I don't know how you got to "fun"?? Did you watch the same movie as me? The story is tragic, "adult" Peter is existential - the end scene should have brought that home to anyone, especially with the mother's line. I haven't read the Dahl's story, but I believe there are actual words from the Roald Dahl story in this screenplay. Your focus could have been on the bullying, the consequences of the repeat bullying. Or Wes Anderson's use of the props, like a stage, to propel the story. Frankly, I couldn't get past your reaction as you started laughing and said the story was fun.
@requiredwatching Жыл бұрын
That is fair enough but there are a few different lenses to look at this. This short was exciting to me for all of the reasons you mentioned and I think there is a sense of fun and playfulness in the way that it is presented. There are many films, TV shows and music (to say the least) that present as one thing but have layers that contradict that presentation. You are right, I could've gotten into all of the layers but this was more of my initial reaction which honestly excited me.
@jodyvance1554 Жыл бұрын
Wtf are you telling us the story for before the damn movie is release??!
@cornnflaek6234 Жыл бұрын
It says ‘movie reaction’ in the title, what did you expect?
@cinegolem9503 Жыл бұрын
@@cornnflaek6234 :: Gotta side with Jody on this one since you go beyond a reaction (Liked it, didn't like it, etc.,) into an explanation of the story events as to why, so putting "SPOILER" in this title would've been more appropriate. Btw, no hate here, just hope you can understand why someone would be upset.
@requiredwatching Жыл бұрын
Completely understand here. Sorry if it wasn't clear that I'd be talking about the short story and reacting to what I'd seen. As someone who hates spoilers, I do apologize and will be better at proclaiming the spoiler alert.
@chazsutherland Жыл бұрын
@@requiredwatching...And with that type of professionalism, coupled with your elegant insight on story and craft, I look forward to more (Sub'd!).