Weird Things That Are Illegal In Germany

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Joss and Janik

Joss and Janik

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@auroraqtr3630 5 жыл бұрын
Gosh, I'm so freaking in love with their relationship. 🤣
@derboss3451 5 жыл бұрын
@auroraqtr3630 5 жыл бұрын
@@derboss3451 Excuse me?
@ladyrm1912 5 жыл бұрын
@@auroraqtr3630 awwww me too😍
@derboss3451 5 жыл бұрын
@@auroraqtr3630 yea u are an idiot
@auroraqtr3630 5 жыл бұрын
@@derboss3451 Why? Am just a dreamy person who wants to be loved! Neh I was just joking, but I'm sorry if I offended you in some sort of way I didn't mean it. ^ ^
@mayofofayo 5 жыл бұрын
My mom is German and my dad is Mexican which makes me love watching you two together even more!
@arianaqa6857 2 жыл бұрын
that's too great!!! I'd like to live that
@Daneelro 5 жыл бұрын
No lockstep marching on a bridge: this is not a German thing, this is universal! It dates back to an incident in France in 1850 when a bridge collapsed due to marching soldiers.
@retoelcorrer1387 5 жыл бұрын
it's common sense
@SamGamgee8012 5 жыл бұрын
@@retoelcorrer1387 Obviously not ... most people don't know anything about bridges, marching and resonance, because sadly most people think of physics as something that only happens to nerds.
@marcop4136 5 жыл бұрын
that's not a law anymore
@MultiScooter63 5 жыл бұрын
This is especially dangerous for marching soldiers, so in german army for this case there is a special order: "Ohne Tritt, Marsch !" ( = do march asynchronuosly ) while the order for marching synchrouosly is "Im Gleichschritt, Marsch !"
@Tiriondil 5 жыл бұрын
Physikalisch findet hier positive Interferenz des Gleichschritts statt. Irgendwann folgt die "Resonanzkatastrophe" (das heißt wirklich so).
@niks2392 5 жыл бұрын
I'm studying law (I'm German) and for everyone wondering: The thing with the dog poop is right, but the law is not specifically about dog poop, it's about property in general. In German law there is a difference between "Eigentum" (property) and "Besitz" (having possession) and if you want to get property it is not enough if you gain possession, it must be "übereignet". But because of German law being very specific it doesn't really matter whether you are the owner or not if you want to throw it away. You also have the right to demand that the owner of the dog cleans it up.
@Mvivaldi1 5 жыл бұрын
Joss: “Germans value silence so much more than any other person I’ve ever met.” Me: As an introvert I can relate! 😅
@GermanyTechno 5 жыл бұрын
Maria Ortega you’re now slightly more german. 😜
@Mvivaldi1 5 жыл бұрын
@@GermanyTechno I think I would fit into the culture! haha
@carlossaraiva8382 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, they value it a lot, even more than children
@crappiefisher1331 5 жыл бұрын
@@carlossaraiva8382 yeah i guess that's why children being loud isn't even considered to be noise in the german laws. noise made by children is considered to be "normal living noises" (normale Wohngeräusche).. so kids playing and being louder in appartements is normal.. the younger the children are the louder they can be.. normal playing noise is not a problem at all nor are babies crying.. for children to fall under any noise protections laws they would have to do something extraordinary like e.g. playing basketball in the flat or driving their skateboards inside... so no my dear, we don't value silence more than kids - on the contrary the law even states that kids have a right to play and be loud
@carlossaraiva8382 5 жыл бұрын
@@crappiefisher1331 - Thank you for your repIy. I am a part of the "we" and, you won't believe it, I used to be a very happy, very noisy kid. At the time we could even play football on the street "bei uns uffm Dorf", directly "unterm fenster von d'Weiss Oma", who never complained. Unfortunately, the issue is not related to the law, it's something entirely different, and it's nasty. It's true, I take issue with all the many people complaining about the noise. But I get really angry because of these people who keep our courts busy with "Kinderlärm". These petty people who fight their way to court, only to be remembered by the courts on a regular basis that "Kinderlärm ist teil der normalen Wohngeräusche" (that's where it's coming from, the law doesn't define it expressly, the law only says that you have to take it, but not what is "normale Wohngeräusche"). For instance, a couple shortened the rent (Mietminderung), because of, allegedly, noisy kids in the building. Unbelievably they lost, but fought their case all the way up to the "BGH", who put an end to the insanity by rubbing them the "Kinderlärm ist teil der normalen Wohngeräusche" under their nose (BGH, Urteil v. 22.01.03, Az. VIII ZR 244/02). Though I know that's only a tiny amount of people, it's, in my personal view, a very German thing, which, as a German, upsets me quite a bit. But, since my "value silence more than kids" was supposed to shed some sarcasm on these people, it's quite obvious that I failed miserably on this part and just came a across generalizing. So I guess, I deserve your testy, albeit politely expressed.
@yossherrera_21 5 жыл бұрын
5:25 "You can collect poop and get rich" , JAJAJAJAJAJA No puedoooooo
@stephanyramirez1267 5 жыл бұрын
Hi guys!!! About the bridge...I think is true because of the vibration that is created due the march. I'm engineer and I remember that from my physics class. Love your videos. Repeated vibrations at an object's resonant frequency will weaken the structural integrity of a solid object and, in some rare cases, even break it. Fragile objects, like a wine glass or, in this case, a flimsy bridge, are most susceptible. A resonant frequency can only be hit if several conditions are met: The source must be extremely powerful, the pulses of force must be sent out a very precise frequency, and there must be no other frequencies interfering it. All of those requirements were met when the soldiers marched on the bridge while remaining completely in-step. There's a one-in-a-billion chance of the soldiers' march hitting that perfect the frequency.
@emilionuno9291 5 жыл бұрын
She's completely right, guys! 😉
@Hamsterdam91 5 жыл бұрын
The myth comes from the collapse of the Broughton Suspension Bridge ( And Mythbusters tested this myth. "Adam built a 60ft (18m) by 6ft (1.8m) suspension bridge from metal tubing and nylon rope, while Jamie built 12 dummy soldiers out of air-powered actuators and combat boots. In the initial test, the soldiers moved far too slowly due to a disconnected hose. During the second and third tests, the soldiers stomped too hard on the bridge, causing the bridge to collapse from impact without any harmonic vibration. The myth was retested for Myths Revisited and found plausible. It was ultimately cut out of the episode, but later included in MythBusters Outtakes.[3] "
@Daneelro 5 жыл бұрын
@@Hamsterdam91 Funny, I never heard of the Broughton Suspension Bridge incident before, but for continental Europe, another incident was defining: the Angers Bridge collapse of 1850. As the article mentions, there was a much more recent example of resonance due to people walking in lockstep, although it was a more special resonance that involved people's reactions (the lockstep walking emerging from random walk): the Millennium Bridge in London.
@bernhardeising8783 5 жыл бұрын
@@Hamsterdam91 It's not a myth. If you search for "swaying bridge london" and then look up the articles "The Wibbly Wobbly Millennium Bridge in London - KZbin" and "Explaining Why The Millennium Bridge Wobbled -- ScienceDaily" you see the reason, why it's an army command not to cross a bridge in military lockstep.
@fluffymarshmallow2881 5 жыл бұрын
@@Hamsterdam91 it's not a myth. It's physically proven :)
@LittleLaanekas 5 жыл бұрын
In Estonia it is illegal to be naked in public places, to drink in public places, to drink under the age of 18 and if I remember correctly then prostitution is also illegal in our country.
@conanfanpk 5 жыл бұрын
"Hallo ... Herr ... Polizei." I love this. This is really funny. 😂 Your Videos are always entertaining and funny. This is great.👍
@ezafirmehyna56 5 жыл бұрын
Love ❤️ how you two are tying to speak each other’s languages 🇲🇽 🇩🇪
@Ana-tk1us 5 жыл бұрын
They're not trying, they actually speak each other's languages lol
@VideoChasca 5 жыл бұрын
Me starting the video: oh cute let's learn about Germany. Me finishing it: ¿¡ME PUEDO ESCAPAR DE LA CÁRCEL!?
@dieminervaeule 5 жыл бұрын
Si, acá en Alemania podés escaparte de la cárcel...teóricamente. Ponerlo en práctica te va a ser bastante dificil, la seguridad es alta acá.
@marirenderos5829 4 жыл бұрын
@josuegabriel8066 5 жыл бұрын
In Brazil it is also illegal to run out of gas.
@larissampcoelho 5 жыл бұрын
Josué Gabriel yeah I’m learning how to drive and I was so shook when I learned about this law hahahahahaha
@Maurice1 5 жыл бұрын
@@larissampcoelho HahhhHHhahahahahHhahag
@user-wo4yc9mz9l 5 жыл бұрын
Yes but I think that totally makes sense, because if you run out of gas you block the street for everyone, but if you go to gas station early enough this wouldn't happen, so it's definitely your fault.
@shaclo1512 5 жыл бұрын
I work in a prison and this week we had an escape. He hide in a delivery vehicle so he damaged nothing. He got caught the same day and he is now in a isolation cell, so thats the punishment for that 🤷🏻‍♂️
@luckyqualmi 5 жыл бұрын
Right. Gladly the punishment has to be in balance with what he did. And since he only "broke out of his arrest", a few days or weeks in isolation should be fine. In the States you could get another lifetime ontop of your 350 years. ;)
@andreawirtz2728 5 жыл бұрын
If you brake out of the prison in Germany you didn’t get any punishment for doing it 😂
@mweskamppp 5 жыл бұрын
True. But only if you dont do a crime on the way out. They might catch you later but you dont get an extra punishment. Solitary confinement is not used much anyway. Most times the hole is empty. When the time exceeds some weeks there is some psychologic service to take over, i think.
@andreawirtz2728 5 жыл бұрын
Michael Weskamp that’s true ☺️ and if you break or damage something in prison during the breakout. even worse the criminal hurt prison personal.
@B2Rsly 4 жыл бұрын
Its because the desire of freedom is a high good and to keep the freedom is a human instinct. so if you can brake out of a prison, without "breaking" anything or are able to flee from the cops on foot or by car (not committing any violations) you can't get charged for it. Cause its an instinct.
@tinari3016 5 жыл бұрын
Ab 14 mit Aufsicht nur Sekt Ab 16 Bier, Wein und Sekt Ab 18 Spirituosen
@tell1238 5 жыл бұрын
Soweit die Theorie 😜
@Noah-jj9ix 5 жыл бұрын
Neee so ganz richtig ist das nicht ab 14 Bier Wein und Sekt mit Aufsicht alles andere ist richtig
@gunnarroth2410 5 жыл бұрын
@@johannesstorck3770 Nein nicht nur auf privaten Feiern. Ich zitiere mal das Gesetz: "Jugendschutzgesetz (JuSchG) § 9 Alkoholische Getränke (1) In Gaststätten, Verkaufsstellen oder sonst in der Öffentlichkeit dürfen 1. Bier, Wein, weinähnliche Getränke oder Schaumwein oder Mischungen von Bier, Wein, weinähnlichen Getränken oder Schaumwein mit nichtalkoholischen Getränken an Kinder und Jugendliche unter 16 Jahren, [...] weder abgegeben noch darf ihnen der Verzehr gestattet werden. (2) Absatz 1 Nummer 1 gilt nicht, wenn Jugendliche von einer personensorgeberechtigten Person begleitet werden."
@aino4689 5 жыл бұрын
@@tell1238 is so in meiner Klasse an die teilweise schon ohne Aufsicht Alkohol getrunken als sie noch 13 oder so waren
@axelkristoffle6441 5 жыл бұрын
Haha I can't stop laughing because of Joss's face while Janik was saying the title of the video!! So funny.... Awesome video!
@danielam1111 5 жыл бұрын
Me obsesioné con ustedes desde que los vi😍 mucha buena vibra y buena suerte, merecen ser un canal mucho más reconocido! Saludos desde 🇪🇨♥️!
@tenabros5006 5 жыл бұрын
Saludos hasta Colombia🇪🇨
@karelyscajiao5047 5 жыл бұрын
@sherlinchavez4783 5 жыл бұрын
I learn, laugh😂 and enjoy your videos everytime.❤️❤️
@danbachmann8005 5 жыл бұрын
The reason why poop can never be considered property is because you can not be required by the law to dispose of your own property. Since dog poop is considered “waste” it can therefore be made an offense if you fail to clean it up and throw it away.
@marcelomansillap 5 жыл бұрын
Les amooooo! Recién hoy encontré su canal y ya he visto casi todos sus videos JAJAJAJAJA. Tienen una relación hermosa, y son demasiado simpáticos. Felicidades, chicos! 💙 Espero que su canal siga creciendo. P.D. La edición de sus videos es TODO! 😍
@papperlapapp1922 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video, thanks for sharing. I missed the beehive thing. If your bee population is fleeing you're allowed to enter other person's property to get your bee population back. That's written down in the BGB 962. You're even allowed to break a locked house to get your bees back. When it comes to honey we're super serious.
@ianalozinskaia 3 жыл бұрын
One of the coolest channels I've seen!
@ellywieber6192 5 жыл бұрын
Crazy! I learned 8 new things today! Can't wait for your travel series!!! Keep the videos coming!!!
@maribelgeraldine2090 5 жыл бұрын
I love y’all! Y’all inspire me to keep traveling and remind me it’s always better when you do it with those you love! Keep doing it what y’all do 💕 saludos de Texas!!
@vanitykinder3556 5 жыл бұрын
Chicos, corté con mi novio de casi cinco años, creo que fue el amor de mi vida y no saben cómo me han servido sus vídeos, sus vibras, sus risas y su amor tan notorio me da un sentimiento agridulce pero adictivo, nada más cuando los veo no lloro. Gracias 🖤❤️
@a.s.r.a-1660 5 жыл бұрын
Te deseo todo lo mejor, disfruta mucho este momento de soltería que desde hace 5 años no tenías lol, atesora los mejores momentos de esa relación y sigue adelante... cada día, cada experiencia nos ayuda a crecer como personas, y si tu relación ya no era tan adictiva y complementaria como se te hace ver la de jozz y janik entonces cambio a la página... suerte!
@normaperez8187 5 жыл бұрын
Tenemos la misma foto de perfil jajajaja cool
@vanitykinder3556 5 жыл бұрын
@@a.s.r.a-1660 mi novio sí me llenaba en todo sentido, pero tengo ansiedad y depresión, no quiero que me vea mientras caigo. Quiero que sea feliz ( : si algún día mejoro me gustaría volver a verlo, pero por eso lo dejé.
@a.s.r.a-1660 5 жыл бұрын
@@vanitykinder3556 me da pena escuchar eso, y disculpa si me meto pero si de verdad te llenara en todo sentido, no estarías en depresión, pues una persona que ama a otra incondicionalmente busca dar lo mejor de sí para llenarla de igual forma, y por lo mismo no dejarías que la depresión entrara en tí por pensar en esa persona y en lo felíz que te hace a tí, buscas darle felicidad de igual forma... aprende a aceptar las cosas, y a amarte... la ansiedad es buena si la utilizas para impulsarte a ser mejor y a sobreponerte, si dejas a esa persona por dejar entrar a la depresión a tu vida estás siendo muy egoísta con los sentimientos de él... pues no valen lo suficiente para sentirte llena... Espero que puedas sobreponerte pronto, que Dios te cuide y disculpa nuevamente si me entrometí, pero sentí la necesidad de decírtelo... te invito a que lo pienses. Bendiciones! :)
@vanitykinder3556 5 жыл бұрын
@@a.s.r.a-1660 no te preocupes, la gente suele meterse sin saber, no lo digo por insultar, es solo que en realidad no doy nada de información del por qué tuve que dejarlo. Las enfermedades mentales no son cosa fácil y lo quiero demasiado como para que tenga que estar conmigo mientras mejoro, merece ser feliz y si algún día yo logro mejorar mi sueño es que me perdone y regrese, pero ahora sin él lo mejor para mí es no estar con absolutamente nadie porque no soy capaz de mantener una relación. En otras palabras ya era mala novia pero luego traté de suicidarme y aunque me arrepentí no quiero que él tenga que sufrir por eso así que lo que más le conviene es alejarse de mí. Con él quiero hijos y familia, pero no sé hasta cuando mis emociones y mente me permitirán ser funcional de nuevo.
@matthiaskalupner6041 5 жыл бұрын
The lockstep thing originates on the 'resonance disaster' (Resonanzkatastrophe) that is actually a thing. The 'London Millenium bridge' had to be fixed to prevent it from collapsing due to this phenomenon.
@mariamarcial5575 5 жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m a engineering student. Yess!! The bridge could fall. The thing is that when people just walk naturally, they all cause vibrations but on different frequencies. During a synchronized march the bridge will only fall with the right frequency, so it depends on the rhythm. It definitely increases the chances though.
@QuiescentPilot 5 жыл бұрын
4:00 as an engineer: ...doubt it... unless it was poorly made. Usually you design bridges with a large factor of safety (for reference, a factor of safety of 3 means that it won’t fail unless it 3 times the the force it is designed for is exerted upon it). Unless the bridge is filled with as many people as can possibly fit on it, I doubt that people marching could significantly damage it. Although, to be fair, the laws aren’t necessarily written by engineers
@nairbvel 5 жыл бұрын
If it makes you feel any better, there are laws on the books throughout the U.S. that are positively weird. For example, in the nation's capital (Washington, DC), no public establishment is allowed to have more than 1 accordion played for entertainment; no sheep are allowed on bridges between 6:00am and 10:00am (no word of if they're allowed to walk in lock step); you cannot harass or kill a Bigfoot/Sasquatch; you cannot dance within the Jefferson Memorial (people have actually been arrested for this); you cannot whistle while in a bathroom; you cannot post a public notice calling someone a coward for refusing to accept a challenge to a duel; and small boys are prohibited from throwing any stones for any reason anywhere within the District of Columbia. Oh, and it is illegal to marry your mother-in-law. There are some other doozies, but I thought you'd get a good chuckle out of these. :-)
@Pewtah 5 жыл бұрын
To bridges: look up for "resonant frequency" ("Resonanzfrequenz") to understand their destructive effect on materials. If all men would walk in lockstep they would trigger a distinct vibration in the material, i.e. give energy to the material, and that energy can destroy the material if it comes close to the material's resonant frequency. So to prevent that create different vibrations by stepping in everybody's pace. I think lockstep on bridges is forbidden in every state with a military army, isn't it?
@o0blubblub0o 5 жыл бұрын
you can be naked in your car, but you have to wear shoes while driving!!!!!
@KaliqueClawthorne 5 жыл бұрын
No :D You could drive barefoot, but you can't drive with flipflops. Because barefoot you could also have the control about the pedals, but not with flipflops for example.
@GettingNervous 5 жыл бұрын
@@KaliqueClawthorne You can drive barefoot or with flipflops. Regarding this there is no law in Germany. But in case of an accident the insurance company maybe won´t pay because driving without shoes or inappropriate shoes is on your own risk.
@anikalibera5596 5 жыл бұрын
Every building can only take a certain frequency of vibrations. If you reach the natural frequency of the building the building can start to swing even more and eventually collaps. Bridges are very prone to this because of the geometry. Pedestrians walk in a speed that is very close to the first natural frequency of bridges. That's why you are not allowed to March in a group on a bridge. If several people walk normally on a bridge the frequencies they produce will cancel each other out. But if they march together the frequencies add onto each other and exaggerate the effect of the swinging.
@micaelacastano2718 5 жыл бұрын
Una vez un grupo de personas estaba marchando al mismo ritmo en un puente y este se empezó a mover y se calló. Esto fue por a causa de la resonancia, osea las personas marcharon a la misma frecuencia que la natural del puente. Por eso esta prohibido. PS: me re encanta sus videos😆 saludos desde Uruguay 🇺🇾🇺🇾
@timomueller3021 5 жыл бұрын
Por la misma rasón, un puente en la EEUU colapsé. El viento tuvo "el ritmo del puente"
@enylrahC666 4 жыл бұрын
i love u guys! Ihr seid super sympathisch und Joss ist wunderschön. Ich werde euch abbonieren und weiter verfolgen :)
@melissafabela5523 5 жыл бұрын
Love your videos guys❤❤
@metzerims 5 жыл бұрын
Ich liebe sie!!!
@Luna-zc6gx 5 жыл бұрын
(I’m German and) I clicked on this video expecting it to be random laws that don’t make sense and I’ve never heard of. Turns out the “instrument restriction law” (also the “mittagsruhe”) is so normal for me I did never question it or think about it. But once I thought about it it’s true - that is so typical for Germany and probably no other country (at least out of Europe) has such laws 😅 I’ve spent a few months in Mexico and there was music playing like alll the time
@montana5105 5 жыл бұрын
Luna Austria same laws
@Justsaymiry 5 жыл бұрын
Same for Italy. From 2-4 pm NO LOUD NOISES. From 12-08 am neither.
@mweskamppp 5 жыл бұрын
The thing with the bridge is true. Even practised by the army (i was drawn in the 80s). You dont march over a bridge as a Kompanie. You might hit the resonance point and damage it.
@ReneGando96 5 жыл бұрын
Wey alto.... es legal escapar de prisión en México??? Neta? XD esa no me la sabía XD
@LuisCastro-qx6mt 5 жыл бұрын
Me encantan sus videos sigan así saludos desde 🇲🇽 CDMX
@IMH15 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, if a lot of people walk in sync over a bridge, they can hit it's eigenfrequency. Then the vibration adds up and the bridge starts moving like a wave. You can find videos on KZbin on it. For example the millennium bridge. There the people started walking in sync unconsciously, because they unconsciously noticed the vibration and changed their own step frequency to match those of the others.
@abigailsalazar5388 2 жыл бұрын
Amo sus videos, reí muchísimo!
@Andrea-rk6vy 5 жыл бұрын
You guys are the best!! I can't stop laughing when I see your videos!!❤😂
@Mariana-en2vn 5 жыл бұрын
I love you guys! You're awesome and always I learned from your videos, because I am trying to speak very well and to improve my english skills so you're the best🤩
@jasminediaz6374 5 жыл бұрын
Hey!... I arrived to ur channel by accident, I guess haha... and I have been watching some of your videos and wow, honestly, I like your channel, it’s so funny, so Honest, so true, so Thanks a lot for share part of your life and experiences here. If only all the content of KZbin were like this, it would be great. Greetings from Mexico City to you both Good vibes. Xoxo ✌🏼 P.d.: it’s good to find people who like or love Friends (the Tv show, of course hahaha) 🙌🏼🤓👍🏼💙
@kprp4774 5 жыл бұрын
Jajajajaja el francés al último fue muy gracioso 😂. Besos chicos. Disfruten mucho!
@MegaWevon 5 жыл бұрын
Que divertidos!!! Saludos! Continuen no dejen de subir!!!
@reko7264 5 жыл бұрын
Erster Kommentar von mir... habe aber schon viele euerer Videos gesehen. Freue mich immer wie positiv ihr rüber kommt... Macht weiter so und viel Vergnügen auf eurer Reise.
@sofiapro6489 5 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh I laughed so much with you😁 have you ever watched Dark (the german netflix serie)?💗
@mayrainiesta 4 жыл бұрын
I love the no noise in certain hours of the day rule... imagine if we had that in LA...🤔😃
@cysy.g32 5 жыл бұрын
Saying hi from El paso, I love you guys so much💗
@forerosusan144 5 жыл бұрын
Empecé a ver sus vídeos hace una semana y se han vuelto en un vicio para mi aún no termino de ver todos los vídeos que tienen pero ya casi, me volví fan de ustedes soy una colombiana viviendo en Toronto así que un saludo desde Canadá 🤗🤟🏼
@emmal.5570 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, a bridge can collapse - if the frequency of the marching would resemble the bridge´s resonance frequency. There is a video of a big bridge collapsing because of wind that matched its resonance frequency (I don´t remember the name, but you´ll find it!) :)
@egt4Brvo 4 жыл бұрын
The fact that Janik thought that making money out of an expensive dog's poop was a possibility for that law has me dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀
@mariselaenriquez2920 5 жыл бұрын
@vanessamedina3923 5 жыл бұрын
Ustedes se merecen el millón de suscriptores, son geniales! 💕
@vbvideo1669 5 жыл бұрын
Nice Video, dudes! :)
@emipazymino663 5 жыл бұрын
Love your videos !! You two make an amazing couple!! 🙌🏻
@marioeh89 5 жыл бұрын
The thing with the bridges is true, just yesterday I saw a physics performance and they said that because of many people walking with the same rhythm that the millennial bridge started vibrating too much and had to be shut down again. So it's theoretically possible that if a huge number of persons is crossing a bridge in Gleichschritt the bridge might collapse. Obviously nowadays new bridges should be able to withstand it. But looking at the state most German bridges are in.... Maybe the law still has some use.
@mayo2877 5 жыл бұрын
The thing about bridges is true. A prominent example is the Millennium Bridge in London. It had to be closed two days after its opening because of the vibrations it experienced when pedestrians walked over it. They then installed some fancy dampeners and called the problem fixed.
@Bianca-nt9je 5 жыл бұрын
Damn , that really happened?
@mayo2877 5 жыл бұрын
@@Bianca-nt9je Yeah, you can google it. It's on the wiki page of the Millennium Bridge as well.
@PattieMitchell 5 жыл бұрын
Omg you guys i can't wait to see the new videos, you are super funny, hahahah i love when you share this kind of information on your special funny way
@LitzyBitzyHairstyles 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome video guys and very interesting. Luv it. Greetings from Belize 🇧🇿😘
@FranciscoBourquin 5 жыл бұрын
las reglas del silencio durante horas de descanso también se usa acá en argentina. De 1 a 3 es la hora del almuerzo y la siesta. Después de las 10 se debe hacer silencio porque algunas personas duermen para levantarse temprano al día siguiente
@Mullkaw 5 жыл бұрын
9:50 are they becoming ... *quadrilingual???* can one man hold that much power???
@xoItsMariangelxo 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, oui, si, ja!
@alittlebird3818 5 жыл бұрын
@@xoItsMariangelxo tak
@alittlebird3818 5 жыл бұрын
Yo, un hombre de alemania Sé cómo es en Alemania Vivo en Alemania desde mi existencia ha empezado
@nickymuller378 5 жыл бұрын
Nice Video guys When are we gonna see Joss in a rollercoster really looking forwoard to this ;)
@JossAndJanik 5 жыл бұрын
I was hoping y’all would forget about it 🙈 Janik has been trying to get me into a rollercoaster ever since... i guess it will be soon 😱
@thenuccichannel5742 5 жыл бұрын
Joss and Janik go on Expedition GeForce at holiday park
@calaminthagrandiflora7065 5 жыл бұрын
There were realy examples, where a bridge collapsed when people walked at the same time in the same tempo. Some people died once.(said my physik teacher)
@krismiller5126 3 жыл бұрын
You guys are so funny!
@alexandrahr9988 5 жыл бұрын
Me he visto casi todos sus videosssss, son muyyyy divertidosssssss
@lolaevans5640 5 жыл бұрын
Estoy intentando aprender alemán y ver estos vídeos si me ayuda, thank you guyssss
@Simon-bb2fd 5 жыл бұрын
Das mit den Brücken liegt daran, dass jede Brücke die ganze Zeit ein bisschen Schwingt(Frequenz der Brücke). Geht man dann im Gleichschritt mit ein paar Leuten in der Frequenz der Brücke über die selbe, schwingt sie stärker und schaukelt sich hoch. Dabei kann sie dann so stark schwingen das sie einstürzt.
@codingvio7383 4 жыл бұрын
1:18 There is a good reason for that, not only are there no speed limits on the autobahn, but because there are no speed limits, slowing down suddenly because you are too idiotic to not pay attention to your fuel gauge, it can lead to a car crash, and the german autobahn are one of the safest highways in the world. Because of no speed limits, those people that feel special who are going way over the speed limit, may crash into another person who IS GOING THE SPEED LIMIT, and will lead to a fatal ceash. BUT if there is not speed limit, there are no slower vehicles. You can be zooming past a cop 100 KM over their speed and they wont care.
@victorcarvajalroman5895 5 жыл бұрын
Descubrí su canal hace poco y ya me acabé casi todos sus videos. He pasado horas viéndolos, y me pone triste que ahora tengo que esperar una semana para ver nuevos videos 😭😭. Esos 10-15 minutos no son suficientes. I love you guys Greetings from Sinaloa 🇲🇽 Edit. Suerte en su viaje
@valeriamartinez6190 5 жыл бұрын
Victor Carvajal R eeeeh yo también soy de sinaloa jajaj
@victorcarvajalroman5895 5 жыл бұрын
valeria martinez Guamúchil
@danielg6566 5 жыл бұрын
The marching in lockstep rule has to do with certain structures (like bridges) having resonant frequencies that match the frequency of the marching. What this could cause is a ripple on the bridge that matches the marching pace and each time the ripple goes down, that's the same time each step occurs. Over time, the steps each add to the severity of the ripples, and that could cause damage. However, with today's engineering this is less of a problem than it used to be.
@mweskamppp 5 жыл бұрын
Dont forget. For most things it is: when nobody complains, its ok. So, when you ask all the neighbours about loud party in the night every now and then and all agree, its ok. Same for loud instruments or noise at lunch time. etc
@summerkochersperger7843 5 жыл бұрын
Something else that is really weird about Germany is that it is allowed for everyone in a car to drink alcohol as long as the driver doesn't drink. In a lot of places having open containers of alcohol within reach of the driver is automatically punishable.
@tombrauey 5 жыл бұрын
As far as I know, the driver can also drink but has to make sure that his/her alcohol level is and remain below the legal threshold. But it's still a bad idea to drink and drive...
@keba9737 4 жыл бұрын
4:04 as an German engineer I can say... not German bridges. Their are to stable for that 😎.
@SuperSquatch 5 жыл бұрын
This channel mentions poop more often than any other channel I’ve seen. I’m not complaining.
@faefire6025 5 жыл бұрын
Just remember that most laws like that exist because someone did it, or someone did it enough that people complained and got it banned.
@KoldingDenmark 5 жыл бұрын
It is illegal to run out of gas on the highway. I have heard that one before. But how is the legislation when it comes to how and how much gasoline extra you can store in your car, to avoid paying for gasoline when crossing countries, where the prices are higher? I have heard the most horrific stories from German friends about how they used to store gasoline in just about any kind of tank in the trunk and on the floor in the car, to avoid paying for gasoline outside Germany, when driving to i.e. Spain on holidays.
@alondraluevano2508 5 жыл бұрын
Estaba esperando su vídeo. Me encantan!! Saludos💓💓💓
@madelynmedina6182 5 жыл бұрын
i really like your videos guys i'm learning more english now thank you
@marianapatinoo 5 жыл бұрын
Me encantan sus videos
@anacastaneda3003 5 жыл бұрын
La calidad de sus vídeos es increíble y ustedes tienen una vibra super linda 😍 Los sigo desde hace mucho 👏💚
@janeznovak922 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, they have great chemistry and vibe :)
@tasminoben686 5 жыл бұрын
Moin Moin ihr beiden, das mit der Brücke stimmt In London ist, ich meine es war Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts, eine Brücke über die Themse zusammengebrochen, weil der Marschschritt einer großen Soldateneinheit sie in ihre Eigenschwingungen versetzt hat. Anners ausgedrückt: Stampf Stampf Stampf - rumps...
@arandano652 5 жыл бұрын
En inglaterra sucedio que los soldados derribaron un puente debido a que estaban marchando , tengo entendido que no es algo que vaya a pasar siempre que lo hagan pero para no arriesgarse mejor lo prohiben
@Jess-vo7hj 5 жыл бұрын
Do you know if staffordshire bull terriers are allowed in germany? Am thinking of going to work in Germany for a year and want to bring my dog with me. Is there any states that have exemptions? Answers would be appreciated.
@conni5179 5 жыл бұрын
The bridge can break down if you march in the same rhythm
@FabFunty 5 жыл бұрын
You're not punished for escape from a prison it's of course *NOT* allowed to do it ! _Du wirst nicht bestraft für einen Gefängnisausbruch, erlaubt ist es aber nicht_
@petrameyer1121 5 жыл бұрын
Der Ausbruch an sich ist nicht strafbar. Körperverletzungen und Sachbeschädigungen die dabei entstehen schon.
@niks2392 5 жыл бұрын
Es ist nicht strafbar an sich, aber wenn du wieder gefangen wirst musst du halt trotzdem den Rest deiner Strafe absitzen
@tridder 5 жыл бұрын
@@niks2392 Das der Gefängnisausbruch nicht strafbar ist resultiert im Übrigen aus dem gesamten Art. 2 GG der die Freiheit der persöhnlichen Entfaltung und allg Freiheit regelt. Außerdem könnten alle zum Ausbruch notwendigen Delikte entschuldigt oder jedenfalls in der Schuld gemildert werden. Die HIlfe zum Gefängnisausbruch ist allerdings strafbar (§120StGB)
@marckepurra2852 4 жыл бұрын
Diese Regelung ist übrigens aus kaiserszeiten. Die Idee einen Ausbruch nicht zu bestrafen, stammt aus der Auffassung, dass Freiheit ein menschliches Bedürfnis ist. Allerdings ist das ausbrechen zwar ohne weitere strafen, man wird aber mit 3 Monaten freiheitsentzug bestraft wenn man mit gefängniskleidung aus dem Gefängnis geht. 😲
@Tom-kt8lu 5 жыл бұрын
You guys could make bank in Hamburg. :)
@princessdanielita 5 жыл бұрын
Love you guys
@isabelgastelo9995 5 жыл бұрын
Está el puente de Broughton (UK) que colapsó cuando una tropa de soldados estaban marchando....
@mannihh5274 4 жыл бұрын
As a German I find it weird, that you consider these rules to be weird - they seem common sense to me. #1 running out of gas on the "Autobahn". The traffic is very fast (most of the time no speed limit) and pretty crowded most time of the day (lying in the center of Europe, there's a lot of transit traffic), so a car breakdown is highly dangerous and running out of gas is easy to avoid. As a standard, Highway Patrol Cars are equipped with two jerry cans, 5 liters (1,3gal.) each with gas and diesel . They give it to you for free, you only have to pay the fine. #2 playing loud instruments. We highly value silence at night, after lunch (nap time!), on sundays and christian holidays (=holy days) like easter, pentecost etc. If you need entertainment, use headphones. #3 saying "Du" to a police officer. In Germany we differentiate between "Du" and "Sie". Adressing a stranger with "Du" shows a lack of respect, like adressing an American without "Mister", "Missis", "Sir" or "Madam". In general "Du" is only used by family and friends, but that weakens, especially between young people. #4 driving naked. Again it's about respect - some people may feel insulted or embarrassed. As long as your nudity can't hurt the eyes of someone else, it's ok. #5 Planting a tree on a soccer field. Is it allowed in the U.S. to plant trees on football or baseball fields (or on anyones property, except your own)? #6 dogs poo. Maybe there once was a trial, because a man let the dog make his poo on a neighbors property and the owner wanted him to remove it. The dog owner maybe refused and answered "your property, your poo" - he was mistaken. #7 swimming in a sewer. I never heard of this. If you loose something in a manhole, you have to call the authorities, because toxic gases may build up in sewers - you first need to test it or use a respirator #8 drinking alcohol in public or restaurants, bars etc. First of all, it's the responsability of the parents. Legal limits are 16 years for beer and vine without permission of present parents, and 18years for "hard" drinks, even if the parents would allow it earlier.
@fernandafernandez8339 5 жыл бұрын
Love you guys, you're la onda 🤗
@mariaibarra9531 5 жыл бұрын
“You can collect poop and become rich” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@roxanavergara4305 5 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this video so so much xD Can't wait for the next one, btw when will you upload your video Joss?
@tobiastogerin3598 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I am Toghger and I live on a small island. Our police officer has the forename and he is "du" and "!Lars". In Hamburg you can find the "Herbertstrasse" there you can see girls sitting behind a window likw you have good being displayed in a mall.
@kellyzunigatello1107 5 жыл бұрын
OMG! los empecé a seguir hace poco y me encantan!! Really I love you guys! You're so bloody hell cool, I love watch your videos, and also you two make me imagine how could be my relationship with my love who lives in Mexico and me living in Colombia. Thank You So Much! Muchas Gracias! Ich danke dir sehr! ❣️🤗
@lizettelomz6370 5 жыл бұрын
About the "marching in lockstep across a bridge" it could happen but it also deppends about a lot of factors, but I suppose that if is illegal maybe it's because the structure was not designed to bear it. :3 I'm an engineer :*
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