏就狂跳。我成日都覺得自己做得唔夠好。明明自己放左好多時間讀書,但唔一定有回報。最驚係番學會情緒失控暴走。但係你講左「唔理焦慮啲咩 只要專心自己做到既事 其他隨緣 諗太多都無濟於事」依一句令我降低 焦慮既level🫶🏻🫶🏻🥹 期待你下一條片
@GiGiCheung321 Күн бұрын
@decenwong Күн бұрын
好多方法都可以減輕焦慮情況,但當好嚴重呢 d 方法都唔 work 時,我會用 recuse remedy (糖或者 spray), 會即時感覺平靜,身體感到安定落黎,個人清醒左同埋 self awareness 提高左,好幫到手 ❤
@kkhc1552 Күн бұрын
Thanks for your sharing!要咁真誠咁深入講呢個topic絕對唔容易,it means a lot!係你嘅部份分享當中,得到共鳴:)Always it’s ok not to be ok! 希望我地每一個都能揾到自己舒服嘅方式面對各種焦慮,陪伴真係好重要!❤
@WongMay-p3y Күн бұрын
👏👏好好講正問題👍👍🎬,什麼什麼都好張壓力?放低,或者張自己東西放第一平靜想,過後已自己最舒服感覺,就是這樣,你幸福老公go o🥰🥰好好👍,兩個仔仔🥰👍👍,你做一個平凡小公主🥰🥰,謝謝分享💪💪💪
@gigi9079 13 сағат бұрын
Gladys, 多謝妳拍這條片,除了"Stay with the one love you."其他比較容實踐,因為不是每人都擁有。妳比較幸運有Laurence和兩位可愛的孩子Finley & Noah。我喜歡你們的片,每次看都令我relax & happy。Thank you Reynolds Family.
@MarcusMarcus-w3p 16 сағат бұрын
不要想樣樣都第一,世事冇完美,細心、安靜地離遠一點去欣賞自己、你家人的優點,會有很不同的發現。 知足常樂💞
@ChiuKelly31 Күн бұрын
A heavy topic but very easy to watch. Thanks Gladys and The Reynolds Family for great content as always!
@francesleung5214 23 сағат бұрын
多謝你的分享🎉 好有用,我會分享比身邊嘅人,因為現今社會實在太多人活在焦慮下,包括我。 睇完你條片,我覺得好舒服😌
@maycheng0301 Күн бұрын
@sosofung9548 Күн бұрын
@snoopyxolaf3567 13 сағат бұрын
Thanks for Gladys and Laurence's sharing. Support from others is important, but the one who can help you most is yourself, so Gladys, well done ❤
@joyceteleb Күн бұрын
@adayan5965 19 сағат бұрын
@hkg1939 Күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. To be honest, you're one of the YT creator that I follow at all times, you have a great support system from your family. Keep up the good work! Admire your energy! 😊
@yoloyolo1307 Күн бұрын
first. you look so happy all the time. I guess no one can know what a person is really struggling internally. good luck
@mer_wor Күн бұрын
@rilakkuma2618 13 сағат бұрын
好多謝Gladys 分享,加油💪
@CCUK2023 17 сағат бұрын
@dorothy0125g Күн бұрын
Reynold’s Family 🫶🏻🫶🏻🇬🇧🇭🇰 I wish you good health and happiness forever 💪🏼💪🏼😘😘
@tryharderagain Күн бұрын
Thanks so much for this video! 100% resonate with you - been born and raised in HK, chased after scores and rankings, got into HKU and now in the legal industry. Been haunted by a lot of "what if I can't get 100...", "what if I can't get into top uni...", "what if I disappoint people...", "what if I do this and people think I'm...", to now even "what if I live too long and there're not enough savings..." Still recall how I had stomach aches and vomits before dictations/quizzes/tests/exams, and the nights crying in my room writing my uni essays worrying that I couldn't get an A (then no first hon... then no job... then no money... then no life... and the forever loops). It's really suffocating and till now I still find it hard to get out of this mentality at work/in life even though less acute relative to student time. So glad to hear your sharing - a really good source of support and a timely reminder to how we may and should live our life better 🥴Would have been lucky to have you as a supportive friend in real life!
@包包仔-b3d 3 сағат бұрын
我也是這樣,以前睇好多類似你這類的分享,但一直好似睇說明書咁,叫自己唔好咁樣,要改,但始終解決唔到。直至睇咗好多心理學書,最後睇到Alfred Adler,了解返根本問題,現在開始重生了,沒有焦慮感覺了。
@heyjojo1998 2 сағат бұрын
I am glad you open up. Me too. I feel the older I get, my mind gets anxious when I have the situation I am not familiar or good at. I was abused in my childhood and it gave me PTSD and I have Panic attacks sometimes 😢. I think going for counseling helps me a lot. You need to find someone who makes you feel comfortable and safe. You didn't do anything wrong.... that's the counselor told me and it's okay to open up.
@carmentam7411 Күн бұрын
Background music is so beautiful.🎉。Thanks for sharing❤
@yiphayman1616 Күн бұрын
@mandyk1733 21 сағат бұрын
Gladys, 耶穌愛妳! 創造天地萬物的神掌管一切❤
@KeHo-ci1nq 16 сағат бұрын
多謝分享❤️ 今次你個妝好靚呀❤❤
@iristang4522 Күн бұрын
@merrymarrymary Күн бұрын
Proud of you!
@sykwok0229 Күн бұрын
@michelletam1556 Күн бұрын
Thanks Gladys for the sharing ❤
@yinfongcheung4672 20 сағат бұрын
@nla-yh6cw Күн бұрын
@teresalee4680 11 сағат бұрын
Great sharing! I can very connected to what you said. And much appreciated for all your tips
@wongban Күн бұрын
Everyone come to world have a lesson to learn. Be kind always Anxiety will gone naturally.
@inalifuu 9 сағат бұрын
could you please share your routine too? you look soooo productive.. how could you achieve so much as a mum, as a wife and as a youtuber? btw thanks for all the sharing :)
@Ztef6828 9 сағат бұрын
Thank you for sharing Gladys. Not sure if I remember correctly, that you also have ADHD. I have suffered from anxiety since a child and recently in my 40’s, I was also diagnosed with ADHD (haha at this age!). I was told that ADHD can lead to anxiety cos it creates a lot of chaos in your everyday life. I am now trying to deal with my ADHD. time management and avoiding distraction is super important as you said. You also have a very loving and understanding hubby who can keep you calm and grounded. Laurence is an amazing person. I broke up with my ex cos he couldn’t handle my psyche and I was unable to get the support I needed. Reduce perfectionism and overthinking is also very important. It is easier said than done tho. Try meditation and mindfulness. learning to let go of perfectionism and go with the flow really helps too. The sun and exercise is great for ADHD and anxiety so you are doing it right. Creating or enjoying art and music also works wonders. I’m currently providing art, music therapy combined with simple and fun counseling methods to try to help others. Through this work, I am healing myself at the same time. It’s truly awesome.
@NB-PigPig 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the valuable sharing
@chaoyang2 4 сағат бұрын
感謝分享! Social media 果度真係講得好啱!我都盡量唔睇。 我由細到大都係一個好負面嘅人。我小學嘅時候已經好認真諗,如果我第時要掃街點算?會諗到好遠,越諗越唔開心。 我冇你咁焦慮,可能主要係我諗到好遠同時,我會諗埋,如果plan a唔得,咁plan b會點,仲會諗埋plan c plan d。 所以就算失敗左,我知道仲有路可以走。 另外,我睇左老高啲片之後,有多左唔同嘅想法。我唔係信哂佢講嘅嘢,不過我覺得個宇宙咁大,有都唔出奇。所以以一個open 嘅態度去思考、用另外一個角度去睇事情,例如物質世界其實唔係咁重要,多啲著重靈性修養等。我一唔開心,我會幻想我理想嘅世界,人人都互助互愛、冇比較、互相尊重、人人都互相理解有同理心等。我相信未來,或者世界某個角落會有一個咁嘅世界,就算冇,呢個理想世界一定喺天堂。有hope 真係好重要。 希望你能夠可以擺脫你嘅焦慮,開開心心過每一日❤️
@Cheungyi339 Күн бұрын
@fannyfung5401 Күн бұрын
@bobeccaebay2216 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I’ve been dealing with anxiety since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017, and it got worse after my hysterectomy and oophorectomy in 2019. The surgical menopause really ramped up my anxiety. I’m going to try your method because I really want to avoid taking medication for it. Love your channel! Thanks again!
@sue1003 Күн бұрын
@caroi_cc Күн бұрын
Anxiety is a big topic And is a very common life topic for everyone. For me once I found out I am feeling anxious I will try to make a to do list …then start 1-2 things . And tell me is okay to focus on and complete 1-2 things first. Cus 有做到野就係有做到野 好過拖延症發作 that thing really makes all the things worst
@shirleytin1576 Күн бұрын
well said, very good content for people, thank you!
@YanYan-pw9ni Күн бұрын
Good sharing!
@sallyychowww Күн бұрын
Thank you🥺
@ellen132 Күн бұрын
Wonderful content
@xiao_shen_tu_slimeandasmr. Күн бұрын
來了 好喜歡你們的影片!! 最近我在英國遇到racism :(
@hkme5057 16 сағат бұрын
Nice topic 😢😢
@clarayim3613 Күн бұрын
Trust in God 🙏 He will guide you through. His grace is sufficient ❤
@ellyloves748 7 сағат бұрын
Sometimes it’s easier say than doing it, especially when your body is anxious 😢
@melodychoi6894 16 сағат бұрын
@louisleung3226 Күн бұрын
I like your video
@fawnyeung6260 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@nla-yh6cw Күн бұрын
@catwongwaiman72 Күн бұрын
@kellyclarkson546 Күн бұрын
@chingmychan3875 11 сағат бұрын
@b161310 Күн бұрын
@kwongkitling2005 Күн бұрын
@peggy962 Күн бұрын
😊是否太陽月亮上升星座處女座😅我都有選擇困難強迫症(自從結了婚生了仔女之後, 因我太多考慮他們)
@lisaharter4980 Күн бұрын
My anxiety being last year after I suffer memory lost .
@hylanleong8921 Күн бұрын
@ppoey1433 15 сағат бұрын
I would like to recommend you practice meditation @gurudev, it makes me glow and calm. I see you are blessed with family love & cross cultural marriage. Your kids are graceful and make the best companion.
@EricA-ug9hp Күн бұрын
@rickie2086 Күн бұрын
每过几个星期就开始卖可怜 真的是够了 无聊透顶 不是“还没告诉过别人的秘密” 不然就是“如果不是xxx就xxx”
@hiutung_sht Күн бұрын
@Stephen-up7gz Күн бұрын
@sosuiyee5637 21 сағат бұрын
@hkg1939 Күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. To be honest, you're one of the YT creator that I follow at all times, you have a great support system from your family. Keep up the good work! Admire your energy! 😊
@cocobob14 Күн бұрын
@nancygao4443 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing
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