This is why its better for Nigeria to adopt a one term limit of 5 or 6 years. Because we think we are smart by doing election every 4 years when in reality its a noisy distraction and worst is most voters are very multidimensionally poor and deprived of unbiased information to help them vote intelligently. All these things you listed here has been our problem for 60 years yet we think its something 2 years can even make a dent in. Most policies in a most advanced country takes at least 4 to 5 years be effective talk less of naija/ naija states lacking basic data. Even if you come in today you will start from the beginning again and after just 2 years the reelection cycle charade starts again. This imitation 4 year democracy we are doing isn't working at all for us. China is 10 year leadership cycle, despite not being a typical democracy but the 10 years gap helps polices to be executed probably. Most European/white countries developed under stable monarchies yet we are copying their newish 4 years cycle. Which is still their culture and organic to them. Its embarrassing, we are playing smart but not clever.