When you said you think of your bags as friends that is exactly how I feel. I have been thinking of getting rid of some, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I know it’s silly, but they truly bring me joy.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
There were a few that I literally NEVER wear that are staying just because I like them. I think that's perfectly acceptable and let's even say normal?
@nikij.605810 ай бұрын
About the hair. You are not alone! My haired turned coarse and curly. Found that it was just best to go with it, so I wear it natural and no longer straighten it after YEARS of doing so. This happened right around COVId when I began working from home, so it just made sense to embrace.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I just ordered some new hair care products to help with the dryness and yes I think you’re right - I’ve done curly girl method before and need to get back into air drying. Because straightening is becoming way more time consuming and I have stuff to do!😂
@Imaginary.Lemons10 ай бұрын
I fully support leaving that Virgin situation behind you. Avoiding the stress of the haters and their negativity is worth more than the money they still owe you. ❤❤
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
@scarlettbooknerd365810 ай бұрын
I love the weekly vlog. I can't wait to see the vlog from your Disney cruise. What I really admire about you is how positive you are and always trying to find the bright side of a situation. That is still a tough challenge for me
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
What a kind comment, Scarlett, thank you! I try because I feel like I have to release the bad or it will weigh me down. I’ve had to learn that so the compliment is very much appreciated!
@geraldinetillbrook949310 ай бұрын
I was just planning a Virgin Cruise And frankly, I won’t be taking one. This would’ve been my first on Virgin And I decided to go on KZbin to find out what people were experiencing. Your Vlog actually made the decision for me. Good customer service is everything! I would not have handled your situation as well as you did! Kudos to you!
@jenocean82410 ай бұрын
I love Longchamp bags too. Also, I can't do a travel or large bag without a top zipper!
@cyndiziegler950810 ай бұрын
Hi in menopause now! I had no idea what was happening. I have learned a lot since and I’m still learning. Hair breaks off my hair doesn’t curl like it used too AND makeup is another huge issue. I’ve don’t wear concealer or foundry anymore because it looks awful. I LOVE that you are sharing about Menopause we all need to have these conversations and know we are not alone❤
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I'm honored to be able to be in this club and I need that too! It's a lot and I feel like our moms didn't really talk about it . . .
@CarissaHelmer8810 ай бұрын
Great video. Your skin is looking lovely, even makeup free. I knew you were going to say Longchamp, great brand, just wish they had some vegan options. Happy anniversary, hope you had a lovely dinner. Good reminder that not of us is where, we want to be but look how far we've come. ❤
@kamloopscruiser87410 ай бұрын
Love my Longchamps Le Pliage. It’s the only big one that survived my own purge. I was diagnosed with MS & muscle weakness necessitated going to a light hands free Baggalini cross body BUT I kept my Longchamps because it’s light weight AND I can pack for a weekend in it. 2 fancy clutches for cruising and a light pretty leather small bag I can’t let go of. That’s all I kept but the Longchamps is amazing and NEVER LEAVING. I will replace it immediately if it ever dies.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I get this!!!
@allistar3410 ай бұрын
jen, i am in awe of your commitment to always be learning and growing, which perhaps means un-learning stuff you grew up with, too. as a woman of color in my 20s, it is very much appreciated!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s been a very humbling road. I welcome it but it’s hard. (ETA but NOTHING like what my Black friends and family have been through!!) Thank you for your kind words!!!!
@EstellaWilsonCreations10 ай бұрын
You look really nice in the cream/tan sweater with your pearls. I think this is your look.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Oh how kind! Thank you! Those pearls were a gift for my 16th birthday and I need to wear them more!
@christinafaughnan27710 ай бұрын
I understand about makeup not looking great. I am 61 and I really understand changes in skin. Love your channel
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Oh thank you, Christina!!
@trishsp316010 ай бұрын
I agree that sometimes you have to let go of a "battle" in order to maintain peace. This applies to situations and people in your life. Good decision, Jen!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I just have so much good in my life and this was not helping me so I’m releasing it! It may be my theme for 2024 in fact. Thank you!!
@kerrywolf867010 ай бұрын
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Wow, Kerry, THANK YOU!!!! I so appreciate it!
@jlgcannuck8 ай бұрын
Love Longchamp too. Tip---if you have really old ones like I do, and it gets holes in the corner---I sewed with my own sewing machine across the corners and so you can no longer see a hole . If you don't sew---a shoe repair guy could do it it 2 seconds. I now use that one for going to beach/groceries etc ---especially on vacation as it folds up. Also I wash the original ones in the washing machine ---recommended for ones you are ready to give up on---I took the risk and it worked.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge8 ай бұрын
Great tip!
@dndrusso10 ай бұрын
This is not a bag problem. That is just a nice assortment of necessary accessories.❤❤
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Thank you. I tend to agree.
@allisonnovak54349 ай бұрын
Yes, I work from home and I rarely take a lunch break. I eat while I work.
@MoniqueARuiz10 ай бұрын
I hope the Disney friend you’re cruising with is a certain someone with an accent who I also watch on KZbin 😂. Also, LOVED the slow mo part with the pups playing and the music playing in the background. So whimsical yet beautiful?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
You'll have to wait and see! (but I think you be please;). And THANK YOU, I loved that part, too!
@thejokerspeaks8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the Virgin review, I know all too well about cruise line apologists. We were considering a transatlantic for next year, and this definitely has given us caution. We are picky with bedding, so those normal cabins wouldn't work at all. We avoid Norwegian and MSC due to how they handle problems, add Virgin to the list. We've got a transpacific on Holland America coming up in October, and while it is probably a bit off from our age and personality in the opposite way, at least all the beds are comfortable if we ever had to downgrade, and they generally take care of their guests in case of problems. Looking forward to trying Viking Ocean too, maybe FL to Barcelona instead!
@karenkennedy59769 ай бұрын
Hi there from the Philippines! I stumbled upon one of your videos because I was watching others about packing for a vacation.. Then I just watched another, and another.. I would just like to say that your energy and personality are so cute and lovely, I feel like you are so relatable. Also, I am bi-racial (Filipino-British), your path to better educate yourself about other cultures is wonderful, also just how open you are about it, and your life in general.. I love it! Wishing you all the best, and I’ll keep watching!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge9 ай бұрын
What a kind comment, Karen, thank you!!!
@majorhollingshead590610 ай бұрын
I love the weekly vlogs. 😘❤️
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I’m trying to do one every month, Major, so I love hearing that feedback!
@sarainsaudi10 ай бұрын
Love Longchamp! We went to a store in Paris which was super fun!I picked up a cute crossbody - always a memory of our trip when I use it. I also purchased an expandable travel duffel - super practical - to use as a weekender and an extra bag when traveling. I wish the smaller Le Pliage came with a crossbody strap. Aiming to add a leather one this year.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
That's one of the reasons the collection grew so much - I lOVE buying bags when we travel overseas! Always such a great memory!! And I may have just ordered a leather one from Nordstrom. I'm probably going to send it back but . . I'll keep you posted.
@dawncrossland302810 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge Have You Received the Leather Longchamp & if so How Did You like it?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Oh this is so very sad. I DID receive it and it was quite misshapen at the bottom so I sent it back. I had such hopes for it! I think moving forward I'm only going to order direct from Longchamp as I had received it from Nordstrom and I think it was messed up because of the way they packaged it? Super sad.
@sarahbschoenberger10 ай бұрын
Would love to see a video about your favorite clothing pieces and brands to create a small long term travel wardrobe!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I love this! Honestly I feel like I’ve already done that without trying. Thank you for the suggestion!
@BecomingVT10 ай бұрын
One of my favorite parts is Scooby and Lenny playing in slow motion to beautiful piano music! LOVED that moment, thank you!!! And yes to the perimenopausal weirdness with hair and all the things. LOVED this Jen!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Thank you Coral!!!!!
@BecomingVT10 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge happy anniversary good 👀 lookin’!!❤️❤️
@annapower979910 ай бұрын
Another fantastic video. I thoroughly love your videos - especially the variety. My Hair ….curly, wired, frizzy, thick, crazy and unmanageable! I wear it up all the time because I can’t do anything else sensible with it. Can’t wait to hear how you address your hair challenges. Have a wonderful week!!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
That’s where I’m at too. Not ideal but I just cannot with it day in and day out!
@joannechandler566710 ай бұрын
You inspired me to do a declutter of my handbags. Don’t have that many but am slowing changing from large crossbody to small/ medium crossbody. Got rid of 2, one being too large for me now and the other is too similar to one I’m keeping. Haven’t pulled them all out in ages so that was good to see exactly what I have.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
So many bags that hadn’t seen the light of day in years!! It was a good exercise for me and now I’ve found some that I love and forgot I had!
@emilypressler754310 ай бұрын
I love these weekly vlogs!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
They’re super fun for me to film and edit so I love hearing that! Thank you!
@michellestevens245410 ай бұрын
My hair has gotten gone from straight and slick to type 2B wavy. I have cut in long layers with chin length bangs and more layers to frame the face. It is awesome! You just wash air dry with minimal product most days.
@1DawnMarie110 ай бұрын
I am currently eating lunch at my desk and watching this video, I really will strive to be better about taking a lunch break.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I love it! Honestly, whenever I have a stressful afternoon I can almost ALWAYS trace it to having not taken a proper lunch break. Lunch breaks are important!
@MyFocusVaries10 ай бұрын
Regarding the bags, I have a compact cross body and a velvet evening bag that my sister made for me. I understand that lots of folks like a lot of bags. To each their own. Just to reassure you if you're nervous about getting down to under 20 bags, I just want you to know that there are people who very happily survive with very few bags and zero designer bags. 😂
@juliekm649510 ай бұрын
Your weekly vlogs are super! Ah yes, menopause. Everything changes. You may have to look for new and different products. It’s a pain, but there are all sorts of really good products out there! Keep looking! Don’t forget lots of ladies are right there with you! Love your vlogs! Virgin is a bunch of stuff. Ah well, onward and upward, so many really good cruise companies out there. Keep up the good work! 😊
@jennyvanburen849610 ай бұрын
I have a Longchamp problem. It’s the only bag I travel with. I have three and they DO repair bags. Although after awhile I feel guilty about that because they do last forever so I just buy a new one. And I do have one Goyard, but I coveted it for years and finally bought one when we were in Paris and I love it so much. ❤
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
😂😂😂I can absolutely relate!
@carriel305410 ай бұрын
12:34 I don't think I have any hormonal changes, but I REEEEALLY wish it would hurry up and go grey already. I feel like the combo of 25% wiry/coarse and 75% straight/fine is what's really making it hard to get a handle on. I particularely noticed it in Disneyland last month when it was cool/windy and HUMID! I had a perfect halo of wiry hairs on top of my otherwise pretty sleek bob. Sigh.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yeah, the greys are definitely in play. I get this!
@lisaatp10 ай бұрын
My very fashionable 20 year old daughter loves that Longchamp bag… I bought her the black one for Christmas… so I’d say you are right with the times 😊
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Oh how wonderful!
@Nicole-cg4mo10 ай бұрын
I realized my favorite bags that I can't part with are actually 2 reusable canvas shopping bags I bought from foreign supermarkets. 😍 Also strange but true Starbucks used to make the best quality tote bags.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
No, I remember those totes!!
@nancybarnes37410 ай бұрын
Thank you for the names of the cosmetics! I have normal to dry skin and I’m always looking for recommendations on foundation.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
The WTF is really nice and it’s all I use - it’s not cheap but I rarely do a full face of makeup so this should last me awhile!
@MyFocusVaries10 ай бұрын
I just had to change the foundation that I've worn for...25 years because my skin has matured. I went with a Makeup Forever product. I find Sephora staff so helpful in choosing new products.
@jo-annr.129110 ай бұрын
Hi Jen; regarding hair perimenopause etc, research Estrogen disruptors. IE chemicals in food, body care, makeup, household cleaning products etc. Might be worth the look see. YES to Longchamp!!!!
@Luv2Pplwatch10 ай бұрын
Jen I’m right there with you, ZERO GLAM, Thankfully there is a beauty School nearby and very talented students to get my hair done and very affordable ❤️👏
@debchapman5919 ай бұрын
Clear. Brow. Gel. Kills me! LOL😄🤣😆
@amandakloeker955610 ай бұрын
I love that Stoney Clover! Have you put it up for sale yet?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
YES it's in the Poshmark closet listed in the description (I think I'm just jlefforge there?)
@jaymelogan973610 ай бұрын
If you could recommend one must do cruise for a couple what would it be? Have you done a river cruise before?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
We haven’t but I’m doing one in France this spring! Scott and I have done Disney together and loved it and also Viking Sea but that’s it - that was with my mom but it was incredible
@jaymelogan973610 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge Thank you now I just need to figure out where to go? I’m in Oregon so maybe Alaska?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
@@jaymelogan9736 i have never done Alaska but want to so badly and I have heard nothing but amazing things!
@packyourpixiedust10 ай бұрын
I work mostly from home and lunch time away from my computer is required time for me. I watch tv shows, KZbin, whatever but it's my time. Then I come back to my desk. I work too late into the evening most days, but I definitely take my lunch (and dinner!)
@ellencole97667 ай бұрын
Love the sweater you’re wearing with pearls. Is it cashmere? Still available? I’ve always loved pearls (my parents gave me mine when I graduated from college). 😊
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge7 ай бұрын
YES it is! Talbot's from maybe 3 years ago? And yup, my pearls were a 16th birthday gift. My grandmother's pearls were given to my older sister so I had new ones purchased for me and I love them. I've had them restrung once and have been told I should wear them a lot to keep them lusturous??
@ellencole97667 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge DEFINITELY wear them a lot! Just lovely. I’m sure the sweater is long gone, but so nice to see a different neckline.
@melissam566910 ай бұрын
I am adoring these vlogs!!! I’m also dealing with hair changes from menopause, coupled with just letting it go grey during the pandemic when I salon closed up for good. I’m very interested in hrt and will be talking with my gyn in a few months.
@Jscia83110 ай бұрын
Love your videos. Always down to earth and real. I was considering Virgin Voyages but I’m turned off a bit now by your story. I can’t imagine sleeping with lights on all night or not having lights and in your case, feeling ripped off. Love Longchamp too and it’s ok to simultaneously get rid of things and also want more :) I’m off to Greece soon and need to rewatch your videos 😊
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
It really is ok! Thank you!!
@ginaperez180410 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update does this mean I mispronunce Long- champ? I got a clutch from real real and love it.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I’m not sure it matters how you pronounce it but I’ve always pronounced it the way I do in the video.
@angelatester133510 ай бұрын
From a fellow Longchamp lover, I think you need the back pack too! It's super cute, fits so much and very comfortable. I've bought it as my park bag for our first trip to WDW this year, you and Adams trips have got me all prepared, thank you so much 🥰😍🥰oh and on behalf of the UK, apologies for the Virgin fiasco 🙄 love you Jen xx
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Well I’m an American so if we all went around apologizing for our country’s companies and politics all we’d be doing is saying sorry!😂🥰🥰🥰
@nancylima871110 ай бұрын
Another fun video. Thank you, Jen. 💕
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Thank YOU Nancy!
@amynewell252710 ай бұрын
As someone who is 59 and post menopausal, yes my hair went through some changes. It's curlier and lower density and I had to do a lot of experimenting with products. If you ever decide to embrace your greys, it will change again. Btw, I hope your cruise is with Adam 😊
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
You'll have to wait and see:). And thank you - I should have known this would happen as prior to my 14th birthday my hair was STICK STRAIGHT and then got super curly so my hair is always in play when there's hormones. I'm going to make peace with it! And I'm planning on embracing the greys soon - already on a 2 year plan with my colorist:).
@pamdleve10 ай бұрын
I can relate with your hair. Same issues. I started using a product called Milk Shake. It is a leave in product. I spray it on my hands and put it on that way. Do not use to much and keep it away from your roots. The bottle is a yellow color. Good luck
@ashleyabbott254710 ай бұрын
So I just bought my first Longchamp bag (pre loved from Poshmark) thanks to your influence ha ha. I have been looking for a nicer small crossbody for work travel and I found one I liked at a great price. Now to list some of my own bags.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I have developed a bit of a Poshmark addiction. I love it!
@OliviaT1310 ай бұрын
Hi Jen! What size do you have in the Longchamp Le Pliage Le Panier bag? I’ve been eyeing it for a while because of your videos (sorry if I missed you saying the size)!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Check the link in the description box for the exact name.
@florencelacy419010 ай бұрын
Yes, I love that brand of bag, too. ❤happy anniversary❤🎉🎉🎉
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, Florence!
@jamiefendley25710 ай бұрын
25:33 This! The anxiety of an open bag!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
@sharonmacomber233110 ай бұрын
the Monos Duffle ended up at my house, and I LOVE it!!!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Sharon I’m so happy it went to an amazing home!! Because it’s really just a gorgeous bag!!
@juliajones228310 ай бұрын
I have a bag collection that’s desperately needs to be reduced but I find it so hard to let go of any of them! I hope it’s Adam you are going cruising with. Xx
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Maybe! All I can confirm for sure is that it will be fabulous.:)
@rmh011610 ай бұрын
Yay UNT! Go Mean Green!!
@nmernst10 ай бұрын
Lovely video thanks for sharing. A Longchamp may be in my future I've heard good things. It is time to retire a few of my weekender bags. Best wishes.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I love that they’re family owned and run! Thanks for watching!!!🥰
@style931310 ай бұрын
Hi Jen; I’ve been wanting to get a small Stoney Clover backpack for awhile, but wondering if I’ll get tired of it😅. We’re the same age, and I love your style, so would love to know your opinion.🙂
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I think they're adorable and if you go to Disney a lot and love the look, you should go for it!
@reneeburich949710 ай бұрын
I haven’t had any issues with texture or thinning of my hair (I’m post menopausal, I’m almost 65). I have a lot of hair, and haven’t noticed a change (so far)! However, if you want to talk about feeling overwhelmed and fragmented…😀
@SarahCooper1710 ай бұрын
You need to take some photos with the straw bag at Saratoga Springs!!!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
OMG right??
@christyperry257510 ай бұрын
I went into early menopause at 47 because of undiagnosed celiac disease. Don’t trust cruises:( Hoping to go on a AMA Waterways celiac cruise next year. My hair did the same thing. My hairdresser told me it’s the gray hair. I color my hair every two weeks but the gray hair is coarse even though we color it. Invest in a good straightener. I also LOVE handbags!! Look at Naghedi and my favorite non designer is MZ Wallace. So great for travel and for everyday.
@margaretmurphy662310 ай бұрын
Done. Done. Done! Mine is finished too! - I love this project and I love being done even more. 😂
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
And honestly, now some of them that hadn't been used in forever are looking mighty cute! I forgot I had them!
@kimlamonte559310 ай бұрын
My hair texture is like a brillo pad now. I have been hiding it under a baseball cap. Not sure what to do.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I just ordered some new products - I'll keep you posted. I see you. I am you.
@Travelswithmonique10 ай бұрын
Jen, I am still sad we will miss each other on the Disney Cruise 😭 On the bags, I’m a Longchamp enthusiast and currently have a large navy blue. My first one was a medium black I bought in 2010 at the Longchamp store in Cannes - during summer sale haha! That one had holes because I used that solidly for a decade, ended up giving it away to someone who could work on it. I really like the Panier one and the Cuir, hoping to add those to my collection soon!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
The Panier has really been a heavy hitter for me - I bought it thinking I'd use it on one trip and it's now been everywhere! Super versatile.
@LisaShear-fb6nd10 ай бұрын
I had planned to do a Virgin Cruise in the next two years but am rethinking that cruise line after hearing your experience and how professional you were in your vlog.
@annaburch320010 ай бұрын
Always inspiring!! Now I want to sort all my bags. I have too many old misc. totes (freebies, Disney, Target) that need to go. I'm a Kate Spade person. I love our outlet, but the one in Vancouver BC is even better - same sales, but with our currently awesome exchange! 👍 I'm also loving Pom Pom London - the Mayfair bag. SOOOO practical. That's my everyday. But!! If I want another, all those misc. totes need to go!! 😉
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I love Kate Spade! And yes it's amazing how many bags we end up collecting and never use. I thought I was pretty well edited but NOPE. They seem to have snuck in while I wasn't looking.
@allisonhorton33010 ай бұрын
Thank you for a much-needed positive vlog, Jen! Just an idea - were the beautiful flowers perhaps an apology for the garage door debacle? 😂
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yeah, they were maybe that and an early anniversary gift? Never a dull moment around here.
@allisonhorton33010 ай бұрын
Either way, a sweet gesture! @@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge
@reneeburich949710 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh, getting down to 20 bags - I can’t imagine. I have about half of that and then a couple cross bodies only used for travel. None of them cost more than $70. That’s got to be hard to weed them out if you have a lot.
@thejaevlog499810 ай бұрын
The peri hair struggle is real! Curly girl here. I haven't quite figured out a new "cocktail" yet either, with regard to product. Please do let us know if you make any good discoveries!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Honestly I probably need to look at a different product from Briogeo? I’ll keep you posted!
@katiebatie10 ай бұрын
Not me immediately looking at Longchamp bags while you were showing the first one and then being almost instantly called out with you saying "Do not buy anything you do not need." 🤣
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yes I was absolutely talking to you.😂🥰🥰🥰
@trouble070210 ай бұрын
hahah i get something similiar (not le pliage..) but i think some jewlery store in puerto rico...
@karendrumm191710 ай бұрын
Happy anniversary have a great day
@bronniepaterson469410 ай бұрын
Loved this.. I related so many things.. My hair went through a major meltdown during menopause… Has just about recovered now,some 15 years later…menopause doesn’t stop over night. I have to many bags but I love them all…..the only named bag I have is Kath Kidston… Your far more better than Virgin, move on and chalk it up to experience…. Hope it’s Adam….you need to have some fun and you certainly do with him cruising… Happy Anniversary to you both 🥂 👍🇬🇧
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
That gives me hope!!
@brendawyber655610 ай бұрын
Ok, so I am watching the “fashion”. On your walk r u wearing the Spanx Air Essentials? Then putting on your makeup, is that outfit from Lands End. Looks identical to a lounge outfit I have from them. Love these Vlogs
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I am!!! I have three pieces from that line and love them and ALSO yes on the lands end set. Good eye!
@okbookgirl10 ай бұрын
My mom stole my longchamp pliage and it’s her car travel bag. I saved up for it and bought it like a decade ago 😊at an actual brick and mortar store. Love that bag.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Rude! 😂🥰they are great bags!!!
@whereistheaimee448710 ай бұрын
I started wearing my hair wavy when I was in perimenopause. It has been a journey, but I enjoy it. Post-Covid hair loss hasn’t helped, though. FWIW, I like your hair a bit shorter, like just a bit below your collarbone.
@Imaginary.Lemons10 ай бұрын
That last Longchamp bag is what we call “Accidentally Accessible.” That zipper would be so great for someone with limited hand control (I can’t help but notice that stuff now 😂)
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh you’re right! Or honestly even my mom who has arthritis - much easier!
@marleneschick476810 ай бұрын
Next time you visit Japan, go to the outlet mall. There is a Longchamp outlet....with the strong dollar and outlet prices...WOW! I wish I got more than 2. I got my other 2 Longchamp bags from Nordstrom.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yes I got great deals even at the regular store! I’m sure the outlet would be amazing!
@karenpedersoli26110 ай бұрын
Love your glasses!
@denisepadilladefont77310 ай бұрын
Go Jen! Speaking my anti-racist love language! Thank you for sharing this with your audience. Also, perimenopause lady here to and i’m feeling you on my hair. HRT has really helped the dryness (hair, body, mind 🙄) but still, this hair situation is not working for me either. You are wonderful! 🙏🏼
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Just out here trying to normalize the conversation - about anti-racism AND about menopause😂😂☺😘
@CaroleDowney10 ай бұрын
You don’t have to throw anything away! I have bags that are over 35 years old, but may want to use once every 10 years. 😊Not moving yet☺️
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
So true!
@jo195610 ай бұрын
Happy Anniversary 🎉
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@robynmcfarland580010 ай бұрын
lol how do you eat a baked potato 🥔 in the car. Just pick it up and take a bite? Longchamp is very on trend right now love your collection!
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Somebody else was driving!😂🥰
@robynmcfarland580010 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge ohhhhhh duh haha 😂🤗
@MJohannaS8910 ай бұрын
Who is the pink/cream? bag with the top handle and the two gold clasps by, the one sitting next to your laptop?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
That’s from Teddy Blake! It’s gorgeous. It’s quite formal so I don’t use it as much as I should but it’s yummy.
@MJohannaS8910 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge thank you! I love the look of the fend peekaboo but not the price, that bag looks like it could be perfect.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I've collaborated with them in the past and it really is a quality brand. The same factories as make the super spendy brands but much less expensive. The leather is incredible.@@MJohannaS89
@kimkimmy127910 ай бұрын
Taking a lunch break……I need to be better at this. Pre-unpleasantness I only worked in office a few days a week. Now I’m 💯 WFH and it’s so easy to just roll out of bed and turn on my computer. Then next thing I know it 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I need to take some of my time back….thanks for the reminder.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
YES and SAME. All last year I was terrible about this. It definitely makes my afternoons and evenings better!
@TheMrdog0310 ай бұрын
53 year old with curly hair. I have just had to change up my products. I have been using CurlSmith and really like them. I has seemed like my hair just needs as much conditioner as I can give it:)
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking too. Thank you!!
@juliajones228310 ай бұрын
Also Happy Anniversary for tomorrow. Xx😘
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
thank you, Julia!! I am one very very lucky woman!
@ilsehunt633810 ай бұрын
Virgin voyages clearly do not realise you are an influencer and vlogger ! The damage to their brand that you could have done , they’ve got away with it ! In my experience the customer service is not great at virgin ! I’m not surprised ! I moved on as well
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yeah I don’t get paid enough to spend my energy either dragging them OR helping them make things better. They’re on their own.😂😍
@sarahpetty96410 ай бұрын
The Virgin customer service seems wild. I feel like Disney or Royal Caribbean would have gone above and beyond to make it right. I do have some hair thoughts - I have naturally curly and thick hair and I stopped coloring it several years ago so I've got greys. I started doing Keratin treatments a few years ago and it has been a game changer in terms of making my hair smoother and more managable and lower maintenance. I do it about every 5-6 months. Maybe something to ask your stylist about.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I used to do them but my scalp didn't react to the chemicals well. And yes, I like to think you're right but I think any company can have a really bad day like this - I don't know, I just know we are done with them. Others may have a totally different experience!
@saraspalding557210 ай бұрын
I need some coaching for Poshmark…I have some luxury items (some with tags still🤦🏻♀️) that I’d like to sell. Could you do a video of how you do that? I just got a new Longchamp…white with navy stripes…perfect for a 🛳️.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
It's SO EASY! I was nervous when I first started but they even take care of the shipping for you and you just print out the label and take it to the post office.
@saraspalding557210 ай бұрын
@@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge for clothes…do you have to take a return if they don’t like it or it doesn’t fit?
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
@@saraspalding5572 it depends on the listing - mostly but you can quickly turn around and “reposh” the item and typically get the same you paid. It’s definitely a bit of a risk!
@MariahsWholeNewWorld10 ай бұрын
Girl I love me some bags too so I feel you lol. Yesss for the books!! I don’t have the Black AF History one so ima have to pick that up. The whole Virgin situation is completely wild to me, wow. Glad you are just releasing all of that and moving on for your own sanity.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Mariah, seriously, I don’t know when I will be done learning this particular lesson but peace is invaluable isn’t it? And yes this book is SO GOOD!
@shannonarmstrong179510 ай бұрын
A couple of years ago I found a Le Pliage bag at Goodwill for eight dollars. I couldn't believe it. I snatched it up and looked around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed😂 all the while whispering "it's mine, all mine"😂
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
OMG I WOULD HAVE SCREAMED! And then clamped my hand over my own dang mouth.
@rhillyermiles10 ай бұрын
I work for the YWCA Greater Charleston and our mission is to eliminate racism and empower women so I applaud your efforts. ❤
@rhillyermiles10 ай бұрын
Also, I write romance. So even purchasing books by black authors is a great step to take, even if they are fiction. ❤🎉
@rhillyermiles10 ай бұрын
My hair went from a slight wave to curls except for the top layer. Like it's curly with ringlets the first day but then the second day iit is curly on the under hair but the top layer is straight. Aaaggghhh. And I just turned 60, I'm on bio identical pellets, thank goodness, they really help with mood and brain haze. ❤
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Love it and thank you!
@dawnodunc10 ай бұрын
Try a Brazilian Blowout smoothing hair treatment!❤❤
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
I don't do those anymore as my scalp doesn't respond well to them at all. And honestly I prefer it curly anyway so I'll just have to play with products to figure it out!
@jayneestrycker745310 ай бұрын
I hope you're cruising with Adam Hatten. I love him💖😊
@cocorunny659710 ай бұрын
Post menopause less washing my hair and I use dry shampoo in between . Hot and flashy on KZbin is a good resource for ideas that work as we age. Although I’m further along , best wishes
@coreym.912510 ай бұрын
Not to encourage any unnecessary spending (maybe a little 😉) but I’ve had good luck with Vestiaire Collective for pre loved bags too. And I can’t get over how Virgin is handling that whole situation. I feel like if this had happened on a Disney cruise social media would have burned to the ground. Which they know so Disney would never handle it this way.
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yes I have definitely become spoiled by Disney's customer service!! I think that's why I was so shocked! And honestly, the price difference is not much. And YES I need to check there too! I kind of forgot about Vestiaire.
@oxymoira9 ай бұрын
i love my 2 pliage longchamp too mostly for its lightweight .. just wanted to suggest saying longchamp the french way .. without pronouncing the p 😍😘❤🎉
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge9 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@Lifeandtimeswithcyndi10 ай бұрын
Thanks Jen for being a friend first of all, but secondly for sharing and placing a spotlight on so many issues others would not touch with a ten foot pole! 😬
@JoyfulLivingwithJenLefforge10 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m sat here ready to pounce on any unkind comments but we must ALL be part of this - and I’m very honored to be on the journey with you!