Hi Lee i watched the above video followed by the one with a guided tour of the workshop , I like yourself had massive reservations about changing from the eternit Big 6 to the néw Farmtec profile but i can say how pleased we have been with the new product in so many respects , The pallets are better , its easier to walk on when its laid and the detail of the side lap with the small element of adjustment enables you keep the tiers straighter without having to pull out of lap as with the big 6 profile , The small amount of additional cover width means when you get to fitting 30 tiers you’ve effectively got an extra one against the big 6 as it’s a little over 3 percent wider , this also helps when you have a building on 20’ bays with big columns as with the old profile 6 you would be a little shy of the ends if all bay crs are 20’ , but best of all is the ridges as these don’t need mitred and fit so much better than the profile 6 and don’t tend to creep and fit so much more snug , Apparently a 2950 sheet will be available soon so you can achieve the specified end lap with 1372 mm purlin spaces