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Weird World

Weird World

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@NigelDixon1952 Жыл бұрын
I'm 70 now and my mother died in 2005. I've always believed in the afterlife, and one night shortly after she passed I went to bed and asked her to let me know she was OK. No sooner had I said the words in my head, I felt her tapping my back! Getting a little nervous, I asked her to stop.,....and she did!
@rneedham667 2 ай бұрын
My mom died in 2005 also, I'm 71. A few days after she passed i was asleep and i smelled a Very strong aroma of roses ( her favorite flower). I could wake up but i knew it was her. ❤
@therealduchess 2 жыл бұрын
A month after my mom passed she came to me in a dream. It was so very realistic…I could smell her hair and perfume. She hugged me and said everything was going to be alright. She kissed me on the cheek and then I woke up. I’ll never forget it and it has comforted me ever since. I know there is an afterlife and it’s going to be alright. ❤️
@alisonsavill8191 2 жыл бұрын
Life is beautiful and so is death there is nothing to worry about with it it’s just like going to sleep and just waking up in another place
@alisonsavill8191 2 жыл бұрын
It’s called an out of body experience it seemed real it was real
@daveoelke857 2 жыл бұрын
That is awesome! Many people have had similar experiences and it’s very comforting. ❤️🙂
@APBCTechnique 2 жыл бұрын
1. What happens when we die? Jesus compared death to a deep sleep. A person in a deep sleep is not aware of what is happening around him. How is death similar to sleep? After someone dies, he does not feel pain. He does not feel lonely, no matter how much he loved his friends and family. “The dead know nothing at all,” says the Bible.​-Read Ecclesiastes 9:5. 2. How do we benefit from knowing the truth about death? Many people are afraid of death​-and even of the dead! But you can be comforted by what the Bible says about death. Jesus said: “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Contrary to what some religions claim, the Bible does not teach that a person has an immortal soul that lives on after death. Thus, no one suffers after death. Also, since the dead are not aware of anything, they cannot harm us. So there is no need to appease or worship the dead, and there is no need to say prayers for them. Some people say that they can communicate with the dead. But this is impossible. As we just learned, the dead “know nothing at all.” Those who think that they are communicating with dead loved ones may actually be communicating with demons who pretend to be people who have died. So knowing the truth about death protects us from the demons. Jehovah warns us about trying to communicate with the dead because he knows that contact with the demons will harm us.​-Read Deuteronomy 18:10-12. 3. Learn the true condition of the dead Around the world, people have different beliefs about what happens when we die. Of course, not all of those beliefs can be true. What beliefs about the condition of the dead are common in your area? Read Ecclesiastes 3:20, and then discuss these questions: According to this verse, what happens when a person dies? Does any part of a person survive death? The Bible tells us about the death of Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. As you read John 11:11-14, notice how Jesus referred to the condition of Lazarus. Then discuss these questions: To what did Jesus compare death? What does this comparison tell us about the condition of the dead? Do you find the Bible’s description of death to be reasonable? 4. The truth about death benefits us Knowing the truth about death frees us from fear of the dead. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10, and then discuss this question: Can the dead harm us? Bible truth also protects us from the belief that the dead must be appeased or even worshipped. Read Isaiah 8:19 and Revelation 4:11, and then discuss this question: How do you think Jehovah feels about a person who worships or seeks the help of someone who has died? 5. The truth about death comforts us Many people have been taught that when they die, they will suffer as a result of their past actions. But it comforts us to know that no one suffers after death​-not even someone who has done very bad things. Read Romans 6:7, and then discuss this question: If, as we read in the Bible, death acquits, or releases, a person from sin, do you think anyone who has died is suffering because of past mistakes? The more we get to know Jehovah, the more we realize that he would never allow the dead to suffer. Read Deuteronomy 32:4 and 1 John 4:8, and then discuss these questions: Would a God with the qualities mentioned in these verses ever approve of tormenting those who have died? Do you find the truth about death to be comforting? Why? SUMMARY When a person dies, his life ends. The dead do not suffer, nor can they harm the living. Review What happens when we die? How does the truth about death benefit us? How does the truth about death comfort us?
@C-Here 2 жыл бұрын
@@APBCTechnique Booooooooo, seriously just boooooo
@whbjHarley68 2 ай бұрын
The exact minute my wife’s father passed away in England our doorknob turned (we lived in Arizona) the dog barked and we immediately opened the door, but there was no one there. He always said that he would come visit us in America and I believe he kept his promise.
@peterwrench4416 2 жыл бұрын
The moment my Dad died I was at home putting some clothes away. Suddenly I felt him all around me and I could smell him as well. I said out aloud “Dad”! A few weeks later I met him in a dream, I was so glad to see him. We walked for a while, he pretty well told me he was fine and to not worry about him. I can still recall every minute detail of that lucid dream as if it just happened. A few years later a workmate I was close to died of complications from a diabetic seizure. A few weeks after the funeral I had another lucid dream. It was set in a beer garden. My father, a long departed uncle and my workmate Charlie were sitting together having a beer! Dad said, “I’ve met your mate Charlie” and they all had a good laugh. They all looked young and in their prime.
@noname-by3qz 2 ай бұрын
People always say that when they see a loved one who passed. They look young and healthy!
@ThatGaijinFella Жыл бұрын
After my younger brother passed away and a year later, my mother, I saw them in dreams, but they were just fleeting visits, no conversations. No spiritual talk, nothing. Then there's all these people here in the comments who have had amazing dream visits. Happy for you guys.
@joanneford356 2 жыл бұрын
My alcoholic dad 73 had a massive stroke.. he lived about 8 months after the stroke .. He talked about people who’d been long dead and told many stories of what they’d been up to that very day… It was quite beautiful that he was animated and busy.. in reality he was bed bound. Miss you Harry Ford x
@Nancy-px7hn Ай бұрын
My father died some years ago and some years later I had this experience of lights turning themselves on and off in my house. I felt it wàs my Dad telling me he went to the light -- to heaven. He was a Christian believer. I investigated the lamps and there was no way they could do this by themselves. He was sending me this message to let me know he was with God and Jesus. It gave me peace. Praise The Lord.
@mikelewis1436 2 жыл бұрын
My wife's dad died five years ago, a few days later we were having food while talking about him when she suddenly had a strong whiff of his aftershave so overpowering she couldn't continue to eat...she got up and followed the smell all the way into the living room right up to an old grandfather clock her dad had that point the smell of aftershave vanished as suddenly as it had come - I am 100 per cent certain it was a real experience as the look of sheer disbelief on her face told its own story. I cannot explain this incident and I'll never forget it...
@danbrown3103 9 ай бұрын
Yes iv heard the spirits love clocks. I mentioned this to my dad after mum passing. He went quiet, and then said he had to put the pendulum of their grandfather clock back on. Some how it unhooked itself and was sitting against the glass.
@Vort317545 2 жыл бұрын
My Father passed away in 1992 it hit me pretty hard Until Dad began to pop up in my very vivid dreams. Four to six times a year. For the next six years. He shared alot of info on the afterlife and where he was at now. Dad knew in life I was into the mystical, spiritual subject . What he told me is nearly square/identical to what is in your video! What was hard was in 2002 my Mom passed on and both showed up in my dreams for a year. Mom and Dad were deeply monogamous and I love 45 years. What they told me on the otherside though threw me for a loop. They tried to explain they still deeply loved one another but we're nolonger together full time as husband and wife . An they were seeing old flames. Love expands on the otherside. Needless to say I freaked out lol Both of them tried to comfort me. Lol But finally threw in the towel and said I'll see for myself when it's time. Again your video is nearly spot on to what my dad explained. Even the part eating if you want. Not for nurishment but the enjoyment of the physical act.
@madamesalamander16 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry for the grief you must have felt when they crossed. Thank you for turning your experience outward to help others understand how our dearly departed are always trying to get our attention so that they may continue to be present in our lives. Your parents certainly love you deeply, to gather the energy to contact you so clearly and consistently, as well as to trust you would be a good steward of the knowledge they imparted. Although, I do not think I will be spirit-snogging any of my old flames from this life! LOL!
@SPIKE-0000 2 жыл бұрын
My dad turned-up twice past 7yrs since. He appeared to act out of character, and what struck me as odd was...he turned up in the suit I was going to drop off at the undertakers the following day to put him in...I left it hung-up downstairs...[near to the settee where he was sat in it in my dream]. He still appeared to be in discomfort and trying to get his words out, which quite rightly got to me...It was completely vivid...I thought I was awake till I woke up....
@lorimiller4301 2 жыл бұрын
@@SPIKE-0000 I believe there are things they're not supposed to tell us. Perhaps that's why he was having trouble getting his words out ? In order to play the game fairly, we're not to know to much. God wants us to have faith that we're looked after and cared for. Your parents will always be right behind you, helping and supporting you.
@pommiebears 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry for your loss. My grandad, my most favourite human, died in 98. I was absolutely distraught. I’d never felt such pain, as the pain of losing my grandad. He helped raise me, and although 6’5” he was the most gentle, funny, lovely, kind man. He visited me in my dreams about 3 months later. He gave me a long hug, but said nothing. I remember saying, “you’re not really here, are you grandad?” And he just smiled, kissed my head, and I woke up. Most of my dreams are weird, but this one was so real. He’s been in my dreams since, but never says anything. I’m happy to see him. 🌸
@Vort317545 2 жыл бұрын
@@madamesalamander16 I am the youngest of my six siblings. 25 at the time of my Father's passing. An it broke me. I was spiraling into dark place. Father told me he had received permission to intervene. Eluding to a Higher Authority on the other side but de did not have permission to elaborate. Speaking about our departed love ones "we are constantly with you. We are aware of every second of your earthly lives. We are even aware of everything people like to keep private and secret. Oh boy is Mother going to be shocked learns about yours. He laughed. ALL of our loved ones even distant ancestors are plugged into our Earth Life show. An what gathered get a ride in seeing how much of their traits are passed on to us. But they are never departed. They are there threw out joys and sorrows. They are right their giving us courage and strength anyway they can. An shockingly they are right there when we are being intimate behind bedroom doors. My dad was a bit of a womanizing romantic in the old country in his youth. He high fived Mr on my technique and proud it was passed along to me. That was very ackword to find out They are aware of intimacy at that scale. Lol
@spainman2020 Жыл бұрын
These stories are consistent everywhere I turn and it brings me a lot of joy to contemplate what it must be like once you've crossed over. With that said, I'm in no rush to go there because I have a son to raise and much more to accomplish.
@neonnights16 2 жыл бұрын
I like how it’s not just you are with family or married to, not everyone vibes even if family. And adopted or foster kids that never really have a strong family. You create family with who “you are right with.”
@mainlyfine 2 жыл бұрын
Please keep these Leslie Flint descriptions of the afterlife coming. They are fascinating.
@APBCTechnique 2 жыл бұрын
1. What happens when we die? Jesus compared death to a deep sleep. A person in a deep sleep is not aware of what is happening around him. How is death similar to sleep? After someone dies, he does not feel pain. He does not feel lonely, no matter how much he loved his friends and family. “The dead know nothing at all,” says the Bible.​-Read Ecclesiastes 9:5. 2. How do we benefit from knowing the truth about death? Many people are afraid of death​-and even of the dead! But you can be comforted by what the Bible says about death. Jesus said: “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Contrary to what some religions claim, the Bible does not teach that a person has an immortal soul that lives on after death. Thus, no one suffers after death. Also, since the dead are not aware of anything, they cannot harm us. So there is no need to appease or worship the dead, and there is no need to say prayers for them. Some people say that they can communicate with the dead. But this is impossible. As we just learned, the dead “know nothing at all.” Those who think that they are communicating with dead loved ones may actually be communicating with demons who pretend to be people who have died. So knowing the truth about death protects us from the demons. Jehovah warns us about trying to communicate with the dead because he knows that contact with the demons will harm us.​-Read Deuteronomy 18:10-12. 3. Learn the true condition of the dead Around the world, people have different beliefs about what happens when we die. Of course, not all of those beliefs can be true. What beliefs about the condition of the dead are common in your area? Read Ecclesiastes 3:20, and then discuss these questions: According to this verse, what happens when a person dies? Does any part of a person survive death? The Bible tells us about the death of Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. As you read John 11:11-14, notice how Jesus referred to the condition of Lazarus. Then discuss these questions: To what did Jesus compare death? What does this comparison tell us about the condition of the dead? Do you find the Bible’s description of death to be reasonable? 4. The truth about death benefits us Knowing the truth about death frees us from fear of the dead. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10, and then discuss this question: Can the dead harm us? Bible truth also protects us from the belief that the dead must be appeased or even worshipped. Read Isaiah 8:19 and Revelation 4:11, and then discuss this question: How do you think Jehovah feels about a person who worships or seeks the help of someone who has died? 5. The truth about death comforts us Many people have been taught that when they die, they will suffer as a result of their past actions. But it comforts us to know that no one suffers after death​-not even someone who has done very bad things. Read Romans 6:7, and then discuss this question: If, as we read in the Bible, death acquits, or releases, a person from sin, do you think anyone who has died is suffering because of past mistakes? The more we get to know Jehovah, the more we realize that he would never allow the dead to suffer. Read Deuteronomy 32:4 and 1 John 4:8, and then discuss these questions: Would a God with the qualities mentioned in these verses ever approve of tormenting those who have died? Do you find the truth about death to be comforting? Why? SUMMARY When a person dies, his life ends. The dead do not suffer, nor can they harm the living. Review What happens when we die? How does the truth about death benefit us? How does the truth about death comfort us?
@lauraharwood6581 5 ай бұрын
I find the real truth- the real accounts from hundreds of thousands of people who have died and had near death experiences and come back to tell their tales extremely compelling and comforting. There is such cohesion and consistency in their stories. I think we can finally discount the biblical ideas of an unconscious sleep now, we have SO many accounts. Of course many Christians will hold onto these beliefs - the brainwashing of the church is strong - but we are moving on in our understanding now, and these accounts make much more sense.
@Angry_Dinosaur 2 жыл бұрын
My late wife. We had such a strong bond here. He mentions the drink stopping his mother from being able to talk to him. I actually downloaded a spirit app and clearly says "Try talking to me without the use of alcohol. I won't talk to it.". I even posted a video on KZbin of her talking. I didn't listen at all until recently. This is my week. I took a week off from work to clean myself up. Wish me luck. I'm two days in with two days fail.
@spookyencounters9392 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck. You can do it. Don't worry about the fail days. Don't use the word fail. Just call it a cheat day or somethimg. But there will have to be less cheat days What really helps, amd I mean really helps, is if you can get a short movie scene in your head of what you would like to be looking like and feeling like now. What you might want to be doing good instead of what you are doing. . Make this short movie clips around 8 seconds long. Add as much detail to it as you can. Smells, sounds, sights, ... whatever. And be experiencing it from your first person view. Your eyes. Now repeat this little movie of the perfect you every night and day . Pretend it's rrally happening amd let it make you smile or get some sort of good feelimg. It's called conscious manifesting, as our everying thing we experience essential I our realities started off as an image or thought in your subconscious mind. May sound silly, but it works. But don't give up.keep st it, earth day until thst perfect scene plays out in external life. Might take days or weeks ....but don't be impatient. Just keep focusing on thst end result. That little happy scene. And watch it manifest into reality after a while. Don't wonder how too much. Just trust.
@michelleresistance 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck x
@lynkirby7008 2 жыл бұрын
Keep going. It will get easier x
@APBCTechnique 2 жыл бұрын
1. What happens when we die? Jesus compared death to a deep sleep. A person in a deep sleep is not aware of what is happening around him. How is death similar to sleep? After someone dies, he does not feel pain. He does not feel lonely, no matter how much he loved his friends and family. “The dead know nothing at all,” says the Bible.​-Read Ecclesiastes 9:5. 2. How do we benefit from knowing the truth about death? Many people are afraid of death​-and even of the dead! But you can be comforted by what the Bible says about death. Jesus said: “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Contrary to what some religions claim, the Bible does not teach that a person has an immortal soul that lives on after death. Thus, no one suffers after death. Also, since the dead are not aware of anything, they cannot harm us. So there is no need to appease or worship the dead, and there is no need to say prayers for them. Some people say that they can communicate with the dead. But this is impossible. As we just learned, the dead “know nothing at all.” Those who think that they are communicating with dead loved ones may actually be communicating with demons who pretend to be people who have died. So knowing the truth about death protects us from the demons. Jehovah warns us about trying to communicate with the dead because he knows that contact with the demons will harm us.​-Read Deuteronomy 18:10-12. 3. Learn the true condition of the dead Around the world, people have different beliefs about what happens when we die. Of course, not all of those beliefs can be true. What beliefs about the condition of the dead are common in your area? Read Ecclesiastes 3:20, and then discuss these questions: According to this verse, what happens when a person dies? Does any part of a person survive death? The Bible tells us about the death of Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. As you read John 11:11-14, notice how Jesus referred to the condition of Lazarus. Then discuss these questions: To what did Jesus compare death? What does this comparison tell us about the condition of the dead? Do you find the Bible’s description of death to be reasonable? 4. The truth about death benefits us Knowing the truth about death frees us from fear of the dead. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10, and then discuss this question: Can the dead harm us? Bible truth also protects us from the belief that the dead must be appeased or even worshipped. Read Isaiah 8:19 and Revelation 4:11, and then discuss this question: How do you think Jehovah feels about a person who worships or seeks the help of someone who has died? 5. The truth about death comforts us Many people have been taught that when they die, they will suffer as a result of their past actions. But it comforts us to know that no one suffers after death​-not even someone who has done very bad things. Read Romans 6:7, and then discuss this question: If, as we read in the Bible, death acquits, or releases, a person from sin, do you think anyone who has died is suffering because of past mistakes? The more we get to know Jehovah, the more we realize that he would never allow the dead to suffer. Read Deuteronomy 32:4 and 1 John 4:8, and then discuss these questions: Would a God with the qualities mentioned in these verses ever approve of tormenting those who have died? Do you find the truth about death to be comforting? Why? SUMMARY When a person dies, his life ends. The dead do not suffer, nor can they harm the living. Review What happens when we die? How does the truth about death benefit us? How does the truth about death comfort us?
@Angry_Dinosaur 2 жыл бұрын
@@APBCTechnique What happens after death? The living live and continue on a painful existence hoping it gets a little less than the day before. How does the truth about death benefit us? It cements finality. All things must end. Including ourselves. How does the truth about death comfort us? If there is an afterlife we will join them. If there isn't then we are happy to go into the endless black oblivion. Thank you for your pasted comment sir. I understand you are hoping to give me thoughts and welcome another post from you to reconsider more. However, I have already thought my thoughts, and thought them again, and thought them yet again. Good journeys to you sir. There are others more worthy than I of your preaching.
@debbiebradney131 Жыл бұрын
I quite enjoyed that. I'm looking for reassurance and inspiration. Found some here...thanks.
@Limara64 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t believe & had no interest in the afterlife. One day, my mother came as I sat in my kitchen. I was not thinking of Her at the time. I felt an arm come round my shoulder and hugging me. Then the microwave (She had bought me) which was not on, sparked, smoked and basically blew up, along with the lightbulb & several plugs which naturally blew as they are on the same ring I guess. I heard Her say, “don’t keep anything of mine, move on”. That was weird as that day I was making a glass case to put a few of Her things in. The next thing I felt, in todays language, as though she was downloading into my brain all that She was, knew, saw, felt, learned and more. Over the next few days again in todays words I felt as though I was filing through this information and becoming aware of the sheer omnipotence she described. I put it down to grief, weirdness and got on with life. Some years later I was swimming in a river & waterway when the tide became too much. Long story short, my husband was on the shore with the police, they had lights on me. The harbour masters boat also travelling to my rescue. I had been face down for 15 minutes so they thought I was dead. I was under the water and noticed I could breath, I took several breaths to confirm this. At the moment I realised I was dead and saying to myself “oh I’m dead” suddenly tangible love flew into my nostrils and filled my every being. The next thing I knew I was in everything, I was in a leaf of my rubber plant at home, but not only in the leaf, I was looking out of it as I looked at it as I was it. I was in the concrete of the bridge above my floating body then in space seeing galaxies. I was aware of moving forwards whilst moving backward whilst in space. The next thing I knew the harbour master had hooked the back of my jeans and then I was in hospital. Try as I have to debunk all this, I can’t get over the nano seconds of omnipotence and that feeling of love. Weird eh? 😱
@maureeno9382 Жыл бұрын
amazing and true!
@danbrown3103 9 ай бұрын
Omg Limara64. I have a shiver down my spine. I was talking to my dad on the phone whilst cooking a stew. We were talking about how good a cook my mum was when she was alive. I said that we were all spoilt. We ended the call as i was busy cooking. Then the phillips air fryer that mum had bought me turned on by itself. Not the fan, just the power on with bing noise. I turned it off, then it did it again. It was definately mum . There has been two other experiences iv had with 2 other people. So yes i believe our energy/ soul lives on.
@circussounds855 2 ай бұрын
wow-i love this! ❤
@eveeggleston7611 Ай бұрын
Wow what a fabulous experience ❤
@pierremchughes9865 2 жыл бұрын
My wife was greeted into the afterlife by my father playing piano (I play too), she now spends time with him because he reminds her of me she says, she's also in the company of all of the people who have passed away. By the way through a medium Sue told me something so unique and impossible to guess that only we two know about it.
@mcfcste99 2 жыл бұрын
After losing my Dad a couple of months ago ive found this episode very comforting thanks for sharing 🙏🏼
@spainman2020 Жыл бұрын
I lost my mom to what was probably a COVID related heart condition 2 yrs ago and I find these stories not only comforting, but validating in some of the experiences me and my family have had since.
@mcfcste99 Жыл бұрын
@spainman I do too made me chuckle too as me Dad liked going to the Pub .Yeah a lot of it makes sense watching this im sorry for your loss😥
@raydean888 2 жыл бұрын
I think this makes sense. Heaven isn't necessarily pearly gates, harps and angels. It's more like what you would totally enjoy. And I agree that love will be the dominant force there. I really like the idea of having experienced spirit guides that come to earth to help humanity.
@Mr11ESSE111 2 жыл бұрын
heaven and hell are bullshit paganic stories which official Church adopt and scare stupid sheeps that they will be addicted to those Churches as catholicism or protestants ,orthodox...
@garyfrancis6193 2 жыл бұрын
It isn’t? I’m canceling my harp lessons on Skillshare.
@raydean888 2 жыл бұрын
@@garyfrancis6193 Don't worry, harps are in heaven.
@freeanimals594 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to hear more of this story. Ended too soon.
@angelswalking3839 2 жыл бұрын
My dad visited us about 3 weeks after he passed…that night my kids6 and 5 at the time came running into my bedroom saying there was a face at their window they where scared .l don’t think my dad meant to scare them but l believe he didn’t look the way they remembered..of course l went outside to see if there was a prowler …the next morning l smelt my dads aftershave around my kids beds..not on them like they had dropped some on their quilts but in the air…my kids love the fact that grandpa is around them …l tell them to see the signs ..he loved Christmas and to always have him remembered we put the tree up on his birthday November 10th..white feathers always appear..111.. always is caught on the clocks…and 2 days ago he visited my son for his birthday’s so comforting to know he visits us we say hello that we love him
@APBCTechnique 2 жыл бұрын
1. What happens when we die? Jesus compared death to a deep sleep. A person in a deep sleep is not aware of what is happening around him. How is death similar to sleep? After someone dies, he does not feel pain. He does not feel lonely, no matter how much he loved his friends and family. “The dead know nothing at all,” says the Bible.​-Read Ecclesiastes 9:5. 2. How do we benefit from knowing the truth about death? Many people are afraid of death​-and even of the dead! But you can be comforted by what the Bible says about death. Jesus said: “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Contrary to what some religions claim, the Bible does not teach that a person has an immortal soul that lives on after death. Thus, no one suffers after death. Also, since the dead are not aware of anything, they cannot harm us. So there is no need to appease or worship the dead, and there is no need to say prayers for them. Some people say that they can communicate with the dead. But this is impossible. As we just learned, the dead “know nothing at all.” Those who think that they are communicating with dead loved ones may actually be communicating with demons who pretend to be people who have died. So knowing the truth about death protects us from the demons. Jehovah warns us about trying to communicate with the dead because he knows that contact with the demons will harm us.​-Read Deuteronomy 18:10-12. 3. Learn the true condition of the dead Around the world, people have different beliefs about what happens when we die. Of course, not all of those beliefs can be true. What beliefs about the condition of the dead are common in your area? Read Ecclesiastes 3:20, and then discuss these questions: According to this verse, what happens when a person dies? Does any part of a person survive death? The Bible tells us about the death of Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. As you read John 11:11-14, notice how Jesus referred to the condition of Lazarus. Then discuss these questions: To what did Jesus compare death? What does this comparison tell us about the condition of the dead? Do you find the Bible’s description of death to be reasonable? 4. The truth about death benefits us Knowing the truth about death frees us from fear of the dead. Read Ecclesiastes 9:10, and then discuss this question: Can the dead harm us? Bible truth also protects us from the belief that the dead must be appeased or even worshipped. Read Isaiah 8:19 and Revelation 4:11, and then discuss this question: How do you think Jehovah feels about a person who worships or seeks the help of someone who has died? 5. The truth about death comforts us Many people have been taught that when they die, they will suffer as a result of their past actions. But it comforts us to know that no one suffers after death​-not even someone who has done very bad things. Read Romans 6:7, and then discuss this question: If, as we read in the Bible, death acquits, or releases, a person from sin, do you think anyone who has died is suffering because of past mistakes? The more we get to know Jehovah, the more we realize that he would never allow the dead to suffer. Read Deuteronomy 32:4 and 1 John 4:8, and then discuss these questions: Would a God with the qualities mentioned in these verses ever approve of tormenting those who have died? Do you find the truth about death to be comforting? Why? SUMMARY When a person dies, his life ends. The dead do not suffer, nor can they harm the living. Review What happens when we die? How does the truth about death benefit us? How does the truth about death comfort us?
@susanmccormick6022 2 жыл бұрын
I swear I saw my father after he passed,clear as day.And I feel my animals around some times.
@APBCTechnique 2 жыл бұрын
@@susanmccormick6022 *There is no ghosts or spirits of people according to the Bible* *Dead is dead in the ground waiting for the global* *resurrection after Armageddon* See below 👇 Ecclesiastes 9:5 5 For the living know* that they will die,but the dead know nothing at all,b nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten Deuteronomy 18:10-12 10 There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire,a anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic,c anyone who looks for omens,sorcerer, 11 anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit mediumf or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For whoever does these things is detestable to God the Almighty and on account of these detestable practices your God is driving them away from before you Ecclesiastes 3:20 20 All are going to the same place.a They all come from the dust,and they all are returning to the dust Ecclesiastes 9:10 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going
@WideCuriosity 2 жыл бұрын
Yay ! I can go to the pub for a while before leaving. And since afterwards one can eat if one wants to, presumably one can drink at a celestial pub too. Sounds like heaven.
@sharonhealy9551 2 жыл бұрын
My dad passed away at age of 65, a few months after I had the most vivid dream, he was sitting in a chair next to my bed chatting to me, but he told me that someone in the family were very poorly and to look after him, a few more months later I got a call that my uncle was in hospital with pneumonia sadly he passed away he was 53 yrs old. Very strange I wish my dad would come and visit me again! 💙
@michaelearendil6843 2 жыл бұрын
This is most marvelous, and rings true. When the guy was open to help and advancement, it came. There is love and hope for all of us.
@alexisgreen-hernandez8604 2 жыл бұрын
A very good story. 😊 My dad passed away 😢 in December 2019 just before Christmas 🎄. I miss him so much and my beautiful step mom 👩 passed in October 2016 . ❤ love you both so much and miss you bunches. 😇
@gloriaterry333 2 жыл бұрын
I loved it. The part about flying and going to different places resonates with me because I do that when I have vivid dreams. Oh how wise was the mom telling him he wasn’t a bad guy just foolish and to be kind to animals how simple it really is ! ❤️
@bonniegordon4641 2 жыл бұрын
I fly under tables, ride elephants . . . Love it! I'm with ya girl!
@michaelsteele4587 2 жыл бұрын
I've always had vivid dreams and I believe when I was a very young child, my grandma paid me a visit in one. The only details I recall from the dream were being outside my parents house and the entire wall on that side of the house was as if it wasn't there and you could just see inside. My grandma was in the house and we didn't speak but the message I took from that dream was my grandma telling me she was always watching over our family. I remember how eerie the whole scene felt to me in the dream because I was aware she was dead.
@Ratsotone 2 жыл бұрын
We could do with George giving humanity a hand right now
@susanmccormick6022 2 жыл бұрын
I love history & I wonder if it's possible to meet people from other eras.Chopin,the Youngers,Bess of York.Lots of people in whom I am interested.Also hope my animal family will be there as well as human ones & friends
@smoothoperator32 2 жыл бұрын
Keep these coming, love this particular topic
@dechannigan2980 2 жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to the free travel and endless exploring around the globe..
@sheilasullivan1950 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't think of it that travel! Always wanted to fly. Can't wait. Hopefully Im going up n not down.
@Bluebird19-ll8su 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if you can also time travel? I've heard that you can- I hope so!
@Mark-rx8is 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is an awesome storyteller
@PatrickBaele 2 жыл бұрын
Nice this casual way of communicating a universal truth 😊👍
@KF-co1yl 2 жыл бұрын
I love this. It’s so informative. Thank you.
@Filippa698 2 жыл бұрын
There definitely is life after life. My dead mother showed up and spoke to me through a medium, when I inquired about a missing 😺.
@skyterrapin 2 жыл бұрын
You were conned
@dano8203 6 ай бұрын
Such vivid imaginations in the story and comments. I sometimes listen before bed the narrators voice always puts me to sleep 💤.
@crazygrandma 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting. He wasn't ready to go to the next level so he stayed earth bound. That's a real ghost.
@SPatriot1 2 жыл бұрын
Love anything about the afterlife, thanks !
@marcietorrence5361 2 жыл бұрын
My dad came to see me in a dream 2 weeks after he passed, and my son told me he had the exact same dream. I wish I had just shut up and listened to him, I told him "oh you're alive, I thought you were dead, you look so tall!" I looked down at his feet and he was floating a foot above the floor. Then he was angry and could not understand what he was saying, it sounded like he was under water.
@ianbenson21 2 жыл бұрын
I wish my boy would visit Declan miss you so much Son..
@spainman2020 Жыл бұрын
I hope you find peace and solace in the fact that he is okay and you will be reunited with him one day. I am a father to a young son and your words resonated with me.
@ianbenson21 Жыл бұрын
@@spainman2020 Thank you so much for your kind words x
@patcasey2504 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting stories. Keep them coming ❤️👌❤️
@djwilks3116 2 жыл бұрын
I am in the Winter of my life …..Death now that I am near “ has frightened me “! So stories like this make me somewhat Happy ! Thanks ❤️♥️🌺🌺🌺🌺
@johnsullivan2652 2 жыл бұрын
That winter will soon become the spring of your new life. Your fear and anxiety will pass and you will wonder why you had those feelings. The relief you will feel, will be like nothing you've ever experienced. It is a time to look forward. Content yourself with this.
@bjwmorgan 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this, have a great day, Cheers
@chrisradano 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want to lose my wife. She always said we are different types. We married in our late 30s. We are different but we have had similar experiences before we met. She takes good care of me. She is a kind and caring soul. I would like to stay with her. I really don't have any friends today but she is always friendly and kind to me. I love her, but she doesn't like to say "I love you".
@lindaross4331 2 ай бұрын
@TwinceSiahaan 2 ай бұрын
When she takes care of you, always with you, those are more than love....
@Isidoro-p6b 2 ай бұрын
"They do not love who do not show they love!"- Willy Shakespeare. She doesn't love you so doesn't say it. For her conscience's (/whatever's) sake she's just going through the motions of I suppose she supposes is her 'duty'/ ticket to heaven (wherever that may be biz earth itself or
@leewalker1177 2 жыл бұрын
Clearly this soul was still pissed up in death.
@craiganderson3952 2 жыл бұрын
I wasn't naughty, just foolish.... Slap right in my face. Love the vid. Thank you!
@raymondparsley7442 2 жыл бұрын
Are we more than we know, perhaps so.... When we go... some tears may flow... from sadness... but NDE allows us to see our spirits are set free... a message of hope and gladness.
@ericdahlstrom1021 2 жыл бұрын
I don't need a ghost to tell me,Ive spoke w my gf who died 11/05/21, I've spoke to hear over 200 times,answering ? S correctly, telling me how it was to die,etc
@TaraTiaraBell 2 жыл бұрын
I like this story, I've heard it before and never forgot it
@mepeaches2499 2 жыл бұрын
My parents have been gone for a long time but I still know when they're about. I also feel and see other spirits that aren't related to me still trying to get a handle on that but it's become like a routine for me to ask in the morning while I'm having my tea if anyone wants to talk strange right but that's my life now cheers everyone.
@terrymoogan8445 Жыл бұрын
I lost my dad once, it was in the wine isle at the supermarket, he did have a drink problem
@chairde Жыл бұрын
Alcoholics don’t realize the damage they do to family members. Every negative impact is minor in their eyes. My father caused major problems in our family yet he was unaware of the harm he did. Every holiday the police were at the front door. Car accidents and fights were normal. One time my mother threw a cooked Turkey at my drunken father on Thanksgiving Day.
@craigneo 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Weird world.
@mrs.g.9816 2 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping to reunite with my late husband, my mom, my mom-in-law, and all the budgies I owned since childhood. To eat my favorite foods and not have to use the bathroom, have digestive complaints or have weight problems. Would that be possible in Heaven?😁
@daveoelke857 2 жыл бұрын
@teresarenee3829 2 жыл бұрын
Heaven is better than all that....but yes, you will see your loved ones, even pets...
@cynthiawong8569 2 жыл бұрын
@martinwebb1681 2 жыл бұрын
Mrs. G. ... No not in heaven, but in the afterlife yes, the afterlife is an in between place where we meet with those we wish to and can have things we desire that we had while on Earth like pretty gardens, food, a little cottage or whatever one most desired in life. Once we have done all the meeting and enjoyed what we have created in the afterlife we then prepare to move on to heaven where we leave all our Earthly desires from our life behind but only once we are ready.
@teresarenee3829 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinwebb1681 we will be back here in the new earth eventually...Isaiah 65:17
@TimeSquareTitts 2 жыл бұрын
I have had numerous family freinds and relatives come to me after theyd died. Its always different depending on the personality, sometimes its really weird signalling like a personalized number plate passed me on the freeeway with that persons very rare name on it a month after he passed. An aunt came to have me help her with guilt so she could leave. The communications are fast thoughts and impressions that are clearly out of the blue. My Grandmother passed right through me at my fathers workshop. I smelled her and felt her. She pleaded with me to keep working with him. Very strong impression ultra real. Another freind died overseas and he kept coming to mind as l drive about running errands. Finally l stopped in my tracks and realized he was trying to get my attention. I said "what is it?" "Dont forget me" It broke my heart uow could l ever forget my childhood freind.
@eldrinod 2 жыл бұрын
That was fascinating, thank you 👍🏻❤️
@suzannecarter445 2 жыл бұрын
Stunning narration!
@tryksta7247 2 жыл бұрын
I am personally terrified of death and have had a lot of time to look inward and think about the topic being out of work since October. This time makes me analyze most moments and reflect on my life as I will turn 40 this month. My mother is sick with cancer and I have devoted my time to being in her company. I'm not religious at all but I am spiritual and believe in other dimensions and an afterlife. I am still terrified of having to go through this one day, though.
@kevrobbo77 2 жыл бұрын
dont be afraid to die. i used to be once. after my children were diagnosed with a life shortening disease. i looked at things differently. i really have no fear of physical death now. we are just trapped in a physical realm. dont stay attached to it. we are all spiritual beings, this realm/reality is like a prison for us. living in fear, thats what it is to be a slave(blade runner) its true.
@KOOLBadger 2 жыл бұрын
I can hardly wait..
@Ale-hf6iw 2 жыл бұрын
Incredible.... a spirit tha passes out and sleeps...
@kingfarmer1010 2 жыл бұрын
I was raised by my grandparents. The last time I saw my beloved grandmother alive in her home before her death something inexplicable happened between us. Alone in the room with her when I stood up to leave we locked eyes and in complete silence we had a conversation using only our minds. She told me she was going to leave soon, I asked where was she going, she changed the appearance of her face for a moment to appear very dead, my heart broke and tears started flooding down my face and I asked why, she said it was her time, that she loves me so dearly we will be together again because she will be waiting for me there. Tears were falling down our faces, eyes still locked and still not a single audible word had been spoken. Someone waiting for me yelled asking what we were doing. My grandmother said with her physical voice "shes coming...we were just doing our thing". That was the last time I saw her before she lay in her death bed and died shortly after. I was left somehow knowing we've loved each other for a very very long time, that our love began way before this life, and our love is eternal.
@kazeriankavies134 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh that's made me well up, I sure hope they do wait for us, won't be long really I suppose.
@kingfarmer1010 2 жыл бұрын
@@kazeriankavies134 I say to you I believe 100% they are waiting for us. That experience was so strange it has convinced me of this. I've had five years to reflect on it and think I understand now. She and I loved each other so much I believe a veil was briefly lifted at that moment for my sake, so I would be prepared for her death and also to outright assure me we will be together again so I would not remain indefinitely in despair after she left. That interaction with her also left me searching for answers to questions including what are we really? It's as if we were lead characters in a play and for a brief moment she and I lowered our human identity and communicated in our true form. She taught me everything I needed to learn to become the person I am today. I now realize that in her 11th hour she left me with a final lesson of profound value that continue to shape my life and view of the world.
@kazeriankavies134 2 жыл бұрын
@@kingfarmer1010 this is completely fascinating, and it does make a lot of sense, as every day we are presented with choices, like how to react to different problems with others etc.
@ConwayTruckload 3 ай бұрын
As a psychic medium I have to question the validity of these stories. Especially the parts regarding eating and drinking. In real life when you pass into spirit everything physical goes away. But I still enjoy listening to the stories.
@thetimetraveller6550 2 жыл бұрын
I have heard of a few similar reports and all I can say is I hope the afterlife is like that. I welcome it if it is....
@martinwebb1681 2 жыл бұрын
The afterlife is like that, but heaven is not. The afterlife is a place we go to adjust and get ready to move on to heaven, we create our own afterlife and can use it for as long as we need to, until we are finally ready to release it all and transition on to heaven.
@thetimetraveller6550 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinwebb1681 interesting theory on transition but if we use that as preperation into heaven you mean we can choose how long to do this transition?
@martinwebb1681 2 жыл бұрын
@@thetimetraveller6550 ... Yes, for as long as one feels the need to stay one can before transitioning onto heaven. Remember once we leave the Earth plain time ceases to exist and everything exists in the current moment, past, present and future all exist together in the present moment.
@thetimetraveller6550 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinwebb1681 past present future all together as one I am intrigued by that thought
@martinwebb1681 2 жыл бұрын
@@thetimetraveller6550 ... Yes its hard for most people to take on board, but once we leave what we call our reality then we are outside the created matter universe, time ceases to exist and everything that has ever, does or can ever exist already exists now in the present moment, every possibility, every situation and every outcome already exists at this very moment.
@Kneichion 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted the story to carry on x
@kellyshomemadekitchen 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my Dad 5 1/2 years ago and have dreamed about him every single night since. Many of the dreams are inconsequential, some have been somewhat deep and others confusing. I wish someone could tell me what it means.
@thedativecase9733 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my parents years ago, and I still dream about them regularly. Especially my dad - he was my rock when he was alive and I was still young when he died.
@mikki3961 2 жыл бұрын
Ask him what he is trying to tell you and really listen not just hear. Try meditation?
@kellyshomemadekitchen 2 жыл бұрын
@@mikki3961 thanks, I’ll try that
@Sub-Kuch13_13 2 жыл бұрын
Or see a medium. But tell NOTHING of the pass, & listen to the details, recorded if you have too.
@kellyshomemadekitchen 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sub-Kuch13_13 thanks
@TwinceSiahaan 2 ай бұрын
My mom.passed away 2 months ago, i was by her side at that time. Actually im not so close to her cause she loved my big brother more than me. Eventhough im the only daughter. I dont know why. Just happened like that. Sometimes i cant understand why she did like that. I just want her to feel me,close , and tried to understand me. I dont hate her .just feel far away. RIP mom.
@bkkmk 2 жыл бұрын
He describes the spiritual world, heaven is a higher level. Interesting story. the channel 'Off the left eye' has very detailed descriptions of the afterlife and all the levels it has, heaven, the spiritual world, earth and several levels of hell as well.
@jannythewonderwomen2215 2 жыл бұрын
I married my High School sweetheart and we were together for 47 years. My love passed January 2 2021 of Covid. After some months passed I knew he was in our house with me. I felt him caress my hand and other instances that I knew it was him. But the most physical moment was when I found I have had a stalker since Rod passed. I was in the living room sobing when I distinctly heard my husband's bare feet come running down the hallway but petered out before they came into the living room. Now a little backstory.. in 2006 he fell 20 feet to the ground while due to a accident while at his job. Now he, among other injuries he shattered his left foot. And to make a long story short, he never recovered. Well he did briefly to attend our daughter's Wedding. But saying no way could he run let alone be barefoot. Sold our house and moved back closer to our daughter. I think he is here with me, I am hoping anyway. Sorry this turned out to be a novel.
@tinacollins9213 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry sorry for you loss love 💗
@Sub-Kuch13_13 2 жыл бұрын
As humans, we always talk to the ones who have passed away. I've worked at a shop for 25 years now & all my past customers, I like to call them my FRIENDS AND FAMILY now. I miss them all, young & old but the passed CV-19 years have been the greatest loss to me. I have a strong urge that I'll see them soon & have a feeling that COMPLETENESS will be restored, as I feel this life time was very short. As I write this, I feel a great joy is going to happen in the afterlife. Just now, enjoy the details of the moments in your day. Colours, Smells, this creation is fantastic, feeling of good & bad.
@pegs1659 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for telling this story. I'm always fascinated by these things.
@harlowjademermaid1882 2 жыл бұрын
@janny the wonder women wow, your story really moved me. I hope you are doing ok, and I'm glad that you've moved closer to your daughter. A stalker is nothing to take lightly. I think your hubby even knew, and helped you make that decision to move. I'm so sorry that you've lost your best friend, the loneliness, especially at nighttime is excruciating. I lost my Dad at 9, and I've never been right my entire life. It was just me & him, my Mum left us when I was 2. I miss him every single day. I'm hoping to cross over sooner than later. There just isn't much here for me, there never was, only pain, suffering & now struggling to survive, since covid & out of work ever since. This long covid is no joke, the weirdest symptoms, and they arent going away! It is horrible, it has completely ruined my physical self & emotional, as well. Anyway, just know that whenever you are having an especially hard time, He is with you.. And when you are really going through it or having a hard time - always stop & think, reminisce about the good times that you had together - have a good laugh (& a cry, if need be) but always remember to smile. They don't like to see us down & crying. Take care xo
@Manifesting_Secret_Sketchbook 2 жыл бұрын
Wow - your experience your story is very incredible because you as very STRONG. My condolences to you both. Yes he is with you. He is STILL your husband. Always will be. I also had COVID in Jan 30th 2022- recovered through the Grace Of everything good. I am greatful- would love to help people in this life- solve crimes- reunit people- missing people etc.
@jamesglass4842 2 жыл бұрын
A week after my mother passed with me..I was 03:00am and I had been reading in my bed but I thought I better get the light out. I turned the light out and I climbed back into my bed but I said mum. Well two bright golden stars appeared on the inside of my bed room door and I was trying to figure out what was causing them..when through my perception of reality a tunnel opened up through the door a black tunnel and through this my mum started to approach. Now my mum passed in her mid 80s she had Alzheimer’s. Anyway my mum looked solid and she looked about 20 years old in her prime. Sadly my mum never came all the way to me but at the entrance of this tunnel she looked down a bit and stopped and sadly started to move back. The tunnel began to close and closed and with the two golden Stars remaining and slowly the two golden stars 🌟 faded away and what we would call normality returned. All I could do was to turn over in my bed and get my sleep. But later in the week when I spoke to my two older brothers both living in the UK but hundreds of miles apart had smelt my mums perfume at 03:00am that same morning.
@robertlang8275 2 жыл бұрын
I was going to ask or say you must not be American cause nobody here says mum. We say mom. So I was a bit confused til I guessed y'all are in the UK not US. :)
@sharamrock2580 2 жыл бұрын
I’d like to know whom and how the individual did become the chosen contact for the narration filled with enthusiasm, precision, details information beyond expectations provided by mister British Ghost…, Please explain!
@dammitanothername 2 жыл бұрын
Cat spirits are a thing. I suppose you could have a seance and talk to one. I use a different method. We chatted with one and it was fascinating.
@bgood213 2 жыл бұрын
Please explain. I’m working towards to see my pets in spirit world!
@audreyp7071 2 жыл бұрын
@@bgood213 Yes please
@bgood213 2 жыл бұрын
@@audreyp7071 👍
@lorimiller4301 2 жыл бұрын
I've had three different dogs speak to me telepathically. Each one was correct as well. It's the most important thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so glad I could hear them.
@lilacsnroses3345 2 жыл бұрын
I can just see it. I'll be hanging out with half a dozen dogs and 14 or more cats. Sounds fantastic! And I'll have my husband too. Yay!
@m.f.richardson1602 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Thank you. Peace 💕🇺🇲
@Arizona-mb8hg 2 ай бұрын
I,been to heaven,the first thing you noticed is how young everyone is..20-25 years old,we had a great time....
@raziel3726 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing Story 👍👍
@danwilliams8695 2 жыл бұрын
Great story!
@hvnsdor11 2 жыл бұрын
I have had many personal experiences, other side is very real. God Bless everyone here and love to all, yes, all strangers. Everyone is connected. We need Unity, and love. ❤ sounds all silly, but it's my soul truth. 💯 what we do here matters, the things we regret are the things left unsaid.
@Sub-Kuch13_13 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. We're all connected. The things that happen in the ocean, underground, above & beyond. In our time line together. Our Bluetooth connection with all & every moments. Even if your day is good or bad. The weather always changes, so does living.
@jadehunter7617 2 жыл бұрын
Well that was definitely weird and I would have liked to know more it wasn't anything like ndes that I watched. How did he die and when he did his soul just stayed on Earth I'm asking until George came along.????
@jolantaswiderska7061 2 жыл бұрын
After our body dies and we are in a astral form, we see this new place very similar way/ look to what we we bealive looks a like, when living on planet Earth. This way it's easier for us to adapt to the different reality and our death .Those people who are agnostics bealiving that once we dead, there is totally nothing after this " fact ". They might have a problem to recognize they are dead and not belonging to world of living. My brother in - law ,was one of them. A few month after he past, in my very real dream, I saw him ( from above ) in a busy area of the city he use to live. He was walking with other people down the street. Look on his face, appeared he had no idea to where was going. I assumed he need my help to cross over. I got closer to him and with soft voice I told him he doesn't belong to Earth, hold my hand and follow me. Soon after I partly saw ( behind my right shoulder ) this very bright light. Than I told him to go to this light...explaining him, he needs to cross this light and welcome his true home and very tru place we all camming from and heading to, once it's a time for our Earthy body ( costium only ) must dye. With no fear, with relaxed look on his face, he finally went, where he supose to be. During my job ( 30 years geriatric nurse ) many, many times I helped my dyeing patients cross over with no fear. To the very end, holding their hand, they were listening to my callming, giving hope and reasurance words. My work colleagues use to call me an " Angel of death" ...I loved my job. It was my destiny. Thank you for reading my message xxx ❤
@meggiedejong5028 2 жыл бұрын
What a great job....
@Andyb2379 2 жыл бұрын
Strange that his mother mentioned she had been waiting a long time. I was on the understanding that Luna time was Earth time, there is no sun or moon for example. So time would be different if not at all. 🤔
@truckguy8613 2 жыл бұрын
Plus if he wasn't flying then how did he travel all over the planet? Did he take a plane?
@martinwebb1681 2 жыл бұрын
EnglishAndy ... There is no time once we leave the body, also past, present and future are all happening at the same moment, there is only the present moment and everything that has ever happened is happening or will ever happen is happening now in the same moment. Past. present and future exist all at once. There is no time everything exists now.
@markjoyce3172 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I did too many of these.. and 1day I had 4 beers& 1of the ghosts got inside me & he liked it very much, but my mother & friend did nOt like it& eventually my friend tried to hurt me but it didn't hurt And eventually I woke up with a nose bleed
@aubreyshelton3217 2 жыл бұрын
Love ❤️ this channel 💞
@kaitlinlyons3934 2 жыл бұрын
Love this topic
@baabaabaa2293 2 жыл бұрын
Me old man & me weren't the best of mates....but when he was dying, he says.. if there's anything on the other side I'll let ya know. That was 16yr ago... nuthin.
@GeorgeHutchins 2 жыл бұрын
Gee,,,can you have beer over there?
@jessicacanfield5058 2 жыл бұрын
I loved this I hope it is true
@Blacksheepishot 2 жыл бұрын
Hmm, that was quite a testimony indeed loved it, a voice from beyond kinda make ya think! Could we the living have a similar experience like given brief glimpses of death when one is dreaming? Fact, all humans and lower lifeforms such as animals do infact dream? Maybe even insects do alittle dreaming too? The reason I added those cute 6 legged lifeforms is because of a little weird thing which happen about 3+ years ago. Had a dream, and in it I was talking to an ant? Yelp, this tiny ant was begging me while weeping not to do it any harm. i told this ant, down calm why are so frightened? I have no wish to harm you or any of your kind, so now go in peace. Woke up with a smile? Sure, i really dig no truly enjoy dreams like that. Now before putting on my slippers I always check inside each. Do this every morning after being bit on the toes by a big black spider which was obviously crawling around inside the left one. Ok, nothing in the right one, checked the left one now and you'll never guess what was crawling around inside it?
@wgrady222 2 жыл бұрын
I had a dream of my sis after she passed, I miss her much . It felt real , I'm sure it was . We were in our old childhood back garden at night. I had a totally different dream of her 6 months later, she said she was really tired.?
@DN-lc2dt 5 ай бұрын
A nice story.
@Emma-mk8jv Жыл бұрын
This story is not surprising. He was an earth bound spirit
@flauwegeit 2 жыл бұрын
Conveniently the seance ends when it's time for supper >< lool
@JohnAnderson-ss9vn 6 ай бұрын
i never went to sunday school monday to friday was more than i could endure😂😂
@JM-co6rf Жыл бұрын
How do I make contact with my dead father?
@VanillaMacaron551 2 жыл бұрын
They must have sat for hours on the ouija board to get all that information!
@johnsinger8503 2 жыл бұрын
I have haf a ghost or poltergeist shake my bed while I was in it, but no dead family members have ever visited me as spirits. The part of the video that made me laugh was when the spirit narrating said it lost consciousness,
@teresarenee3829 2 жыл бұрын
Ive had that happen in one house, but I frequently dream about people that have passed, esp parents and grandparents...sometimes people I didn't know well...
@pamfeist5462 2 жыл бұрын
Notice how the mother changed
@PC-tz6kb 2 жыл бұрын
Who says that? Where does this come from? I love the reading. Thanks.
@petereason4572 2 жыл бұрын
My dad rang my phone ten years after he died,,it said dad x on screen,,it was like a long distance call...he didn't speak but I knew what he was telling me....
@jameskennedy60nSoCal Жыл бұрын
Did I miss something? How did he get back here to tell us about it?
@Brent-z2s 2 ай бұрын
Before my dad died of a heart attack I saw a spirit of a woman dressed all in black with a veil like widows used to wear. I told it to leave. It had been standing next to his bedroom. I looked it up on the computer and it said it was a banshee which if it is quiet someone you know is going to die but not you. Anyway he had a heart attack driving on interstate 10 a month latter
@frankjamesbonarrigo7162 2 ай бұрын
Is Leslie Flint responsible for all these early ghost conversations? If so , then how can I know it’s real? If you had separate mediums without contact, receiving the same information that is another thing.
@margaretsandeman1766 2 жыл бұрын
Well after all we are spirits having a human experience. So of course we are still connected to those in spirit form. Nothing supernatural about it. 💖💖
@albertkundrat1734 2 жыл бұрын
What a nice and comforting story! But what of human beings who died tragically or very unfairly? What happens to such? And of course, how do the vicious criminals, thieves, the lying politicians live after death: what's their Afterlife like?
@angelworley6442 2 жыл бұрын
Why was he all alone, where were all the other spirits who have passed? Sounds a bit scary to Rome the earth alone with no one to speak to 😔
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