Before reading your comment, I commented the same thing. isn;t it interesting that Mr Shiu is the same, hardly critically comment on Harris' performance as a VP not her policies (good luck if you can find them, she hardly communicate her policies), and her values and what she really stands for. Don;t just vote the name of the party thinking they support democratic values, looks at the person what she did and said and live her life for God's sake!
@jimmy_wong2 ай бұрын
He would say: anyone but Trump!
@jesuschristsuperstar98212 ай бұрын
老徐就係喜歡只講Trump, 而唔講哈里斯.係完全唔知乜解究. 好好醜醜都講吓.係無喎???
@isabellawun2 ай бұрын
@@jesuschristsuperstar9821 他受人錢財替人消災?主要帶風向。
@albertlee83422 ай бұрын
@albertlee83422 ай бұрын
@KM-bm3pb3 ай бұрын
既然老徐想平心静氣服人,那便平常心回應一下。普世價值在香港context好黑白分明,但在西方民主國家的討論又是否只有正邪兩派,還是in the eye of the beholder? 1. 普世價值唔係講就等同做咗好人,係要有行動實踐才是算是真支持。 2. 同樣道理,如果Trump與某極權暴君有交談又扮friend, 但行為或政策上冇支持(除了送幾包covid test),反而以經濟手段制裁對方或退出nuclear deal,但都被以言入罪,聽落好似某國監禁Jimmy Lai 因與外國人有口部互動所以就係危害國家安全,講吓你唔鍾意聽嘅嘢或同某人講嘢就係罪。 3. 民主黨及幾乎所有美國傳統媒體轟炸式報導Biden所有弱點,一星期內成功迫他下台,包括ABC 訪問他的Stephanopoulos 以答途人為名公開說他不適再做總統。然後又幾位民主黨大佬黃袍加身捧Harris上台,冇primary, 這是乎合普世價值公平公正? 4. 桑普及傑斯分享Trump在接受Hewitt 訪問時說100% certain會要求PRC釋放Jimmy Lai, 這是反映公義還是暴君的價值觀?就算陰謀論說這可能牽涉選舉donation, 但美國冇乜人認識Jimmy, 他這樣表態只會失去大量美籍大小粉紅。 5. Virginia school 老師Peter Vlaming已經應一個trans 女學生(即biological male) 要求改用他的新女性名字叫他,但只因在談話上拒絕用pronoun "her"去稱呼,便在2018被校方解僱。是誰用性别去分化民眾? 6. Obama and Harris 鬧黑男性不支持黑女人做總統,Harris 急急提出幾項只優待黑男性政策(包括賣大麻生意),咁即係話黑人只能支持黑人,只有某個種族的人才可享福利賣大麻(!)或優先做正/副總統。成個選舉又提出作為女性就要選女性, 因為唔係一定比人壓迫。是誰用行動以種族或性别去分化國民,增加仇恨?試問克林頓或布殊可以要求白人男人一定要支持白男人参選人嗎? 7. 發駁你或反Trump言論的人不一定係Trump粉。只是反Trump的言論有時同Trump一樣,不合理、一知半解或單靠一兩份報導,未能說服別人,但又認為自己啱哂。
@@TsuisCritique 多謝老徐竟然花時間回覆。其實我在2016便是你多年的支持者。我的胸應該可以,近年我不同意你不少分析仍堅持要聽及like,因為就是想多聽不同意見以免變得狹窄, 及相信你對香港評論的integrity。我留言提供了人名就是方便你fact check。我不是Trump粉,只希望 trump haters也可以以理及事實服人。你有時看看cnn Harris town hall youtube video 及大量留言,便會明白有些人投Trump只係因為Harris實在太太太弱,語無論次小學雞,而不是喜歡支持‘’獨裁者‘’。
很簡單的一個問題給老徐,你為何離鄉別井,今日在英國居住?你可以不喜歡Trump 為人,但從美國人的角度,民主黨掌權只會推美國到更社會主義甚至共產主義,若是你係美國人,正在美國居住,你應該知道為何他們讓大量非法入境者湧入美國的目的是要一黨專政。二者揀一,你揀誰?現在的民主黨的管理運作方式是否似曾相識?Biden 更本沒有能力治國,他和賀小姐只是puppets. 有一個美國voter 在X 平台這樣寫:a bunch of rich people, convincing poor people, to vote for the rich people by telling the poor people that other rich people are the reason they’re poor!
I can;t agree more! those who oppose trump has only look at the issues on surface. 老徐 did not touch on the woke culture, he simply picks on points he wants to speak about. I think it would be more rounded to look at more issues not just on the illegal migrants issue alone.
I think 老徐 see things from a theoritical perspective. if he put himself into a US citizen middle or lower working class, struggling to feed a family yet all tax money goes to feed illegal migrants, he may see things differently. It's not just about money, those illegal migrants, many are criminals and bring so much harm and damage the fabrics of the society.
@@kitbbsalon徐生唔會理共產化既民主黨既政績架,亦都唔會分析卡同志既政綱架,佢只係單一目標: Anyone but Trump 問卡同志你同而家既政府政策有咩唔同,咁都答唔到,只係空泛咁講一定會唔同,但唔講點樣唔同,一路帶你遊花園送你一堆 word salad。咁既人都有人投俾卡同志,如果咁都贏,真係美國最倒霉既時期。
Very meaningful program. The democracy people should be defending and promoting should really be Liberal Democracy- democracy with liberal values, social justice and rule of law, etc. Your lesson is very clear: don't take liberal democracy for granted, use your ballot carefully, because this democracy is not a by-default position that will maintain itself, but are vulnerable and can be destroyed by 'strong men'. Thank you Mr Tsui. It is sad there are so many Trump fans in your audience, and they are so strongly opinionated.
Hi, to be fair, why don;t you do a video critically comment on Kamala's proposed policy (or the lack of)? and what about her performance as a VP for the last 4 years?
let me give a lecture to Tsui. first, u are not a teenager. there is an old saying one man's meat is another mans' poison. it's your liberty to like or dislike whoever u want. At the end of the day, free speech is the backbone of democracy. However, u get to bear in mind, any allegations must be supported by unbiased reasons + solid evidence, otherwise, u are just a old liar. Why don't u spend your time and energy in fighting for Hong Kong Independence - the future of Hong Kong.