We're GOING To The OTHER SIDE OF AZEROTH! NEW Continent Hints!

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@RexVenge95 Жыл бұрын
So, considering BFA was a thematic "sequel" to vanilla, Legion was TBC's, Shadowlands was Wrath's, and Dragonflight is Cataclysm's... World of Warcraft: Mists of Avaloren is up next?
@TAZMASTA40 Жыл бұрын
Im glad that I'm not the only one who noticed this.
@flexaspriklepem1689 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the Shadowlands sequel :D :D :D
@doctorferdinand1003 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t call shadowlands wrath’s sequel 😢
@rengarlothbrok5696 Жыл бұрын
@@doctorferdinand1003 💀
@lordoblivion8038 Жыл бұрын
​@@doctorferdinand1003then what do we called it? Redacted wrath? That's plain stupid, coward and refusal to acknowledge that yes shadowland expansion is bad and at the same time will be part of wow worst history.
@risunokairu Жыл бұрын
Backside of the planet this whole time has been a giant lawn chair with Elune just chilling in it.
@cujoedaman Жыл бұрын
Azjol Nerub. C'mon, blizz, make it happen. A lot of the assets are there already and it was supposed to be a whole other zone under Northrend. There's also the newly "mutated" Silithids around Silithus after Sargeras' sword poked the land and released all that Azerite. They're always going on and on about how old and powerful they really are, but they never do anything. Think it's time for them to be brought fourth and made an actual threat instead of Lich King minions or quest fodder.
@Doronsmovies Жыл бұрын
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@MondianP Жыл бұрын
Hoping we get a new continent, we do have different names for the seas on the right of eastern kingdoms and left of kalimdor which gives me hope a landmass separate those two seas at the back of the planet.
@yooginava1828 Жыл бұрын
Its always been hinted at. I remember reading the warcraft 3 user manual extra lore bits and they explained that ships that sailed east or west never came back. I think it would be really cool to see all those different races that tried to explore those area's building and starting their own cultures and factions.
@bartzoz Жыл бұрын
Avaloren sounds like Avalon so it's more the name of the new continent than the underground. If I'm right and add what I found on Wikipedia, we might have good material for expansion. From Wiki: "According to Geoffrey in the Historia, and much subsequent literature which he inspired, King Arthur was taken to Avalon (Avallon) in hope that he could be saved and recover from his mortal wounds following the tragic Battle of Camlann. Avalon is first mentioned by Geoffrey as the place where Arthur's sword Excalibur (Caliburn) was forged. Geoffrey dealt with the subject in more detail in the Vita Merlini, in which he describes for the first time in Arthurian legend the fairy or fae-like enchantress Morgan (Morgen) as the chief of nine sisters (including Moronoe, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Gliton, Tyronoe and Thiten) who rule Avalon. Geoffrey's telling (in the in-story narration by the bard Taliesin) indicates a sea voyage was needed to get there. His description of Avalon here, which is heavily indebted to the early medieval Spanish scholar Isidore of Seville (being mostly derived from the section on famous islands in Isidore's famous work Etymologiae, XIV.6.8 "Fortunatae Insulae"), shows the magical nature of the island: The island of apples which men call the Fortunate Isle (Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur) gets its name from the fact that it produces all things of itself; the fields there have no need of the ploughs of the farmers and all cultivation is lacking except what nature provides. Of its own accord it produces grain and grapes, and apple trees grow in its woods from the close-clipped grass. The ground of its own accord produces everything instead of merely grass, and people live there a hundred years or more. There nine sisters rule by a pleasing set of laws those who come to them from our country. Geoffrey's Merlin not only never visits Avalon but is not even aware of its existence. This would change to various degree in the later Arthurian prose romance tradition that expanded on Merlin's association with Arthur as well on Avalon itself." Now let's make some changes: King Arthur = ??? Merlin: = Khadgar Morgan = Xal'atath 9 sisters = rebelled titanforged Excalibur = reforged Sword of Sargeras Avaloren = Avalon = the Fortunate Isle = what's left of the part of the Black Empire ruled by Xal'atath
@georgejudge6437 Жыл бұрын
@yooginava1828 Жыл бұрын
@@georgejudge6437 lol no. Arthas is done. " King Arthur was taken to Avalon (Avallon) in hope that he could be saved and recover from his mortal wounds following the tragic Battle of Camlann." Literally Anduins situation. Anduin is taken to Avaloren in hope that could be saved and recover from his mortal wounds following the tragic Battle of the Shadowlands"
@georgejudge6437 Жыл бұрын
@@yooginava1828 Just saying. Arthas was based on Arthur. On the reverse actually. He looks for a sword to save his people. The sword corrupts him and undo his kingdom. Also Bolvar Fordragon and Uther are derived from Uther Pendragon.
@mantyxxx Жыл бұрын
@@yooginava1828 King Arthur might be Arthas. What if Sylvanas brings him back with Nathanos from the Maw? Fanbase would go crazy :)
@lunarlightasmr4660 Жыл бұрын
Lemme just say this: we’ve literally been to space, and seen Azeroth spinning, you tellin me our lore heroes may have seen the ‘dark side of azeroth’ covered in old gods and just went ‘oh on god? Least it’s a couple hundred miles away’
@2ndChanceWilkins Жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie, ive always viewed Azeroth's map as "Kalimdor was on one side, Eastern Kingdom's was the other. And that we only view the entire world simplified into 2D map. Now, Unless they do come out and say that yes there is another side to Azeroth and once you reach it, you cant come back-type deal. Which wouldnt make sense/I think that'd be stupid. Itd also be dumb to say there was all these hidden continents. Like I dont mind if they're introduced, Aveloren kinda like Broken Isles, Zand/Kul, Dragon Isle. As just a fragmented part of the old world.
@serqetry Жыл бұрын
Not only that, but we've been going to other planets already. It would be pretty goofy if no one knew what was on the other side of Azeroth. I share your view that it is a 2D map and the major continents are on opposite sides. I'd prefer more expansions that add planets rather than having more continents appearing.
@DivineAegis02 Жыл бұрын
If there were more continents how come no one saw them when we went to Space and Argus?
@helpinghand6899 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the new "Continent" will be a underwater one for the sea people. Yes I know people hate the underwater zones but it would make sense.
@biggshoverwelder3690 Жыл бұрын
Please God let them stop, coming up with perfectly good expansion ideas and then wasting it on a single patch. Ny'alotha and Nazzatar being the two that come to mind right now, were some of the biggest waste of potential.
@mikeb9830jpchi Жыл бұрын
What if everyone is wrong and the 5th "old god" is Azeroth herself, "Az'rath" or something, and the immense power The Pantheon found is actually an Old God deep within the world aligned with the element of Spirit, the most powerful. Ya'shaarj was attempting to reach that power since it's been said they might have fought for dominance among themselves. Doesn't have to be aligned evil, but chaotic, as the elements and spirit often is? Azeroth working with most of her inhabitants would make sense, and we are her "black" army and champions, and don't even know it? Theory craft along this fantasy yourself to think if there's any story where this is at all plausible. Sounds like a startling revelation to me, and fits in some way with elemental energy and spirit gaining prominence as the other elements and forces of shadow/death waning in influence in the world, as well as the forces of light beginning to show it's not really the "good" everyone thought. Might be interesting.
@xINVISIGOTHx Жыл бұрын
There isn't really an "other side of azeroth" and ships don't really "go to 1 side of the planet", because if you find a 3D globe of the planet azeroth in the game (there's a few of them) you can see that kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms are exactly on opposite sides of the planet. Like how you look at a paper map of earth and you can see USA and China on the same map, but on the globe they are opposite each other
@crosis2 Жыл бұрын
yeah and if you look at those globes you can also see no dragon isles, no kul'tiras or zandalar,... The globes as all other sources of maps are at the state of game. Also you yourself explained that eastern kingdoms and kalimdor are opposite of each other not back to back, so what's in between them, opposite of the maelstorm? THAT is the other side this all is refering to.
@kukivave Жыл бұрын
the emerald dream is a prototype Azeroth, there's a part of the dream locked away from us behind a Titan Vault... and we know we are going to the dream in one of the patches... that could be the land behind the Vault door that the titans couldn't shape?
@hern7213 Жыл бұрын
I don't know how this is even possible, however your voice has gotten even worse over time 😂
@darmashx1990 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the emerald Dream. Think of it as 2 versions One is the good druid version and the other is the bad demon version.
@issa.g9310 Жыл бұрын
Hope its the dark side of Azeroth expansion to the next expansion.
@ShadeprowlerTheFox Жыл бұрын
Wait, if it says “chained the five evil gods far beneath the surface” isn’t it means there were Six of them? Since Y’Shaarj was never chained, it was tore out and ripped apart by Aman’Thul… so who is the fifth? And Sixth 🤨
@shinydoubloon8237 Жыл бұрын
people are saying that G'huun is the 5th old god but they were a titan experiment gone wrong, The fifth old god is definitely either Xal'Atath or someone else... (Azeroth sounds like Azathoth...)
@Hunfrid91 Жыл бұрын
What if thros is the realm of decay and by killing that drust in his realm we allowed the dead old gods to take it back like how smoldering took ragnaros throne/powers?
@aceaxe11 Жыл бұрын
What if Azeroth herself was "Cloaking" this other side of the planet? Best cloak ever if no one ever "Thinks" about the other side. Whether by intention or something else influencing Azeroth to do this could be interesting. Some hidden knowledge about the other side "Needing" to be hidden, but "recent" injury's to the planet making it hard to keep things hidden anymore?
@jamesthecookie6022 Жыл бұрын
I think it is avalorn to be honest and it gonna be in dragonflight because yeah why not have a hidden continent that maybe both is titan forge and the black empire 🤔
@jasonobregon6325 Жыл бұрын
Why didnt they just use the Xenedar to discover the other side of Azeroth when it was orbiting the planet. Would have been an advantage to the Alliance if they saw it before the Horde.
@corbin_4738 Жыл бұрын
The other continent is where the infamous Mmmrrggrrlll went to establish a murloc empire. Murlocs on drakes, murlocs riding ocean creatures, powerful murloc wizards, savage undead murloc, murlocs that can control both land and sea. Sailors that go there think "hey, a bunch of murlocs" but when they make land fall, the army of this extremely advanced murloc empire falls upon them. No doubt the sailors' heads on are on spikes in the prisons of the tide sages they have captured, whom they use to steer away any would-be visitors. From their spies on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, they have learned of the atrocities of the rest of the other races against murloc tribes. Mmmrrggrrlll and his powerful murlocs have captured an unknown 6th old god and are using it to further empower themselves. We will end up going to the other side of to face off against this murloc empire to save Azeroth!
@OET-q9w Жыл бұрын
This makes me wonder; when Sargeras stabbed azeroth we assumed he was trying to hit the world soul. What if he was really trying to reach whatever is on the opposite side of the planet, and just didn't care if he hit the world soul on the way? Being a titan, Sargeras was a part of ordering Azeroth. We know at a certain point, the void made him feel helpless in his mission to order the universe, so he changed his methods to the destruction of all things void related and everything it touches. We know the dreadlords influenced this pivot point, but if we're running with the speculation that the other side of Azeroth is a piece of the black empire that the titans could never reorder, I could easily see this being a major catalyst to Sargeras' character development. This to me makes a lot of sense, given that his motivations have been muddied as the titan's information becomes more untrustworthy. We've never been able to speak to Sargeras, so nearly all the information we've gotten regarding him has been from the titans or their followers, which are now known to be unreliable resources. From a story perspective though I still despise Shadowlands. Everything seemed to be explained away by either Jailer strategy or First Ones robots. It just feels like it wasn't necessary considering all the directions I could see the story going in. Shadowlands should have been a relatively non impactful story that explained a meddling power that made sylvannas crazy and tied up loose ends on storylines of fallen characters. The wow storyline to me has always boiled down to titans vs. old gods, and retroactively shoe horning the jailer and first ones into the scope just ruins a lot in my opinion. Arthas should have been influenced by Yogg, not the Jailer. The dreadlords should have never came from the death realm. The First Ones feel like they were only introduced because they told us too much about the Titans and lost the giant mysterious figure characters in their storyline, when they could have instead just made us aware that each cosmic force has a pantheon of which we are only familiar with ones of Order, and left out the whole "everything is actually a robot even Elune" part. I do love the direction the story is going in, but it's frustrating that head writers are explaining away Shadowlands as "you can just pretend it doesn't exist". If they'd instead just come out and admit their creative failures, I'd be much more confident in the future of the story.
@crosis2 Жыл бұрын
Sargeras wasn't part of the pantheon anymore the time they found Azeroth as far as I remember. He also never was part of ordering any world as he was the defender against demonic attackers, so even if he was part of the pantheon it was not his job to do anything there and that's why it took him so long to find Azeroth in the first place.
@kingofkingz1991 Жыл бұрын
N'zoths Prison wasn't beneath the waves at the first place. it was underwater after/because of the Shattering and since that book is older then the shattering since the vaults were closed before the shattering until know.
@kingofkingz1991 Жыл бұрын
@@laertesindeed static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/8/8c/Kalimdor-BlackEmpire.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20160316000039 look at the map where N'zoth area is there is no water
@marcogonzalezmoreira6185 Жыл бұрын
Plot twist: Azeroth is flat and ships fall into the Twisting Nether.
@MrKrissKross2010 Жыл бұрын
Ok guys penny for my thoughts, whoever explored the far ends of the world back in Vanilla really did not do a good job. By now we have discovered around 25 different 'hidden' landmasses, zones underwater, new entire worlds and now another 'dark side' of the world. This world explored by Dora? cause it takes us a while to find whatever is right in front of us...
@Platxx Жыл бұрын
people are forgetting that they said we were getting a new zone for BFA after azshara and mechagon.. and got pandaland... new zone in 10.4 will probably be Dragonblight reborn
@Platxx Жыл бұрын
@@laertesindeed oh my.... please go play BFA before commenting this again.... I suggest watching nobbels videos recaping nzoths story :)
@Platxx Жыл бұрын
@@laertesindeed i think you need to go watch the video my guy, dont get offended about things you clearly didnt experience LOL
@Spongeyknight6491 Жыл бұрын
well it's the dragon islas so im guessing more islas also where are the nether dragons from outland sure there space dragons now but they count as apart of the black dragons
@aditghifari5039 Жыл бұрын
Azeroth in primal form Me: Emerald dream beta?
@adriansararu1 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait 😀
@deathbreach3448 Жыл бұрын
@torch1028 Жыл бұрын
Azeroth is flat boys The thing we saw in legion was just more titan holograph tech
@benmccoy6417 Жыл бұрын
I think the one who had xal'atoth first and longest was neltharion
@Amermito Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the other side is where the left over of the black empire is located.
@ScourgeTheInfernal Жыл бұрын
What if the titans only control half of the world and the other half belongs to the 5th old God
@jameschristophercirujano6650 Жыл бұрын
They can make a wow version of the Underdark but more journey to the center of the Earth-esque later on too.
@thebl4ckd0g Жыл бұрын
with dragon riding in this xpac - I'd love to see them add a true ship building and ship sailing function in the next xpac, for us to explore the other side of Azeroth - we would slowly progress (level) from smaller island chains to bigger island chains until we found a huge, hidden continent that was previously hidden by titan shield/cloaking technology that was only awoken during the cataclysm when Deathwing emerged. Maybe a lost Black Empire colony that was asleep, rebuilding it's strength and power and they have now emerged and want to take over the world, under command of the 5th old god.
@crosis2 Жыл бұрын
Just bad idea. It's not a feature that could be taken to the next xpac. Dragonriding can also just fulfill that role - start at smaller islands and the glyphs you collect there let you can get to the next ones until you can reach the continent.
@yooginava1828 Жыл бұрын
@@crosis2 I would rather them add new ground mounts. Similar to the ground mount system in GW2. Imagine each race gets their own mount that is customizable. Humans = Horse / Orcs = Wolves. Make it so you can have all the OG vanilla colors + some new ones. Different armors, ect. This would give us HD versions of race mounts - something that is highly needed while keeping the original mounts intact.
@Xenowarrior92 Жыл бұрын
Imagine in the mists on the ot her side of the world, lies the remains of the black empire or a still active black empire and since titans couldn't eradicate it they just "locked" it away...meh sounds like too much work for the intern.
@vikrantnaicker2464 Жыл бұрын
lets go pogchamp
@protow5041 Жыл бұрын
$5 its a copy of the "Lost Ark" islands
@commracA Жыл бұрын
Uuughhh... they should revamp old azeroth
@crosis2 Жыл бұрын
Nobody cares about that. It was a timesink in developement in cata but at that point it streamlined those zones to a good questflow. But they have it now so this is an invalid point now so what would be the actual benefit of it when most players won't even do them? It's okay as it is now that they do a max level revamp every now and then if needed, but full revamp just takes so much time. Just to be clear: instead of revamping 20+ zones they can do 20+ new zones instead. Which would be better? ;P
@crosis2 Жыл бұрын
Only thing I would think a world revamp would be good is for WoW2
@菠蘿菠蘿-q3k Жыл бұрын
like wow hope alone machine develop modifier NPC BOOS add skill team fight
@TK199999 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone else think Avaloren sound like Azeroth? Maybe that was the original name of continent of Kalimidor or the planet itself.
@jawg2392 Жыл бұрын
The devs are digging a grave. Making world of vegan binary snowflakes. The days of rage, oldhatreds and non pc culture was the golden age of wow
@AdriatheBwitch Жыл бұрын
I hope N'zoth is dead and wont return, because this would deminish bfa plot and azshara arc.
@cardrave Жыл бұрын
@Kerrigan0419 Жыл бұрын
These titles and thumbnails have become so clickybaity lately
@tuipotter8-ball280 Жыл бұрын
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